Thursday, October 27, 2016

EPT13 Malta: Nemeth leads Mette at Day 1B closeNO Deposit bonus $43

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Sun sets on Day 1B at Portomaso Casino

All the chatter within the poker world today was about William Kassouf. His elimination hand from the arena Series Main Event screened on television last night, and it was awash with controversy.

In a neat parallel, the entire chatter within the EPT13 Malta poker site today was also about William Kassouf, but that's for the reason that divisive Brit had turned up and sat down a number of the 325 players for Day 1B of the principle Event. If Kassouf is within the room, there's talking. And most of it's about William Kassouf.

Although the person they like to hate/hate to like was still around at bagging time tonight, meaning he'll be back alongside 167 others from today and 61 from yesterday for Day 2, he doesn't even nearly have the most important chip stack.

Kassouf's 50,500 is dwarfed mostly by Andras Nemeth, from Hungary, and Germany's Armin Mette, who shoved 192,700 and 183,700, respectively, into their bags tonight. Both had a large stack for all the late stages of play and steadily guided themselves right into a comfortable position to return tomorrow.

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Leading the best way: Andras Nemeth

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Armin Mette: AN IN DEPTH second

Other notable stacks sit with the following:

Mats Karlsson - 150,200Roberto Romanello - 148,300Eugene Katchalov - 143,900Sarah Behja Herzali - 142,400Ismael Bojang - 128,400Davidi Kitai - 128,000Yury Gulyy - 120,900

The full counts are at the chip-count page.

An incident at Malta airport this morning disrupted the arriving of no less than a handful of players jetting in today for the primary Event, including the Team PokerStars Pro George Danzer. Danzer arrived into Level 7, alongside his colleague Jake Cody. Danzer managed to navigate the 2 levels he played, bagging 27,000 on the close of play. But Cody was not so fortunate. He was knocked out at the last hand of the day.

Perhaps the late arrival was good for them. Jaime Staples and Pier Paolo Fabretti, of Team Online, were here far earlier, but were eliminated quickly. Previous champions Andreas Hoivold, Julian Track, Jan Bendick, Niall Farrell and Sebastian Malec also hit the rail because the field was cut to only to the snug 225-ish who will return tomorrow.

Others who survived include:

Anton Morgenstern - 96,500Ludovic Geilich - 92,200Dominik Panka - 86,000Dara O'Kearney - 51,100Gaelle Baumann - 44,800Maria Ho - 32,800David Yan - 20,300Stefan Jedlicka - 22,900Jean Montury - 20,000Sylvain Loosli - 15,400

The single-day High Roller plays on into the night. Your whispering, late-night host is Jack Stanton and you may find him on WYNC PokerStars Blog.

If that does not take your fancy, have a spin through today's coverage below.

Day 1B live coverage:

11:55pm: Cody busts on the death; Day 1B concludesLevel 8 - 400/800 (ante 100)

Jake Cody was knocked out at the final hand of the day.

It seems that our leader is Andras Nemeth, from Hungary, with Germany's Armin Mette not far behind. Nemeth has 192,700 and Mette 183,700. A WHOLE wrap up, with some more counts, is incoming. -- HS

11:50pm: Reading the last pages of Day 1BLevel 8 - 400/800 (ante 100)

A little bit of excitement to share prior to we close the book on Day 1B.

First there has been four-way all-in involving a short-stacked Rafael Gancedo. Betting postflop narrowed the sector to three, then on the showdown Gancedo was able to concede his tournament need to be over. He had K♦K♠, but a board of Q♥6♥9♥4♠2♥ meant if either Andrey Andreev or Elie Saad had a heart, his Main Event run was over.

But Andreev had 9♣3♦ and Saad 7♣6♣, so Gancedo survived.  Finally, we mentioned early within the day (see below, 2:20pm) the "reader" Orjahn Winther who brought a book today. By night's end he was as much as Chapter 75 with only a few pages left to head. Alas, he was also right down to his last chips, and managed to bust before the night and his book ended. --MH

11:40pm: Last five handsLevel 8 - 400/800 (ante 100)

They'll play five more hands before wrapping for this evening.

11:35pm: Mancini cuts down Cortellazzi; Cody shortLevel 8 - 400/800 (ante 100)

Andrea Cortellazzi is out, the Italian's K♠J♣ not having the ability to overcome the Q♦Q♠ of the Chilean Angelo Mancini. Mancini is stacking as regards to 70,000 now.

Meanwhile simply to Mancini's left is Team PokerStars Pro Jake Cody who was all the way down to lower than 2,000 a short time ago, though managed to win a few double-ups and now sits with 12,000 with lower than a half-hour of play left in Day 1B. --MH

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Cody: chips, cap, and a chair

11:25pm: Eichhardt doublesLevel 8 - 400/800 (ante 100)

Peter Eichhart moved his short stack into the center from the hijack and action got to David Cabrera within the big blind who pondered his options. Eichhardt gave him just a little friendly chit-chat as Cabrera said, "I'm looking to figure out what number of blinds that is."

Eichhardt needed to perform a little mathematics himself. "It's three," he said.

"Thirteen?" Cabrera said.

"Yes...No!" Eichhardt said, genuinely unsure. Dominik Panka nodded his belief that the stack was 13 big blinds and what Panka nods at can be the truth.

Cabrera then put calling chips into the pot and said, "Sorry for the slow-roll." Eichhardt didn't mind, especially since his A♥4♦ was a marginal favourite against Cabrera's K♥J♣.

Swap "marginal" for "overwhelming" after a flop of A♦6♥5♥ and although the Q♣ at the turn seemed a bit scary, the K♦ at the river didn't help/hinder Cabrera/Eichhardt.

With around 40 minutes still to play, Eichhart continues to be breathing with about 21,000. -- HS

11:15pm: Herzali takes from PankaLevel 8 - 400/800 (ante 100)

With the board showing 6♠K♥3♦4♠ and about 12,000 within the middle, Dominik Panka led for 8,500 and after just a little time within the tank Sarah Behja Herzali called behind.

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Panka seeking another pot

The river then brought the 9♠ and a check from Panka, and Herzali paused a few beats again before firing 11,500. Panka didn't waste an excessive amount of time folding, preserving his stack of as regards to 120,000 -- about what Herzali has to boot. --MH

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Herzali helps herself

11:00pm: Triple-up? Triple-up.Level 8 - 400/800 (ante 100)

"Good luck, triple-up," called a player from around the table to Nicholas McNicholas. "Thank you, triple-up," he responded, the echo uncannily recalling his name.

To get to that point, well, first McNicholas needed to lose some chips. All the way down to 5,800 to be exact. Then he needed to re-raise that stack all-in over a Natalia Panchenko open and Alexander Debus call. The action then needed to circle back to the latter two, either one of whom needed to call.

All that happened. What happened next? A checked-down board coming 2♥A♦3♥6♦A♥.

"Triple up!" said Nicholas McNicholas. Again. He then turned over A♣Q♦ for trips, and indeed that bested the K♣J♣ of Panchenko and 8♠8♥ of Debus.

It was slightly greater than a triple-up, to be exact, carrying McNicholas up with reference to 20,000. Meanwhile Panchencko now has about 18,000 and Debus around 33,000. --MH

10:50pm: Last level of the nightLevel 8 - 400/800 (ante 100)

You read the headline. You know what that suggests. Right? Level. Last. Stick with it. --MH

10:45pm: Szabo's big blinderLevel 6 - 300/600 (ante 100)

Sometimes you're just priced in. And that may sometimes be an even thing--as Zoltan Szabo just discovered when he came together with three others to a flop from the massive blind.

It started when Darya Hulyk opened to 1,200 from early position and Simon Trumper called at the button. Gianfranco Visalli called within the small blind and with an expression that said, "Why the hell not?" Szabo called from the big.

