Now the seats are all empty; let the roadies take the stage... -- Jackson Browne & Bryan Garofalo
For most of our players, the PCA ends at the day of the overall table. Though to be fair, this year the PCA led to the roseate predawn of the day after the overall table.
But still, by Tuesday January 14th, the good majority of PCA guests had made their as far back as the Nassau airport and thence to destinations world wide. Some were headed for home and a well-recognized bed. Others were off to numerous poker tournaments that were underway elsewhere.
And then there has been Tony Gregg, tournament superstar: "I'LL a yoga retreat place at the other side of the island for 6 days. Do yoga, benefit from the sun, then head for the Aussie Millions. Why should I'M GOING home (Maryland, Usa) for per week and freeze?" With logic like that, you spot why the fellow wins poker tournaments.
But for many people, the work wasn't over. They're those who, two weeks ago, built a stage, a poker room, a bank (complete with safe), multiple poker TV sets, an advanced TV broadcasting system, and the entire other bits of infrastructure that make the PCA what it is.
Somebody has to rip all that down, pack it up, and ship it off to the appropriate places. A few of it's a part of the Atlantis convention hardware and stays right here, a few of it goes into storage, awaiting the following PCA, and the remaining is sent back to numerous PokerStars offices, where it is going to be used for upcoming tournaments and events.
It's not glamorous work, but it's crucial. Miles of Ethernet cable are coiled, strapped, and loaded into flight cases. A TV control deck, the hub of the wildly popular PCA webcast, is wrapped and packed away, able to be deployed on the EPT Grand Final in Monte Carlo.
A sea of chairs is stacked and loaded right into a storage area, only to reappear in a couple of days when the Sukup and Haley Automotive Group conventions come into town. Pallets filled with office equipment, wrapped in seemingly indestructible self-adhesive plastic, are readied for shipment to storage facilities.
Guys and gals in dusty polo shirts, sleep deprived from the aforementioned final table, lovingly pack impossibly expensive video cameras into custom cases, a lot of with a purpose to be hand-carried through airports. They're simply too valuable to trust to the tender mercies of luggage handlers.
Then the Atlantis people will come through, scoop up the remainder plastic wrap, cable ties, and empty boxes of player bags. They'll remove what few hard-copy "PCA 2014" signs are left (some of the signage is digital now) and vacuum the carpets. They'll be ready for the following convention guests on the Atlantis.
And the PCA... well, the PCA is in hibernation. It's safely tucked away in shipping pallets, flight cases, and the hearts and minds of some hundred people, able to emerge from its chrysalis not up to a year from now.
See you next year.
They'll set it up in another town...
Lee Jones the top of Poker Communications at PokerStars; he first joined the corporate in 2003. He have been fascinated by the pro poker world because the mid 1980's.

Read More... [Source: :: PokerStars Caribbean Adventure]
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