Saturday, March 5, 2016

LAPT9 Chile: Main Event Day 1B live updates



6:06pm: Fernandez has vanished
Level 6 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

It looks like Leo Fernandez has busted this event. His chair is now empty, and I couldn't spot him at another table. He has 30 minutes plus the dinner break to re-enter. --JS

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5:58pm: Hilaire hits the river, Caiaffa hits the rail
Level 6 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

A poker hand isn't over until the river and a timely river card just gave Mac Hilaire two pair and sent Rafael Caiaffa to the rail. Action was picked up on a board of [td][6d][2h] with Caiaffa checking from the blinds and Hilaire betting 1,500. The Brazilian check-raised to 3,200 and after some thought, Hilaire pushed his entire 30,000 chip stack forward.

Caiaffa snap called and suddenly, a sizable pot was up for grabs and Hilaire needed his top pair, [As][6s] to hold. He had his opponent slightly covered but he'd need to fade Caiffa's flush draw and overs, as he tabled [Jd][8d].

The [8c] shot the Brazilian into the lead and Hilaire was the left searching on the river and he got what he need, as the [As] spiked to complete the board and give Hilaire the pot. He threw a fist in the air to celebrate the elimination but quickly after, he and Caiaffa sportingly shook hands and wished each other good luck.

Hilaire seems to have some of that through the first half of this Day 1B flight, as he's trending near 60,000 heading into the final half hour before the dinner break. --WOC

5:48pm: Belaustegui building towards century mark
Level 6 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

There are a handful of big stacks throughout the tournament area but the biggest of those might be Fransisco de Belaustegui, who is trending towards 100,000 after winning a decent pot against Oscar Alache. Action was picked up on a board of [6h][4c][2h] with Belaustegui checking from the blinds and Alache tapping the felt as well. A player in middle position then bet 2,025, only otsee Belaustegui check-raise to 6,000.

Alache quickly called and after a minute of thought, the initial bettor folded, sending just two players to the turn. The [2c] fell, pairing the board, and almost immediately Belaustegui pushed his higher denomination chips forward. There were plenty of them and the wager was enough to put the defending LAPT Chile champion at risk.

He eventually folded, conceding the pot to the now well stacked Argentinian. When the dust settled, Belaustegui was playing just over 85,000, likely good for the current Day 1B chip lead. --WOC

5:42pm: Fernandez staying alive
Level 6 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

The sole representative of Team PokerStars Pro here in Chile is Leo Fernandez, and he's ticking along just fine in this Main Event.

We just caught the end of a hand in which he eliminated a player with [ac][qh] vs [ah][jc]. Both paired an ace on the [ad][ts][3d] flop and got it in, and the [3h] turn and [2h] river secured the win for Leo.

After he stacked up his 26,000 in chips, Fernandez had time for a quick chat. "I'm still surviving!" he told me. "Only one bullet!"

He then showed me his empty pockets - so it looks like he's going to have to make this bullet work or head to an ATM. --JS

5:31pm: Price of poker is going up
Level 6 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

The blinds are now 200/400 with a 50 ante. It's the last level for re-entries and the players will go on a 75-minute dinner break afterwards. --JS

5:17pm: Royalty has arrived with a sick run out
Level 5 - Blinds 150/300 (25 ante)

There were roars coming from a corner table so I rushed over to see what all the fuss was about.

Those roars were justified. Here's what I found.

[qc][qs] vs [ad][ks] and a [jh][qh][kh][kd][kc] board.

It wasn't the biggest pot in the world, but the board made it spectacular. The money got in pre-flop and the man who had three kings show up to help him was Silvio Assefh, who now has around 40,000. His opponent was eliminated and dashed out the room before we could find out who he was. --JS

5:05pm: Teixeira's been hiding
Level 5 - Blinds 150/300 (25 ante)

For a while there I thought Brazil's Renata Teixeira, who finished second in this event last year, had been eliminated. There was just an empty seat where she was sat before.

However, I've just spotted her at a new table with a fresh starting stack of 20,000. Looks like she's giving this game one more shot. --JS


Found her! Renata Teixeira on Day 1B

4:53pm: Lopez making moves
Level 5 - Blinds 150/300 (25 ante)

As you've probably guessed, there are four players in particular we have our eyes on today. Leo Fernandez is a Team PokerStars Pro, so obviously he's one of them. But the other names you'll notice time and time again areLAPT Player of the Year Oscar Aleche, Fabian Ortiz, and Mario Lopez. All three are racing to become the first player to win three LAPT titles.

