Saturday, May 28, 2016

Online Poker Ban Defeated Again On Capitol HillNO Deposit bonus $43

RAWA-like language in a home version of a federal spending bill is off the table, as a Congressman didn't successfully push the amendment, consistent with the Poker Players Alliance, a D.C.-based lobbying group.

Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) ended up withdrawing the plan from the appropriations bill on Tuesday, the PPA said. “We win. RAWA loses. Thanks for taking action to defeat this effort,” the gang said.

The language that echoed a stand-alone bill trying to “restore” America’s 1961 Wire Act with the intention to ban online casino gaming first appeared within the Senate’s version of a 141-page spending plan just weeks ago. The language was included on the request of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

The $56 billion spending bill was from the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies. It was seen as a backdoor try to get RAWA at the books with out a stand-alone measure passing.

The amendment withdrawal from Rep. Dent came the similar day as lawmakers in his home state flirted with the speculation of legalizing and regulating online casino games.

The hours-long federal hearing will also be viewed below. Rep. Dent’s comments on online gambling begin at 4:46:47. Even supposing he withdrew the amendment, he said he wants Congress to continue considering prohibiting casino games played over the Internet.

Last fall, The Hill reported there has been potential for a suggestion coming forward that might place a two-year moratorium on online gaming expansion. The ban effectively might have been installed place by mandating a federal study of the net casino industry.

In December, the home Oversight & Government Reform Committee discussed the RAWA proposal from Rep. John Chaffetz (R-UT), but it surely featured a large number of testimony that undermined his efforts. It was seen as a win for the poker community.

All of those efforts has been supported by Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson.

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Read More... [Source: CardPlayer Poker News]

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