Thursday, October 27, 2016

Stian Knutsen wins UKIPT6 Super Series and £42,500NO Deposit bonus $43

Stian Knutsen wins UKIPT6 Super Series and £42,500

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Stian Knutsen - your champion!

Quiet. Focused. Stubborn.

These were the 3 words I jotted down on my notepad a few hours ago once I challenged myself to explain Stian Knutsen and his approach on the table today. There have been more bubbly characters at today's final, comparable to Albert Sapiano and Chris Da-Silva, however it was the unassuming Norwegian who made it to heads up, alongside another quiet character within the shape of PokerStars qualifier Dara O'Kearney.

By that stage Knutsen had already done 90% of the work had to win the title and £42,500. O'Kearney needed help from the deck and although he got some, it wasn't enough to show across the large chip disparity between the two.

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The final two

Chris Da-Silva finished the tournament in third place and being sat to Knutsen's left with an aggressive style, meant he was, for long periods the most important threat. Knutsen stubbornly took him on though and managed to spike a few river cards in heads up pots between the 2 to frustrate the Brit. Knutsen also had the general say within the Da-Silva's day when he won a race with sixes versus A-Q; the exact same hand he used to complete of O'Kearney heads up in addition. Knutsen also took out Henry Bibby an hour into the day but, except that, he let his opponents finish one another off.

Here's how everyone finished at today's final table:

1 Stian Knutsen   £42,500
2 Dara O'Kearney PokerStars Qualifier £26,800
3 Chris Da-Silvs   £19,250
4 Valdir Cordeiro Dos Santos   £15,300
5 Adam Maxwell   £12,000
6 Albert Sapiano   £9,400
7 Alexander Fradlin   £7,055
8 Henry Bibby   £5,000

That's all from this highly enjoyable UKIPT6 Super Series weekend in London. The following outing for the tour could be a different occasion, with it being a primary and the last of something multi function go. UKIPT6 Birmingham happens from October 5-9 and is the primary time the tour will make a trip to the second one biggest city within the UK. Additionally it is the last ever UKIPT before the tour is rebranded under the PokerStars Festival banner. Qualifiers are already running on so become involved and are available and join the festivities.

But for now, it's goodbye from London. Thanks for reading all week and an important congratulations to all today's finalists, especially Stian Knutsen.

7:12pm: Dara O'Kearney eliminated in 2nd place (£26,800)Level 29 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (ante 15,000)

It was third time unlucky for Dara O'Kearney as Stian Knutsen finally managed to look the job throughout the. Irishman got his chips in in a flip but that was obviously far an excessive amount of equity for him.

The Norwegian raised to 240,000 and made a fast call once O'Kearney three-bet all-in from the large blind.

O'Kearney: A♠8♦Knutsen: 6♦6♠

The board ran 7♦J♠K♣T♠J♣ to peer the kings delay. The PokerStars qualifier won £26,800 for 11th and largest cash at the UKIPT.

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O'Kearney - 2nd place

7:03pm: Who's behind the wheel?Level 29 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (ante 15,000)

Dara O'Kearney is who. He's back over 2.5 million after creating a straight at the river.

The pot was limped and Stian Knutsen bet 125,000 at the flop when the action was checked to him. The turn was checked through and a 3♣6♦7♠4♣2♠ board rested at the river. O'Kearney bet 225,000 and opened A♥5♠ when Knutsen called. The Norwegian mucked.

6:50pm: All-in or foldLevel 29 - Blinds 60,000/120,000 (ante 15,000)

There's the odd limp still but most of the action has seen one or other player all-in preflop and not using a calls.

The latest hand saw Stian Knutsen raise to 250,000 before tank-folding to Dara O'Kearney's 1.99 million shove.

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6:35pm: Some chips back for KnutsenLevel 28 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Stian Knutsen has extended the distance another time by moving Dara O'Kearney off a hand at the turn.

He raised to 225,000 after which bet 150,000 on a T♦6♥5♣ flop. O'Kearney called preflop then check-raised to 400,000. Knutsen called then bet 375,000 at the 7♠ turn. O'Kearney folded to drop back below 3 million.