Mario Lopez is setting himself up for a solid Day 1B - he's up to around 40,000 now. In the hand I just caught, potential chip leader Lewis Osvaldo opened to 625 and faced a three-bet to 1,375 from Cesar Soto. That wasn't enough for Lopez though; he bumped it up to 3,150 and it folded back around to Osvaldo. Both players called.

The flop came [kc][3s][8c] and Osvaldo checked, allowing Soto to continue for 8,500. Now Lopez jammed all-in for 22,300 and Osvaldo got out of the way. Soto went in the tank - not all the way, just enough that it was clear he had a tough decision. He eventually gave it up and dropped back to his starting stack of 20,000. --JS

4:40pm: Cantos gets a much-needed double
Level 5 - Blinds 150/300 (25 ante)

He was only playing 3,200, but Jorge Cantos has just given his tournament life a new lease.

He was all-in pre-flop with [ac][kh] against a player's [qh][th]. The board ran out [5s][ad][5d][4h][js] and that meant Cantos doubled up. He's now playing around 6,800.

Cantos came 7th at LAPT8 Uruguay last year, good for $26,660. --JS

4:30pm: Back to work
Level 5 - Blinds 150/300 (25 ante)

Cards are back in the air as we enter Level 5. According to our screens here, we've (unofficially) had 225 entries, and around 200 players remain. Entry is open for another two hours plus the 75-minute dinner break. --JS

4:15pm: Have a break. Have some chip counts.

Players are on a quick 15-minute break.

Lewis OsvaldoArgentina95000
Fabian OrtizArgentina64000
Irina PetrovaRussia55000
Francisco BenitezUruguay55000
Bruno KawautiBrazil31000
Oscar AlacheChile31000
Mario LopezArgentina20000
Leo FernandezArgentina17500
Jorge CantosArgentina10000

4:08pm: Aceiton's aces move him over 50,000
Level 4 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

While the headlining player at Table 18 is PokerStars Team Pro Leo Fernandez the biggest stack in that lineup belongs to Chile's Cristian Aceiton. He's now working close to 54,000 after an all-in encounter with pocket aces, against a player that held pocket kings.

Action was picked up pre flop with a player in middle position opening to 1,000 and after a fold, a player in the cutoff called. Aceiton was on the button and after some thought, he three-bet to 2,600. The blinds folded, only to see the original opener four-bet to 6,675. That was enough to push out the caller but Aceiton seemed very interested, asking to see his opponent's remaining stack before he made his next move.

His opponent had just over 15,000 behind and while we're unsure if he would have been held to this aciton, instead of showing Aceiton his remaining chips in the normal way, he threw them into the pot. Aceiton's opponent was more or less signaling that he was ready to play for stacks and after a few moments of thought, Aceiton verbalized "all-in" and his opponent snap called to see the bad news.

Aceiton held [As][Ah] and his opponent could only roll his eyes and flip over [Kh][Ks]. The Chilean watched as his aces held through the [8d][7s][2h][3c][3s] runout, sending his opponent to the rail and himself up the leaderboard. --WOC

3:56pm: Same seat - what are the chances?
Level 4 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

We can confirm that Mario Lopez has indeed bought back in and is having another shot at winning his third LAPT title.

Here's the weird thing - we have over 200 players in the room right and dozens of tables, but somehow Lopez has wound up sitting in the exact same seat he busted from just 20 minutes ago. Let's hope it's luckier for him this time around. --JS

3:50pm: Updating the rest of action
Level 4 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

While the PokerStars blog's main focus this weekend will be on the LAPT9 Chile Main Event, there are over a dozen side events taking place over the next few days. A few of those events will start up later today but the 'Ladies NLH' event started simultaneously with this Day 1B flight at 12pm.

That field is almost down to the final table and Daniela Horno, who bagged and advanced through last night's Main Event flight, was on the rail to take in the action. The Chilean has two LAPT scores from Vina del Mar based Main Events, including a final table run in Season 4. Today though, she's here as a fan, enjoying a day off while checking in on some friends in that 'Ladies NLH' event.

Horno will certainly be a headlining player come tomorrow's 12 PM restart, as she's coming back with 73,000 but until then, good luck to the ladies playing for an LAPT9 Chile title. --WOC


Horno (right) yesterday on Day 1A

3:40pm: Lopez busts again - will he fire another bullet?
Level 4 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

Two-time LAPT champ Mario Lopez has just been felted from Day 1B. The executioner was Lewis Osvaldo, who is almost certainly one of the chip leaders right now.

The flop was all sevens - the [7s][7h][7c] - followed by the [9h] turn. Here's where we picked up the action.

There was already a considerable amount in the pot by this point, then Osvaldo bet and Lopez shoved for around 15,000. Osvaldo snap-called.

