Tuesday, October 25, 2016

APPT10 Melbourne: Day 3 coverage archiveNO Deposit bonus $43

9:45pm: Peter Aristidou eliminated in 8th place ($25,730)Level 24: Blinds - 15,000/30,000 (5,000)

The day has now come to a detailed with our official final table of 7 set after Peter Aristidou's exit in eighth place. Aristidou opened to 77,000 from under the gun and was called by Trung Tran in middle position in addition to Siyoung Lee within the big blind. 

The flop came down 2♣Q♠4♥ and Lee checked. Aristidou tossed out a continuation bet of 80,000 and Tran called. Lee folded threw his hand away.

The Q♥ dropped at the turn and Aristidou checked. Tran then reached for his chips and slid out 100,000. Aristidou made a fast call. 

The 2♠ completed the board and Aristidou checked one last time. Tran checked out the board, then at Aristidou's stack, and at last slid out a stack of 25,000-chips worth 500,000. The bet had Aristidou covered as he only had 320,000 behind. He thought for a minute and called then called off for his tournament life. 

Tran confidently tabled K♣Q♣ for a whole house which was enough to take down the pot after Aristidou tabled J♥J♦.

And that signals the belief of Day 3. We'll have an entire recap of today's proceedings up shortly here at the PokerStars Blog.

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8th place - Peter Aristidou

9:40pm: Lucky double for OuLevel 24: Blinds - 15,000/30,000 (5,000)

It folded around to Raymond Ou at the button and he moved his last 372,000 into the center. Gupta snapped within the big blind with the dominant hand to position Ou at risk.

Ou: 4♥4♣Gupta: T♥T♦

Ou didn't find any assistance on the J♠Q♠7♣ flop however the miracle 4♠ turn saw him rocket into the league. He managed to vanish a 10 at the 2♦ river and secured the double as much as stay alive.

9:35pm: Dylan Kii eliminated in 9th place ($21,445)Level 24: Blinds - 15,000/30,000 (5,000)

It didn't take long after break for us to lose a player. Dylan Kii went home in ninth place after ending up at the wrong end of a flip.

He moved his last 432,000 all in from under the gun with A♦Q♠ and was called by Ashish Gupta holding 9♣9♦.

Kii couldn't improve at the 8♠4♥5♠J♦K♦ runout and was sent to the payout desk to assemble $21,445.

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9th place - Dylan Kii

9:25pm: Play resumesLevel 24: Blinds - 15,000/30,000 (5,000)

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8:35pm: Dinner break

The remaining nine players have just begun a 45-minute dinner break. Here's where they're sitting and the way they stack up.

Seat 1) Peter Aristidou - 592,000Seat 2) Trung Tran - 1,492,000Seat 3) Jay Prasad - 2,091,000Seat 4) Tu Lan - 832,000Seat 5) Dylan Kii - 447,000Seat 6) Raymond Ou - 447,000Seat 7) Ben McLean - 803,000Seat 8) Ashish Gupta - 2,019,000Seat 9) Siyoung Lee - 1,441,000

8:20pm: Final table redraw

Our final nine have merged for the unofficial final table.

There isn't long until dinner break so we'll have a whole table draw and precise chip counts when players step clear of the table.

8:05pm: Peter Brasile eliminated in 10th place ($18,225)Level 23: Blinds - 12,000/24,000 (4,000)

Peter Brasile has fallen one wanting the unofficial final table after being eliminated by Peter Aristidou.

The latter opened to 60,000 under the gun and when it folded around to Brasile within the small blind he moved his short stack of 152,000 into the center. Aristidou snapped it off and the cards went on their backs.

Brasile: K♥8♥Aristidou: A♥9♠

The cards came down 6♣Q♠J♠T♣8♦ and Brasile let loose a cheer at the river when he spiked an eight, not realising the cardboard had complete Aristidou's straight.

Brasile didn't take long to understand he was actually going home and earns the unlucky title of our final table bubble boy.

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10th place - Peter Brasile

7:50pm: Richard Zebrovius eliminated in 11th place ($15,025)Level 23: Blinds - 12,000/24,000 (4,000)

Richard Zebrovius was first to behave and moved all in for his last 293,000 from under the gun. Ashish Gupta asked for a count before calling from the following seat over. The action folded around before both players tabled their cards. 

