Monday, January 26, 2015

Weekend brings two new Spin & Go millionaires

There is a scene in the movie Casino in which Sam Rothstein corners his slots manager at The Tangiers casino. Rothstein demands to know why the slots manager didn't call him when three people hit jackpots in twenty minutes.

"It happened so quick!" the slots manager protested."Three guys won! I didn't have a chance to call you!"

This weekend on PokerStars was not unlike what happened in The Tangiers that day.

After waiting for what seemed like forever for the first-ever $1 million PokerStars Spin & Go, it happened last week when a handyman from southern Russia won $1 million.

At the time, someone on Twitter quipped, "It's probably the last one, too."

Not so, my snarky friend. Not so. In fact, if Sam Rothstein were around this morning, he'd have us all cornered.

Over the weekend, PokerStars had not one but two brand new $1 million Spin & Go winners.


On Saturday Tornádo111 of the Czech Republic beat out newann and RusGreen for the $1 million first prize. He did it in a fashion that will likely have his opponents grumbling for some time, first besting newann's A♠K♣ with A♣T♣ all in pre-flop (Tornádo111 flopped his ten), and then calling RusGreen's all in for less than four big blinds. RusGreen held A♥2♥, but Tornádo111's 6♥5♦ made a straight by the river. That left Tornádo111 with the million and the other two with $100,000 apiece.

You can watch it all in the video below.

Then, the very next day (the very next day!), Canada's anushan_2323 did it again. He beat out Sweden's ChipsMongot and Germany's jukebox72 for the jackpot first prize. The all-in battles swung the advantage back and forth for many hands, but it started to come together for anushan_2323 when his A♥T♣ held up against jukebox72's A♣8♥. Then after trading the advantage for a few hands with ChipsMongot, anushan_2323 won a race with A♣K♦ versus 8♥8♠ for the million-dollar win.

Indeed, it all happened so fast, our graphics department had just finished creating this handy little picture to explain how cool the first win was!

First $1m Spin & Go winner infographic.jpg

And now, there are three! Three million-dollar winners in a week!

We're not entirely sure on the odds of all that happening so quickly, but we're not going to question it, no matter what the late Mr. Rothstein might have wanted.

Congrats to the newest $1 million winners!

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