Thursday, May 5, 2016

MPC24: Final table live updatesNO Deposit bonus $43

Ying Lin Chua wins! (HK$1,904,000*)

It's in all places here!

Ying Chua has overcome a field of 1,075 players to become champion of the most important Red Dragon event ever. Chua guaranteed himself the lion's share of prize money in the course of the three-way deal and added an advantage HK$300,000 and a $100,000 ACOP Main Event ticket for the victory.

We'll have an entire summary of ways Chua navigated the general table to win the championship soon. Stay tuned to the PokerStars Blog.

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MPC24 Red Dragon champion Ying Lin Chua

12:10am: Wayne Zhang eliminated in 2nd place (HK$1,307,000*)

It seemed like Wayne Zhang could have had a tight shot at coming round again within the heads up match only 10 minutes into the battle it is all over here.

Zhang was all in preflop and dominated by Ying Lin Chua's hand.

Zhang: J♥4♥Chua: J♦9♠

Both players hit top pair at the 3♥J♣2♠ flop but Zhang was still in peril of elimination along with his inferior kicker. The K♣ turn couldn't help him and the A♠ completed the board to finish the tournament.

Zhang collects HK$1,307,000 for his impressive finish after the three-handed deal.

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Runner up - Wayne Zhang

12:05am: Blind all-in from Chua sees Zhang double

As our two remaining players were being reintroduced to the poker site over the microphone, Ying Lin Chua announced that he can be all in blind the primary hand of heads up play. It was allowed as he was at the button and he pushed a tower of chips forward to indicate his intentions.

The cards were dealt and Wayne Zhang slammed within the chips for a snap-call after looking down at A♠J♠. He was prior to Chua's K♣4♦ and hung on the 8♦6♠6♦A♦8♠ runout to double up and feature a shot at taking down the title.

12:00am: Heads up set

Heads up play is set to start. Ying Lin Chua is in a chief position to win this Red Dragon event with a 10:1 chip leader over Wayne Zhang but anything could happen!

Chua - 14,675,000Zhang - 1,420,000

Let's see the way it ends!

11:55pm: Takashi Ogura eliminated in 3rd place (HK$1,382,000*)

Many would've expected Wayne Zhang to be our third place finisher after he was knocked right down to only two big blinds recently, but in a shock turn around it was Japan's Takashi Ogura who was the following to exit.

Ogura was all in preflop holding K♥J♥ against chip leader Ying Lin Chua's A♣2♦.

He had lives cards but by the activate a 6♦Q♣2♥2♠ board Ogura was already drawing dead to Chua's trip deuces.

Ogura takes home HK$1,382,000 after the three-handed deal.

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3rd place - Takashi Ogura

11:40pm: 10-minute break

Players have stepped away again for a 10-minute break.

Zhang managed to run his two big blinds as much as a modest 10 but still remains our short stack.

Here's how the 3 remaining players' stacks look.

Ying Lin Chua - 10,580,000Takashi Ogura - 3,935,000Wayne Zhang - 1,580,000

11:30pm: Zhang crippled

Ying Lin Chua moved all in from the small blind with simply enough to hide Wayne Zhang within the big blind. Zhang went into the tank before slamming in some chips to suggest a call.

Zhang: A♥T♠Chua: K♠Q♠

Zhang had the lead and improved to top pair at the T♥7♥3♠ flop. The J♠ turn brought Chua a global of outs, however, and the encompassing crowd set free a communal gasp. Zhang had to fade an ace, king, queen, nine or spade to circumvent sending most of his chips Chua's way. The 5♠ river didn't oblige as Chua made a flush to rake the monster pot.

Zhang's slang is now decimated with only 315,000, or roughly two big blinds, in play.

11:20pm: Now we have a deal!

Players have agreed to a three-way ICM chop, with the eventual winner taking home and extra HK$300,000, a HK$100,000 ACOP Main Event seat and the celebrated Red Dragon trophy!

Here's what our three remaining players have all guaranteed themselves;

Ying Lin Chua - HK$1,504,000Takashi Ogura - HK$1,382,000Wayne Zhang - HK$1,307,000

Let's see how things play out from here!

11:00pm: Second try at deal talks

With stacks getting toward even here now the tournament clock was paused again for the 3 remaining players to talk about a deal.

