Wednesday, June 29, 2016

UKIPT6 London Final Day: Live updatesNO Deposit bonus $43

* Usman Siddique wins UKIPT6 London* Main Event is over

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7.15pm: Usman Siddique wins UKIPT6 London for £84,100; David Gassian runner up for £51,930Level 29 - Blinds 50,000-100,000 (10,000 ante)

Well, there isn't much heads-up play to report! Usman Siddique raised every pot, and David Gassian folded each hand. He doubled up once when he was right down to 225,000 (just two big blinds) when his 9♠6♦ pipped Siddique's 7♥7♠ on the end of the K♦T♠8♣Q♣9♣ board, but rather then that Gassian gave the impression to have given up.

In the general hand he put his last 290,000 within the pot and Siddique naturally called. He had the A♥6♥ while Gassian had the K♠2♥; the board ran out 5♥J♦6♦J♣3♠ and that was it! Gassian finished in 2nd for £51,930.

Congratulations to Usman Siddique - the winner of UKIPT6 London, the coveted spade trophy, and £84,100!

We'll have a whole report of today's final Day 3 action soon. --JS

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Gassian blinds down

7.06pm: Heads up countsLevel 30 - Blinds 50,000-100,000 (10,000 ante)

Usman Siddique - 14,775,000David Gassian - 1,450,000

The Frenchman has numerous work to do as heads up play begins. -- MC

6.58pm: Joe Hindry eliminated in 3rd place for £37,310Level 30 - Blinds 50,000-100,000 (10,000 ante)

Joe Hindry's rail was elated after he made the highest three players because it earned his more cash that looked unlikely. His ladder only stretched up to now though and he busted in third place.

He was all the way down to his last 955,000 when he shoved from the button. Usman Siddique (who else?) picked up a hand within the big blind and called.

Hindry: T♥9♦Siddique: A♣5♣

The board ran K♦4♥A♦4♦2♣ failing to assist Hindry and similar to that the overall table is heads up! -- MC

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Hindry busts in 3rd

6.48pm: Warren Russell eliminated in 4th place for £28,450Level 30 - Blinds 50,000-100,000 (10,000 ante)

Unfortunately for Warren Russell Level 29 was even worse than Level 28 as he busted to his nemesis, Usman Siddique. The chips went in preflop and the cards were on their backs.

Russell: A♠T♥Siddique: 7♠7♣

The board ran 6♣K♥3♥3♦J♣. Siddique has flipped rather well this week and that trend continued. -- MC

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Russell felted in 4th

6.43pm: Joe Hindry - absolutely blessedLevel 29 - Blinds 50,000-100,000 (10,000 ante)

Having got lucky to double through Warren Russell earlier, Joe Hindry just got lucky again to cut a pot with David Gassian. He shoved over Gassian's 125,000 raise for 1 million with the A♠9♣ and got called by Gassian with the A♣th]. But the board ran out 8♥Q♠Q♣K♥K♠ and he hung on once more.

"Joe Hindry - absolutely blessed!" shouted a member of Hindry's rail. --JS

6.31pm: Level upLevel 29 - Blinds 50,000-100,000 (10,000 ante)

6.30pm: Siddique's grip ever tighterLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000-80,000 (10,000 ante)

The excellent news for Warren Russell is that level 28 is over. The bad news is that he lost the last hand of level 28 to Usman Siddique, whose dominance became even greater.

Russell completed from the small blind and Siddique checked his option. Russell bet 90,000 at the 9♦5♠6♠ flop and 225,000 at the 6♦ turn. Siddique called the primary bet but raised the second one bet to 575,000. Russell called and called another 865,000 at the J♣ river. Siddique opened A♦6♠ for trips and Russell mucked to drop to 1.95 million. Siddique moved as much as 10.8 million. -- MC

6.22pm: Daniel Harwood gone in 5th for £22,540Level 28 - Blinds 40,000-80,000 (10,000 ante)

With Joe Hindry having doubled up recently, Daniel Harwood was the shortest stack on the table and had to discover a great spot to double. He thought he'd no less than found a great place to select up the blinds and antes when he jammed for his last 900,000 with the 8♦8♥, but David Gassian was waiting to behave behind him with the J♦J♣ and made a very easy call.