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Darya Hulyk: Getting things started

They saw the flop of 9♦Q♣Q♠ and Visalli led for 2,100. Szabo called and Hulyk called. Trumper folded his button, even if Visalli suggested he won't wish to be the only left out.

The 4♣ came at the turn and Visalli checked. Szabo took over the betting lead now and pushed out 7,500. Hulyk had seen enough, but Visalli called.

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Visalli and Szabo

The 3♠ came at the river and Visalli, under a they-killed-Kenny hood, checked again. But there has been no shaking Szabo, who bet 15,000 and Visalli gave it up. -- HS

10:40pm: Shark tankLevel 6 - 300/600 (ante 100)

There's another very tough table within the centre of the room, where Eugene Katchalov, Sylvain Loosli, Anton Bertillson and Davidi Kitai all sit together.

Kitai, who has already been to 2 final tables this week, just demonstrated to Jacek Pustula how tough the table might be. Pustula raised to 1,400 and Kitai three-bet to 4,200 from a few seats around.

After Pustula called, the flop brought the K♠7♥Q♦ and Pustula check-folded when Kitai bet 5,000.

I haven't watched the table for an extremely long time, but I expect the sharks to be steering away from each other no less than until they've had a fill of what they're going to consider bait. Here's hoping probably the most small fry snaps back. -- HS

10:35pm: Glaser at the moveLevel 6 - 300/600 (ante 100)

Benny Glaser continues to use the pressure that incorporates the arrogance of a three-times bracelet winner. He just pushed Martin Nikolov out of a pot when Glaser had position and used it well.

Glaser opened his button to 1,400 and Nikolov three-bet his small blind, making it 3,300. The dealer offered them the 7♥Q♠5♣ flop and Nikolev bet 3,500. Glaser called.

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Benny Glaser and Martin Nikolov

The J♣ came at the turn and Nikolov checked. Glaser interpreted that as a call for participation and bet 10,800. Nikolov folded. -- HS

10:30pm: Danzer's delay explainedLevel 6 - 300/600 (ante 100)

George Danzer told our German blogger, Robin Scherr, that he had intended to be here by Level 3 today, but he was stranded in Munich due to the plane crash at Malta airport today.

Five people were killed within the incident, and one man's late arrival at a poker tournament is naturally insignificant. However, it does explain his absence--and perhaps that of a few other players who've not arrived to Malta today.

Meanwhile, Kitty Kuo seems to be out. Her seat is empty and there is a distinct loss of pink pom-poms attached to blinged up cellphones within the room. You'll just feel it. -- HS

10:25pm: Bojang bounces DelmasLevel 7 - 300/600 (ante 100)

Picking up the action at the turn, the board was showing 2♣J♠2♠4♥ when Adrien Delmas checked, IPT8 Malta Main Event champion Ismael Bojang bet 7,800, and Delmas called to bring the pot to around 27,000.

The river was the 9♣ and Delmas checked again, and Bojang set a large column of chips forward -- enough to check Delmas for the entire 35,000 or so he had left behind. 

Delmas tanked for a while, then finally set his chips out to call, and Bojang immediately turned over his hand -- 4♣4♦ for fours filled with deuces. Delmas showed he'd had A♦J♦ for 2 pair before heading railward.

Bojang is at the rise again, stacking up about 140,000 as Level 7 involves a detailed. --MH

10:20pm: Azzopardi departs the partyLevel 7 - 300/600 (ante 100)

Malta's own Charlo Azzopardi's Main Event has ended here within the latter half Level 7, his last hand coming against the Italian Walter Treccarichi.

Azzopardi had K♥Q♦ on his last hand while Treccarichi had A♣Q♣, and a board of T♣5♦K♣5♥4♣ favored the latter. With Azzopardi gone, Treccarichi now has about 55,000. --MH

10:15pm: Crazy, dawgLevel 7 - 300/600 (ante 100)

A hand on Table 4 just played out that left some of the players across the table speechless. Taran Parmar found words, though. He said: "You're crazy, dawg."

This was not due to the recklessness of Harpreet Gill's play, but it surely. was more as a result of its caution. Gill folded bottom set to a shove from Mikita Badziakouski, even supposing Badziakouski himself said he would never be capable to make that fold.

It started with Badziakouski pausing the video he was watching on his phone, which can or would possibly not was a replay of yesterday's €25,000 High Roller final table wherein he featured. He raised to 1,200 from mid-position.

Gill was within the hijack and he three-bet to 2,800 and action folded back to Badziakouski. He called.

Those two saw a flop of Q♠A♦T♦ and Badziakouski checked. Gill threw out a 5,000-denomination chip, but told the dealer it was a chance of 3,600. Badziakouski, with a stack that very comfortably covered Gill's 11,100 behind (plus the change from the 5,000 in front of him), moved all in.

This put Gill into the tank, nevertheless it was not a kind of silent mind palaces, rather a type of periods of contemplations accompanied by loads of chat, most of it to himself, but some to his table-mates. During all this, he let it slip that he had a suite of tens.

"I would never fold a suite of tens for your shoes," Badziakouski said. However the comment only perceived to galvanise Gill's intent to fold.

"I do not like the best way you're acting," Gill said.

He then double-checked with the dealer how much he had actually bet, before holding his cards far enough in front of him that his neighbour could see that it was indeed pocket tens.

"Will you show if I fold?" he asked Badziakouski. There has been no reply. Gill folded, prompting Parmar's "You're crazy, dawg. I'm snapping." -- HS

10:05pm: So far, so good for SeowLevel 7 - 300/600 (ante 100)

Kee Seow is enjoying his Monday in Malta. After winning a Spin & Visit earn his buy-in into this event, the Swedish player has already earned a runner-up finish within the Seniors event that played out over the weekend. And as we noted earlier within the after he built up a stack very quickly on this one, maintaining it into the evening hours.

Just now Seow was raising again, this time from early position for 1,200, and got two callers including Dara O'Kearney within the big blind. The flop came 5♠6♦4♦, and when checked to Seow continued for 1,800, getting a fold from one opponent but a choice from O'Kearney. The Irishman again check-called a turn bet from Seow following the T♣ appearing, this one for 2,800.

The river brought the 2♥ and another check from O'Kearney. Seow fired again for 7,000, and with a glance that said "it ain't easy," O'Kearney folded.

Seow offered to turn considered one of his cards, inviting Lawrence Andreys on his left to make a choice. Andreys picked one -- the A♦ -- and with a smile Seow gathered the chips before opening with a raise again at the next hand.

The Spin & Go winner has spun his stack up with regards to 70,000, while O'Kearney has a little bit under. --MH

9:55pm: Cuartero corrals MalecLevel 7 - 300/600 (ante 100)

After a Ricardo Cuerda Cuartero open for 1,500 from middle position, it folded to Felie Costa within the cutoff who called and the action folded to EPT13 Barcelona Main Event champion Sebastian Malec.

Malec sat for a moment, then re-raised all-in along with his last 10,500. It folded back to Cuartero who didn't act very quickly. Then he reached for chips.

Malec spoke up, indicating what appeared like an observation that Cuartero's action was not a fair sign. Indeed, he was calling, and as Costa folded he flashed his cards -- A♥J♥ -- and a grin at Malec.

"I was looking ahead to you," Costa grinned to Malec, who showed his 8♣8♥ and saw he was behind Cuartero's T♦T♥.

The T♣9♣4♥ flop represented a collection for Cuartero and an additional setback for Malec, and though he had already grabbed his bag he lingered a moment because the 5♣ turn presented a club flush escape route. However the river was the 9♠ and Malec's back-to-back hopes were dashed.

Cuartero has 54,000 now. --MH

9:50pm: Two from Team Pro arrive lateLevel 7 - 300/600 (ante 100)

With about two hours of play left on Day 1B, the ranks of Team PokerStars Pro within the event has swelled a limiteless percent. From none, we have now two: George Danzer and Jake Cody. (Team Online's Jaime Staples and Pier Paolo Fabretti played, and bust, earlier.)

