Monday, May 2, 2016

EPT12 Grand Final: Day 1A main event coverage archiveNO Deposit bonus $43

This is an archive of previous coverage. Click through for live updates.

If Day 1A is a trademark of what's to follow in a chief event at the European Poker Tour (EPT), then there have been conclusions to be drawn from the eight levels played today. Some 286 players arrived, took seats, and made their opening bid. By day's end 150 remained, led, with a grin, by Ukrainian Roman Verenko with 198,800 chips. 

Roman Verenko

If, as Faraz Jaka predicted on the start, this was to be an afternoon of fireworks, Verenko was accountable for a couple of. In a single notable hand (see 7pm within the coverage below), he sent Nick Petrangelo back to bed, and Verenko never really looked back. His stack might be hard to overcome tomorrow, when the majority of the sector take their turn. 

Ah yes, tomorrow. 

If the overall mood is anything to move by tomorrow may be big. We're already every week into the festival and never an afternoon has passed without the walls of the tournament room creaking by sheer weight of players. 

Within that crowd would be the rest of "The 300" that we alluded to earlier. They're the qualifiers, a combination or pros, amateurs, and the first-time-luckies. They make for an enchanting dynamic to this event which we'll see when play starts at 12 noon tomorrow. 

So Verenko leads tonight. Selected chip counts are below, while full official counts could be published after we get them. 

Roman Verenko Ukraine 198,000
Pedro Zagalo Portugal 153,400
Roman Korenev Russia 125,300
Jake Cody United Kingdom 114,300
John Gale United Kingdom 99,100
Faraz Jaka United States 80,100
Ongyan Dimov Bulgaria 78,000
Mike Watson Canada 68,400
Patrik Antonius Finland 58,000
Jason Mercier United States 55,700
Tobias Reinkemeier Germany 31,500
Bertrand Grospellier France 29,500
Stephen Chidwick United Kingdom 22,500
Antoine Saout France 22,300
Martin Jacobson Sweden 18,700
Jean Montury France 16,900
Fedor Holz Germany 7,900


11:15pm: Barbour busts to queensBlinds: Level 8 - 300/600 (75 ante)

Natasha Barbour tweeted not see you later ago that she was on the more or less table that will" make Chance Kornuth appear to be the tightest player on planet Earth." She added that she didn't know what was happening anymore.

A good spot to seek out pocket kings under the gun then? Wrong, I'm afraid.

I have no idea exactly how this all went down but Barbour got her stack in with K♣K♦ and Aharub Khatri looked her up. He had reason. He had Q♥Q♣ and a covering stack.

But dreams of a double up remained only dreams when the board brought the Q♠ nestled a number of the 9♦5♦7♥9♠. That was the tip of the road for Barbour. -- HS

11:05pm: Charania departsBlinds: Level 8 - 300/600 (75 ante)

Sarah Herzali is proving popular at her table. Such a lot in order that when she opened for 1,300 in a pot a little while ago she got five callers. The flop came T♠4♠2♠ and the action was checked to Patricio Rojas who bet 4,200. At this point Mohsin Charania shoved for 17,000. Xia Lin within the big blind then check-raised all-in for 21,200. 

Lin snap called with T♥T♦Charania: A♠T♠Rojas: K♠6♠

The turn came A♦ and the river T♣. That sent Charania out, while Herzali, who started all this, said she'd had pocket deuces. - SB

8 300 600 75

10.40pm: Haxton pushes Langbraaten off a chop and Cakmak out the doorBlinds: Level 7 - 250/500 (50 ante)

Here's a bonkers hand that played out on Jake Cody's table and led to Ike Haxton taking a bundle of chips and knocking out an excessively disgruntled Burak Cakmak.

Cody actually called me over to witness the top part of the action, and filled in what happened previous to that.

It started when Fabio Sperling opened to 1,200 from the hijack and Raymond Langbraaten called from the cutoff. That bit was pretty standard, but then Cakmak three-bet to 3,700 from the small blind just for Haxton to four-bet from the large blind. He made it 8,500.

Sperling ducked out, but Langbraaten called. That only prompted a shove from Cakmak, for roughly 26,000, after which Haxton to re-shove excessive of that. He covered Langbraaten, who was the one man with a choice left.

Langbraaten put himself in the course of the wringer before folding. He immediately said to Haxton, "Aces?" Haxton said, "No." He turned over queens.

Cakmak now tabled his 9♦9♣ and was in trouble. Haxton did indeed have Q♠Q♥ but desired to know what Langbraaten had folded. "I'll inform you after," Langbraaten said.

