Wednesday, October 15, 2014

California Changes Outdated Law Against Sports Betting Pools

Participating in an office sports betting pool, corresponding to a March Madness competition, may have drawn jail time in California until a brand new law was passed this week, relieving everyone however the NFL.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill this week lowering penalties against participating in or running sports betting pools, similar to March Madness and Super Bowl office pools.Previously, a contravention may well be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, whereas the brand new maximum penalty is $250.

The bill was proposed by Assemblyman Kevin Jeffries, after a septuagenarian grandmother was arrested and charged for running a $50 pool at an Elks Lodge in his district. The older law had her facing jail time, in conjunction with much heavier fines.

The new law doesn't apply to either pools whose value is greater than $2500 or online sporting bet pools.

Margaret Hamblin was working as a bartender on the Elks Lodge in Riverside when she received a citation for sports betting after taking ten $5 bets to form the pool. Hambling was printed and booked, and fined $130.

"Vital law enforcement resources are expended to investigate, charge and prosecute these two women for participating in an activity that may be as common as speeding," said Jeffries of the sports betting incident.

The NFL didn't touch upon the likelihood it will sue to forestall the brand new law from passing unless it got a cut of all pools involving its games.

Published on August 8, 2009 by MattMiller

Read More... [Source: California Gambling News]

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