Saturday, March 5, 2016

MPC24: High Roller live updates

10:20pm: Final table begins!

It's time for the High Roller final table!

Wayne Yap is leading the way into our final nine.

Here's where the players are sitting and how much they're stacking.

Seat 1: Louis Salter - 2,140,000
Seat 2: Wayne Yap - 2,195,000
Seat 3: Vikram Nanda - 695,000
Seat 4: Wei Zhao - 260,000
Seat 5: Quan Zhou - 2,165,000
Seat 6: Xixiang Luo - 1,635,000
Seat 7: Jack Salter - 1,155,000
Seat 8: Ya Hui Xu - 645,000
Seat 9: Wei Zhang - 510,000

9:25pm: Yum exits; Final table set!

The final table has now been decided here with the elimination of Ryan Yum.

Yum got his stack in preflop with 8-9 but was dominated by Louis Salter's Q-9.

Despite improving to a pair of nines on the river, Yum's kicker was no good and he hit the rail in 10th place for HK$255,000.

The final nine players have now commenced a 45-minute dinner break before returning to play down to a champion.

9:15pm: Aaron Lim eliminated

Aaron Lim had been left with a short stack after doubling up Jack Salter and he moved his chips all in from under the gun with [kc][td].

It folded around to Jack Salter in the big blind and he snapped it off with the dominating [ad][kd].

The board ran out [5h][6s][jh][ah][8s] and Salter held to send Lim packing.

9:00pm: Jack Salter doubles through Aaron Lim

Jack Salter had been nursing a short stack for a while and moved his last 295,000 all in from under the gun. Aaron Lim was next to act and he decided to move all in over the top for 665,000.

The rest of the table folded and the two active players tabled their hands.

Salter: [ad][9s]
Lim: [ks][jc]

Salter was in front and stayed that way as the cards came [ah][th][4s][2h][4d].

"You're lucky" Xixiang Lu said to Salter after the hand, "I folded ace-queen."

8:45pm: Level 18 begins, blinds are 20,000/40,000 with a 5,000 ante

8:30pm: 10-minute break

Our final 13 have left the action momentarily for a scheduled break.

8:25pm: Robert Yao bubbles, 13 remain

Players are now in the money here after a cooler sent Robert Yao home on the direct money bubble.

Yao raised from under the gun to 60,000 and Xixiang Luo called to see a flop of [kc][7c][2s]. After a check from Yao, Luo had a stab at it for 70,000 and was met with a call. The [jh] turn went check-check and when the river brought the [8h] Yao moved all in.

Luo quickly called with [8c][8d] for a rivered set and Yao tabled [2h][2c] to show he'd been two-outered on the river.

Yao leaves us in 14th place as our final 13 guarantee themselves at least HK $233,000.

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Bubble boy - Robert Yao

8:15pm: Jack Salter wakes up with nines

The action folded around to Quan Zhou in the small blind and he moved all in covering shortstack Jack Salter's 135,000. Salter called to put himself at risk and showed [9s][9c]. As play was hand for hand he was told to flip his hand back over but not before Zhou flashed him the [3h].

"I'm pretty lucky to find this spot" Salter said to tablemate Aaron Lim while he waited for the all clear to table his hand.

Finally Zhou showed [3h][2s] and would need a lot of help to send Salter home and burst the money bubble. The [9h][ks][7c], however, meant Zhou was already drawing dead to Salter's set of nines. Salter improved to quads on the [9d] turn before the [th] river rolled off and he stayed alive and earned some much needed chips.

7:50pm: Level 17 begins, blinds are 15,000/30,000 with a 5,000 ante

7:40pm: Louis Salter still climbing

Louis Salter has had a good level. After eliminating Nan Tu not long ago he was at it again just now, this time sending Henrik Tollefsen home.

After a raise to 50,000, Tollefsen opted to push his last 540,000 into the middle. Salter asked for a count before making the call, and with the initial raiser out of the way the cards went on their backs.

Tollefsen: [ad][kh]
Salter: [js][jd]

It was a coinflip but Salter's jacks would hold on the [5h][5s][8h][7c][3d] runout to eliminate Tollefsen. Salter now has 1.8 million in chips.

7:25pm: Tu dominated and out the door

It folded around to Nan Tu on the button and he raised to 50,000 in chips. When it got to Louis Salter in the big blind, he moved all in with enough to cover Tu's remaining 400,000.

Tu thought for a moment but called off with [ac][jc] to see Salter had him in bad shape with [as][qc]. The [6s][5c][qh] improved Salter to top pair and all but ended it there. Tu needed running cards to stay alive but they wouldn't come on the [6h] turn and [5s] river.

Tu leaves us as Salter climbs to 1,200,000.

7:10pm: Level 17 begins, blinds are 15,000/30,000 with a 5,000 ante

7:00pm: Espina eliminated

Sergio Espina was just sent to the exit five places from a payday after running into Vikram Nanda's pocket kings.

The hand began with Nanda opening to 45,000 under the gun before Espina moved all in. Nanda snapped it off and players tabled their cards.

