Wednesday, October 26, 2016

PCA 2016: Day 3 $25,000 High Roller live updatesNO Deposit bonus $43

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9:20pm: Nick Maimone becomes the brand new PCA High Roller championLevel 28 - Blinds 50,000 -100,000 (10,000 ante)

And then it was over. After Maimone took a large pot from Winter, the quick stack shoved for only 2 million. Maimone insta-called, flipping over A♣K♣.

"I'm dead," said Winter to his friends at the rail, but he did have a large smile on his face as he turned over his K♦T♣.

The players, and their friends, gathered across the table, one time when the "no members of the general public" rule is relaxed. The board came 3♦3♣9♦Q♣9♣. Maimone was delighted, but Winter had ample consolation.

But it's Nick Maimone who becomes the PCA 2016 $25K High Roller champion. Full report back to come at the PokerStars Blog. - SB

9:15pm: Maimone stretches his leadLevel 28 - Blinds 50,000 -100,000 (10,000 ante)

No monster pots as yet however the two biggest hands that reached the river went the best way of Nick Maimone and because of this he's as much as roughly 7,300,000, whilst Winter has dropped to 3,600,000.

In the primary of the 2 hands Maimone raised to 225,000 at the button and Winter called. Maimone then bet 350,000 at the 3♠7♦J♠ flop and Winter called. The 8♥ turn checked through and the T♠ completed the board. Again Winter checked and he folded when Maimone bet 620,000.

We did get a showdown within the second big pot, it was limped pre-flop (Winter was at the button) and the Q♠9♦Q♥ flop also checked through. At the T♥ turn Maimone bet 300,000 and Winter smooth called.

The A♥ completed the backdoor flush, Maimone bet 500,000 and Winter called. The chip leader showed Q♦7♠ and Winter mucked. --NW

9:05pm: Levels shortenedLevel 28 - Blinds 50,000 -100,000 (10,000 ante)

There's a pleasing feel to this heads up thus far. The exertions is finished getting here, and arranging the deal, now they may be able to play, and at quite a high tempo. In addition to that both players have agreed to shorten the degrees from one hour to HALF-HOUR in length.

9:00pm: Level 28 - Blinds 50,000 -100,000 (10,000 ante)"Sorry guys it'll be a very boring heads-up match by the appearance of it," said Nick Maimone to the media.

They're playing numerous hands, but not any big pots. Additionally Sean Winter is limping in from the button so much that's keeping pots small. --NW

8.55pm: Play restarts

8:50pm: Deal talkLevel 28 - Blinds 50,000 -100,000 (10,000 ante)

The players has been thrashing out a deal for a while now, but have, in principle now agreed one. Sean Winter was the person who was initially reluctant to deal - some side bets he has complicated matters. But Calvin Anderson, who's Maimone's "deal advisor", talked things through with him and he changed his mind. To be fair Paul Volpe, who's got no allegiance to either party, also said to Winter: "I'd deal for your situation."

So once Winter had agreed to deal they then had to talk numbers. To play it out they should leave a part of the prize pool to play for - accordingly $30,000 - and the suggested revised numbers are as follows:

Nick Maimone: $966,480Sean Winter: $914,580Left to play for: $30,000

With these numbers at the table Winter wandered off for roughly 10 minutes, but if he returned he agreed to the deal instantly. Play need to be starting shortly. Irrespective of money though, the winner would be the player who wins the trophy. That is what is at stake now. --NW

8.25pm: Time to talk

There is now discuss a take care of each player conferring with teams of friends. Play will restart after they come to an agreement - or not.

8.20pm: Heads-up chip countsLevel 28 - Blinds 50,000 -100,000 (10,000 ante)

We're heads-up for the title and it's Nick Maimone (6,445,000) versus Sean Winter (4,855,000) for the title.A reminder that the winner will receive $1,142,100, whilst the runner-up takes home $768,960. --NW

8.15pm: Heads-upPlayers have agreed to a brief break before heads up play begins.

8:15pm: Dario Sammartino eliminated in third place ($542,160)Level 28 - Blinds 50,000 -100,000 (10,000 ante)

We're now heads-up in $25,000 High Roller and it's Dario Sammartino who's busted in third place.