The board was safe the entire way for Gassian because it ran out 3♠T♦Q♥7♣2♦ to eliminate Harwood in 5th. He'll take £22,540 home for his efforts here on the Hippodrome, while Gassian moves as much as 2.4 million. --JS

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Harwood says his goodbyes

6.06pm: Russell loses moreLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000-80,000 (10,000 ante)

It's not been a super level for Warren Russell and he's looking a little bit frustrated. He appeared to actually need to name a river bet today but thought best of it, and folded to drop to 3.28 million.

Usman Siddique had raised pre flop, bet the flop, bet 185,000 at the turn and 415,000 at the river. The overall board read 5♥K♦6♦4♠4♦. Siddique stretched his lead as he moved as much as 8.2 million -- MC

5.50pm: Hindry hits to double through RussellLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000-80,000 (10,000 ante)

It looked dire for Joe Hindry for a minute there. He shoved all-in for his last 875,000 and it folded around to Warren Russell within the big blind who snapped along with his A♠K♥. Hindry had kicker issues along with his A♥7♣ but they were soon cleared up when he made two pair at the 3♠A♦7♦ flop. The turn came the 4♣ and the river the 8♦, and it was a full, much-needed double up for the 21-year-old pro. He now sits with 1.84 million, while Russell dips to 3.625 million. --JS

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Hindry's back on this one

5.33pm: Level upLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000-80,000 (10,000 ante)

5.22pm: Chips at the break

Seat Player Country Status Chips
1 Daniel Harwood United Kingdom   1,030,000
2 David Gassian France   2,110,000
3 Jack Salter United Kingdom PokerStars Player 6th
4 Warren Russell Canada   4,745,000
5 Usman Siddique United Kingdom   7,245,000
6 Joe Hindry United Kingdom   1,095,000
7 David Docherty United Kingdom PokerStars Qualifier 8th
8 Morten Halvorsen Norway PokerStars Player 7th

5.12pm: Break timeLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000-60,000 (10,000 ante)

Players have gone on a 20 minute break. --JS

5.10pm: Jack Salter eliminated in 6th for £17,550Level 27 - Blinds 30,000-60,000 (10,000 ante)

He was the most important and most accomplished player getting into this final table, but Jack Salter has just been eliminated and so won't be adding to a UKIPT title to his amazing resume.

Salter opened to 125,000 before chip leader Usman Siddique shoved from the small blind. Salter made a fast call along with his A♦K♦, while it was 5♠5♦ for Siddique.

The flop was a frustrating one for Jack; he found no help in any respect with the T♣T♠6♣, however the J♠ turn did give him a straight draw in addition to the 2 overs. However, the 7♦ landed at the river and Salter's 955,000 slid to Siddique.

Salter takes home a not-too-shabby £17,550 for 6th, while Siddique is our massive chip boss with 7,245,000. --JS

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Salter's gone in 6th

5pm: Hindry bluffs, goes shortLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000-60,000 (10,000 ante)

Joe Hindry has work to do after he bluffed off a piece to Warren Russell to drop to 860,000.

He opened to 120,000 and Russell called within the big blind. The flop came Q♥8♥7♠ and Hindry continued for 135,000. Call. Both players checked the 7♥ turn before Russell check-called a 335,000 bet at the A♦ river. Hindry could only muster K♦9♥, losing out to Russell's A♥5♣. -- MC

4.50pm: Morten Halvorsen eliminated in 7th for £12,780Level 27 - Blinds 30,000-60,000 (10,000 ante)

We were starting to get a big Norwegian rail for Morten Halvorsen, but he's just busted his 7th and they've all cleared off.

Halvorsen kicked off the pot with an open to 125,000 and it folded around to Usman Siddique ion the large blind who made up the bet. We saw the 9♣8♣7♣ flop hit the felt, and for some reason it instantly felt like we were going to look some action.

