Friday, May 13, 2016

FPS Monaco: Main Event Day 2 coverage archiveNO Deposit bonus $43

It was a fast-paced Day 2 within the France Poker Series Monaco Main Event on Friday -- so fast, in fact, the verdict was made to forgo the dinner break stop a few levels early. When the last hands were dealt 60 players remained, all that's left from the huge 1,261-player field that began the development. And tonight Philipp Wenzelburger enjoys the overnight chip lead after bagging an excellent 1,389,000 at night's end.

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Philipp Wenzelburger

The first two hours today were the Leonardo Pires show, with the start-of-day chip leader from Brazil greater than doubling his starting stack during just two levels to sit down with 715,000 on the day's first break. A reprise, it seemed, of what Pires had done on the 2016 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure back in January where he led the tournament for several days before busting in 13th.

That stack would've been greater than average on the end of Day 2, not to mention two hours in, but after a pair more levels Pires had seen that gigantic mountain chips reduce to some of hundred thousand, then soon into the day's fifth level he was eliminated in 160th.

At least Pires made the cash, however, because the top 183 finishers were scheduled to divide the tournament's €1,223,170 prize pool. The bubble burst late within the afternoon, with China's Yangzi Wang the unlucky 184th-place finisher.

Soon after the post-bubble rush of exits, Gleb Tremzin -- runner-up finisher within the EPT12 Prague Main Event -- enjoyed a time frame because the tournament's chip leader becoming the primary player to succeed in the 1 million-chip mark. He eventually fell back to the pack, though, while his fellow German Philipp Wenzelburger climbed to the highest to sit down in first position because the field narrowed to not up to 100.

Late within the evening Niall Farrell and Romans Voitovs both began challenging for the highest honors, before finally at night's end Wenzelburger ended up pushing back out in front.

Bruno Cohen, Yury Gulyy, Aaron Gustavson, Marvin Rettenmaier, Arnaud Mattern, Ana Marquez, Mario Lopez, Ivan Freitez, and Team PokerStars Pro Yaxi Zhu were a number of the cashers today. You'll be able to check the prize pool and payouts page to look where they finished and what kind of they took away.

Besides Wenzelburger, there have been several others who finished strong on Day 2, including Jean Bertrand (1,171,000), Niall Farrell (1,122,000), Mathew Hopkins (1,120,000), Thierry Morel (1,053,000), Alexandre Sette (982,000), Kamel Hamou (963,000), Mauro Tarantini (957,000), Tudor Purice (917,000), Gleb Tremzin (860,000), and Pedro Oliveira (860,000)

Meanwhile some of the others still within the hunt with a possibility at taking their FPS Monaco Main Event runs deeper include Keith Johnson (319,000), Julien Brecard (289,000), and Andrey Andreev (155,000).

Tomorrow they pick things back up at 12 noon all over again to continue the march toward Sunday's final table and the €218,000 prize awaiting the champion. See you back here then, but for now, bon soir. --MH


9:20pm: 60 advance to Day 3Level 20 - Blinds 6,000/12,000 (ante 2,000)

The bell has tolled on Day 2 of the FPS Monaco Main Event and it seems like 60 players could be back for Day 3 tomorrow. Play starts at noon CEST. Join us then for Day 3 coverage, but look out for a wrap of the day's play appearing above, overnight chip counts, and an afternoon 3 seat draw with a view to all be available via the @PokerStarsBlog twitter account. --NW

9:08pm: Three more handsLevel 20 - Blinds 6,000/12,000 (ante 2,000)

Clock? Paused. Hands to play? Three. --MH

9:05pm: Crazy four-way all-in!Level 20 - Blinds 6,000/12,000 (ante 2,000)

Nothing like a four-way all-in to get the pulses racing.

Oleksandr Vorobii shoved from under-the-gun for 122,000 with 2♦2♥, Xiaoyong Liao then re-raised all-in for roughly 225,000 total with 9♠9♦ and action paused as Jean-Charles Beunas considered his options. Eventually he too moved all-in, he had A♦J♠ after which Pedro Oliveira, who had all of them covered, called as well!

Oliveira had K♠K♥ and was searching for a triple-knockout. The 5♥7♣A♣ flop gave Beunas the lead, the 2♣ turn vaulted Vorobii to front and the J♥ river kept him there.

So Vorobii basically quadrupled as much as 500,000, Oliveira all but broke even at the hand, and Beunas and Liao were eliminated. --NW

8:59pm: Graupner goneLevel 20 - Blinds 6,000/12,000 (ante 2,000)

It folded around to Thomas Graupner who pushed his last 125,000 or so within the middle over the small blind, and Kidhir Megrous didn't take very long to make the call.

Graupner turned over K♥4♥ and needed improvement to outlive versus the A♠9♥ of Megrous. However the 2♠J♥8♠Q♦7♣ board didn't provide any help and Grauner is out.

Megrous has about 420,000 now, somewhat below the common of just over 500,000 with 63 players left. --MH

8:45pm: Haigh jackedLevel 20 - Blinds 6,000/12,000 (ante 2,000)

Down to a handful of huge blind Robert Haigh moved all-in with Q♦Q♥ and was up against the J♦J♠ of Kamel Hamou.

