Saturday, January 9, 2016

PCA 2016: Single-Day $50K High Roller live updates

* $1.06 million for first. Full payouts.
* 30-minute levels; play to a winner tonight

11:20pm: Pet-rangelo cemetery
Level 18 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (5,000 ante)

Nick Petrangelo is the first player to fall on the nine-handed final table. He jammed for 510,000 - just over ten big blinds - and Isaac Haxton called. Petrangelo had a good hand, pocket nines, but it was no match for Haxton's [qd][qc].

A set on the flop for Haxton sealed the deal. Petrangelo exits in ninth for $110,020. - RJ

11:10pm: Unofficial final table seat draw
After Scott Seiver's elimination there was a re-draw of the final nine players around one table. Here's who's sitting where:

Seat one: Nick Petrangelo - 640,000
Seat two: Erik Seidel - 730,000
Seat three: Isaac Haxton - 785,000
Seat four: Ivan Luca - 2,740,000
Seat five: Paul Newey - 220,000
Seat six: Daniel Dvoress - 770,000
Seat seven: Steve O'Dwyer - 480,000
Seat eight: Connor Drinan - 600,000
Seat nine: Bryn Kenney - 945,000

"The average stack is 900,000," noted Bryn Kenney. "But I'm the only one who's average," he added after looking at the stacks of the over players. -- NW

11:10pm: The January nine
Level 17 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (5,000 ante)

Scott Seiver had just three big blinds - and now he has none. Seiver's [kc][3c] was in bad shape against the [ac][3d] of runaway chip leader Ivan Luca. A [7s][4s][3h][9h][8d] board ensured it stayed that way as Seiver departed in tenth place. He picks up $96,500 for his efforts. - RJ


Another high roller cash for Seiver

11:05pm: Chip counts
Level 17 - Blinds 20,000/40,000 (5,000 ante)

Here are the updated chip counts for the 10 remaining players. Ivan Luca has a monster chip lead and has 33.75% of the chips in play. Both Bryn Kenney and Scott Seiver re-bought meaning they're not guaranteed a profit yet as the player who finishes 11th gets $96,500.

Table 1

Isaac Haxton - 785,000
Erik Seidel - 730,000
Steve O'Dwyer - 480,000
Bryn Kenney - 945,000
Nick Petrangelo - 640,000

Table 2

Daniel Dvoress - 770,000
Paul Newey - 220,000
Ivan Luca - 2,740,000
Connor Drinan - 600,000
Scott Seiver - 120,000
-- NW

10:55pm: Double, double, toil and trouble
Level 16 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (4,000 ante)

Isaac Haxton is in trouble after doubling up two opponents in the last few minutes. The first was Erik Seidel, who shoved over a Haxton raise with Ace-King and was looked up by Haxton's Ace-Jack. Seidel made a full house on the river and his stack swelled to 800,000.

Next it was Nick Petrangelo's turn to take candy from the shop of Haxton. Again, it was all in pre-flop. This time Haxton had the best of it - [ac][3s] - while Petrangelo had Jack-Ten. The latter went on to make trip Jacks to send Petrangelo up to 640,000. Despite the losses, Haxton still has 800,000 chips.

The players are now on a 15 minute break. - RJ

10:45pm: Doubles for Newey, Dvoress and Kenney
Level 16 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (4,000 ante)

Three all-ins and three double ups to tell you about...

First to stay alive was Paul Newey, he moved in for 150,000 with [Ac][Jc] and Connor Drinan gave him a spin with [As][Td]. The dominating hand held on the [5h][Kh][9d][2h][7h] board. "I may not be the best player, but I'm the best at staying alive," said Newey after the hand!

On the next hand Ivan Luca opened to 62,000 from under-the-gun, Daniel Dvoress jammed for 379,000 from the small blind and action passed back to Luca. He took a look to his left to get eyes on Scott Seiver's stack (the American has been moved tables to balance them) and then put a tower of chips on the felt to indicate a call.

Luca: [7h][7d]
Dvoress: [Ad][Ac]

The [5d][Qc][2h][5c][Qs] board meant Dvoress' aces held up and he doubled to around 800,000.

