This post contains live updates from day two, levels 18 and 19 of the PokerStars Baltic Festival in Tallinn. It's now final table time.
The full chip counts at the beginning of the extent can be found at the chip counts page. Approximate counts will appear here updated within the level. AN ENTIRE breakdown of the prizewinners up to now and the entire payout structure is at the prize structure page.
Blinds:Level 18: 4,000-8,000 (1,000 ante).Level 19: 6,000-12,000 (1,000 ante)
7.40pm: Another coolerKenneth Danielsen, Norway, PokerStars qualifier, out in third winning €30,085James Keys has played excellently all week in Tallinn, but even he would admit that he is found some great cards when it mattered late on here. He's now accounted for Kenneth Danielsen, who shoved with A♣T♣ and Keys found A♦K♠. The board came A♠J♦J♣5♠3♠ which was not the miracle ten.
Keys accounts for one more one and can now go heads up against his friend and countryman Thomas Partridge.
7.30pm: StrengthJames Keys just took some clear of the quick stack Kenneth Danielsen. It was a weird one: the board was 6♥5♦8♣ and Danielsen bet 60,000, which Keys called. The turn was 4♦ and both players checked, after which it grew strange at the river of 7♣. The board was now showing a straight, and Danielsen bet 140,000. Keys moved all in, which comfortably covered Danielsen, since he only had about 300,000 behind. He folded, to fight another day.
7.20pm: CountsThe approximate three handed counts are as follows:
James Keys: 1,900,000Thomas Partridge: 850,000Kenneth Danielsen: 450,000
7.15pm: OuchClaus Bek Nielsen, Denmark, out in fourth, winning €17,805Aces against kings four handed is usually going to lead to something nasty. They went in the course of the motions -- the raise, the re-raise, the all in, the decision -- and it was Claus Bek Nielsen whose K♥K♠ had run headlong into James Keys' A♥A♦. This one played itself and the board ran out dry. Nielsen is out in fourth and Keys is now runaway chip leader with about 1.9m.
7.10pm: Without further ado...Michael Fardan, Denmark, out in fifth, winning €14,121He wasn't going to hang out before getting his chips in, and any ace would do. It was A♣6♣ but James Keys had pocket tens. Another one flopped and Fardan was done.
7.05pm: Biggest pot of the tournamentThe two biggest stacks going to the overall table were Michael Fardan and James Keys they usually have just tangled in a whopper. Fardan opened at the button 30,000 and Keys reraised from the massive blind, making it another 42,000. Fardan called. The flop came 5♠A♣3♦ and Keys check-called Fardan's bet of 130,000. The turn was 5♦, which either one of them checked, and the river was K♦. Keys paused after which bet 180,000. Fardan paused, but then called 180,000 and was shown A♠K♠. He mucked and is right down to his last 60,000 or so.
Keys, meanwhile, is as much as 1,200,000 after a pot worth greater than 700,000.
6.45pm: Partridge accounts for anotherPetri Heinanen, Finland, out in sixth, winning €11,665Petri Heinanen's day is finished. Thomas Partridge, and his chip lead, made a late position raise to about 35,000 and was then obliged to install the additional when Heinanen shoved for approximately 90,000. Heinanen had K♥K♦ and that was pretty good against Partridge's A♥T♠. But an ace came at the turn and that was it for Heinanen.
6.35pm: ChipsHere are the six-handed chip counts:
Claus Bek Nielsen - 531,000Kenneth Danielsen - 395,000Michael Fardan - 630,000Thomas Partridge - 717,000James Keys - 706,000Petri Heinanen - 102,000
6.33pm: Heinanen doublesIt was the last hand of the extent and Heinanen wins it to outlive into the following. He had Q♣J♦ and he got all of it in against Michael Fardan's A♥5♦. He turned a queen to double as much as 102,000, that's still the fast stack. But it is a stack no less than. A five minute break now.
6.30pm: Heinanen gives it backJust after doubling up, Petri Heinanen has given most of it away. He and Kenneth Danielsen see a flop of 3♦K♥6♦ and Danielsen bets 42,000; Heinanen moves all in and Danielsen calls. Danielsen has A♣K♣, which has Heinanen's K♠Q♥ outkicked. There's nothing important on turn or river and Danielsen doubles up. He had about 200,000 before the hand and double that on the end.
6.25pm: Petri dishes out the double upPetri Heinanen re-raised all in from the small blind after Michael Fardan had opened from mid position. Fardan called, but this time was behind along with his A♦9♣ as Heinanen had A♠Q♠. The flop gave chop possibilities when it came 7♣J♠J♥, however the turn 4♥ and the river K♠ changed nothing.