The 4♣3♦K♠J♣9♣ board was cruel for Haigh and he exited the tournament. --NW

8:35pm: It's tight on the topLevel 20 - Blinds 6,000/12,000 (ante 2,000)

There are 67 players remaining at the moment and 7 of these players have over one million in chips. They are:

Name Country Status Chips
Philipp Wenzelburger Germany PokerStars TV Stars 1,200,000
Niall Farrell UK PokerStars player 1,200,000
Romans Voitovs Latvia PokerStars qualifier 1,200,000
Mauro Tarantini Italy   1,065,000
Miguel Silva Portugal PokerStars player 1,050,000
Jean Bertrand France   1,040,000
Pedro Oliveira Portugal   1,020,000

8:21pm: Last level of the nightLevel 20 - Blinds 6,000/12,000 (ante 2,000)

One more hour of poker to go, and the bagging and tagging will commence. --MH

20 6,000 12,000 2,000

8:17pm: Farrell and Hamou play 900K potLevel 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (ante 1,000)

Kamel Hamou limped from under-the-gun and next to behave Toni Zengovski raised it as much as 28,000 total. Action then folded all of the technique to Niall Farrell within the big blind. He put the cost of poker as much as 67,000 just for Hamou to transport all-in. Zengovski didn't miss a beat and folded, Farrell though wanted a count. It was 454,000 total and after a few minutes he shrugged and call.

The EPT12 Malta champion showed A♠K♠ and was relieved when Hamou opened A♦K♥. The 7♣4♣7♦8♦9♦ board meant the pot was chopped. --NW

EPT12MON Niall Farrell 0539 JulesPochy.jpgFarrell fairing well

8:13pm: Andreev knocks out RuzicicLevel 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (ante 1,000)

Andrey Andreev limped in from middle position and Gleb Tremzin limped to boot from the button, then Sloboban Ruzicic reraised all-in for his last 56,000 from the small blind. It folded back to Andreev who called, Tremzin called as well, and people two checked both the flop and switch. Andreev then led with a gamble at the river, and Tremzin let his hand go.

The completed board showed K♠K♥J♥7♦Q♥, and Andreev swiftly tabled his 6♥5♥ to turn he'd made a flush. Ruzicic showed his beated 4♣4♦ and left to gather his payout.

Andreev is back up around 695,000 now with 75 players left. --MH

8:05pm: Your starting stack within the type of a single chipLevel 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (ante 1,000)

The starting stack on this event was 25,000 and that equated to various physical chips when play began. Initially of this level tournament staff introduced the lime green chips worth T25,000 apiece. Each of these represents the stack of a player who entered this tournament! --NW

7:50pm: Silva shiningLevel 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (ante 1,000)

All-in and in danger with 7♥7♣, Raphael Montefalcone hoped the small pair would hold against Miguel Silva's A♦J♥. However the T♣K♥A♣ flop quickly swung the advantage Silva's way, and after the K♠ turn and 4♥ river, Montefalcone is out.

Silva is now up around 1.2 million and beginning to challenge Philipp Wenzelburger for the chip lead. --MH

7:34pm: Wenzelburger sizzlingLevel 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (ante 1,000)

The Philipp Wenzelburger express continues unabated, with the Germany continuing to acquire chips at a rapid rate.

Just now Wenzelburger grabbed a couple of more while reducing the sphere by one in a hand versus Mamouni Smain. The latter was all in with a brief stack behind 3♥3♠ and had run into Wenzelburger's 7♦7♥, and after a K♠Q♥A♠6♠9♦ runout Smain was knocked out while Wenzelburger moved as much as about 1.325 million -- the largest stack around with 90 players left. --MH

7:30pm: Purice continues to climbLevel 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (ante 1,000)

Tudor Purice has had an up and down day. He was as little as 15 big blinds at one point but now has almost 100 big blinds after winning a big pot against Jessica Drissi. At the river the Romanian bet 92,000 right into a pot of around 200,000. Drissi checked out the Q♠J♥9♥2♥8♥ board after which called. Purice showed A♥5♥ for a flush and Drissi mucked.

After that hand Purice has roughly 970,000. --NW

7:19pm: Every decision has a rippling effectLevel 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (ante 1,000)

Ariel Mantel (121st, €2,040), Marvin Rettenmaier (113th, €2,310), Josh Prager (105th, €2,310), and Aaron Gustavson (100th, €2,310) were a part of the last wave of knockouts previous to the last break. Don't forget, you'll check who finished where at the constantly updated prize pool and payouts page. --MH

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Rettenmaier's run is over

7:10pm: Top 10 stacksLevel 19 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (ante 1,000)

Below are the highest ten stacks in the beginning of level 19. It's Philipp Wenzelburger who leads the way.

