Saturday, May 28, 2016

Eureka6 Bucharest: Final table live updatesNO Deposit bonus $43


6:05pm: It is all over! A sick final hand sees Avishai Shitrit win Eureka6 Bucharest for €107,350Level 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (10,000 ante)

What the way to end. Although Moshe Eliyahu was short, it still took a sick hand to complete him off.

Shitrit made it 200,000 to head at the button and Eliyahu came along. The flop came the 5♣3♣6♦ and Eliyahu checked before calling a 150,000 c-bet. That took us to the K♦ at the turn and Eliyahu checked again. Avishai bet again for 300,000 and Eliyahu moved all-in for around 700,000. Shitrit snap-called.

The sick thing? Both had flopped straights. Shitrit had the upper end with the 4♣7♥, while Eliyahu had the 2♦4♦. A 2♥ river changed nothing.

For his runner-up finish Eliyahu wins €66,950, while your Eureka6 Bucharest champ is Avishai Shitrit, who wins €107,350!

We'll be back soon with an entire re-cap of the day.

5:58pm: Shoving every buttonLevel 29 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (10,000 ante)

Moshe Eliyahu is moving all-in on every occasion he's at the button, while Avishai Shitrit is openeing to 200,000 each time a. lot of back and forth, but Eliyahu may be very short presently with just eight big blinds.

29 50,000 100,000 10,000

5:47pm: Heads-up beginsLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)

We're off. Can the birthday boy Moshe Eliyahu forge a comeback?

5:40pm: Heads-up between the 2 palsLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)

Two Israelis. Two friends. One rail. €107,350 to win; €66,950 already guaranteed.

Avishai Shitrit has an enormous chip lead, but anything can happen. The players are taking a brief break - we'll be back soon.

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Eliyahu and Shitrit

Avishai Shitrit Israel   12,560,000
Moshe Eliyahu Israel   1,765,000

5:35pm: Jozsef Liszkovics is out in third for €47,910Level 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)

The biggest pot of the tournament thus far has just sent the last Romanian player, Jozsef Liszkovics, out in third place.

He started the hand with a button open to 200,000 and Avishai Shitrit called from the massive blind. The flop came the J♠4♠A♥ and Shitrit check-called a c-bet of 150,000, before also check-calling of venture of 500,000 at the 3♠ turn.

Finally the 2♠ landed at the river, bringing four spades to the flush. Shitrit took his time and led out for two million, and upon getting an actual count Liszkovics moved all-in. Shitrit snap-called and here's why:

Shitrit: A♠6♦Liszkovics: K♠7♦

The Ace-high flush flushed away the King-high flush and we're now heads-up.

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Jozsef Liszkovic out in third

5:24pm: Shitrit gets stronger at friend's expenseLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)

Avishai Shitrit and Moshe Eliyahu have sat next to one another this entire final table. The 2 are both from Israel and are clearly friends, sharing a robust rail today.

There's no love lost on the poker table though. On a 6♠J♠6♣K♣ board, Eliyahu called a raffle of 200,000 from Shitrit. Then at the T♦ he called a big gamble of 525,000. Shitrit showed the 6♥7♣ for trips and Eliyahu mucked.

Avishai Shitrit - 7.85 millionJozsef Liszkovics - 4.5 millionMoshe Eliyahu - 1.8 million

5:14pm: Three-handedLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)

Jozsef Liszkovics Romania PokerStars Player 6,950,000
Avishai Shitrit Israel   4,425,000
Moshe Eliyahu Israel   2,625,000

5:06pm: Shitrit takes some from chip leaderLevel 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)

Right after Dichev's bust, Avishai Shitrit won a large pot to take a few of Jozsef Liszkovics' new chips. Liszkovics rivered a suite of eights, but that river also gave Shitrit a straight. The pot was worth around 3.7 million.

4:55pm: Yasen Dichev falls in fourth for €37,070Level 28 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)

Well, once we were just bigging him up, the Bulgarian has busted.

Moshe Eliyahu made it 160,000 and Yasen Dichev flatted from the small blind. Jozsef Liszkovics then made it 460,000 to head and that got Eliyahu to fold, but Dochev then moved all-in for around 2.95 million. Liszkovics didn't take long to name with the Q♣Q♦, while it was the 9♥9♠ for Dichev.

The flop crushed the Bulgarian because it came the 4♦3♠Q♥, followed by the 3♦ and the 2♥.

Dichev will collect €37,070, while Liszkovics has a company grasp at the chip lead with around 7.5 million.

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Dichev finishes fourth

28 40,000 80,000 10,000

4:36pm: Brilliant call by DichevLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)

The action was on Yasen Dichev within the small blind, and and not using a raises in front of him he he opted to limp. Jozsef Liszkovics bumped it as much as 160,000 from the large blind and Dichev came along.

