Thursday, September 4, 2014

MPC21: Yang goes all of the Wei on Day 1A

It's amazing how quickly a brand new home feels, well, like home.

You see, around eight hours ago once we walked into the unfamiliar second floor of town of Dreams for Day 1a of the MPC21 Red Dragon, we were somewhat sceptical. After all, we had grown to like PokerStars LIVE Macau's home at the main gaming floor and no-one likes change. It's scary.

But the entire fears were squashed only a few hours into the day.

The new room is superb. There's good music pumping from the nearby Hard Rock Café, there is a handy bar right by the tables and the overall ambience of the room is pleasant.

If we enjoyed the brand new room on Day 1a, then Wei Yang enjoyed it much more.

Like the 212 other players at the opening Day 1 flight, Yang started the day with 15,000 in chips. By the tip of 11 40-minute levels Yang had that stack as much as 166,700.

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Wei Yang was pleased with his Day 1a

Yang, from China, has had only minor success in side events around this region's tournament scene, so he'll be hoping to finally make an impact in a large tournament just like the Red Dragon. Unfortunately for him hundreds of others have the similar idea.

Yang's bag is around 20,000 in chips heavier than his nearest competitor Robert Schwartz. It was a large last level of the night for Schwartz as he built off dealing the fatal blow to Australian Victor Teng. Schwartz eliminated Teng when he called off a three-bet shove holding Q♦Q♥, which was too strong for Teng's Q♣8♦.

Schwartz and Yang were two of 7 players who finished Day 1a with six-figure stacks. The opposite five were: Chun Tung Wai (128,700), Xin Zhang (118,100), Mengyao Chen (116,700), Yan Cui (111,800) and Jiaxiu Liu (100,900).

A very familiar face in Winfred Yu bagged up just below six-figures, finishing with a stack of 94,000. Yu is celebrated as a high roller specialist, but has also had various success in tournaments around this region, including a fourth-place finish within the recent APPT Seoul Main Event.

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Winfred Yu fell just shy of six figures on Day 1a

Also still alive heading into Day 2 is Kenny Leong - a person who's synonymous with the Red Dragon. He won the primary edition of this tournament back in 2008. There have been 33 players, that is a miles cry from the loads that play within the event now. Still, a title is a title and Leong might be trying to win another one. Leong finished Day 1a with 71,600.

While all the aforementioned players had an excellent night on the felt, others didn't. A few of folks who were eliminated on Day 1a include recent MPC20 champion Buyanjargal Bold, 2014 APPT Macau champion Jiajun Liu, 2013 APPT champion Alexandre Chieng, 2011 Asia Player of the Year Shaq Lin or even Teaam PokerStars Pro Vivian Im.

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It wasn't all smiles for Vivian Im on Day 1a

All in all, there have been exactly 52 survivors of 213 starters on Day 1a of the Red Dragon. Every one of the crucial survivors will return to the felt on Monday, while a few new batches of players will partake on this weekend's Day 1 festivities.

You can find all of the end-of-day 1a chip counts by clicking here, when you can read more about how Day 1a played out on our 'Live Reports' page.

For now, it's goodnight, but be sure to return to the PokerStarsBlog tomorrow as continue to supply live updates of the MPC21 Red Dragon Main Event! Play begins at 3:00pm local time!

Read More... [Source: :: Asia Pacific Poker Tour]

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