Lewis Osvaldo [ks][kd]
Mario Lopez [qh][qc]

The [4h] wasn't the lady Lopez was looking for, and he made his exit. He can still buy-in again up until the end of Level 6 though. Osualdo now has around 90,000 already. --JS

3:35pm: Leo Fernandez - welcome to the party
Level 4 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

Team PokerStars Pro and proud Argentinian Leo Fernandez is now in the field here on Day 1B. He just picked up a small pot over at his table, but he's down a little from the start of play with 17,000. --JS


Leo Fernandez on Day 1B

3:25pm: Lost in translation...
Level 4 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

We won't lie, most of the table talk throughout the last two days has been lost in translation and that's somewhat expected when your throw an American and a Britt in the middle of Chile. Luckily for us, we finally heard some English at Table 13, as a player tried to explain what "The night is young." meant to Fabian Ortiz.

The two-time LAPT champion speaks better English than we do Spanish but the phrase didn't register with the Argentinian, so we attempted to step in to attempt to translate. After a few ridiculous hand gestures, we finally reverted back to 8th grade Spanish class and said, "Noche largo."

Ortiz and the rest of the Spanish speaking table laughed and while we might not have been able to explain the phrase in the best way, this Day 1B session is certainly young. We're working through Level 4 and so far, just over 225 players have joined the action. --WOC

3:15pm: Raising the stakes
Level 4 - Blinds 100/200 (25 ante)

The blinds have gone up - kind of. We're still playing 100/200, but now with a 25 ante. --JS

3:05pm: Bravo gets back to starting
Level 3 - Blinds 100/200

The first few levels of yesterday's Day 1A flight didn't bring much action but players seem to have flipped the script today. We picked up action on a central table with a player limping and Fernando Araujo putting in a raise to 1,200. One player called but when action got to Pablo Bravo, who was in the big blind, he upped the price to play again.

The short stack moved all-in for just over 8,000 and after the limper folded, Araujo called to attempt to score the knockout. The late position player folded and Araujo needed his pocket jacks to hold to send Bravo, who held [Kh][7h] to the rail.

He wasn't going anywhere though, as the [Kd][Qh][7c][8h][Qs] runout got him back up to a 20,000 chip starting stack and brought a quick eye-roll from Araujo. The Brazilian is still well stacked with 27,000 but he would have liked his pocket pair to hold. It didn't and the early trend of Day 1B action looks to be continuing towards Level 4 and the PokerStars blog will be here all day to follow that action. --WOC

2:50pm: Cantos can't beat all the fours
Level 3 - Blinds 100/200

Jorge Cantos is coming off a deep run in the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure Main Event but after failing to get much traction during yesterday's Day 1A session, the second LAPT stop of the season isn't going as well. His 1B flight looks to have gotten off to a shaky start as well, as Cantos just ran into quads, as Francisco Barraza just turned all the sixes to take in a decently sized pot.

Action was picked up on a board of [6h][3h][2c][6d][Jh] and after he checked from the blinds, Cantos faced a bet of 7,000. He counted down his stack and eventually called, only to see Barraza table [6c][6s] for turned quads. Cantos couldn't beat four-of-a-kind and when the dust settled, was playing just below a starting stack.

Barraza is now playing more than two starting stacks, working 44,000 midway through Level 3. --WOC

2:38pm: Chacra is outta here
Level 3 - Blinds 100/200

We've just lost Pablo Chacra from Day 1B. The player from Argentina has now busted on both days - but as it's unlimited re-entries, it may not be the last we see of him.

The hand that felted him was against Lewis Osualdo. With the board reading [7s][as][3s][tc], Osualdo bet 2,500 and Chacra shoved for his last 12,500. Osualdo counted out calling chips (in this case two blue 5K chips) and eventually threw them in. Chacra turned over [ah][kh], which was trailing Osualdo's [ac][3d].

The [8s] hit the river and Chacra hit the rail, for the second time in two days. --JS

2:25pm: "Ricampechano" multi-tabling through Level 3
Level 3 - Blinds 100/200

Early Day 1 action is relatively slow and even though we've seen some sizable pots play out through the first two levels, Ricardo Gisanz has elected to multi-table through the first few levels of this 1B flight. He's currently playing on PokerStars, where he grinds under the name "Ricampechano" and a few minutes ago, the Chilean had to juggle winning hands on both platforms.