He was, by some way, the shortest stack of the 3 and after Nick Maimone raised to 250,000 at the button, the Italian three-bet shoved for 1,130,000. Sean Winter folded and Maimone snap called.

Maimone: 7♠7♥Sammartino: K♣T♠

The A♥2♥8♠2♦J♣ board missed Sammartino and he looked crestfallen as he headed to the rail. There's now a brief break before heads-up play begins. --NW

8:10pm: Maimone back in frontLevel 28 - Blinds 50,000-100,000 (10,000 ante)

As the brand new level begins, Nick Maimone has retaken the lead after claiming a couple of small pots from either one of his opponents. --MH

Nick Maimone - 5,700,000Sean Winter - 4,400,000Dario Sammartino - 1,150,0008:10pm: Into level 28 with blinds at 50,000 - 100,000 (10,000 ante)

Chip counts:

Sean Winter - 5,100,000Nick Maimone - 4,380,000Dario Sammartino - 1,550,000

8:05pm: Winter takes the chip leadLevel 27 - Blinds 40,000 -80,000 (10,000 ante)

Two big pots in a row for Sean Winter who leapfrogs Nick Maimone to take the chip lead.

In the primary pot Nick Maimone raised to 170,000 at the button and Winter called from the massive blind. Maimone c-bet 135,000 at the 3♦9♦A♥ flop and Winter flat called. Both players checked the 2♠ turn and the A♠ then completed the board.

Winter was first to behave and he bet 450,000. Maimone quickly called but mucked when Winter showed A♣K♥.

Whilst that pot put him on a par with Maimone, the following pot took him well clear. It was a limped family pot with Sammartino at the button, Winter within the small blind and Maimone at the big.

On the 8♥5♠T♥ turn Winter bet 135,000 and Sammartino was the one caller. Winter then bet 445,000 at the 9♠ turn and Sammartino again smooth called. At the 9♠ river Winter bet 1,800,000, that was enough to set Sammartino all in as he had about 1,550,000 behind.

He tanked for just about five minutes, looking that the tournament clock for a few of that time, before mucking his hand. He really desired to see Winter's hand but Winter wanted an obscene sum of money to turn in order that they went into the muck face down. -NW

7:55pm: Chip counts

Nick Maimone - 5,500,000Sean Winter - 3,700,000Dario Sammartino - 2,100,000

7:50pm: Josh Beckley eliminated in 4th place ($439,560)Level 27 - Blinds 40,000-80,000 (10,000 ante)

Well, that was an exhilarating restart to the $25K High Roller. One hand, one knockout -- and what a knockout!

The hand started quietly enough with a raise to 180,000 by Sean Winter from under the gun/the cutoff, Nick Maimone calling from the button, and Josh Beckley calling from the small blind. All three checked the 8♠K♠A♦ flop, and when the turn brought the Q♠, two more checks, and a raffle of 300,000 from Maimone, it still didn't look like the hand had that much potential to excite.

Beckley called the bet and Winter folded, then the 2 remaining players saw the T♠ fall at the river. That turned out to be an excessively key card. (Cue suspense-heightening stinger sound effect.)

Beckley checked, and Maimone pushed out a raffle of 600,000, using the newly-introduced orange chips worth 100K per. Beckley didn't wait that long before announcing he was all in for his last 1.1 million or so, and Maimone hesitated, standing up from his chair and taking a few seconds before calling and showing his hand.

"I have a straight flush," he said, turning over J♠9♠. Beckley looked with dismay as he showed his A♠5♠, an ace-high flush that turned out to not be best.

Beckley is out in fourth and earns nearly $440K -- not bad for a first-ever high roller. Meanwhile Maimone is as much as about 5.5 million. Afterwards Maimone explained he'd stood as much as see if he was reading the board correctly. In any event, it was quite a turn of events to begin play.

They're all the way down to three, with Maimone the brand new leader. --MH

7:40pm: Play resumesLevel 27 - Blinds 40,000-80,000 (10,000 ante)

The four players are back -- as is Mustapha Kanit, railing his friend and countryman Dario Sammartino -- and play has resumed within the $25K High Roller. There are 33 minutes left within the level. --MH

6:15pm: Dinner break

With HALF-HOUR left at the level players have agreed to take a 75 minute dinner break. Play will resume at 7.30pm ET. Listed here are the chip counts on the break, with blinds at 40,000 - 80,000 (10,000 ante).