Zebrovius: T♣T♥Gupta: A♠A♣

Zebrovius stood up from his chair and congratulated Gupta even before any of the community cards had landed. The rail cheered for a 10 but it surely was to no avail because the board ran out J♦7♥J♥J♠6♥ to peer Gupta's pocket aces hold.

The remaining players will now play hand-for-hand until there's yet another player eliminated before combining for an unofficial final table of nine. 

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11th place - Richard Zebrovius

7:35pm: Corey Kempson eliminated in 12th place ($15,025)Level 22: Blinds - 10,000/20,000 (3,000)

In the very next hand following the elimination of Andy Hinrichsen, Ashish Gupta again opened to 43,000 from the cutoff. This time Corey Kempson moved all in for 124,000 because the decision folded back around to Gupta. He made the fast call before both players tabled their cards.

Gupta: J♥T♦Kempson: A♥T♠

It looked as though Kempson had a foul feeling about it as he got up from his seat to sweat the action. He was safe by the turn with the board reading 5♦6♥K♥3♦ but earlier than the river was exposed, Kempson clicked his finger and pointed towards the last card, before seeing the J♠ seem to end his tournament run. The jack at the end paired Gupta and sent Kempson reeling from the tournament floor.

Gupta now has the commanding chip lead with one quarter of the chips in play on 2,250,000.

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12th place - Corey Kempson

7:30pm: Andy Hinrichsen eliminated in 13th place ($12,330)Level 22: Blinds - 10,000/20,000 (3,000)

Ashish Gupta raised to 43,000 from the button before Andrew Hinrichsen reraised to 108,000 from the large blind. Gupta called. 

The flop came down 4♥T♣9♥ and Hinrichsen slid out 112,000. Gupta then moved all in and Hinrichsen snap-called along with his 518,000 behind. 

Gupta: Q♥3♥Hinrichsen: A♥A♦

Hinrichsen had the advantage with the overpair but Gupta was drawing to a flush. Instead it was the runner-runner J♠ turn and K♦ river that arrived to provide Gupta the unlikely straight and the most efficient hand. 

Hinrichsen must be content with 13th as Gupta moved as much as 2 million in chips.

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13th place - Andy Hinrichsen

7:20pm: Kempson cooleredLevel 22: Blinds - 10,000/20,000 (3,000)

Corey Kempson just took a large hit after a chilly deck saw Siyoung Lee double through him.

We arrived on the table to look the board showing T♠Q♥8♥5♦4♣, Lee with A♥A♦ in front of him, and Kempson holding A♠K♥. Lee's aces remained the most productive hand when all was said and done and Kempson was forced to repay Lee's 320,000.

After that hand Kempson was left with 410,000 again.

7:10pm: Julian Cohen eliminated in 14th place ($12,300)Level 22: Blinds - 10,000/20,000 (3,000)

It was folded around to Julian Cohen within the small blind and he moved all in for his last 130,000. Andy Hinrichsen called off from the massive blind and the cards went on their backs.

Cohen: Q♦T♠Hinrichsen: Q♥J♣

Cohen was dominated and had to help to maintain his tournament alive. It might never come because the cards fell 6♣8♦K♥8♠5♠ and he headed for the payout desk while Hinrichsen build to 425,000.

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14th place - Julian Cohen

7pm: Kempson doubles through McLeanLevel 22: Blinds - 10,000/20,000 (3,000)

Corey Kempson raised to 43,000 from early position before Ben McLean reraised to 110,000 from the small blind. Kempson called the bet before both players watched the flop come 3♠A♠Q♦.

Both players checked because the K♦ dropped at the turn. McLean announced 150,000 and pushed the chips into the center. Kempson then paused for a moment before announcing all in for 350,000. McLean got a count and called. 

Kempson: J♥T♥McLean: A♥K♣

Kempson had turned the straight and was in front of McLean's top two pair. Standing up from the table he couldn't bare to look at the river card fall. 

Fortunately for Kempson the T♠ completed the board and he hung on for the double. McLean then again dropped all the way down to 650,000.

