Friday, February 19, 2016

EPT12 Dublin: €10K High Roller Day 2 live updates

* 28 of 185 entries remain (140 uniques, 45 re-entries)

6:52pm: Srinivasan straight flushed by Vogelsang
Level 16 - Blinds 3,000-6,000 (1,000 ante)

Hand-for-hand play on the bubble was due to start, but three tables were waiting for Akin Tuna and Vladas Tamasauskas to play out a big hand first.

Tamasauskas opened to 12,500 off the button and called after Tuna three-bet to 33,000 from the big blind. Tuna continued for 45,000 on the [6c][8d][3d] flop. Tamasauskas called and did the same for another 70,000 on the [3c] turn. The [2c] completed the board and Tuna bet another 70,000. Tamasauskas called but couldn't beat Tuna's [7s][8c] and dropped to 142,000. Tuna, meanwhile, moved up to 610,000. --MC

6:50pm: Rush to the bubble -- four quick knockouts, 28 remain
Level 16 - Blinds 3,000-6,000 (1,000 ante)

Whew. We walk over to look in on the last four tables and 32 players, and within the space of just a couple of minutes there were no less than four busts to bring the tournament right to the stone bubble and the start of hand-for-hand play. We'll try not to dilly-dally... here's the skinny:

First it was Luuk Gieles reraising over a Jason Mercier open to 12,500, pushing all in for his last 115,000 and watching Mercier call. Gieles had [Jc][Tc] and Mercier [8s][8c], and the [Qs][Js][2h] was a nice one for Gieles. But the [8h] turn couldn't be worse, giving Mercier a set and leaving Gieles drawing dead. Mercier has 350,000 now.

Second came the knockout of Romain Lewis who was all in for his last 55,500 with [3c][3s] versus Sam Chartier's [As][Kh]. The board came [Kd][Th][5c][6s][6c] to give Chartier the better pair and send Lewis out. Chartier up to 290,000.


Romain runs out

Third was knockout of Andrew Lichtenberger who took [Qs][Qh] up against Ryan Riess's [As][Ks]. The [3s][7s][2s] flop gave Riess a flush, and the [Kd][Kd] runout was just piling it on. Riess is up around 300,000.


Lichtenberger bounced

Finally Pierre Neuville shoved his last 125,000 behind [8d][8h] and was up against chip leader William Arruda's [Ac][Qd]. Again it was a nasty flop for the all-in player, coming [Kc][Th][Jd] to give Arruda a straight. The turn was the [9c] and river the [Td], and Neuville busted in 29th.

A brief pause to breathe and ready for hand-for-hand play. Stay tuned! --MH

6:43pm: Srinivasan straight flushed by Vogelsang
Level 16 - Blinds 3,000-6,000 (1,000 ante)

Christoph Vogelsang's up to 540,000 after he eliminated Canadian online heavyweight Shyam Srinivasan.

Vogelsang raised from the cutoff and Srinivasan called from the small blind to see a [jd][qc][6c] flop appear. Vogelsang continued for 18,000 and was check-raised to 60,000 by Srinivasan. His response was to three-bet all in for an effective 160,000. Call.

Srinivasan: [kh][qh] for top pair.
Vogelsang: [kc][tc] for an open-ended straight flush draw.

The [3c] turn made the German's flush and the [9c] river completed the straight flush. --MC


Shyam Srinivasan

6:36pm: Ariel sunk
Level 16 - Blinds 3,000-6,000 (1,000 ante)

Ariel Celestino busted in 35th place after three roller-coaster hands. Before his bustout hand he had dropped down to 3,000 after running king-jack into aces. Then he won with jacks versus king-queen for a short-lived comeback.

His final hand came after moved all in from under the gun with [9h][7h] and was called in the blinds by Vladas Tamasauskas, who held [ks][6s]. The board ran [2c][ad][3h][th][4c], and the Brazilan was ousted. --MC

6:27pm: Loosli had him in the Palma of his hand
Level 16 - Blinds 3,000-6,000 (500 ante)

EPT12 Barcelona €50K High Roller champ Sylvain Loosli has just eliminated Nicholas Palma from this €10K.

Loosli opened to 12,500 and Palma three-bet it up to 38,000. Then Loosli made a four-bet to 92,000, Palma insta-shoved for 240,000 more and Loosli insta-called.

Nicholas Palma [tc][ts]
Sylvain Loosli [qd][qh]

That shove was exactly what the Frenchman was hoping for. But then, as Loosli himself pointed out, "Ahhh it's always a sweat!"

He was referring to the [js][9c][8s] flop which gave Palma an open-ended straight draw. Loosli did not want to hit a set.

The turn wasn't much better either! The [2s] gave Palma a flush draw to boot.