Siddique checked it and Halvorsen continued for 150,000, only to be met with a raise to 400,000. Halvorsen thought for some time and his rail grew increasingly interested, and so they were right to - he shoved for 950,000 total and Siddique made the call.

The flop had hit Siddique hard - his T♣9♠ gave him top pair and an up-and-down straight flush draw. Meanwhile, Halvorsen's jam was a semi-bluff together with his A♥T♦ for a straight draw. The board bricked out for him with the 4♥ turn and K♠ river and so his chips were slid to Siddique.

Halvorsen will take home £12,780 for his deep run, while Siddique is now chip leader with 6 million. --JS

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Halvorsen: "I'll get me coat."

4.30pm: Big stacks tangleLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000-60,000 (10,000 ante)

For the last three hands, five players have sat back and watched the 2 chip leaders, Warren Russell and Usman Siddique, battle one another. The general score ended 2-1 to Siddique.

Siddique opened to 130,000 from under the gun and Russell called from the massive blind. The flop came A♥A♣T♣ and Russell check-raised Siddique's 135,000 c-bet as much as 325,000. Call. The turn was the Q♥ and Russell check-folded to a 280,000 bet.

The next hand saw Russell complete from the small blind and Siddique check his big blinded option. The flop spread 8♥9♣2♥ and both players checked to the K♥ turn where Rusell led for 100,000. Call. Siddique made it 2-0 at the 6♥ river as Russell check-folded to his 140,000 bet.

Russell needed to get some creditability back and did so at the very next hand. He opened to 125,000 after which four-bet to 850,000 after Siddique had three-bet to 335,000. Fold.

That last hand comeback by Russell saw him reclaim the lead he had lost in the course of the previous two hands.

Siddique - 4,995,000Russell - 5,055,000-- MC

4.11pm: Blinds upLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000-60,000 (10,000 ante)

4.05pm: Russell tussles in every potLevel 26 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

Chip leader Warren Russell have been very active over the past orbit, raising every pot folded to him and playing several interesting pots as a result.

In one hand, Morten Halvorsen opened to 125,000 and it folded around to Russell, who called from the large blind. We saw a 4♦Q♦8♠ flop fall down, which was checked to the Norwegian allowing him to c-bet 125,000. The chip leader then bumped it as much as 275,000, and it didn't take long for Halvorsen to announce he was all-in. It might cost Russell around another half one million to name but he opted to fold. Halvorsen went as much as 1.2 million after that one.

In the very next hand, it was Daniel Harwood he was tussling with. Hardwood opened to 105,000 and again Russell was the one caller. The flop was the 5♣5♦9♥ and the chip leader checked, and Harwood made a gamble of 140,000. It was called, so the 3♠ dropped at the turn. It went check, 215,000, call on that street, leading to the A♠ at the river. Russell checked again and Harwood reached for the black 100,000 chips. He put out three blacks and 3 blues for a complete of 315,000 and Russell snapped it off with A♥T♣. He'd got there at the river, although we'll never know if he was ever behind as Harwood mucked.Harwood was left with just 640,000 and is now our short stack, while Russell hovers across the 4.2 million mark. --JS

3.55pm: Cheeky chappie HarwoodLevel 26 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

Jack Salter nodded in admiration after he was bluffed off a pot by Daniel Harwood.

Harwood raised to 105,000 off the button and Salter peeled from the massive unaware of see an A♣A♥2♣ flop. The action was checked to the turn where Salter led for 70,000. Harwood snap called after which bet the 7♠ river when Salter checked to him. When the latter folded he opened 6♠4♠ and his stack rose to 1.72 million. Salter dropped to 1.32 million. -- MC

3.40pm: Halvorsen gets busyLevel 26 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

The man from Norway have been pretty quiet to this point at this final table, but within the last orbit he's moved all-in twice and got no callers. It is just an issue of time until he clashes with someone. --JS

3.29pm: Russell gets stronger; Salter faltersLevel 26 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

Having eliminated David Docherty before the break, Jack Salter was beginning to build some momentum but he's just given all of these chips and more to chip leader Warren Russell.

