Thursday, March 3, 2016

MPC24: Day 3 live updates

7:10pm: Scheduled break

The remaining * players have stepped away from the tournament area for another 10-minute break. Coverage will resume momentarily.

7:00pm: Katsunari Maeda eliminated

Chengbei Li just sent another player home, this time it was Katsunari Maeda.

The two found themselves all in preflop and Maeda was in rough shape to keep his tournament life, holding [kh][qc] against Li's dominating [ah][kc].

Maeda had his hands clenched in prayer over his face but those prayers weren't answered as the board ran out [8c][3h][js][6c][7h].

He leaves us almost four hours into today's proceedings.

6:45pm: Ogura running it up; Zhang sent packing

Japan's Takashi Ogura started today as one of our shorter stacks but he's been doing well to accumulate chips so far.

Ogura added some more to his stack after getting lucky to eliminate Fu Zhang.

Zhang raised to 55,000 preflop before Ogura popped it to 215,000 from the big blind. Zhang came back over the top, Ogura quickly called, and the cards went on their backs.

Ogura: [as][7d]
Zhang: [ad][qh]

Zhang was in good shape to double up until the [5s][9s][kh] flop meant he had to sweat another spade arriving to make Ogura a flush. The [qd] turn improved Zhang to a pair but the [3s] river completed Ogura's flush and ended Zhang's tournament run.

Ogura started on a mere 160,000 but after that hand he climbs up to 1,160,000 in chips.

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Takashi Ogura

6:30pm: Li leaves Chen heading for the exit

Chuansong Chen just hit the rail here after getting his stack all in preflop against Chengbei Li.

Chen: [ad][4d]
Li: [ah][jc]

Chen was behind but the [2s][8d][5c] flop gave him a glimmer of hope. He added a gut shot straight draw and backdoor flush draw to his chances of survival but neither would come to fruition as the [qc] turn and [6s] river completed the board.

Chen was eliminated while Li stacked up a total of 870,000 in chips.

6:20pm: Three tables remain

We've only just clocked three hours into today's proceedings and already we've reached our final three tables. That means we're only 18 eliminations away from the conclusion of play here tonight.

The remaining 27 have been informed that not the upcoming break but the following one they will have a 75-minute dinner break before coming back and playing down to a final table.

6:10pm: Level 22 begins, blinds are 10,000/20,000 with a 3,000 ante

6:00pm: Cao climbing

Garry Lam made a preflop raise to 35,000 before Tom Alner on the button three-bet to 100,000. Huitong Cao cold-called from the big blind and Lam stuck around to see a flop of [kd][qc][tc].

It was then that Cao seized the betting lead, firing for 200,000. Lam and Alner didn't hesitate long before folding and Cao flashes the [jh] before collecting the pot.

5:45pm: Sakurada sent home

Japan's Konosuke Sakurada was just eliminated at the hands of Leon Tsu.

The two found themselves all in preflop with Tsu holding [ah][8h] and Konosuke just behind with [ac][7c].

Sakurada couldn't improve or find a chop as the board landed [4s][6c][td][3d][9c] meant his tournament over and Tsu would climb to 360,000.

In the same orbit, Tsu chipped up even further after taking a pot from Wayne Zhang.

Tsu raised to 33,000 before Zhang made it 81,000 to go from the button. Tsu came back over the top for 349,000 and despite cutting out a call, Zhang decided the let the hand go.

5:25pm: Chan's chips go to Alner

Wai Wa Chan was just sent hurtling to the rail after finding himself on the wrong end of a flip with Englishman Tom Alner

After a player brought it in for a raise to 33,000, Tom Alner moved all in and Chan called off with less for his own tournament life. The initial raiser begrudgingly tossed his cards in the muck and the remaining two in the hand tabled their hands.

Alner: [Ad][kc]
Chen: [8s][8d]

It was a fair fight and Chan held through the [3c][tc][qc] flop but at the same time Alner picked up a world of outs. Any club, any jack, any ace or any king would see Alner make the best hand, and he received immediate service on the [jc] turn.

Chen was already drawing dead when the [3d] completed the board to see him eliminated and Alner eclipse 1 million in chips.