Name Country Status Chips
Philipp Wenzelburger Germany PokerStars TV Stars 1,247,000
Miguel Silva Portugal PokerStars player 1,052,000
Gleb Tremzin Russia PokerStars player 830,000
Pedro Oliveira Portugal   785,000
Mauro Tarantini Italy   750,000
Olivier Decamps France   738,000
Tudor Purice Romania PokerStars player 730,000
Jessica Drissi France   720,000
Niall Farrell UK PokerStars player 710,000
Bruno Dos Santos Caseiro Portugal   670,000
19 5,000 10,000 1,000

6:55pm: Last break of the day

Reaching the tip of Level 18, the rest 94 players have gone on one last 20-minute break for today. Recall the schedule has changed -- instead of visit dinner now, they'll come again shortly for 2 more one-hour levels, then call it an afternoon. --MH

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6:42pm: Every decision has a rippling effectLevel 18 - Blinds 4,000/8,000 (ante 1,000)

Ivan Arbatskii opened for 18,000 from the center position, Andrey Andreev called from a few seats over, then Gleb Tremzin made it 51,000 to move from the button. Slobodan Ruzicic called the three-bet from the following seat within the small blind, and it folded back to Arbatskii who shoved all-in for 253,000 total.

Andreev let his hand go, but Tremzin wasn't going anywhere and called the shove. That sent Ruzicic deep into the tank, and after a while he eventually emerged to fold his hand. The remainder two players tabled their cards:

Arbatskii: K♦K♣Tremzin: A♥K♥

The flop came 9♣Q♣T♥, and while neither of the players within the hand responded at all, Ruzicic was fit to be tied, standing from his seat together with his hands on hips. The turn was the 8♣ and river the 4♥, and Arbatskii survived with a more-than-double-up.

Before sitting down, Ruzicic leaned over and poked a finger on the nine at the board, and it wasn't hard for the others to infer he'd folded pocket nines.

Gleb Tremzin - 720,000Ivan Arbatskii - 565,000Andrey Andreev - 555,000Sloboban Ruzicic - 345,000

Ruzicic continued to shake his head as he sat back down, although Arbatskii was plenty glad he had chosen to not gamble. --MH

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The chips are going back and forth

6:40pm: All the way down to the overall 100Level 18 - Blinds 4,000/8,000 (ante 1,000)

Just 100 players remain within the FPS Monaco Main Event and there are still two EPT champions among them.

Niall Farrell, who triumphed in Malta this season is chugging along nicely. He's got 765,000 that's well above the common that is 312,000. When put next Aaron Gustavson has work to do as he's got 160,000. -- NW

6:32pm: Mattern, Marquez outLevel 18 - Blinds 4,000/8,000 (ante 1,000)

More eliminated to report -- Arnaud Mattern (134th) and Ana Marquez (137th), each of whom earned €2,040.

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Marquez out

6:17pm: Gabriel gets gotLevel 18 - Blinds 4,000/8,000 (ante 1,000)

Add Niste Mihai Gabriel to the growing list of eliminated players. Gabriel got his small stack in with K♠J♦ versus the 9♣9♦ of Mamouni Smain, a 2♠9♥9♠Q♦5♦ runout giving Smain quads was greater than was had to end Gabriel's run.

They at the moment are right down to 119 players. --MH

6:10pm: What a horrible spotLevel 18 - Blinds 4,000/8,000 (ante 1,000)

Laurent Olive just found himself in a ridiculously tough spot and it is not one you'll ever train for or expect to happen. I'll explain...

From under-the-gun Massimiliano Patroncini moved all-in for 132,000 and Olive flat called from his stack of 360,000. It folded all of the method to Fabio Freitas within the big blind but before the Brazilian could act Patroncini went to show his hand over, thinking that Freitas had folded.

Before he fully exposed his hand Freitas told him to stop, nevertheless it was too late as Freitas had seen the cards. The ground was called and it was ruled that Patrocini's hand need to be exposed and the J♠J♥ was turned over.

It need to be noted that Freitas had claimed he'd yet to take a look at his cards at this point. He then took a peak and fairly quickly moved all-in. This was not what Olive desired to hear. He asked for a count and the shove was for 290,000. Olive took a while after which folded the opposite two jacks face-up!

Freitas showed K♥K♣ and the 6♠9♦5♥6♦5♣ board kept him in front. He's as much as 525,000 whilst Olive is all the way down to 230,000. --NW

18 4,000 8,000 1,000

5:53pm: Tremzin up over a millionLevel 17 - Blinds 3,000/6,000 (ante 1,000)

Gleb Tremzin saw both Dany Parlafes and Slobodan Ruzicic go all-in before the flop, and he had a decision.

About Parlafes, Tremzin slightly less concerned, as he was only in for 81,000. Meanwhile Ruzicic had committed nearly a quarter-million, and while Tremzin already had some chips within the middle, he wasn't sure if he desired to put any further at risk.

Finally Tremzin did call, showing A♣J♥, and expressed some relief when he saw Ruzicic turn over A♥J♦. Meanwhile Parlafes had 4♠4♥, and looked as if he was about to triple up after the T♣5♥7♦ flop and 9♠ turn.

But the river brought the 8♠ to provide the larger stacks a straight, and Parlafes was eliminated. Ruzicic sits with about 275,000, while Tremzin now looks to be the primary player in seven figures as he has about 1.07 million. --MH

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The Tremzinator

5:40pm: Change of plansLevel 17 - Blinds 3,000/6,000 (ante 1,000)

There were 10 levels scheduled for today but we've been informed by the tournament director that the verdict was made to play just eight levels today instead. Play should end around 20.45 CEST. --NW

5:30pm: Stacks of chipsLevel 17 - Blinds 3,000/6,000 (ante 1,000)

Gleb Tremzin is the present chip leader, the Russian player is closing in on one million.