The board ran 2♣6♦7♣3♥5♦ and Haxton won the large pot. "Queens," Langbraaten said.

"You had queens too?" Haxton said."Yes."

Cakmak wandered away, while Langbraaten pondered the chop that will was. -- HS

10:35pm: Do people really love a chop pot?Blinds: Level 7 - 250/500 (50 ante)

There was some extent of no "nonsense-ness" to the best way Burak Cakmak moved all in. I DO KNOW that isn't technically a word, but sometimes non words are the one ones so that it will do. 

He did so by stamping down his tower of chips which he could fit into one hand. It came with a non-verbalised "What do you're thinking that of that?!" which nobody heard but everybody heard. That's possibly why all of them took a step back in a poker sense, and let him win the blind and antes. 

He was in action again soon after though. He opened for 1,650 and Govert Metaal called from the large blind. The flop came J♥Q♠T♦. Both checked for the turn card 7♠. This time Metaal led out for 2,000. Cakmak called to look the K♥ river card. Anotehr 5,500 from Metaal, which Cakmak was certain he was calling. 

Metaal: A♣Q♣Cakmak: A♥6♠

This, for those who havdn't noticed was a chop pot. At this point Cakmak removed his hat, on it emblazoned the "Everyone loves a chop pot" motto. 

"Everyone loves a chop pot," he said, quite proudly. Metaal laughed. The remaining made one of those polite "oh yeah!" noise. - SB

10:20pm: Tricky guy GaleBlinds: Level 7 - 250/1,000 (50 ante)

John Gale won't mind us stating the most obvious: he's one of the vital game's veterans and is sufficiently old to be the daddy of about 50 percent of this field. But Gale, who's also a former PCA champion and WSOP bracelet winner, has always played a tender man's game. He isn't afraid to combine it with anyone, and with any two cards.

He just dished out an even natured lesson to the Norwegian PokerStars qualifier Vebjorn Monstad, who doesn't look much older than 20.

Monstad and Gale paid 1,100 each to get to the flop. Monstad raised from the hijack and Gale called at the button.

john gale ept12 monaco day1a me.jpg

Getting tricky with John Gale

The flop was 4♠9♦A♣ and Monstad's check allowed Gale to have a stab. He put 1,425 over the road and Monstad called.

The 6♥ came at the turn, which both players checked, after which Monstad checked again at the K♦ river. Gale doesn't should be asked twice and bet 2,625.

Monstad started chattering and chuckling about even if Gale had an ace, after which about even if there has been an ace in his own hand. Gale chuckled along but gave nothing away.

Eventually Monstad folded, and Gale pushed his cards forward to the dealer. But then he couldn't resist grabbing them back and turning them over. He did not have the ace. He had Q♦T♦ for no pair.

"Oh, tricky guy," Monstad said.

Gale has about 120,000 in his stack. -- HS

10:05pm: Saout misses the snookerBlinds: Level 7 - 250/1,000 (50 ante)

Antoine Saout is combatting the tedium of playing a six-day poker tournament by...watching snooker on his iPad. In lots of opinions, that's a frying-pan/fire situation, but those people can be wrong. There is a cracking World Championship semi-final occurring on the Crucible at the present time between Mark Selby and Marco Fu. If only there has been a web site called you want to examine it on.

Anyway, back to the poker and Saout missed a Selby break-off for this reason hand: Sascha Olms opened to 1,000 from the cutoff and Marco De Vincenti called from the button. Saout called from the small blind and Ongyan Dimov often known as from the big.

The flop can have hit any of them. It came J♠9♥Q♠ but after Saout and Dimov checked, Olms bet 1,000 and both De Vincenti and Saout called. Dimov had seen enough.

They all checked the Q♣ at the turn. After which Saout picked up the entire shrapnel when he bet 5,500 at the 3♦ river. That's how Saout rolls. He has about 23,000 in his stack.

