Sunday, November 9, 2014

Eureka4 Rozvadov: Level 25-28 updates (40,000/80,000 ante 10,000)

Please note that this blog is on a one-hour delay together with the King's Casino live stream.

7.16pm: Break timeTime for an additional break. The remainder of the overall table will appear on a brand new page here.

7.12pm: Meciar keeps firingMartin Meciar is continuous to bring the whole weight of his stack to bear. He fired a chance of 135,000 on a 2♠2♦8♠ flop against Beatrix Wolfsberger which the Austrian lady called. The turn was the Q♥, Meciar bet 275,000 this time and Wolfsberger folded.

6.57pm: Passy fights backIt's not all quite gone Martin Meciar's way because the action begun three-handed. At the river of a K♥6♥2♥8♥4♥ board, Meciar had bet 270,000 just for Michael-David Passy to check-raise to 610,000. Meciar thought of it for a minute but folded to the applause of Bert Geens who's still railing his friend.

6.45pm: Wolfsberger doubles upYou can't keep an even lady down. Beatrix Wolfsberger has doubled up, she was all in with Q♠J♠ against Martin Meciar's A♣6♣ and managed to outlive after the board came K♠6♥3♠8♣J♦. Three players still remain.

6.35pm: Wolfsberger getting shortThe constant rounds of blinds are catching as much as Beatrix Wolfsberger. She just opened to 175,000 at the button but folded when Martin Meciar set her all in from the large blind. Wolfsberger has about 875,000 remaining.

6.25pm: CountsMartin Meciar - 6,300,000Beatrix Wolfsberger - 1,300,000Michael-David Passy - 2,150,000

6.17pm: Level upBlinds at the moment are 40,000/80,000 with a 10,000 ante.

6.12pm: Break timePlayers are taking another short break.

6.05pm: Sascha Ranzinger eliminated in 4th place (€33,300)Martin Meciar and Sascha Ranzinger were going after one another non-stop because the final table got short-handed. Sooner or later, something was going to give.

Meciar opened to 120,000 from the cutoff and Ranzinger again came in for a three-bet to 260,000. Meciar four-bet once moe to 445,000 and Ranzinger shoved for roughly 1.6 million. Meciar snapped him off.

Meciar: K♥K♦Ranzinger: J♥T♦

The board came J♠4♥5♦8♠4♠ and Meciar now has an enormous chip lead three-handed with almost 70% of the chips.

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Sascha Ranzinger

5.50pm: Passy four-bets all inMartin Meciar raised to 120,000 from the cutoff, Sascha Ranzinger then three-bet to 265,000 at the button. Beatrix Wolfsberger folded but Michael-David Passy moved all in for 1,505,000. Meciar folded after three minutes of thought and Ranzinger quickly folded as well.

5.41pm: Christian Jambor eliminated in 5th place (€26,110)Christian Jambor was all in and in peril against Sascha Ranzinger and searching good to double up with A♣Q♣ versus Ranzinger's A♥3♠ however the board came 2♣T♦6♠5♥4♦ and Ranzinger rivered a straight to go away just four players remaining.

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Christian Jambor

5.35pm: If to start with you do not succeed...Martin Meciar opened to 120,000 and Sascha Ranzinger three-bet to 270,000 behind him, Meciar responded by four-betting to 555,000 and Ranzinger folded.

The very next hand saw Meciar raise to 120,000 again, Ranzinger three-bet to 285,000 but this time Meciar elected to fold.

5.22pm: Wolfsberger moves inMichael-David Passy opened to 125,000 from under the gun but quickly folded when Beatrix Wolfsberger shoved from the massive blind.

5.15pm: RestartThere's still around 50 minutes of this level remaining.

Martin Meciar - 3,790,000Sascha Ranzinger - 2,400,000Beatrix Wolfsberger - 770,000Michael-David Passy - 2,185,000Christian Jambor - 590,000

4.55pm: Short breakAfter that flurry of action, players are actually on a brief break.

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Bert Geens

4.54pm: Bert Geens eliminated in 6th place (€20,450)Martin Meciar raised to 120,000 from late position and Bert Geens moved all in from the button, it was passed back to Meciar who called very quickly.

Geens: Q♣T♣Meciar: A♠A♥

On seeing Meciar's aces, Geens was already on the brink of leave the table. The flop came T♠4♦A♣ and by the 3♦ turn, the Belgian player was drawing dead. The river was the 5♣ and within the space of 5 minutes we've lost two players.

4.48pm: Michael Eiler eliminated in 7th place (€15,400)Sascha Ranzinger opened to 120,000 from the cutoff and Michael Eiler moved all in for his last 400,000. Instant call.

Ranzinger: A♥K♥Eiler: A♦J♣

Eiler was slightly disappointed to be dominated and was unable to spike a jack at the 2♣6♥7♦A♠T♠ board.

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Michael Eiler

4.46pm: Level upBlinds are actually 30,000/60,000 with a 10,000 ante.

4.45pm: Meciar squeezes againMichael-David Passy opened to 100,000 preflop and Martin Meciar three-bet to 225,000 in position. Passy called to look a 7♣A♦Q♠ flop but check-folded to a 185,000 bet.

4.30pm: Meciar keeps the pressure onSascha Ranzinger opened to 100,000 from under the gun and was called by Beatrix Wolfsberger in middle position. Martin Meciar then three-bet to 270,000 from the massive blind, both players thought briefly about calling but after all neither decided to continue.

4.18pm: Eiler shortMichael Eiler opened to 100,000 at the button. Beatrix Wolfsberger and Michael-David Passy called within the blinds to look a 5♥5♦3♣ flop. Wolfsberger checked and Passy led out for 115,000, Eiler and Wolfsberger both called to look the 4♦ at the turn.

Wolfsberger checked again and Passy bet 190,000 this time, it was enough to elicit folds from both the opposite playes. Eiler is right down to around 400,000 now.

4.05pm: Very quietDespite Dawid Mysiewicz' exit, the play remains to be fairly tight and cautious thus far today. Probably the most action seen was when Michael-David Passy raised to 110,000 from the button and Martin Meciar defended the large unaware of see a 3♣7♣T♦ flop. Meciar quickly folded to an 80,000 bet though.

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Dawid Mysiewicz

3.55pm: Dawid Mysiewicz eliminated in 8th place (€10,700)PokerStars qualififer Dawid Mysiewicz moved all in from the hijack for approximately 550,000. It was passed to Sascha Ranzinger who reraised all in from the button. Everyone else folded.

Mysiewicz: A♥K♥Ranzinger: Q♣Q♠

The board came 2♣3♣J♣3♥6♣ favouring Ranzinger's queens and the Polish player was the primary one to be eliminated from the overall table, he'll pick up ove €10,000 for his troubles though.

3.42pm: Level upBlinds are actually 25,000/50,000 with a 5,000 ante.

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The final table

3.35pm: Belgian setbacksThe first hand saw Martin Meciar raise to 80,000, Bert Geens three-bet to 155,000 behind him. Meciar thought for a minute before moving all in and Geens quickly folded saying, "I USED TO BEn't very light but I was planning on folding, little need to consider it."

In the second one hand Sascha Ranzinger made it 80,000 and Michael-David Passy three-bet to 160,000 from the blinds.

"Belgians have 100 three-bet percentage!" said Geens.

Ranzinger four-bet to 295,000 and Passy thought briefly before folding.

3.30pm: The general table begins!Our eight finalists are of their seats and play is able to commence. There are only 12 minutes left of this level.

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Can Michael Eiler do the Eureka/EPT double?

Read More... [Source: :: Eureka Poker Tour]

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