Sean Winter - 3,840,000Nick Maimone - 3,440,000Dario Sammartino - 2,255,000Josh Beckley - 1,715,000

6:05pm: Early dinner breakLevel 26 - Blinds 30,000 -60,000 (10,000 ante)

Nick Maimone asked the table in the event that they wouldn't mind pausing the clock for 30 seconds so he could run to the bathroom."I'm hungry," said Sean Winter. "Why don't we just take the dinner break now?"

They were 33 minutes from the top of the level, that is when the dinner break was scheduled, but all of them like Winter's mind-set so they've headed to dinner early. Play will resume at 7:30pm. --NW

6:00pm: Still to play for

Here's what the rest places pay:

1st. $1,142,1002nd. $678,9603rd. $542,1604th. $439,560

5:55pm: You bet the river, I bet you really liked itLevel 27 - Blinds 40,000-80,000 (10,000 ante)

Sean Winter limped from the small blind, Nick Maimone raised to 205,000 from the massive blind, and Winter called. Winter check-called a gamble of 180,000 from Maimone after the 2♣2♠6♦ flop, then both checked the 2♥ turn.

The river brought the 6♠, putting an entire house at the board, and Winter fired a chance of 560,000. Maimone only thought for a couple of seconds before folding.

"You like that river?" asked Maimone as he tossed his cards away. "I liked the flop," said Winter as he stacked his chips. "I bet you loved the river," responded Maimone.

Winter has 4.575 million now while Maimone is at 2.925 million. --MH

5:50pm: Chip counts

Sean Winter - 4,625,000Nick Maimone - 2,850,000Dario Sammartino - 2,150,000Josh Beckley - 1,540,000

5:45pm: Level 27 beginsLevel 27 - Blinds 40,000-80,000 (10,000 ante)

The final four move into Level 27, with Sean Winter still leading and Josh Beckley now the fast stack. --MH

5:40pm: More for SammartinoLevel 26 - Blinds 30,000 -60,000 (10,000 ante)

Dario Sammartino's stack continues to grow and he's as much as 2,350,000 after winning a three-way pot. The hand in question was started by Sean Winter. He raised to 135,000 from the cut-off, Nick Maimone called from the button and Sammartino came along from the large blind.On the 7♣7♠6♣ flop Winter bet 145,000 and both his opponents called. The T♣ fell at the turn, in this street Sammartino elected to lead, he bet 340,000 and both Winter and Maimone folded.

The table wanted the Italian to turn the bluff, he wouldn't but he did try to show the Luca Vivaldi - the Tournament Director - his cards but Vivaldi looked away. - NW

5:30pm: Spades serve SammartinoLevel 26 - Blinds 30,000-60,000 (10,000 ante)

Nick Maimone opened for 140,000 from the button and after pausing a beat Dario Sammartino called from the massive blind. Both checked the Q♠K♣8♠ flop, Sammartino led for 125,000 on the 6♣ turn, and Maimone called.

The river brought the K♠. Sammartino sat still for a brief while, then set out a big gamble of 375,000 that represented about 1/2 what he had behind. Maimone reviewed the hand silently for approximately a minute, then gathered the chips for a choice and set them forward.

Sammartino turned over 9♠7♠, showing that he'd turned a straight and flush draw, then hit the spade flush, and Maimone mucked. Sammartino bumps back as much as 1.625 million, while Maimone has 3.95 million now. --MH

5:20pm: Seven in a row for Winter!Level 26 - Blinds 30,000 -60,000 (10,000 ante)

As the title suggest Sean Winter is making hay whilst the sun shines. He's taken the last seven pots in a row. What's more, six of these were won pre-flop, either with a walk or with an effortless raise and take. --NW

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5.15pm: Chip counts

Nick Maimone - 4,100,000Sean Winter - 3,360,000Josh Beckley - 2,825,000Dario Sammartino - 1,100,000

5:10pm: Brian Yoon eliminated in 5th place ($347,760)Level 26 - Blinds 30,000-60,000 (5,000 ante)

After Nick Maimone opened for 140,000 from under the gun, it folded around to Brian Yoon within the big blind who pushed all in. A count showed the frenzy was for 1,035,000, and Maimone thought for roughly a minute before finally taking off the calling chips.

