Saturday, October 29, 2016

LAPT9 Uruguay: Main Event final table live updatesNO Deposit bonus $43

6:55pm: Pedro Claus wins LAPT9 Uruguay ($90,630); Fernando Araujo runner-up ($70,000)Level 31: Blinds 60,000/120,000, Ante 20,000

That was quick -- only one hand of heads-up, and it is all over!

Fernando Araujo had the button to start, and after checking his cards he open-pushed his last 1.3 million. Claus -- as he's done all tournament long -- didn't hesitate before acting, calling right away.

Araujo: K♦6♣Claus: Q♠Q♣

Claus had the large edge while Araujo was in search of a saving king. The board came T♠7♦6♠, then 7♣, then 8♥ and it was all over the place -- Claus had won!

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Pedro Claus - LAPT9 Uruguay Main Event champion

Claus and Araujo shared a warm handshake, both smiling broadly as they'd been doing for far of the last hour or so. Araujo was clearly pleased after having been the fast stack for therefore long today to have made it to the three-way deal and a runner-up finish.

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Fernando Araujo - 2nd place

Back in a couple of with an entire recap of the exciting conclusion to LAPT9 Uruguay! --MH

6:54pm: Heads-up chip countsLevel 31: Blinds 60,000/120,000, Ante 20,000

Pedro Claus -- 7,460,000Fernando Araujo -- 1,300,000

6:49pm: Manuel Vuotto eliminated in third place ($70,000)Level 31: Blinds 60,000/120,000, Ante 20,000

Pedro Claus opened for 275,000 at the button, and it folded over to Manuel Vuotto within the big blind who carefully checked his cards, then announced he was pushing all-in for his last 1.06 million. Claus called without hesitation.

Vuotto had Q♠9♠ and needed help against the K♦9♥ of Claus. However the flop came K♣7♦3♦ to enhance Claus even further with a pair, and after the 6♥ turn card that made the 2♥ a last little bit of trivia, ending Vuotto's run in third.

They're rolling straight into heads-up play, with Claus enjoying a commanding result in start versus Fernando Araujo. --MH

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Manuel Vuotto - 3rd place

6:43pm: Araujo doubles through VuottoLevel 31: Blinds 60,000/120,000, Ante 20,000

Down to his last 795,000, Fernando Araujo open-raised all-in from the small blind, and after a brief think Manuel Vuotto called from the massive blind.

Vuotto was initially ahead with A♥5♦ versus Araujo's J♠8♥, however the board came 2♦T♦8♦7♥7♣ to offer Araujo the double.

Araujo is as much as 1.61 million now while Vuotto slips to 940,000. --MH

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Araujo earns a double

6:40pm: Updated three-handed counts, Claus way out in frontLevel 31: Blinds 60,000/120,000, Ante 20,000

Instead of a 75-minute dinner break, the rest three players have elected to take a snappy ten minute recess. They'll now return to Level 31, with Pedro Claus holding a large chip lead. 

The Argentine is behind just over 6,000,000, along with his countryman Manuel Vuotto sitting second. He's over 4,000,000 behind Claus, while Fernando Araujo should battle back again to assert the LAPT9 Uruguay Main Event title, as he's under seven-figures. -- WOC

Player Country Chips
31 60,000 120,000 20,000

6:34pm: Claus continues to construct into breakLevel 30: Blinds 50,000/100,000, Ante 10,000

While there could have been a couple of bumps within the road once we were stuck at a six-handed final table, ever since, Pedro Claus have been on the top of the leaderboard ever since. He's now sitting with over 50% of the overall chips in play, after picking up a tight pot against Manuel Vuotto.

Action was picked up with Claus opening the button to 225,000 and after a fold, Vuotto came along within the big blind. He check-called 320,000 after the Q♣T♠7♣ flop and after the 2♦ fell at the turn, Vuotto led for 350,000.

Quickly, Claus announced himself "all-in" and with just over 1,600,000 behind, Vuotto was put to a call for his entire stack. Eventually, he folded and Claus showed him T♣T♥ for a flopped set.

No matter what situation Claus has found himself in, he's always appeared to have it and he'll now head into the following break with just shy of 5,600,000. AN ENTIRE list of the remainder three counts is coming shortly. -- WOC

6:26pm: Araujo picks up one; Claus still leadsLevel 30: Blinds 50,000/100,000, Ante 10,000

Fernando Araujo raised to 225,000 from the button and Pedro Claus called from the small blind. 

The flop came A♣2♥J♠ and Claus checked. Araujo continued for 200,000, and Claus called. Both then checked the 6♠ turn.

The river brought the A♦ and another check from Claus, and when Araujo slid out two tall columns of blue chips -- a big gamble of 500,000 -- Claus folded.

Araujo wins that one, but Claus is comfortably in front with slightly over 4 million right now, with Araujo next with 2.5 million and Vuotto third with about 2.2 million. --MH

6:19pm: Final table funLevel 30: Blinds 50,000/100,000, Ante 10,000

We're sensing a theme here following the even-chop deal, because the trio continue to get along famously, with Pedro Claus and Fernando Araujo joking around so much on their side of the table.

Both just checked their approach to a river, then showed down the similar queen-eight hand to cut a pot, sharing amusing afterwards.

