Monday, December 28, 2015

ESPT6 Barcelona: Level 23-26 updates

Click here to continue with Level 27 updates.

4:26 p.m.: Break time

Players have reached the second 20-minute break of the day. There are 37 left.

4:12 p.m.: Garcia, Lopez, Selles lead final 40

They are now down to 40 players in the Estrellas Barcelona Main Event, gathered around five tables in the far corner of the main poker room, a great contrast to the earlier days of the event when every one of the hundred-plus tables in the spacious playing area were filled.

Jose Carlos Garcia of Poland continues to lead everyone today, currently sitting with just about 8 million or close to three times the average at the moment.

Meanwhile Argentina's Mario Lopez has been steadily accumulating as well, and is now up to 7.25 million, with Daniel Selles of Spain in third position with about 5.9 million.

4:04 p.m.: Anapolska doubles up

Antonina Anapolska just earned a timely double-up through Benjamin Garcia to remain among the final 42 players.

All in for her last 560,000 with [Ah][Kd] versus Garcia's [7s][7d], the board ran out [Qd][Td][2s][Jd][9c], adding up to a straight for Anapolska who now has about 1.2 million.

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Antonina Anapolska

3:51 p.m.: Sabic sunk

Online high-stakes pro Sebastien "Seb86" Sabic battled with a short stack for much of the first three-plus levels today, but has finally seen his ESPT Barcelona run end in 43rd after committing the last of his 400,000 or so against Dermot Blain.

Sabic had [Ad][Jd] and Blain [5d][5h]. The flop came [4d][6s][5s] to give Blain a set, then the [2d] turn kept Sabic's hopes alive for a pot-splitting straight. The river was the [8c], however, and Sabic is out. Blain meanwhile is now up to about 1.8 million.

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Sebastien Sabic

3:25 p.m.: Level 26 begins

The blinds are now 25,000/50,000 with a 5,000 ante. 45 players remain.

3:15 p.m.: Krumhard KO'd by Sanchez

Joe Konrad Krumhard open-raised all in for his last 210,000 from under the gun, and it folded to Albert Mykhaylyuta who called the push. Then Eduard Sanchez, sitting to Mykhaylyuta's left, reraised to 575,000.

It folded around and Mykhaylyuta engaged Sanchez in some conversation for a short while before giving up his hand.

Sanchez turned over [Ah][Ks] and Krumhard [9h][9s]. The flop came [2s][As][5c] to put Sanchez in front, then after the [3c] turn and [Kd] river he claimed the pot to send Krumhard to the rail.

3:08 p.m.: Puccini sent out by Sennhauser

Simon Peter Sennhauser opened from the button, and after Mario Puccini reraise-shoved his short stack from the small blind, Sennhauser called.

It was [Ah][Qh] for Puccini and [Ac][Jh] for Sennhauser. The [4d][8d][Jd] flop hit Sennhauser's hand, and after the [2h] turn and [5h] river, Puccini was eliminated.

There are 48 players remaining.

2:54 p.m.: Garcia's stack grows further

The Jose Carlos Garcia express keeps rolling, that small hit to his stack a little earlier versus Carmelo Romeo hardly slowing him down.

A hand just arose that saw Jonn Forst -- sporting a big stack himself -- open from the button, Garcia reraise from the small blind, then Joel Wikstrom shove all in a short stack from the big blind. Forst called the push, but when Garcia reraised all in, Forst stepped aside.

Garcia showed [Ac][Qh] and had the edge versus Wikstrom's [Ah][Jh]. The community cards came [Ad][3h][Tc][6c][3s], and Wikstrom was eliminated.

Garcia stacked up his chips, looking up to say "8.1" after he did -- i.e., 8.1 million, a few million clear of the chase pack now with 53 players remaining.

2:41 p.m.: Novikova no more

After surviving with her below average stack for the first part of Day 3, Liliya Novikova of Team PokerStars Pro Online finally lost the last of her chips as the field shrinks down toward the 50-player mark.

2:36 p.m.: Romeo doubles through leader Garcia

The table folded around to Carmelo Romeo in the small blind who open-pushed his stack of about 435,000. Chip leader Jose Carlos Garcia snap-called from the big blind, and when he tabled his [Qh][Qd], Romeo said "unbelievable" as he turned over [Ts][Td].

Romeo leaned forward to watch the flop, and when a ten appeared in the window -- the cards coming [Th][6d][9h] -- he crouched a little, his posture non-verbally communicating one word -- "hold." Hold his set did, as the turn was the [5d] and river the [3s], and Romeo keeps his seat although is still below the average.

Garcia, meanwhile, remains in front with 64 players left, with a stack of 5.6 million.

2:25 p.m.: Level 25 begins

The blinds are now 20,000/40,000 with a 5,000 ante.

