Sunday, February 28, 2016

MicroMillions 6: Sympatiq4e closes out with Event #100 win ($1+R NL Hold'em Hyper-Turbo)

Event #100 was a fitting tournament to end the small buy-in, big prizepool MicroMillions series. It was a $1 No Limit Hold'em Hyper-Turbo with Rebuys which had players moving as fast as they could to keep up with the structure. Players were given 30 minutes to mash the rebuy button as many times as they could but only had three minutes before each level change.

The final MicroMillions 6 event drew 10,699 players and they hit rebuy 41,268 times plus 6,441 add-ons. That all added up to a $57,210.44 prizepool sending $8,176 to the winner. The tournament quickly moved down to four tables that saw an all-in and call practically every hand, often multi-way pots.

It only took 150 minutes to play all the way down to the final table with the average stack rarely going over 10 big blinds early. The late play stacks were hovering around 5 big blinds for the final few tables. SkyBoy111 began the final table with the chiplead and also the only player with double digit big blinds.


Final Table chip counts:

Seat 1: Waniol (5,957,064 in chips)
Seat 2: Pedrosilva88 (9,734,147 in chips)
Seat 3: curedhead (1,920,703 in chips)
Seat 4: aurike53 (4,448,032 in chips)
Seat 5: Sympatiq4e (8,494,230 in chips)
Seat 6: juniao 21 (10,493,550 in chips)
Seat 7: FC_BURITO (13,165,011 in chips)
Seat 8: SkyBoy111 (21,735,695 in chips)
Seat 9: moka14 (8,193,568 in chips)

Blinds: 800k/1.6m with 320k ante

Waniol flips out, eliminated in 9th

With such shallow stacks, it was no surprise there immediate chatter about making a deal. A rare occurrence for a full final table and someone was staying silent by not clicking the deal button. Eventually they could stall no longer and the first showdown turned out to be a coin flip.

Waniol open shoved from middle position with [Ah][7d] and was called by Sympatiq4a in the big blind with [3h][3d]. Waniol fell behind right out the gate on the [As][Jc][7c] flop. The turn [2s] and river [Qc] provided no miracle and Waniol was the first out at the final table in 9th place for $400.

curedhead gets tag teamed, eliminated in 8th

There were two double ups after the first elimination and curedhead was trying to talk the table into a deal. Still nothing happening and he called all-in for less than the big blind. juniao 21 limped from the button and FC_BURITO checked his option before the [As][Jc][8d] flop.

The blinds checked and juniao 21 checked again on the [4c] turn. FC_BURITO then moved all-in to isolate with [Js][2h] and was ahead of curedhead's [8c][5h]. The [Kc] river was not a card curedhead needed and was the next player sent out in 8th place for $629.

aurike53 posts blind, eliminated in 7th

The final table actually went a few hands without an elimination before setting off a string of three knockouts in three hands. aurike53 was down to half a big blind and in the big blind.

FC_BURITO shoved with [Ad][Kc] to isolate and everyone else bailed to get the hand heads up with aurike53 [Ac][Jd]. An excellent "in the dark" all-in hand but unfortunately dominted. FC_BURITO hit top pair on the [Kh][Qc][8h] flop leaving aurike53 with a gutshot draw. No Ten hit on the [2h] turn or [6d] river and aurike53 hit the rail in 7th place for $1,144.

juniao 21 gets Kinged, eliminated in 6th

The second hand in the string of quick knockouts started with FC_BURITO once again involved but opening the action for a small raise instead a shove, perhaps a tell. No one was biting and it was left to juniao 21 who followed aurike53 by being all-in from the big blind.

FC_BURITO picked up his second straight premium starting hand with [Kh][Ks] and juniao 21 was forced to go with [4h][2c] to stay in the tournament. The [Ts][7s][6c] flop had two low cards but not low enough but the [5c] gave juniao 21 an open ended straight draw.

There was no love on the [Jh] river and FC_BURITO picked up his second consecutive knockout while juniao 21 was eliminated in 6th place for $1,716.

Pedrosilva88 voted out, eliminated in 5th

The next hand did not involve FC_BURITO having a monster but it was a three-way big hand. Pedrosilva88 open shoved from the cutoff for a little over one big blind before Sympatiq4e called from the button along with SkyBoy111 in the big blind.

Both players with chips behind checked down the entire [Jd][Td][8d][Ac][2c] board before all three showed down. Pedrosilva88 was all-in with [Kc][2h] and a pair of ducks while Sympatiq4e showed [As][6d] for top pair to beat SkyBoy111 with [Kh][9c]. Sympatiq4e picked up the pot while Pedrosilva88 was the third in a back-to-back-to-back knockout in 5th place for $2,288.

moka14 runs out of time, eliminated in 4th

In a strange twist at this final table, they went more than two minutes without a big hand but that was as long as the pause would last. Two players were holding less than a big blind and moka14 was one of them.

moka14 moved all-in from the under the gun, Sympatiq4e called from the button and SkyBoy111 checked his option in the big blind. Sympatiq4e followed with a 4,000,000 bet after the [Qs][Td][6h] flop and SkyBoy111 got out of the way.

Sympatiq4e showed [Qd][Jc] for top pair while moka14 was sitting with [Ks][Ts] and middle pair. Sympatiq4e tripped up with the [Qh] leaving moka14 drawing dead to the [3d] river and the next player gone, out in 4th place for $2,860.

SkyBoy111 gets tripped up, eliminated in 3rd

SkyBoy111 was the last player in danger of blinding out on short order and moved all-in from the small blind. Sympatiq4e called the shove in the big blind with the mighty [7s][4s] up against [Ad][3d]. The shortie was in line for a small double until the [Qs][7d][5c] flop left him looking for an Ace or a runner-runner miracle.

The [3s] paired him up but the river did not improve him enough to stay alive and SkyBoy111 put heads up action in progress by getting knocked out in 3rd place for $4,259.

Sympatiq4e catches good to win Event #100

Sympatiq4e (41,364,704 in chips)
FC_BURITO (42,777,296 in chips)

It took less than 10 minutes for the final table to get heads up and it was a tight match. With both remaining players holding virtually identical stacks, they quickly made a decision to chop the top two spots right down the middle leaving $600 behind for the winner. The payouts were quickly adjusted and it was no surprise after this final table that both players had good hands.

Sympatiq4e opened shoved from the button with [8h][8s] and was snap called by FC_BURITO with [5s][5d]. Snowmen versus Presto for the title and the [Kc][Js][2d][4c][3h] board produced no drama. FC_BURITO was the final table chipleader for most of the final table but had to settle for runner-up status and $6,792 while Sympatiq4e won the title for $7,392.02.

MicroMillions-100: $1+R NL Hold'em [Hyper-Turbo]
Entrants: 10,699 (41,268 re-buys 6,441 add-ons)
Prize pool: $57,210.44
Places paid: 1,350

1. Sympatiq4e (Slovakia) $7,392.02*
2. FC_BURITO (Netherlands) $6,792.02*
3. SkyBoy111 (United Kingdom) $4,259.31
4. moka14 (Canada) $2,860.52
5. Pedrosilva88 (Brazil) $2,288.41
6. juniao 21 (Brazil) $1,716.31
7. aurike53 (Serbia) $1,144.20
8. curedhead (Ireland) $629.31
9. Waniol (Poland) $400.47
* - denotes heads-up deal

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