They saw a 5♦5♣Q♣ flop which Dichev checked to the raiser. Liszkovics continued for 150,000 and was called, taking us to the A♦ turn. Both checked, and the T♥ fell at the river. Dichev checked again, and Liszkovics stabbed on the pot for 260,000. Dichev snap-called and showed the K♣8♦ for just King-high with the shared pair of fives. That was good, as Liszkovics had only the 4♦9♦.

A great call from the Bulgarian who has proven himself to be an overly talented player throughout this tournament.

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Don't mess with Dichev

4:29pm: Razvan Belea out in fifth for €29,200Level 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)

Not long after the clock incident, It folded to Razvan Belea within the cut-off and he moved all-in for 760,000. Jozsef Liszkovics called from the small blind and the cards were flipped.

Belea: A♥9♣Liszkovics: K♠Q♦

Turned out the at-risk player was ahead, but not after the Q♠5♠7♥ flop. The 6♥ at the turn gave him a gutshot, however the J♣ river sealed the deal. Belea takes home €29,200 and we're right down to four.

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Belea's outta here

4:21pm: Belea calls the clock...on himselfLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)

Nothing like slightly silliness to wreck the overall table tension. After Moshe Eliyahu opened to 125,000 and Avishai Shitrit called from the cut-off, the action was on Razvan Belea at the button. The Romanian took a very long time to behave and kept watching Yasen Dichev within the small blind.

Turns available in the market was a reason he hadn't acted - he thought he'd folded already. He said "Time" - soliciting for the clock on Dichev - and each player turned and looked a bit surprised. "It's on you!" said the dealer, and Belea apologised and made a speedy fold. Laughs ensued, but a fascinating hand didn't.

4:15pm: Current chip countsLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)

Moshe Eliyahu Israel   3,825,000
Avishai Shitrit Israel   3,800,000
Yasen Dichev Bulgaria   3,600,000
Jozsef Liszkovics Romania PokerStars Player 2,900,000
Razvan Costinel Belea Romania PokerStars Player 850,000

4:02pm: The birthday boy gets a presentLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)

"Yes! Thanks! It's my best day!"

Those were the words of Moshe Eliyahu, the Israeli player who's celebrating his birthday by playing this final table. Well, Razvan Belea just gave him his gift which galvanized his speech.

Jozsef Liszkovics opened to 145,000 from the cut-off and Eliyahu called at the button. Razvan Belea came along too and the 3 saw a J♦7♥T♣ flop. It checked around and the Q♥ hit the turn, which Belea checked. Now Liszkovics led for 170,000 which Eliyahu called, just for Belea to boost it to 485,000. Liszkovics got out the way, and Eliyahu went into the tank. After around three minutes Yasen Dichev called the clock, and ten seconds later Eliyahu called.

The river was the A♠ and now Belea checked, leading to a 475,000 bet from Eliyahu. Belea thought for roughly a minute before calling, just for Eliyahu to slam down his K♣T♦ straight and say those words.

When the chips were pushed Eliyahu's way, Belea told the table he had eight-nine for a flopped straight. Meanwhile, Eliyahu just told everyone it was his birthday.

He's as much as 3.825 million now, while Belea has dropped again to 850,000.

3:50pm: Belea hits lucky river to surviveLevel 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)

Razvan Belea lost a piece of his chips in a hand with Avishai Shitrit, when at the river of a 6♥A♠J♠2♠8♠ board he bluffed 280,000 right into a 500,000 pot and mucked when Shitrit called. Shitrit showed just the 8♠.

He was all the way down to 750,000 and he'd move all-in shortly after over a 125,000 open from Moshe Eliyahu, who'd then call. He had the A♦J♥ - sooner than Belea's Q♥9♥.

The 5♥3♠5♦ flop was bad for Belea, and the T♣ didn't help him either. But then the 9♣ hit the river and gasps echoed from the strong Israeli rail. Belea doubles to 1.6 million and Eliyahu dips to 2.285 million.

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Razvan Belea survives

3:35pm: Chip counts going into Level 27Level 27 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)

Jozsef Liszkovics Romania PokerStars Player 3,760,000
Yasen Dichev Bulgaria   3,300,000
Moshe Eliyahu Israel   2,935,000
Avishai Shitrit Israel   2,400,000
Razvan Costinel Belea Romania PokerStars Player 1,435,000
27 30,000 60,000 10,000

3:20pm: Take a breakLevel 26 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (5,000 ante)

After a couple of raise-and-take-its and flop c-bets getting through, players at the moment are taking a 15-minute break. See you shortly.

3pm: Liszkovics recovers immediately!Level 26 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (5,000 ante)

After losing that gigantic pot to Avishai Shitrit below, Jozsef Liszkovics has already managed to double up courtesy of Bulgaria's Yasen Dachev.

The two got it in at the turn of a K♥5♠7♥9♠ board - the 7♦9♦ for Dichev giving him two pair, and the 6♥8♥ for Liszkovics giving him the straight. The river came the J♦ and Liszkovics doubled to around 3 million, which Dichev has just slightly greater than that.