But the [4h] river was safe. Palma is gone, Loosli has 640,000. --JS

6:20pm: Level 16 begins
Level 16 - Blinds 3,500-6,000 (1,000 ante)

Just 35 remain as they move on into Level 16. Those making it through the next 60 minutes of poker will then go on a one-hour dinner break. --MH

6:19pm: Sammartino races away
Level 15 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

Dario Sammartino, who came third in the PCA $25,000 High Roller last month, had failed to cash in this High Roller.

The Italian was in the big blind when he squeezed all in for 88,000. Willliam Arruda had opened to 10,500 from the cutoff and Pierre Neuville called from the small blind. Aruda raised to isolate and Neuville obediently left them to it.

Sammartino: [ac][9d]
Arruda: [7d][7c]

The board came a blank [qd][kc][qc][3h][3s]. Arruda looks to have taken over the chip lead now with 625,000. --MC


An early dinner for Dario

6:18pm: Loosli eliminates the last Greenwood
Level 15 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (500 ante)

Luc Greenwood was the last of the three brothers Greenwood still in this event, but he, too, has been knocked out and it's Sylvain Loosli who got him.

Pre-flop Loosli made it 11,500 to go and called when Greenwood three-bet to 27,500. On the [6h][9h][Qs] flop Greenwood bet 20,000, Loosli check-raised all in and Greenwood called all in for 116,000 total.

Greenwood: [Kh][Kd] - a pair of kings
Loosli: [Ah][Jh] - nut flush draw and over card to Greenwood's pair.

The [8h] turn left Greenwood drawing dead and the meaningless [Ts] completed the board. --NW

6:15pm: Battle of the Nordics
Level 15 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

If you thought a hand involving players from Sweden and Finland could be described as a Scandinavian showdown, then think again. Finland, where Samuel Vousden is from, is technically not part of Scandinavia, but is part of The Nordics. As is Sweden, which is the country of birth of Jerry Odeen.

It was Vousden who would provide the opening salvo to this big pot, he raised to 13,500 from under the gun and called when Odeen raised to 32,000 from middle position.

Vousden would go on to check-call bets of 27,000 and 55,000 on the flop and turn of a [7s][5d][4h][2c] board before both players checked the [As] river. Odeen showed [Qh][Qs], which bested Vousden's [Td][Tc].

Odeen is up to 352,000 whilst Vousden is down to 110,000. --NW

6:08pm: MacPhee felted by Leonzio
Level 15 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

Kevin MacPhee three-bet all in one hand and got it through. The next time he tried it, he was on the rail.

Marco Leonzio opened to 10,000 from early position and called after MacPhee moved all in for 65,000 from the big blind.

MacPhee: [9h][9s]
Leonzio: [jd][js]

The board ran [5d][4c][5c][qd][6s], MacPhee is out, and the Italian has moved up to 215,000. -- MC

6:04pm: Mark Radoja - from huge stack to gone
Level 15 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

Mark Radoja was right up there with the chip leaders at the first break of the day; in fact, the bracelet winner was in second place with 445,000.

But now he's gone.

It was his old nemesis William Arruda who did it. Arruda had doubled through Radoja not too long ago, and then the pair tangled in this fatal hand.

It started with an open to 12,000 from Steve O'Dwyer and was followed by a 37,000 three-bet by Radoja. Arruda then put in a cold four-bet to 75,000, O'Dwyer folded, and Radoja shoved. Arruda called, but we weren't quite sure who was the player at risk just yet.

Mark Radoja: [ah][kd]
William Arruda: [jh][jd]

The board ran out as follows: [tc][th][5h][7s][9d] -- and the chips were counted. Arruda only just had Radoja covered, meaning we lost the Canadian from this event. Still, he won €144,180 only a few nights ago in the €10K Single-Day High Roller, so we're sure he'll get over this.


Radoja departs

Arruda now has around 520,000. --JS

6:00pm: Rocky spot for Rocco turns into double up
Level 15 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

Rocco Palumbo has just doubled up through Samuel Vousden.

Palumbo open-shoved the small blind with [kh][qh] and Vousden snap-called and had him dominated with the [as][qc]. However, the poker Gods were kind to Palumbo and the board ran out [kd][3h][6h][ks][jh]. --JS

Rocco Palumbo -- 310,000
Samuel Vousden -- 100,000

5:56pm: Hook, line, and sinker as Drinan falls to Tuna
Level 15 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

Connor Drinan has an amazing record in high roller events, the majority of his $8.6 million in earnings coming from them. He won't be adding an EPT Dublin High Roller cash to his stellar résumé, though.