Another hand between them followed, also checked to the river. For that reason Claus started checking by knocking the table five times -- knock, knock, knock-knock-knock -- and Araujo responded by completing the musical phrase with two knocks -- knock, knock! --MH

6:11pm: Araujo gets back to 2,000,000Level 30: Blinds 50,000/100,000, Ante 10,000

After dropping because the last break, Fernando Araujo is back to 2,000,000 after shoving against Manuel Vuotto. Action was picked up pre flop, with Araujo limping the small blind, only to peer Vuotto raise to 340,000 from the big.

The Brazilian quickly announced himself "all-in" and after two minutes of thought, Vuotto elected to not call the 1,700,000 chip shove. Instead, he preserved his 2,600,000 chip stack, good for second on the three-handed final table. -- WOC

5:58pm: Claus accumulating at 'friendly table'Level 30: Blinds 50,000/100,000, Ante 10,000

While PokerStars Blog photographer extraordinaire Carlos Monti was circling the three-handed final table, Ferndando Araujo said, "Otro mas.", meaning that he only wanted yet another picture, that being with the LAPT9 Uruguay Main Event trophy. Monti laughed and made mention about how "friendly" the rest three were despite the stakes they were playing for.

Once Monti exited the tournament area, the friendliness stayed however the leaderboard shifted back to Pedro Claus, who picked up three sizable pots against Araujo. The primary was picked up with Claus calling the small blind and Araujo raising to 225,000.

Claus called after which checked the K♦J♠6♦ flop, only to check-raise after Araujo continued for 200,000. Claus made it 540,000 and Araujo let his hand go. Claus showed J♦7♦, for middle pair and a flush draw, and Araujo admitted it was an excellent" flop."

It got better for Claus, as a couple of hands later, he was winning another battle of the blinds. Claus raised to 225,000 from the small and Araujo came along from the large to peer the Q♠8♣4♠ flop.

Claus check-called 200,000 after which both players checked the 9♠ at the turn. The 4♣ completed the board and both players checked again, with Claus' Q♠J♠ winning the pot.

He wasn't done though, as another blind versus blind encounter shot him to a large chip lead. The pre flop action was missed but both players checked the Q♥9♦8♣ flop, with Claus leading for 225,000 after the 9♣ paired the board at the turn.

Araujo called and after the 8♠ double paired the board at the end, Claus slid out 490,000. Araujo couldn't believe the runout, as he flashed J♦T♣ before going into the tank. The friendly Claus didn't flinch though, instead giggling at how unlucky his opponent had gotten...again.

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Pedro Claus, friendly chip leader

Claus was the thorn in Fernando Araujo's side because the start of this final table and while he didn't get a decision at the river, because the Brazilian folded, he had gotten there again. He showed 9♠5♠ and Araujo was reduce to 1,700,000, while Claus is now the massive stack with 3,800,000. -- WOC

5:49pm: Back in actionLevel 30: Blinds 50,000/100,000, Ante 10,000

The final trio is back of their seats and battling for the extra $20,630 and the LAPT Main Event trophy. --MH

5:40pm: Quick breakLevel 30: Blinds 50,000/100,000, Ante 10,000

After playing a couple of hands post-deal, the players decided to take a brief mid-level break. Within the few, small hands that preceded the break, they really pulled nearly inspite of each other within the counts -- fitting after that even chop. --MH

    Name Country Chips

5:23pm: Three-way deal!Level 30: Blinds 50,000/100,000, Ante 10,000

Right after Sergio De Benedictis's knockout in fourth culminated Level 29, the clock ticked over to start Level 30 before being paused to ensure that the general three players to speak about a potential deal.

At the time Fernando Araujo had the lead with somewhat over 3.6 million, Pedro Claus was next with 2.775 million, and Manuel Vuotto third with about 2.35 million. 

It was some of the amiable deal discussions we've seen, in fact, with the 3 players eyeing each others' stacks quickly, then in no time determining a fair three-way chop of many of the remaining prize pool -- $70,000 to every player, with $20,630 left aside for the winner.

The whole process took only a few minutes -- less time than it took to get an image of the 3 afterwards, in truth -- and play has already resumed. --MH

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The three amigos, post-deal

30 50,000 100,000 10,000

5:15pm: Sergio De Benedictis eliminated in 4th place ($39,700)Level 29: Blinds 40,000/80,000, Ante 10,000

A small double wasn't enough to get Sergio De Benedictis out of the chance zone so while Martin Harris typed that hand up, we prepared for either the best comeback of all-time or another bust out. While it took us a couple of hands to get there, De Benedictis eventually bowed out in 4th place, together with his first involvement dropping him even lower.

Action was picked up with Fernando Araujo opening to 180,000 from the cutoff and with only a handful of giant blinds in front of him, De Benedictis called at the button. The blinds folded and after the A♣K♥8♥ flop, Araujo bet 125,000.

De Benedictis had just 200,000 back and after a minute of thought, he folded, leaving himself under three bigs. Araujo showed the K♣ and De Benedictis was left in a kind of must call situation a couple of hands later.

He was within the big blind, with just 90,000 behind his 80,000 big blind. Fernando Araujo shoved the small blind and De Benedictis called, needing his K♣2♣ to carry against T♠9♥ to double.

De Benedictis did, because the 8♠6♦4♥4♦6♥ runout gave him a bit of more space to work. He was up near 400,000 but those chips got in at the very next hand, after Araujo continued to punish the table with another raise from the button.

