Sunday, February 7, 2016

Anniversary Special: Final Day Updates

We will be posting random updates right here on some of the action at the final day of the PokerStars Live Manila Anniversary Special Main Event. We kick off with 76 players returning to the felt, each one vying for that top cash prize of P461,600. The overall chip leader entering today is Norway's Henrik Tollefsen with a massive 528,000 chips.


6:30PM: Issa wins the Main Event! - P461,600

Henrik Tollefsen could not catch anything on the board and succumbed to Jean Issa's domination at heads up. Going all in with [kd][8h], Issa called with his [ad][8c]. The board ran [6d][6s][2s][ac][2d] and it was all over. Tollefsen finished in 2nd place for P289,600 and Issa took the grand cash prize of P461,600 for his victory at the Main Event.

6:25PM: Issa goes ahead in chips, proceeds to win the next two

Jean Issa won another hand and took the chip lead. He further escalated when he claimed the next two pots, one with [kh][5s] and the other with his [3d][2s] that paired on the board. Issa amassed 5.7M at this point.

6:20PM: Issa wins another pot, almost even stack

Jean Issa won another double up with his [kh][7s] calling Henrik Tollefsen's all in with [7d][2d]. A king appeared on the board and Issa shipped in 1.98M chips.

6:15PM: Heads up between Tollefsen and Issa; Issa wins first hand

Final two players! Henrik Tollefsen versus Jean Issa. Tollefsen with a 5:1 chip lead. Tollefsen with 6.6M, Issa with 1.39M.

Tollefsen went all in on the first hand of the heads up round. Jean Issa was happy he did because he looked down at pocket jacks and called. Tollefsen had [4d][7d]. The board gave Tollefsen a pair but not good enough against the jacks and Issa doubled up.

6:15PM: Heads up between Tollefsen and Issa

Final two players! Henrik Tollefsen versus Jean Issa. Tollefsen with a 5:1 chip lead. Tollefsen with 6.6M, Issa with 1.39M.

6:10PM: Aces cracked! Takayama out in 3rd - P178,600

Mike Takayama could not believe his misfortune. He raised to 800k then called Henrik Tollefsen's all in jam. Takayama had [ac][ad] and Tollefsen had [as][qs]. The board ran [qh][6s][8s][js][3h] cracking Takayama's aces and finishing him off in 3rd place. He received P178,600 for his run at the felt.

6:05PM: Casey settles for 4th place - P137,000

Gerald Casey was all in and Jean Issa called. Casey had jack-nine and was behind Issa's ace-king. The board bricked and Casey exited in 4th place. He collected P137,000 for his finish.

6:00PM: Double whammy! Tollefsen sends Dizon out in 5th and Lapinid in 6th

Another multiple all in situation with Jenelee Dizon holding [ad][tc], Jay Lapinid with [ah][jd], and Henrik Tollefsen calling with [as][kh]. The board ran [kc][2c][8c][4h][5d] and Tollefsen booted two players. Dizon ends in 5th and earns P101,500, Lapinid finishes in 6th and earns P81,200.

5:55PM: Lapinid on the rise, quadruples up to 480k

With only 120k left, Jay Lapinid was all in, Henrik Tollefsen called, then Jean Issa and Gerald Casey moved all in as well. Action went back to Tollefsen who opted to fold. Issa had [ac][ks], Casey with [kd][2d], and Lapinid with [th][7d]. The board was [qh][3s][4h][2h][7h] and Lapinid scooped up a quadruple while Casey took the side pot.

5:50PM: Hassan ends in 7th place - P65,900

Carlo Hassan joined Jay Lapinid all in and big blind player Mike Takayama called them both. Hassan had [9d][8d], Lapinid had [td][ts], and Takayama had [kd][jc]. The board ran [3c][4s][th][4h][7c] and Lapinid hit a set which earned him a triple up while Takayama ousted Hassan on the side pot. Hassan earner P65,900 for his finish.