Jean Montury may be at that table. Both he and Dimov are former champions. -- HS

10pm: Selected chip countsBlinds: Level 7 - 250/1,000 (50 ante)

                            NAME COUNTRY CHIPS
Roman Verenko Ukraine 180,000
Govert Metaal Holland 123,000
Steven van Zadelhoff Holland 103,000
Marti Aguilar Spain 102,000
Faraz Jaka United States 100,000
Anthony Spinella United States 87,000
Ramiro Cardoso Brazil 85,000
Isaac Haxton United States 85,000
David Peters United States 80,000
John Gale United Kingdom 75,000
Jake Cody United Kingdom 72,000
Max Silver United Kingdom 65,000
Patrick Antonius Finland 52,000
Antonio Buonano Italy 50,000
Dan Smith United States 45,000
ElkY France 43,000
Tobias Reinkemeier Germany 38,000
Mike Watson Canada 35,000
Paul Newey United Kingdom 32,000
Dario Sammartino Italy 27,000
Victoria Coren United Kingdom 25,000
Andrew Lichtenberger United States 19,000
Haralabos Voulgaris Canada 17,000
Sam Greenwood Canada 15,000
Martin Jacobson Sweden 14,000
Stephen Chidwick United Kingdom 13,000
Jason Mercier United States 13,000

9:50pm: Embrace the scrap heapBlinds: Level 7 - 250/1,000 (50 ante)

The brutality of an EPT main event has recently accounted for: Artan Dedusha, Pierre Merlin, Fabrian Chauriye, Dinesh Alt, David Olshan, Igor Yaroshevskyy, Vladimir Troyanovskiy, Maxence Benoulha, Benoit Barral and Ryan Franklin. --HS

9:35pm: Hicks trips up BonomoBlinds: Level 7 - 250/1,000 (50 ante)

Kenny Hicks made the overall table here a few years back and isn't in any respect troubled by playing against the perfect. He's got a super-tough table draw today, with Martin Jacobson, Fabian Quoss, Sergey Lebedev and Justin Bonomo also considering. fact, there is a very strong chance the last table on this tournament won't be anywhere near as stacked as this one.

Hicks, though, is bossing it and he just won an intriguing pot against Bonomo. If you wish to play at the EPT, that is the type of thing it's important to get used to.

justin bonomo ept12 me grandfinal day1a.jpg

Justin Bonomo: Enough to show your hair pink

Hicks opened from the button, making it 1,050 to play and Bonomo defended his big blind sternly, raising to 4,200. Hicks called. That took the 2 players to the flop of 7♠4♥6♣ and Bonomo immediately led at it for 3,500.

If Hicks thought that meant strength, he didn't show it. Hicks raised to 9,200 and Bonomo called.

The A♠ fell at the turn and Bonomo checked to the raiser. Hicks continued. He bet 11,500. Bonomo wrestled back the initiative with a raise to 24,000 and now Hicks called.

The river brought the 6♠ and Bonomo checked. Hicks allowed a wry smile to damage across his face and he checked behind.

Bonomo opened J♥T♥ for...nothing. Hicks opened 8♠T♠ for a hand that had fluctuated in value rather a lot. It was a dominated ten high pre-flop; a gutshot at the flop; a gutshot and a flush draw at the turn; and a flush at the end.

Bonomo shook his head and reassembled his stack of about 39,000. Hicks has about 110,000 now. --HS

9:25pm: Back to itBlinds: Level 7 - 300/600 (50 ante)

The remaining players are back in action after their dinner, but a few of them could have longer to digest it than others. Anthony Zinno is among them: he was probably the most first players eliminated in Level 7, leaving us with 187. -- HS

8:10pm: Dinner break

Play pauses for a 75 minute dinner break. Play resumes in Level 7 at 9:25pm local time. 

7:50pm: Those we now have lovedBlinds: Level 6 - 200/400 (50 ante)

Mikhail Sokolovskiy, Pavel Plesuv, Ivica Blazevic, Patrick Clarke, Laurent Eynde, Bruno Volkmann, Willaim Foxen, Pedro Chaves, Hao Tian, Rudolf Zintel, Gianluca Speranza, Alexander Uskov and Fabrice Maltex have all departed the principle Event. -- MC

7:45pm: How do you prefer to deal with an all-in?Blinds: Level 6 - 200/400 (50 ante)

We all have our habits after we go all in. A few of us stare on the board, unflinching to any question. A few of us tease our opponent or goad them into calling or folding. For Hassan Fares it's about leaning your head at the table and hiding your face. Accordingly it worked very well. 

He was on this position after I arrived. The board had reached the turn, showing 9♦7♠9♣4♦.

Fares was all-in together with his head leaning at the fringe of the table. Beka Iordanishvili opposite had bet 6,000 and was now 23,500 more to name. Time was called. Now whatever he chose to do must be within 60 seconds. 

Iordanishvili let the clock run down, at which point Fares sat bolt upright again in relief. This ordeal had netted him a modest amount in exchange for what looked like a large number of stress. 