6:28pm: Another Doke doubleLevel 28 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Dara O'Kearney obviously doesn't mind being dominated. He just got his stack in with an inferior ace once more, but yet again, found how to survive.

He was at the button and moved all-in for 1.765 million. Stian Knutsen looked down at his cards and made a rapid call.

Knutsen: A♣J♦O'Kearney: A♠4♠

The board ran 5♦6♦T♣4♣A♥ to make the embarrassed (so he said) Dubliner two pair.

6:10pm: River raising from KnutsenLevel 28 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Dara O'Kearney's stack has dropped back to around 2 million after he bet-folded a river.

He led for 100,000 at the turn and 250,000 at the river. The general board read A♣3♠A♦2♥5♦ and Stian Knutsen called turn and raised river to 725,000. Fold.

6:02pm: Dara doubles, luckilyLevel 28 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Dara O'Kearney got his chips in dominated but found some way out to outlive and double up.

He was at the button and moved all-in for 1.485 million. Call!

O'Kearney: J♠9♥Knutsen: A♠9♣

The board ran Q♥5♠7♥T♠8♠ to make O'Kearney a straight. Game on.

5:58pm: O'Kearney dips below 2 millionLevel 28 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Heads up was mostly played small-ball so far, with numerous button limping.

Dara O'Kearney just paid off a river value bet from Stian Knutsen to drop below 2 million. Knutsen checked his option after an O'Kearney button limp and a K♣Q♥9♥A♣5♦ board rolled out. Not more chips ventured forward until the river where Knutsen led for 175,000. His Irish opponent called but mucked upon seeing K♠7♠.

5:45pm: Chris Da-Silva eliminated in 3rd place (£19,250)Level 28 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Well that was a surprise. After Dara O'Kearney had limped off the button and Stian Knutsen completed, the very last thing that was expected was an exit.

Chris Da-Silva was within the big blind and raised to 350,000. O'Kearney folded but Knutsen moved all-in and, after thinking for a minute, Da-Silva called all-in.

Knutsen: 6♣6♥Da-Silva: A♠Q♣

The board ran 5♥3♥T♥9♦2♥ to look the sixes hold.

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Da-Silva - 3rd place

Knutsen will now take an 8.8 million to twenty-five. million leads into heads up play.

5:35pm: Play resumesLevel 28 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (ante 10,000)

Official chip counts:

Stian Knutsen - 6.66 millionDara O'Kearney - 2.73 millionChris Da-Silva - 1.935 million

4:50pm: Dinner breakLevel 27 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

The three players have decided to transport forward the dinner break and can take 45 minutes now.

4:48pm: Another knock for Da-SilvaLevel 27 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

Chris Da-Silva's stack has shrunk to 2.05 million after Dara O'Kearney took a pot off him.

The turn was out and the board read 2♦J♣5♥A♠. O'Kearney checked from the small blind and called a 325,000 bet before both players checked the J♠ river. O'Kearney opened A♥4♣ and Da-Silva made a slow fold. O'Kearney moved past 2.5 million.

4:42pm: Running good?Level 27 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

"You run so good!" commented Chris Da-Silva to Stian Knutsen on showdown in a limped pot that got interesting. The loss saw his stack drop to 2.4 million.

They were within the blinds and Knutsen led for 85,000 on a 7♣4♠T♠ flop. The turn was the 7♥ and Knutsen bet 140,000 and called when he was raised to 325,000. The 6♥ completed the board and both players checked. Knutsen opened A♣6♣ and scooped as Da-Silva mucked.

4:25pm: Valdir Cordeiro Dos Santos eliminated in 4th place (£15,300)Level 27 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

Dara O'Kearney's stack has gotten as much as a high of 2.3 million after he took care of Valdir Cordeiro Dos Santos in fourth place.

The two players were within the blinds and took to a 6♣T♥K♦ flop after preflop limps. Cordeiro Dos Santos led for 85,000 and was called. He then check-called 140,000 at the T♦ turn and check-called all-in for 520,000 at the 7♠ river. O'Kearney opened T♠8♠ beating out Cordeiro Dos Santos' K♥4♦.