The Argentine three-bet shoved the small blind for 370,000 and after his 180,000 chip open, Araujo flicked in a chip for the decision. He held A♥T♥ to the fast stack's K♦Q♥.

The K♥Q♠2♦ flop shot De Benedictis into the lead however the 2♣ gave Araujo some additional outs at the turn. The Brazilian didn't use an ace at the river to attain the knockout though, instead spiking the J♦ to make broadway to send De Benedictis out one spot from the podium.

When the dust settled, the remainder three players, who were all relatively closely stacked, took a couple of minutes to discuss a possible deal. -- WOC

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Sergio De Benedictis - 4th place

4:59pm: De Benedictis earns small doubleLevel 29: Blinds 40,000/80,000, Ante 10,000

One hand upon getting crippled in that preflop all-in with Fernando Araujo, De Benedictis open-pushed his last 220,000 with J♠J♣ and was called by Pedro Claus within the big blind with Q♥7♥.

The K♦Q♣4♠ flop caused De Benedictis to wince again on the sight of a queen at the flop, however the J♥ happily popped out at the turn to position him in front and make the river regardless of. De Benedictis is back to 500,000 now but still within the danger zone. --MH

4:55pm: Araujo doubles through De Benedictis to snatch leadLevel 29: Blinds 40,000/80,000, Ante 10,000

In the very next hand after Nicolas Pernigotti's elimination, Fernando Aruajo opened for 180,000 from the button, then Sergio De Benedictis three-bet to 380,000 from the small blind. It folded back to Araujo who didn't wait long before announcing he was reraising all-in, and De Benedictis -- who only had Araujo slightly covered -- called right away.

Araujo: A♣Q♦De Benedictis: A♠J♦

The flop came 2♥J♠Q♣, prompting an pained "ooh" from De Benedictis as he saw his jack pair but Araujo also catching a queen. The turn was the 2♠ and river the K♠, and after the counting was done Araujo is true at 3 million now and within the chip lead while De Benedictis has slipped to only 230,000. --MH

4:48pm: Nicolas Pernigotti eliminated in 5th place ($31,160)Level 29: Blinds 40,000/80,000, Ante 10,000

Nicolas Pernigotti-LAPT Punta del Este-9 Season-8268.jpg

Nicolas Pernigotti - 5th place

Despite his persistence, Nicolas Pernigotti had a potentially impossible route back into contention at this final table. He got one double but if he tried to get a second, he bumped into Sergio De Benedictis, who sent Pernigotti packing in 5th place.

Action was picked up with Pernigotti open shoving from middle position for 300,000 even. The table folded to De Benedictis, who was within the big blind, and he snap called to check out to attain the knockout.

He had the quick stack dominated, holding A♥T♠ to Q♦T♥. Pernigotti needed running cards to avoid wasting his tournament life after the A♣9♣7♠ flop and there has been slightly sweat after the 8♥ fell at the turn.

That's all it was though, a sweat, because the 4♠ completed the board and confirmed his elimination. While he headed to the payout desk to gather his over $31,000 score, De Benedictis was stacking up just over 1,600,000, -- WOC

4:39pm: Pernigotti, the persistentLevel 29: Blinds 40,000/80,000, Ante 10,000

Nicolas Pernigotti have been on the point of elimination for some time now, but he continues managing to maintain his seat. 

Not way back he was within the big blind and folding to a raise, leaving himself with just 275,000. At the next hand it folded to him within the small blind, and as he saw Pedro Claus within the big blind holding out chips in preparation to name if he shoved, he folded his 4-2 offsuit face up.

Three folds later Pernigotti was within the big blind again, and this time called all-in versus Claus's open from UTG. He turned over A♣6♦, then cried out with a smile as he saw Claus's A♦6♠. Five cards later, they chopped.

Next Pernigotti was at the button and raising all-in for his last 180,000 with A♠9♣ and got called by Fernando Araujo who had A♦3♠ within the big blind. The board came 6♥J♠9♦4♣3♦, pairing both players' kickers, and Pernigotti continues to be alive though with lower than 400,000. --MH

4:28pm: Ruben Barros eliminated in 6th place ($24,400)Level 29: Blinds 40,000/80,000, Ante 10,000

Despite getting back from break in the course of the pack, Ruben Barros was just bounced in 6th place, after started the extent losing a good component of his chips to Pedro Claus. A COUPLE OF hands later, Claus came back to take the remainder of his opponent's stack, with the primary hand picked up pre flop.

Barros opened the small ignorant of 165,000 and Claus called within the big to peer the A♥8♥3♠ flop. Barros led for 180,000, only to look the massive stacked Claus raise to 425,000. Barros shot his opponent a glance and at last folded.

He was disappointed to lose chips and drop down near 575,000 but after he saw Claus' A♠8♦, for 2 pair, you need to tell he had just avoided a disastrous situation. A COUPLE OF hands later, disaster did come though, by the hands of Claus.

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Ruben Barros - 6th place

Barros open shoved for with reference to 550,000 from early position and Claus immediately called. The remainder of the table folded and Barros was drawing to only three immediate outs with A♣8♦. He was against Q♥Q♦ and after the 9♦4♦2♦3♣9♣ runout, he was eliminated.