Name Country Status Chips
Gleb Tremzin Russia PokerStars player 940,000
Philipp Wenzelburger Germany PokerStars player 900,000
Thomas Popov Canada PokerStars player 780,000
Andrey Andreev Russia   710,000
Niall Farrell UK PokerStars player 675,000
Fahd Boudaouine France   585,000
Maxence Benoulha France   480,000
Stefano Terziani Italy PokerStars qualifier 470,000
Jessica Drissi France   450,000
Mirco Maisano France   445,000
Francisco Acevedo Chile   440,000
Miguel Silva Portugal PokerStars player 440,000
Pedro Oliveira Portugal   430,000
Nicolas Guest France   408,000
Xiaoyong Liao China   400,000
Toni Zengovski Macedonia   395,000
Mathew Hopkins UK PokerStars qualifier 380,000
Keith Johnson UK   370,000
Kidhir Megrous France   362,000
Alexis Queneau France PokerStars qualifier 360,000
Ariel Mantel Argentina PokerStars player 345,000
Raphael Montefalcone France   345,000
Olivier Decamps France   340,000
Makram Saber Lebanon   330,000
Tudor Purice Romania PokerStars player 330,000
Mirko Radovic Monténégro   320,000
Ahmed Sahih France PokerStars qualifier 312,000
Apostolos Bechrakis Greece PokerStars player 306,000
Perego Michele Italy   301,000
Chebli Chebli Lebanon PokerStars qualifier 300,000
Abdulatif Taslim Finland   290,000
Slobodan Ruzicic Serbia   290,000
Ut Tam Vo France   280,000
Ghassan Yared Lebanon   275,000
Nicolaj D Antoni Italy   273,000
Bruno Dos Santos Caseiro Portugal   270,000
Vicente Delgado Spain PokerStars qualifier 265,000
Sergey Tikhonov Russia   263,000
Olivier Aarmougon France   262,000
Arthur Conan France   260,000
Aaron Gustavson USA PokerStars player 250,000
Ivan Arbatskii Russia   245,000
Adrian Apmann Germany PokerStars player 240,000
Oleksandr Vorobii Ukraine PokerStars player 240,000
Olivier Puche France   232,000
Gaetano Preite Italy   230,000
Thomas Graupner Germany   230,000
Nicolas Ferrandes France   220,000
Benoit Averes France   210,000
Leonardo Pires Brazil PokerStars player 205,000
Thierry Morel France PokerStars qualifier 200,000
Yannick Dupont France   195,000
Mamouni Smain Canada   190,000
Bertrand Guenoun France   187,000
Philip Christiernin Rung Sweden   182,000
Sylvain Mazza France   180,000
Cyprien Berger France   170,000
Robert Leszczynski Norway   170,000
Ivan Freitez Venezuela PokerStars player 166,000
Dany Parlafes Romania   160,000
Fred Weiss France   160,000
Mady Cherit France PokerStars qualifier 160,000
Michel PoMaret France   160,000
Steven van Zadelhoff Netherlands PokerStars qualifier 147,000
Marvin Rettenmaier Germany PokerStars player 145,000
Ait Obram Ali France   141,000
Niste Mihai Gabriel Romania PokerStars qualifier 130,000
Arnaud Mattern France   124,000
Yaxi Zhu China Team PokerStars Pro 118,000
Guido Pezzotta Italy   110,000
Armand Lopez France PokerStars qualifier 105,000
Ana Marquez Spain PokerStars player 93,700
Gabriel Nassif France   91,300
Yury Gulyy Russia PokerStars qualifier 84,000
Julien Brécard France PokerStars TV Stars 81,000
Ana Marquez Spain PokerStars player 70,000

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What everyone wants

5:16pm: Benoulha bounces CamhiLevel 17 - Blinds 3,000/6,000 (ante 1,000)

Eric Camhi was all-in with a brief stack with K♠Q♠, and the stack was short enough that Maxence Benoulha couldn't bow out of the hand along with his 7♦4♦.

The flop came 2♦A♠7♣ to hit Benhoula's seven, and after the 5♦ turn and 3♣ river Camhi was done for a small cash. Benoulha now could be moving up the leaderboard, having chipped as much as 525,000. --MH

5:14pm: More fallLevel 17 - Blinds 3,000/6,000 (ante 1,000)

Ricardo Chauriye (149th), Vicente Delgado (155th), and Luca Moschitta (159th) were also a number of the latest knockouts, with each of them earning €1,770. --MH

5:07pm: Pires bustsLevel 17 - Blinds 3,000/6,000 (ante 1,000)

At the beginning of Day 2, Leonardo Pires was the total chip leader with 339 players left. After two hours of play, he'd greater than doubled his stack to 715,000 to steer by a fair wider margin over the 255 or so players still remaining.

A little over two hours more, and Pires is out in 160th for a 1,770 min-cash, ending his FPS Monaco roller coaster here before the dinner break. --MH

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An earlier shot of Pires, when the pots were all going his way

4:59pm: Min-cashersLevel 17 - Blinds 3,000/6,000 (ante 1,000)

Among the primary taking trips to the cashier, Kasra Pour Khomamy (178th), Team PokerStars Pro Yaxi Zhu (171st), Ivan Freitez (168th), and Mario Lopez (166th) all collected 1,770 for his or her efforts.