Iordanishvili asked him to turn. Fares gestured for him to turn first, which he did, folding two kings. A LARGE fold, which made Fares tap the table. He only showed one in return though. The J♠. - SB

7:42pm: Sayōnara NakaiBlinds: Level 6 - 200/400 (50 ante)

Kohei Nakai's tournament has come to and end after he lost a race to Michele Bianchi.

The player from Japan was right down to his last 5,200 when he made his move from first position. Bianchi only had 10,900 himself when he moved all-in from the following seat. All other players folded.

Nakai: Q♦J♥Bianchi: 9♦9♠

The board ran K♣6♣K♥T♥7♥ to overlook Nakai's hand. --MC

7:25pm: Charania happy to chopBlinds: Level 6 - 200/400 (50 ante)

Mohsin Charania and Marvin Rettenmaier chopped a pot on showdown however the former was the happier of the 2 because the latter was freerolling post flop.

They were within the blinds and called a center position raise. The flop fell A♦9♥6♦ and Rettenmaier led for 1,200 from the massive blind. The unique raiser folded but Charania check-called after which led himself, for 2,800, at the 5♠ turn. The board completed with the T♣ and both players checked after which laughed when their hands were revealed.

Charania: T♠8♥ - stack sits at 19,000Rettenmaier: T♦8♦ - stack sits at 26,000--MC

7pm: Chop? (No). Seat open? (Yes)Blinds: Level 6 - 200/400 (50 ante)

Nick Petrangelo was, well, tired when he took his seat more often than not Event this afternoon, so it was no surprise on busting that he declared he was going back to bed. 

When Roman Verenco opened to 800 from under the gun Petrangelo raised to 2,000 one seat along. Next to him was Bruno Morra, who called. "Did you spot my cards?" said Petrangelo, taking a look at Morra.

"Yes," said Morra, in hindsight not understanding a word of what Petrangelo was saying. 

Petrangelo thought this was a joke, or did for a couple of seconds. Then he checked out him again.

"Did you spot them?"

Morra muttered something, but didn't follow. 

"I feel such as you may need"... said Petrangelo, more to himself than anyone else. He then got stuck in to playing the hand. 

The flop came 6♣4♣7♠. Verenco and Petrangelo checked before Morra bet 3,700. Verenco then raised to 9,000. With considerable aplomb for a, well, tired man, Petrangelo announced he was all-in. 

Morra now quickly reconsidered his position and folded, but Verenco called. He wanted Petrangelo to turn first, but Petrangelo was in no hurry. 

"I have nothing yet..." he said with a grin, turning over K♣J♣. Verenco had flopped a suite with 7♥7♣.The turn came 4♥ and the river Q♦

"Chop?" said Petrangelo to the dealer. The dealer shook his head. "Seat open?" said Petrangelo to the dealer. The dealer nodded his head. 

And so the Petrangelo that shines twice as bright lasts half as long. Or for this reason a brief spell within the early evening. Buy boy it was more or less fun to watch. 

"I'm going back to bed," he said, before wishing everyone good luck. Then he walked away, his back pack wide open, despite warnings. Nobody said anything. -- SB

6:55pm: The opposite end of societyBlinds: Level 6 - 200/400 (50 ante)

For their to be big stacks there needs to be short stacks and no stacks.

Jean-Noel Thorel, for instance, is struggling away with a shorter stack. After an 800 raise and two calls, the Frenchman squeezed all-in for 11,750 from the massive blind. The large shove did the trick as all three opponents folded.

Then there's folks who would like to have Thorel's problems. Joao Simao, Maarten Janssen, Sharman Olshan, Vasily Kurdin, Dietrich Fast, Wei Lin, Richard Abboud, Ting He, Charlie Carrel, Geoffrey Mooney and Rainer Kempe. -- MC

6 200 400 50

6:40pm: Big stack watchBlinds: Level 5 - 150/300 (25 ante)

Anthony Spinella (120k), Roman Korenev (117k) and Steven van Zadelhoff (115k) are three of the larger stacks within the room at this time and the primary two won small pots recently.

Spinella was within the small blind and called a 700 hijack raise to look a 6♦8♠6♥ flop. He check-called 600 before both players checked the 7♠ turn. The board completed with the 6♠ and Spinella led for 2,500. Fold.

Korenev and Jinfeng Huo were within the blinds and made it to the river where the board rested as 7♦5♠8♣Q♦8♦. Huo check-called a 2,300 bet but folded when Korenev revealed K♦T♦ for a flush. -- MC

6:15pm: Fireworks on table JakaBlinds: Level 5 - 150/300 (25 ante)

Faraz Jaka said throughout the first level of the day that his table was stuffed with fireworks. He wasn't wrong.