5:45PM: Tollefsen chip leader with 2.34M

Small blind player Jay Lapinid hoped to steal Henrik Tollefsen's big blind by shoving but Tollefsen called and was ahead with his pocket tens against nine-six of spades. The board was quite dramatic with two spades on the board giving Lapinid a chance but with no more spades appearing after, Tollefsen zoomed into the chip lead with 2.34M. Lapinid fell to 30k.

5:40PM: Two double ups for Kim then out in 8th place - P55,800

Short-stacked Woo Young Kim won two double ups, one against Mike Takayama and the other against Jenelee Dizon to bring his stack to 340k.

Despite the double ups, Kim had no choice but to practically be all in on the next hand with the blinds at 150k/300k. With Takayama raising on the utg, everyone folded and Kim threw in his remaining 40k in the pot. Takayama had [ac][6h] and Kim had [qh][6s]. No help came for Kim and he was out in 8th place taking in P55,800.

5:35PM: Kim doubles up his short stack

Woo Young Kim was crippled down to 15k and was all in with [ah][qd]. Mike Takayama called with his [ts][4s]. Kim won with doubled up to 30k.

5:30PM: Takayama triples up to 1.5M

Mike Takayama was all in for 500k and he was called by two players, Gerald Casey and Woo Young Kim. Casey and Kim checked down the board of [ah][as][2d][qh][3s]. Takayama won with [ad][ks] while the other two had pocket fours. Takayama tripled up.

5:25PM: Hassan with all the hearts

Carlo Hassan committed all his chips on Mike Takayama's raise. He had [ah][2h] and Takayama had [kd][kc]. The board ran [8h][6h][7h] inmmediately completing a nut flush for Hassan. The turn of [ks] gave Takayama a chance with a set. The river of [4h] kept Hassan on top and he doubled up.

5:20PM: Sia eliminated in 9th by Lapinid - P45,700

Joseph Sia went all in and Jay Lapinid called. Sia had [6s][2c] and Lapinid had [as][3s]. An ace fell on the board and Sia exited in 9th place. He earned P45,700.

5:15PM: Takayama doubled up by Sia

Mike Takayama was all in for 300k and Joseph Sia on the big blind called. Takayama had ace-king and Sia with king-nine. Takayama won with no improvement on the board for Sia.

5:10PM: Lapinid doubles up with cowboys

Mike Takayama was once the chip leader but having just lost a big hand, he doubled up another player, Jay Lapinid. Lapinid had pocket kings and Takayama had ace-ten. The board bricked and Lapinid climbed to 880k.

5:05PM: Three-way all in, Issa triples up, Casey side pot, Takayama pays

In a three-way all in fiesta, Jean Issa had [ac][ad], Gerald Casey had [jh][js], and Mike Takayama had [7c][7d]. The board ran [3c][ks][jd], sending Casey into the lead, but the turn of [as] had Issa reclaim it. With the river of [td], Issa tripled up to around 850k and Casey won the side pot. Casey now has 1.3M.

5:00PM: Tollefsen rails Alexandrov in 10th place - P35,312

Henrik Tollefsen went all in and Nickolai Alexandrov joined him for a showdown. Tollefsen had [ad][qd] and Alexandrov had [jh][jc]. The board ran [6c][kd][5h][3d][qs] and Tollefsen bagged a higher pair. Alexandrov takes home P35,312.

Final Table
Anniversary FT.jpg

Gerald Casey 1,165,000
Jay Lapinid 270,000
Henrik Tollefsen 970,000
Jean Issa 285,000
Joseph Sia 570,000
Carlo Hassan 480,000
Jenelee Dizon 1,255,000
Woo Young Kim 685,000
Mike Takayama 1,945,000
Nickolai Alexandrov 480,000

4:45PM: Runas queens burned by Takayama

Mike Takayama raised to 250k only to face Tofie Runas all of 395k. He called. Takayama had [3d][6h] and Runas had [qs][qc]. The board ran [7d][7h][4s][as][5h]. Takayama had a straight and Runas ended in 11th, just missing the final table.