To keep tabs on who's finishing where, check the constantly updated prize pool and payouts page. --MH

17 3,000 6,000 1,000

4:37pm: Break it up

The next 20-minute break has arrived, giving the remainder 163 players a possibility to catch their breath after the thrill of the bubble's bursting. --MH

Ready to sit down on the table? Click here to get a PokerStars account.

4:31pm: Andreev at the ascentLevel 16 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (ante 500)

End-of-Day-1A leader Andrey Andreev is now sitting behind an impressive stack of chips after picking up a pleasant post-bubble pot versus Guido Pezzotta.

With about 230,000 within the middle and the board showing A♦5♣8♣7♦, an all-in shove by Andreev just couldn't be called by Pezzotta, and now Andreev has about 780,000 because the next break nears. --MH

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More for Andreev

4:25pm: All-in crazy!Level 16 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (ante 500)

Since the bubble burst this joint has gone mental! There's smoke coming off the felt such is the rate that chips are being moved around.

I saw five all-ins in only a few minutes, here is what happened:

1. Cederic Ramqaj moved all-in for his final 30,000 with 9♠8♠ and he found a choice from Ariel Mantel who held A♣T♠. The A♠6♣J♥K♠ gave Ramqaj hope however the river was the 5♦ meaning Ramqaj was eliminated and Mantel climbed to 240,000.

2. Julien Brécard had just 18,000 and so they went in with 6♥6♦, Vicente Delgado had already opened and he called the additional off with 8♥7♥. A 6♣J♠K♥9♣J♦ board gave Brécard a fright but he survived. Delgado is now all the way down to 260,000.

3. Christos Stefanidis was in peril for his final 53,000 holding A♦7♠ and within the deep stuff against Vincent Antoine Cavailles, who held pocket tens. The 4♥3♦7♥ flop gave Stefanidis hope, the 4♣ turn was a blank, however the A♥ river saw the Greek player survive.

4. Action folded to Stefano Terziani within the small blind, he looked to his left and eyed up Steven Baldolli's stack. It totaled around 77,000 and Terziani elected to transport all-in, of venture Baldolli snap called.

Terziani showed 8♥7♥ and feature live cards against Baldolli's A♠K♦. That proved crucial because the 3♥8♣J♥4♦6♠ board favoured the suited connectors and eliminated Baldolli.

5. Vincent Antoine Cavailles got one of the most chips he'd lost back as his A♣Q♦ held against Jimmy Guerrero's Q♥9♦. Guerrero was all-in for his last 55,000 and sent on his approach to the payout desk. --NW

4:11pm: Yangzi bubblesLevel 16 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (ante 500)

After Morgan Aceto survived a river shove all-in with trip aces -- doubling up after he was called by Mario Melis -- it was confirmed that 184 players were left, eight each at 23 tables.

On the primary hand of hand-for-hand play, Team PokerStars Pro Yaxi Zhu saw an opponent raise to 12,000, then while at the button with just 15,000 looked down at what was a playable hand. She grimaced a little, then the table chuckled after they heard "all in and speak to" coming from a neighboring table.

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Zhu wondering what to do

Finally, Zhu let her hand go, and in the end of the opposite tables finished their hands everyone congregated across the table featuring the all-in.

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Yangzi Wang of China was the only in peril. She stood and waiting after having put her last 49,000 in from middle position, with Mauro Tarantini having called her from the massive blind. Finally the cards were revealed:

Tarantini: 9♣9♠Wang: K♣Q♣

The dealer dealt the primary three community cards, and a king appeared within the window to offer Wang. But if the flop was spread it showed a villanous nine underneath (from Wang's point of view), the board showing 9♦6♣K♦.

The A♣ then fell at the turn, giving hope to Wang that she might make a backdoor flush to overcome Tarantini's set. However the river was the 4♥, and with a round of applause the bubble have been burst.

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Yingzi Wang, 184th place

They're halfway through Level 16. Let's examine what number of visit the moneyier's desk before the break happens in half an hour. --MH

4:06pm: Bad time for kings for BonavenaLevel 16 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (ante 500)

With 185 players left -- just two from the cash -- Salvatore Bonavena just found himself in a bit a nightmarish situation.

A blind-versus-blind hand between Bonavena and Ivan Arbatskii led to the previous being all in with a below average stack with K♥K♦ only to peer Arbatskii table A♣A♥. The board ran out J♦5♣9♥4♠Q♦, and Bonavena exits shy of the cash.

There may be a short lived pause because the tables are balanced to verify just 184 are left. Stay tuned. --MH

4:05pm: Pires gets poorerLevel 16 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (ante 500)

Leonardo Pires was as much as 600,000 at one point, he's now all the way down to 205,000. That looks as if a small stack but it's still above average. Thomas Popov, who's sat to his right is as much as 450,000. The 2 is also connected. --NW

3:55pm: Miracle for MaisanoLevel 16 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (ante 500)

Oh. My. God.

Mirco Maisano just hit a miracle!

