Thursday, May 14, 2015

LAPT8 Panama: Two-table tango

A short-stacked Rodrigo Maclean moved all-in from the small blind and even shorter-stacked Alexandre Sako called from the big blind.

Sako showed 2♦2♠ and was flipping against Maclean's A♥T♣.

The board ran T♠3♦5♣K♥7♦ and the tournament dropped to just 16 players.

Sako won $9,580 for the finish and players split into the final two tables.


Alexandre Sako

Feature table

Seat 1: Olga Iermolcheva
Seat 2: Francisco Rocha
Seat 3: Francois Lincourt
Seat 4: Tullio Bertoli
Seat 5: Richard Dubini
Seat 6: Carlos Leiva
Seat 7: Derek Ecenarro
Seat 8: Fernando Brunca Garcia

Secondary table

Seat 1: Isnardo Gomez
Seat 2: Shivan Raif Abdine
Seat 3: Andre Signori
Seat 4: Pierce Mckellar
Seat 5: Shakeeb Kazemipur
Seat 6: Colin Lovelock
Seat 7: Rodrigo Maclean
Seat 8: Damian Salas

Kazemipur was in the lead with about 1.4 million while Iermolcheva was in a close second with about 1.1 million.

Francois Lincourt came into the a bit short but has worked his up and is now closing in on one million chips.

Shortly after we got down to two tables, Kazemipur eliminated Andre Signori and brought the tournament down to one Brazilian.

A short-stacked Signori moved all-in for 77,000 and Kazemipur called with a fraction of his massive stack.

Signori showed K♣2♣ and Kazempur tabled 8♦8♣.

There were shouts from the Brazilian rail for a king but the board ran A♣4♥6♦9♦5♦ instead.


Andre Signori

Signori won $10,700 for finishing 15th --Shivan Raif Abdine was eliminated in 16th at that table a bit earlier-- and Kazemipur brought the tournament down to its final Brazilian.

To balance out the tables, tournament staff brought the second-largest stack over to Kazemipur's table.

Iermolcheva left the feature table for the first time today and the secondary table now has a majority of the chips.


Olga Iermolcheva

Combined, Kazemipur and Iermolcheva have nearly 40 percent of the chips in play.

Right after Iermolcheva was moved, the tournament went on its second break of the day.

When they come back, we'll see if these monstrous stacks collide.

For multilingual coverage, check out our Spanish PokerStars Blog and our Brazilian PokerStars Blog. If you're more of a watcher, head over to LAPT Live to check out the live stream. Updates are also available on the LAPT Facebook page.

All photos are snapped by Carlos Monti and all words are clacked by Alexander Villegas.

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