6:50pm: Tristan Bain eliminated in 15th place ($12,330)Level 22: Blinds - 10,000/20,000 (3,000)

Start-of-day chip leader Tristan Bain has finally been eliminated after just a little a rollercoaster day at the felt. He moved all in for around 250,000 and when it folded around to Trung Tran within the big blind, he looked down at Q♥Q♣ and snapped it off.

Bain flipped over a modest T♦9♦ and while he found a nine at the 9♠4♠4♦ flop, he couldn't make amends for the A♠ turn or A♣ river.

Bain departs while Tran climbs to 940,000.

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15th place - Tristan Bain

6:40pm: Tim Ulmer eliminated in 16th place ($10,185)Level 22: Blinds - 10,000/20,000 (3,000)

Ashish Gupta raised to 45,000 from under the gun before Tim Ulmer moved all in for 395,000 from middle position. The verdict folded back to Gupta who snap-called with more behind. 

Gupta: Q♠Q♣Ulmer: A♠Q♦

The board ran out 3♦K♥T♦T♣3♥ to look Ulmer unable to enhance and sent to the payout desk. With that elimination Gupta eclipses 1,000,000 in chips.

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16th place - Tim Ulmer

6:30pm: Play resumes

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6:20pm: Time for a break

6:15pm: Hinrichsen hurt by LeeLevel 21: Blinds - 8,000/16,000 (2,000)

Based at the size of the pot it appeared like there has been open before the action landed on Andy Hinrichsen within the small blind. He installed a three-bet to 95,000 before Siyoung Lee played back at him with a chilly four-bet to 230,000.

"I have a very big hand" Hinrichsen said, clearly torn by the spot he was faced with.

The two exchanged some banter and after Lee called the clock when a few minutes had passed, Hinrichsen ultimately let the hand go.

Lee tabled A♣Q♦ before scooping the pot as Hinrichsen fell to 260,000.

6pm: Brkic eliminated in 17th place ($10,185)Level 21: Blinds - 8,000/16,000 (2,000)

The action started with Tristan Bain raising to 34,000 from under the gun and finding a choice from Dylan Kii to his left, Peter Brasile in middle position then Jay Prasad within the cutoff. The verdict fell to Srdjan Brkic within the big blind and he moved all in for his remaining 65,000 before Bain bumped it as much as 120,000. Kii thought for a minute then announced all in for 540,000. Brasile folded instantly an Prasad reluctantly folded a moment later. 

"Do you will have ace-king?" asked Bain, with the choice back on him. He set free a sigh before sliding his cards into the muck. 

Kii then flipped over A♥Q♦ much to the surprise of Bain and the remainder of the table. It was still in front of Brkic's J♣T♦ and would finally end up being the adaptation after the board ran out 4♦5♥9♥9♠5♦ giving him the winning hand with a better kicker. 

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17th place - Srdjan Brkic

5:45pm: Lee doubles through HinrichsenLevel 21: Blinds - 8,000/16,000 (2,000)

Andrew Hinrichsen opened to 34,000 from under the gun before Siyoung Lee moved all in presently for 198,000 from the following seat over. The action folded around to Tu Lan within the big blind who cut out the chips to name and riffled the stack before convincing himself to fold. Hinrichsen looked down at his own stack then tossed in a chip to indicate a call. 

Lee: J♦J♠Hinrichsen: K♣Q♣

Lee would extend his lead after the flop came 7♥J♣5♠ giving him a suite of jacks. No help would come for Hinrichsen because the board ran out the 2♦ turn and 5♥ river to peer him drop to 415,000.

5:30pm: James Broom eliminated in 18th place ($10,185)Level 21: Blinds - 8,000/16,000 (2,000)

It appeared that Jay Prasad had are available with a raise from middle position before he was called by Trung Tran two seats over. James Broom was within the small blind and he moved all in for 192,000. Prasad contemplated the decision but opted to fold. Tran called shortly after.

Tran: 9♠9♣Broom: K♠K♥

Broom had the products with the overpair until the flop fell 6♣J♠9♥ giving Tran a collection of nines. There has been no help for Broom because the board ran with the Q♠ turn and A♣ river and we were left with 17 players.