Whilst that was happening Steve O'Dwyer and Bryn Kenney were playing an all-in on the other table. O'Dywer opened with [7d][7s], Kenney shoved for 337,000 with [Ah][Ks] and O'Dwyer called it off. The [3s][4s][As][4d][8d] board meant Kenney hit the flop to stay alive. --NW

10:40pm: Timothy Adams eliminated in 11th place ($96,500)
Level 16 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (4,000 ante)

The first in the money finisher is Timothy Adams. In his exit hand Ivan Luca opened to 60,000 on the button with [9s][9d], Adams jammed for 515,000 with [7s][7c] and Luca called the shove.

The [Kh][5h][Kd][6d][Qh] board meant Adams was out and Luca has an absolute mountain of chips now. -- NW

Ivan Luca - 2,700,000


Adams cashed in but crashed out

10:35pm: Paul Volpe is your bubble boy
Level 16 - Blinds 15,000/30,000 (4,000 ante)

After a tense bubble period that featured quite a few short-stacks doubling up we are now officially in the money. Paul Volpe was the unfortunately player who will walk away with nothing, and his demise came when he shoved [3c][3h] and was looked up by Connor Drinan's [ac][jc].

A [6s][9c][6c][as][js] smashed Drinan's hand and, after consolatory 'Good games' from all round, Volpe picked up his backpack and went off on his way. The remaining 11 players are all guaranteed at least $96,500. - RJ

10:25pm: Newey doubles on the bubble
Down to just 101,000 Paul Newey moved all-in from the button with [Ac][6c] and got a call from Connor Drinan, who was the big blind. When the action finished at the other table it was time for showdown and Drinan opened [Jh][3h].

The [9s][3d][Ad][8c][4h] board kept Newey in front and so the bubble goes on. -- NW

Paul Newey - 220,000
Connor Drinan - 500,000

10:20pm: O'Dywer wins the race
Level 15 - Blinds 12,000/24,000 (3,000 ante)

Deep in a tournament like this there are going to be a lot of races, and we just experienced the latest one. Steve O'Dwyer jammed for 400,000 with [ts][th] and was quickly called by Bryn Kenney and his [as][kh].

The board ran out very nicely for O'Dwyer - [2d][3s][3d][9d][jh] - and he's now got around 900,000 and is back in the game. - RJ


A good time to double for O'Dwyer

10:16pm: Eyes on the prize

A reminder below of what's at stake in the $50,000 High Roller. A min-cash is worth $96,500 whilst there's a seven-figure payday awaiting the winner.

1 - $1,061,480
2 - $754,640
3 - $494,080
4 - $380,200
5 - $301,080
6 - $235,460
7 - $185,280
8 - $144,760
9 - $110,020
10-11 - $96,500

10:15pm: Scores on the doors
Level 15 - Blinds 12,000/24,000 (3,000 ante)

Here are the updated chip counts for the remaining 12 players:

Table 1

Isaac Haxton - 1,000,000
Erik Seidel - 300,000
Steve O'Dwyer - 480,000
Scott Seiver - 310,000
Bryn Kenney - 1,000,000
Nick Petrangelo - 600,000

Table 2

Paul Volpe - 183,000
Daniel Dvoress - 483,000
Paul Newey - 185,000
Ivan Luca - 2,200,000
Connor Drinan - 570,000
Tim Adams - 400,000
-- RJ

10:10pm: Kenney goes for the double
Level 15 - Blinds 12,000/24,000 (3,000 ante)

After winning the Super High Roller yesterday Bryn Kenney is putting forward a strong effort to win this event too. He just doubled up through Scott Seiver and now has 1m chips. Kenney had [ah][ad] and made an 83,000 bet on the [6s][4d][6h] flop. Seiver then check-raised all in and was quickly called. Seiver had just T-4 off-suit and was in big trouble. The [6c][7c] runout did him no favours and Seiver drops to 310,000 while Kenney sits comfortably - for now. - RJ

10pm: Bubble time, Kenny Smaron out in 13th
Level 15 - Blinds 12,000/24,000 (3,000 ante)

We're now on the stone bubble as EPT12 Prague High Roller winner Kenny Smaron has just busted out to Ivan Luca who now has about 25% of the chips in play.