9:40pm: A QUICK foldLevel 7 - 300/600 (ante 100)

With a small but significant pot within the middle and five cards showing 2♦5♥3♥T♥6♠ sitting beside it, Jean-Louis Cyr liked all of these baby cards well enough to commit his last from the small blind, and €10K Single Re-Entry winner Dietrich Fast was interested by what to do from the large blind.

Fast didn't act quickly, but he didn't take too long within the tank either before letting his hand go. He's at 38,000 at present, only a notch behind Cyr who's at 43,000 now. --MH

9:35pm: Kuo has fight, if not chipsLevel 7 - 300/600 (ante 100)

Kitty Kuo returned from dinner to a stack of about eight big blinds--but she hasn't ever let a brief stack change her attitude. She just got concerned with the beginnings of a war of words, but quickly pulled the poison from the dart.

Kuo open-shoved her 4,600 stack in from the cutoff and Cristian Egues, within the big blind, asked for a count. Even after studying that it wasn't much, Egues folded and Kuo seemed irked.

"If you are not eager about calling, why you ask?" she said.

Egues wasn't going to permit the barb to pass. "Why you think that"? he said. Kuo intimated that she didn't understand the question, and Egues repeated, "Why do you're thinking that I'M asking?"

Kuo then revealed that she hadn't been entirely serious. "I'M just joking," she said. And Egues looked as if it would accept it. -- HS

9:30pm: Play resumesLevel 7 - 300/600 (ante 100)

Players have returned from their evening repast to the tournament room here within the Portomaso Casino, and Day 1B has resumed. The massive board shows 314 have registered today (with late regging open 'til the beginning of Day 2 tomorrow), and 216 of these still with stacks.

They'll be playing two more 75-minute levels, then those remaining will call it an evening. --MH

8:15pm: Break time

That's the tip of the sixth level of the day and the beginning of the dinner break. Play resumes in 75 minutes, or roughly 9:30pm local time. -- SB

8:10pm: Montury down but not outLevel 6 - 250/500 (ante 75)

The first EPT Malta festival came about in March 2015 and Jean Montury outlasted a field of 895 to assert the title, along with his win being particularly memorable for an epic heads-up match against Valentin Messina.

Montury entered this tournament midway throughout the day and has dropped to about 20,000 from his starting stack of 30,000. Still plenty, but he's got some work to do. --NW

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Jean Montury

8:08pm: Kuiper catches versus BrignoneLevel 6 - 250/500 (ante 75)

Bart Kuiper just doubled up through a now disgusted looking Gaetano Brignone. Kuiper opened from the bring to a halt and was three bet by Brignone at the button to 4,500. Kuiper then moved in for a little bit greater than 18,000 which Brignone called.

Kuiper: T♥T♣Brignone: A♠K♣

The board was kind to the Dutchman, delivering a 3rd ten at the flop. There has been numerous sighing from Brignone as Kuiper received congratulations from a pal nearby. - SB

8:05pm: Sound the TrumperLevel 6 - 250/500 (ante 75)

"Oh... I wanna get you," said Simon Trumper, looking up from the large blind after the action had circled around to him. "YOU HAVE BEEN calling my raises all day, with position." He tossed out the chips with a wry grin while his silent interlocutor, Zoltan Szabo, sat along with his arms folded.

Sitting two to Trumper's left, Szabo had opened the pot for 1,500, with only Hady El Asmar on Szabo's left having called before Trumper.

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Simon Trumper

"I have six-three," added Trumper. "Off." The latter word noted the non-suitedness of his theoretical hand. It certainly didn't confer with his table talk, for which the switch is often within the "on" position.

The flop came J♠9♣A♥ and Trumper quickly checked. Szabo bet 2,500, El Asmar got out of the way, and Trumper called to peer the turn bring the 3♣.

"I've got a pair, now," cracked Trumper, who checked and called Szabo's turn bet of 4,800 faster than the latter could set out chips.

Both checked the 6♥ river, and Trumper tabled A♦Q♥. He might've been lying concerning the six-three, but he hadn't been lying when he said he had a couple. Szabo mucked, and Trumper stacked the chips.

"Six-three," said El Asmar to Trumper. "Yeah, it's funny, isn't it?" responded Trumper. "Amazing."

The amazing Trumper is up around 85,000 now, sooner than Szabo's 40,000 but behind El Asmar's 120,000. --MH

7:55pm: Get better for BartoliniLevel 6 - 250/500 (ante 75)

A little earlier (see 6:55pm) we told of David Yan creating a gutsy call in a hand versus Marco Bartolini to assist him spin the starting stack upwards in a rush after joining us late following his having busted the €10K event. At present Bartolini got a few of those chips back from Yan to regain his footing.

With only the aftermath available to share, we will only say Yan's A♥K♥ proved second-best against Bartolini's 5♥3♥ way to a board showing 5♦7♥T♥3♣Q♦ -- incompleted flushes for both, and two small but perfectly acceptable pair for Bartolini.

Yan still has about 68,000 at this time while Bartolini is back as much as 45,000. --MH

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David Yan, back at it

7:50pm: Nothing left for LeonardLevel 6 - 250/500 (ante 75)

It was the noise that attracted attention, coming from Patrick Leonard's table where he was all-in and looking ahead to two other players to fight it out for the suitable to send him to the rail.

The board was already dealt A♦8♣6♦4♣2♣. Marco Gavazzeni despatched the rest opposition with a bet, which left him up against Leonard, who was standing, awaiting his fate.

Gazazzeni announced he had a set, and turned over 6♣6♥. Leonard knew he was beaten, turning over his A♠Q♠.

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Patrick Leonard

He wished the others good luck and left the room. Dietrich Fast a table along gave some ironic applause. - SB

7:45pm: Bleiker banks even moreLevel 6 - 250/500 (ante 75)

Felix Bleiker, within the words of Ludovic Geilich, was just gifted some chips by an opponent. As Geilich tells it Bleiker won back to back hands against an unknown opponent (he'd been knocked out by the point we arrived) dealing the fatal blow with Ace-King against Ace-Queen in a pot of around 50,000. All of it implies that Bleiker is in pole position with a stack of just over 150,000. --NW

7:35pm: Nikolov picking up potsLevel 6 - 250/500 (ante 75)

After a Tomas Macnamara open for 1,200 from middle position, Samu Riihela called from the hijack seat, Mark Wagstaff called from the small blind, and Martin Nikolov -- sporting an above-average stack at the moment -- also came along from the massive blind.

The flop came 5♥Q♠2♦ and it folded around to Riihela who decided to bet 2,000. Wagstaff called the bet, then Nikolov made it 6,700 for everybody to stick in in the event that they wished. None did, and Nikilov picks up a couple of more.

While Macnamara and Wagstaff hover around 50,000 and Riihela now has about 30,000, Nikolov is up some of the big stacks at the moment with over 120,000. --MH

7:25pm: Big stacksLevel 6 - 250/500 (ante 75)

By this point yesterday Pasi Sormunen was well clear on the top of the chip counts but it's more bunched up today although a handful of players have broken throughout the 100,000 chip barrier already.

Anton Bertilsson (112,000) Felix Bleiker (110,000) and Eugene Katchalov (105,000) are setting the pace, with Martin Nikolov (93,000), Gianfranco Visalli (90,000) and Hady El Asmar (85,000) leading the chasing pack. --NW

7:15pm: Leonard had aces, but what did Glaser have>Level 6 - 250/500 (ante 75)

I cannot be sure, but if Benny Glaser circled to look that I'd written down a minimum of the ending to his hand against Patrick Leonard, he seemed pleased.