Dietrich Fast was kind enough to fill the blog in on the hand. Akin Tuna opened from under the guns with pocket threes and called after Drinan three-bet all in for 68,500 from the next seat holding [ad][ks]. Tuna flopped a set, but had to fade a flush draw after the turn brought a third spade. The river bricked and Drinan was on his way. Tuna moved up to around 280,000. --MC


Drinan driven' out

5:52pm: Patel dents Billard
Level 15 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

I joined the action to see a [Kd][Tc][6d][4h] board on the felt and Francois Billard (button) betting 70,500. Emil Patel (big blind) was his lone opponent and he made the call.

Both players checked the [Qc] river and Patel's [Td][2d] was the winner. "Were you half-expecting him to roll over a queen there?" said Jason Mercier to Patel as he raked in the chips.

Patel's up to 355,000 whilst Billard is down to 160,000. --NW


Emil keeping the Patel to the metal

5:47pm: Wet board gets wetter
Level 15 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

From late position Dario Sammartino opened to 11,500 and Mark Radoja defended from the big blind. The [7d][Qd][Th] flop wasn't exactly uncoordinated, but that didn't stop Sammartino betting 13,000. Call from Radoja.

The [8h] turn meant the board got straightier and flushier and the action slowed, with both players checking. The [Qh] river both paired the board and completed the backdoor flush draw. Radoja led for 31,500 and Sammartino pitched his cards into the muck. --NW

5:38pm: Three hands, two all-ins, one table, one elimination
Level 15 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

I decided to park up at an interesting table featuring Christoph Vogelsang, Joao Vieira, Jeff Gross, Sam Chartier, and Scott Margereson. I only watched three hands, and all three had some action.

Hand 1: Vieira opens to 12,000, Chartier calls, and Margereson shoves on the button for 138,000. Everyone folds.

Hand 2: Gustav Nordh shoves on the button for 22,000, having been crippled in a hand we reported at 5:19pm when he ran jacks into Gross' kings. Vieira thought for a minute and ended up calling the 17,000 more. Nordh was in good shape with the [kc][9h] against Vieira's [9s][7c], but the flop paired Vieira's seven and gave no extra help. Nordh is out.

Hand 3: It was folded around to Christoph Vogelsang on the button and he opened to 12,000. Vieira folded his small blind, but Gross put out a 3-bet to 38,000. It got the job done, as Vogelsang folded. --JS

5:37pm: Small Lebedev battles
Level 15 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

Sergey Lebedev seems pretty chilled, winning pots and losing pots, settling on 587,000.

He raised from the cutoff and picked up calls from Diego Ventura (button) and Sylvain Loosli (big blind). The flop came [6c][2c][js] and the action was checked to Ventura who bet 17,000. Only Lebedev called and no more chips ventured forward as the [qd][kh] turn and river were checked through. Lebedev opened [ts][th] and Ventura mucked.

The very next hand Lebedev raised to 11,000 from the cutoff but folded when Loosli shoved for 123,000 from the small blind. --MC

5:31pm: Lebedev leading
Level 15 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

Coming out of the last break, the Russian Sergey Lebedev had emerged as a new chip leader after building up to 580,000, with Dominik Nitsche, Jason Mercier, and Jerry Odeen all currently forming the chase pack.

Mark Radoja had been in second position to start the new level, but fell back a bit after dropping that recent pot to William Arruda.

Be sure to check the chip counts page for updates along the way as the field continues to shrink down. The top 27 finishers make the money. --MH

5:23pm: Arruda-wakening for Radoja
Level 15 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

Mark Radoja opened to 11,000 and faced a three-bet from William Arruda on the button. It folded back around to Radoja and he made the call.

[9d][9h][6d] came the flop, and Radoja checked. Arruda made it 20,000, Radoja shoved, and Arruda called off his last 113,500.

Radoja had an open-ender with the [8c][7c], while Arruda was ahead with his pocket jacks. The turn was the [6s], and the [qs] river changed nothing. Arruda bumps up to 288,000, just behind Radoja now who has 295,000. --JS

5:19pm: Pretty Gross for Nordh
Level 15 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

Gustav Nordh will have a battle to get into the money after he dropped to 38,500 by doubling up Jeff Gross.

Nordh opened to 12,000 from early position and then moved all in after Gross three-bet to 31,000 from the button. The latter called all in for 139,500.

Nordh: [jc][jh]
Gross: [kd][kc]

The board ran [ts][9c][9d][qd][kh] to hand Gross a full house. He blew out a sigh of relief and sat back down. --MC


Gross grabs some

5:13pm: Level 15 begins; 44 left
Level 15 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

Level 15 is underway. Two more one-hour levels and they'll be taking a dinner break. --MH

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4:55pm: Break time


The remaining players are taking another 15-minute break. --MH

4:54pm: Sam Greenwood eliminated
Level 14 - Blinds 2,000-4,000 (500 ante)

Sam Greenwood is no longer in the pack as he's been eliminated but Christoph Vogelsang. Sam Chartier was kind enough to fill in the blog on some of the details.