2:45pm: Big momentum shift for ShitritLevel 26 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (5,000 ante)

What a hand for Israel's Avishai Shitrit. He opened to 100,000 at the under the gun and was three-bet by Jozsef Liszkovics from the small ignorant of 275,000. After making the call, the 2 saw a A♥J♣T♣ flop land and Liszkovics check-called a chance of 175,000.

The turn was the 5♥ and Shitrit bet again after it was checked to him. He made it 325,000 and Liszkovics came along once more.

Finally the 7♠ fell at the river and Liszkovics checked. Shitrit moved all-in for 715,000. Liszkovics thought for an even couple of minutes before chucking in a calling chip, and Shitrit turned over the K♥Q♦ for the nut straight as quik as he good. Liszkovics had the wind knocked out of him as his A♣5♠ two pair was no good, and he's right down to 1.4 million while Shitrit moved as much as 3.04 million.

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Avishai Shitrit

26 25,000 50,000 5,000

2:32pm: Carmen Zainescu sent home in sixth for €22,860Level 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (5,000 ante)

She came into the general table with not up to 20 big blinds (17 to be exact) but Carmen Zainescu didn't get the double up she desperately had to make a run at this thing.

After Jozsef Liszkovics opened to 90,000, Zainescu jammed for her last 505,000 and upon getting a count Liszkovics tossed in a chip to call.

Zainescu: A♥8♦Liszkovics: A♠Q♥

Zainescu needed some help and collected some at the 2♣6♦9♣ flop and T♥ turn. Now any seven would give her a straight, however the river was the 9♠ and that was the top of her Eureka6 Bucharest run.

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Zainescu out in sixth

We started following the preferred local player early on on this tournament, and as one among only four women who played this main event it was great to peer her make all of it the overall table. GG and luxuriate in the €22,860!

2:26pm: The birthday boyLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (5,000 ante)

Today is Moshe Eliyahu's 28th birthday - and what how to spend it, on a last table during which you're absolute to win your biggest ever career score.

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Moshe Eliyahu

Thing is, this is not a brand new experience for Eliyahu. While not a tournament in this scale, last year on his 27th birthday Eliyahu was on another final table at a tournament in Prague, which he won for around €8K.

Can he make it back to back wins on his birthday?

2:16pm: Million chip pot to EliyahuLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (5,000 ante)

It's been an unbelievable start for Moshe Eliyahu, having increased his stack by 800,000 already. He min-opened and got two callers in Razvan Belea and Jozsef Liszkovics. All of them saw a 5♥J♠6♥ flop which Eliyahu checked and Belea led for 120,000. Both called.

A Q♠ turn brought another check from Eliyahu and another bet from Belea, this time worth 215,000. Liszkovics and Eliyahu called again to look the J♦ fall at the river.

Again, there'd be not more action with everyone checking. Eliyahu revealed his J♥3♥ for trips and that was adequate to win way to the river Jack. Belea showed his A♥K♥ for a missed nut flush draw, so maybe one pair was ahead anyway.

Eliyahu now has 3.3 million, while Belea drops to 2.25 million and Liszkovics 2.35 million.

2:05pm: Belea draws first bloodLevel 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (5,000 ante)

Moshe Eliyahu (it's his birthday don't ya know? More on that later) opened to 80,000 under the gun and got one call from Razvan Belea. The flop came the 3♦3♣6♦ and Eliyahu continued for 100,000, which Belea matched.

The 5♣ landed at the turn and the player from Israel continued again with a 115,000 bet. Belea called over again taking us to the 9♦ river. The action stopped here as both checked, and Belea's A♠K♦ was beating Eliyahu's Q♣J♣ to take it down.

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Final table of six

2pm: Here we go...Level 25 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (5,000 ante)

The players are of their seats and the clock has restarted. Time to get cards within the air!

1pm: Who turns into the primary ever Eureka Bucharest champ?

This event was the primary time the Eureka poker tour had ever held a stop in Romania in all its five seasons to this point. Eureka6 Bucharest was a large success, with 579 players - including Team PokerStars Pro Daniel Negreanu - coming to the InterContinental Hotel and paying €1,000 for his or her shot on the title.

Now the time has come to crown a champion. 

There are only six players remaining, as we already lost two players from the overall table of eight before play ended yesterday. Here's how they stack up:

Yasen Dichev Bulgaria   3900000
Jozsef Liszkovics Romania PokerStars Player 2750000
Moshe Eliyahu Israel   2690000
Razvan Costinel Belea Romania PokerStars Player 2450000
Avishai Shitrit Israel   1730000
Carmen Zainescu Romania   690000

Yesterday we got to understand our final table players slightly better - check out the player profiles here.

And here is what they're playing for:

1. €107,350.00  2. €66,950.00  3. €47,910.00  4. €37,070.00  5. €29,200.00  6. €22,860.00

Join us at 2pm when the general table action kicks off.

PokerStars Blog Reporting Team at Eureka6 Bucharest: Jack Stanton. Photos by Tomas Stacha. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter: @PokerStarsBlog

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