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Cordeiro Dos Santos - 4th place

4:17pm: Da-Silva takes on Knutsen, winsLevel 27 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

Chris Da-Silva negated a positional disadvantage to scoop a pleasing pot off chip leader Stian Knutsen. The latter continues to be cruising on over 6 million though.

Knutsen raised from the button and Da-Silva called to an A♦5♥8♦ flop. He continued for 110,000 and called when Da-Silva check-raised to 365,000. The turn was the J♠ and Da-Silva led for 800,000 (1.1 million back). He put his head into his arms as Knutsen tanked for several minutes before folding.

4:07pm: Doke walks right into a houseLevel 27 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (ante 10,000)

Dara O'Kearney has dropped go into reverse to around 1.45 million after Stian Knutsen made an entire house in a limped blind battle.

Both players checked the flop before O'Kearney checked-called bets of 80,00 and 205,000. The overall board read 2♦8♥A♦2♥8♠ and Knutsen opened 9♦8♣. O'Kearney nodded and mucked.

3:50pm: Knutsen tricky play failLevel 26 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 5,000)

Stian Knutsen has taken a small knock to his stack after a blind on blind battle versus Chris Da-Silva.

He limped in from the small ignorant of face a raise to 185,000 from Da-Silva. He came back with a reraise to 485,000 but needed to give up and fold when Da-Silva jammed. The latter moved as much as around 2.2million.

3:34pm: Adam Maxwell eliminated in 5th place (£12,000)Level 26 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 5,000)

It just wasn't Adam Maxwell's day today. He didn't appear to make any miss-steps, but couldn't get the deck to assist him out in anyway, highlighted most by his exit hand.

Chris Da-Silva moved all-in for 1.4million from under the gun and Maxwell called all-in from the very next seat.

Da-Silva: A♠7♠Maxwell: K♣K♠

The board ran 8♦6♣A♣4♥Q♦ to pair's Da-Silva' ace and he moved as much as around 2 million.

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Maxwell - 5th place

3:20pm: Jack the lad O'Kearney doublesLevel 26 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 5,000)

A second double of the day for Dara O'Kearney and another time he withdrew from Adam Maxwell.

The latter raised from the cutoff and snapped the Irishman off when he three-bet all-in for 869,000 from the button.

Maxwell: T♠T♥O'Kearney: J♥J♣

The board ran 9♠9♦6♠Q♣7♦ to peer the jacks hold. Maxwell dropped to around 700,000.

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If only this stack was twice as big

3:15pm: Cordeiro wins with eightsLevel 26 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 5,000)

Valdir Cordeiro have been relatively quiet today but just won a pot off Chris Da-Silva to edge in the direction of 3 million.

He opened to 135,000 from the cutoff and Da-Silva peeled from the large ignorant of see a K♥3♠7♠ flop. Cordeiro continued for 165,000 and was check-called before the 4♦2♣ turn and river were checked through.

"Ace high," announced Da-Silva before mucking upon seeing Cordeiro's 8♦8♥.

2:57pm: Power poker from KnutsenLevel 26 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (ante 5,000)

Stian Knutsen has extended his lead after he bombed the river in a hand against Adam Maxwell.

He raised from the button and Maxwell peeled from the large blind previous to check-calling a 75,000 c-bet on a 9♦J♣A♣ flop. Both players checked the 3♣ turn before Maxwell checked to stand a 540,000 bet at the 7♣ river.

It really looked as though he desired to call and at one point he asked, "Is king high any good?" He decided against the hero call and made a reluctant looking fold. Knutsen is asking menacing right now.

2:42pm: Fantastic five chip counts

Stian Knutsen - 5.1 millionValdir Cordeiro - 2.45 millionAdam Maxwell - 2.16 millionChris Da-Silva - 946,000Dara O'Kearney - 904,000

2:30pm: First break of the dayLevel 25 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

The players are on a 15-minute break.