The Argentinian opened to 48,000 with [Qc][Td], Smaron shoved for 162,000 with [As][Ts] and Luca called off the extra. The [8c][3c][Tc] flop gave Luca a flush draw and he hit it on the [Ac] turn. Smaron had full-house outs but missed them on the [Jc] river. --NW

10pm: Newey's King is better than your King
Level 15 - Blinds 12,000/24,000 (3,000 ante)

Short-stacked Paul Newey moved his remaining 80,000 stack into the middle and was called by Tim Adams. Both had King-high but Newey's [kc][jd] was dominating the [ks][9c] of Adams. That's the way it stayed as the board ran out [2c][5d][7h][ad][td], giving Newey a nice double-up to 190,000. He's still in the danger zone though with less than ten big blinds. Adams drops down to 390,000. - RJ

9:50pm: Almost bubble time
Level 15 - Blinds 12,000/24,000 (3,000 ante)

With 13 left and 11 spots paying the tension has noticeably gone up a notch. If they've folded, a lot of the players are getting up to look at the other table to check out the action and the stack sizes of the other players. -- NW

9:35pm: Busquet busts out
Level 14 - Blinds 10,000/20,000 (3,000 ante)

We are down to 13 after Olivier Busquet was eliminated by Erik Seidel. Most of the damage was done by Scott Seiver in the hand prior. The two saw a [3c][7s][2h] flop and Busquet check-called a 35,000 bet by Seiver. The [7c] turn was checked through and but on the [6d] river Seiver bet 100,000. It was half of Busquet's stack but he made the call and mucked when Seiver showed down [kh][ks].

That left Busquet with only about five big blinds, and they went into the middle when he was dealt [qs][9h] in the small blind. Seidel looked him up with [ks][6c] in the big blind and his pair of kings on the [kd][ac][qh][ad][3d] flop was good enough to send Busquet packing. - RJ


Back to back hands did for Busquet

9:20pm: Clark out in 16th; Kurganov finishes 15th
Level 14 - Blinds 10,000/20,000 (3,000 ante)

The pace of play continues to be frantic with two exits happening minutes after the final two table re-draw took place.

First to go was Zachary Clark, he raised to 130,000 on the button (from a stack of about 270,000), Scott Seiver then shoved from the small blind for 377,000 and Bryn Kenney then re-shoved from the big blind. Back on Clark he tanked before calling off the rest of his chips:

Clark: [6s][6c]
Seiver: [Ad][Qd]
Kenney: [As][Qh]

It was looking good for Clark, but the [4d][Ks][8h][Ah][2c] board hit his opponent's harder and they split his chips.

Ace-queen would not be so lucky for Igor Kurganov, he got his last 270,000 in with [As][Qc] but ran into the [Kd][Ks] of Ivan Luca. The [Qd][5d][6h][8d][Ts] board kept the cowboys in front and further extended Luca's chip lead. -- NW

Ivan Luca -- 1,700,000
Bryn Kenney - 900,000
Scott Seiver -- 495,000


Kurganov crashed out to kings

9:10pm: Final two table re-draw
Level 13 - Blinds 8,000/16,000 (3,000 ante)

Below is the re-draw of the last 16 players, a reminder that 11 players cash in this event so the bubble is fast approaching.
Table 1:
Seat 1: Isaac Haxton -- 898,000
Seat 2: Olivier Busquet -- 385,000
Seat 3: Erik Seidel -- 256,000
Seat 4: Steve O'Dwyer -- 458,000
Seat 5: Zachary Clark -- 300,000
Seat 6: Scott Seiver -- 350,000
Seat 7: Bryn Kenney -- 700,000
Seat 8: Nick Petrangelo -- 800,000

Table 2:
Seat 1: Paul Volpe -- 325,000
Seat 2: Daniel Dvoress -- 487,000
Seat 3: Paul Newey -- 228,000
Seat 4: Ivan Luca -- 1,400,000
Seat 5: Connor Drinnan -- 324,000
Seat 6: Tim Adams -- 682,000
Seat 7: Igor Kurganov -- 216,000
Seat 8: Kenny Smaron -- 236,000

9pm: Kanit, Shak and Behbehani bust; down to 16
Level 13 - Blinds 8,000/16,000 (3,000 ante)

A lightning fast start to level 13 has seen three players bust out and two players double up.

First to go was Mustapha Kanit and he fell to Ivan Luca. The Argentinian opened to 32,000, Kanit three-bet to 86,000, Luca re-raised to 175,000, Kanit then shoved for about 460,000 and Luca snap called.