2:04 p.m.: Break time

They've reached the first break of the day, with 67 players left. Start-of-day leader Jose Carlos Garcia continues to be the frontrunner, having now built his stack up around 5.8 million.

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Jose Carlos Garcia

1:43 p.m.: Marti Roca de Torres taken out

Fernando Heredia of Spain ended Day 1A of this event as the chip leader, and he's still alive and continuing to thrive here on Day 3.

Just now Heredia was in a preflop all-in situation versus his fellow countryman, Marti Roca de Torres, with the latter all in for his last 276,000 with [Ad][Ks] versus Heredia's [8h][8d]. The board came [Th][6s][7h], then [3h], then [Ah], that river card pairing de Torres but making a flush for Heredia.

Heredia came around the table to give de Torres a hug, and de Torres departed. The field has now already shrunk below 70 players.

1:19 p.m.: Akkari cut down

The last Team PokerStars Pro has been eliminated, as Andre Akkari was just cut down in a three-way hand.

After pushing his short stack of 275,000 all in from middle position with [7h][5d], Akkari watched two players push all in behind him -- one holding [Ah][Kd] and another [Ad][Qc]. The board ran out [3c][4c][2c][Jd][Tc] to give the latter a flush, good enough for two eliminations including Akkari.

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Andre Akkari

1:11 p.m.: Montgomery moves on, Selles soaring

2008 November Niner Scott Montgomery is out, his [6s][4s] failing him versus Daniel Selles's [9s][7s] on a board of [7d][Jd][As][8s][Ts]. As the Canadian moves over to the cashier's desk, the Spaniard Selles is now up over 3 million.

1:05 p.m.: Level 24 begins

The blinds go up to 15,000/30,000 and the ante is now 4,000. Fourteen players fell during the day's first level, meaning 84 remain.

12:51 p.m.: River saves Novikova

We watched Liliya Novikova of Team PokerStars Pro Online turn down an invitation to commit most of her stack versus a shorter stack's all in after much consideration. Just now she decided it was time to commit after putting herself at risk with [Tc][Ts] versus Farid Chati's [Ah][Qs].

The [Jh][Qh][As] flop was bad news for Novikova, giving Chati two pair and the lead, and after the [6h] turn she was one card away from elimination. Then came the river... the [Kd]! Novikova had made Broadway, and she survives with a stack of about 725,000. Chati now has about the same stack as well.

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Liliya Novikova

12:42 p.m.: Koorits survives

After a Jude Ainsworth opening raise, Kaido Koorits of Estonia reraised all in behind for about 350,000, then Mark Kelsall came over the top of that with a shove, forcing folds back around. Ainsworth stepped aside as well.

Koorits tabled [3s][3d] while Kelsall had [Qc][Qs]. Koorits needed help, and the community cards brought it by coming [2h][5h][4c][Ah][9h] to give Koorits a wheel and survival.

12:35 p.m.: Novara among early eliminations

The field has shrunk below 90 players now as there have been several eliminations during the day's first orbits. Delfino Novara was the latest to lose his short stack after his [9d][5s] failed to catch up to Patrice Brandt's [Ah][6c] on a [Qs][8c][Ac][4h][8h] board.

12:29 p.m.: Knockouts left and right

Following Mondolini to the rail were Igor Kunitskiy, Kenneth Hicks, and Jan Dentler as the eliminations are coming rapidly to start the day.

12:19 p.m.: Mondoloni meets end

PokerStars qualifier Florent Mondoloni started today as one of the short stacks with just 260,000, and soon after play began he had all of those chips in the middle versus Ivan Arbatskii.

Alas for Mondoloni, his [As][Jh] needed improvement against Arbatskii's [Ac][Qc]. The flop and turn came [4s][Tc][Th][4c], setting up a possible chop, but the [Qs] fell on fifth street to give Arbatskii the better hand and end Mondoloni's tournament run.

12:05 p.m.: Shuffle up and deal

The 98 remaining players have taken their seats over on the side of the main poker room, and play is underway. Jose Carlos Garcia begins with the chip lead (3.752 million), with Nikolay Fal (3.302 million), Jonn Forst (3.08 million), and Mario Lopez (2.455 million) his nearest challengers to start the day.


Day 3 begins

Key ESPT Barcelona Main Event Facts:
- The tournament is scheduled to play down to an eight-handed final table today
- 3,292 players entered the event (a record), with the total prize pool €3,193,240
- Click here for a full list of chip counts among the 98 players starting Day 3
- Click here for ESPT Barcelona prize pool and payouts

To get all the latest news, chip counts and payouts from EPT12 Barcelona, don't forget to download the EPT App on both Android or IOS.

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Martin Harris is Freelance Contributor to the PokerStars Blog.

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