Wednesday, May 20, 2015

SCOOP 2015: moncton27 fights back to win Event #13-L ($27 Seven-Card Stud)

A game for the old, and the new, Seven-Card Stud is a classic poker variant of skill and psychology. It's a tournament format that many players rarely get the chance to play, especially in fields of the size of the Spring Championship of Poker. So it was no surprise to see another big turnout for Event #13-L of the 2015 SCOOP schedule.

The event was a $27 Seven-Card Stud Event with the field of 1,234 players topped by Canada's moncton27 who fought back from the short-handed short stack to claim the SCOOP title and $5,453.94 in prize money. Not bad for a $27 investment!

Team PokerStars representatives Jaime Staples, Roy Bhasin and Naoya Kihara were in the mix in this event but they were early casualties. Only 160 players would finish in the money with Aussie James "Andy McLEOD" Obst a notable bubble finish in 162nd place, fresh of the back of his SCOOP victory in Event #10-H. When Russia's sergo615 was the pure bubble in 161st place, the remaining players had locked up $42.71.

As the field dropped away there was one red spade still in contention with George Danzer making a deep run. Danzer was all in several times as the short stack with two tables remaining but with a couple of double ups, the reigning WSOP Player of the Year looked set to reach the final table.

However a big clash with former TCOOP winner rtspurs would see Danzer all in on sixth street holding a pair of queens. That was ahead of the straight and flush draw combo of rtspurs, but the river brought a fifth club for rtspurs to eliminate Danzer in 11th place for $248.71.


After nine hours of play, it would be TIETYMM who fell on the final table bubble when Stunnaf00 made a full house with sevens full of kings. TIETYMM was out in ninth place to see our final table of eight as follows:


Final Table Line Up
Seat 1: bexclb2015 (83,164 in chips)
Seat 2: Stunnaf00 (1,424,656 in chips)
Seat 3: Jeppe M (1,869,824 in chips)
Seat 4: DenStar1 (346,256 in chips)
Seat 5: moncton27 (414,022 in chips)
Seat 6: rtspurs (897,533 in chips)
Seat 7: SonKaa (831,071 in chips)
Seat 8: celloman91 (303,474 in chips)

Jeppe M and Stunnaf00 would carry the big stacks into the final table and it would be the short-stacked bexclb2015 first to depart on just the third hand of the final table.

bexclb2015 was all in on third street with the board running out 6♥5♣3♣9♠A♠4♥J♠ for nothing but ace-high. SonKaa couldn't find a measly pair either but the board of A♦7♠2♦Q♣K♥T♦9♦ for ace-king high was enough to take it down. bexclb2015 picked up $302.94 for eighth place.

celloman91 found a double up next hand with a pair of kings enough against rtspurs' pair of sevens, but a short time later rtspurs extracted revenge.

A raising war between the two would see celloman91 all in on third street and finishing with a board of T♥J♠9♥K♠3♦5♣9♣ for a pair of nines. rtspurs started with the same pair but improved on 9♦9♠8♠4♦T♦T♠T♣ for a full house with tens full of nines. That left celloman91 to collect $605.89 for seventh place.

rtspurs would also be responsible for the next elimination as SonKaa would fall in sixth place. After four players limped in on third street, betting was capped on fourth before SonKaa's last chips were all in on fifth street. rtspurs made the call and couldn't improve on queens in the hole with a board of Q♠Q♦5♦4♥8♥J♦2♦, but that would be enough as SonKaa also couldn't improve on 6♠9♦6♦4♣T♠K♥8♠ for just a pair of sixes. SonKaa took home $908.84 for sixth place.

DenStar1 couldn't get anything going on the final table but had climbed a few pay jumps. DenStar1 was very short and all in on third street against Jeppe M with DenStar1 ending up with two pair on a board of A♠7♣Q♦2♠J♣Q♥2♦. That was looking a chance for a double but Jeppe M showed 6♣5♥K♣A♣2♣3♣7♦ for the nut flush to take it down. A nice tournament for DenStar1 who took home a four-figure return of $1,514.73 for fifth place.