I only saw the denouement of the hand but on a 5♠3♥Q♥6♠6♥ Maisano had got his last 163,000 in at the river and Patrick Schuhl had matched it. Maisano had 6♣6♦ in front of him for quads, whilst Schuhl had pocket queens for a flopped set that was an entire house that lost to quads!

He had his hands on his head and well he might, he's right down to 59,000 whilst Maisano is as much as 410,000. --NW

3:45pm: Deadman done for in advance of the bubbleLevel 16 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (ante 500)

We're just two spots off the bubble now and Simon Deadman is a type of who've just missed out on a cash.

In his exit hand Ariel Mantel raised to 10,000, Tudor Purice three-bet to 32,500 from the small blind and Deadman then moved all-in for 44,500 from the massive blind. Mantel smooth called and Purice then wanted confirmation from the ground that he couldn't raise.

The floor was called and Purice was informed he could only call, which he did. The flop fell 2♥2♣3♥ and Purice moved all-in, whilst Mantel folded. Deadman showed pocket fives and he was sooner than Purice's A♣Q♥.

The Q♣ turn gave Purice the lead though and Deadman didn't hit the 9♦ river.

Other players just missing out on a cash include Slaven Popov and Daniel Smith. --NW

3:38pm: Tough spot for ZhuLevel 16 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (ante 500)

Just 190 players remain -- seven from the money -- and Team PokerStars Pro Yaxi Zhu finds herself in a difficult spot.

Just now she lost a preflop all-in versus Lionel Clerc wherein her T♥9♥ couldn't catch as much as his A♠K♣. Zhu got as much as leave, thinking the 85,000 or so she'd pushed forward was completely lost, but because it happened she had Clerc outchipped by somewhat and so she has kept her seat.

But with not up to 10,000 -- and the extent having just changed -- she doesn't have two big blinds left in her stack. We'll see if she will hang on and make the money. --MH

16 2,500 5,000 500

3:26pm: Pires tripped upLevel 15 - Blinds 2,000/4,000 (ante 500)

Leader Leonardo Pires just dropped a couple of chips in a large multi-way pot. We saw him fire a chance of 100,000 -- roughly the dimensions of the pot -- to force a few folds but one player called.

The board showed T♦K♣7♥2♥A♥ and Pires turned over J♥8♦, appearing slightly dismayed as he did. That was no match for the set of deuces held by the winner, and now Pires is all the way down to about 465,000. --MH

3:17pm: Big stacksLevel 15 - Blinds 2,000/4,000 (ante 500)

The bubble is fast approaching as 192 players remain and 183 receives a commission. For the players below though the bubble should hold no fear as they're the large stacks.

Name Country Status Chips
Leonardo Pires Brazil PokerStars player 660,000
Andrey Andreev Russia   477,000
Xiaoyong Liao China   460,000
Ahmed Sahih France PokerStars qualifier 448,000
Niall Farrell UK PokerStars player 385,000
Aaron Gustavson USA PokerStars player 365,000

3:07pm: Boeree bounced, Dattani down, Urbanovich undoneLevel 15 - Blinds 2,000/4,000 (ante 500)

The field is shrinking down on the subject of just 200 players left, with a couple of more notables some of the recent exits.

Ami Barer, Alessandro De Iaco, Joao Vieira, and Team PokerStars Pro Liv Boeree have seen their FPS Monaco Main Event runs end shy of the money. So, too, has Michel Dattani lost the last of his stack.

And after continuing a brief stack this afternoon, Dzmitry Urbanovich was finally felted besides. --MH

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Urbanovich out

2:55pm: More exitsLevel 15 - Blinds 2,000/4,000 (ante 500)

Numbers continue to dwindle on this event with Joseph Carlino, Andrei Konopelko, Matias Ruzzi, Dietrich Fast, and Govert Meetal some of the latest batch of departures. --NW

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Joseph Carlino's last hand

2:51pm: Patricio picked offLevel 15 - Blinds 2,000/4,000 (ante 500)

LAPT6 Peru Main Event champion sat quietly, his last 75,000 or so pushed out before him. He was waiting to look if Gerard Sanches was going to name or fold. He hoped for the latter, as we'd come to search out out, precisely because Sanches would select differently.

Upon hearing the call, Rojas showed his J♥T♥, and Sanches turned over 9♦9♣ to assert the pot and knock out the Chilean. Sanches has about 225,000 now. --MH

2:45pm: Much needed double for Cederic RamqajLevel 15 - Blinds 2,000/4,000 (ante 500)

Tudor Purice opened to 9,500 from early position and Cederic Ramqaj then shoved for 26,000 with Q♥Q♠. Purice made a rapid call with A♦8♣ however the pair hung on the K♣5♦8♦6♠Q♦ board. --NW

2:40pm: Jaka shot downLevel 15 - Blinds 2,000/4,000 (ante 500)

A big thanks to Faraz Jaka for filling us in on his exit hand as he was leaving the tournament room.

He told us that he got dealt pocket jacks under-the-gun+3 and flat called from a stack of 80,000 after the under-the-gun player had opened to 12,000 with A♥6♥. Another player then moved all-in for 32,000 with king-queen, the under-the-gun player re-raised all-in and Jaka snap called.

