Sunday, March 6, 2016

Battle of the Planets: second chance nets Mudrik the win and $12K

Getting so close to a major tournament final table and falling on the bubble can make it seem like another shot will happen soon. But, sometimes that second shot can take months, or even years before the avatar is shown under the spotlights with the final table description inscribed on the virtual felt. Mudrik made the most of reaching the final table of tonight's Battle of the Planet $50,000 triple shootout freeroll, by collecting the full $12,000.00 first prize after missing out on the chance last year.

Team PokerStars Pro Henrique Pinho caught the wrong end of a cooler early on the first leg of the triple shootout today. With the blinds at 15/30 Pinho would raise to 90 on the cutoff as ansuz made the call from the button. [6s][3h][7c] on the flop hit both players hard enough to warrant a pot bet from ansuz and a raise to 225 from Henrique. After the [Jd] the rest of their funds were shoved in the middle as Pinho revealed a set of sixes [6c][6d]. ansuz caught a set as well showing the sevens [7s][7h]. No quads on the [Ts] river left the Portuguese pro with just 85 chips. Those would be donated two hands later as Henrique left the tournament area in 459th place.

The other Red Spade in today's freeroll took his massive amount of VIP stars to the 50/100 level but could go no further. Team Online's George "Jorj95" Lind doubled up early on the first table but found himself with just 750 chips facing a shove by the chip leader iceheart2010. Lind would decide to call the button shove from the small blind holding [Tc][7d]. iceheart2010 did not turn over much [Qd][2c] but the hand proved to be enough [Kh] [Js] [8c] [8d] [Qc] to knock Lind out in 276th place.

On to the money round with 81 players securing $195.00 UK's tom22709 would claim the first seat at the big table with $12,000.00 for the taking. Last year in May Mudrik would narrowly miss out on the final table after busting on the bubble, today was redemption time for the Ukrainian taking the second seat at the final table after defeating kill-man-Jar heads-up.

holazse would finish off petros19890 as DomBusiness and chlenupitera battled heads-up for the last seat at the final table. With the blinds up to 125/250 ante 25 DomBusiness would limp in from the button to see a [9c][5s][3c] flop. DomBusiness would bet 250 chips at it as chlenupitera made the call. [7d] on the turn and both players got excited to throw in the rest of their tournament funds. Unlucky, for DomBusiness to make a straight [4s][6d] as chlenupitera turned over the nut straight [8d][6h] as the [2c] river started up the final table below:


Seat 1: Mudrik (1500 in chips)
Seat 2: MaxBracht (1500 in chips)
Seat 3: holazse (1500 in chips)
Seat 4: chlenupitera (1500 in chips)
Seat 5: tom22709 (1500 in chips)
Seat 6: Anssi A (1500 in chips)
Seat 7: berek71 (1500 in chips)
Seat 8: gettingpwned (1500 in chips)
Seat 9: nuizizi (1500 in chips)

Hola and adios

Usually the first couple of levels contain minor pots being pushed around but tonight Mudrik and holazse had other ideas. Just six hands into the final table Mudrik and holaze would shove preflop as Mudrik was all-in turning over pocket queens [Qc][Qh] while staring down at the [Qs][As] held by holaze. A favorable two-spade flop [2s][8h][5s] flop gave holazse a sweat, but a couple of nines on the turn [9d] and river [9c] sent holaze off down to 360 chips.

Three hands later holaze would make a min-raise from middle position as chlenupitera three-bet to 120 getting calls from berek71 and holaze to see a [8d][9h][4c]. Everyone jumped into the boat as holaze shoved for 270 chips, and chlenupitera called all-in after berek71 check-raise shove. chlenupitera showed the flopped set of eights [8h][8c], holaze flopped bottom pair [5d][4d], and berek71 took the bad beat with pocket jacks [Jc][Js]. Actually, it's not a bad beat until five cards are on the board as the [2h] turn did not help but the [Jd] on the river would send both holazse (ninth place, $775.00) and chlenupitera (eighth place, $1,200.00) packing.

berek going berserk

As mentioned before, usually the final table is quiet during the starting rounds but tonight bucked that trend. Ten hands after the double knockout and still in the initial 10/20 blind level seventh place cash would be awarded. The first player to earn their final table seat, tom22709, would raise to 60 from UTG as berek71 three-bet to 160 chips. Folded back to tom22709 holding pocket queens [Qh][Qs] and wasting no time to shove 1,320 chips. Also impatient, berek71 quickly called with pocket kings [Kh][Ks]. No queens between the aces [Ah] [3d] [Jc] [9d] [As] and tom22709 was shown the door in seventh place ($1,700.00).