Salter made it 105,000 to move and Russell was the one caller, taking us to the 5♣5♦J♣ flop. Both checked, and the dealer burned and turned the K♦. It went check check once more, so we saw the 3♦ land at the river. Now Salter prepare of venture of 225, just for Russell to return backk excessive with a big gamble of 500,000. Salter made the decision but mucked when Russell showed his J♦T♦.

After that hand Salter was backpedal to roughly where he started (1.3 million), while Russell has taken a bigger lead as much as 4.8 million. --JS

3.12pm: Play resumesLevel 26 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

2.53pm: Break time chip counts

Seat Player Country Status Chips
1 Daniel Harwood United Kingdom   780,000
2 David Gassian France   2,550,000
3 Jack Salter United Kingdom PokerStars Player 2,100,000
4 Warren Russell Canada   4,600,000
5 Usman Siddique United Kingdom   3,900,000
6 Joe Hindry United Kingdom   1,200,000
7 David Docherty United Kingdom PokerStars Qualifier 8th
8 Morten Halvorsen Norway PokerStars Player 910,000

2.45pm: Break to moveLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000-40,000 (5,000 ante)

The clock is paused because the players are moving rooms. We'll be shortly with more live action. --JS

2.40pm: David Docherty eliminated in 8th for £8,731Level 25 - Blinds 20,000-40,000 (5,000 ante)

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Docherty - 8th place

In an unfortunate turn of events, David Docherty has now finished 8th in either one of his two UKIPT final table appearances. His last one was in 2011 at UKIPT2 Dublin, and it was similar story here today.

After Jack Salter opened to 90,000, Docherty moved all-in for his last 451,000. Salter asked for a count, and realising it was just eight big blinds more to name he announced it and turned over the Q♥T♥. Docherty was in great shape together with his A♣A♥.

"It's the primary time I've had aces all tournament," Docherty told the table. "It's perfect timing, you have to call there."

"Just saying, I'M pretty lucky," replied Salter.

He's not kidding. The Q♣8♣9♥ flop helped him immediately, but not up to the J♦ at the turn which gave Salter the straight. The 8♥ completed the board.

"Good luck boys," said Docherty, always a gentleman despite his clear disappointment. It has been a really perfect run for the Scot who turned 29 on Friday. Meanwhile, Salter now sits with 2.1 million. --JS

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Docherty gets the bad news

2.28pm: What's French for card rack?Level 25 - Blinds 20,000-40,000 (5,000 ante)

If you will pick up a number of giant hands, you must get them within the latter stages of the tournament, not the primary level. Just ask David Gassian.

The Frenchman knocked out the primary two players of the day holding pocket kings and because he's been on the final table he's hit quads and collected aces to transport as much as 2.55 million.

David Docherty raised to 85,000 from early position and was called by Gassian and Usman Siddique en path to a 2♣J♠2♥ flop. Docherty continued for 140,000 and was called by both opponents. The turn was the 5♣ and Gassian bet 130,000. Siddique was the one caller but he folded too after Gassian bombed the river for 725,000. Siddique folded and Gassian opened 2♠2♠ for quads!

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Gassian on a charge

A twinkling of an eye after, he raised to 85,000 from the button before Warren Russell three-bet to 215,000 from the large blind. Gassian came back with a four-bet to 511,000 and showed aces once his Canadian opponent folded. -- MC

2.08pm: Ladies for SalterLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000-40,000 (5,000 ante)

Jack Salter's as much as 1.22 million now, having just won a pot from David Gassian with the assistance of three lovely ladies.

It folded around and Gassian limped from the small blind before Salter made it 125,000 to look a flop. Gassian called and it came the T♥Q♣T♣, which both players checked. We then saw the T♠ land at the turn, and again both checked - leading us to believe that no-one had a large hand here. But if the 2♦ hit the river, Gassian checked again and Salter made a chance of 177,000. The Frenchman made a rapid call but mucked as Salter turned over the Q♥Q♠.--JS

2pm: Semi-bluff from Russell leaves DD windedLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000-40,000 (5,000 ante)

It's not been the most efficient begin to the day for David Docherty, who came into the overall 3rd in chips. He's lost a couple of since then, including on this hand against Warren Russell.