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18th place - James Broom

5:20pm: Final two tables draw

Table 28

Seat 1) Tristan Bain - 395,000Seat 2) Dylan Kii - 530,000Seat 3) James Broom - 290,000Seat 4) Peter Brasile - 440,000Seat 5) Raymond Ou - 670,000Seat 6) Jayesh Prasad - 1,460,000Seat 7) Peter Aristidou - 820,000Seat 8) Trung Tran - 490,000,Seat 9) Srdjan Brkic - 127,000

Table 31

Seat 1) Tu Lan - 1,470,000Seat 2) Andy Hinrichsen - 390,000Seat 3) Siyoung Lee - 230,000Seat 4) Ben McLean - 960,000Seat 5) Richard Zebrovius - 660,000Seat 6) Ashish Gupta - 195,000Seat 7) Corey Kempson - 580,000Seat 8) Tim Ulmer - 435,000,Seat 9) Julian Cohen - 260,000

5:10pm: Final two tables as Punjabi departsLevel 20: Blinds - 6,000/12,000 (2,000)

Karan Punjabi is the latest casualty together with his elimination taking us to a last 18 players.

The action started with Richard Zebrovius raising from under the gun before the verdict folded around to Punjabi within the small blind. He would move all in for 171,000 and get snap-called by Zebrovius after the large blind folded. 

Punjabi: Q♠Q♣Zebrovius: A♥T♠

The board would run out K♦3♥2♣K♥A♦ giving Zebrovius the victory after spiking an ace at the river to win the hand and send Punjabi home. 

5pm: Gabriel eliminated by LanLevel 20: Blinds - 6,000/12,000 (2,000)

Tu Lan raised to 25,000 from middle position and watched as Daniel Gabriel bumped it as much as 97,000 from the small blind. With the verdict back on Lan, he thought for a minute, then announced all in for just wanting a million in chips. Gabriel snap-called with 400,000 in his stack.

Lan: A♠K♦Gabriel: K♠K♥

Gabriel looked in great shape to double but would haven't been keen on the 7♦3♦5♦ flop falling to present Lan a flush draw. The 8♦ sealed Gabriel's fate, giving Lan the flush, and leaving him to complete in 20th place. The meaningless 8♣ completed the board and Gabriel was sent to the rail to assemble $8,575 for his efforts.  

4:55pm: Ou the following to double through BainLevel 20: Blinds - 6,000/12,000 (2,000)

Tristan Bain raised to 26,000 from under the gun before Raymond Ou reraised to 62,000 at the button. Both blinds folded before Bain announced all in for 629,000 a moment later. Ou snap-called and the cards were tabled. 

Ou: K♦K♦Bain: 8♥8♠

The board ran out 3♥5♠A♣J♦2♥ earning Ou the double up along with his pocket kings holding. Bain dropped right down to 342,000 following the hand. 

4:45pm: Aristidou cracks aces to doubleLevel 20: Blinds - 6,000/12,000 (2,000)

Peter Aristidou raised to 26,000 from the button before Tristan Bain bumped it as much as 66,000 from the massive blind. Aristidou called and both players watched the flop come K♦9♣7♦

Bain bet out 52,000 before Aristidou immediately announced all in for 245,000. Bain snap-called. 

Aristidou: 8♦6♦Bain: A♥A♦

Aristidou was behind to Bain's overpair but had a stack of outs to a straight and flush. 

The turn was enough to peer Aristidou win the hand with the T♠ dropping to offer him an unbeatable straight. The meaningless 6♣ completed the board and Aristidou would find himself doubling to 646,000 while Bain dropped to 530,000. 

4:30pm: Aristidou doubles through BainLevel 20: Blinds - 6,000/12,000 (2,000)

Peter Aristidou moved all in for 137,000 from the button and was snap-called by Tristan Bain within the small blind. With the massive blind out of how the 2 tabled their hands.

Aristidou: A♣Q♥Bain: A♥J♠

Aristidou was in front and improved to top pair at the 3♥Q♠2♠ flop. Only needing to vanish running cards to stick alive he did exactly that because the 6♣ turn and Q♦ river meant he would secure the double up.

4:20pm: Play resumes

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4:10pm: Scheduled break

It's time again for a 10-minute break. Coverage will resume momentarily.