I'd caught up with the hand with the board already reading 2♦Q♦2♥T♥. Leonard, leaning forward slightly at the table, had the air of a person wondering what to do next. He was playing A♣A♦ and can have worried that the hand was getting a bit more complicated. But with the action checked to him he bet 5,000 almost out of irritation, tossing in a blue chip, after which moving it together with his fingers from one end of the table to the other.

Glaser called for the 6♥ river card. Leonard stared at it. "Not a pleasant river card," he said, with a slight grin. Then he played together with his chips for a couple of moments before announcing "I'll bet", and putting 8,500 into the pot.

Then he checked out Glaser.

"Tell me you are not going to raise."

Glaser didn't raise, he called. Leonard was about to determine what hand Glaser needed to cause him these kinds of problems.

The answer: 7♠ 2♠

Leonard grinned somewhat. Glaser said nothing, but this was an excellent moment for him."I just lost aces versus seven-deuce guys," Leonard said, pretending to speak to his phone. - SB

7:10pm: Farrell a few of the level five fallersLevel 6 - 250/500 (ante 75)

Niall Farrell's title defence is over because the reigning champion was eliminated during Level 5. He wasn't alone as Jason Wheeler, Jimmy Guerrero, Alex DiFelice, Ondrej Vinklarek and Javier Zapatero are all out. With one hour until the dinner break, 237 of the 312 entrants remain. --NW

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Niall Farrell

7:05pm: Ill-fated eights for Adzaga; Spindler spinning up stackLevel 6 - 250/500 (ante 75)

Zeljko Adzaga has met his end here near the beginning of Level 6. All-in with 8♦8♠ versus Benny Spindler's K♠K♥, the board brought no help for the at-risk player and Adzaga wished the table well before departing.

With that pot, Spindler has worked his stack up above 60,000. --MH

7pm: River saves ProustLevel 5 - 200/400 (ante 50)

As level five came to an end an enormous pot played out between Nicolas Proust and Andre DiFelice. DiFelice raised to 900 from under the gun and Proust then three-bet to 2,300 from one seat to his left. He picked up two callers and when it folded back to DiFelice he called as well.

So it was four to a 8♣3♥A♦ flop, Proust c-bet 5,500 and DiFelice was the one caller. The 4♥ fell at the turn, DiFelice checked, Proust bet 8,000, DiFelice re-raised all-in and Proust tanked before calling all-in for 27,150 total.

Proust: A♦K♥DiFelice: A♠4♠

Top pair, top kicker was no good as DiFelice had turned two pair, the K♦ river though was just the ticket for Proust and he's as much as 77,000 while DiFelice drops to the same amount.

That was the last hand of Level 5. --NW

6:55pm: More reason to grin for YanLevel 5 - 200/400 (ante 50)

David Yan had a bemused look on his face today. A smile, really, with a glance suggesting he was suppressing a chuckle.

No, the look wasn't because he just won the €25K High Roller here an afternoon ago, although that assuredly has inspired quite a lot of grins over the past day for him. Rather, having entered the primary Event not way back he found himself facing an a choice even if to risk his stack already.

With around 8,000 within the middle and the board showing 2♠3♦J♦3♥, appearances suggested Yan's opponent Marco Bartolini had checked, and he took that as a call for participation to bet 5,300. But then Bartolini check-raised all-in for greater than the just over 20,000 Yan had behind.

Thus the look. Eventually it resolved into action for Yan as he indeed made the decision. That's when Bartolini offered some wordless communication, his shoulders sagging slightly as if to signify he'd rather not Yan have done that.

Bartolini had 9♦8♦ for a flush draw while Yan had A♣J♣ for jacks and threes. The river was the 7♣, knocking Bartolini back around 11,500. Meanwhile Yan has 65,000 now, and one more reason to grin. --MH

6:45pm: Wherever I lay my hatLevel 5 - 200/400 (ante 50)

"Do you've got a house"? Conor Beresford said to the dishevelled Jason Wheeler. It could has been an especially nasty rub-down had the pair of them been sitting on, say, a park bench as opposed to at a €5,000 poker tournament. (I'm sure Wheeler won't mind me saying that his clothes aren't probably the most crisply pressed of all poker players. He's slept in a couple of places that weren't his own bed in his time.)

However, Beresford was creating a legitimate enquiry in line with a talk under way between Ludovic Geilich and Wheeler. They were discussing the opportunity of hopping to New Jersey after EPT Malta to play the primary PokerStars Festival there. The lifetime of the live tournament pro rarely requires a real home.

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Ludovic Geilich

"I just travel," Wheeler said, explaining that he has bolt holes in San Diego and in Mexico, where he goes to play online poker. "When I'm in Europe, I'm usually in Amsterdam," he went on.

Wheeler started on the lookout for flights on his phone as he and Geilich discussed starting days. I DO NOT know in the event that they decided even if to go, but I THINK quite a lot of players may be boarding flights from Malta to New Jersey next week.

Want to enroll in all of them? the information you want is here. -- HS

6:40pm: Franczak dispatches DritonLevel 5 - 200/400 (ante 50)

There was a T♠6♥4♥ flop at the felt and Mikolaj Zawadzki (button) bet 1,500, Driton Haxhiaj (small blind) then moved all-in for around 7,000 and Piotr Franczak (big blind) re-raised all-in. This removed Zawadzki and it was time for a showdown. The in danger player opened Q♣T♣ but was behind to Franczak's 6♠4♠. Neither the 2♠ turn or 9♦ river helped him and Franczak took the pot and a scalp. --NW

6:35pm: Bertillson flying up the countsLevel 5 - 200/400 (ante 50)

Anton Bertilsson has a stack of about 80,000 and he will have just cracked aces with kings. All I saw was a couple of kings in front of him, a king at the board and an opponent shrugging his shoulders, getting consolatory frowns from other table-mates, and wandering away. (IT COULD was set over set, however the point was: it was brutal.)

Martin Staszko could also be at that table, in order that no less than explains where he went after leaving table Eichhardt earlier. -- HS

6:33pm: Board saves ZabrodskyyLevel 5 - 200/400 (ante 50)

A return to the table of these battling short stacks (see 6:06pm below) discovers the seat of Laszlo Bujtas now empty, presumably signaling his demise. It also finds the opposite one, Vasyl Zabrodskyy all-in and in peril himself.

With the board showing 8♠4♥5♣, Zabrodskyy had checked and watched his opponent, Armin Mette bet 800. At that Zabrodskyy had check-raised all-in for his last 5,675, and Mette called in a flash.

As within the previous hand with Bujtas, Zabrodskyy had top pair -- thus with 9♣8♣. And again he was behind as Mette had a collection of fours with 4♦4♠. The following two cards saved Zabrodskyy, however, coming 6♥ then 7♣ to place a straight at the board and cause a split pot.

Mette has around 30,000, while Zabrodskyy battles on with about 7,500. --MH

6:21pm: Sandu sinks BrandstromLevel 5 - 200/400 (ante 50)

Arriving mid-blind battle, things had reached some extent where after Simon Brandstrom had installed his last raise, Cristinel Sandu sitting to his left had placed out enough chips to require Brandstrom to commit all he had left should he need to continue. Brandstrom thought for a brief while, then finally agreed to position himself at risk.

Brandstrom had 8♠8♥ but unfortunately for him needed improvement to maintain his seat as Sandu had Q♠Q♣. The 4♦7♠6♦ flop added gutsthot straight outs for Brandstrom, but neither the J♦ turn nor 3♠ river were of use, and he's a degree 5 exit.

Sandu has 38,000 now. --MH

6:15pm: Big hand, big pot for KatchalovLevel 5 - 200/400 (ante 50)

By the time I reached Eugene Katchalov's table significant pre-flop action had already occurred. The Ukranian, who was in middle position, had a gamble of 3,600 in front of him and Michal Danka, who was at the button, had 8,700 in front of the betting line. The action was now back on Katchalov and he called and the 2 players saw a 5♣Q♠8♥ flop hit the felt.