2:25pm: Knutsen gets there to win huge four-bet potLevel 25 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

Stian Knutsen has moved back to the highest of the counts after he won an enormous pot off neighbour Chris Da-Silva.

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The boys in battle

He opened to 105,000 from the cutoff after which four-bet to 480,000 after Da-Silva three-bet to 240,000 from the following seat. The board rolled out 4♦A♣7♦3♠Q♠ with Knutsen leading for 315,000 and 510,000 on flop and switch before he checked the river. Da-Silva checked back after which sat motionless once he saw Knutsen open Q♣J♣ for a rivered pair. He dropped to 950,000. It's hard to inform what Knutsen is as much as but a break is immanent and entire counts may be carried out.

2:10pm: Albert Sapiano eliminated in 6th place (£9,400)Level 25 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

"I never hit flushes anyway," said Albert Sapiano after his all-in was called by Adam Maxwell. In this occasion he was right and he hit the rail.

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Sapiano - 6th place

Chris Da-Silva had opened from second position and collected calls from Maxwell (cutoff) and Sapiano (big blind) en path to a 9♦9♣4♥ flop. All three checked after which Sapiano moved all-in for 354,000 at the 8♦ turn. Da-Silva folded but Maxwell made a considered call.

Sapiano: K♦5♦Maxwell: A♥Q♦

Maxwell made a super call with ace high and improved at the Q♣ river. He moved as much as around 2.5 million.

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1:59pm: Double DokeLevel 25 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

PokerStars qualifier Dara O'Kearney moved all-in for a 3rd time in an orbit and this time he was called to search out himself at risk.

He was within the hijack and made the move for his last 447,000. Adam Maxwell was within the big blind and made the decision.

Maxwell: K♠J♦O'Kearney: A♥7♠

The board ran 3♠2♠2♣A♣K♦ and Maxwell dropped to 1.95 million.

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SlowDoke speeds up

1:52pm: Alexander Fradlin eliminated in 7th place (£7,055)Level 25 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

Alexander Fradlin made a move with a gutshot but Valdir Cordeiro made the call with an over pair and eliminated him.

The former opened from the cutoff and called when the latter three-bet from the small blind. The flop came 3♦8♠4♥ and Cordeiro led for 350,000 and called when Fradlin moved all-in for 577,000 on top.

Cordeiro: 9♥9♦Fradlin: A♦5♠

The board ran out 4♦J♣ and Cordeiro shouted, "Yes!" and moved into the chip lead with 2.9 million.

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Fradlin - 7th place

1:44pm: Doke's in shoving modeLevel 25 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (ante 5,000)

Not much a person can do when he has fewer than 10 big blinds. Dara O'Kearney is in full-on shoving mode.

His first all-in got quick folds, but his second one - for 437,000 from under the gun - had a few opponents thinking before releasing their holdings.

1:24pm: Da-Silva gains revenge on FradinLevel 24 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

Chris Da-Silva found a dream flop to achieve a whole double up through Alexander Fradin, who took numerous his chips some time back.

The former raised from under the gun and Fradin called from the following seat. The flop fanned 6♠9♣5♦ and Da-Silva continued or 120,000. Fradin raised after which made a fast call after Da-Silva moved all-in for 718,000.

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Da-Silva - I got this

Da Silva: 7♦8♦ for a flopped straight.Fradin: Q♥Q♦ for an over pair.

The board ran out 2♦7♠ and Fradin dropped to 1.25 million.

1:17pm: Sapiano realises dream...Level 24 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

....of winning one hand.

He and Valdir Cordeiro took to a 4♦J♣8♣ flop where Sapiano open shoved for around half one million. Cordeiro tank folded and was shown Q♣9♣ by Sapiano.

"Well, I've won one hand, so I'm happy now!" he said. "Now anyone can take my chips."

1:08pm: Henry Bibby eliminated in 8th place (£5,000)Level 24 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

It's taken some time however the first player was eliminated, and it was Henry Bibby who fell to Stian Knutsen after a miss-timed shove.