Yoon: 5♥5♠Maimone: K♠Q♥

The A♥9♥T♠ flop had Maimone suggesting a jack can be nice to peer follow. However the next two cards were just fine for him as well, coming Q♠ after which K♥ to present him two pair and sent Yoon railward in fifth place.

Maimone is back as much as about 4.1 million. --MH

5:05pm: A warm Winter within the BahamasLevel 26 - Blinds 30,000-60,000 (5,000 ante)

Josh Beckley opened for 130,000 from the button and Sean Winter called from the massive blind. The flop came 9♠4♣9♥, and Winter check-called a continuation-bet of 155,000 from Beckley. The turn then brought the 6♥ and another check from Winter, with Beckley betting 220,000 this time. Winter called the bet.

The river was the J♦. Winter checked, then after a brief pause Beckley checked back. Winter playfully turned over his hand with some exaggerated drama -- J♥J♠ for a whole house made at the river -- and Beckley chuckled slightly as he mucked his cards.

Winter is now as much as 4.85 million, with Beckley has 2.04 million --MH

5:00pm: Latest chip counts

Sean Winter - 3,360,000Nick Maimone - 2,900,000Josh Beckley - 2,825,000Brian Yoon - 1,590,000Dario Sammartino - 530,000

4:55pm: Winter is coming; doubles into chip leadLevel 26 - Blinds 30,000 -60,000 (5,000 ante)

Huge! Massive! Gargantuan! Three words that adequately describe not just the next pot but in addition the scale of the momentum shift on this tournament.

Sean Winter opened to 130,000 from the hijack and Nick Mamoine called out of the small blind. The pot stayed small - for now - at the 5♥A♠Q♦ flop as both players checked.

The 6♦ turn is where the thrill and games started though, Maimone checked, Winter bet 155,000, Maimone check-raised to 400,000 and Winter smooth called. The 7♥ completed the board and Maimone bet 520,000.

That was approximately 1/2 Winter's stack (he had 1,100,000 back) and after tanking for a minute or so he moved all-in. Maimone wanted a count, he got one, stood up after which called.

Winter showed 9♦8♦ for a straight, whilst Maimone had 6♣6♠ for the turned set. After that hand Winter has taken the lead with 3,360,000 whilst Maimone drops to 2,900,000. --NW

4:49pm: Andrey Zaichenko eliminated in 6th place ($264,060)Level 26 - Blinds 30,000-60,000 (5,000 ante)

On the primary hand of the level, it folded around to Andrey Zaichenko within the small blind who open-pushed his last 830,000 and Nick Maimone quickly called from the big.

Zaichenko had A♠7♣ but needed help against Maimone's A♥J♦. The 3♦6♣6♠9♣T♥ board didn't provide this sort of help, though, and Zaichenko falls in sixth. Maimone now has with reference to 4.6 million and extends his lead. --MH

Andrey Zaichenko 2016 PCA 25K HR Day 3 Giron 8JG0533.jpg

Andrey Zaichenko - 6th place

4:46pm: Level 26 begins; 6 remain

The final six are back of their seats and play has resumed with Nick Maimone and Josh Beckley still the massive stacks and Andrey Zaichenko the shortest. --MH

4:39pm: Break time

Here are the updated counts of the general six players as they take their second 15-minute break of the day. --MH

Nick Maimone - 3,740,000Josh Beckley - 2,385,000Sean Winter - 1,665,000Dario Sammartino - 1,505,000Brian Yoon - 1,125,000Andrey Zaichenko - 830,000

4:30pm: Sammartino ships it, Beckley can't callLevel 25 - Blinds 25,000 -50,000 (5,000 ante)

Wow! SLIGHTLY pot for Dario Sammartino who added over 50 per cent to his stack with no need to visit a flop, not to mention a showdown.

Brian Yoon opened to 110,000 from under-the-gun, Nick Maimone smooth called and Josh Beckley then three-bet to 365,000 from the button. Dario Sammartino thought for a little while after which announced all in for 955,000.