With four players left rtspurs was well in front with moncton27 under pressure as the short stack but that changed around when moncton27 caught two pair with tens and fives to get past Stunnaf00's pair of jacks.

Stunnaf00 was bumped to the short stack before a huge three-way pot would be Stunnaf00's last hand. Action was capped three ways on third street, with a bet on fourth before Stunnaf00 was all in among the raising on fifth street. rtspurs and Jeppe M continued betting into the side pot before Jeppe M finally gave it up on the river. Stunnaf00 revealed K♠K♥9♠J♥T♣3♣T♠ for kings and tens, but rtspurs tabled A♣Q♥Q♣7♦A♦7♣4♣ for aces and queens for a better two pair. rtspurs raked in the two million chip pot as Stunnaf00 received $2,120.62 for fourth place.

rtspurs picked up another couple of hefty pots to extend the advantage to over three-quarters of the chips in play three-handed, however the two shorties in moncton27 and Jeppe M were able to chip away to close the deficit.

When Jeppe M made the nut flush against rtspurs in an inflated pot thanks to a paired board on fourth, we had ourselves a new chip leader.

That was followed by another big clash between the two. Jeppe M made trips eights and rtspurs made a crying river call before mucking in a pot that left rtspurs in trouble.

A few moments later, the three players would all see seven cards in a huge pot that left rtspurs on the rail. rtspurs was the aggressor the whole way with betting capped on third, and bets on all streets before rtspurs was all in on the river. Jeppe M called it down as moncton27 gave it up on seventh. rtspurs started with jacks in the hole and improved to two pair on a J♥J♠3♦4♣4♥7♥6♠ board but Jeppe M rivered a better two pair with a board of 5♣A♣3♣5♠K♥Q♦K♣ for kings and fives. rtspurs was left to collect $3,029.47 for third place.

Heads-up Chip Counts
Seat 3: Jeppe M (4,698,658 in chips)
Seat 5: moncton27 (1,471,342 in chips)

Jeppe M would carry a healthy lead of over three-to-one against moncton27 as heads-up play got underway but rolled up sevens that turned into a full house by fifth street was the perfect way for moncton27 to swing the momentum.

moncton27 was winning more than a fair share of pots, and that included the biggest pot of the tournament when heavy action on third, fourth and fifth streets saw moncton27 get paid off with a small diamond flush to take over the chip lead.

moncton27 continued to accelerate and every time Jeppe M called it down, moncton27 had the goods. A key hand would see Jeppe M raise on fifth before calling down to the river showing T♥8♦3♣K♥, however moncton27 wasn't going to back down showing J♣Q♦K♠J♦ with another king and queen in the hole for two pair.

That hand left Jeppe M in trouble. A few hands later, Jeppe M was all in by sixth street showing a pair of jacks but couldn't improve with a board of A♦6♥9♥J♣J♦Q♦4♦. That wouldn't be enough as moncton27 was showing kings and ended with two pair on the board of T♠5♦J♥9♣K♥K♦9♦ to grab the victory!


Jeppe M took home $3,938.31 for second place with the SCOOP watch and title going to Canada's moncton27 along with $5,453.94 in prize money. Congratulations!

SCOOP-13-L: $27 Stud - $25K Guaranteed
Entrants: 1,234
Prize Pool: $30,294.70
Places Paid: 160

1. moncton27 (Canada) $5,453.94
2. Jeppe M (Denmark) $3,938.31
3. Rtspurs (Ireland) $3,029.47
4. Stunnaf00 (Canada) $2,120.62
5. DenStar1 (Ukraine) $1,514.73
6. SonKaa (Netherlands) $908.84
7. celloman91 (Netherlands) $605.89
8. bexclb2015 (United Kingdom) $302.94

The Spring Championship of Online Poker is the biggest and richest tournament festival of the year, with millions in prize money to be won, a packed schedule, and separate buy-in levels designed to suit all bankrolls.

A total prize pool of $40 million is guaranteed with the series running right through until May 24th. Head to the SCOOP home page for more details.

Heath "TassieDevil" Chick is a freelance contributor to PokerStars Blog.

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