4:05pm: Bain at the rampageLevel 19: Blinds - 5,000/10,000 (1,000)

Reigning APPT Manila Main Event champion Linh Tran moved all in for 106,000 from under the gun and was snap-called by Tristan Bain who was next to behave. The remainder of the table folded before both players tabled their cards. 

Bain: Q♥Q♣Tran: 8♣8♥

Bain's overpair would earn him another knockout because the board ran out 5♥K♦K♥K♠5♠ giving him a better full house and a complete stack just shy of one million. Tran exits as we approach the general two tables.

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Eliminated - Linh Tran

4pm: Xu's run ends by the hands of BainLevel 19: Blinds - 5,000/10,000 (1,000)

Vincent Xu opened the action with a raise to 20,000 from middle position. Tristan Bain was within the hijack and asked Xu how much he was playing. The solution came 250,000 and Bain chose to boost it as much as 45,000. With the verdict back on Xu he paused for a moment before announcing all in. Bain wished him luck and committed the chips to place Xu at risk. 

Bain: A♣Q♠Xu: K♠9♠

Xu found himself behind and already drawing dead by the activate a run out of A♠T♥8♣4♦4♥. He hits the rail as Bain stacks up a brand new total of 820,000.

3:50pm: Prasad elimiantes LimLevel 19: Blinds - 5,000/10,000 (1,000)

Jay Prasad raised to 22,000 from the hijack seat and was called by Julian Cohen at the button. The action fell to Ricky Lim within the big blind and he three-bet shipped for just over 250,000. Prasad snap-called with more behind and immediately tabled his A♦A♠ before Cohen had even acted. Cohen made the simple decision to fold and Lim revealed his A♥Q♥.

The board ran out 9♥T♠5♦7♣J♣ with Prasad's pocket aces holding for the winner. Lim left us as Prasad moved as much as 910,000.  

3:40pm: Tran doubles through KiiLevel 19: Blinds - 5,000/10,000 (1,000)

Dylan Kii raised to 22,000 from under the gun before Trung Tran moved all in for 78,000 from middle position. Srdjan Brkic contemplated for a moment but folded from the massive blind before Kii called to position Tran at risk.

Tran: A♦K♣Kii: T♣9♣

The flop came down 4♥8♦8♠, much to the discontentment of Brkic, who announced he would've flopped quad eights. The 5♠ turn and 2♠ river completed the board and Tran was capable of hold on together with his ace-high to double up and survive. 

3:30pm: Ou takes out LauLevel 19: Blinds - 5,000/10,000 (1,000)

The reigning Asia Player of the Year Alan King Lun Lau has just been eliminated not removed from locking up a last table appearance.

His final hand began with Raymond Ou raising to 20,000 from middle position before Lau moved all in for 96,000 at the button. Ou thought for a minute after the blinds folded after which reluctantly called. 

Lau: 6♣6♠Ou: A♠T♦

The board ran out a K♠T♥J♦9♠Q♥ straight but Ou would finally end up taking down the pot with the ace in his hand to make him the very best Broadway.

3:20pm: Ferguson felted by ZebroviusLevel 19: Blinds - 5,000/10,000 (1,000)

Rhys Ferguson's tournament just came to an end by the hands of Richard Zebrovius.

Ferguson moved all in on a flop of A♠J♣K♠ and Zebrovius made the decision to position him at risk.

Ferguson: 6♠3♠Zebrovius: A♣Q♠

Ferguson had outs to a flush but couldn't improve at the 4♣ turn or K♦ river to peer him hit the rail. Alternatively Zebrovius stacked up a complete of 520,000 in chips.

3:05pm: Lan joins the double knockout clubLevel 18: Blinds - 4,000/8,000 (1,000)

Stephen Sharp moved all in for 87,000 from under the gun. Brendan Ng was seated at the button and opted to transport all in excessive for 240,000. Tu Lan then quickly called from the small blind, with more behind, forcing a fold from the massive blind. 

Lan: J♠J♣Sharp: 8♦7♦Ng: A♣Q♥

Lan was dominating together with his pocket pair and locked up the pot after turning an entire house on a 5♠T♦T♠J♥9♥ board. He climbed to 790,000 as Sharp and Ng were eliminated. 