Here's how their stacks take a look at the moment.

Ying Lin Chua - 6,490,000Takashi Ogura - 5,155,000Wayne Zhang - 4,450,000

10:45pm: Zhang finds a double through Ogura

Wayne Zhang moved all in for just over 2 million at the button and chip leader Takashi Ogura called from the small ignorant of put Zhang at risk.

Zhang:T♠9♠Ogura: A♦Q♥

Zhang was behind but had live cards and the 3♥7♦J♣ flop brought a bit extra hope with a gut shot straight draw. The 3♠ turn card changed nothing but Zhang would spike a couple at the T♦ river to stick alive and double through.

The crowd cheered for Zhang's luck as he climbed to 4,400,000 in chips. That hit to Ogura's stack signifies that Ying Lin Chua is now the chip leader with 6,200,000.

10:30pm: Play slows again

Things have bogged down again on this three handed battle.

Ogura continues to be our chip leader and however the chips are only moving back and forward at this stage.

10:20pm: River saves Ogura; new chip leader

We were one card clear of entering heads up but much to the delight of Takashi Ogura that's been delayed for now.

After he opened at the button for 350,000 Wayne Zhang moved all in from the large blind with enough to hide Ogura. The latter called off for his last 3,515,000 to determine he was flipping for his tournament life.

Ogura: A♣K♣Zhang: 6♠6♥

It was an even fight and Ogura had to improve to have an opportunity at taking home the title. The 4♥J♥4♦ flop and 8♦ didn't give him anything to be excited about, however the K♠ river paired Ogura and sent a roar of applause around the room.

Ogura high-fived his supporters at the rail as he locked up the chip lead once more.

"Takashi, I folded a king" Ying Lin Chuo added because the pot was pushed Ogura's way.

The hand saw Ogura climb to 7,400,000 and knocked Zhang go into reverse to 4,300,000.

10:05pm: Level 31 begins, blinds are 80,000/160,000 with a 20,000 ante

9:50pm: Zhang clenches chip lead

It seems Wayne Zhang's decision to say no a deal is paying off up to now. In a spate of new hands he has effectively positioned himself because the three-handed chip leader with 6.5 million.

In the hand just gone Zhang put the pressure on Chua and it paid off. On a flop of 6♣7♠T♣ Chua check-called a gamble of 300,000 to look a turn of T♦ where he checked again. Zhang continued the aggression for 625,000 and Chua was forced to put down his hand.

9:35pm: No deal!

Talks of a deal was cut short as Wayne Zhang has declared he won't be accepting one.

We continue the action with HALF-HOUR left of Level 30. Blinds are 60,000/120,000 with a 20,000 ante.

Here's how our final three look within the chips standings.

Ying Lin Chua - 6,465,000Takashi Ogura - 4,980,000Wayne Zhang - 4,650,000

9:30pm: Tournament clock paused as players discuss deal

Play has not yet recommenced after break because the final three players are in talks of a deal.

9:20pm: Take a break

The three remaining players have just begun another 10-minute break.

9:05pm: Liang Xu eliminated in 4th place (HK$611,000)

Four-handed play last for over two hours but now we're three-handed at last.

Liang Xu is currently heading to the payout desk upon getting his last 1,700,000 in preflop.

The hand began with Takashi Ogura raising to 250,000 before Xu moved all in excessive. Ying Lin Chua was next to behave and he too pushed all his chips in, and with Ogura out of ways the cards went on their backs.

Xu: A♣4♥Chua: A♠Q♣

Xu was dominated and while the 2♦7♥7♦ improved his chances for a chopped pot, the 8♦ turn and 5♦ river meant he'd leave us in 4th place.

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4th place - Liang Xu

8:50pm: Things are slowing down

Now that we're four-handed here things have slowed drastically.

The average stack is 4,031,250 with blinds at 60,000/120,000 and a 20,000 ante.

Japan's Takashi Ogura still leads the way in which with 5.8 million sooner than Wayne Zhang who has climbed to 5.3 million.

8:35pm: Level 29 begins, blinds are 60,000/120,000 with a 20,000 ante

8:20pm: Lucky king sees Zhang stay alive

Wayne Zhang was just all in preflop and in peril against Ying Lin Chua.