Luca: [Qs][Qc]
Kanit: [Ac][Kc]

It was a classic race and one the pair won as the board came [4h][Jh][2c][8c][Qh], Luca is up to 1,260,000 as a result and the new chip leader.


Ivan Luca - chip leader

As that was happening, Bryn Kenney shoved from the button (both blinds has <10 big blinds) with [2c][2d] and Dan Shak committed his last 160,000 with [As][Qh]. Again the pair stayed strong, holding up on a [9s][Kc][5s][8d][Jc] board.

That left just 17 players and it was soon 16 as Salman Behbehani three-bet shoved for about 100,000 with [Ah][8s] and failed to hold against Ivan Luca's [Qc][Jd] when the board ran out [4d][Js][3s][Jh][7d].

As well as three exits, Scott Seiver doubled through Nick Petrangelo when his [Ad][8d] turned a flush to drown Petrangelo's [As][Jh] and Zacahry Clark doubled against Paul Volpe. -- NW

Ivan Luca - 1,400,000
Bryn Kenney - 700,000
Scott Seiver - 350,000
Nick Petrangelo - 800,000
Zachary Clark - 300,000
Paul Volpe - 325,000

8:40pm: Play resumes
Level 13 - Blinds 8,000/16,000 (3,000 ante)

Players are back from the break and cards are back in the air. --NW

7.30pm: Dinner break counts

There are 19 players remaining as they go to dinner in the $50,000 High Roller event. Here's how they stack up.

Table 1

Seat 1: Daniel Dvoress -- 487,000
Seat 2: Olivier Busquet -- 385,000
Seat 3: Igor Kurganov -- 216,000
Seat 4: Paul Volpe -- 475,000
Seat 5: Zachary Clark -- 155,000
Seat 6: Tim Adams -- 682,000

Table 2

Seat 1: Erik Seidel -- 256,000
Seat 2: Bryn Kenney -- 563,000
Seat 3: Dan Shak -- 160,000
Seat 4: Scott Seiver -- 140,000
Seat 5: Kenny Smaron -- 236,000
Srat 6: Nick Petrangelo -- 1,006,000

Table 3

Seat 1: Ivan Luca -- 790,000
Seat 2: Paul Newey -- 228,000
Seat 3: Mustapha Kanit -- 461,000
Seat 4: Salman Behbehani -- 127,000
Seat 5: Isaac Haxton -- 898,000
Seat 6: Connor Drinnan -- 324,000
Seat 7: Steve O'Dwyer -- 458,000

The end-of-level shenanigans accounted for Piotr Franczak and Vladimir Troyanovskiy, among others. It was much more positive for Nick Petrangelo, who will eat his repast with the biggest stack in the room.

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Nick Petrangelo

7:10pm: Life and more life
Level 12, Blinds: 6,000/12,000 (2,000 ante)

Table 1

Seat 1: Daniel Dvorres -- 600,000
Seat 2: Kathy Lehne -- 78,000
Seat 3: Olivier Busquet -- 250,000
Seat 4: Igor Kurganov -- 190,000
Seat 5: Paul Volpe -- 230,000
Seat 6: Zachary Clark -- 150,000
Seat 7: Piotr Fanczak -- 200,000
Seat 8: Timothy Adams -- 720,000

Table 2

Seat 1: Ivan Luca -- 700,000
Seat 2: Scott Margereson -- 135,000
Seat 3: Paul Newey -- 295,000
Seat 4: Mustapha Kanit -- 260,000
Seat 5: Slama Behbehani -- 240,000
Seat 6: David Yan -- 170,000
Seat 7: Connor Drinnan -- 120,000
Seat 8: Steve O'Dwyer -- 245,000

Table 3

Seat 1: Erik Seidel -- 250,000
Seat 2: Vladimir Troyanovsky -- 330,000
Seat 3: Bryn Kenney -- 600,000
Seat 4: Isaac Haxton -- 920,000
Seat 5: Dan Shak -- 300,000
Seat 6: Scott Seiver -- 220,000
Seat 7: Kenneth Smaron -- 155,000
Seat 8: Nick Petrangelo -- 475,000

6:50pm: A few more out
Level 11, Blinds: 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

Daniel Dvoress raisedto 24,000 from the button and Byron Kaverman moved all-in for 160,000 from the big blind. Dvoress called and showed [ad][kc] to Kaverman's [Th][Td].

