Tuesday, January 13, 2015

ANZPT6 Melbourne Day 3: Fifteen minutes of fury

"In fifteen minutes, we'll have a twenty big blind average. That's crazy!" commented eagle-eyed blogger Joshua Bell as we approached the end of Level 25 and wondered when the eight-handed deadlock would be broken.

The past two hours had seen plenty of all-ins, a few suckouts, but somehow zero eliminations as our eight combatants dug their heels in on this ANZPT Melbourne final table.

Dylan Honeyman and Wayde Rickhuss were right in the thick of the action, as they both won and lost some crucial all-ins. Rickhuss won a big coinflip with ace-king against the pocket tens of Gabriel Messo to leave the local player on the short stack.

Moments later, the deadlock was broken and the floodgates opened.

Messo was unable to recover from the blow as he moved all in with K♣T♠ and Luke Spano called with T♦T♥. The board arrived Q♠2♥5♦7♣9♣ and Messo was left to exit in 8th place for $25,800 in prize money.


Gabriel Messo - 8th place

The accordion effect then kicked in as the short stacks then went a little crazy having climbed a pay jump. Corey Kempson survived a dramatic all-in making a backdoor straight with king-queen to better Dylan Honeyman's ace-king, and if that was fortunate, it was nothing compared to the double elimination just moments later.

Honeyman was short-stacked and moved all in with A♦2♥ before Kempson shipped all-in to isolate with his A♥Q♠. The only problem was that Vincent Chua wanted to get in on the action as he called off his tournament life with J♦J♣.

The flop was a monotone 6♠9♠5♠ to leave Chua in front but it was the K♠ turn which sent the rail into raptures as Kempson had found a flush, leaving both opponents drawing dead. The A♣ river was the exclamation point as both Honeyman (7th - $33,500) and Chua (6th - $43,800) were sent crashing to the rail on the very same hand!


Dylan Honeyman - 7th place

Wow. So much for a twenty BB average! In fifteen minutes of fury we'd gone from eight to five as we all take a moment to catch our collective breath.

It's Dennis Huntly still out in front with 3.1 million but he's starting to feel the heat as these young stallions start to make their move. Corey Kempson is up to 2.85 million, Edison Nguyen has 1.95 million, Luke Spano is on 1.5 million while Wayde Rickhuss has some work ahead of him as the short stack with 580,000.

Heath "TassieDevil" Chick is a Freelance Contributor for the PokerStars Blog.

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Read More... [Source: PokerStarsBlog.com :: Australia New Zealand Poker Tour]

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