Zhang: K♠Q♣Chua: Q♠Q♥

Zhang needed a king to stick alive and located one at the K♣8♣J♠. The K♦ at the turn meant he had a lock at the hand before the inconsequential 7♣ rolled off at the river.

That hand sees Zhang climb to 2,300,000 in chips.

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Still alive - Wayne Zhang

8:00pm: Xu doubles through Ogura

Liang Xu just doubled up through Takashi Ogura after a preflop confrontation.

Xu called off for his tournament life with 8♠8♦ and was more healthy against Ogura's A♠2♠.

Ogura found a couple at the 2♥9♥9♦ but it surely wasn't enough because the Q♦ turn and J♣ river completed the board.

Xu let loose a large cheer as he locked up the 4,200,000 chip pot.

After that setback, Ogura remains to be the chip leader but remains only narrowly sooner than Ying Lin Chua.

7:45pm: Ogura new chip leader after huge pot

Takashi Ogura just propelled himself into the chip lead on the detriment of tablemate Liang Xu.

Ogura raised to 225,000 at the button before Xu played back at him for 530,000. Ogura called and so they went to a flop of Q♥9♦2♥. Xu continued for 500,000 and Ogura moved all his chips into the middle.

Xu gave it considerable thought before committing to a choice with A♦9♠ for second pair. He was in front but very at risk of the K♥T♥ Ogura held for a large combo draw.

That draw came in at the A♥ turn and while Xu had four outs to take the lead with an entire house, he couldn't find one at the Q♣ river.

That hands skyrockets Ogura into the lead with 7,400,000 in chips.

7:30pm: Updated chip counts

Ying Lin Chua - 5,170,000Liang Xu - 4,920,000Wayne Zhang - 3,660,000Takashi Ogura - 3,345,000

7:20pm: Level 28 begins, blinds are 50,000/100,000 with a 10,000 ante

7:10pm: Scheduled break

Only four players remain as we begin a 10-minute break. Coverage will resume momentarily.

6:55pm: Chengbei Lei eliminated in 5th place (HK$413,000)

We did not have to attend long for Chengbei Lei to follow our 6th place finisher out the door.

Lei moved all in from under the gun for his last 640,000 and again was called by Liang Xu and Ying Lin Chua. Lei hit what gave the look of a dream flop of 5♦3♥6♥ holding the A♥4♥, but saw that he needed help after Xu check-folded for a trifling 100,000 and Chua tabled 2♠4♠ for a flopped straight.

Still alive to hearts or a deuce or seven for a chop, the Q♦ turn and 6♦ river wouldn't cooperate as Lei was sent packing. He earns himself HK$413,000.

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5th place - Chengbei Lei

6:40pm: Fan Xie eliminated in 6th place (HK$302,100)

It's been over 90 minutes since our last elimination but we finally lost another player with Fan Xie exiting in 6th place.

Xie found herself all in holding 7♦6♠ on a flop of 7♠4♠4♣ but she was drawing thin against Liang Xu's 5♠4♦ flopped trips.

Chasing a seven or running cards to stick alive Xie couldn't do it because the J♣ turn and 3♥ river made her elimination official.

For her efforts here this week Xie scores herself HK$302,100.

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6th place - Fan Xie

6:30pm: Lei triples up

Chengbei Lei's chip stack have been ebbing and flowing in this final table but he just found a triple up upon getting his chips all in against two opponents.

Ying Lin Chua opened the betting to 180,000 and Lei moved all in excessive for 720,000. Liang Xu made the decision within the big blind and Chua also committed the chips. The 2 active players quickly checked down because the board fell 2♠2♣A♥6♣8♣ and Lei tabled Q♥Q♦.

Xu and Chua couldn't beat it holding 7♠7♣ and 5♠5♥ respectively and 2,300,000 in chips was pushed Lei's way.

6:15pm: Xie doubles through Chua

Fan Xie found herself all in and in peril preflop against the chip leader Ying Lin Chua.

It was a coinflip with Xie holding 4♥4♦ versus Chua's A♠K♦ and she or he faded danger at the 9♣Q♦6♦ flop. The T♣ turn brought a Broadway sweat however the 5♦ river bricked off to secure Xie's double up.

Her fans at the rail cheered as Xie climbed to around 1.5 million in chips.