The latter raised from the cutoff and Bibby defended his big unaware of see a 7♥8♣6♦ flop. Knutsen continued for 75,000 and Bibby check-called. At the 9♠ turn Bibby checked to stand a 120,000 bet that he treated to an all-in for 631,000. Knutsen asked for a count after which called with A♥T♦ for a straight. Bibby opened A♣K♣ and headed off into the London afternoon once the 2♥ appeared at the river.

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Bibby - 8th place

12:55pm: Fradlin shoves on Da-SilvaLevel 24 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

Chris Da-Silva went deep into the tank after he bet into Alexander Fradlin at the river, only to be shoved on.

He raised from the hijack and Fradlin called within the next seat. The flop fell K♦J♠6♦ and Da-Silva check-called 120,000 before both players checked the 7♦ turn. The river was the 9♦ and Da-Silva led out for 315,000 just for Fradlin to quickly move all-in for 955,000. Da-Silva thought for an excellent while before folding to maintain the 800,000 or so he had back.

"Can you tell these boys, I'd love to win one f%%king hand before I bust?" yelled a frustrated sounding Albert Sapiano to nobody in particular.

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12:35pm: More for MaxwellLevel 24 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (ante 5,000)

Adam Maxwell has extended his lead slightly upon getting Stian Knutsen off a hand.

The latter raised from under the gun and was called by Maxwell (cutoff) in conjunction with Albert Sapiano (big blind). The flop spread 8♦8♠5♥ and Knutsen continued for 90,000. Maxwell called after which bet 130,000 at the A♠ turn when the action was checked to him.

While Knutsen was thinking, Sapiano said to the dealer, "Be nice to get a hand someday"! The dealer gave him a bit elbow to quieten him down.

Then Knutsen mucked. --MC

12:17pm: Da-Silva after Da-goldLevel 23 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

Chris Da-Silva is ideally sat to the left of start of day chip leader Stian Knutsen and just used that position to win a pleasing pot without showdown.

A pile of chips had made it into the center by the point the turn was out and the board read K♠2♠4♣A♥. Knutsen led for 115,000 from the small blind after which tank-folded after the Londoner raised to 250,000. The raise came with an intimidating stare down as well.

12:09pm: Three-betting and Sapiano adviceLevel 23 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

"What's the purpose of that?" asked Albert Sapiano of Dara O'Kearney after the Irishman three-bet folded the first actual hand. "I had a gorgeous hand and desired to see the flop. I've driven two hours and that i do not want to return yet."

"What's your name?" he continued. "Well Dara, am i able to suggest when you raise in future, you follow through?"

Adam Maxwell has moved back into the chip lead after he opened to 65,000 after which four-bet jammed after a O'Kearney three-bet to 190,000 from the small blind. O'Kearney folded.

12:02pm: Shuffle up and dealLevel 23 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

Let's get this final table party started! There are 25 minutes left of Level 23 to play out. The degrees increases to 60 minutes each from Level 24 onwards.

11:20am: Welcome back for the overall dayLevel 23 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (ante 4,000)

Just eight players remain searching for the PokerStars Live on the Hippodrome UKIPT Super Series title. If yesterday's play was anything to move by, we're all in for an actual treat today. Until the final hand of the night there has been action galore, and we are hoping the players carry that momentum through to today's final.

Stian Knutsen busted Jen-Yue Chiang on that last hand to pip Adam Maxwell to the lead, and burst the overall table bubble. See how those two players sit amongst their rivals by viewing the seat draw below and to determine more about each of them, click here to read their profiles. Cards could be within the air around 12pm BST so join us back here soon.

Seat Name Chips
1 Albert Sapiano 1,133,000
2 Stian Knutsen 2,096,000
3 Chris Da-Silva 1,411,000
4 Alexander Fradlin 1,363,000
5 Henry Bibby 564,000
6 Adam Maxwell 2,087,000
7 Valdir Cordeiro 1,811,000
8 Dara O'Kearney 869,000

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PokerStars Blog reporting team at UKIPT6 Super Series: Marc Convey. Photos by Mickey May.

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