Vogelsang opened from the cutoff and called when Greenwood three-bet from the small blind. The flop fanned [kd][7d][6h] and Greenwood continued. Call. On the [kh] turn Greenwood check-called all in with [ad][5d]. Vogelsang had the other flush draw with [ah][qh] and improved to it on the [8h] river.

Vogelsang gave a lot of those chips back the very next hand. He opened and called after Romain Lewis moved all in for 64,800 from the small blind with [ah][9h]. Vogelsang opened [kh][qc] but the board came a French flavoured [as][2d][6h][2s][8c]. -- MC


Down one Greenwood

4:53pm: Wham, bam, thank you Shyam (says Billard)
Level 14 - Blinds 2,000-4,000 (500 ante)

A huge pot just played out between Francois Billard and Shyam Srinivasan. A flurry of raises ended with Billard four-bet shoving for 151,000 with pocket queens and Srinivasan snap-calling with [Ac][Kh].

The [3s][4d][Js][4h][6c] board meant Srinivasan handed over the vast majority of his chips to the Canadian as he's down to 46,000. --NW

4:47pm: Elevating Lebedev now among the big stacks
Level 14 - Blinds 2,000-4,000 (500 ante)

Sergey Lebedev has been on a good run since returning from the last break. Incidentally, the next break isn't far away, coming in about 10 minutes when this level concludes.

In one big hand he busted Or Hadad with pocket aces against Hadad's pocket queens for a half-million pot. Then Lebedev just picked up a pot from Luc Greenwood where Greenwood bluffed the river on a [5h][2d][3d][td][jd] board with [ac][ks]. Lebedev called with just [6d][6h] and his diamond won it.

Lebedev now has 600,000. --JS

4:41pm: Luc Greenwood backhanded by Palma
Level 14 - Blinds 2,000-4,000 (500 ante)

"You actually had a hand this time, I'm impressed -- not ace-deuce or king-eight!" needled Nick Palma to Luc Greenwood after the latter hit quads to double through him.

Greenwood had opened to 11,000 from the cutoff before Palma three-bet to 32,000 from the small blind. Greenwood then shoved and Palma said he didn't raise to fold and called all in for 129,500.

Greenwood: [ah][qs]
Palma: [7h][7c]

The flop fell [kc][5h][as] to see Greenwood take the lead, but Palma came storming back to make quads as the board ran out [7d], then [7s]. Palma is up around 270,000 now while Greenwood drops to just a little more than that with 280,000. --MC

4:38pm: Exits
Level 14 - Blinds 2,000-4,000 (500 ante)

Down to 46 now in the High Roller with Zvi Stern, Rui Ferreira, Joaa Simao, Jean Paul Zaffran, Bernardo Dias, Kyle Frey,Or Hadad, Fernando Brito, Rafael Da Silva Moraes, Anthony Zinno, Moshin Charania and Paul Dando among the latest players to bust out. --NW

4:35pm: It took him a while, but Radoja makes great call to bust Zisimopoulos
Level 14 - Blinds 2,000-4,000 (500 ante)

Georgios Zisimopoulos had shoved all in two hands in a row, but on the second time he'd get called and be behind. It was Mark Radoja who played executioner, even if it did take him a good few minutes and the clock being called to make the decision.

Zisimopoulos opened to 9,000 and Radoja three-bet to 25,000 on the button. Zisimopoulos then opted to four-bet jam for 89,400 and Radoja went into the tank.

After a few minutes, Zisimopoulos told him: "If you fold I show."

"If I call I'm really gambling," replied Radoja. "Do you wanna gamble?"

Zisimopoulos didn't respond but he did call the clock, so Radoja only had a minute to decide. About 40 seconds later he stuck a big stack of 5K chips in and the cards were on their backs.

Mark Radoja: [qs][9s]
Georgios Zisimopoulos: [th][9h]

It turned out to be a great call by Radoja as he was ahead with a better kicker to his nine. The flop paired both nines too - [ad][4s][9c]. The turn was the [8h] and the river the [2c], eliminating Zisimopoulos. "Good luck boys," he said as got his coat.

Radoja now has 530,000. --JS


Zisimopoulos down to zero

4:31pm: Bleiker building
Level 14 - Blinds 2,000-4,000 (500 ante)

From the hijack Mark Radoja opened to 9,000, Felix Bleiker called on the button, and Dario Samamrtino did likewise from the big blind.