The PCA 2011 Super High Roller champion check called Danka's continuation bet of 8,500 and action proceeded to the 2♥ turn. Again Katchalov checked and this time Danka followed suit. The Q♥ fell at the river and Katchalov elected to guide on the pot, betting 10,000. This sent Danka into the tank, the Swede eventually elected to name but he mucked when Katchalov turned over A♠A♦. After that hand, he's as much as 105,000. --NW

6:06pm: Big hands, short stacksLevel 5 - 200/400 (ante 50)

Vasyl Zabrodskyy opened from middle position, then Laszlo Bujtas made it 2,200 to move from the cutoff. It folded back to Zabrodskyy who called after which checked following the J♦5♦4♦ flop. Bujtas took the outlet to push his short stack all-in, and Zabrodskyy called the push.

Zabrodskyy had top pair with Q♠J♥, but Bujtas's pair was even toppier -- K♦K♠. The 8♦ turn then made Bujtas a flush, making the river no matter, and he doubled through.

Both players are short, though, as Bujtas has but 10,000 and Zabrodskyy is now right down to 8,000. --MH

6:00pm: Urban-outLevel 5 - 200/400 (ante 50)

Mario Ho's stack is the correct side of 50,000 now after she pulled off a come-from-behind triumph in a hand against Slovakia's David Urban. Sometimes you've just got to win hands like this to win a tournament.

Massimo Segatto got things moving with a raise to 800 from under the gun. Ho called from a few seat around after which Urban, within the hijack, three-bet to 2,600.

Segatto folded and took a deep draw on his vape pipe. Ho let her chips do the talking and moved all-in, knowing that Urban's 10,000-ish stack was effective. Urban called it off.

Urban: J♣J♥Ho: T♣T♠

The dealer burned through flop, turn and river with great haste, and the T♥ turn card was the killer blow for Urban. -- HS

5:51pm: Ante heroLevel 5 - 200/400 (ante 50)

Players are back from the break and a brand new level has begun. Of course, anyone walking within the tournament room would know this to be case before even getting into view of the players, as William Kassouf's voice may also be heard loud and clear over the din of riffling chips. He's seated on the table nearest the entrance, you see, and so it's impossible not a minimum of to catch something of his table talk with each pass.

This time, another voice at Kassouf's table, that of the Frenchman Arnaud Peyroles, caught our attention.

"With you," he said to Kassouf, "each ante is sort of a... movie."

The table broke up in laughter. "AND ALSO YOU are a part of the production," was Kassouf's rejoinder.

Speaking up, while the blinds are up, those antes remain at 50 this level. --MH

5:35pm: Break timeLevel 4 - 150/300 (ante 50)

That's the tip of Level 4 and the second one break of the day. Players are taking 20 minutes off.

5:25pm: Ruling!Level 4 - 150/300 (ante 50)

Some terrific tournament directing here from Luca Vivaldi, who was beckoned to Table 9 to adjudicate on a small point of order, and needed to take care of not just the 2 players still all in favour of the pot, but two other voices who had come to the table in support in their man, plus some interested other players on the table.

(My favourite line of the exchange: "I understand and that i trust you. But please let the dealer explain. You aren't even within the game." The chirruping railbird was thus shuttled back to the rail.)

I didn't see anything of the action, but listened in because the dealer explained what had happened. There has been a board of K♠9♥8♠3♠T♠ exposed at the table and a reasonably large pot beside it. Petar Petrov, in Seat 1, had his two cards in front of him still, but Bejjani Kamal was apparently also still within the hand, even supposing his cards were in front of the dealer.

It seemed that Kamal had bet out of activate the end, flinging 6,000 into the center before Petrov had acted. Petrov had then "called" despite the fact that Kamal hadn't really made a sound "bet" because Petrov hadn't checked. Seeing the "call", and knowing now that he had bet out of turn, Kamal then tried to take back his 6,000, claiming he would not have called if Petrov had bet. They needed a ruling as to if the bet stood. Petrov and his supporters said that Kamal surely couldn't take back the bet. Kamal and his supporter disagreed. (Kamal's cards had landed with the dealer to be able to stop them landing within the muck, similar to resting in escrow.)

Vivaldi came visiting to adjudicate and explained patiently, and thru much heckling, that the 6,000 needed to be within the middle. He said that Petrov had not made any mistake and so, seeing Kamal bet out of turn, he had the entire options still available to him.

That, in theory, meant he could check after which be faced by a binding 6,000 bet. He could then choose to call if he wanted, or he could fold. He could also, if he wanted, favor to lead out, but no less than 6,000 of Kamal's chips would have to be within the pot as that is what he had committed. Vivaldi explained that it was a heads up pot, that Petrov had not done anything to vary the action, and so the 6,000 was in there whether Kamal liked it or not.

"You can't take it back," Vivaldi said.

"That's correct," Toby Stone, the official EPT tournament director said. They both explained that no action had changed.

Vivaldi did then add that Kamal had the choice either to turn his cards or muck them. He wouldn't be forced to show his hand. But, obviously, mucking would give him no chance of winning.

Kamal most probably knew that he had no chance of winning anyway. He turned over 6♦7♦. A straight on a four-flushed board isn't great. Petrov showed A♦J♠ and took the disputed 6,000.

"Good ruling," Russell Thomas, in Seat 9, said. -- HS

You can win your seat to events like EPT Malta with a PokerStars account. Click here to get started.

5:20pm: Glaser the raiserLevel 4 - 150/300 (ante 50)

Just before the tip of the level, a hand arose that saw Benny Glaser open with a raise, Pierre Calamusa three-bet with position, Glaser four-bet, and Calamusa called.

The flop came 3♣2♦K♣, and Glaser led for 3,500. Call Calamusa. The T♠ turn brought an 8,000 follow-up from the two-bracelet winner from this summer's WSOP, and Calamusa called again.

The river was the 9♠, and with that Glaser was all-in for his last 14,925. Calamusa thought some time then folded, and afterwards the entire talk was about what Glaser might've had.

Glaser is as much as 50,000 because the break nears while Calamusa sits with about 30,000. --MH

5:15pm: Champions overboardLevel 4 - 150/300 (ante 50)

Up to 301 entrants now with 273 of these still having chips to their name. However, they'll be no second title for Julian Track, Jan Bendik or Andreas Hoivold as they've all been eliminated during level four. --NW

5:05pm: Sound the four-bet klaxonLevel 4 - 150/300 (ante 50)

Sometimes essentially the most interesting hands are those where you do not see the cards, or no less than not they all. One such example of this played out on table 18, that's right within the belly of the room.

Mikolaj Zawadzki was the primary to reach on the party, the live satellite winner opened to 700 from early position and Erwann Pecheux decided he liked that price and threw out a choice. Krzysztof Stuchlik, who was within the hijack, then decided to up the ante by raising to 2,400 a chance that was smooth called by Anton Morgenstern within the cutoff.

That was too rich for Zawadzki who ducked out the way, but Pecheux was going nowhere and he slid out a four-bet of 8,600 total. Interesting. This bet didn't immediately eliminate Stuchlik but he eventually folded as did Morgenstern. As he took the pot Pecheux showed just the 6♣. --NW

4:55pm: Grzeska takes bite out of JablonskiLevel 4 - 150/300 (ante 50)

Marek Grzeska had pushed his remaining chips to position them at risk, albeit guarded with a small shark card protector sitting atop the column, and Bartosz Jablonski was the only circling his stack hoping to capture them.