He just opened a pot for 700 in middle position which Marti Aguilar raised to 3,000 from the button. Jaka came back immediately with the four bet, making it 8,100 to play. What would Aguilar do? He would five bet, 17,000 in total. At which point Jaka called. 

The flop came 6♥2♠4♠

Jaka checked and Aguilar went to his chips again, splashing in 16,000. Jaka was resolute also, and raised at once, making it 34,000 to play. Almost impulsively, Aguilar moved his chips forward. There has been some drama to the move, but then this was a dramatic moment. Jaka called without drama. 

Jaka: A♠5♠Aguilar: Q♥Q♠

The turn T♣ and river K♣

That sent the chips to Aguilar is could well have just seized the lead with 135,000. Jaka drops all the way down to 52,000. Fireworks indeed. - SB

6:11pm: No rest for the ballersBlinds: Level 5 - 150/300 (25 ante)

Sam Greenwood, Stephen Chidwick and Paul Newey have put the discontentment of busting the super high roller final table and jumped basically event. Well, we are saying disappointment but they can not be too sad at winning €301,820, €378750 and €485,300!

It's early days for them usually but their current stacks are:

Greenwood - 29,000Chidwick - 21,600Newey - 32,000--MC

5:52pm: These players won't be returningBlinds: Level 5 - 150/300 (25 ante)

The second 1/2 the day is underway but won't be featuring the faces of Osvaldo Venegas, Dominik Hainz, Bernd Vogelhuber, Alfie Adam, Mahyar Pakyar, Rafael Da Silva Moraes, Michel Bringuier, Aleksandr Denisov, Iaroslav Boiko, Ivan Zhechev and Steffan Sontheimer. --MC

5 150 300 25

5:30pm: Break time

That's the tip of level 4. Players at the moment are on a 20 minute break. 

5:20pm: "What the hell was that?" Or... "ElkY plays a hand"Blinds: Level 4 - 100/200 (25 ante)

You might need seen on Twitter that ElkY has a moustache. Not just that, but it surely could also be dyed peroxide blond to check his hair. It's an unusual look, mainly as it is purely visible in a undeniable light, like a hologram. But one senses that is exactly how ElkY wants it. He's been involved with several recent pots on his table, the newest had some action pre-flop. 

Tudor Purice opened for 550 after which Dejan Pustoslemsek raised to 1,350. ElkY was at the button, checked out his cards and 4 bet, making it 2,750 to play. Purice passed, but Pustoslemsek made the call. 


Apologies. I meant to mention that all of the hand was played out to a valid track of noises coming from one player on the table, who seemed physically incapable of containing the noises he makes. That was him stretching. 

The flop came 7♣6♠J♣. Pustoslemsek checked... 


... and ElkY bet 3,000. Pustoslemsek called. 

The turn came J♥


A check from Pustoslemsek after which from ElkY. They saw a river card land 7♦


Pustoslemsek bet 7,000 this time, putting the pressure on ElkY. 


ElkY let a minute go by before he folded, prompting Pustoslemsek to tap the table, suggesting it was an excellent decision. ElkY drops to 23,000 while Pustoslemsek moves as much as 25,000.

"OOOOOOOOrrrrrgghhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaay" - SB

5:05pm: Heizmann a contented manBlinds: Level 4 - 100/200 (25 ante)

Nothing better than the sensation of having out of jail with a triple up, just ask Stefan Heizmann.

He was right down to his last 3,375 and got them in on a 3♦9♦T♣ flop. Romain Lewis, who won the French poker reality show La Maison Du Bluff, and Christopher Frank were his opponents and created a 35,000 side pot in their own with Frank all-in.

Lewis: J♦T♦ for prime pair and flush draw.Frank: Q♣Q♦ for an over pair.Heinzmann: Q♥J♥ for an open-ended straight draw.

The board ran out 8♣2♥ to make Heinzmann a straight. Frank made profit with the chunky side pot and Lewis dropped to 12,900. -- MC

4:45pm: Chinese aces fail for OtoboBlinds: Level 4 - 100/200 (25 ante)

Ian Otobo had around 9,000 when he committed his stack preflop and he found a willing customer behind him within the shape of Giulio Mascolo.

Otobo: 8♣8♦Mascolo: J♠J♥

The board ran K♠T♦Q♠7♣2♠ and Otobo tapped the table and wished everyone luck before making his exit. -- MC

4:40pm: Three betting from the small blindBlinds: Level 4 - 100/200 (25 ante)

Steven van Zadelhoff is likely one of the leaders at the moment with around 100,000 chips. He stands proud from the group not only for his chip stack, not even for the bun on the top of his head and the beard and the ground of it, but for the claret and amber sports top he wears.In the 2 seats to his right are Mark Teltscher and Andrew Lichtenberger, either one of whom just played out a hand.