RusselL min-opened to 80,000 which got two callers in Docherty and Daniel Harwood. The flop came the 7♠T♦3♠ and it checked to Docherty, who took control with a 140,000 bet. Only Russell called, taking us to the 8♥ at the turn. Russell checked yet again and now Docherty counted out a gamble of 325,000 and slid it over the road. Russell announced "all-in" and Docherty sighed as he made a rapid fold.

"I wish I'd checked it back," he told Joe Hindry after Russell showed his 4♠5♠ for straight and flush draws. --JS

1.46pm: Level upLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000-40,000 (5,000 ante)

1.44pm: Big hand here!Level 24 - Blinds 15,000-30,000 (4,000 ante)

Daniel Harwood lost a small pot to Joe Hindry and the very next hand; he wasn't going to be messed about.

The Cheltenham lad raised to 65,000 from under the gun before Usman Siddique three-bet to 165,000 from the cutoff. When the action got back to Harwood he snap jammed for 779,000. Siddique went into the tank and Harwood went into chat mode.

"Big hand here!" he said while tapping his finger on his cards. Siddique thought for one more minute and let his hand go before Harwood showed Q♠J♠. "I looked strong, didn't I?" said a proud Harwood. -- MC

1.29pm: Great flop, terrible turn for DDLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000-30,000 (4,000 ante)

David Docherty must've been loving life when he flopped a straight in a three-way pot; a terrible turn card meant he chopped at showdown though.

Daniel Harwood opened to 65,000 from early position and he was called by Warren Russell (button) and Docherty (big blind). The flop fanned 9♣8♥T♣ and Harwood bet 105,000 when the action was checked to him. Docherty was the one caller, and he check-called another 220,000 at the J♥ turn before both players checked the T♦ river. Docherty opened J♦7♣ and chopped with Russell after he revealed T♠7♠. -- MC

1.18pm: Battle of the massive stacksLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000-30,000 (4,000 ante)

Warren Russell and Usman Siddique are side by side with the 2 biggest stacks on this event. And right now, they're just about dead even.

In the last hand, Russell opened the button to 65,000 and Siddique called from the small blind. The flop fanned 2♦4♦8♠ and both players checked, taking us to the J♠ at the turn. Now Siddique took the betting lead, sliding out 68,000 which Russell called, leading to the 4♠ at the river. Siddique went back to checking but Russell wasn't going to let an affordable showdown happen. He counted out 225,000 and put them in, and Siddique thought for a minute before making the call.#

We'd never see Siddique's hand though, as he mucked when Russell revealed the A♠9♠ for a runner runner flush. Both players are on roughly 4 million at the moment. --JS

1.10pm: Back within the actionLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000-30,000 (4,000 ante)

Play has resumed here on the final table. --JS

12.50pm: Final tableLevel 24 - Blinds 15,000-30,000 (4,000 ante)

You can discover more about all eight finalists in our final table player profiles here.

Seat Player Country Status Chips
1 Daniel Harwood United Kingdom   1,302,000
2 David Gassian France   2,234,000
3 Jack Salter United Kingdom PokerStars Player 886,000
4 Warren Russell Canada   3,961,000
5 Usman Siddique United Kingdom   4,132,000
6 Joe Hindry United Kingdom   1,327,000
7 David Docherty Scotland PokerStars Qualifier 1,531,000
8 Morten Halvorsen Norway PokerStars Player 732,000

12.38pm: Jack Hardcastle eliminated in 9th for £6,900Level 24 - Blinds 15,000-30,000 (4,000 ante)

Well, he came into the day as our shortest stack, so it was no surprise to look Jack Hardcastle making moves early. It seems he did with an enormous hand - but it surely was still beat.

Usman Siddique opened the action to 65,000 and it folded around to Hardcastle within the cut-off. He moved all-in for 280,000 before David Gassian raised it as much as 525,000, a transparent isolation. It folded back to Siddique who gave it up, and the cards were on their backs.