He'll make just over $24,000 for his final table run, finishing two spots better than his 8th place run in last year's LAPT8 Uruguay Main Event. Meanwhile, Pedro Claus is back to the highest of the charts, with with regards to 2,800,000. -- WOC

4:17pm: Play resumes; 6 remain (still)Level 29: Blinds 40,000/80,000, Ante 10,000

All six players made it through those last two one-hour levels, with Manuel Vuotto the brand new leader and Fernando Araujo having climbed up into second position now. Listed below are the updated counts:

       Name Country Chips

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Six-handed play continues

They'll play a pair more levels and may take a brief dinner break afterwards -- whoever is left, anyway. --MH

29 40,000 80,000 10,000

4:02pm: Take a break

Players at the moment are taking another 15-minute break.  --MH

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4:01pm: Araujo takes a large chunk from PernigottiLevel 28: Blinds 30,000/60,000, Ante 10,000

In the last hand of the level, from middle position Fernando Arauja opened for 130,000 and Nicolas Pernigotti called from the small blind.

The flop came J♣9♥2♥ and both players checked. The turn then brought the 2♣ and bet of 175,000 from Pernigotti which Araujo called.

The river was the T♠. Pernigotti checked, and after hesitating a moment Araujo bet 380,000. Pernigotti thought for some time -- a minute or so into the break -- before finally calling, and Araujo turned over K♥Q♥ for a rivered straight. Pernigotti showed his hand with some disgust -- A♠J♠ -- and quickly left to get some fresh air and clear his head from that one.

Araujo heads into the break with 2.065 million now, having bounced the entire long ago from short-stacked status. Meanwhile short-stacked is what Pernigotti is now with just 415,000. --MH

3:58pm: Anyone keeping track at home?Level 28: Blinds 30,000/60,000, Ante 10,000

It looks like the last two levels has been stuffed with shoves, shoves and more shoves, with only a few calls or even fewer pots that experience made their option to the river with meaningful action.

That trend has continued to the top of Level 28, as Nicolas Pernigotti just three-bet shoved from the cutoff, after Manuel Vuotto opened within the hijack. The open was sized at 140,000 and Pernigotti's shove checked in at 750,000.

There could be no Argentine on Argentine battle though, as Vuotto folded, after as regards to two minutes of thought. We're now only some minutes from the top of the period and another break. -- WOC

3:50pm: Claus pushes Pernigotti off handLevel 28: Blinds 30,000/60,000, Ante 10,000

We haven't been mentioning Nicolas Pernigotti much until lately today, but we've another hand to report involving him already.

In this one Pernigotti opened for 135,000 from the button, then Pedro Claus reraised enough to place Pernigotti all-in. The latter thought some time then folded, and now sits with about 740,000. Claus meanwhile is as much as 1.85 million. --MH

3:46pm: Ace-king finally doubles AraujoLevel 28: Blinds 30,000/60,000, Ante 10,000

Fernando Araujo has shoved a nearly countless amount of times over the past two levels and he finally got looked up. The Brazilian moved all-in for 550,000, from the large blind, over top of Sergio De Benedictis' under the gun 140,000 chip open.

De Benedictis called and Araujo was in a great place to double, with A♠K♥ to A♥T♦. The A♦J♠9♥Q♥5♥ runout kept big slick ahead and when the dust settled, Araujo was over 1,000,000 for the primary time in recent memory. De Benedictis is dangerously on the subject of that quantity besides. -- WOC

3:38pm: Pernigotti joins the 'pushing party'Level 28: Blinds 30,000/60,000, Ante 10,000

After not involving himself much during the last few orbits, Nicolas Pernigotti found himself just over the 10 big blind mark. He then joined the pushing party which was previously a one-man Brazilian show.

Pernigotti moved all-in for 720,000 from under the gun and that shove got through, with another working a couple of hands later to transport him just over seven-figures. In between, Fernando Araujo successfully shoved, to maintain himself near ten bigs. -- WOC

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Pernigotti persisting

3:29pm: Another shove from AraujoLevel 28: Blinds 30,000/60,000, Ante 10,000

If we were working smarter, not harder, we might have likely just found a template for the "Arajuo shoves again" posts. Every situation is different though, kind of, and we aren't within the business of copying and pasting.

Araujo was within the business of playing Route 1 poker though, as he's kind of had one play over the past few orbits. Despite his numerous shoves, he's yet to get looked up and this time, he forced folds with a 420,000 chip shove.

That moves him up on the subject of 600,000, that is still only ten big blinds. -- WOC

3:21pm: Barros bounds upwardsLevel 28: Blinds 30,000/60,000, Ante 10,000

Ruben Barros has quickly improved his situation after winning two hands in a row, bluffing both times.

The first saw him playing a comparatively small pot with Fernando Araujo, pushing the latter off a hand with a river bet after which showing ace-high afterwards. That knocked Araujo back off to 450,000.

In the following one Barros opened for 125,000 from the cutoff, Sergio De Benedictis called from the large blind, and the flop came J♦5♥Q♦. Both checked, then after the 7♥ turn De Benedictis bet 125,000, Barros shoved, and De Benedictis folded.

Barros showed his hand -- 9♥8♥ -- and picked up the chips. Call that one a semi-bluff.

Barros is now up around 1.95 million, while De Benedictis has 1.7 million. --MH

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Barros keeps barreling

3:10pm: Vuotto vaults aheadLevel 28: Blinds 30,000/60,000, Ante 10,000

Sergio De Benedictis put out a raise to 115,000 from the button, then was told he needed to raise to a minimum of 120,000 here in Level 28. Only Manuel Vuotto then called the raise from the small blind, and the flop came 6♣8♠5♥.