Ricardo 'Ricampechano' Gisanz at work

Gisanz jumped back and forth from his laptop to the table, taking in the Level 3 pot and also in the cash game he was playing online. We'll keep an eye on Gisanz progress through this Day 1B flight and we imagine a few more players could find themselves multi-tabling on PokerStars throughout the rest of this LAPT9 Chile series. --WOC

2:15pm: Lopez looks for third title
Level 3 - Blinds 100/200

We just mentioned that defending LAPT Chile champion Oscar Alache has taken his seat and that means that all three two-time LAPT winners that were mentioned yesterday have returned for Day 1B. Alache headlines that group as the Chilean is not only the defending champion of this event but also the LAPT Season 8 Player of the Year.

Fabian Ortiz won in Chile during Season 2 and then added a second title in Panama in 2014, while his fellow Argentinian Mario Lopez has bee on a tear over the last two years. Ortiz won at Vina del Mar in 2014 and then claimed another LAPT title in Uruguay in September of last year, with those wins bookending a EPT Estrellas Main Event win this past summer.

Can lightning strike twice for each of those two Argentinians in Chile? We'll have to wait and see but Lopez is in a tough spot, seated next to another experienced countryman in Pablo Chacra. They'll certainly be players to watch throughout this event and Lopez, along with the other two-time winners, will look to make LAPT history this weekend. --WOC


Mario Lopez (right) sat next to Pablo Chacra

2:05pm: A few notables
Level 2 - Blinds 75/150

Here's our shortlist of notable-name stacks from the first two levels - we're sure this list will grow throughout the day as we get to know the field better. --JS

Irina PetrovaRussia37000
Renata TeixeiraBrazil24000
Jorge CantosArgentina22000
Francisco BenitezUruguay20000
Pablo ChacraArgentina17500
Bruno KawautiBrazil16000
Fabian OrtizArgentina15000
Mario LopezArgentina14000
Pablo Tavitian Argentina7000

2pm: First break of the day
Level 2 - Blinds 75/150

The players have gone on a 15-minute break - we'll have a few of the notable chip counts for you momentarily. --JS

1:50pm: Alache arrives
Level 2 - Blinds 75/150

Defending champ and one of only four two-time LAPT winners, Oscar Alache, has entered the building. His Day 1A didn't quite go to plan - he had about 60,000 and was among the chip leaders but lost a huge pot to Fernando Reines which made his opponent the chip leader.

Alache, Fabian Ortiz, and Mario Lopez are all trying to become the first player to win three LAPTs. --JS

1:45pm: Petrova looks to join pair in Day 2
Level 2 - Blinds 75/150

During yesterday's Day 1A session, we saw a handful of women attempt to survive the ten levels to get to Day 2. In the end, only two were able to do so and today, Irina Petrova will try to do the same. Over the last year, the Russian has recorded stops across the European Poker Tour, including a final table run in a PokerStars Caribbean Adventure side event earlier this year.

She's a long way from home but so was Andrius Bielskis, who hails from Lithuania and ended Day 1A with a ton of chips. Petrova will now try to regain the European form in South America, to not only advance to Day 2 but also record her first career LAPT score in the process.

It's going well - right now she's our chip leader. --WOC


Irina Petrova in action today

1:35pm: Tavitian hoping to repeat past glory
Level 2 - Blinds 75/150

Argentina's Pablo Tavitian knows a thing or two about poker here in Viña del Mar. He won the biggest ever event here back on Season 6 of the LAPT, winning the Chile stop for $184,220. At the final table, he had to defeat two-time LAPT champ Jose Barbero - no easy feat, I can assure you.

He's in the field today and will be looking to get off to a good start on Day 1B. --JS

1:25pm: LOT. OF. ACTION.
Level 2 - Blinds 75/150

Wow, this has been a crazy day of play so far. Usually the first few levels are quite conservative - nobody wants to go home after an hour of play, after all - but LAPT9 Chile Day 1B has been the opposite.

Walking around I can see tons of short-stacks already. The blinds are only 75/150 and the starting stack was 20,000!

In one sick hand, Juan Pablo Lucero secured a double up (albeit only to 17,000) when his pocket sixes pipped his opponent's flopped set to the post. His [6h][6d] was up against his opponent's [jh][td] on a [js][9s][qc][jc][6c] board - meaning a miracle river gave him the win, and crushed the other player down to just 1,400. --JS

1:15pm: Schafer rivers Ortiz to say alive
Level 2 - Blinds 75/150

"I got an all-in and double up." I said, to which my colleague Jack Stanton replied, "Already!?"

Yes, all-in, call and double up just a few minutes into Level 2 and two-time LAPT winner Fabian Ortiz was the one shipping that double as his flopped top pair couldn't hold. Action was picked up on a board of [9c][8s][2s] and after a flurry of raises Claudio Schafer's 7,975 chip short stack got in the middle.