Lichtenberger, who's midway through a massage despite having arguably the most productive posture within the game (perhaps that's why?) opened from the cut off, betting 550 which Teltscher raised to 1,200 from the small blind. Lichtenberger called.The flop came J♣3♠Q♠. First to act, Teltscher bet 1,400. Lichtenberger called for the 7♦ at the turn. That went check check before the 6♠ at the river.Teltscher checked again, after which when Lichtenberger bet 5,000 he went through the correct waiting time before he folded.

"I suppose three bet bluffing out of position isn't an excellent idea," joked Teltscher as Lichtenberger stacked his chips. He's back as much as 32,000. - SB

4:30pm: Names with and without stacksBlinds: Level 4 - 100/200 25 (ante)

The tournament is solely over three levels old. Below you will see that some notable stacks and people who have busted.

Vicky Coren - 22,700Mohsin Charania - 28,800Marvin Rettenmaier - 24,000Justin Bonomo - 44,000Haralabos Voulgaris - 23,000Isaac Haxton - 41,000Anthony Zinno - 17,000Andrew Lichtenberger - 28,500Steven van Zadelhoff - 71,000Mike Watson - 26,500Fabian Quoss - 27,000

Gone but not forgotten: former champion here Steve O'Dwyer, Daniel Pidun, Oleksii Kovalchuk, Boyuan Qu, Dan Shak, Sylvain Naets, Nicola Grieco, Vlad Lache and Thomas Muehloecker. -- MC

4 100 200 25

4:10pm: Tournier takes on ZinnoBlinds: Level 3 - 75/150

Some tables are more weighted than others. Like that featuring Isaac Haxton, Haralabos Voulgaris, and Anthony Zinno.

It also features Ivan Zhechev, Jerome Arnould and Laurie Tournier who took part in a hand a couple of moments ago. It started with an under the gun bet from Zhechev. Two seats along Arnould raised to 1,300 which Zinno called at the side of Tournier within the small blind. Zhechev paid up too for a flop. 


Torunier checked, as did Zhechev. Arnould then bet 2,000 which Zinno called. Tournier did the similar while Zhechev, who started all this, got out in their way. 

The turn came Q♠

Action was checked to Zinno whose bet of 6,000 looked the sort that will be enough to win what was within the middle. Tournier didn't think so. After pausing for a couple of moments she raised, putting 14,000 into the center. Arnould passes. Zinno passed. Tournier as much as 40,000. - SB

4:05pm: More tales from table 25Blinds: Level 3 - 75/150

Any table with Charlie Carrel, Martin Jacobson and Jake Cody sat at this can be a good one to observe. Carrel tangled with Ramiro Cardoso Araujo after which Jacobson and Cody faced off.

Araujo checked a J♥3♣4♣ flop over to Carrel who bet 1,500, after which raised him to 3,500. Carrel took in a large breath, checked out his opponent's stack after which three-bet to 10,000.

"I'm ready; you prepared"? asked Carrel. "Don't slow roll me in case you have pocket jacks!"

"Impossible," came the answer from the Brazilian before he folded.

"Phew!" said Carrel who rose to 36,000.

The very next hand, Ilkka Nuotio opened to 500 from the hijack before Jacobson three-bet to 1,600 off the button. Cody called from the small blind and Nuotio called too. The flop fanned 2♠7♥4♥ and Jacobson continued for 3,000. Cody was the one caller and the 2 heroes went directly to check the 9♥2♦ turn and river down. Cody opened K♣K♠ and Jacobson mucked to drop to 28,400. Cody's passed 70k now. -- MC

3:40pm: Carrel and Cody face offBlinds: Level 3 - 75/150

A little bit of backward and forward in a hand between Charlie Carrel and Team Pro Jake Cody. 

Carrel opened from middle position for 500. Two seats along within the bring to a halt was Cody, who raised to 1,500. Carrel, putting on his metallic blue sunglasses, made the call. 

The saw the flop: 2♦9♥A♥

Carrel was first to behave and checked to Cody who bet 1,300. Then it was Carrel's turn to send a message. He raised to 3,000, which Cody then called. 

The turn came 9♦. Carrel tossed in a blue chip worth 5,000. Again, Cody called. 