Hardcastle - A♥K♠Gassian - K♦K♣

Hardcastle would have to hit an ace, however the board ran out 7♥9♣K♥6♦J♠, so Gassian's set was never in trouble. Hardcastle takes home £6,900 for his 9th place finish, and we're currently mastering our remaining players just a little better while they're on a break.

The official final table of eight will kick off soon, so stick around. --JS

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Hardcastle (within the blue) says goodbye to pal Joe Hindry

12.24pm: Table re-drawLevel 23- Blinds 15,000-30,000 (4,000 ante)

Here's how the players are seated now we're all the way down to one table:

Seat Player Country Status
1 Daniel Harwood United Kingdom  
2 Jack Hardcastle United Kingdom  
3 David Gassian France  
4 Jack Salter United Kingdom PokerStars Player
5 Warren Russell Canada  
6 Usman Siddique United Kingdom  
7 Joe Hindry United Kingdom  
8 David Docherty Scotland PokerStars Qualifier
9 Morten Halvorsen Norway PokerStars Player


12.15pm: Anatolis Jevtejev eliminated in 10th place (£5,640)Level 23- Blinds 15,000-30,000 (4,000 ante)

Well, it didn't take long to get all the way down to one table, with Anatolis Jevtejev busting at the second hand of the day, and it was a cooler that did for him.

David Gassian opened from late position and snap called after Jevtejev three-bet all in from the blinds.

Jevtejev: J♣J♦Gassian: K♠K♥

The board ran K♣A♥6♠3♣J♥ to make both players sets. The players are being re-drawn directly to one table of nine and we'll post the main points after we have them. -- MC

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Anatolis Jevtejev - gone in 10th

12.13pm: That did not take long!Level 23- Blinds 15,000-30,000 (4,000 ante)

We've already lost a player so the clock is paused while we re-draw for one table. Details of the bust-out are coming shortly. --JS

12.10pm: Better late than neverLevel 23- Blinds 15,000-30,000 (4,000 ante)

Well, we didn't quite kick off the action at 12pm, but ten minutes later and the cards are actually within the air. Tournament Director Luca Vivaldi has just informed the players that they're going to become one table of nine after we lose our first player. --JS

11.50am: Welcome back to UKIPT6 London final day!Level 23- Blinds 15,000-30,000 (4,000 ante)

We are only nine exits clear of crowning a brand spanking new UKIPT champion and the primary of Season 6. Yesterday was an action-packed day where the sphere was whittled down from 176 players to the few heroes we have now left today. The 11 levels offered up such a lot great action - even losing a player at the last hand of the night - so we're hoping for similar drama today.

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Jack Salter starts 5th in chips

There's a super mixture of experience, talent and stack sizes on show today and the the overall nine seat draw could go some distance to deciding the title. We're still on two tables of 5 for now and that is how they'll line as much as start with:

Jack Salter United Kingdom PokerStars Player 1 1 1,231,000
Usman Siddique United Kingdom   1 3 4,337,000
David Docherty United Kingdom  PokerStars Qualifier 1 4 1,283,000
Joe Hindry United Kingdom   1 6 1,622,000
Jack Hardcastle United Kingdom    1 8 365,000
Warren Russell Canada   3 2 3,894,000
David Gassian France    3 3 820,000
Daniel Harwood United Kingdom   3 4 1,220,000
Morten Halvorsen Norway  PokerStars Player 3 6 720,000
Anatolis Jevtejev Lithuania    3 7 636,000

Join us back here midday when play is because of get underway. --MC

Key UKIPT6 London Facts:

- 25,000 starting stack- Blinds starting at 50-100 for 250 big blinds- Levels are 60 minutes, and the plan is to a winer today- Full UKIPT schedule here.- Other tournaments today include Day 2 £330 London Cup starting at 1pm and a Ladies Event starting.

PokerStars Blog Reporting Team at UKIPT6 London: Marc Convey and Jack Stanton. Photos by Mickey May. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter: @PokerStarsBlog

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