Grzeska showed Q♠Q♥ as further fortification, and from the best way Jablonski slapped down his A♥Q♦ onto the table, he was less confident in regards to the cards he'd taken to the battle. The 2♠8♠T♦2♣8♦ proved favorable for Grzeska, and he doubled to about 32,000. Having been so bitten, Jablonski sits with about 22,000 now. --MH

4:40pm: The most recent William Kassouf handLevel 4 - 150/300 (ante 50)

William Kassouf span his big wheel of table chatter. It looks as if a Spin & Go wheel, but has his various stock phrases on it and he fires out the phrase where the indicator lands. "I AM GETTING my chips in good," he said. He span it again. "HAVE YOU EVER got a spade? Take a look. I DO NOT want you to make a mistake."

He was narrating a hand he was in against the stoic Ivan Banic, from Croatia, who made an EPT final table in Dublin. Kassouf narrates hands in place of plays them, and he had talked an even few thousand into the pot by the point the A♠J♣4♠Q♠ board was out.

"I had a flush draw after the flop and also you let me get there," Kassouf said. "YOU WILL HAVE two pair? No good. You might have a collection? No good. You might have a straight? No good."

Banic bet 1,200 despite the ideas he was getting from Kassouf. "Whoa!" Kassouf said. But then he raised to 4,000 and span the wheel again. "I AM GETTING my chips in good." Spin. "I'm gambling with the nuts."

Banic finally had had enough, but stopped wanting a meltdown on the verbals and easily folded his hand in silence. "There you go," Kassouf said. -- HS

4:50pm: Two-two, Tzidon?Level 4 - 150/300 (ante 50)

With three players still within the board showed T♦T♥Q♦, prompting checks from the primary two -- Artem Otroshchenko and Asker Aloev -- then a half-pot bet of 1,700 from Guy Tzidon in late position. Otroshchenko stuck around, but Aloev folded and took a brief walk from the table while the hand continued.

The 7♥ turn and 5♠ river brought quick checks from both remaining players, and it was time to turn. Otroshchenko turned over his A♦6♦, and waited patiently for Tzidon.

The latter stood to have a look at Otroshchenko's cards, holding his face down as he tried to piece together their significance.

"Nothing," said Otroshchenko, helpfully. "Ace-high." At that Tzidon tabled his -- 2♣2♠ -- eliciting a chuckle from Tzidon and the chips from the dealer.

By then Aloev had returned. "Two-two?" he said with a smile to Tzidon. "Two-two" came the nodding response.

As it happens, Tzidon has about two-two in his stack now -- 22,000, that may be. Otroshchenko has rather less with 17,000, while Aloev can afford to take walks around as he's as much as 105,000. --MH

4:40pm: Forman blasts away at GaltosLevel 4 - 150/300 (ante 50)

Little doubt, I'd say, as to the hardest table within the room in this day and age. All the following are seated together: Peter Eichhardt and Nicholas Galtos (who can battle over the title of poker's Peter Pan), Dominik Panka and Javier Gomez Zapatero (who made the similar final table the primary time the EPT came to Malta) and Jaqueline "Poker Mama" Cachia, who's among Malta's best known players. If there is a game in this island, she's in it.

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Peter Eichhardt: Tough table

That table has also already lost Martin Staszko from it (either balanced away or knocked out, I AM NOT sure) but still has another fierce competitor from the Czech Republic there: Miroslav Forman, who's a top-ranked online sit and go player.

Forman just tangled in a pot with Galtos and collected a couple of chips with a shove at the turn. Forman opened to 800 from the hijack and Galtos called at the button. They saw a flop of 5♣6♥2♣ and Forman checked.

Galtos bet 1,200 and Forman raised to 4,200. After an extended enough time within the tank for Eichhardt to seek out a waitress, order a coffee, and for it to be delivered, Galtos called.

Then the Q♥ came at the turn and Forman shoved for 22,350. Galtos seemed fascinated about a decision for quite some time, but again let it go. -- HS

4:35pm: Dig those spades?Level 4 - 150/300 (ante 50)

Yorane Kerignard limped in from the button, the small blind completed, and Nicolino Di Carlo checked from the BB. The flop came 3♣4♠8♠, and it checked around to Kerignard who bet 500, and the SB quickly stepped aside.

Di Carlo wasn't going anywhere, though, and promptly check-raised to 1,400, earning wary look and speak to from Kerignard. The turn brought a 3rd spade within the J♠, and Di Carlo fired another 2,900, again called by his opponent.

The river was the 7♠ -- a fourth spade. Had Di Carlo dug himself in too deep? His check suggested it were possible, and Kerignard decided to test behind to boot. Di Carlo checked out his cards all over again before tabling them, showing A♦9♠ for a flush, and after a pause Kerignard slid his cards dealerward.

Kerignard still has about 42,000, while Di Carlo sits with 25,000 now. --MH

You can win your seat to events like EPT Malta with a PokerStars account. Click here to get started.

4:25pm: Katchalov KO's StaplesLevel 4 - 150/300 (ante 50)

This was a captivating hand. Jaime Staples raised to 700 from under-the-gun and the Team PokerStars Pro Online member picked up no fewer than four callers, the last of which was Eugene Katchalov, who was at the button. Adel Kabbani, who was within the big blind, then shoved for 5,250, a raffle Staples smooth called.

It folded to Katchalov and also you could tell he was deep in thought. It's worthwhile to see the cogs turning and his lips moving as he decided what play to make. After a minute or so he raised to 26,000, which essentially set Staples all-in.

The Canadian had about 29,750 total and it was now his turn to be faced with a fancy decision. "I wish I BEGAN earlier," said Staples referencing the truth that he'd not been within the tournament long. He riffled chips from side to side and ultimately elected to transport all-in. Call from Katchalov.

Katchalov: Q♦Q♣Staples: J♦J♣Kabbani: A♥T♥

The 7♣7♠2♥ flop was dry as a bone, the K♥ turn gave flush outs to Kabbani however the 9♠ was a brick and Katchalov scooped an enormous pot. He's as much as 85,000 in consequence that's good for the chip lead. --NW

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Eugene Katchalov (pictured within the IPT Malta main event)

4:16pm: Lander groundedLevel 4 - 150/300 (ante 50)

Lijo Lander's EPT Malta Main Event run has come to an abrupt halt here at the beginning of the tournament's fourth level.

Short enough to want to commit his last chips preflop behind A♥K♣, Lander found himself up against Bastian Dohler and his J♠J♣. A board of 7♠4♦3♠T♠3♥ wasn't helpful for Lander, and he made the quick walk over the exit.

Meanwhile Dohler stays put, stacking about 65,000 now. --MH

4:05pm: Nothing to round-house about yetLevel 3 - 100/200 (ante 25)

Even pre-dating the boisterous arrival at the EPT of both William Kassouf and Sebastian Malec (see previous post), the round-housing Joseph Carlino had caught the eye of reporters and cameras. He alternates opera singing with karate moves and, in some ways, that will also be more off-putting than anything the aforementioned young guns do.

Carlino is quiet today, however. On Day 1, nobody really has the chips to start out round-housing. But he's engaged on building a stack no less than. He just tried to select up a pot against Simen Birkelund and Joris Ruijs, however the latter pushed him off it.

Carlino opened to 500 from middle position and both Birkelund and Ruijs called within the blinds. They went to a flop of 9♥A♦3♥ and both blinds checked. Carlino continued for 750 and only Ruijs called. Then the 2 remaining players checked the 7♥ turn.

After the 8♥ river, Ruijs checked. Carlino bet 2,075 and now Ruijs sprang to life with a raise to 4,700. With an exasperated heavy breath, Carlino folded. -- HS

4pm: Malec hits the bottom runningLevel 3 - 100/200 (ante 25)

Sebastian Malec tweeted that he was sitting at William Kassouf's table in a live satellite for this event and complained that the brand new TV star's table chatter was so loud it was forcing him to show his music up. Just a few days before Kassouf started to appear on ESPN, Malec was still the king of poker table chatter after his brilliant diatribe en path to EPT Barcelona triumph.