It folded back to Beckley and he did the maths, tanked for a few minutes after which folded. So Sammartino is as much as 1,600,000 because of that win. --NW

4:25pm: A winner for WinterLevel 25 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

They're nearing the tip of Level 25 and the following scheduled break, and among the pots of late has been at the small side. On one recent hand, however, Sean Winter and Brian Yoon did be able to installed a couple of postflop bets each.

After Winter limped from the small blind, Yoon checked from the following seat and the pair saw a 3♦8♠4♦ flop. Winter led with a small bet, Yoon called, and the 3♥ fell at the turn. This time Winter checkd, Yoon bet 130,000, and Winter called.

The river was the 2♦. Winter checked again, and when Yoon bet 230,000, Winter called without an excessive amount of hesitation. Yoon had 7♣3♠ for trip treys, but Winter had rivered a flush with Q♦7♦ to assert the pot. Winter has 1.38 million now, while Yoon has 1.07 million. --MH

4:15pm: Chance Kornuth eliminated in seventh place ($192,780)Level 25 - Blinds 25,000 - 50,000 (5,000 ante)

A blockbuster of a hand to inform you about, featuring a three-way all in.

Chance Kornuth was the primary to commit his chips, when he moved all-in from under-the-gun for 495,000. The action passed to Brian Yoon, who was within the cut-off. He requested a count after which moved all in of 515,000 total.

Andrey Zaichenko folded but Nick Maimone got confirmation of the dimensions of Yoon's shove, took a glance at Josh Beckley's stack (about 2,800,000) after which called from the small blind. Beckley folded the large and it was time for showdown.

Kornuth: A♦9♠Yoon: A♥J♥Maimone: 4♣4♠

The T♦8♠7♣ flop was a beauty with a number of possibilities. The pair were still a 47% chance to win the hand however the 9♣ turn gave Yoon a near lock at the hand. Kornuth was now drawing dead to a chop and he was on his feet before the 5♦ hit the river.

"That's the most efficient hand I had all day," said Kornuth as he picked up his things. "Nice fiddling with you guys," he added.

So a treble up for Yoon who climbs to 1,590,000. "I wasn't happy while you called with fours," he said to Maimone as play continued. After that hand Mainmone is all the way down to 3,940,000. -NW

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4:05pm: The leader vs. the quick stackLevel 25 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

Chip leader Nick Maimone limped in from middle position, then watched Chance Kornuth fold from the small blind and the table's short stack, Dario Sammartino, check from the big.

Both checked the 6♣T♣5♠ flop, then Sammartino made a chance of 55,000 after the 8♥ came at the turn, leaving himself just 435,000 behind. Maimone called, then both checked the 8♣ river.

Sammartino showed K♦7♥, and it was enough as Maimone folded. Maimone still is easily sooner than the general seven with 4.23 million, while Sammartino continues to be looking up from the ground of the counts with just 715,000. --MH

4:00pm: Ben Heath eliminated in eighth place ($140,940)Level 25 - Blinds 25,000 -50,000 (5,000 ante)

We're right down to seven within the high roller. Ben Heath just lost a flip to Nick Maimone to exit in eighth place.

The latter opened to 110,000 from early position. Heath then three-bet all-in for 570,000 total and when it folded back to Maimone he thought for roughly 20 seconds after which made the call.

Heath: 7♦7♠Maimone: A♦8♦

The A♠5♠J♦ flop gave Maimone the lead and he held onto it at the 9♦ turn and 8♣ river. With that scalp Maimone is playing 4,300,000. Good for a large chip lead and about 38% of the chips in play. --NW

3:50pm: Current chip counts

Nick Maimone - 3,680,000Josh Beckley - 2,825,000Sean Winter - 1,115,000Andrey Zaichenko - 950,000Brian Yoon - 780,000Ben Heath - 665,000Chance Kornuth - 660,000Dario Sammartino - 530,000

3:45pm: Level 25 begins; 8 remainLevel 25 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

As Level 25 begins, Nick Maimone and Josh Beckley have distanced themselves somewhat from the opposite six, chip-wise, as only Sean Winter has up to one million a number of the remainder of the crowd. --MH

3:40pm: Level 25 begins; 8 remainLevel 25 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

The blinds go up while the antes stay similar to the tournament moves into Level 25 with out a break. --MH

3:30pm: Maimone moves into leadLevel 24 - Blinds 20,000 -40,000 (5,000 ante)

The last hand of Level 24 saw Sean Winter limp in from middle position, Nick Maimone also limp from the button, and Chance Kornuth check from the massive blind.