3pm: McLean scores double knockout to transport over a millionLevel 18: Blinds - 4,000/8,000 (1,000)

The action started with Julian Cohen raising to 16,000 from under the gun. Rakesh Dulani called from the hijack followed by Ben McLean within the cutoff and Peter Brasile at the button. Rahul Rastogi then wasted no time immediately moving all in for 143,000 from the small blind when the verdict arrived to him.

Cohen mucked, paving the way in which for Dulani to name with 51,000 in his stack. McLean had all his opponents covered, looked around in any respect the action in front of him, then called. Brasile joked about having to put down his pretty Q♦T♦ and mucked his hand. 

McLean: 8♦8♠Dulani: A♣J♥Rastogi: A♦K♦

The flop of 9♠8♥6♦ all but sealed the win for McLean with a suite of eights. The 3♣ and 2♥ at the turn and river didn't help the opposite two they usually were relegated to the rail. McLean then again shot as much as 1,095,000.

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Ben McLean

2:55pm: Bridge bustsLevel 18: Blinds - 4,000/8,000 (1,000)

Jeffrey Bridge have been eliminated by start-of-day chip leader Tristan Bain.

Bridge moved the last of all of it in on a flop of 6♠K♠8♦ and Bain made a fast call to position him at risk.

Bridge: T♣6♣Bain: Q♠9♠

Bridge had the lead with bottom pair but Bain had a global of outs with two higher cards and a flush draw. The Q♥ turn saw Bain spike a queen to take the lead and leave Bridge drawing thin before the 8♥ river signalled the tip of his tournament run.

Brigde departs as Bain builds to 620,000.

2:50pm: Double knockout for KiiLevel 18: Blinds - 4,000/8,000 (1,000)

Jonathan Bredin raised to 18,000 from under the gun before Dylan Kii reraised from middle position. The action folded to Dustin Vouk-Hooker within the small blind and he moved all in for 119,000. Bredin then shoved excessive for 180,000 and Kii quickly called with enough to hide both opponents. 

Kii: A♣A♥Bredin: Q♥Q♠Vouk-Hooker: 9♦9♠

Kii had the opposite two crushed and susceptible to elimination with the dominating overpair. The board would run out 4♣5♦J♣A♦8♣ to peer both Bredin and Vouk-Hooker unable to enhance as they hit the rail simultaneously. 

Kii rockets to 587,000 with the contest of the hand. 

2:40pm: Francis felted by BrasileLevel 18: Blinds - 4,000/8,000 (1,000)

Dean Francis raised to 18,000 from the hijack seat before Peter Brasile reraised to 46,000 at the button. The blinds folded before Francis opted to transport all in for 219,000. Brasile quickly called with enough to hide Francis by 8,000 in chips. 

Brasile: Q♥Q♠Francis: A♥K♥

Francis stood up from his chair and watched because the board ran out 6♣3♥4♣9♠J♠ to look him unable to enhance. He headed for the exit while Brasile now sits behind a stack of 466,000. 

2:30pm: Aristidou dents Dustin Vouk-HookerLevel 18: Blinds - 4,000/8,000 (1,000)

On a flop of A♦4♦A♥ Dustin Vouk-Hooker fired for 34,000 from the hijack seat and Peter Aristidou called at the button.

The dealer turned the 7♦ and after a check from Vouk-Hooker, Aristidou moved all in for 132,000. Vouk-Hooker counted out a decision to depart himself only 62,000 behind and committed the chip.

Aristidou tabled A♣4♣ for a flopped full house and Vouk-Hooker flipped the A♠Q♣ for 2 pair.

The J♠ river changed nothing and Aristidou secured the double up.

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Peter Aristidou

2:25pm: The Bridge reconstructionLevel 18: Blinds - 4,000/8,000 (1,000)

Jeffrey Bridge moved all in for 46,000 from the cutoff before the verdict fell on Rakesh Dulani within the big blind. He spent a minute deliberating before sliding in a stack of chips to compare the bet. 

Bridge: 7♠7♥Dulani: A♦Q♦

A board of 8♦K♥4♠4♣9♣ ran out to peer Bridge hold together with his pocket pair to climb back as much as 105,000. Dulani however dropped to 60,000.