The flop was a tasty looking [9c][Kc][Qs]. Radoja c-bet 11,500, but both he and Sammartino folded after Bleiker raised it up to 35,000. The Swiss player is up to 220,000, whilst Radoja has a very healthy 415,000. --NW

4:25pm: Akin vs Arne
Level 14 - Blinds 2,000-4,000 (500 ante)

It was a case of who'd blink first in a recent hand between Akin Tuna and Arne Coulier. The former opened to 10,000 in the cutoff and Coulier then came over the top with a raise to 24,500 on the button. It folded back round to Tuna and he pretty swiftly four-bet to 65,000 straight.

Coulier had about 89,000 back and decided to preserve that stack as he folded. Tuna is up to 230,000. --NW

4:18pm: Nordh doubles through Sam Greenwood
Level 14 - Blinds 2,000-4,000 (500 ante)

Sam Greenwood spent most of Day 1 at, or near, the top of the counts. He's back in the pack with 180,000 though after doubling up Gustav Nordh.

The Swede raised from the cutoff, then went on to bet 10,000, 25,000, then all in for 21,500 on a [5c][ts][7s][8c][5d] board. Greenwood was in the big blind and called all the way to the river where he tanked. He looked up at the sky and seemingly talked the hand through to himself. When he titled his head back down it was to reach for a calling chip.

Nordh opened [jh][jc] and Greenwood flashed his [8d][9d] before mucking. --MC

4:08pm: Ferreira is gone at the hands of Radoja; Nitsche gets stronger
Level 14 - Blinds 2,000-4,000 (500 ante)

Rui Ferreira jammed for his last 45,800 and was called by Mark Radoja on the button. Everyone else folded and the cards were on their backs: [as][8c] for Ferreira and [ahj][jh] for Radoja. No help came on the flop, turn or river for Ferreira and he was eliminated.

Meanwhile, Dominik Nitsche has extended his chip lead even further. --JS

Mark Radoja -- 460,000
Dominik Nitsche -- 570,000

3:55pm: Level 14 begins
Level 14 - Blinds 2,000-4,000 (500 ante)

The price of poker has just gone up. There are 49 players remaining. --MH

3:54pm: Nitsche busts Kurganov in super-aggro preflop battle
Level 13 - Blinds 1,500-3,000 (400 ante)

Wow, that escalated quickly.

Dominik Nitsche opened to 7,000 and Igor Kurganov put in a big 3-bet to 41,000. Nitsche then shoved and Kurganov called off his remaining stack for what looked to be roughly 160,000.

Igor Kurganov [ah][kd]
Dominik Nitsche [9h][9s]

The board ran out [3d][qh][4c][8c][7d] and Igor was no more. Nitsche meanwhile, is almost certainly our new chip leader with 530,000. --JS


Kurganov (center) has been cut down

3:52pm: Drinan down flush street
Level 13 - Blinds 1,500-3,000 (400 ante)

Connor Drinan had dropped to around 61,000 after he paid off Luiz Duarte, and his flush, on the river.

The latter had bet 32,100 from the small blind when the board read [7d][ah][jd][2d]. Drinan was in the hijack and made the call. The river came as [5s] and Duarte moved all in for 68,000. Drinan tanked for a few minutes before calling with [ad][tc]. It was no good as Duarte opened [8d][9d]. --MC

3:51pm: Adams heroes river, is right
Level 13 - Blinds 1,500-3,000 (400 ante)

Timothy Adams was deep in the tank by the time I arrived at the table. The Canadian had been set all in by Ariel Celestino and was thinking over his decision. He was starring at a [2d][Ah][2h][4s][Qd] board and there was a pot of somewhere in the region of 72,500 in the middle.

Adams had 54,400 back and the conclusion he came to was that they, too, should go into the pot. Celestino showed [Kh][9h] for the busted flush draw, whilst Adams had [Kd][Qh] for the winning hand. He's up to around 185,000 whilst Celestino slips to 65,000. --NW

3:35pm: Luc loving those rivers
Level 13 - Blinds 1,500-3,000 (400 ante)

Luc Greenwood sat in his seat, thinking long and hard over whether he should call all in or not. He had 22 big blinds and had been asked the question for all of them.

The action had folded around to Sylvain Loosli in the small blind and he set his Canadian opponent all in. It took around three minutes before Greenwood flicked in a chip to indicate a call.

Loosli: [ac][7d]
Greenwood: [kd][8d]

The board ran [4c][ts][jc][7h][8h] with Greenwood getting out of it on the river. Loosli dropped to 61,000.