The flop came A♠7♦4♦, and after Kornuth checked, Winter bet 60,000. Maimone raised to 150,000, Kornuth folded, and Winter called. Both remaining players then checked the 5♥ turn.

The river was the 6♦. Winter checked again, and after Maimone slid out white chips (worth 25,000 each) as a big gamble of 250,000, Winter tanked for a few minutes before calling.

Maimone flipped over 8♠7♠ for a rivered straight, and Winter mucked. Maimone is now comfortably within the lead with 3.65 million, Winter is right down to about 1.1 million, and Kornuth has 755,000. --MH

3:25pm: Sammartino slips furtherLevel 24 - Blinds 20,000 -40,000 (5,000 ante)

Dario Sammartino can not seem to win a pot against Nick Maimone and the yank just took another chunk out of the Italian's stack.

Action folded to Sammartino within the cut-off. He opened to 90,000 and Maimone defended from the large blind. At the 6♣4♠T♠ flop Sammartino bet 70,000 but Maimone was not for budging.

A trend on this tournament was bet flop, check turn, bet river and it happened again here as both players checked the T♥ turn to look the 6♥ complete the board. On fifth street Maimone check-called a raffle of 195,000 and Sammartino mucked face down meaning Maimone did not have to turn his cards. -NW

Nick Maimone - 2,995,000Dario Sammartino - 550,000

3:20pm: Heath doubles through WinterLevel 24 - Blinds 20,000 -40,000 (5,000 ante)

The mood is very jovial a few of the final eight, even if the dividing up of the greater percentage of the $5.4 million total prize pool on this event remains to be to be determined.

Down to his last 315,000, Ben Heath watched the table fold around to him at the button, and he set his remaining chips forward as an all-in raise. The action moved to Sean Winter within the big blind who called, turning over 5♣5♠ while Heath tabled K♥3♦.

The K♦Q♠J♣ was good for Heath, giving him the simpler pair, and after the 7♠ turn and 6♥ river he moved back as much as 705,000. Winter, meanwhile, slips to 1,420,000, though continues to be smiling and chatting together with everyone else. --MH

3:15pm: Maimone tied on the top with BeckleyLevel 24 - Blinds 20,000 -40,000 (5,000 ante)

Nick Maimone is as much as 2,640,000 after winning a large pot against Dario Sammartino. Because of this he's basically tied for the chip lead with Josh Beckley, the latter has 2,680,000.

The hand that got him there started with him limping under-the-gun. Sammartino three-bet to 110,000 from the cut-off and Maimone smooth called.

Maimone then proceeded to check-call bets of 85,000 and 245,000 at the flop and switch of a J♣A♣9♥T♠ board. Both players then checked the 8♣ river. Maimone rolled over A♦7♦ and Sammartino rolled his eyes before mucking. He's all the way down to 795,000. --NW

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3:05pm: Chip counts

Josh Beckley - 2,680,000Nick Maimone - 2,640,000Sean Winter - 1,940,000Andrey Zaichenko - 1,040,000Chance Kornuth - 990,000Brian Yoon - 935,000Dario Sammartino - 795,000Ben Heath - 395,000

2:40pm: Beckley back to two millionLevel 24 - Blinds 20,000 - 40,000 (5,000 ante)

A big hand for Josh Beckley earns him a large pot against Nick Maimone.

Maimone opened for 95,000 in middle position before Beckley raised to 245,000 from the following seat along. The blinds folded and the action returned to Maimone, who called for a flop of T♦A♠K♥.

Maimone checked, then called Beckley's bet of 275,000. The turn was the 6♠. Maimone checked again but this time Beckley moved all in for 825,000. Maimone asked for a count and considered it, but passed. He drops to 2.66 million, while Beckley is now on 2 million. -SB

2:25pm: Play resumes in Level 24

2.15pm: Chip counts on the end of Level 23

Nick Maimone - 2,710,000Sean Winter - 2,000,000Josh Beckley - 1,750,000Andrey Zaichenko - 1,605,000Dario Sammartino - 1,265,000Chance Kornuth - 855,000Brian Yoon - 695,000Ben Heath - 529,000

2:10pm: First break of the day

Players are on a fifteen minute break.