2:20pm: Aristidou doubles through KempsonLevel 18: Blinds - 4,000/8,000 (1,000)

Peter Aristidou moved all in for 74,000 from the hijack seat and the action fell on Corey Kempson within the big blind. He asked for a count but didn't hesitate long before calling it off.

Aristidou: Q♦Q♣Kempson: A♦T♠

The board ran out 5♣J♣5♥9♣T♥ to peer Aristidou's pocket queens hold and he took down the pot. Despite the hit to his stack, Kempson still has 335,000 to play with.

2:10pm: Play resumes

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2pm: First break of the day

The remaining 39 players have just commenced a 10-minute break. We'll be back shortly.

1:55pm: Cohen doubles through TranLevel 17: Blinds - 3,000/6,000 (1,000)

Julian Cohen raised to 16,000 from the button and was called by Asish Gupta within the small blind. Linh Tran then raised it as much as 76,000 from the large blind which sent Cohen into the tank. 

Cohen moved all in for exactly 200,000 which saw Gupta quickly fold. Tran snap-called before both players tabled their cards. 

Cohen: J♥J♠Tran: A♦K♠

Cohen looked stressed although he held his lead after the flop came 8♥7♠7♥. The J♣ at the turn changed that, as he fist pumped in joy after making an unbeatable full house. The Q♣ completed the board and Cohen raked within the pot.

With that hit Tran dropped all the way down to 80,000 in chips.

1:45pm: Le crushed by ZebroviusLevel 17: Blinds - 3,000/6,000 (1,000)

With just over 100,000 within the pot and the board showing 4♣3♥2♠A♦A♠ Quoc Le bet out 12,000 with a cheeky grin on his face. Richard Zebrovius was his opponent within the hand, and he moved all in for 190,000, which threw Le off.

A minute passed before Le picked up a 5,000-denomination chip and tossed it within the middle to signal a call.

Zebrovius then promptly showed 6♠5♣ for the nut straight. Le shook his head, as he tabled his 7♦5♥ for a lesser straight, and watched as his remaining 100,000 was pushed over to Zebrovius.

1:35pm: Stewart sent homeLevel 17: Blinds - 3,000/6,000 (1,000)

The action folded around to Robbie Stewart at the button and he moved all in for 35,000.

"I call" groaned Brendan Ng within the small blind and with the massive blind out of ways the cards went on their backs.

Stewart: 8♠8♥Ng: K♦T♣

It was a good fight until the A♠J♠T♦ flop saw Ng sail to the lead. He improved to trips at the T♥ turn and with only an eight to avoid wasting Stewart he couldn't find one because the J♥ river came at the end.

Stewart exited the tournament area as Ng added a couple of more chips to his stack.

1:20pm: Punjabi strikes gold against CohenLevel 17: Blinds - 3,000/6,000 (1,000)

Julian Cohen opened to 13,000 from under the gun and the action folded back around to Karan Punjabi within the big blind. He raised it as much as 36,000 which sent Cohen into the  tank for a minute. 

Cohen would then move all in for 380,000 only to have Punjabi snap call with 134,000 behind. 

Punjabi: K♦K♠Cohen: A♥Q♦

Cohen was not impressed in his play and watched because the board ran out K♥5♥5♣Q♣9♦ to peer Punjabi make an entire house at the flop and double through.

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Julian Cohen takes a hit

1:05pm: Bouskila can't get thereLevel 17: Blinds - 3,000/6,000 (1,000)

Both Brendan Ng and Michel Bouskila both liked the flop of K♥5♠3♠ they usually exchanged bets before Bouskila was all in for his last 100,000. Ng made the decision to place Bouskila at risk.

Bouskila would reveal A♠Q♠ for a flush draw but was behind to Ng's A♣K♣ for prime pair of kings. 

Bouskila stood up from his chair and watched because the board bricked out with the 3♥ turn and 2♣ river completing the board to look him hit the rail. 

Ng moved as much as 320,000 following the hand. 

12:55pm: McLean makes it two in a rowLevel 16: Blinds - 2,500/5,000 (500)

Ben McLean was still adding chips to his stack when Mario Doria moved all in for 75,000 from the cutoff. McLean called from the small blind before the massive blind got out of the way. 

