Wednesday, March 2, 2016

MPC24 Day 2 live updates

7:25pm: Level 17 begins, blinds are 3,000/6,000 with a 1,000 ante

7:15pm: Scheduled break

It's time for another 10-minute break. Coverage will resume momentarily.

7:00pm: Guo still going

Dong Guo just scored himself a double up after ending up on the right side of a flip.

He got his last 64,500 in preflop before a tablemate called to put Guo at risk.

Guo: [7s][7h]
Opponent: [Ad][ks]

Guo would fade danger as the board came down [9d][qs][9s][3d][8h] and now sits with very close to the 147,935 average.

6:45pm: Bubble bursts! 135 remain

The bubble burst only moments ago with Wing Cheong Chong leaving the tournament in a brutal fashion.

After one player opened to 15,000, Chong moved all in for his last 65,000 in chips. His opponent announced call and a crowd of players from adjacent tables swarmed the area to sweat the action.

When the two players in the hand were given the all clear by tournament officials they revealed their hands.

Chong: [ac][jc]
Opponent: [ad][4h]

Chong was in great shape to double up and avoid donning the unfortunate title of Bubble Boy. Things looked even better for him as he improved to top two pair when the dealer presented the [js][ah][6h] flop. Needing to only fade running hearts or running fours the [9h] turn brought the flush draw and the crowd let out a communal gasp.

The [8h] river prompted a cheer across the tournament floor as Chong was sent packing one shy of the money.

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Red Dragon Bubble Boy - Wing Cheong Chong

6:30pm: Play slowing down

As is often the case on the bubble, things have slowed down dramatically here with 136 players remaining. Just one spot from a guaranteed payday of HK$22,300 it seems players have become a little gun shy as they try and lock up a return on their investment.

We have had a few small double ups so far but nothing major to report. There are still numerous players nursing short stacks and we're estimating the bubble to burst by the end of this level.

6:15pm: Level 16 begins, blinds are 2,500/5,000 with a 500 ante

6:00pm: Team Pros terminated

Since reporting on Kosei Ichinose's elimination earlier, it appears that the only remaining Team PokerStars Pro Chen-an Lin has also made his way to the exit this afternoon.

While we didn't catch the action, Lin is no longer in his seat and his absence marks the end of the PokerStars contingent.

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The last eliminated Team PokerStars Pro Chen-an Lin

5:50pm: Hand for hand play as bubble approaches

Our remaining 137 players have been instructed that the tournament will now play hand-for-hand until the bubble bursts. With 135 places paying dividends and a few short stacks around the room we may not have to wait too long.

Those 135 lucky players will guarantee themselves at least HK$22,300 for their efforts, and will be chasing the $HK2,360,000 first-place prize.

Let's find out who will be this season's bubble boy or girl.

5:30pm: Salter swinging

Louis Salter just won some then lost some in two recent hands.

The first saw Valentyn Shabelnyk open to 8,000 before Salter moved all in from the small blind for his last 56,000. Shabelnyk decided against calling it off and the pot was shipped Salter's way.

In the second hand Salter raised to 8,000 on the button and the player in the small blind came along to a flop of [jd][9s][3h]. It was checked back to Salter who continued for 11,000.

His opponent began counting on his fingers before shuffling his chips, and then moving all in over the top. Salter snap folded and forfeited the pot.

5:15pm: Level 15 begins, blinds are 2,000/4,000 with a 500 ante

5:05pm: First break

Players have commenced their first break of the day. The action will resume in 10-minutes' time.

4:50pm: Alner scoops one

Tom Alner was in the big blind and called an early position raise of 6,000 before the flop came down [2s][5s][4d]. He then check-called a bet of 8,000 and the dealer turned the [8d].

The action went check-check and the [2d] arrived on the river. Alner took the opportunity to lead out at this point, betting 20,500. Alner's opponent counted out his own stack but decided to throw his hand away.

Alner adds that pot to the 72,000 he had behind.