Now the river card 5♠. Carrel now checked and when Cody bet 6,500 Carrel removed glasses. He stared back on the Team Pro, him as if the solution to this little problem was written underneath Cody's chin. If it was he couldn't see it. He passed. 

Carrel right down to 39,000 while Cody is as much as 65,000. - SB

3:25pm: How long do we must wait to search out a three-time champion?Blinds: Level 3 - 100/200

For a few years at the European Poker Tour there has been a running joke/story in regards to the look forward to a double champion. It was a monkey at the back of the tour and each time a former champion made a last table, the dust can be blown off the tale and the words republished. Almost 100 EPTs passed before Vicky Coren finally put an end to it by claiming her second title at EPT10 San Remo.

Coren doesn't play as much to any extent further because she started a family but it's great to peer her back within the field today. I AM HOPING she goes and wins it because we've to get this three-time champion monkey off our back! -- MC

3:05pm: If it's adequate for Ronaldo....Blinds: Level 3 - 100/200

Those who've followed Ronaldo out early doors are: former Grand Final champion Ivan Freitez, Serge Candin, Adnan Chamaa, Huy Pham, Leonardo Cucchiarini, Aleh Yurkin, Liwei Sun, Dong Zhao, Peyman Luth and Vlado Banicevic. --MC

2 100 200

2:38pm: Break timeThe players are on their first 20-minute break of the day.

2:29pm: News in briefBlinds: Level 2 - 75/150

- Rasmus Agerskov has suffered the similar fate as Ronaldo - an early exit. In line with his former tablemate, Steven van Zadelhoff, he turned a hand right into a bluff and it didn't determine well for him.- Table 3 isn't a spot you ought to be, as once you pay your fee, you will find Haralabos Voulgaris, Isaac Haxton and Anthony Zinno sitting next to every other, happy as can be.- Mohsin Charania's table is the nearest one to the feature table within the room, a spot he's used to being. The yank pro spent a large number of time there back in Season 8 on his solution to technique to the best moment in his poker career -- a €1.35million score for winning the Grand final that year. He just lost s small pot in a battle of the blinds. He checked his option after Patricio Rojas Parra limped in, after which called a 200 bet at the flop before the remainder of the board was checked down. It read A♦T♦8♠6♦2♥ and Parra's 3♦3♥ was good. --MC

2:20pm: About those qualifiers...Blinds: Level 2 - 75/150

A little additional info at the selection of qualifiers here. Of the 302 who won packages 121 of them wat their seats via the Spin & Go promotion on PokerStars which began last month. 

Our post on the numbers is worth trying out to place it in perspective, but listed here are a number of the figures to compliment it:

€1,089,000 worth of package were won.There were a complete of 205,982 spins.That's 6,437 spins per day.Or 282 spins per hour.Which ended in 3.8 packages won on a daily basis for a complete of 121 Spin and go winners. 

To put it in a different way they represent 37% of the field. 

1:50pm: Do not be Quoss, Hainz, it is only a gameBlinds: Level 2 - 75/150

Just because a player is out of your country, don't expect them to move easy on you. Dominik Hainz is finding that out concerning the ultra-competitive Fabian Quoss.

Hainz shook his head on showdown when Quoss unfolded Q♣5♣ - a hand he defended his big blind with - which was good for second pair and the pot. Hainz tried a special tactic two hands later but Quoss still got the simpler of him.

He limped under the gun before Andras Kovacs raised to 475 from the cutoff. Quoss called at the button, as did the small blind, before Hainz raised to 2,000. Only Quoss called and the 2 players went directly to check down the Q♥K♦7♠A♦5♥ board. Hainz spread out 8♠8♣ but Quoss took the pot with Q♦9♦ to transport as much as 29,000. --MC

1:30pm: A BRAND NEW arrivalBlinds: Level 2 - 75/150

"How are you?" said the dealer to a player arriving to take his seat because the level changed. "I.D.?" he asked."No, how are you?""Oh," replied the player. "Poor English. I'm fine."This got everyone laughing. "Poor English, poor French." "Poor poker?" asked Govert Metaal. 

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1:08pm: Brazil legend knocked out in group stagesBlinds: Level 1 - 50/100

Busting Day 1 of an EPT is like going out of the sector Cup within the group stages. That never happens to Brazil but, unfortunately for Ronaldo, that has happened to him. Hopefully we'll see him play more events this week. -- MC

12:55pm: Some more facesBlinds: Level 1 - 50/100

Lots more players have taken their seats and a few other faces spotted include: John Gale, Fabian Quoss, Charlie Carrel (two along from Jake Cody), Vladimir Troyanovskiy, Rasmus Agerskov, Antoine Saout, Isaac Haxton, Sergey Lebedev, Justin Bonomo and Mohsin Charania. --MC

12:45pm: Introducing Mahyar Pakyar - one of the most 300Blinds: Level 1 - 50/100

There's a legend in these parts. It tells of a military 300 strong, who're here in these very halls but that you cannot see. They walk among you but wear no distinguishing identification. They're known simply because the 300 satellite winners, and their time is now. 