Doria smiled as he turned over 6♥3♠ and was in terrible shape against McLean's J♥J♣.

The board ran out T♣4♠K♦A♣8♦ to look Doria head to the payout desk and McLean rise to 750,000. 

12:45pm: McLean eliminates RodriguezLevel 16: Blinds - 2,500/5,000 (500)

Manuel Rodriguez opted to shove his last 71,000  from the small blind and was quickly matched by Ben McLean within the big blind. 

Rodriguez: 9♥9♣McLean: A♠K♠

McLean would get the easier of the duel because the board ran out A♣K♣Q♠K♦6♦ seeing him improve to a whole house leading to Rodriguez being eliminated. 

McLean now sits near the highest chip leaders with 660,000. 

12:40pm: Courmadias pips HopkinsLevel 16: Blinds - 2,500/5,000 (500)

On a flop of Q♣5♥7♦ Hopkins committed his remaining 70,000 against Michael Courmadias after both exchanged several raises. 

Hopkins flipped over Q♥J♦ but found himself behind to Courmadias who had him out kicked holding K♦Q♦.

No help came for Hopkins because the board ran out the 2♠ turn after which the 2♦ river to look him hit the rail. 

Courmadias climbed to 210,000. 

12:35pm: Sanderson aces CabretLevel 16: Blinds - 2,500/5,000 (500)

Joe Cabret raised to 12,000 from the cutoff and was quickly called by James Broom at the button. James Sanderson was within the small blind and instantly moved all in for 59,000. Cabret called moments after the massive blind folded forcing Broom out of the hand. 

Sanderson: A♣2♣Cabret: T♠T♦

Sanderson sat casually because the dealer produced the A♥J♠5♣9♥2♥ board with an ace at the flop keeping Sanderson's tournament alive.

12:30pm: Menzel stays aliveLevel 16: Blinds - 2,500/5,000 (500)

Jeremiah Menzel is now peddling a rather bigger short stack after tripling as much as 35,000.

He got his previous few big blinds in preflop and was called by Adrian Indovino within the small blind and Corey Kempson within the big blind.

The two active players checked it down because the cards fell 6♠5♠T♠K♠5♣ and Menzel triumphantly tabled A♠J♣ for the nut flush.

"Sorry guys" Menzel said with amusing as he collected the pot.

12:25pm: Francis chips up through ChinLevel 16: Blinds - 2,500/5,000 (500)

Quoc Le raised to 10,500 from under the gun and was called by Adrian Chin in middle position. Dean Francis then slid in his entire stack totalling 53,000 from the cutoff because the action folded back to Le. He folded. Chin called moments later.

Francis: Q♣Q♦Chin: 7♥7♠

Francis had the lead with the overpair and came out unscathed when the board ran out 4♥K♣2♦T♣J♦ to look him move as much as 130,000.

12:20pm: Ulmer doubles upLevel 16: Blinds - 2,500/5,000 (500)

Tim Ulmer raised to 12,000 from the hijack before Antonio Grosso moved all in for 35,000 from the small blind. Ulmer called shortly after the large blind mucked his hand.

Grosso: T♥T♦Ulmer: 7♦6♦

The board ran out 9♣4♠2♦2♠8♦ to peer Grosso hold along with his overpair to double early in proceedings.

12:15pm: Cards within the air!Level 16: Blinds - 2,500/5,000 (500)

It's go time here on Day 3.

Day 3 set to start!

The lucky 62 who're still within the running for this APPT Melbourne Main Event will soon be returning to the Crown Poker site to minimize to a last table. They'll have their eyes locked at the title, the trophy and a $235,875 top prize.

Leading the best way at first of play could be Tristan Bain. He cruised throughout the competition within the later a part of Day 2 to acquire 575,000.

The action recommences with 40 minutes left of Level 16 and blinds at 2,500/5,000 and a 500 ante.

You can view where the remainder players are sitting and where they stack up right here.

It's almost time to kick off so make sure you keep your browser locked to PokerStars Blog for all of the live updates direct from the tournament floor.

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PokerStars Blog reporting in Melbourne delivered to you by Brad Kain and Mateusz Pater. Photos by Kenneth Lim Photography courtesy of PokerStars LIVE Macau.

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