Sunday, December 27, 2015

Eureka5 Prague: A weird one going into the final level


Maximos Pertsinidis: Involved in a peculiar hand

It's getting late at Eureka Prague and there are some weird hands being played. This one was fascinating, played out between Dietrich Fast, Francis-Nicolas Bouchard and Maximos Pertsinidis; a German, Canadian, Greek tussle that took some unpicking even when we had all the details.

Pertsinidis got it all started, raising to 32,000 from under the gun. Fast, one seat to his left, called and it moved around the Bouchard in the big blind. He called too. Pertsinidis had the biggest stack; Fast is comfortable; but Bouchard was pretty short.

The flop came [8s][qs][kh] and all three players checked. It seemed to be fizzling out. This theory earned more weight when they also all checked the [ts] turn, slowly, deliberately as if they were each trying to convince the other to bet.

The [6c] seemed like a pretty innocuous river card, but that's when the weirdness really started. Bouchard bet 48,000 and, after a short time in the tank, Pertsinidis called.

Fast saw all this and seemed to think it was time to make a move. He took a little while to ponder his move, but ended up raising to 180,000.


Dietrich Fast: Raising the river

When it came back round to Bouchard, he put only one chip forward, which confused some folk at the table, as well as the reporters gathered table-side. It was, of course, a call, but the dealer had to encourage him to put the full amount in so that Pertsinidis could then ponder his decision.

Bouchard's call seemed odd not just for its manner, however. He only had about 150,000 more chips behind, so had committed more than half of his stack. Pertsinidis was right to be confused.

The Greek player went deep into the tank and, after a while, Fast called the clock. The TD wandered over and counted down his minute, at the end of which Pertsinidis still hadn't made up his mind. That went as a fold, but just as the dealer was pulling in his cards, Pertsinidis wanted to show them.

He flipped over [as][ah].

He was right to let them go, though, because he was actually third best. Fast showed [6d][6h] for a rivered set of sixes. But Bouchard had been hoping for a triple up. He had turned the nut straight with his [ac][jd].

Three big hands, but no elimination.

They have now entered the last level of the night.

German language coverage is on All the schedule information is on the EPT App, which is available on both Android or IOS.

The Eureka coverage is all handily organized on the Eureka Prague page.

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