Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Brazil wins first Americas Cup of Poker

acop-thumb.jpgThere was a time when people believed poker belonged to America. When they said "America" they discounted everything but the "United States of..."

To be fair, the USA is where poker rose to popularity, but these days the game belongs to the world. Still, PokerStars saw fit to hold a competition to see which country in the Americas--that's North, South, and everything in between--could claim poker as their own.

Tonight, that honor goes to Brazil.


PokerStars took its newest creation, the Americas Cup of Poker, about as far south as it could. Bariloche, Argentina played home to the competition over the last few days. The semi-finals saw the final four teams head into competition to fight for the $100,000 first prize.

In the first matchup, Team Canada faced Team Argentina in a series of six heads-up matches. The result? A tie. To determine a winner, the two team captains faced off in a two-hour marathon that ended in spectacular fashion.

Argentina's Leo Fernandez raised from the small blind to 1,100 and Canada's Darus Suharto re-raised to 2,700. Fernandez tanked for a moment before pushing the rest of his chips into the middle.

Fernandez: [As][4s]
Suharto: [Qd][Qh]

The flop ran out [Th][6d][9s]. Suharto remained in the lead, and looked good for the win after the [2d] fell on the turn. Then...the river...the [Ac]. The ballroom exploded and Argentina moved on to the finals.


The fight between Costa Rica and Brazil went much the same way. The heads-up matches ended in a tie and forced team captains Humberto Brenes and Alex Gomes to battle head to head. That match ended after an hour when Gomes made two pair to Brenes' turned top pair.

It was as if fate willed the match up. Saturday will see the two rival countries Brazil and Argentina face off on the pitch. The Americas Cup of Poker would see the same battle.


It would end in fairly unspectacular fashion, however. In the end, Argentina's Leo Fernandez couldn't make ace-nine hold up against Brazil's K-8 and Brazil walked away with the the Americas Cup title.


Congrats to our friends from Brazil on once again proving their place in the poker world.

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