We just met one in all them.

Mahyar Pakyar is from London. His story may appear like a well-known one. 

As his brother Kamyar explained, the 2 of them decided to fill in some free time one night by playing some online poker. They bought in for his or her usual games but decided to ramp things up slightly with some "what the hell" Spin & Gos. Next minute the screen was flashing and Mahyar had won. They did not even know what they'd won to start with before discovering it was a package to the EPT Grand Final worth €9,000.

Now Mahyar plays his first EPT Main Event, two seats along from Faraz Jaka, along with his brother watching from a couple of feet away. What's more he just won a primary pot, creating a flush to spice up his stack by about 5K. A PRIMARY pot can go far to settling any pre-match nerves. Pakyar is simply getting started. - SB

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12:43pm: Ronaldo's within the house!Blinds: Level 1 - 50/100

Team PokerStars SportsStar Ronaldo has taken his seat but has gotten off to bad start unfortunately.

ronaldo ept12 monaco day1a.jpg

Ronaldo, during his brief stay

The "original" Ronaldo and Kyosti Isberg battled in a pot where top pair was no good for the football legend. Ronaldo bet the turn after which bet 5,000 at the river of a Q♠T♥K♣9♥5♠ board. Isberg raised to 10,000 and Ronaldo flicked in a handy guide a rough call. Isberg opened A♣J♣ for the nuts and Ronaldo told him he nearly as good and showed J♠J♥. He dropped right down to 11,000. -- MC

12:25pm: Players, taxis and short-handed playBlinds: Level 1 - 50/100

The clock says 149 players have taken their seats up to now and, for the reason that main tournament room is a tight size with many tables, those players are spread fairly thin for now - most tables only have four-five players (at most) sat down. That'll soon change though as players get their seat assignments and join the party.

You do not make a fortune is business by being late so it comes as no surprise to look Dan Shak and Govert Metaal of their seats on time. Others players we've noticed include: Artem Metalidi, Steven van Zadelhoff and Jake Cody. The Team PokerStars Pro is lucky to be here as he was knocked over by a taxi two nights ago. Don't worry, he's okay with the exception of a swollen leg and also you should see taxi! -- MC

12:05pm: Good start for Faraz JakaBlinds: Level 1 - 50/100

A first pot for Faraz Jaka. It kind of feels innocuous until it reached the river, with the five cards at the board dealt ace to 5 to make a wheel. Jaka bet it, some 7,000-plus. Maarten Jenssen needed to ask himself whether he thought Jaka can make it any better. Ultimately he decided that he could, and passed.

"Gonna be a fun day today," said Jaka as he stacked up his chips. - SB

11:15am: Prepare for the principle Event with a couple of stuff you may not have known about EPT winners

With the beginning of the principle Event just 45 minutes away take a look at our take a look at some facts and figures that you just won't have known concerning the 110 EPT winners.

11am: The principle Event set to begin

After four days of the EPT12 Grand Final festival we now have reached the hole day of the primary Event. if the queues outside the tournament room this week are any indicator we will be able to expect a large field over the following two days. In addition to professional and EPT regulars are greater than 300 Spin and Go qualifiers making their technique to the Salle des Etoile for what's going to be a melting pot of poker. Whatever happens it is going to be a compelling week of poker. 

It all starts today at 12 noon when the primary Day 1 flight gets started. We'll have live updates at the PokerStars Blog during the end of play at around midnight tonight. Furthermore it isn't the one event from which we'll be reporting today. The Super High Roller reached its final table last which plays out today on EPT Live. Play starts there at 1pm with EPT Live's coverage shown on a one hour delay from 2pm. Of course, we'll have live updates here to compliment it. -- SB

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Take a glance on the official website of the EPT, with tournament schedule, news, results and accommodation details for the remainder of the season.

Also the entire schedule information is at the EPT App, that's available on both Android or IOS.

PokerStars Blog reporting team at the EPT12 Grand Final Super High Roller Stephen Bartley, Marc Convey and Howard Swains. Photography by Neil Stoddart. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter: @PokerStarsBlog

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