Although the covering player turned a flush draw it was looking good for Jaka until he was Barry Greensteined by an ace at the river. --NW

2:29pm: From around the globe to MonacoLevel 15 - Blinds 2,000/4,000 (ante 500)

We have pie! The ever popular nationalities pie chart, that is, giving us some insight on where all 1,261 of those FPS Monaco Main Event players came from to get here.

Unsurprisingly, France was answerable for probably the most entrants, the 550 players representing just over 43% of the sector. Italy was next consistent with about 9.3%, with the UK, Russia, and Germany next at the list.

A total of 71 countries sent players. Here's that pie for more (click to embiggen). --MH


15 2,000 4,000 500

2:07pm: Break time

With not up to 260 players left -- still about 80 off the money -- the primary 20-minute break of the day has arrived. --MH

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2:02pm: Pires keeps collectingLevel 14 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (ante 400)

Leonardo Pires just capped off his first two hours of play today having greater than doubled his chip-leading stack already. Near the top of Level 14 he picked up another 100,000-plus in a hand of Kasra Pour Khomamy who entered today with a top 10 stack.

The hand started with Pires raising to 11,100 from middle position, and only Khomamy called from the small blind. The flop came 6♥7♠4♣, Khomany checked, Pires bet 15,000, and Khomamy called. The turn was the 5♣, and Khomamy again check-called a gamble from Pires, this time for 20,000.

Pires checked his cards over again because the 2♥ completed the board. Khomamy checked a 3rd time, and after acting quickly within the hand Pires paused a couple of half-minute, then slid forward a stack containing 67,300. Khomamy stacked up calling chips, considered it for an additional beat or two, the called.

Pires tabled A♥8♥ for a turned straight, and Khomamy mucked.

The Brazilian is up around 715,000 now going to break, greater than 300,000 away from his nearest challenger at the present. --MH

1:58pm: OutLevel 14 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (ante 400)

We're all the way down to just 261 players after the hole two levels with Pablo Gordillo, Ben Heath, Georgios Sotiropoulos, Alex Difelice and Rasmus Agerskov some of the big names who've crashed out. --NW

1:55pm: Counts!Level 14 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (ante 400)

The overnight chip leader shows no signs of losing it. Leonardo Pires is as much as 605,000 and still holds the chip lead.

Leonardo Pires - 605,000Andrey Andreev - 490,000Aaron Gustavson - 395,000Ariel Mantel - 295,000Vicente Delgado - 285,000Niall Farrell - 238,000Andrei Boghean - 235,000Keith Johnson - 190,000Ivan Freitez - 166,000Dany Parlafes - 160,000Steven van Zadelhoff - 147,000Simon Deadman - 140,000Yaxi Zhu - 118,000Salvatore Bonavena - 103,000Liv Boeree - 98,000Marvin Rettenmaier - 84,000Arnaud Mattern - 77,000Julien Brécard - 70,000Tudor Purice - 63,000Faraz Jaka - 62,000Dmitry Urbanovich - 55,000

1:45pm: Deadman's turn to doubleLevel 14 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (ante 400)

It's raining double ups!

The cards were already on their backs by the point I reached table 17 to peer Simon Deadman & Weiyi Zhang all-in and at risk, with Tudor Purice on the lookout for the double knockout.

Deadman: A♦Q♠Zhang: Q♣T♣Purice: K♣J♠

A 2♦6♠8♥5♥Q♥ board meant Zhang, who was the shortest of the three, was eliminated and Deadman, who was all-in for 68,900, greater than doubled to around 150,000. After that hit Purice drops to 63,000. --NW

1:26pm: Dzmitry dzoublesLevel 14 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (ante 400)

Roger Mouries opened for 6,500 from early position and after you have a decision from his neighbor to the left watched the table fold around to Dzmitry Urbanovich at the button. Urbanovich swiftly set out his remaining short stack before him as an all-in reraise for approximately 26,000. The blinds got out, Mouries reraised excessive for roughly twice what Urbanovich had, and the rest player folded.

Mouries had 9♠9♣, but that meant Urbanovich was in better shape with T♥T♠. A 10 at the turn then sealed things for the Polish pro, shooting him back as much as around 55,000. --MH

1:10pm: Big double for AcetoLevel 14 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (ante 400)

Nicolas Guest requested a count. He was in a precarious position and had to know exactly where he stood. He'd bet 31,000 at the turn of a 2♠7♠T♦4♦ board and Morgan Aceto had then shoved all-in.

There was already roughly 35,000 within the pot and also you could now add 84,200 to that figure as that was the dimensions of Aceto's shove. Numbers crunched Guest made the decision and showed 9♠8♠ for the mix draw.