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Tom Alner

4:35pm: Shabelnyk sends Wan home

Meilin Wan opened the action with a 54,000 chip all-in move and it was folded around to the player on the button. He confirmed the count and went into the tank momentarily but ultimately folded. Valentyn Shabelnyk, however, woke up with [9s][9d] in the big blind and called to put Wan at risk.

Wan was holding [ac][jh] and needed to improve to stay alive. The [ks][7h][4d] didn't bring much help and while the [qs] brought some additional gut shot out, the [4h] river couldn't deliver as Shabelnyk collected the pot and Wan was eliminated.

4:20pm: Reigning APOY blazing a trail again

Asia Player of the Year Alan King Lun Lau is in the field today and chipping up nicely.

We caught a recent hand he was in on the turn with the board showing [th][2c][3d][9d]. Lau was first to act in the small blind and put his opponent to the test with an all-in jam for 65,000.

The player thought about the decision for arout 30 seconds before relinquishing his hand.

Lun clocked an impressive 16 live cashes here in Macau last year and with the bubble fast approaching he looks set to lock up another one here on Day 2.

4:05pm: Level 13 begins, blinds are 1,500/3,000 with a 400 ante

3:55pm: Jacks for Shabelnyk

The Ukraine's Valentyn Shabelnyk just sent a tablemate packing after picking up [js][jc]. The two got it in preflop and with Shabelnyk's opponent holding [kd][3d], the latter wouldn't improve on a runout of [3h][ad][6h][6s][7c].

That knock out brings Shabelnyk's stack up to 159,000.

3:45pm: Davies done

It seems US pro Scott Davies has also been eliminated in the early stages here today. He took to Twitter to inform his followers.

3:35pm: Ichinose out the door

One of only two Team PokerStars Pros in today's field has just left us. Kosei Ichinose found himself all in and at risk after a preflop confrontation.

It folded around to Weichun Jiang on the button and he put in a raise to 5,800. Ichinose moved all in from the small blind for his last 37,800 and was quickly called when it folded back to Jiang.

Ichinose: [ks][ts]
Jiang: [ac][jh]

Ichinose was behind but he still had a fair shot at staying alive holding live cards. The [5h][6d][2c][4c][2d] would bring him no help, however, and the Team Pro headed for the exit.

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Recently eliminated - Team PokerStars Pro Kosei Ichinose

3:20pm: Chen loses a chunk

James Chen started the day as one of our chip leaders here but just took a big hit in the first level.

Chen opened the action with an under the gun raise to 4,800 and the big blind opted to defend. The flop landed [5s][9d][7d] and when checked to, Chen continued for 6,000. The player in the big blind check-raised to 13,500 causing Chen to pause for a moment.

After eyeing the big blind's stack Chen put in another raise for a total of 50,000. His opponent quickly moved in for 86,400, Chen quickly called, and the cards went on their backs.

Chen: [kd][jd]
Opponent: [Ad][td]

Both with flush draws but Chen the inferior one he'd need to find a king or a jack to eliminate the player in the big blind. The board failed to cooperate as the [4h] turn and [4c] runout bricked off.

Chen falls back down to around 96,000 after that hand.

3:05pm: Shuffle up and deal!

Cards are in the air here for Day 2 of the MPC24 Red Dragon.

Blinds commence at 1,200/2,400 with a 400 ante and the average stack currently at 62,258.

The returning 259 will be hoping to have another great day at the felt and make it through to Day 3 in the quest for the HK$2,360,000 top prize and the spectacular Red Dragon trophy.

Let's go!

MPC24 Red Dragon Day 2 starting soon

It's time for Day 2!

We have 259 players returning today from a total starting field of 1,075.

Leading the pack is China's Huitong Cao. He emerged as chip boss last night and will bring 232,600 to the table today.

We're in for six levels of play this afternoon. Those will be an hour each so things wrap up just in time for the Macau Poker Cup Welcome Party.

We'll have more details for you as soon as cards are in the air. Stay with us!


All photos by Kenneth Lim Photography courtesy of PokerStars LIVE Macau

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