Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday Million: geramas.G grinds out a $210k score

A robust crowd of 7,919 players bought in to this week's Sunday Million, the prize pool topping out at $1,583,800.00. 1,170 places were paid with first place set to earn $237,574.32. Some of the 19 Red Spades within the field were Jake Cody, Marcel Luske, Christian De Leon, Vicky Coren, Joe Cada, Nacho Barbero, Andre Akkari, Fatima Moreira De Melo and George Lind III. However Team Online's Tyler "frosty012" Frost (1,050th) was the one one to cash.

Blinds were as much as 150,000/300,000 with ten players remaining. Short stack Skeiedk open-shoved 1.46 million from the cutoff and aces up4108 called with A♦7♣ at the button. Skeiedk's Q♦3♦ didn't improve at the K♥6♥5♣2♣6♣ board, ending his run at the final table bubble.

Sun Million FT 011914.jpg

Final table chip counts

Seat 1: DafDaf1986 (14,561,139 in chips)
Seat 2: SvenskTruita (3,519,640 in chips)
Seat 3: blackaces93 (12,234,597 in chips)
Seat 4: sandal1968 (6,652,127 in chips)
Seat 5: d-mon-d (4,654,826 in chips)
Seat 6: M ad 04M ax (16,643,381 in chips)
Seat 7: alextoon1 (6,053,783 in chips)
Seat 8: aces up4108 (7,581,019 in chips)
Seat 9: geramas.G (7,289,488 in chips)

d-mon-d, sandal1968 exit early

D-mon-d, a Norwegian with a runner-up finish within the Sunday 500 and a WCOOP final table under his belt, came into today's final table because the second-shortest stack, but was the primary player eliminated. With the blinds as much as 200,000/400,000, blackaces93 shoved for 6.9 million at the button and d-mon-d looked him up with A♦J♦ within the big blind. Although blackaces93's A♥5♠ was dominated, he caught a five at the flop and two pair at the turn. Unlucky d-mon-d found himself at the rail in ninth place when the board ran out 7♥5♥2♦2♥9♣.

Three hands later, sandal1968 looked down at A♦K♥ and open-shoved for 3.93 million from the hijack. Alextoon1 reshoved for 5.73 million at the button with T♠T♥ and both blinds folded. Alextoon1 won the coinflip, the board finishing 9♥8♦2♥3♥3♦ to send sandal1968 home in eighth place.

SvenskTruita stays alive, geramas.G doubles

Short stack SvenskTruita stayed alive by doubling twice, first through aces up4108 when K♠Q♦ dominated K♥T♣, and later via DafDaf1986 with Q♠Q♥ holding against A♥8♦.

Geramas.G surged ahead way to a lucky flop. Holding J♣J♦ vs. M ad 04M ax's A♠A♦, geramas.G hit top set when the flop landed J♥3♦2♠, snapping off pocket aces. Geramas.G slyly checked the flop and M ad 04M ax checked back. Geramas.G bet 1.6 million at the 8♦ turn and fired another 2.8 million when the 5♣ rivered. M ad 04M ax raised to 6.4 million and geramas.G called all-in for 2.57 million only to turn his opponent the bad news. Geramas.G moved as much as second in chips with 17.6 million, just behind DafDaf1986's 18.9 million.

blackaces93 finishes off aces up4108 in seventh

Left with lower than 5 million after doubling up SvenskTruita, aces up4108 struggled to realize traction. With 4.68 million left on the 250,000/500,000 level, aces up4108 found pocket eights and open-shoved, only to run into blackaces93's pocket jacks within the big blind. Aces up4108 didn't improve and hit the rail in seventh place, good for $31,676.00.

DafDaf1986 goes from first to sixth

Geramas.G kept the pressure on and ground his way into the chip lead with 19.5 million, surpassing DafDaf1986, who was still close behind with 18.1 million. However, geramas.G took down a 12.3 million pot when he turned kings up against DafDaf1986, leaving him on 12.1 million in chips. Geramas.G moved as much as 27.8 million and seized the chip lead.