6:05pm: Rollercoaster for Chengbei Lei

Chengbei Lei just lost a large chunk of his stack before doubling up in back to back hands.

The first saw Liang Xu raise to 135,000 from under the gun and Lei call from the button. Takashi Ogura also came along from the large blind and the 3 players went to a flop of 3♣5♦Q♥.

After a snap-check from Ogura, Xu continued for 200,000 which was met with two calls. The 3♥ turn prompted another snap-check from Ogura and when Xu checked, Lei pushed out over half his stack with a raffle of 475,000.

It was then back to Ogura who cut out chips and clicked it back 950,000. Xu quickly got out of ways before Lei went into the tank. He looked troubled as he pondered what to do but in spite of everything he gave the hand up.

The following hand saw Lei move all in from under the gun for his last 360,000 and Xu call at the button to position him at risk.

Lei: A♦K♣Xu: K♠Q♣

Lei had the dominant hand and would hold when the cards fell 7♥2♠2♥3♥5♣ to present a much-needed boost to his stack.

5:55pm: Level 27 begins, blinds are 40,000/80,000 with a 10,000 ante

5:40pm: Chua steals one from Ogura

Ying Lin Chua have been using his chip lead effectively in this final table and continued the rage by putting pressure on Takashi Ogura.

On a flop of 5♣3♠T♦ Ogura continued his preflop aggression with a gamble of 400,000. Chua matched the wager and the dealer turned the 6♣. Ogura waited around 60 seconds before settling on a check and Chua made a fast bet of 500,000.

Ogura folded his hand and Chua tabled the A♥.

"Aces?" Ogura asked.

"No" came Chua's reply.

"Show?" Ogura pleaded, and Chua flipped up the Q♦ for nothing but ace high.

5:20pm: Chip counts as play resumes

The six remaining players have returned from break and can continue with blinds at 30,000/60,000 and a 5,000 ante. Here's how they stack up.

Ying Lin Chua - 5,595,000Liang Xu - 3,845,000Wayne Zhang - 2,560,000Takashi Ogura - 1,960,000Chengbei Lei - 1,195,000Fan Xie - 940,000

5:10pm: First break

Our final six have stepped clear of the table for a 10-minute break.

5:00pm: Yang Zhang eliminated in 7th place (HK$257,000)

This final table could have started slow but things are really heating up now with our third elimination in HALF-HOUR. Yang Zhang has just left the tournament area after finishing in 7th place.

Zhang bet 170,000 at the flop of 9♦Q♣4♣ before Chengbei Lei moved all in with enough to hide his 575,000 behind. Zhang didn't look happy about it but called it off to place himself at risk.

Zhang: Q♥5♦Lei: Q♦T♦

Zhang was dominated and chasing a five to stick within the tournament. It will never come though because the K♣ turn and 6♠ river rolled off to seal his place in 7th place. Zhang collect HK$257,000 for his efforts this week.

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7th place - Yang Zhang

4:45pm: Tom Alner eliminated in 8th place (HK$223,500)

Not long after our first elimination here today, Englishman Tom Alner was the following to move. The hand began with Yang Zhang opening the action with a raise to 130,000 before Alner moved all in excessive for 820,000.

Wayne Zhang next to behave jammed excessive with simply enough to hide Alner and with the action back to Zhang, he flashed A♦Q♦ and threw the cards within the muck.

Alner: A♥Q♣Zhang: Q♠Q♥

Alner needed help and with one ace already dead he wasn't looking good to maintain his tournament alive. The 3♥8♠4♦J♥2♦ runout missed both players with Zhang's pocket queens holding to peer Alner's demise.

For his 8th place finish the united kingdom pro receives $223,500.

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8th place - Tom Alner

4:35pm: Yongqiang Huang eliminated in 9th place (HK$190,000)

Yongqiang Huang is our first final table casualty here after moving his last 600,000 in chips all in preflop. It folded around to special stack Liang Xu and he called to position Huang at risk.

Huang: A♦9♦Xu: K♥J♦

Huang was in front and improved even further at the 8♥6♦A♣ flop. Xu would have to find running cards to eliminate Huang and managed to just do that because the K♣ turn and J♥ completed the board and made Xu two pair.