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Sebastian Malec

Malec is today on a table with Simon Persson, an altogether quieter opponent. But Malec is stil wearing his bright green headphones today, which work in startling primary-colour contrast to his yellow hoodie; as if he's been kitted out as a model for an elementary school art class.

Malec and Persson just played a small pot, which went to the newly-minted champion. Persson opened to 500 from UTG+1 and Malec three-bet his big ignorant of 1,600. They both checked the A♥9♦9♥ flop after which Malec bet 2,000 on the 3♠ turn. Persson called.

Then the 8♠ appeared at the river and Malec threw out a 5,000-denomination chip, saying either "Twenty-eight" or "Forty-eight" (I COULD NOT hear which). Either way, it was an excessive amount of for Persson, who folded. -- HS

3:55pm: Malec starts back to back bidLevel 3 - 100/200 (ante 25)

Winning one EPT Main Event is tough, winning two damn near impossible and winning them back to back, don't even give it some thought. Sebastian Malec is the player who could achieve that feat here in Malta and he took his seat about 20 minutes ago.

He's at a table right in a single corner and looked on as an excessively long hand played out. I picked up the action on a A♣T♣6♣ flop. Oskar Szwed (under-the-gun) bet 825, Ricardo Cuartero (small blind) called and Rick Trigg (big blind) then check-raised to 2,300 total. There then followed a handy guide a rough call from Szwed and a protracted tank from Cuartero and a call.

So all three players went to the 5♦ turn and action was checked to Szwed. The Pole bet 4,600 and another time Cuartero tanked and tanked and tanked while in retrospect at his cards on numerous occasions. He had the calling chips cut out from his stack for an age nevertheless it took him over three minutes to achieve his decision, which was to name. Trigg near snap folded and the 2 remaining players went heads-up to the 7♦ river.

Again Cuartero checked and over again Szwed would bet. He cut out 7,600 and pushed it around the line. His Spanish opponent acted as fast as he had on any street and mucked his cards in under a minute. --NW

3:35pm: Spindler takes his seatLevel 3 - 75/150 (25 ante)

Benny Spindler just took his seat typically event and hadn't finished unravelling his headphones before playing a pot. He didn't win it mind, checking his technique to a river on a 6♥3♣K♦8♠5♠ board against Jeffrey Blenkarn, who showed a six to win a small pot. - SB

3:30pm: Risers and fallersLevel 3 - 100/200 (ante 25)

A steady trickle of recent players has pushed the collection of entrants for today as much as 285, already double that of yesterday. Bastian Dohler remains to be the player to catch, he's increased his stack still further and now has 74,000. Kee Seow (68,000) has risen up the chip counts, as have Martin Nikolov (65,000) and Usman Siddique (64,000).

At the opposite end of the dimensions Dawid Topolinkski, Samir Moukawem, Hari Bercovici and Denis Timofeev are all out. --NW

3:15pm: More big names arriveLevel 3 - 100/200 (ante 25)

For some time now late registration within the EPT Main Event have been open until the beginning of Day 2. Scores of players take the danger to make use of this facility with Dzmitry Urbanovich very often entering on the final minute.

He's not here in Malta, but quite a lot of star players are. His friend, and fellow countryman, Dominik Panka just arrived and as Kassouf was talking up a storm, Panka was stopped on his technique to the table by a fan who wanted a photograph. The 2014 PCA champion posed for the image and was on his way. Yesterday Panka finished fifth within the IPT Main Event, with Ismael Bojang taking top honours. He was just behind Panka within the queue to pick out up chips and Patrick Leonard has also just taken a seat on this event. --NW

You can win your seat to events like EPT Malta with a PokerStars account. Click here to get started.

3:10pm: Farrell takes successfulLevel 3 - 75/150 (25 ante)

Reigning champion Niall Farrell just took a hit to his stack in a hand against Konstantinos Tzinis.

Farrell opened for 500 from the bring to an end which Tzinis called from the massive blind. The flop came 3♣9♥7♦ which was checked for the 8♦ turn. This time Tzinis bet 700, which Farrell called. At the J♣ river however Tzinis left it to Farrell to take the initiative, the Scot betting 2,600. Tzinis then check raised to 7,400 which Farrell eventually called.Q♥T♥ for Tzinis. Farrell mucked.

"Bad river..." said Farrell, all the way down to around 21,000. - SB

3:05pm: No coconuts for KassoufLevel 3 - 100/200 (ante 25

My eyes followed Will Kassouf as he wandered towards the seat he'd been allocated within the random seat draw. Table six had won the lottery and he struck up a talk before he'd even sat down. "Morning," he said to the players who were already seated before adding. "HAVE A LOOK AT this line-up, now we've a game."

Tobias Peters was dead center within the 'Kassouf splash zone' as he's to his direct right, with Alexander Lakhov one seat over. "No coconuts," pleaded Peters, referencing one in all Kassouf's catchphrases from the hot WSOP coverage. "New material, I'm myself. No coconut," replied Kassouf.

At this point, the ground arrived to transport the following big unaware of a brand new table. It was Lakhov. "Thank God," he said clasping his hands together to make a praying motion and searching skywards. Kassouf was somewhat tardy putting the ante in and, only for a laugh, Peters collected a 25 chip from the Englishman's stack, placed it over the road after which playfully knocked his stack over. Kassouf returned the favor and it was all down in a laughing and jokey manner.

Seems the joys and games at table six are only getting started. --NW

3pm: Enter KassoufLevel 3 - 75/150 (25 ante)

William Kassouf has arrived with a flurry of chapter one French for the tournament staff (it can be he speaks French well but "ca va" and "tres bien" this was all he used). Kassouf gets some attention when he turns as much as play. Nobody is left in any doubt that he has arrived. - SB

2:30pm: Break time

Players are at the first 20 minute break of the day.

You can win your seat to events like EPT Malta with a PokerStars account. Click here to get started.

2:20pm: Star status on Day 1BLevel 2 - 75/150

As our photographer Neil Stoddart said, it doesn't take much to get some attention on day one. Ensue looking odd and we'll make you a star.

So when Robert Jan Hoogendoorn walked in wearing a couple of white sunglasses with "Tinder" written in red at the lenses, no person could argue that Hoogendoorn wasn't at the shortlist.

But if it's attention he wanted when he showed up for work today his table draw wasn't exactly sympathetic. For he's at the same table as Orjahn Winther, our "reader" on Day 1B, fast becoming a cult hero.

Winther just took down another pot, this one against Xiaoyang Luo, all while reading the similar paperback novel.

Luo opened for 450 in middle position which Winther, hardly looking up, called from the hijack. The flop came 3♠5♥3♥. Luo tried again with another 550. Winther, using a finger so that you could not lose his place, looked up momentarily and called. He did the exact same when Luo bet 900 at the Q♦ turn card.

With the river dealt 5♣ Luo eased back, perhaps wondering how anyone could beat this bibliophile, so strong in hand that he can get a page read when you are still wondering where life went wrong. He checked. Winther, with formidable indifference, bet 2,650.

At a loss, Luo had no option but to fold.

Who knows if Winther is putting this on and is actually re-reading the similar thing again and again while thinking to himself "Please fold! Fold!" however the effect is increasingly more fun to observe. - SB

2:15pm: O'Kearney escapesLevel 2 - 75/150

No wonder Dara O'Kearney was smiling after we shuffled past his table...

