Sunday, March 13, 2016

UKIPT5 Dublin Day 1A: Level 9-12 updates (1,000-2,000, 300 ante)


* Day 1A is over. Day 1B starts at 10am Thursday. You can read all about Day 1A here.
* 52 of 214 players made it through
* You can catch up with Level 1-8 coverage here

9:20pm: Done for the day
Level 12: Blinds 600-1,200, 200 ante

Roughly 54 players survived Day 1A. They'll be back at noon on Friday for Day 2. We'll be back tomorrow at 10am for Day 1B. Before then though a wrap of the today's action will be forthcoming.

9:07pm: Last four hands
Level 12: Blinds 600-1,200, 200 ante

The tournament clock has been paused and they'll be four more hands before play is done for the day. --NW

9:05pm: Heads-up in the €5,000 side event
Level 12: Blinds 600-1,200, 200 ante

Just two players remain in the stacked €5,000 event and it's Mike McDonald versus Joao Vieira for the title. The winner will take €36,730, whilst the runner-up gets €21,830. Ivan Luca finished third, the Argentinian winning €14,550 for his efforts. -- NW

8:55pm: Felted
Level 12: Blinds 600-1,200, 200 ante

Down to just 72 players now with Dirk Gerritse, Alan Teffaud, Zoltan Gal, Emil Patel, Michael Naughton, Rodrigo Kipper, Barry Donovan, Derwin Hayes, Keith Maguire and Fintan Hand the latest to exit. --NW

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8:45pm: Chipped up
Level 12: Blinds 600-1,200, 200 ante

It's likely the end of day chip leader won't be decided until the final minutes of play but the following are all throwing their hat in the ring for that honour:

Dan Carter, 210,000
Vladimir Velikov, 190,000
Peter Eichhardt, 175,000
Ranno Sootla, 170,000
Matt Davenport, 160,000


Get Carter!

8:35pm: Last level of the night
Level 12: Blinds 600-1,200, 200 ante

Almost there! We're into the final level of the night. The average stack is a shade over 66,000--NW

8:30pm: It's a long way from Playa del Carmen
Level 11: Blinds 600-1,200, 200 ante

What do you get when you pitch together an Englishman, Irishman and Mexico? The answer is Kevin Killeen, Scott Margereson and an apartment in Playa del Carmen.

The two used to be flatmates in Mexico, both are in the main event today and chugging along nicely. Killeen's been moved tables and is now sat two to the left of another fine Irish player, Dermot Blain to be precise, and he has around 75,000.

Margereson, who won two WCOOP events in 2015, is fairing even better as he's up to 85,000. -- NW

8:20pm: Connolly more than quadruples up
Level 11: Blinds 600-1,200, 200 ante

Declan Connolly got amazing value from his hand after he three-bet all in for 7,600 as he was called by the original raiser and three other opponents, before getting there.
The flop fanned [4d][8d][4s] and one of the callers - the big-stacked Vladimir Velikov - led out for 10,800 from the big blind. Jose Lopez Tapia was in no mood to mess around and moved all in for over 100,000. Velikov, who had a massive 212,00 behind and could afford to call, tanked before he folded.

Tapia: [kh][ks] for an over pair.
Connolly: [ad][kd] for a flush draw.

The board ran out [2d][qc] to make the Irishman's flush. -- MC

8pm: Busted
Level 11: Blinds 600-1,200, 200 ante

The field of 214 has been reduced to just 81 with two levels left to play. Among those who've felt the icy breath of the hangman's noose on their poker tournament life are: Liam Hooks, Gary Coulahan, Georgios Karakousis, Stephen Woodhead, Jacqueline Cachia, Tommy O'Rourke, Ross Loggie, Georgios Zisimopoulos, Jack Sambrook, Seamus Cahill, Ivan Deyra and Ian Marmion. --NW


Jack Sambrook - one of the fallen

7.45pm: Oh no Mo. Charania busts
Level 11: Blinds 800-1,600, 200 ante

Table 6's talent pool has been diluted somewhat with the elimination of Mohsin Charania. The American pro got unlucky with kings a short while ago, and it was big-slick that finished him off.

Peter Eichhardt played executioner and he filled the blog in on the 150k-pot. A player raised with pocket jacks before Charania three-bet with ace-king. Eichhardt's cold four-bet with queens was enough to force out the original raiser but not Charania who jammed. Eichhardt called and saw an ace appear as the first community card, followed by a lovely looking queen. -- MC

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7:35pm: Big stacks
Level 10: Blinds 600-1,200, 200 ante

A circuit of the room has unearthed the following big stacks:

Ranno Sootla, 195,000
David Pollock, 176,000
Vahid Karimkhanezand, 163,000
Joao Simao, 158,000
Vladimir Velikov, 153,000
Frederic Bertrand, 130,000


Vahid Karimkhanezand

7:25pm: Big pairs on table 6
Table 6 continues to offer up big hands and action, even if a lot of the faces are new. Former EPT Grand Final champion Mohsin Charania has joined the table, but lost with a big pair, just before another newbie - Fintan Hand - won win a big pair.

Charania and Erik Olofsson had made it to the river of a board that read [kh][qc][tc][4s][5s]. The former checked from the blinds and called after the latter bet 18,000 from early position. Olofsson opened [ad][js] for a flopped straight bettering Charania's [kc][ks] for top set.

