Saturday, January 24, 2015

Eureka4 Prague: Level 17-20 updates (6,000/12,000/2,000) sport betting and casino

For updates on levels 14-16 please click here

For a recap of the day's action, click here

12.16am: Last three hands
There will be three more hands tonight and then the tournament will restart tomorrow at 12pm CET. 57 players remain at this point.

12.07am: Garcia loses out to Blanco
Huge pot for Lucas Blanco, he was all in on a 7♥9♥5♠ flop with 9♠5♣ against Jose Carlos Garcia's 5♥3♥ but the Pole couldn't hit a heart on the 6♦ turn or J♦ river. The pot was worth over a million in chips and former chip leader Garcia was knocked down to below 700,000.

11.51pm: Davey done
Dara Davey is out after losing a flip. His 6♣6♦ was no match for Kamil Pas' A♥K♦ on a 3♦A♦J♠3♥4♠ board.

Michael Rutzmoser is also out, his last chips went in with J♠8♥ but lost out to Balasz Botond's T♦T♣.

11.44pm: Hit the mat
Emil Mattson is the latest player to fall, he was in for his last few chips with J♣5♦ against Kacper Pyzara's A♠K♥. The board came A♣Q♣K♠8♦9♠ and Pyzara added more to his stack.


Former UKIPT winner Sergio Aido is looking to make another deep run

11.30pm: Level 20 - 6,000/12,000 (2,000)
This is the last level of the day.

11.23pm: Fara finished
Tomas Fara, the chip leader at the start of the day, is out. He was all in preflop against Ivan Sebeledi and Viacheslav Igin but Fara's T♦5♦ couldn't beat Sebeledi's 6♠2♠ by the river of a 6♥J♠8♥2♣T♣ board.

Sebeledi has around 1.1 million and is among the chip leaders. 75 players are left.

11.10pm: All gone Scheidt
Erik Scheidt, who made the final table at Eureka4 Vienna, has just been knocked out by Jose Carlos Garcia. The Pole led for 18,000 on an 8♥6♠Q♣ flop and then called Scheidt's raise to 52,000. Garcia then set Scheidt in on the T♠ turn and the German made the call with K♥Q♥. Garcia turned over 9♣7♣ for a straight and Scheidt was already walking away before the A♦ river.

Garcia is back up to 1.1 million.

10.53pm: Big flip for Sarikaya
Cetin Sarikaya is up to 440,000. The Turkish player just won a big coinflip with 6♦6♠ against Jose Carlos Garcia's A♦K♣ on a J♥2♠5♦5♣9♦ board. The Polish player, who was over a million in chips, is back down to 900,000.

10.46pm: Varavka stayin' alive
Aleksandr Varavka is managing to survive somehow. He was down to just 6,000 and stayed in the game with K♣7♦ against J♠6♠ and now just doubled up to 60,000 after his A♠J♠ held against Daniel Erlandsson's J♣9♥.

10.42pm: No Shorr thing
The tournament is down to 81 players with Shannon Shorr among the latest casualties.

10.35pm: Level 19 - 5,000/10,000 (1,000)
This is the penultimate level of the day.

10.20pm: Break time
Players are on their final 15-minute break of the day.

10.18pm: Nealon out
Fergal Nealon is out, his Q♦T♦ couldn't get there by the river of a J♠3♦5♣9♦3♥ board against Michael Rutzmoser's A♥A♣. "Tell them I got it in on the turn," bluffed Nealon with a smile, having actually simply shoved preflop.

10.10pm: Keles killed
Alaettin Keles was out of his chair by the turn of a 4♣8♥T♣Q♦ board as he been all in preflop with Q♥Q♣ against Balasz Botond's K♠K♣, the river however, was the K♦ and the Hungarian won the pot and knocked out Keles.


The poker room at the EPT Prague Festival

9.53pm: A million strong
Antonin Duda and Periklis Charmpilas are both over the one-million mark. Duda has 1,150,000 at this point while Charmpilas is on 1,135,000.

9.41pm: Laxed
Mateusz Martewicz is the latest player out, eliminated in 104th place. He pushed with A♠Q♦ but lost out to Logi Laxdal's 4♥4♦ on a 5♣6♦K♠T♣7♥ board. The Icelandic player is up to 525,000

9.27pm: Big stacks and notables
Cemil Doganyilmaz is the current chip leader with 970,000 ahead of Jose Carlos Garcia (900,000). Other notables:

Fergal Nealon - 170,000
Jonas Mackoff - 320,000
Dario Sammartino - 300,000
Shannon Shorr - 150,000
Sergio Aido - 656,000

9.10pm: Level 18 - 4,000/8,000 (1,000)
There will be three more levels tonight including this one.

8.57pm: An open and Shut case
Shut Dzmitry just suffered the full range of emotions that poker can give you. First he reshoved with A♣A♠ against Carlo Emeringer's A♦K♦ but the latter managed to make a straight on a 3♣T♠J♠Q♥7♦ board.

Dzmitry was short but then managed to double with A♥6♥ against Emeringer's T♠T♣ barely two hands later when he rivered an ace.

Finally Dzmitry shoved again, this time with A♥8♣. Emeringer and Olivier Decamps got all their chips in with A♠K♦ and A♦K♠ respectively and the two larger stacks chopped up the Belarussian's chips on a T♠Q♣7♠J♥6♥ board.

8.45pm: Donev done
Ivo Donev shoved all in for his last 50,000 or so with K♥J♣ and he was immediately called by Jakub Debiczak in the next seat. The Pole turned over A♣Q♣ and managed to fade a lot of outs by the river of an 8♣J♥A♥4♥Q♠ board.

8.34pm: Bui down
After losing an all-in showdown with pocket threes to pocket jacks, Oanh Bui shoved over the top of a raise with 9♣9♦ only to find Kamil Pas reshoving behind her. The initial raiser folded and Pas showed A♥Q♣, winning out on a 2♥4♥4♠J♣Q♦ board.


Oanh Bui was just eliminated

8.24pm: Shorrt
Shannon Shorr is down to 75,000 after he thought long and hard about Scott Margereson's 43,000 river bet on an 8♠7♣7♦J♦5♠ board. Eventually the American called but then mucked when Margereson turned over 9♥7♥.

8.14pm: Level 17 - 3,000/6,000 (1,000)
After an excellent 75-minute dinner break, the players are back in their seats.


The bubble burst earlier this evening

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