Word reached blogging row that Greenwood was up to his old tricks the very next hand. The action folded around to him in the small blind and he moved all in with [ac][2s]. Fernando Brito was in the big blind with fewer chips and called all in with [ad][qs]. The board ran [6s][8c][9s][ks][2c] to hit Greenwood on the river again! He moved up to 225,000 as Brito was moved out. --MC

3:21pm: Prize pool and payouts
Level 13 - Blinds 1,500-3,000 (400 ante)

Here's a full look at those payouts. The top 27 finishers are dividing up a €1,794,500 total prize pool. --MH

1st - €397,500
2nd - €268,270
3rd - €184,650
4th - €150,550
5th - €120,050
6th - €92,240
7th - €67,120
8th - €48,630
9th - €40,200
10th-11th - €34,100
12th-15th - €29,610
16th-17th - €24,220
18th-20th - €21,530
21st-23rd - €19,740
24th-27th - €17,950

3:14pm: Geilich gone
Level 13 - Blinds 1,500-3,000 (400 ante)

Ludovic Geilich just ran pocket kings into the pocket aces of Joao Vieira, and following a queen-high runout Geilich is out and Vieira up to 270,000. --MH


Ludovic Geilich is gone

3:02pm: So long, Soulier
Level 13 - Blinds 1,500-3,000 (400 ante)

Fabrice Soulier was just all in and at risk with pocket jacks against the ace-king of Marco Leonzio. Alas for Soulier, Leonzio won the race and the Frenchman is out.

Leonzio is up to 175,000 with 60 players remaining. --MH


Soulier sunk

2:57pm: Mercier moves in front
Level 13 - Blinds 1,500-3,000 (400 ante)

Team PokerStars Pro Jason Mercier had a profitable first two levels today, moving up in the counts to claim first position with 61 players left to begin Level 13. He's up to 375,000 now.

Mark Radoja has also moved way up over the 350,000 mark, while Dominik Nitsche sits just behind with about 345,000. Be sure to the chip counts page for the latest chip movement. --MH


Jason jumps in front

2:55pm: Level 13 begins
Level 13 - Blinds 1,500-3,000 (400 ante)

Players are back and play has resumed. --MH

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2:40pm: Break time; 61 remain

The remaining 61 players are taking their first 15-minute break of the day. --MH

2:35pm: Stern's ticked off about clock
Level 12 - Blinds 1,200-2,400 (300 ante)

Zvi Stern is not happy right now, having branded the fact that the clock was called on him "rude".

We're not sure who did the clock-calling, but here was the situation. Stern faced a big river three-bet from Ariel Celestino of around 60,000 with the board showing the [4c][kc][9s][5d][7d]. He'd obviously been taking his time in other hands prior to this, and his three-and-a-half minute decision was the last straw.

About 30 seconds of the clock ticked down before Stern made the call and Celestino flipped over [kd][9c] for top two. Stern insta-mucked and then made his complaint.

"It was not rude," said Team PokerStars Pro Jason Mercier, one of Stern's tablemates. "I think that every person would vote that you had long enough." --JS

Zvi Stern -- 145,000
Ariel Celestino -- 141,000


He was given a Stern talking to...

2:24pm: Kanit can't collect double in Dublin
Level 12 - Blinds 1,200-2,400 (300 ante)

Connor Drinan raised from the small blind and Mustapha Kanit reraised his short stack all in from the big blind, earning a quick call from Drinan.

Drinan: [Js][Jd]
Kanit: [Ac][7s]

Kanit began rubbing his hole cards back and forth on the felt in anticipation of the flop, as if to conjure good things. The flop wasn't so bad for him, coming [5d][8h][4c] to provide a gutshot possibility.

"Wow," said Kanit.

The turn was pretty good, too, pairing him up with the [7d].

"Send it!" Kanit petitioned the dealer.

But the [5c] river didn't help the Italian, and he's out.


I lose? What is happening, bro?

With 64 players left, Drinan is up to 155,000. --MH

2:15pm: NOW he talks
Level 12 - Blinds 1,200-2,400 (300 ante)

Fabrice Soullier was tangled up in a hefty pot with Samuel Vousden from Finland. Soullier began the pot with an open to 6,000 before Vousden 3-bet to 14,000. Soullier called and the two saw the [th][6h][5d] flop. It went check-check, and the [td] hit the turn. Now Soullier led for 17,500 and Vousden called. The river came the [4h] and Soullier checked, and now Vousden put out a big bet of 59,000.

Soullier went deep into the tank on this one. He was chatting to Vousden, trying to get him to mutter anything of significance, but he got nothing out of him.

He eventually folded, and after someone said nice hand to Vousden he responded with "Thanks".

"Oh, so now you talk huh?" said Soullier, jokingly.

"I'm just not as talkative as you," replied Vousden.

Soullier thought for a moment and said: "Well, maybe that's because your hand was better, huh?"