2.15pm: Anton Astapou eliminated in ninth ($116,640)Level 23 - Blinds 15,000 - 30,000 (4,000 ante)

The first hour and forty-five minutes of this High Roller final table was similar to watching a Floyd Mayweather boxing bout. At times, a fight has threatened to damage out but mostly it has been a succession of pitter-patter jabs that do not really hurt anybody and, quite frankly, aren't that exciting to look at. Then, just because the break was looming, an enormous knockout blow from out of nowhere has knocked out one player from this field and crowned a brand new chip leader on the same time.

Anton Astapou jammed his 380k stack from early position and Dario Sammartino called. Things took a turn for the easier when Nick Maimone unexpectedly shoved himself from the blinds. It was an enormous bet of 1.08 million. Astapou remained calm - his work was already done. Sammartino, at the other hand, was in quite a lot of distress. He rolled his eyes, took his headphones out of his ears and went to invite Maimone a matter. The dealer reminded him that players don't seem to be allowed to speak in all in situations. Maimone just smiled.

All of this went on for 5 minutes and Chance Kornuth, now standing chatting with Greg Merson at the rail, wasn't happy. "He doesn't need this long to tank pre-flop, I'd understand if it was at the turn and there were action." Kornuth called the clock and now Sammartino had one minute to act.

The clock struck thirty seconds and nothing. Ten seconds remained and nothing. When the ground staff indicated there have been two seconds remaining Sammartino pushed forward a stack of chips to signal a decision. It was a large mistake.

Sammartino: 9♠9♥Astapou: T♥T♣Maimone: J♦J♥

A Nine would eliminate two players and provides Sammartino an awesome chip lead. However the best hand, Maimone's Jacks, held up and we lost Astapou in ninth while Sammartino lost a significant portion of his stack too.

The Italian now has 1.25m but Maimone is the brand new man to overcome with 2.45m. The players at the moment are in the course of a 15 minute break. - RJ

1:55pm: More for ZaichenkoLevel 23 - Blinds 15,000 - 30,000 (4,000 ante)

Andrey Zaichenko just took down a pot against Brian Yoon. He opened for 65,000 under the gun, which Yoon called when the action was folded around to him within the big blind. The flop came 2♣J♣9♦ which Yoon check-called Zaichenko's bet of 77,000.

The 3♥ turn was checked, as was the T♣ river. Yoon flashed his cards, but only briefly, until he saw Zaichenko's winner - K♥Q♥. - SB

1:45pm: Winter is hereLevel 23 - Blinds 15,000 - 30,000 (4,000 ante)

Sean Winter opened to 75,000 under the gun and was called by Brian Yoon, Andrey Zaichenko and Dario Sammartino. It created a pot of 300,000 before we had even seen the flop.

That flop was a fair one too - T♦J♦K♠. It was almost impossible for everybody to have missed but, after he bet 95,000, Winter met no resistance and the opposite three players all folded.

Winter is battling it out with Sammartino for the chip lead. Both players have around 2 million chips to their name. - RJ

1:35pm: Winter takes on ZaichenkoLevel 23 - Blinds 15,000 - 30,000 (4,000 ante)

Sean Winter's stack just went up slightly after a hand against Andrey Zaichenko. Winter opened for 70,000 in middle position which Zaichenko raised to 200,000 within the bring to an end. Winter called for a flop of 3♦T♥2♠.

Both players checked the flop, and the T♦. The river card was the 8♦. Winter bet 136,000 forcing a pass from Zaichenko, who drops slightly to 1,150,000. - SB

1:25pm: Sammartino going wellLevel 23 - Blinds 15,000 - 30,000 (4,000 ante)

Dario Sammartino has assumed the chip lead at the final table after winning a three-way pot versus Nick Maimone and Andrey Zaichenko. Sammartino was the pre-flop aggressor, raising to 65,000. Both Zaichenko (small blind) and Maimone (big blind) called.