Espina: [ad][qc]
Nanda: [kh][kc]

Espina needed help to stay alive but the [9s][qh][9d][8c][8d] runout wasn't enough.

Espina was eliminated while Nanda moved up to 820,000 in chips.

6:45pm: Nan Tu doubles through Jack Salter

"I'm all in" announced Jack Salter after the action folded around to him in the small blind.

Salter had enough to cover Nan Tu's 170,000 in the big blind but Tu woke up with pocket aces and called it off immediately.

Salter: [jh][8s]
Tu: [as][ad]

The [kc][9d][6c][4h][6s] brought no help for Salter and Tu double up.

"Nice hand" Salter said with a smile after the pot had been raked away from him.

That hit knocks Salter down to 265,000 in chips.

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Jack Salter

6:30pm: Play resumes with 18 left

We're down to two tables now. Here's where our final 18 are sitting and how they stack up.

Table 18
Seat 1: Ryan Yum - 730,000
Seat 2: Elliot Smith - 835,000
Seat 3: Yuguang Li - 310,000
Seat 4: Robert Yao - 290,000
Seat 5: Xixiang Luo - 740,000
Seat 6: Quan Zhou - 1,200,000
Seat 7: Ya Hui Xu - 680,000
Seat 8: Aaron Lim - 440,000
Seat 9: Wei Zhang - 420,000

Table 19
Seat 1: Nan Tu - 140,000
Seat 2: Henrik Tollefsen - 340,000
Seat 3: Vikram Nanda - 650,000
Seat 4: Louis Salter - 810,000
Seat 5: Wei Zhao - 180,000
Seat 6: Sergio Espina - 240,000
Seat 7: Wayne Yap - 2,200,000
Seat 8: Dong Zhao - 620,000
Seat 9: Jack Salter - 340,000

6:20pm: 10-minute break

Players have stepped away for another 10-minute break.

6:05pm: Zhou gets there

Quan Zhou just gained a big boost to his stack after winning a coinflip to eliminate an opponent.

The two got the money all in preflop and Zhou had [ah][qd] against [th][td].

Zhou bricked the [jd][2d][5c] flop but the [6d] turn and [4d] river brought him a runner-runner flush.

"Yes!" Zhou cried with an accompanying celebratory fist pump as he locked up the pot and eclipses the 1 million in chips mark.

5:50pm: Davies done for

US pro Scott Davies' High Roller is over after a rough beat sent him hurtling out of the tournament area. He got all the money in preflop holding the best hand in poker but unfortunately couldn't hold.

Davies: [ah][ad]
Opponent: [qh][qd]

The [tc][ts][qs] flop dealt a big blow to Davies' chances and while the [th] turn gave him one extra out to quads with an ace kicker, the [3h] river bricked off to see him eliminated.

5:35pm: Level 15 begins, blinds are 8,000/16,000 with a 2,000 ante

5:25pm: Zhang hits the rail

Wayne Zhang jumped straight into this High Roller after finishing runner-up in the Red Dragon last night but he has fallen by the wayside after a three-way all in.

Zhang moved the last of his chips in from under the gun with [kd][jh] and was called in two spots by players holding [ad][ah] and [8s][8c]. Zhang couldn't take the a the board came [as][9c][4c][tc][3d] and he headed for the exit.

5:10pm: We lose one to Lim

First-ever two-time APPT Champion Aaron Lim has eliminated Tony Cheng after a preflop confrontation.

Cheng made a button jam for 173,000 before Lim moved all in over the top. The big blind folded and the two players flipped up their hands.

Lim: [kc][qd]
Cheng: [ad][2s]

Cheng looked good to double up on the [as][kh][3s] flop and while the [4d] turn changed nothing, the [qs] arrived on the river to improve Lim to two pair and confirm Cheng's exit from the tournament.

Lim now sits with 536,000 in chips.

4:55pm: Level 14 begins, blinds are 6,000/12,000 with a 1,000 ante

4:45pm: Zhang eliminated

Yang Zhang finished 7th place in the Red Dragon last night, but he won't be repeating another deep run here tonight after being eliminated by former High Roller champion Yuguang Li.

Li made a preflop raise to 20,000 before Zhang moved all in for his last 128,000. Li made the call and the cards went on their backs.

Zhang: [as][js]
Li: [ks][qs]

Zhang was in front until the [jh][2s][kd][9c][4h] saw Li spike a pair of kings to send Zhang packing. Li moves up to 430,000 in chips.

4:30pm: Tu bombs it

Nan Tu just took a pot from Xixiang Luo with a sizeable river bet.

The preflop action saw Tu raise to 22,000 from the cutoff before Luo opted to defend his big blind. The flop landed [kd][7c][js] and both players checked to the [8h] turn.

Luo then took the betting lead, making it 32,000 to go. Tu made the call and the dealer revealed the [8h] river card. A check from Luo warranted Tu to slide forward 103,000 in chips.

Luo loaded up a call and looked like he was about to commit to it but in the end he threw his hand in the muck. Tu adds that pot to his 360,000 behind.