6.20pm: Video introduction
Here's how our video blogger introduced today's final table:
6.10pm: Wong outJerry Wong, Holland, out in seventh, winning €9,823He had no choice but to get his last 20,000 in at the button, and both the blinds called. The flop came 6♠Q♥4♦3♦Q♦ and Wong's J♣5♣ was no good. Nielsen's A♣5♠ took it. We lose Wong in two tortuous hands for him.
6.05pm: Nielsen doubles through WongAce cracking time. In a battle of the blinds, Claus Bek Nielsen and Jerry Wong have seen four cards -- 5♦8♣T♣J♦ -- when Wong check-raises all in. Nielsen calls and shows J♠8♦; Wong has A♥A♠, which might be at the verge of being cracked. The river is 2♥ and that is the reason enough to send Nielsen past 500,000 and peg Wong back to his last 20,000.
6pm: All the way down to sevenJohan Nilsson, Sweden, out in eigth, winning €8,288This one was interesting. Michael Fardan opened for 21,000 and Thomas Partridge, to his left, called. Johan Nilsson moved all in from the massive blind, another 140,000, and Fardan counted out the decision. The action wasn't done, though. Partridge now moved all in for approximately 400,000, a dangerous amount even for the chip leader to name. Fardan got out the way, and patted himself at the back when the hands were shown:
Nisson: 9♦9♠Partridge: A♥A♠
The flop came with four spades on it, which gave Partridge the nut flush. Not that he needed it. Nilsson is out, Partridge is our new leader.
5.50pm: Player downAntti Kärkkäinen, Finland, out in ninth, winning €6,753 We've lost our first one, and it was the birthday boy from Finland Antti Kärkkäinen. He got all of it in pre-flop with 7♥7♠ and Michael Fardan called with A♥Q♦. That individual hand have been excellent to Fardan up to now today, and so it continued. The flop came 8♣T♥K♥ however it was the J♠ at the turn that sealed it. Kärkkäinen, 29 today, now has time to celebrate it.
5.46pm: Should be niceThe first hand of the general table and Michael Fardan opens for 25,000. He has the most important stack on the town. It's folded around to Jerry Wong within the big blind, who folds and shows the mighty 7♠2♠. It's just to boot he didn't try anything tricky: Fardan shows pocket kings.
On the following hand, Petri Heinanen opens for 25,000 and Johan Nilsson announces that he is all in at the button. Fold, fold, fold, etc.
5.45pm: Players are backThe nine finalists have returned to their seats and final table play is because of begin. Here's who they are:
Seat 1 : Johan Nilsson, 44, Stockholm, Sweden - PokerStars qualifier - 110,000With a background in bridge - he was at the board of the largest bridge club in Europe for 16 years - Nilsson has also played poker for the past four or five years, mainly as a hobby. He works at a bank in Stockholm and he's know by his friends within the bridge community because the" banker" ("bankmannen"). He has two children, aged 16 and 14, and lives along with his fiance and her three children. That is only his third live tournament - he has cashed in two of them.Seat 2 : Jerry Wong, 29, The Hague, Netherlands - 317,000Wong have been playing poker for 3 years and calls himself a component time player. He's also a dealer at an area poker club within the Hague in Holland. If he places himself first or second on this tournament, it is going to be his biggest profit a live tournament. Wong mostly plays online poker where he then prefers to play cash games. When he plays live, it's also tournaments.
Seat 3: Claus Bek Nielsen, 31, Copenhagen, Denmark - PokerStars player - 287,000Nielsen is a well known figure within the European poker community as he often covers the PokerStars European Poker Tour for the biggest online Danish poker news site. Claus's best result to this point was a tenth place finish at EPT Warsaw in season four, where he was disappointed to bubble the general table. Nielsen also won a tournament within the Caribbean in January last year for $23,230.
Seat 4: Kenneth Danielsen, 24, Dröbak, Norway - 368,000Danielsen has played poker for 5 years but says he only plays it when he has time. He spends probably the most of his time along with his friends traveling around the globe. He only play tournaments and mostly online. That is his biggest profit a tournament so far.Seat 5: Michael Fardan, 40, Copenhagen, Denmark - 695,000Fardan is Danish but was living in Vilnius, Lithuania for the last six years, working as an ex-pat for varied companies. He describes himself as a contented" amateur" but for the past three months was concentrating full time on poker. Like many Danish poker players, Fardan could also be a backgammon player and is friends with many well-known figures within the Danish backgammon community similar to Gus Hansen, Sander Lylloff and fellow Baltic Festival finalist Claus Bek Nielsen. Two weeks ago Michael became the Lithuanian Omaha Champion; he was the one non-Lithuanian within the tournament.