De Benedictis checked, Vuotto bet 200,000, and De Benedictis folded. After some prodding, Vuotto showed his hand -- 6♦6♥ -- and picked up the pot.

Vuotto has now pulled ahead into the chip lead with 2.55 million, while De Benedictis has 1.9 million. --MH

Manuel Vuotto-LAPT Punta del Este-9 Season-8241.jpg

Vuotto takes over lead

28 30,000 60,000 10,000

3:06pm: Three in a row for AraujoLevel 27: Blinds 25,000/50,000, Ante 5,000

Through the overall short time of Level 27, Fernando Araujo moved all-in thrice and while he didn't get looked up on any occasion, he's now entering the following period over the 10 big blind mark.

The first move saw Araujo shove for 395,000. The remainder of the table folded and that moved Araujo near a half-million. A COUPLE OF hands later, he was all-in again, this time from the massive blind.

Nicolas Pernigotti opened the cutoff to 110,000 and Araujo's shove weighed in at 485,000. Pernigotti couldn't bring himself to call, conceding the pot to his Brazilian counterpart.

The very next hand, Araujo shoved the small blind and Sergio De Benedictis folded within the big, pushing the Brazilian as much as 820,000. That's his highest peak since getting back from the last break and he'll now head into the following period with a workable 14 big blind stack. -- WOC

2:53pm: De Benedictis back in frontLevel 27: Blinds 25,000/50,000, Ante 5,000

Pedro Claus opened for 140,000 from middle position and it folded to Sergio De Benedictis who called from the small blind, and after a little bit thought Manuel Vuotto folded from the BB.

The flop came 4♣2♣Q♠. Claus bet 195,000 and De Benedictis called. Both then checked the 2♠ turn, then after the 5♦ completed the board, Claus checked again. De Benedictis took the outlet to bet 325,000, and after considering things a little while Claus folded.

The big stacks continue their battling, with De Benedictis now leading yet again with 2.18 million and Claus close with 2.08 million. --MH

2:47pm: Araujo all-in (again)Level 27: Blinds 25,000/50,000, Ante 5,000

Fernando Araujo just open-raised all-in again along with his short stack from the small blind, Sergio De Benedictis gave up the massive blind, and Araujo showed one card -- the A♥ -- and picked up the pot.

The Brazilian remains the fast stack, though, with just 375,000. --MH

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Araujo trying to climb back

2:43pm: Araujo gets one throughLevel 27: Blinds 25,000/50,000, Ante 5,000

We go from the 2 big stacks to the opposite end of the spectrum, as Brazil's Fernando Araujo continues to be the fast stack. He just got a shove through, moving all-in for on the subject of seven big blinds from middle position.

That bumped him as much as 450,000 but when he will come again into contention at this final table, he'll likely want to get a double to take action. Because it stands, he's the one player below ten big blinds, with Ruben Barros sitting because the other player under 1,000,000. -- WOC

2:34pm: Claus takes the chip lead backLevel 27: Blinds 25,000/50,000, Ante 5,000

The big stacks have continued to battle towards the midway point of Level 27. Sergio De Benedictis just took the chip lead but it surely was only momentarily, as Pedro Claus took it right back way to a timely river.

Action was picked up with De Benedictis opening to 115,000 from under the gun and after some folds, Claus called within the small blind. Both players checked the A♣K♦J♠ flop, with both tapping the table for a second time after the 8♣ fell at the turn.

The 4♥ completed the board and Claus led for 150,000, a wager that De Benedictis snap called. Claus tabled 4♣4♠, for a rivered set and De Benedictis shot from his chair before sending his hand into the muck.

He was visibly frustrated with how he played the hand, tapping himself at the head for maybe not thinking, a continuation of our recent theme. He's still well stacked with 1,700,000 however the chip lead is now back in Claus' corner, as he's working 2,400,000. -- WOC

2:21pm: De Benedictis grabs pot, chip lead from ClausLevel 27: Blinds 25,000/50,000, Ante 5,000

Just after that short conversation about thinking (see just below), Pedro Claus had so much to consider within the very next hand versus Sergio De Benedictis.

After Claus opened for 130,000 from the hijack seat, De Benedictis called from the button and the flop came 5♦9♣6♦. Claus quickly continued for an additional 130,000, and De Benedictis called.

The turn brought the K♦, and Claus checked this time. De Benedictis then fired 160,000, or even before the chips have been set forward Claus had called.

The river was the K♠. Claus led for 280,000 this time, again acting without hesitating, and De Benedictis didn't wait too long either before jamming with an all-in raise to 680,000.

Now Claus needed to stop and think. He took a couple of minute-and-a-half, then finally let his hand go, and De Benedictis earned the massive pot.

De Benedictis moves up into the chip lead on that one, in fact, nudging just up over 2 million while Claus slips to 1.95 million. --MH

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Sergio surges ahead

2:16pm: Playing vs. thinkingLevel 27: Blinds 25,000/50,000, Ante 5,000

Ruben Barros opened for 150,000 from middle position and it folded around to Manuel Vuotto within the big blind. As have been his custom, he took a short time to consider what to do -- not inordinately long, but just a little longer than the others was tanking.