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Nan Tu

4:15pm: Play resumes; payout information

Players are back in their sets and cards are in the air after the first 10-minute break.

Now that the tournament is locked out the numbers have been finalized. We have a total of 114 entrants - crushing the previous tournament record of 75.

That means that 13 players will see a return on their investment. Here's how those payouts look;

1st - HK$2,292,720
2nd - HK $1,528,000
3rd - HK $934,000
4th - HK $722,000
5th - HK $552,000
6th - HK $467,000
7th - HK $382,000
8th - HK $340,000
9th - HK $297,000
10th - HK $255,000
11th - HK $255,000
12th - HK $233,000
13th - HK $233,000

4:05pm: First break

Players have commenced their first break of the day. Play resumes in 10 minutes.

3:55pm: Yap finds a straight

Wayne Yap just came from behind to crack an opponent's pocket aces in a recent hand. Yap was all in preflop with [ts][tc] and had the player holding [ah][ac] covered.

The cards fell [3h][9h][qc][kd][jh] and Yap found himself a runner-runner straight to eliminate his opponent.

That lucky runout for Yap brings his stack up to 640,000.

3:35pm: Kobylynski caught out

Xixiang Luo brought it in for a raise to 17,000 on the button and Artem Kobylynski defended his big blind. The flop came down [7c][kc][6h] and Kobylynski check-called a bet of 22,000.

Both players checked on the [js] turn before the [tc] river rolled off.

Kobylynski took his time studying the pot before leading out for 38,000. Luo asked to see Kobylynski's stack and when he saw 58,000 he went into the tank.

After a few moments of deliberation Luo tossed in a call and Kobylynski winced before sheepishly flipping up [8d][6s] for bottom pair. Luo tabled [td][5d] for slightly better and raked in the pot.

3:20pm: Level 12 begins, blinds are 4,000/8,000 with a 1,000 ante

3:15pm: Zhou springs the trap

Steven Zhou just took down a pot against Scott Davies with a well-timed check raise.

On a flop of [js][8d][6d] Zhou checked his option to see Davies bet 25,000. It was then that Zhou came back over the top for more than half his stack with a reraise to 77,000.

"How much do you have?" Davies asked.

Zhou moved his hand to reveal the 50,000 behind and Davies went into the tank.

Davies contemplated for about two minutes before ultimately throwing his hand away.

3:00pm: Zhao runs into aces

Dong Zhao will be thankful that his opponent was short stacked after he lost a few chips against pocket aces.

The flop fell [6h][qd][8c] and Zhao led out for 15,000. He was played back at with an all-move for 40,000 and Zhao called it off with a gut shot straight draw.

Zhao: [js][ts]
Opponent: [as][ad]

Zhao needed a nine or running cards to scoop the pot but he couldn't get there as the [7h][ turn and [th] river completed the board.

2:45pm: Level 11 begins, blinds are 3,000/6,000 with a 500 ante

2:40pm: Bad river sends Celina Lin packing

Team PokerStars Pro Celina Lin was super short-stacked and moved in for her last 19,000 with ace-jack. Wing Cheong Chong made the call with a suited 4-5 to put the Team Pro at risk.

Lin would avoid any danger until the river spelled disaster on the Q-2-2-8-4 run out. Chong paired his four and Lin was eliminated from the tournament.

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2:35pm: Ramakrishnan scores a double

Rajkumar Ramakrishnan recently earned a double up after finding himself all in preflop against Zhen Wang. Ramakrishnan had the best of it with pocket kings and was looking to fade an ace and keep his tournament alive.

Ramakrishnan: [kh][kd]
Wang: [ah][jd]

The community cards fell [4d][9c][5c][3s][9h] and Ramakrishnan survived, knocking Wang down to 57,000 in chips.

2:15pm: Stacked field

As to be expected for our Red Dragon High Roller a stellar field has filled the room here at PokerStars LIVE Macau.

Among the action are the reigning High Roller champion James Chen, ACOP Main Event runner-up Thomas Ward, as well as Team PokerStars Pros Yaxi Zhu and Celina Lin.

Also in attendance are Michael Egan, Jack Salter, Louis Salter, Aaron Lim, Henrik Tollefsen, Geoff Mooney, Raiden Kan, Scott Davies, Yuguang Li and Alex Ward.

2:00pm: Level 10 begins, 2,000/4,000 with a 500 ante

MPC24 HK$80,000 High Roller final day kicks off soon

The Red Dragon Main Event may have concluded last night but now it's time for the HK$80,000 High Roller! We had 103 entries yesterday and with late registration still open for the first 40 minutes today that number could climb even higher.

Of those 103 there are 62 guaranteed to return today. They'll play it out today until a champion emerges. As late registration isn't locked out yet we don't have a first place prize set but the prize pool currently stands at HK$7,969,360.

Last night's Red Dragon runner up Wayne Zhang jumped straight in the High Roller field after his 2nd place finish. He'll be looking at back-to-back deep runs in Macau. We'll highlight other notable names among the field as soon as play is underway.

The action kicks off at 2pm so stay tuned!

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