Boston's Jake Abdalla wanted it to be a distinct moment. Certainly, anyone who makes it to the PokerStars VIP Club's Supernova Elite status could just about write the only million VIP Player Point off as special and move on. But, hey, people have already done that. Abdalla wanted something different.
Abdalla is healthier known on PokerStars as JLlama and was certain to make Supernova Elite in 2008. He just needed the way to recognize the instant. So, at some point as he approached the summit, he came up with a plan.
"I had the concept that myself and another player with 999,999 VPPs should do a flip for the last point," he said.
Abdalla went to work within the Two Plus Two Forums. It wasn't as easy a prospect as he thought it will be.
"There were a pair different players I had planned to do it with, but one among them was further along and didn't wish to attend for me to hit 999,999," he said. "THE FOLLOWING guy tried to get to 999,999, but accidentally won the last point."
Even though Abdalla had reached his penultimate point on December 13th, it took until after Christmas to get the plan worked out. He finally found a taker in "BIGLivesOn." That's when the plan got even tricker.
They decided to fill the remainder of their table with existing Supernova Elites. That, too, was somewhat difficult.
"Some of the folks we spoke to at the 2+2 thread didn't happen on the time. We ended up seeking to recruit a pair Elites from their games online," Abdalla said. "One such Elite, 'bfl4me,' was playing 24 tables and entered a heads up $1,100 SNG against 'JohnSmiley1' simply to recruit him for our cause."
Finally they'd their table.
Everybody installed their $50 and the flip was at the. board ran out Jh-Th-4d-3h-Kc. Abdalla's 5d-9s and BIGLivesOn's Qh-3s didn't play well at the board against TheLife's Kd-Ah, however the $297 pot didn't mean up to that last point that put the fellows over the only million VPP mark.
And then tragedy struck.
"We expected our red Supernova stars to switch to black Supernova Elite stars," Abdalla said.
When the celebs stayed red, Abdalla and BIGLives scratched their heads. Then they moved to a different table and all was well.
Now that Abdalla has his black stars, he isn't taking much time to mirror. He says he's more relaxed, but he he's looking forward. He's branching out beyond his normal limit hold'em game and searching to milk his Elite status and free entries to the EPT Grand Final and World Series Main Event.
"I think the Pokerstars VIP program may be very cool," Abdalla said. "I'M thankful I USED TO BE capable of benefit from it to the fullest in 2008."

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