Zaichenko led out for 75,000 at the A♥4♠8♣ flop and both players called. A LARGE pot was brewing however the action bogged down when all three players checked the 3♠ turn. The river was J♥ and the check-fest continued with both Zaichenko and Maimone declining the invitation to bet.

Sammartino had other ideas and put out 120,000. It was called by Maimone but he couldn't beat the Italian's A♣T♠ and mucked. Sammartino now has 1.9m and Maimone 1.2m. - RJ

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1:15pm: Into level 23

Blinds are actually 15,000 - 30,000 (4,000 ante)

1.10pm: Zaichenko moving upLevel 22 - Blinds 12,000 - 24,000 (3,000 ante)

Zaichenko is winning pot after pot in this day and age. The newest came versus Dario Sammartino. Zaichenko called a 118,000 bet at the turn of a 3♣8♦5♦T♦ board. He was in position and Sammartino checked to him when the 9♦ river put four diamonds on board. No Zaichenko put out 280,000. It was a large bet and gave Sammartino some pause for thought.

He eventually folded and Zaichenko is now on 1.4m. Sammartino still betters him with 1.55m. - RJ

12:55pm: No passengers for American AirlinesLevel 22 - Blinds 12,000 - 24,000 (3,000 ante)

Chance Kornuth opened the pot with a raise to 60,000 and Sean Winter called at the button. He asked Kornuth if he was nervous. No response. An entertaining tete-a-tete was forming but then Andrey Zaichenko came along to spoil the party.

From the large blind he made it 225,000. Both players folded and Zaichenko proudly displayed A♠A♣. He'll have wanted more action that what he got. Zaichenko moves as much as 1.2m. - RJ

12:40pm: Astapau shovesLevel 22 - Blinds 12,000 - 24,000 (3,000 ante)

Sean Winter opened and when the action was folded to Anton Astapau he shoved. Winter insta-mucked with enough melo-drama to make everyone smile. - SB

12:30pm: Maimone double barrels to gloryLevel 22 - Blinds 12,000 - 24,000 (3,000 ante)

It wasn't an enormous pot but Nick Maimone just took one down versus Dario Sammartino. The yankee bet 70,000 at the T♠3♥8♣ flop and was called by Sammartino. Maimone bet again at the 5♠ turn, this time for 108,000. After a glance of disgust, Sammartino folded to provide Maimone the pot.

Not much change within the chip counts as both players are still over 1,000,000 and doing fine. - RJ

12.10pm: The massive kick-offLevel 22 - Blinds 12,000 - 24,000 (3,000 ante)

Play is underway here at the High Roller final table and it has been a slow start. No hand has got beyond the flop and most has been concluded pre-flop. It is only just past noon here within the Bahamas though, and poker players don't are inclined to get up until a minimum of 1pm. The action will heat up soon enough. - RJ

12:05pm: Play begins

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11.55pm: Play about to startLevel 22 - Blinds 12,000 - 24,000 (3,000 ante)

Players are unbagging their chips, and preparing to begin. A reminder that the live stream for the PCA Main Event final table begins at 2pm on EPT Live.

11.45am: High Rollers return for the overall day of the PCA 2016 festival

Play restarts with nine players left at 12noon. Look back on yesterday's action in our end of day wrap.

Here's how the players will line up:

Seat 1: Sean Winter (USA) 1,799,000Seat 2: Brian Yoon (USA) 953,000Seat 3: Andrey Zaichenko (Russia) 1,036,000Seat 4: Nick Maimone (USA) 1,191,000Seat 5: Josh Beckley (USA) 2,146,000Seat 6: Chance Kornuth (USA) 972,000Seat 7: Ben Heath (UK) 738,000Seat 8: Anton Astapau (Belarus) 565,000Seat 9: Dario Sammartino (Italy) 1,892,000

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Take a glance on the official website of the PCA, with tournament schedule, videos, news, blogs and accommodation details for the Atlantis Resort within the Bahamas.

Also The entire schedule information is at the EPT App, that's available on both Android or IOS.

PokerStars Blog reporting team at the $25,000 High Roller: Stephen Bartley and Ross Jarvis. Photos by Joe Giron and Carlos Monti.

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