4:30PM: Lapinid with three double ups

Jay Lapinid went all in with his remaining 15k and had two callers join him for the pot. Lapinid won with a full house on his ace-four. Next two double ups was against Mike Takayama. He was all in with [4d][5d] and Takayama had pocket aces. The board gave Lapinid two pair and he doubled up again. On the next one, he had [kh][qs] against jack-four offsuit and won with a queen gracing the felt.

4:15PM: Dizon's lucky straight cripples Lapinid

From the button, Jenelee Dizon jammed her 520k all in and Jay Lapinid called on the small blind. Dizon had [qd][6s] and Lapinid had [qh][qs]. The crowd went wild when the board ran [td][8h][2s][7h][9h] as Dizon landed a straight to scoop up a double up to a million chips while Lapinid fell to 15k.

4:00PM: Takayama at 1.2M, eliminates Gutierrez

Mike Takayama had a couple of all ins that weren't called. In this hand, he raised minimum to 80k from the utg seat and Pedro Gutierrez on the big blind called. At the flop of [4c][4s][qs], Gutierrez announced all in and Takayama quickly called. Gutierrez had [qh][9h] top pair while Takayama had [as][8s]. The turn would change it up with a [ah] giving Takayama the lead, and then a [ks] on the river sealed it shut with Takayama holding a nut flush. Gutierrez was out. Takayama climbed to 1.2M.

3:45PM: Issa rails Chen; A dramatic win for Woo Young Kim

Zhinning Chen was all in with his very short stack of 50k that could not even meet the big blind. Gerald Casey limped in on the button and Jean Issa on the small blind moved all in. After the big blind folded, Casey folded as well, and it was a showdown. Chen had [ad][td] and Issa had [ac][kd]. The board ran [jd][jh][qd][tc][4h] and Issa won with his straight. Chen was eliminated.

Next hand saw Woo Young Kim going all in and Takaaki Hagiwara calling for all his chips on the big blind. Kim had [kd][ks] and Hagiwara had [qh][ts]. The board was [js][ah][kh] landing Hagiwara an immediate straight while Kim had a set. The turn of [3h] had Hagiwara still leading, but when the river banged a [jd] Kim retook the lead with a full house and eliminated Hagiwara.

3:30PM: Takayama cleans out Mcauley

Mike Takayama was all in for his remaining 180k chips and William Mcauley called. Takayama had [jd][td] and Mcauley had [as][qc]. The board ran [jh][7h][ks][9c][2d] giving Takayama a pair and a double up. On the very next hand, these two were at it again with both players all in. Mcauley had pocket fives and Takayama had pocket kings. The board offered no help to Mcauley and Takayama scooped the rest of Mcauley's chips. Takayama now has 625k.

3:15PM: Casey dominating with 1.3M chips

Gerald Casey's stack seems to just keep growing and is now the overwhelming chip leader. In a recent action, Wen Peng Dai raised to 80k then called a three-bet by Casey on the small blind. The flop ran [qh][as][5h], Casey checked, Dai went all in, and Casey snap-called. Dai had [jh][8h] and Casey had [ad][ac] set. The turn of [7c] and river of [4c] were no help to Dai and he was eliminated while Casey climbed to 1.3M chips.

3:00PM: Runas rails Abesamis

In a battle of the blinds, Antonio Abesamis went all in on the small blind and Tofie Runas called on the big blind. Abesamis had king-queen and Runas had ace-king. No luck on the board for Abesamis and he was out.

2:45PM: Hassan bags a big pot, nears 500k

Carlo Aziz Hassan just bagged himself a sweet big pot in a hand that began with Roque Lima moving all in, Hassan doing the same, then big blind Ronald Morfe tanking then joining for a three-way showdown. Lima had [td][th], Hassan [qd][qs], Morfe [ac][kc]. The board bricked and Hassan's ladies reigned. Hassan now near 500k.

2:30PM: Mcauley eliminates Sasaki, goes to 500k

William Mcauley now has around 500k after eliminating Kazuki Sasaki who was all in with [qc][6c]. Mcauley had [ac][9c]. The board gave them both pairs with Mcauley with the higher catch.

