So it seems that Belize is where chewing gum originates. It also the one country in Central America with English as its official language, and is the one country in join three regional organisations (thanks Wikipedia). And now after all it has what we believe to be a primary Sunday Million winner, which we wrote about yesterday as we looked back over the weekend's action.
Regardless of nationality however, the Sunday Million rarely turns up anything but an exciting finale to the weekend -- a minimum of for individuals who weren't directly within the way of the winner at some stage of the tournament, and who don't hold a grudge.
For the beauty of the Sunday Million is that, whilst you may not win it this week, there's always next week. And the week after that. And well, a minimum of one person walks away happy. And if we will be able to change the lifetime of only one player for the better, well then it is all worthwhile.
Below you can see highlights of PhiRi1's win, which came against some quality opposition within the shape of Bazeman11 and Luke "LFmagic" Fields, either one of whom have established track records. So chill and revel in this latest highlights show from this weekend.
Alternatively sit forward and grind your teeth, and think ahead to this coming Sunday.
Thanks as always to David Tuckman for his commentary and analysis. You may also read the whole report of last weekend's Sunday Million by clicking here.
Stephen Bartley is a staff writer for the PokerStars Blog.
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