The blinds rose to 300,000/600,000 and DafDaf1986 slid to 8.3 million before he opened for a min-raise with A♠7♦. Blackaces93 shoved for 8.9 million from the massive blind and DafDaf1986 called, only to look at him reveal T♠T♥. DafDaf1986 didn't improve at the K♠6♦6♥Q♦9♠ board and was eliminated in sixth place, earning $47,514.00.

geramas.G vanquishes M ad 04M ax, blackaces93 busts alextoon1

Down to just six big blinds, SvenskTruita called all-in with A♠2♣ within the big blind when geramas.G made a small blind shove with J♦4♦. SvenskTruita's ace-high was good at the Q♥8♠5♣6♣T♥ board and he doubled to 9.67 million.

Only moments later, geramas.G rebounded after which some. With the blidns as much as 400,000/800,000, M ad 04M ax opened for a min-raise to 1.6 million and geramas.G looked down at A♣A♦. Geramas.G three-bet to 4 million, M ad 04M ax shoved for 9.16 million and geramas.G snap-called. M ad 04M ax's Q♥J♥ didn't improve and he went out in fifth place, collecting $63,352.00.

Meanwhile, alextoon1 had fallen to simply 7.8 million in chips and called all-in from the large blind with J♥T♦ when blackaces93 made a small blind shove. Blackaces93 was behind with the lowly T♥6♣, but caught a couple of sixes at the turn to finish alextoon1's run in fourth place ($79,823.52).

Chop it three ways

As play turned three-handed, blackaces93 led with 39.7 million, geramas.G was a powerful second with 30.3 million and SvenskTruita, the shortest stack to start out the overall table, was still hanging on with 9.2 million.

Blackaces93 took a major 36.5 million pot off geramas.G when his K♦6♦ rivered a king-high straight, but geramas.G got it back three hands later once they got their money in on a K♥3♦4♣ flop. Geramas.G's top pair with K♦Q♠ held on vs. blackaces93's OESD with 2♣5♠ and he doubled back as much as 37.2 million.

Shortly thereafer, SvenskTruita open-shoved for 6.95 million from the small blind and blackaces93 called with 3♣3♦ within the big. However, SvenskTruita's Q♦6♦ turned a couple of sixes, good for a double-up to 14.1 million.

At that point, blackaces93 suggested they discuss a possible deal. Both SvenskTruita and geramas.G agreed and the action was paused. Here is a take a look at how they stacked up:

geramas.G 37,223,820
blackaces93 27,904,564
SvenskTruita 14,061,616

After final table hose Tyler "frosty012" Frost presented both chip counts and ICM numbers, the overall three agreed to a modified ICM chop that awarded an additional $5,000 to chip leader geramas.G. With $20,000 still to play for, cards went back within the air.

geramas.G eliminates blackaces93 in third

Only three hands after the action resumed, blackaces93 four-bet shoved for 26.7 million with A♠T♣ and geramas.G called with Q♠Q♦. Geramas.G's pocket queens held up at the K♥8♥5♣5♠9♣ board, busting blackaces93 in third place. Way to the deal, blackaces93 departed with $170,164.00, just in need of second-place money.

Heads-up chip counts

Seat 2: SvenskTruita (12,621,616 in chips)
Seat 9: geramas.G (66,568,384 in chips)

Geramas.G. brought a better-than 5 to one chip lead into heads-up play and didn't take long to complete off SvenskTruita. The money went in once both players picked up ace high, geramas.G's A♣T♥ winning the kicker war against SvenskTruita's A♥7♣.

Congratulations to Greece's geramas.G on his Sunday Million win! He banked $210,000.00 way to the three-way deal. Kudos also are as a result of SvenskTruita, who came into the overall table with 11 big blinds and spun it up right into a runner-up finish good for $150,413.32.

PokerStars Sunday Million results for 1-19-2014

Players: 7,919
Prizepool: $1,583,800.00
Places paid: 1,170

1. geramas.G (Greece) $210,000.00*
2. SvenskTruita (Sweden) $150,413.32*
3. blackaces93 (Poland) $170.164.00*
4. alextoon1 (Malta) $79,823.52
5. M ad 04M ax (Canada) $63.352.00
6. DafDaf1986 (Denmark) $47.514.00
7. aces up4108 (Japan) $31,676.00
8. sandal1968 (Russia) $18,213.70
9. d-mon-d (Norway) $12,274.45

*= reflects the result of a three-way deal that left $20,000 in play for the winner

Kristin Bihr is a contract contributor to the PokerStars Blog.

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