Fabrice Soullier 80,000
Samuel Vousden 195,000 -JS

2:05pm: Nordh beats Vieira
Level 12 - Blinds 1,200-2,400 (300 ante)

Joao Vieira opened to 6,400 and found one caller in Gustav Nordh. We saw a [kh][8c][ac] flop and Vieira c-betted for the same 6,400 after it was checked to him. Nordh made the call and the turn was the [tc]. Nordh checked again and now the bet from Vieira was 11,800. It would be called and the [3s] landed on the river. Both checked and Nordh flipped over [as][jd] for top pair. It was good. -- JS

Gustav Nordh -- 190,000
Joao Vieira -- 82,000

2:01pm: Leonard loses, Ghassan gathers
Level 12 - Blinds 1,200-2,400 (300 ante)

Patrick Leonard got the last of his stack in on the turn with the board showing [2h][Th][7h][Ts] and Leonard holding [Ah][7d] for tens and sevens plus a flush draw. Too bad for him, Ibrahim Ghassan had [Kc][Tc] for trip tens, and after the [5s] river Leonard was eliminated. Ghassan is up around 145,000 now. --MH

1:51pm: Either/or situation for Dvoress ends in favor of Or
Level 12 - Blinds 1,200-2,400 (300 ante)

Following a [4h][6d][Tc] flop, Daniel Dvoress was all in with his short stack versus Or Hadad. Either Daniel's [Kd][Td] would hold up, or Or's [Jh][Th] would outdraw him.

The [Jc] that spiked on the turn meant the latter option had come true, giving Hadad two pair, and after the [Qh] river Dvoress was eliminated. Hadad now has about 225,000. --MH

1:40pm: Simao doubles through Mercier
Level 12 - Blinds 1,200-2,400 (300 ante)

With the board reading [tc][4h][2c], Mercier had put out a bet of 7,000 and Brazil's Joao Simao shoved for his last 31,100. Mercier made the call with pocket sevens but was trailing the [td][9d] of Simao. The [6s] turn and [ac] river changed nothing. --JS

Jason Mercier -- 105,000
Joao Simao -- 62,000

1:36pm: Vamplew sent home
Level 12 - Blinds 1,200-2,400 (300 ante)

David Vamplew has been knocked out at the hands of Mark Radoja, who finished third in the Single-Day €10K and came into Day 2 in this event 2nd in chips.

Vamplew stuck the last of his chips in with the [qs][6s] on a [js][8s][6d][kd] board, and was unsurprisingly called by Radoja with his pocket jacks. The river was the [6h], giving Vamplew a pointless set and improving Radoja to a boat.

Radoja now has 303,000. --JS

1:34pm: Level 12 begins
Level 12 - Blinds 1,200-2,400 (300 ante)

Just 75 players remain as Level 12 gets underway, with Nick Petrangelo and Antonio Ferreira the last couple of players eliminated. Meanwhile Dominik Nitsche has added a few to stay in the chip lead. He has about 315,000 now.


Dominating Dominik

You can check the live chip counts page for updates on where the chips are going. --MH

1:21pm: Stern takes a big pot from Adams
Level 11 - Blinds 1,000-2,000 (300 ante)

Timothy Adams opened to 5,000 (for the second hand in a row), which found three callers in Zvi Stern, Ariel Celestino and Francois Billard.

The dealer put out a [tc][3s][jc] flop, which both Billard and Adams would check. That allowed Stern to open the aggresion with a 7,800 bet, and only Adams would call.

We saw the [6d] on the turn, and here's where the pot grew substantially. Adams checked once more and Stern continued for 16,800, but now Adams opted to 3-bet to 44,000. Stern didn't budge.

To the river we went - the [3c]. Adams checked for a third and final time and then folded to Stern's 46,000 bet.

That takes Stern up to 225,000, while Adams dips to 70,000. --JS

1:11pm: Chance a chancer
Level 11 - Blinds 1,000-2,000 (300 ante)

Chance Kornuth is among the latest to fall here in the early going on Day 2 after tangling with Luuk Gieles over a pot and being unsuccessful. Kornuth joins Darrell Goh, Emil Ekvardt, and Luis Rodriguez Cruz on the rail. Gieles, meanwhile, jumps up over 250,000.

After busting, Kornuth has wandered back to the tournament area and is chatting with those still in about taking pieces.
"You can take a piece of me, Chance," called Dietrich Fast just after losing small one to chip leader Dominik Nitsche. "I'm cheap!" he added with a grin.

A smiling Chance is considering Fast's offer. --MH

1:05pm: Full treble up for Neuville; just a double for Frey
Level 11 - Blinds 1,000-2,000 (300 ante)

2015 November Niner Pierre Neuville just locked up a rather nice treble up. He came in to the day short, but now sits with a playable stack of 30 big blinds.

Georgios Zisimopoulos kicked things off with an open to 4,500 and Felix Bleiker called from the small blind. Pierre Neuville then took this opportunity from the big blind to get his last 18,800 into the middle, and both Zisimopoulos and Bleiker called.