Barros joked with Vuotto just a little about taking his time, to which Vuotto responded with a smile. "Don't you guys think?" he asked (in Spanish). Chip leader Pedro Claus had an answer.

"I do not need to think," he said. "I see the cards, and that i play!"

That earned some chuckles throughout as Vuotto folded. And perhaps somewhat something to consider going forward. --MH

2:10pm: Brazil can't catch a breakLevel 27: Blinds 25,000/50,000, Ante 5,000

It seems as if the vast majority of time we're mentioning Fernando Araujo, he have been at the losing end of the pot. He just took another hit, this time against Sergio De Benedictis.

Action was picked up with Araujo completing the small blind and the Argentine checking his option within the big. The Q♦8♣5♦ flop brought a check and a big gamble of 50,000 from De Benedictis. Araujo came along and the similar pattern of betting played out after the K♥ fell at the turn, with the wager sized at 125,000.

The J♥ completed the board and both players checked, with De Benedictis tabling Q♣3♣ for 2 pair. Araujo had Q♠5♠ and again, he was shipping some chips. He's now down near 575,000, that's just over ten big blinds, while De Benedictis is operating 1,150,000. -- WOC

2pm: Play resumes; 6 remainLevel 27: Blinds 25,000/50,000, Ante 5,000

The remaining six players back and Level 27 is underway. They've colored up the chips one last time, eliminating the yellow 1,000 chips, and a fresh count reaffirms Pedro Claus's lead. He's 1.1 million away from nearest challengers Manuel Votto and Nicolas Pernigotti, with the opposite three players a little behind. Listed here are the stacks to start the brand new level:

       Name Country Chips

Pedro Claus-LAPT Punta del Este-9 Season-8221.jpg

No one's been capable of pry chips from Pedro's Claus

27 25,000 50,000 5,000

1:44pm: First break of the dayLevel 26: Blinds 20,000/40,000, Ante 5,000

We've played to the primary break of the day and the rest six final table players at the moment are on a handy guide a rough 15-minute recess. Counts once we return. -- WOC

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1:38pm: Pernigotti picks one up before period endsLevel 26: Blinds 20,000/40,000, Ante 5,000

The last ten minutes of Level 26 played out with little to no action however the period did end with Nicolas Pernigotti picking up a tight pot against Manuel Vuotto.

Vuotto opened the cutoff to 85,000 and after some thought, Pernigotti three-bet to 230,000 from the button. The blinds folded and after the deliberate Vuotto thought for with reference to a minute and a half, he flashed A♦J♠.

As he sent his hand into the muck, Pernigotti showed the A♣. We do not know what his kicker was but he was taking within the pot before all of the table exited the tournament area on their first break of the day.

A complete list of the remainder counts might be posted shortly. -- WOC

1:28pm: De Benedictis three-bets, collectsLevel 26: Blinds 20,000/40,000, Ante 5,000

Ruben Barros opened for 105,000 from the hijack seat and after taking a gander at what Barros had behind, Fernando Araujo called the raise from the cutoff.

It folded to Sergio De Benedictis within the small blind who took his time acting. After on the subject of a minute of thought, he announced a reraise and pushed out columns representing 330,000.

It folded back to Barros who paused a few beats before folding, and Araujo stepped aside as well.

All three of the players fascinated with the hand are close at the present time -- De Benedictis moves as much as 990,000 after that one, Araujo sits behind 950,000, and Barros is playing 935,000. --MH

1:27pm: Claus clips Araujo at the river, againLevel 26: Blinds 20,000/40,000, Ante 5,000

With two short stacks down, shall we see some more tactical play from the remainder of this final table. Pedro Claus and Fernando Araujo battled earlier, with the previous clipping the Brazilian at the river and he just did so again to transport near 2,500,000.

Action was picked up with Claus opening to 102,000 from the small blind, with Araujo calling within the big. The A♦9♠7♠ brought a big gamble of 110,000 from Claus and Araujo called to peer the 7♣ pair the board at the turn.

Both players checked and so they did the similar after the 8♦ fell at the river. Claus tabled 8♣6♠ and Araujo cringed, showing 5♣5♠. Again, he was good until the river but more importantly, he again only lost the minimum.

He's still over 1,000,000, that is good for over 20 big blinds, while Claus increases his chip lead at the remaining lineup. -- WOC

1:19pm: Cristian Andres Rotondo eliminated in 7th place ($18,340)Level 26: Blinds 20,000/40,000, Ante 5,000

The first time Cristian Andres Rotondo and Nicolas Pernigotti got occupied with a pot, the 2 chopped it up with the similar hand. The second, Rotondo was not as fortunate, as he shoved 230,000 from middle position and was dominated once Pernigotti called from the small blind.

The short stack held K♠8♦ to Pernigotti's K♥Q♥ and after the Q♠J♠9♥ flop, Rotondo's best chance of survival was another chop. The 7♣ didn't assistance on the turn and after the 9♠ paired the board at the river, he was eliminated in 7th place.

He'll make just below $18,500 for his final table run and Nicolas Pernigotti now looks as if he's third in chips (behind leader Pedro Claus and Manuel Vuotto) with nearly 1,400,000. -- WOC

Cristian Rotondo-LAPT Punta del Este-9 Season-8215.jpg

Cristian Andres Rotondo - 7th place

1:11pm: Claus, Vuotto add to important stacksLevel 26: Blinds 20,000/40,000, Ante 5,000

The two hands following Marco Oliveira's elimination in eighth place saw Marco Vuotto raise and take one from under the gun, then Pedro Claus do the similar from middle position.