"Yes!" Xu cried jumping out of his seat as Huang was sent to the rail in ninth place for HK$190,000.

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9th place - Yongqiang Huang

4:30pm: Level 26 begins, blinds are 30,000/60,000 with a 5,000 ante

4:25pm: Chua at the warpath

Ying Lin Chua is at it again, this time he was fascinated about a preflop raising war with the now former chip leader Liang Xu.

Xu opened the action to 95,000 before Chua three-bet to 240,000. Xu desired to play for more but after he installed a four-bet to 475,000, Chua played back at him again for 1 million.

Xu decided against it and Chua said he could pick one card to look. Xu pointed to 1 which was revealed to be the A♠ as Chua collected the pot and seized the chip lead, now on 4,300,000.

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New chip boss - Ying Lin Chua

4:15pm: Chua chipping up

Chip leader Liang Xu raised to 95,000 from the bring to a halt and after Ying Lin Chua called from the small blind, Chengbei Lei squeezed to 240,000 from the large blind. Either one of his opponents called and players went to a flop of 5♣J♠7♥.

Chua then led out for 300,000 and while Lei and Xu both gave it some thought when the action was on them, they both ultimately folded and the pot was shipped Chua's way.

4:00pm: The wealthy get richer

Fan Xie, Wayne Zhang and Liang Xu went three-way to a flop of 7♠9♠9♦.

Xu and Xie checked their options before Zhang led out for 125,000. After a choice from Xu, Xie hesitated before throwing her hand into the muck.

The turn brought the A♠ and both remaining players checked before the T♠ completed the board. Xu checked again but Zhang decided to take a stab for 290,000. Xu gave it a couple of moments thoughts before tossing in a choice with 8♠7♦ for a middling flush.

Zhang showed 4♥4♣ which couldn't compete and he dropped right down to under 900,000. By picking off that bluff Xu extends his chip result in 4,300,000.

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All still within the running - Our final nine

3:40pm: Chua takes chips from Alner

Tom Alner made it 85,000 to head from under the gun and it folded around to Ying Lin Chua at the button. Chu three-bet to 200,000 before Alner called to look a flop of A♦K♣7♥.

Alner checked to Chua who continued for 200,000 and the Englishman found a fold. Chua's aggression brings his stack as much as 3,400,000.

In the similar orbit Alner got some chips back after moving all in over a late position raise and getting it through to pick out up the pot.

3:30pm: Slow start

Things have started slowly here in this final table.

It appears nobody desires to be the primary one sent to the rail.

There was a couple of small pots with chips moving across the table but nothing substantial to report just yet.

3:10pm: Cards within the air

And we're off!

PokerStars LIVE Macau's Rex Cheong has just introduced our final nine players and with that the action is underway.

The blind levels now switch to 75 minutes each and start today on 20,000/40,000 with a 5,000 ante.

Stay with us for the exciting conclusion of this Red Dragon Main Event!

Final table time!

We're just moments clear of the MPC24 Red Dragon final table!

Nine players will take their seats at 3pm within the quest for HK$2,360,000 first place prize and the illustrious Red Dragon trophy.

The chip leader to begin the day may be Liang Xu. He had an ideal Day 3 and returns this afternoon with 3,375,000. Another one to look at is the UK's Tom Alner. The one man outside of Asia to previously win a Red Dragon title, Alner has a possibility today at becoming a two-time champion.

You can see how the entire table stacks up below. Stick with us here at the PokerStars Blog as we play all the way down to a brand new champion!

MPC24 Red Dragon Final Table DrawSeat 1 - Takashi Ogura (Japan) - 2,710,000Seat 2 - Liang Xu (China) - 3,375,000Seat 3 - Fan Xie (China) - 1,110,000Seat 4 - Ying Lin Chua (Malaysia) - 2,665,000Seat 5 - Chengbei Lei (China) 1,700,000Seat 6 - Yang Zhang (China) - 1,375,000Seat 7 - Tom Alner (UK) - 1,030,000Seat 8 - Yongqiang Huang (China) - 520,000Seat 9 - Wayne Zhang (China) - 1,610,000

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All photos by Kenneth Lim Photography courtesy of PokerStars LIVE Macau

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Read More... [Source: :: Asia Pacific Poker Tour]

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