Saturday, March 5, 2016

MPC24: Wayne Yap conquers record High Roller!

Congratulations to Wayne Jun Wen Yap!

He overcame this star-studded record High Roller field with 114 entries to HK$2,292,720 and etch his name in Macau poker history.

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It was back to back hands that ultimately decided the winner.

Yap started the heads up battle with Xixiang Luo with a chip deficit and still managed to dispose of Luo within 10 minutes. The first brought an action flop of [qs][5s][2d] and with Yap holding [5h][5c] for middle set against Luo's [qc][2c] for top and bottom pair the money quickly got in the middle.

Yap's set held and he propelled himself into position of overwhelming chip leader before the final hand followed. All the money was in the middle preflop this time and Yap needed to improve to close out the tournament.

Yap: [kc][7h]
Luo: [7s][7c]

It looked like the hand would go Luo's way as Yap missed everything up to the turn with the cards reading [9d][9c][9h][tc]. The river, however, brought the [kh] spurring cheers from across the tournament floor as Yap clenched the title.

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13 hours before that the final table of nine began.

Wei Zhao brought a super-short stack with him and lasted less than an orbit. Zhao moved all in from the small blind after it folded to him for less than four big blinds and Quan Zhou called to put him at risk. Zhao did have the best hand with [9d][4d] but couldn't hold against the [7h][2s] of Zhou when the cards fell [2h][td][7c][ah][jh].

Next out the door was Vikram Nanda. He got all the money in preflop with [jc][td] but couldn't outdraw Louis Salter's [ac][kc]. The [6s][4d][5d][qh][qs] missed both players and Nanda finished in 8th place for HK$340,000.

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8th place - Vikram Nanda

7th place went to Ya Hui Xu. He got the last of his chips in with pocket aces against Zhou's pocket queens but a queen on the turn would see him hurtling out of the poker room. Xu shook the hands of his tablemates and headed to the payout desk to collect HK$382,000.

Wei Zhang was out in 6th after he ended up on the wrong end of a flip. It was Zhang's [as][kd] against the [ts][tc] of Zhou but the latter would spike a set on the [th][js][3c] and fill up on the [jd] turn to signal the end for Zhang.

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6th place - Wei Zhang

Following him to the rail was Louis Salter. After being crippled by his brother Jack only a few hands earlier, Louis was forced all in on his big blind for his last 75,000. His [th][7d] was no match for Zhou's [kc][qs] on the [8d][kd][qc][3s][[qh] runout and Louis was eliminated.

Four-handed would last for almost three hours before Jack Salter would join his brother. He had survived several all in hands leading up to the one that saw him eliminated but when he got [kc][tc] in preflop versus Xixiang Luo's [js][jd] he couldn't catch up. Salter scored himself HK$722,000 for fourth place.

And the final elimination before that speedy heads up battle was Quan Zhou's. He got it in good with [as][kc] to Wayne Yap's [js][4c] and while he faded danger throughout the turn, the river saw Zhou pair his jack when the cards fell [3s][5d][7s][9c][jc] to send Zhou packing.

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MPC24 High Roller Final Table Payouts
1st: Wayne Yap (Singapore) -$2,292,720
2nd: Xixiang Luo (China) -$1,528,000
3rd: Quan Zhou (China) - $934,000
4th: Jack Salter (United Kingdom) -$722,000
5th: Louis Salter (United Kingdom) -$552,000
6th: Wei Zhang (China) - $467,000
7th: Ya Hui Xu (China) - 382,000
8th: Vikram Nanda (Hong Kong) - $340,000
9th: Wei Zhao (China) - $297,000

all amounts in HK$

Congratulations again to Yap and to the team at PokerStars LIVE Macau for hosting another spectacular MPC24 High Roller event.

That concludes our coverage of the Macau Poker Cup. Thanks for joining us!

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