2:15PM: Lo defends his big blind

Jayson Lo shoved his 360k chips from the big blind after Gerald Casey limped on the button and Soo Jo Kim on the small blind. He won without a challenge.

2:00PM: Casey takes the chip lead, 680k

Gerald Casey has climbed into the leader's seat after winning with his [as][7s] flush on the river. This brought him to 680k chips.

1:45PM: Mateo knocks out two for ITM stage

Needing two players out before the money stage, Chris Mateo called two short stack players all in. Na Young had [ks][3c], Knoffler Camarillo had [ac][qd], and Mateo had [td][8d] on the big blind. With a big crowd surrounding the table, the dealer flopped [ah][3d][7h] giving pairs to the all in players. At the turn of [6h], still the same however Mateo had a gut shot draw. The river of [9d] sent a roar through the crowd with Mateo blasting ahead with a straight. Everyone is now in the money with 50 players left.

1:30PM: Hagiwara calls Huerto's bluff; No callers for Buck and Lagatuz

From mid position, Takaaki Hagiwara raised to 27k on Joven Huerto's big blind and Huerto called. At the flop of [ah][3s][kh], Huerto checked and Hagiwara bet 28k. Huerto called. The turn of [8d] had both players check and the dealer laid out the [ts] river card. Huerto took the reins and bet 30k. Hagiwaraflat-called revealing Huerto's 2-4 offsuit bluff. Hagiwara won with his [ac][jc].

As we near the bubble, short stacks are getting it all in. Kenneth Buck shoved and won with no callers. Jeorge Lagatuz three-bet all in Richard Marquez's raise and wasn't called.

1:15PM: Bueza gets lucky on Runas; A set for Ungria; Sato tanks Dizon

Michael Bueza raised to 17k from mid position and Tofie Runas called on the big blind. At the flop of [kh][6c][tc], Runas checked to Bueza who shoved. Runas snap-called. Runas had [kd][td] for top two pair and Bueza had [qc][8c]. The turn was [9d] and river of [4c] giving Bueza a flush and a double up.

Alexander Ungria was all in and Lowell Umusig called. Ungria had [4c][4d] and Umusig had [kd][qd]. The board ran great for Ungria [5s][4h][jc][jd][9c] and he doubled up.

On a board of [2h][qh][ac], Eduard Sato moved all in (60.5k) on top of Jenelee Dizon's bet of 25k sending her into the tank. She eventually folded.

1:00PM: A nice river boat for Sato; Petajajarvi doubles up

Eduard Sato moved all in on top of Wen Peng Dai's raise and was called. Sato had [2h][2s] and Dai had [qd][9d]. The flop ran [qh][ks][kc] giving Dai the lead, and still ahead on the turn of [4h], but with the river landing [2d], Sato connected with a nice boat and doubled up.

Tarmo Petajajarvi also doubled up his short stack. He was all in for 11.5k and was called by Ryan Malangen. Petajajarvi had pocket sevens and Malangen had ace-king. The board bricked and Petajajarvi's pair held up.

12:45PM: Teranishi shoves twice in a row; Lima and Lapinid win pots

Miki Teranishi had a bit of a card rush and kindly showed her hole cards. In the first hand, she three-bet all in on top of Alex Ungria's 16k raise. She had pocket queens, he showed his pocket nines. Next hand, she called Nick Gorman's raise to 11.5k and the flop ran [qh][6d][6s]. Gorman bet 13k, Teranishi jammed all in again, and won to Gorman's fold. She showed pocket aces.

Lester Edoc raised to12.5k on the button only to face an all in by Jay Lapinid on the big blind. Edoc tanked as he was dominated in chips. He folded and Lapinid kindly showed his red ladies.

With a pot of 69k in the middle, and a turn board of [9d][8h][5h][6s], Roque Lima moved all in on top of Antonio Abesamis's bet. Abesamis tanked and then folded to Lima.

12:30PM: Early bust outs

The tournament has just begun and already we have a couple of casualties, short stacked Hakju Lee and Martin Ealdama were unable to land that much needed double up and were down and out.

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