The flop came [7d][qd][jh], and Zisimopoulos and Bleiker commenced the side pot, although not much would happen. Both checked the flop, then Zisimopoulos put out a bet on the [9h] turn and Bleiker gave it up, so the cards were on their backs.

Pierre Neuville [qh][qc]
Georgios Zisimopoulos [qs][9s]

The river was an inconsequential [4h] and Neuville shot up to 60,000.

The next hand saw Kyle Frey double through Zisimopoulos. The two got it all-in after Zisimopoulos made it 5,000, and Frey shoved for 46,100. It was the [as][qc] for Frey which had out-run Zisimopoulos' [8d][8h] on the [2h][ac][6c][9d][9c] board. --JS

Kyle Frey -- 95,500
Georgios Zisimopoulos -- 35,000

12:56pm: Money, money, money
Level 11 - Blinds 1,000-2,000 (300 ante)

With late registration now closed, we can share information about the prize pool and payouts.

The total of 185 entries (140 uniques, 45 re-entries) generated a total prize pool of €1,794,500 that will be divided among the top 27 finishers. A min-cash will be worth €17,950, while the winner is scheduled to receive a nifty €397,500. --MH

12:49pm: MacDonnell, Watson out
Level 11 - Blinds 1,000-2,000 (300 ante)

Marc MacDonnell and Mike Watson are among the early busts here on Day 2, reducing the field to 82 players. --MH

12:42pm: Two black aces for Drinan
Level 11 - Blinds 1,000-2,000 (300 ante)

Connor Drinan raised to 5,000 from under the gun, then watched Alex Difelice three-bet to 12,500 from the button. Drinan called, and the pair both checked after the [9c][6c][7d] flop and again after the [Td] turn.

At the [9s] river Drinan fired 18,000, and after some thought Difelice called. Drinan tabled [As][Ac] and Difelice mucked. Drinan is up to 170,000 now while Difelice slips to just over 37,000. --MH


Connor Drinan

12:36pm: Three returners and one newcomer
Level 11 - Blinds 1,000-2,000 (300 ante)

It looks like just four new players joined the field to start today's Day 2. Bryn Kenney, Rafael Moraes, and Kevin Killeen all re-entered to start play today, while Scott Margereson -- who finished 19th in the EPT12 Dublin Main Event yesterday -- has joined the field for the first time.

That brings the total number of entries to 185. Prize pool information should arrive before too long, and we'll forward that along when it does. --MH

12:34pm: Day 2 begins
Level 11 - Blinds 1,000-2,000 (300 ante)

Day 2 has begun! Back shortly with a report on the under-the-wire entries and re-entries. --MH


Time to unbag the chips, and unleash the poker

11:55am: Nitsche leads €10K High Rollers into Day 2

Welcome back to the Royal Dublin Society where the €10K High Roller moves into its second day of play. Dominik Nitsche has already won the UKIPT High Roller and taken second in the EPT Dublin €10K Single-Day High Roller, and after a fruitful first day for the German yesterday carries the chip lead into Day 2. Here's a look at the top of the leaderboard to start play today:

1. Dominik Nitsche (Germany) -- 305,600
2. Mark Radoja (Canada) -- 280,000
3. Jerry Odeen (Sweden) -- 250,000
4. Sam Greenwood (Canada) -- 248,300
5. Ben Heath (UK) -- 240,300
6. Felix Bleiker (Switzerland) -- 212,000
7. Vladas Tamasuaskas (Lithuania) -- 198,100
8. Jason Mercier (USA) -- 189,300
9. Sam Chartier (Canada) -- 187,400
10. Luuk Gieles (Netherlands) -- 185,500

Also returning to big stacks are Ariel Celestino, Shyam Srinivasan, Kevin MacPhee, Jeff Gross, and the EPT Dublin 25K High Roller champion Mustapha Kanit. You can click here for a full list of chip counts from the end of Day 1.

Additionally, click here for a look through the Day 1 live updates, and click here for the Day 1 recap.

Late registration and the last chance to re-enter ends with the start of play today, so we'll soon know just how many entries there are as well as prize pool information. They'll play six one-hour levels today, take a one-hour dinner break, then come back for four or five more levels or stop if they get to an eight-handed final table.

Play begins a little over a half-hour from now. Join us then for start-to-finish coverage of Day 2! --MH


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Take a look at the official website of the EPT, with tournament schedule, news, results and accommodation details for the rest of the season.

Also all the schedule information is on the EPT App, which is available on both Android or IOS.

PokerStars Blog reporting team on the EPT12 Dublin €10K High Roller Day 2: Marc Convey (rhythm guitar, vocals), Martin Harris (lead guitar), Jack Stanton (bass), and Nick Wright (drums and percussion). Photography by Jules Pochy. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter:@PokerStarsBlog

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