Monday, July 25, 2016

FPS Monaco: Sebastian Supper steers option to Main Event victory, wins €177,000NO Deposit bonus $43

From the 993 who entered this year's France Poker Series Monaco Main Event PokerStars and Monte-Carlo®Casino EPT Grand Final, just seven were left for today's final day of play. Its ups and downs seemed fitting amid the entire mountainous terrain here in Monte Carlo. So, too, did all the rapid twists and hairpin turns of Day 4 remind us of the roads surrounding the Monte Carlo Bay Resort and Hotel. In any case it was a student -- one for whom geography is a favourite subject -- who negotiated the trail to victory, 29-year-old German Sebastian Supper.

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Sebastian Supper - FPS Monaco Main Event champion

The American Michael Ferrari had made the official final table late last night before falling in eighth, which left seven to begin today.

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The final seven

The young Spaniard, Pablo Gordillo, brought the largest stack by far to the beginning of play today, chips earned via an aggressive style he continued to employ early on while pressuring the opposite six.

Meanwhile two short stacks met their leads to short order. First to head was the Brazilian Sergio Braga, who couldn't last during the day's initial orbit to fall in seventh.

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Sergio Braga - 7th place

And soon after the Italian, Luca Moschitta, followed Braga to the rail in sixth.

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Luca Moschitta - 6th place

Eventually the others closed the distance with Gordillo, with the Frenchman Gilles Silbernagel claiming the lead for a brief while, then Gordillo's fellow countryman Manuel Martinez grabbing the lead away as Gordillo's fortunes started to slide.

Martinez would build his lead further, then Supper would finally kickstart his day by knocking out EPT4 London champion Joseph Mouawad in fifth when Supper's pocket nines held against Mouawad's ace-queen.

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Joseph Mouawad - 5th place

Relegated to short-stacked status thereafter, Gordillo would ultimately fall in fourth when his king-queen couldn't outrun Silbernagel's pocket jacks.

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Pablo Gordillo - 4th place

Like a driver taking a kind of Monte Carlo turns just a bit too quickly for comfort, it was then the tournament began to veer somewhat wildly.

Down to simply a half-dozen big blinds at one point, Silbernagel doubled up once, then doubled again after creating a straight versus Supper. He soon made another straight versus Martinez's two pair to double again, then after falling back would double through Martinez once more to snatch the chip lead.

Meanwhile Supper fell right down to even fewer BBs -- lower than five -- before managing to triple up versus either one of his opponents with pocket tens, then chip up further into second position.

Dinner then gave the impression to suit Supper. Everything went his way from that time forward, starting with the hand of the tournament that happened just after play resumed.

With the board showing 3♣6♥4♠7♣, betting between Silbernagel and Supper ended in the latter being all in. Because it happened both had straights, as Silbernagel had K♠5♠ and Supper 9♦5♥. However the 8♥ landed at the river to present Supper a greater straight, giving him the pot and -- suddenly -- the chip lead.

No one was more surprised than Supper.

"I didn't even know!" he said, not having realized the freerolling opportunity. Now he was within the driver's seat, and he would run Silbernagel down in third shortly thereafter.

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Gilles Silbernagel - 3rd place

After being nearly right down to the felt, Supper was taking a 7-to-1 chip lead versus Martinez to the starting line of heads-up play. Supper withstood one double by Martinez, but at the next all-in was capable of draw a winning flush to say top honors.

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Manuel Martinez - 2nd place

What a turnaround it had been!

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A finish satisfying Supper

"I don't play many tournaments," explained Supper afterwards, noting how he'd won his way here via a 10-euro rebuy tournament on PokerStars during which he'd invested a grand total of just €30.

"It's pretty incredible," he grinned, saying how he'll be continuing his studies (of both geography and chemistry), but that "it's usually nice to have some money to fall back on."

He will, however, perhaps indulge slightly to shop for something nice for himself. And again, there seemed something especially appropriate concerning the item he's considering purchasing.

"I'm on the lookout for a car on the moment," he said. "So maybe will probably be a little of a nicer one."

Congratulations to Sebastian Supper for making his way through an enormous FPS Monaco Main Event field to the finish line and the victory.

Final table profilesFinal table; Level 29-32 updatesFinal table; Level 33-35 updates

FPS Monaco Main Event final table resultsEntrants: 993Prize pool: €963,210Places paid: 143

1. Sebastian Supper (Germany) -- €177,0002. Manuel Martinez (Spain) -- €107,5003. Gilles Silbernagel (France) -- €75,4004. Pablo Gordillo (Spain) -- €56,6005. Joseph Mouawad (USA) -- €43,8006. Luca Moschitta (Italy) -- €32,7007. Sergio Braga (Brazil) -- €23,5008. Michael Ferrari (USA) -- €16,750

There's tons more to return from Monaco this week, with the primary Event already underway plus a panoply of side action filling every corner. Stick with regards to the PokerStars Blog for reports on everything from the EPT11 Grand Final.

To get the entire latest news, chip counts and payouts, be sure to download the EPT App on both Android or IOS.

Martin Harris is Freelance Contributor to the PokerStars Blog.

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