He held [Qs][ts] and he'd need to hit to stay alive against Ortiz's [Kh][9s]. The Argentinian held top pair and a spade blocker but after the [3c] fell on the turn, he'd cut out the necessary chips to pay the bet, as the [As] completed the board and Schafer's flush.

Our Spanish to English translator might not be turned on just yet (we'll wait until the PokerStars Brazil guysto hit the floor for that) but Ortiz did not look impressed by the river, a card that dropped him back to a starting stack and pushed Schafer up near 16,000. --WOC

1:05pm: The theme of Day 1B so far
Level 2 - Blinds 75/150

Big bets - that's the trend I keep noticing as I walk around the room and familiarize myself with the players. In one hand, I saw a c-bet of 1,025 into a 775 pot. In another, a flop bet of 3,200 into an 1,800 chip pot.

If the action continues like this throughout the day, there's going to be some crazy action. Don't go anywhere. --JS

1pm: Wow - that was fast
Level 2 - Blinds 75/150

We're still getting to know the field and find out exactly who's playing, but we've already gone through Level 1. The blinds are now 75/150. --JS

12:35pm: Riera ignoring LAPT fashion trend
Level 1 - Blinds 50/100

If we've noticed one thing about Chilean or South American poker players, it's that they love their sunglasses. From well known names like Bruno Politano and Damian Salas to stone amateurs, seemingly every table in the room has a a few players behind some stylish shades.

Table 4 is currently eight-handed and the only player that seems to have missed the sunglass memo is Oscar Riera. He's sans sunglasses but that doesn't mean that he's at a disadvantage, as the Argentinian has taken in a few pots throughout the last orbit to move himself near the 25,000 chip mark.

While the rest of his table hides behind their shades, Riera is going to attempt to make his way through this Day 1B flight the old fashioned way. --WOC

12:20pm: Chacra's back; waiting on Alache
Level 1 - Blinds 50/100

Pablo Chacra is back again today, after his Day 1A didn't run as hot as he would have liked. He was short-stacked for most of it, so is probably thrilled to see 20,000 in chips back in front of him once again.

We're expecting to see a lot of the departed Day 1A players here today - notably LAPT Player of the Year Oscar Alache, who just happens to be the defending champ. He assured us that both he - and his mum, Bernardita Orrego - will be back in play on Day 1B.

I asked Oscar last night why his mum is playing in her first LAPT. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree,2 he said. --JS

12:10pm: Better luck for Renata Teixeira
Level 1 - Blinds 50/100

While it wasn't entirely reported yesterday, Renata Teixeira had a rough Day 1A session. The Season 8 LAPT Chile runner up was crippled after a blind versus blind encounter, where her opponent held 8-deuce off-suit to her pocket threes, and from that point treaded water until she was sent to the rail.

Early in this Day 1A session, Teixeira is back in the action, looking to run better than yesterday. She'll have to wait though, as her table is only three-handed and waiting for a fourth to get the cards in the air. We'll certainly follow the Brazilian's action throughout this Day 1B flight and we imagine we'll see the player that bested her last year, Oscar Alache, later today as well. -- WOC

12:05pm: Ortiz is back for more
Level 1 - Blinds 50/100

Two-time LAPT champ Fabian Ortiz is back in the mix today on Day 1B. He'll be looking for a better run than he had yesterday - a day which saw him, Mario Lopez, and Oscar Alache (AKA all of the two-time winners here in Chile) bust before the end of the day.

The Argentine is looking as sharp as ever, so we hope things run smoothly for him today. --JS


Ortiz on the felt on Day 1B

12pm: Cards are in the air
Level 1 - Blinds 50/100

Play has kicked off here at Day 1B - the room's not quite full yet but we already see plenty of familiar faces that played yesterday. Stay tuned. --JS

11:40am: Day 1B all set to launch

After an action packed Day 1A session, the PokerStars blog is back for what should be another exciting starting flight. Day 1B of the LAPT9 Chile $1,500 Main Event will likely crush yesterday's number of 258 players, creating a massive starting flight that is sure to be filled with big name players from across Latin America.

Again, just as a reminder to player and fans alike, Vina del Mar is our host this weekend and after a LAPT player party last night and 24 hours in Chile, we may never leave. Luckily, we have work for the next few days to keep us busy and over the next 12 hours, we'll bring you all the updates from this second and final LAPT9 Chile starting flight.

Those updates will start when cards get in the air at 12 PM, so stay tuned for all the LAPT9 Chile action...

PokerStars Blog Reporting Team at LAPT9 Chile: Will O'Connor and Jack Stanton. Photos by Carlos Monti. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter: @PokerStarsBlog

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