Seat 6: Thomas Partridge, 24, from Teign Valley, Devon, UK - 465,000Partridge mainly plays cash games online but he competed on the World Series of Poker this summer, playing the primary event and several other side events. He cashed once in a $1,500 NHLE event for $6,604. He studied Politics at Warwick University.
Seat 7: James Keys, 24, from Nottingham, UK - 609,000Keys is certainly one of a gaggle of British poker players who studied at university together, join up at tournaments within the UK and all came to Tallinn together. Fellow finalist Thomas Partridge could also be within the group, in conjunction with PokerStars qualifier Rupert Elder and Scott O'Reilly. Keys' best live result up to now was his final table appearance on the 2007 WSOPE Main Event in London where he came ninth for £61,540. He also cashed again the next year for £25,340. He also won a deepstack tournament at Dusk Til Dawn in September for £29,981.
Seat 8: Antti Kärkkäinen, 29, Tampere, Finland - 117,000Kärkkäinen has found an effective way to celebrate his 29th birthday by making the general table on the inaugural PokerStars Baltic Festival. This is not his best result though - he came second within the €1,000 hold 'em/Omaha within the Helsinki Freezeout 2009 in January this year for €37,300. He also has a string of leads to other smaller tournaments in Helsinki. Kärkkäinen have been a certified poker player for four years but additionally still a multi-media student on the University of Technology in Tempere. He said: "I HAVE BEEN a student for nine years now actually. Poker has delayed it a bit."
Seat 9: Petri Heinanen, 33, Helsinki, Finland - 120,000Originally from Tampere in Finland, Heinanen now lives in Helsinki. He spent 15 years as a certified footballer before injuries forced him out of the sport - allowing him to show to poker, which have been his main income for 3 years. That is his biggest live tournament cash but he has also has some deep finishes online. He normally plays pot limit Omaha cash games and no limit Texas hold 'em tournaments. Petri's identical twin brother Pasi also competed commonly event.
5.15pm: Here's your final table chip leader
Final table chips
Here's how they're going to line up on the final table:
Seat 1 - Johan Nilsson, Sweden, PokerStars qualifier, 110,000Seat 2 - Jerry Wong, Netherlands, 317,000Seat 3 - Claus Bek Nielsen, Denmark, PokerStars player, 287,000Seat 4 - Kenneth Danielsen, Norway, PokerStars qualifier, 368,000Seat 5 - Michael Fardan, Denmark, 695,000Seat 6 - Thomas Partridge, UK, 465,000Seat 7 - James Keys, UK, 609,000Seat 8 - Antti Kärkkäinen, Finland, 117,000Seat 9 - Petri Heinanen, Finland, 118,000
4.45pm: DinnerNot unreasonably, they're taking a forty five minute break before the overall table starts. That'll give us an opportunity to assemble our thoughts, let alone the biographies and chip counts.
Here's a snappy video, you can watch 17 times to while away the following 45 mins.
4.40pm: And...out! Final table timeJust like that, we're right down to nine Again Michael Fardan was the player doing the assassinating as Matias Knaapinen's charge involves an end. The fast stack over night, he had double up no less than twice, but was caught out when he pushed pre-flop with K♠9♠. Fardan found A♦Q♠ and the board ran 6♦T♦4♠T♠2♥, which sent Knaapinen to the rail and Fardan to the overall table. He'll be joined there by Keys, Partridge, Danielsen, Wong, Nielsen and Heinanen. Their starting final table stacks are being counted now.
4.35pm: Out! Out!Within the primary couple of hands of the restart, two players are all in, there are two calls, and two players are out. There's one on each table: Peeter Grunthal has K♥J♦ and he's in trouble against Claus Nielsen's A♣K♠. The board gives him no help at all, and an ace rivers to offer the pot to Nielsen and send Grunthal out.
At the similar time at the other table, Einar Olafsson moves all in from the small blind and is named by Michael Fardan within the big. Fardan has K♥9♥ and it's better than Olafsson's J♦T♦. Although the Icelandic player picked up a flush draw at the A♦A♣4♣7♦ board, it missed when the 7♥ rivered.
We are right down to 10.
4.30pm: ChipsThere's been an important amount of to-ing and fro-ing in that last level. The way it affected the chip counts can best be seen by taking a look at the chip count page. Sneak preview: James Keys continues to be the leader.
4.25pm: BackThere are 12 players remaining, and we're now playing level 18. Here is a video to maintain you occupied before the action gets going properly again.

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