Both have big stacks relative to the opposite five, with Claus still leading with 2.31 million and Vuotto in second position with 1.75 million. --MH

1:03pm: Marco Oliveira eliminated in 8th place ($13,040)Level 26: Blinds 20,000/40,000, Ante 5,000

Marco Oliveira open-raised all-in for his last 404,000 and it folded around to Ruben Barros within the cutoff who reraised all-in excessive. Everyone else stepped aside, and after Oliveira showed his 2♠2♥ he saw he was well behind the K♦K♥ of Barros.

The board ran out a run of the mill 9♦A♠8♣Q♥T♠, and Oliveira is out in eighth, leaving only Fernando Araujo to symbolize Brazil going further versus the six Argentinians.

Barros is up around 1.05 million now. --MH

Marco Oliveira-LAPT Punta del Este-9 Season-8180.jpg

Marco Oliveira - 8th place

12:54pm: Double chop for RotondoLevel 26: Blinds 20,000/40,000, Ante 5,000

Short stack Cristian Andres Rotondo moved all-in early and located no callers but in back to back hands, he shoved and needed to accept a chop on both occasions. The primary saw Rotondo move all-in fro 268,000 from middle position and after Nicolas Pernigotti called within the small blind, both players tabled variants of ace-ten.

The rainbow board meant that every took back their bets and half the blinds and antes but at the next hand, Rotondo was in better shape for a double. He moved in for just below 290,000 and after Pedro Claus called within the big, he tabled Q♥Q♣.

Claus held A♣9♥ and after the 9♦8♣7♠T♣6♣ runout, Rotondo saw the river keep him from increasing his stack. He's still below the 10 big blind mark, while Claus still holds the chip lead because the only player over 2,000,000. -- WOC

26 20,000 40,000 5,000

12:51pm: Araujo minimizes his lossesLevel 25: Blinds 15,000/30,000, Ante 4,000

It's taken the easier a part of the primary level however the top two stacks entering this final table just got involved for the primary time. Chip leader Pedro Claus opened to 78,000 from middle position and Fernando Araujo, the following player to act, called.

The remainder of the table folded and both players checked the J♥7♣6♣ flop, with Claus checking the J♦ turn besides. Araujo bet 80,000 and Claus quickly came along, with both players checking the A♦ after it completed the board.

Claus tabled A♥K♦ and Araujo shook his head, before showing Q♣Q♠. It was a minimal loss for the Brazilian and if these two players had played the hand differently, it would was a much bigger loss for Araujo. Instead, he played his pocket pair cautiously and remains to be very comfortably near 1,300,000.

The chip leader gets back to where he started the day, with Claus playing 2,200,000. -- WOC

12:43pm: Vuotto chips upLevel 25: Blinds 15,000/30,000, Ante 4,000

The pace of play have been very deliberate within the early going. Living proof -- the next hand only reached the turn, though took around eight minutes to complete.

It began with Manuel Vuotto limping in from under the gun, then Ruben Barros raised to 73,000 from middle position. It folded to Sergio De Benedictis within the big blind who called, and the trio saw the flop come 9♠2♥5♣.

Action checked to Barros who continued for 130,000, and only Vuotto called. The turn then brought the 3♦ and a number one bet of 152,000 from Vuotto, and after some thought Barros stepped aside.

You read that during only some seconds, but as we are saying mentally add in long stretches in between each action for an entire picture. 

Vuotto chips as much as about 1.64 million with that pot, while Barros now has 725,000. --MH

12:25pm: One orbit, one flopLevel 25: Blinds 15,000/30,000, Ante 4,000

This final table has gotten off to a slow start, with the hand between Pedro Claus and Sergio De Benedictis the one one going to a flop in the course of the first orbit. There was some pre flop battling though, including a shove from short stack Cristian Andres Rotondo.

He moved in from middle position, for 263,000 and compelled the table to fold, picking up the blinds and antes. There have also been a couple of three-bets as well, none of that have been called to look further action.

While we've not seen that much action throughout the first 20 minutes of play, we imagine that after the overall table gets comfortable, we'll see some pots develop. -- WOC

12:16pm: De Benedictis draws first bloodLevel 25: Blinds 15,000/30,000, Ante 4,000

After two raise and takes from Nicolas Pernigotti, the general table saw their first hand visit the flop between Pedro Claus and Sergio De Benedictis. The chip leader opened to 69,000 from middle position and De Benedictis called out of the small blind.

Manuel Vuotto thought for a couple of moments within the big before releasing his hand, sending two players to the Q♦7♠6♦ flop. De Benedictis checked, to peer Claus continue for 75,000.

De Benedictis then min-check-raised, clicking it back to 150,000. Claus called and after the K♣ fell at the turn, De Benedictis announced himself "all-in". The shove was for just over 515,000 and after a handy guide a rough trip to the tank, Claus folded.

