Monday, December 28, 2015

UKIPT5 Edinburgh Final Day: Level 27 - 28 updates (40,000/80,000 ante 10,000)

You want chip counts? We've got chip counts and you'll find them here.

7pm: David Gomez wins UKIPT Edinburgh after an amazing three-way all in

David Gomez - winner!

The UKIPT Edinburgh Main Event has come to an end in spectacular style after a three-way all in handed the title and £49,660 to Spaniard Daniel Gomez.

He opened to 180,000 from the button before Angelina Rich three-bet to 500,000. Ben Burnhill then snap shoved all for fewer than 1.4 million and the action wasn't done there. Gomez moved in behind and Rich called all in for 2.45 million!

Rich: [ad][kd]
Burnhill: [jc][js]
Gomez: [ks][kc]

There was obviously something big going on and the rail was soon filled with spectators, many saying they'd never seen anything like it before.

The board ran [7d][th][tc][8d][2c] to confirm Gomez as a worthy champion. Rich took second - by virtue of having the bigger stack - for £31,490 and Burnhill takes home £22,760 for coming third.

Angelica Rich (2nd) & Ben Burnhill (3rd)

That's all from Edinburgh and all from the UKIPT for 2015. Stay tuned into the blog for a full wrap of today's events. -- MC

6:40pm: Even more for Gomez
A fortunate river has seen David Gomez further extend his chip lead...

He limped from the small blind, Angelina Rich raised to 260,000 and after some thought Gomez called. On the [Ks][5d][3s] flop Gomez checked, Rich bet 250,000 and Gomez called. The [6d] turn checked through as did the [4s] river. Rich showed [Ts][Tc] but Gomez had got there with [Ah][2c] for a straight.

Rich is down to 2,000,000 whilst Gomez is up to 5,800,000. --NW

6:30pm: Gomez extends his chip lead
There's no stopping David Gomez who has extended his chip lead after winning a big pot against Ben Burnhill.

It all started so innocently as well with Burnhill completing from the small blind and then calling after Gomez raised to 205,000 from the big blind.

On the [6c][Ah][9c] flop Burnhill elected to lead, he made it 325,000 to go and Gomez smooth called. The [5h] rolled off on the turn and Burnhill continued for another 600,000. Call from Gomez. There was now over 2,300,000 in the pot and Burnhill had just 1,500,000 back as the [Qc] arrived on the river.

Both players checked with Gomez showing [Qd][9s] for two pair which was ahead of Burnhill's [Qs][Ts]. He's up to 5,500,000 now, Burnhill has 1,500,000 and Rich roughly 2,300,000. --NW

LEVEL UP: BLINDS 40,000/80,000, ante 10,000

6:20pm: Burnhill can't win with top set
Angelina Rich got chips back after she cracked Ben Burnhill's top set. He dropped to 2.85 million while she's up to 2.35 million.
Burnhill opened to 120,000 off the button and Rich peeled from the big blind to see a [jc][6h][9c] flop. The action was checked to the [7h] turn where Rich led out for 165,000 and then called when raised up to 400,000. The board completed with the [8d] and both players checked.

Burnhill opened [jh][jd] for top set but Rich opened [4h][5h] for a straight. -- MC

6:05pm: Alex Lynskey eliminated in fourth place (£18,410)

Alex Lynskey (right) - 4th place

When two premium hands collide deep into a tournament the hand usually plays itself and you've just got to hope you're on the right side of the cooler. Unfortunately for Alex Lynskey today was not that day for him.

Ben Burnhill opened for 125,000, David Gomez flat called and he then three-bet shoved for roughly 1,650,000 with [Ah][Qc], Burnhill reshoved with [Js][Jd] and Gomez got out of the way.

When the rail were informed of the situation Alex Ferguson shouted: "Hold Firaldo, hold," and indeed Burnhill does have a passing resemblance to Niall Farrell, the man who won EPT12 Malta last month.