2pm: Movers and shakersLevel 2 - 75/150

It's been a really perfect first two hours for Bastian Dohler because the German has turned his starting stack of 30,000 into 72,000. Other players who've got off to a flyer include:

Alexander Prokudin - 57,000Leonardo Pires - 55,000Andrey Andreev - 52,000Alexander Ivarsson - 51,000Christos Xanthopoulos - 49,000Vicente Delgado - 47,000Jimmy Guerrero - 46,000Aeragan Arunan - 46,000Usman Siddique - 45,000

However, it is a zero sum game and Konstantin Puchkov and Guy Tzidon are both out. --NW

1:40pm: Farrell survivesLevel 2 - 75/150

Earlier we reported that Niall Farrell's table was playing three-handed when the action began. It's filled up since then with Govert Metaal, Kitty Kuo, and Serdar Demiroglu among those who've joined the reigning champion at table seven. We just saw a large pot go down which ended with Farrell all-in.

The action was started by Kuo, she raised to 400 from middle position, Serdar Demiroglu was next to act, he raised it as much as 1,050 a big gamble which both Farrell and Kuo called. At the 2♥3♠8♦ flop Demiroglu bet 1,600 and both players called.

So this was already shaping up as a pivotal pot because the 9♥ landed at the turn. The action checked to Farrell and the Scotsman bet 4,200. Kuo was the one caller. The 4♠ rounded off the community cards and when Kuo checked the action to Farrell he moved all-in for 13,650. It really gave the impression of Kuo desired to call but she elected to fold her hand and Farell took the pot. He's back as much as starting stack, while Kuo drops to 22,000. --NW

1:20pm: A poker world on one tableLevel 2 - 75/150

I do not want to be accused of looking too deeply at things, that is easy to do on a gap day with long periods without much change. But table seven appears to be a microcosm of the live poker world, featuring every character type it's essential imagine.

There's Marco D'Amico in seat 2 with the standard hoodie, and next to him Paul Gresel of Holland, taking selfies of himself with Govert Metaal, the veteran two seats along.

In between them they have got the seemingly ice cool Sirzat Hissou, who would appear to be another poker player were it not for the contraption he has propped up at the table that keeps his cell phone positioned slightly under eye level.

Then to the left of Metaal is the glitteringly modern Kitty Kuo, who sparkles greater than the television stage. The one thing that does not sparkle is the huge pink pom-pom attached to her ever present phone.

Then there's Serdar Demiroglu in a sensible jacket, almost over dressed for a poker tournament, getting in the course of the first level of the day with coffee. And at last Niall Farrell, the young British pro, and current reigning champion, who has seen all of this before.

That's the demographics covered then, we're just waiting at the action. - SB

1:15pm: Marcin taking a maulingLevel 1 - 50/100

It's not been an ideal 90 minutes for Marcin Chmielewski. He was one of the most first players out of the principle Event and he then entered the €10,000 Single-day High Roller. He quickly busted that event too, but as it is a re-entry he's bought back in and can be hoping it's third time lucky today. --NW

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1:05pm: Come one, come allLevel 1 - 50/100

Who's essentially the most successful British player of all-time on the WSOP? Who's the one British player to win multiple bracelets in Las Vegas within the same year? The solution to both those questions in Benny Glaser.

The mixed game specialist won two bracelets this summer, both in Omaha Hi-Lo, so as to add to the 2-7 Triple Draw bracelet he'd scooped in 2015. Speaking of SCOOP, yeah he's got a kind of titles too. He's trying his hand at hold'em today and is certainly one of 204 players within the field as level one winds down.

The Southampton based pro is only one of the large names over at the right hand side of the room. Elsewhere you will discover EPT champions Roberto Romanello and Jan Bendik on the same table. The always entertaining Joseph Carlino is playing, as are Eugene Katchalov, Vicente Delgado, Hady El Asmar and Yury Gulyy. Also within the mix are two players who made the overall table of the IPT Main Event as Johan Guilbert and Rasmus Agerskov have started their EPT Main Event campaigns today. --NW

12:45pm: Unwanted recordsLevel 1 - 50/100

There has been some fast exits down the years in EPT Main Events. Greg Raymer busted out on just the second one hand in Deauville back in Season 2. Robert Black lasted just seven minutes in London during Season 11.

Now admittedly it isn't such a record a player would need but we've had a contender for the highest 10 quickest exits in EPT history here in Malta as Sai Wu hit the rail in only under QUARTER-HOUR. The beneficiary of her demise seems to be Alexander Ivarsson because the Swede sits with just shy of 60,000.

It was also a brief day for Marcin Chmielewski. The Pole, who was runner-up to Nick Petrangelo within the €10,000 event in Barcelona earlier this season, was the second one player out today. He appears to have lost his chips to Bastian Döhler because the German is as much as almost 60,000. --NW

12:30pm: A page turnerLevel 1 - 50/100

It's not uncommon to look players checking their phones between hands, an invaluable distraction to the occasional monotony of a protracted day on the tables, but Orjahn Winther takes a more old-fashioned. Hard-core old-fashioned actually.

It's not a phone that Winther depends on, but a book. And it is not just between hands that he reads it, but between action in hands he's still fascinated by. As a writer of paperback fiction you want to ask for no greater compliment.

You've also got to think it also says something to the players he goes up against. Players like Vincente Delgado.Delgado just played a hand against Winther, even betting on a flop of 9♠4♠Q♦. To Winther though this was nothing greater than an irritation. He rested the book at the fringe of the table, picked off a raise of 2,250, bet it, after which resumed reading. It was though that was simply the cost of finishing the chapter.

Delgado called for the 5♣ turn card but Winther bet 2,525 this time. That bought him a couple of seconds of reading as Delgado, perhaps wondering what the hell was going on, opted to fold. - SB

12:15pm: Farrell amongst the facesLevel 1 - 50/100

It wouldn't be breaking news if we said that Niall Farrell doesn't always prepare for a tournament by curling up for an early night with a fair book (he missed late registration for the IPT High Roller by a trifling 276 minutes). But, it sort of feels he is taking the defence of his EPT Malta title seriously as he's here on time and looks to have his game face on.

He's considered one of 181 players who've shown up for the hole hands, the Scotsman table is currently playing three-handed but more bums on seats will appear soon. Over on Table three, you will see Nick Galtos. The previous Australian Roller Hockey international, who once played against Stu Unger, has already won an aspect event here in Malta as he took down the Seniors Event. He's got Martin Staszko on his direct left and Harry Lodge is some seats further around the table.

Table two might be one to maintain a watch on as Leonardo Pires occupies the 3 seat. The Brazillian has a name for with the ability to run up a stack in double quick time. Unfortunately, though he isn't always capable of hold onto it. He's wearing a Brazil shirt today and has Antoine Saout for company.

Niall Farrell is not the only EPT champion at the left-hand side of the room as Andreas Hoivold, the EPT3 Dortmund champion, is playing and Joe' The Maltese Joker' Grech might check out some material on Adam Owen because the two Brits are sharing a table. --NW

12:10pm: Hurry up and waitLevel 1 - 50/100

There are much more tables in play in comparison to yesterday and much more players seated for the beginning - except on Table 13 that is.

While the tournament gets underway for everybody else, spare a thought for Gavin Cochrane and Bastian Dohler, who wait patiently unable to benefit from the fun.

They're the one two players at their table and EPT rules stipulate there should be three before hands may also be dealt. So at the moment it looks as if the naughty table, where Cochrane and Dohler has been sent until they learn their lesson. There is no lesson to be learned of course, just the luck of the draw. - SB

12:00pm: Play startsLevel 1 - 50/100

Play gets under way, almost exactly on time. -- SB

11:45am: Day 1B of the principle Event at the way

We move directly to Day 1B of the principle Event today. Play starts at 12 noon with eight 75 minute levels planned for the day, with a dinner break after six. -- SB

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Take a glance on the official website of the EPT, with tournament schedule, news, results and accommodation details for the remainder of the season.

Also the entire schedule information is at the EPT App, that is available on both Android or IOS.

PokerStars Blog reporting team at the EPT13 Malta Main Event: Stephen Bartley, Marc Convey, Howard Swains and Martin Harris. Photography by Neil Stoddart. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter: @PokerStarsBlog.

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