De Benedictis took within the pot, drawing first blood at this final table to transport up near the 950,000 chip mark. Claus take a small hit to drop near 2,000,000. -- WOC

12:08pm: Final table underway!Level 25: Blinds 15,000/30,000, Ante 4,000

Players are all here, the preliminaries are done, and the primary hand of the LAPT9 Uruguay Main Event is being dealt. Listed here are those seating assignments and stacks again as play kicks off:

Seat 1: Manuel Vuotto (Argentina) -- 1,416,100Seat 2: Nicolas Pernigotti (Argentina) -- 1,043,000Seat 3: Ruben Barros (Argentina) -- 866,000Seat 4: Pedro Claus (Argentina) -- 2,230,000Seat 5: Fernando Araujo (Brazil) -- 1,490,000Seat 6: Cristian Andres Rotondo (Argentina) -- 294,000Seat 7: Marco Oliveira (Brazil) -- 562,000Seat 8: Sergio De Benedictis (Argentina) -- 772,000

Final Table-LAPT Punta del Este-9 Season-8159.jpg

Ready to battle!

And a reminder of what they're playing for: 

1st: $110,870 2nd: $69,740 3rd: $50,020 4th: $39,720 5th: $31,160 6th: $24,400 7th: $18,340 8th: $13,040

There are almost 35 minutes left in Level 25. --MH

25 15,000 30,000 4,000

11:30am: Final table player profiles

From the 438 entries into this LAPT Uruguay Main Event just eight are left with an opportunity to win the title and $110,870 first prize. With a few half-hour to move until the primary final table hand gets dealt, take a little time to get to understand the eight players who remain:

Seat 1: Manuel Vuotto, Argentina -- 1,416,000

If momentum in poker counts for anything, Manuel Vuotto has it. The Argentine, one in every of six at this final table, did nothing but climb on Day 3 en path to bagging a top-three stack. While it's his first final table appearance at the LAPT, a tight run of results, including a win worth $56,000 at the Codere Poker Tour in Uruguay from this past summer, could mean Vuotto is essentially the most in type of the general eight. 

Seat 2: Nicolas Pernigotti, Argentina -- 1,043,000

Main Events are where Nicolas Pernigotti has done all of his tournament damage over the past two years, which means while he's also making his first LAPT final table appearance, he has some experience upon which to attract. Pernigotti finished third in a High Roller event on the Circuito Argentino De Poker in Buenos Aires this spring, good for a virtually career best score. He'll attempt to best that finish today, coming back in the midst of the pack with just over seven-figures. 

Seat 3: Ruben Barros, Argentina -- 866,000

At the top of Day 3, Ruben Barros asked if there have been a unique prize for making back-to-back final table appearances. Barros finished eighth in last year's LAPT8 Uruguay Main Event, which, oddly enough, could also be his only live tournament cash to this point. There may not be a unique" prize," but Barros does get a possibility at some redemption, as he looks to best that finish from 2015 today. 

Seat 4: Pedro Claus, Argentina -- 2,230,000

Compared to the players on the top of the leaderboard within the previous few days, Pedro Claus has a comparatively modest tournament résumé. He isn't a past LAPT champion or reigning Player of the Year, but that might all change inside the following couple of hours as he'll notch a career best score today. The one question -- can he Claus the finish line prior to the rest, after entering the overall table with a large advantage on the top of the charts?

Seat 5: Fernando Araujo, Brazil -- 1,490,000

One of 2 Brazilians doing battle with the half-dozen Argentinians at today's final table is Fernando Araujo, some of the more matured players on the final table with greater than 1 / 4 million dollars' worth of tournament cashes over the past six years, including many at the Brazilian Series of Poker and some on the WSOP to boot. He'll be looking today to top his career-high score of R$113,000 (about $46K USD) for winning a BSOP High Roller in São Paulo in 2014. He'll also attempt to better his seventh-place finish here within the LAPT4 Uruguay Main Event.

Seat 6: Cristian Andres Rotondo, Argentina -- 294,000

Cristian Andres Rotondo have been cashing in LAPT Main Events since Season 3, a part of his success in tournaments over the past half-dozen years. Rotondo also has numerous cashes in South America and the U.S., and most recently made the money within the European Poker Tour Barcelona Main Event. He's returning to the quick stack today -- beginning with not up to 10 big blinds -- and so might want to spin up his stack early so as to further his LAPT9 Uruguay Main Event run.

Seat 7: Marco Oliveira, Brazil -- 562,000

Joining Araujo because the other representative of Brazil at today's final table may be Marco Oliveira, winner of nearly $200K in tournaments since 2010. That is Oliveira's second career LAPT final table as he took eighth at LAPT6 Panama. He's also coming off a minimum of three final tables on the BSOP's Punta del Este series back in June, and so has numerous recent experience at the main stage within the Conrad's tournament poker room.

Seat 8: Sergio De Benedictis, Argentina -- 772,000

Sergio De Benedictis rounds out our final eight, collector of various cashes in his native Argentina in addition to a pair from side events at LAPT6 Chile. His largest career cash came in April of this year at teh Madero Poker Master Cup in Buenos Aires where he won an ARS$8,500 event for a ARS$565,080 first prize worth nearly $40K USD. Making the highest three today will earn him more that, though just like the others he'll have some work to do to catch frontrunner Claus. 

Location-LAPT Punta del Este-9 Season-6599.jpg

The Conrad Hotel & Casino

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PokerStars Blog Reporting Team at LAPT9 Uruguay: Will O'Connor and Martin Harris. Photos by Carlos Monti. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter: @PokerStarsBlog

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