He'd wish to hit as Aceto had K♠K♦, however the 2♥ was a brick and Aceto held to double to over 200,000, whilst Guest is all the way down to 64,000. --NW

14 1,500 3,000 400

1:06pm: Kings serve BrecardLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (ante 300)

Julien Brecard was today all-in and in danger for his last 35,000 or so, but in an excellent spot, relatively speaking, holding K♣K♦ versus Quentin Lecomte's A♠K♥. The board came clean for Brecard -- 4♠9♥8♦7♣2♥ -- and he's back up around 70,000 while Lecomte is suddenly right down to lower than 10,000. --MH

1pm: Tough crowdLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (ante 300)

There are a couple of candidates for 'table of death' at the present time. Table 17 is actually up there as Tudor Purice, Simon Deadman, Marvin Rettenmaier and Ariel Mantel are all scrapping it out for chips there. -- NW

12:56pm: Andreev takes his seatLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (ante 300)

Day 1A chip leader Andrey Andreev was late arriving today, which meant those two tickets he won for Saturday's football match (a prize for his Day 1A accomplishment) needed to wait along with his stack.

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Chips and tix

But Andreev did finally get here, and after pocketing his tickets has now gotten to work looking to build his big stack even further. --MH

12:51pm: Loeser leaves, Metalidi moves onLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (ante 300)

More than 25 players have already lost their stacks within the first half-hour of play, with Manig Loeser and Artem Metalidi a few of the latest wave sent railward. --MH

12:45pm: Malinowski outLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (ante 300)

Viktor Malinowski just got the last of his stack in behind K♦J♦ but unfortunately for him had run into the K♣K♥ of Laurent Olive. The board ran out 2♦5♦2♠T♠5♥, and Malinowski hit the rail. Olive meanwhile is now up around 120,000. --MH

12:40pm: Vieira takes a hitLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (ante 300)

Joao Vieira has seen his stack cut in half after losing a flip to Jeremie Maxime Beneteau.

Kevin Fallourd opened to 5,100 from under-the-gun and Vieira called from early position. The action folded to Beneteau - who was the large blind - and he shoved for 27,800 total. Fallourd folded but Vieira made the call.

Beneteau: K♣J♦Vieira: T♠T♥

The 9♥J♥3♠A♥4♦ board favoured the overcards and dropped Vieira to about 30,000. --NW

12:25pm: Gustavson takes out MetalidiLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (ante 300)

Artem Metalidi was all-in for his last 27,000 with 5♣5♦ and Aaron Gustavson had him in serious trouble with T♠T♣. The board ran Q♣2♠K♦2♦4♣ and Metalidi departed.

Gustavson now has over 180,000 in consequence. --NW

12:21pm: Early bustoutsLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (ante 300)

Among the primary to fall here on Day 2 were Cedric Louard, Vladyslav But, Sebastien Boyard, Jeremie Maxime Beneteau, Vasily Kurdin, Stephane Gamet, and Jaroslaw Sikora. --MH

12:14pm: Prize pool and payoutsLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (ante 300)

With 1,261 total entrants on this event, the full prize pool is a big €1,223,170. The highest 183 finishers could be splitting those riches, with a min-cash being €1,770 and the primary prize €218,000.

Here are the prizes awaiting those making the general table:

1st: €218,0002nd: €127,9003rd: €89,9004th: €67,1005th: €51,7806th: €38,5007th: €29,3508th: €20,900

For a whole list of payouts, click here. --MH

12:11pm: A sunny startLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (ante 300)

Day 2 has begun with 339 players remaining, all still vying to make it to at least one of the highest 183 spots and the cash of this event. In other words, everyone still has a comparatively sunny disposition because the first hands of the day are being dealt.

Such is appropriate, because tournament organizers have opened the roof at the main tournament room here on the Sporting Club, revealing a wonderful blue sky overhead. They'll keep it open for the primary couple of minutes, then close it as much as make for a more familiar setting for poker because the sun sets (so that you could speak) at the day's first bustouts.

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Look at the bright side... everyone still has a chance

Just before play began, Day 1A chip leader Andrey Andreev and Day 1B leader Leonardo Pires were each awarded a couple of tickets to tomorrow's football match between French Ligue 1 sides AS Monaco and EA Guingamp. Actually only Pires picked up his tickets, as Andreev has yet to reach today.

Whoever happens to have the highest spot on the end of Day 2 may also win the similar prize, although given how that person might be playing poker on Saturday night, the tickets may well be going to a chum. --MH

12:09pm: Chip count pageLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (300 ante)

With such a lot of players within the field it's impossible to maintain track of everyone but we'll be updating the chip counts of as many players as possible. You will see that information at the selected chip counts page with a view to include the large stacks, names and notables because the day progresses.

12:07pm: Let's beginLevel 13 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (300 ante)

Day 2 action has started. --NW

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EPT Tournament Director Thomas Lamatsch begins the day

13 1,200 2,400 300

11:45am: Time to bust a move but not bust in Monaco

On among the regional tours that PokerStars operate around the globe the blogging fraternity confer with Day 2 as 'moving day'.

It's the day when tournament winning stacks are built and the money starts to be dished out. Whilst 339 players return today we predict only around 10% of that field will still have chips to bag come the top of the day. The typical stack will rocket to around 850,000 and Leonardo Pires's start of Day 2 chip leading stack of 339,400 will appear to be chump change 10 levels from now. This isn't an afternoon to keep up and stand still, this can be a day to move.

The key start of day info can also be accessed below. Cards are within the air at noon CEST.

Start of Day 2 seat drawStart of Day 2 chip counts

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PokerStars Blog Reporting Team at FPS Monaco: Martin Harris and Nick Wright. Photos by Jules Pochy. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter: @PokerStarsBlog

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