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Tom Alner

5:10pm: Level 21 begins, blinds are 8,000/16,000 with a 2,000 ante

5:00pm: Scheduled break

Our remaining 38 players have left the tournament area for a 10-minute break.

4:50pm: Aces for Liu

Kelly Liu was all in preflop and at risk against tablemate Jia Wang.

Liu looked good to double up holding [as][ah] against Wang's [ac][ks] and the aces would stand up as the cards landed [2c][kc][6s][jh][7h].

Despite the setback for Wang she still has a healthy 630,000 in chips.

4:35pm: Cheam saved by the river

Alvin Cheam moved all in preflop for his 192,000 in chips before Dong Guo made the call to put him at risk. Guo tabled his [js][jd] prematurely as the big blind had still yet to act but the player did fold and Cheam revealed his [as][qh].

Things were looking bleak by the turn for Cheam when the board of [9s][2s][6d][tc] left him needing an ace or a queen to stay in the tournament. Much to his delight the [qc] river rolled off and he scored a double up instead of being sent out the door.

After that hand Guo falls to 180,000.

4:15pm: Santos Armendariz slapped by a cooler

Inaki Joseba Santos Armendariz was just punished by a cold deck in a hand against Simon Ngan.

We arrived at the river with the board reading [7c][7d][4d][tc][3c] and the two players had all the chips in the middle.

Santos Armendariz held pocket tens for a turned full house and the second nuts but Ngan could beat it with pocket sevens for a flopper four of a kind.

Santos Armendariz was out of his seat at the sight of his opponent's hand but returned once he realised he still had chips. After that he'll be hoping to take his last 158,000 and run it up.

4:00pm: Level 20 begins, blinds are 6,000/12,000 with a 2,000 ante

3:50pm: Early eliminations continue as Chen exits

Players are flying out the door in this first level as Weihang Chen was the next casualty is a spate of eliminations.

Chen opened the action to 21,000 and after the player on the button called, Huitong Cao squeezed from the small blind to 135,000. When the decision was back on Chen he moved all in over the top for an extra 469,000 in chips.

The caller gave it up before Cao asked for a count and went into the tank. After some considerable thought Cao committed the chips and the cards went on their backs.

Cao: [ks][kd]
Chen: [qs][qc]

Chen was after a queen to keep his Red Dragon run alive but the [4d][th][3s][9h][7d] run out didn't oblige. He left the tournament area as Cao stacked up his mountain of chips.

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Accumulating chips - Huitong Cao

3:35pm: Hisayama finishes off Shen

Hao Shen recently found himself all in and at risk against tablemate Riyota Hisayama.

Shen: [6c][5c]
Hisayama: [ks][jh]

Shen needed some help to stay alive and while he found a gut shot straight draw on the [4s][9h][8s] flop, the [3d] turn and [th] river bricked off to see Shen eliminated.

That hand brings Hisayama up to 345,000 in chips.

3:15pm: Rough run out leaves Ip reeling

Dawson Ip was just sent packing in the early stages here after he got all the money in preflop with pocket aces but couldn't hold.

Ip: [ac][ad]
Liang Xu: [as][qd]

Ip was in a commanding position preflop but the [qs][qc][9d] flop immediately meant he was drawing to just one out. He would never find it on the [6c] turn or [8d] river and was dealt an unlucky elimination.

His opponent Xu on the other hand stacked up some newly acquired chips for a total count of 680,000.

3:00pm: Cards in the air!

We're live again! Tournament official Rex Cheong has just told the players it's time to shuffle up and deal.

Blinds will recommence at 5,000/10,000 with a 1,000 ante and the average stack at the start of proceedings sits at 293,181.

Let's see who of our last 55 can make it all the way down to the final table tonight.

Stay tuned!

MPC24 Red Dragon Day 3 gearing up

The penultimate day.

Where our remaining 55 players will fight down to a final table.

Once again Kamel Mokhammad will be the man to chase. After finishing as chip leader on Day 1b he did it again yesterday, bagging up 905,000 when play concluded.

We'll be back underway at 3:00pm and as the plan is to finish with our final table set, there's no predicted finishing time tonight.

As usual we'll be covering everything you need to know from right here in Macau. Keep your browser locked to the PokerStars Blog as we make our way towards a final table!

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All photos by Kenneth Lim Photography courtesy of PokerStars LIVE Macau

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