The very next hand saw Hand raise to 3,000 from the hijack and Peter Eichhardt defended his big blind. Both checked the [3d][ad][3s] flop before Eichhardt check-called 2,300 on the [qd] turn. The board completed with the [ac] and both players checked. Hand opened [qc][qh] and scooped with his full house.


Hand on the up but at a tricky table

Mohsin Charania, 57,000
Erik Olofsson, 78,000
Fintan Hand, 70,000
Peter Eichhardt, 56,000
Ranno Sootla - 195,000
Chris Dowling - 18,700
-- MC

7:05pm: Back we go
Level 10: Blinds 600-1,200, 200 ante

Fed and watered the players are now back in their seats and action has restarted. --NW

5:45pm: Dinner break
Level 9: Blinds 500-1,000, 100 ante

The remaining players are now on a 75 minute dinner break. Play will re-start at roughly 7pm. --NW

5:40pm: Defending champion still in
Level 9: Blinds 500-1,000, 100 ante

There's been a few good UKIPT title defences in Dublin on the UKIPT and Kevin Killeen, who triumphed last time the tour was in town, is still going strong on Day 1A this time round. He's got about 28,000. After he won his UKIPT title he moved to Mexico but is back in Ireland at the moment.

"Living here at the moment, I'll stay here to after the Irish Open at least," he told us. "After that probably Vegas and then maybe back to Mexico. We'll see."

As reported below the other UKIPT Main Event winners in the field today - Nick Abou Risk and Josh Hart - are both out. However, we do still have an EPT champion in the field in the shape of Mohsin Charania. He's got around 71,000. -- NW

Want to start your own UKIPT journey? Sign up for PokerStars and start your journey. Click here to get an account.

4:55pm: Long dinner break for....
Level 9: Blinds 500-1,000, 100 ante

Those who failed to make the upcoming dinner break included: John Hanaphy, Anders Overland, Sean Prendiville, Rasmus Agersov, Counstrain-Jean Edmond, Bruno Lima, Eldon Orr, Vaino Nevanlinna, Cesar De Leon, Victor Pastor, Jussi Nevanlinna, Senh Ung, Gareth Jennings, Andy Black, Chris Simpson, Josh Hart, Laurence Ryan, Steven van Zadelhoff, Miguel Suarez, Ezequiel Lebed, Matis Ruzzi, Jason Wheeler (pictured)UKIPT5_Dublin_Jason_Wheeler.jpg, David Burke, Keith Brennan, Anthony Ainscough, Guillaume Nolet, Emmett Davis, Jochen Kaiser, Dan Borlan, Ryan McEathron, Alexandre Schifa, Ricardo Ibanez, Burak Kavas, Donal Kennedy, Alan White, Ronan Gilligan, Pierre Neuville, Sszoto Merceron, Frederic Bertrand and Mark Ballesty. -- MC

5:30pm: There's a new chippie in town as Abou Risks busts
Level 9: Blinds 500-1,000, 100 ante

Nick Abou Risk will not become a three-time UKIPT champion in his hometown after he busted in a big pot that made Ranno Sootla the (likely) new chip leader.

Sootla told the blog that Abou Risk raised from under the gun and he defended his big blind to head to a [k][j][5] flop that contained two hearts. A four landed on the turn and Sootla bet 18,000 (into what he thought was 23k) and called when Abou Risk shoved for 30,000.


Sootla leading the way

Sootla opened king-jack and survived a blank river against Abou Risk's ace-king.

Ranno Sootla, 160,000
Nick Abou Risk, eliminated
-- MC

5:15pm: Cody can't stop the rot
Level 9: Blinds 500-1,000, 100 ante

At the very end of level eight we lost Team PokerStars Pro Jake Cody. Sadly for him is stack only went in one direction today. Still he's got the chance to bounce back tomorrow - literally - as he's going to be taking part in the Dodgeball Trampolining.

5pm: End of the road for Ruzzi
Level 9: Blinds 500-1,000, 100 ante

I arrived at the table to see the cards already on their backs, it was Matias Ruzzi who was all in, the Argentinian had [Ah][Js] whilst Amgd Nadr had [As][Qc].

The [6c][7h][6s][Kh][Qh] board eliminated Ruzzi and boosted Nadr to 70,000. --NW

Key UKIPT5 Dublin Facts:

- 25,000 starting stack
- Blinds starting at 50/100 for 250 big blinds
- Levels are 45 minutes on Day 1 and they'll be 12 of them. From Day 2 onwards levels increase to 60 minutes.
- Day 1A is today, Day 1B takes place tomorrow, the field will then combine for the first time on Friday. We'll reach the money during the 10 levels of play on Day 2 and then play down to a final table on Saturday. Sunday is a rest day, and then on Monday the final table will play out on the TV table on EPTLive with cards-up coverage and bring Season 5 of the UKIPT to a close. Cue mad celebrations and swigging of champagne from the trophy (possibly).
- Full UKIPT5 Dublin schedule here.
- There's a boat load of other events today including a €5,000 (!) Hold'em event and two live satellites to the Main Event tonight. Those satellites start at 16.00 GMT and 21.30 GMT.
- It's not all about the poker here in Dublin. There are plenty of #StarsFun activities including Dodgeball Trampolining. Yes, you read that right Dodgeball Trampolining.

PokerStars Blog Reporting Team at UKIPT5 Dublin: Marc Convey and Nick Wright. Photos by Mickey May. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter: @PokerStarsBlog

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