Got pwned

Every player, even those who with big Red Spades next to their name, has felt queasy after getting outplayed by someone, or in gamer-speak got pwned. With the blinds going up to 25/50 gettingpwned would enter a 299 chip three-bet over the min-raise of Anssi A. Anssi A was not ok with that and shoved for 1,667 chips as gettingpwned was happy to make the call all-in with pocket kings [Kh][Kc]. Anssi A turned over a mid-ace [Ah][8d] and watched the flopped straight draw miss on the [9h] [6s] [7c] [Qs] [3d] board knocking Anssi A down to 145 chips. The scraps would go to MaxBracht four hands later as Anssi A claimed $2,200.00 in sixth place.

Slinging mud

The players would come out of the fourth hourly break with big pots on their minds as Mudrik and MaxBracht would create a 3,900 chip preflop pot. Check out the results below:

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MaxBracht would be all-in and behind holding [Ah][5c] against Mudrik's suited [As][9s]. Started behind and ended behind [8d] [4s] [2c] [Tc] [Kd] as the nine kicker played and MaxBracht earned $2,735.00 in fifth place.

nuizizi shakes up the table

Holding the chip lead with 5,304 chips in the 75/150 level, nuizizi would face a 1,448 chip small blind shove from gettingpwned. The gut call with [9c][Kc] proved to be a profitable one as gettingpwned turned over the lesser king [Kh][7s]. Both players would hit two pair on the [Kd] [6c] [4h] [7d] [9d] board as gettingpwned was eliminated in fourth place ($3,350.00)

Don't you worry, every little thing is gonna be alright

Watching your opponent flop that two-outer can cause some elevated stress levels to say the least. No one could blame berek71 for being a little upset after seeing the flop in this hand. With the blinds up to 75/150 Mudrik would min-raise as berek71 simply shoved for 4,836 chips holding pocket kings [Kc][Ks]. Showing similar haste, Mudrik called all-in with queens [Qc][Qh] and was happy to see another one on the flop [Qs][3s][Jh]. But, the kings would not be denied as the turn [9c] and river [Th] gave Mudrik the backdoor straight and getting back into the tournament with the 3,074 chip pot.

Going after the chip leader

nuizizi continued to lead the tournament near the end of the 75/150 blind level as berek71 down to 1,559 chips got a little pressure in the big blind. Mudrik in the small blind would shove for 4,514 chips as berek71 look at pocket sevens [7s][7d] to get back into the mix by making the call all-in. Mudrik flipped up a small suited ace [As][2s] as the board flipped up an ace as well [Kh] [5s] [Qc] [Ah] [3c] to send berek71 away with $4,500.00 in third place.

Mudrik comes away clean

A couple of mentions towards working out an ICM deal appeared in the chatbox but the players seemed determined to let the cards and chips do the talking instead. With the blinds up to 125/250 ante 25 and Mudrik leading 9,083 to nuizizi's 4,417 chips they decided to flip for the last Battle of the Planets title of 2013. Watch below as Mudrik's pocket fours [4s][4d] go up against nuizizi's [Qh][Ac]:

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No aces, no queens on the [2s] [8d] [Tc] [5h] [6h] board shutdown nuizizi's run as Mudrik made the most of the second chance to win this month's Battle of the Planets triple shootout freeroll for $12,000.00!

Battle of the Planets $50,000 triple shootout freeroll results (12-29-13):

Players entered: 556
Places paid: 81
Prizepool: $50,000.00 (freeroll)

1. Mudrik (Ukraine) $12,000.00
2. nuizizi (Canada) $7,500.00
3. berek71 (Poland) $4,500.00
4. gettingpwned (Germany) $3,350.00
5. MaxBracht (Germany) $2,735.00
6. Anssi A (Finland) $2,200.00
7. tom22709 (United Kingdom) $1,700.00
8. chlenupitera (Russia) $1,200.00
9. holazse (Hungary) $775.00

David Aydt is a freelance contributor

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