The [4s][Jc][5s] flop all but ended Lynskey's hopes and he was drawing dead after the [As] turn, rendering the [7h] river meaningless. He now takes up a watching brief as he tries to rail his girlfriend to victory here in Edinburgh. --NW

5:55pm: David Gomez doubles through Angelina Rich
"What a call," said Rapinder Cheema at the end of this hand. The UKIPT5 London champion has made the final table of the pot-limit Omaha side event, which is taking place next to the Main Event final table, and so he had a front row seat for this huge pot.

It started with Angelina Rich raising to 120,000 from the button and she picked up calls from Ben Burnhill (small blind) and David Gomez (big blind).

On the [7s][Qd][9d] flop she lef for 175,000 and only Gomez called. The [2c] fell on the turn, Gomez checked, Rich bet 315,000 and Gomez called. The [Ah] completed the board and after Gomez checked, Rich moved all-in. She was the covering stack and her bet was for an effective 1,370,000.

Gomez went deep into the tank, he stared mostly at the board and played with his lower lip whilst he mulled over the decision. After around four to five minutes he announced call, Rich showed [Jc][Th] for an open ended straight draw that had missed, Gomez opened [Qc][Td] for a cracking call with second pair.

He's up to 4,080,000 after that hand and has the chip lead, whilst Rich drops to 1,650,000. "I didn't think she was bluffing," said Alex Lynskey to Gomez after the hand. "I thought she had it. I thought for sure she had the ace there." --NW

5:50pm: Dean Hutchison eliminated in fifth place (£14,570)

Hutchison (left) 4th place

There was the chance of two firsts on the UKIPT today. Dean Hutchison was aiming to become the first player retain a tour stop title and Angelina Rich would become the first ever female champion should she win. The first can't happen now and the second has become very likely after Rich got lucky to take out Hutchison.

Hutchison opened to 125,000 from under the gun and was called by Ben Burnhill before Rich squeezed to 400,000. Hutchison shoved for just over a million and Rich called after Burnhill folded.

Rich: [ac][qd]
Hutchison: [qh][qc]

The board ran [td][4h][as][kd][4d] to see Rich hit her three-outer and moves up to around 3.9 million. -- MC

5:30pm: The rich get richer
Angelina Rich has taken the chip lead after winning a three-way pot...

She opened to 120,000 from the cut off and picked up calls from Ben Burnhill (small blind) and David Gomez (big blind). On the [2h][Ad][4d] flop she bet 165,000 and both opponents called, with Gomez taking longer than Burnhill to do so.

The turn was the [4s] and Rich fired again - this time 350,000 was the size of the bet - and that got rid of both Burnhill and Gomez. After that hand she's up to 2,500,000, Burnhill is down to 2,200,000 and Gomez drops to 1,700,000. --NW

5:25pm: Hutchison shoves
After a raise to 120,000 from David Gomez and a flat call from Alex Lynskey, Dean Hutchison moved all-in for 925,000 total. That soon shook off Gomez, but Lynskey wanted a count and he tanked hard before folding his hand. --NW

5:20pm: Play resumes

5:10pm: Unscheduled break
There players on a short, unscheduled break.

5pm: Chip counts of the final five
The final five players are back in their seats and this is how they stack up. Ben Burnhill leads the way with a stack of over 3,000,000. Dean Hutchison is the short stack and with a stack of just over 15 big blinds the defending champion is going to have get busy sooner rather than later.


Ben Burnhill is top of the pile

Ben BurnhillUnited KingdomPokerStars Qualifier3,050,000
David GomezSpainPokerStars Qualifier2,075,000
Angelina RichUSAPokerStars Qualifier1,650,000
Alex LynskeyAustraliaPokerStars Qualifier1,495,000
Dean HutchisonUnited KingdomPokerStars Player1,085,000

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PokerStars Blog Reporting Team at UKIPT5 Edinburgh: Marc Convey and Nick Wright. Photos by Mickey May

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