Wednesday, May 27, 2015

IPT Malta: Level 21-22 updates (8,000/16,000/2,000)

6.55pm:Play has ended
A full recap of the day is here.

6.25pm: Last six hands
The remaining 46 players are playing six more hands then finishing for the night.

6.09pm: Von Perger eliminated
Jamila Von Perger, short-stacked, moved all in for her last 200,000 preflop and found Pierre Milan making the call behind her. Von Perger showed [Qd][Jd] and was flipping against Milan's [7s][7h]. The board came [Kc][Js][7d][6s][Ac] and Milan made trip sevens to eliminate his opponent.

Just 48 players remain on six tables. There's about 20 minutes left in the day.

5.57pm: Happy Hiatullah
PokerStars qualifier Sabina Hiatullah has just doubled up, the Italian lady was delighted to see her [Ad][Jh] beat Olgun Ercan's [Jd][Td] after the former called all-in. The board came [4h][7c][8d][Kc][4c] and Hiatullah now has about 720,000.


Sabina Hiatullah

5.48pm: Botond doubles up
Eureka4 Prague champion Balazs Botond has just doubled to 925,000 after he got all his chips in with [Ah][Ac] against Benjamin Rummler's [Tc][Th]. The board came [4h][9c][Jd][Jh][6c] and Rummler was left crippled.

5.36pm: I'm not your buddy Guy
Ozgur Arda is the latest player to succumb to the chip leader Guy Bachar. Arda held [Jh][Js] to Bachar's [Qc][Qd] and the board came [Kh][6h][9d][Th][7d]. Bachar is up to 1.75 million, he's got a big lead at this point.

5.30pm: Level 22 - 8,000/16,000 (2,000)
This will be the final level of the day.

5.25pm: O'Dwyer resurgence
It's been a great last hour for EPT champion Steve O'Dwyer, the Irishman is back up to over a milion, thanks in part to his elimination of Giuseppe Comitini. The Italian made a stand for his last 150,000 with [Ad][9d] and O'Dwyer made the call with [Jh][Jd]. There were no surprises on the [4s][3c][Kd][4h][Ts] board.

5.10pm: Epic Feil
A short-stacked Gianfranco Mazzariello has been eliminated, he pushed with [Ah][7h] but Michael Feil found [Td][Ts] and the board bricked out.

4.59pm: Two more out of the door
Luca Pazzaglini is out, running [9h][9s] into Georgios Zisimopoulos' [Jh][Jd]. Also gone is Mats Karlsson, who was all in with [Ah][Jh] by the river of an [As][8c][8d][5s][4d] board but couldn't beat Mke Neuens' [9c][8s]. Neuens moves back up to 780,000.


Iuliia Afanaseva

4.44pm: Afanaseva finished
Iuliia Afanaseva is the first player out after the break. She was all-in with [Kh][Qd] against Francesco Vitale's [Ah][Ac]. The board came [9s][7d][6d][Ad][8h] and Vitale moved up to 800,000

4.35pm: Level 21 - 6,000/12,000 (2,000)
Just 63 players remain in IPT Malta and Guy Bachar is the chip leader with 1.5 million. Other players still involved include Hugo Lemaire, Steve O'Dwyer, Jamila Von Perger, Bryan Paris and JC Alvarado. They'll be playing two more levels and then play will end for the day.


Bryan Paris, one of 63 players still involved in IPT Malta

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