The [as][9d][ac] gave Dvoress more aces than he needed and Kaverman was eliminated form the tournament.

Dvorres rose to about 600,000 while the tournament neared its final three tables.

6:25pm: Life and more life
Level 11, Blinds: 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

Kathy Lehne was looking good for a double up when she got her 88,000 stack in the middle with [as][jh] and Daniel Dvoress called with [ac][8h]. The [ad][qs][7s][9s][9h] meant they chopped it up, however.

Zachary Clarke was in worse shape when he got his last 80,000 in the middle with [ah][2h] against Olivier Busquet's [ad][5c]. But the [jh][js][kh][5h][9d] was actually great news for him: a double up. "He's got a flush," Scott Seiver said, just in case it had been missed. -- HS

6:25pm: A million in a day

The tournament staff have now calculated everything and come up with the final payout table. The winner here is going to get more than $1 million which, I'm sure we can all agree, is not bad for one day's work.

Event #38 $50,000 NL Hold'em High Roller 8-Handed Single Re-Entry
Players: 58
Re-entries: 22
Total entries: 80

1 - $1,061,480
2 - $754,640
3 - $494,080
4 - $380,200
5 - $301,080
6 - $235,460
7 - $185,280
8 - $144,760
9 - $110,020
10-11 - $96,500

6.20pm: Kenney triples, Haxton double kills
Level 11, Blinds: 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

There was a pair of three-way showdowns.

The first started with Ole Schemion moving all-in from the button. Thomas Muehloecker reshoved from the small blind and Bryn Kenney called all-in from the big blind.

Schemion: [qc][9c]
Muehloecker: [7h][7c]
Kenney: [Jh][jc]

Kenney was in the lead and the [ad][6h][4c][4d][3h] board did nothing to change that.

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Bryn Kenney

Kenney tripled up to about 350,000 while Schemion dropped to 65,000 and Muehloecker was left with just less than 50,000.

A few hands later, Schemion shoved his last 60,000 in from middle position Muehloecker called all-in with 45,000. Action folded to Isaac Haxton on the big blind and he called.

Once again, pocket jacks took it down.

Schemion: [Td][Ts]
Muehloecker: [ah][6s]
Haxton: [jc][jh]

Muehloecker paired his six on the [6d][5d][8d][3h][4c] board but it wasn't enough.

Haxton chipped up to 650,000 while both Muehloecker and Schemion hit the rail. --AV

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Ole Schemion

5:55pm: Two ways to skin a High Roller
Level 10, Blinds: 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

Bill Perkins is out and wandered to the rail without an apparent care in the world. "I lost all my flips," he said, and it didn't seem any more important than that.

Fedor Holz wasn't complaining about his own exit either, but it happened in a more tortuous fashion. It was death by a thousand small cuts for the German wunderkind, the final three hands went down as follows.

Firstly, Holz called Scott Seiver's shove with [5h][5d] and was ahead of Seiver's [ad][4h]. He was ahead on the flop of [kd][kc][td] as well, and also remained favourite when the [8d] turned. But he was soon counting out the 120,000-ish to match Seiver's shove when the [8c] came on the river, counterfeiting his pair. Seiver's ace played.


Fedor Holz: Death by a thousand cuts

That left Holz with only 47,000 and he was forced to a decision soon after when Kenny Smaron shoved his short stack in the middle from early position. Smaron had 31,000.

Holz found [as][2s] and called, which was also ahead of Smaron's [kc][4s]. But there was a [kd] on the flop and Holz couldn't subsequently find an ace.

So, he had only about 16,000 after that and action folded to him in the small blind. He got it in, Stephen Chidwick made a mandatory call from the big blind, and the two of them turned over only one card each.

Holz had a [jd]. Chidwick had a [5h]. By the time the dealer insisted they showed their other card, as per the rules, Chidwick had already outflopped Holz. The [kd][5s][kh] flop was good for Chidwick only.

Holz's other card turned out to be the [2h]. Chidwick's was the [qs]. And the [4s] turn and [ah] river changed nothing. Holz has whiffed this one, which is surprising in itself given recent form. -- HS

5.50pm: Out and up
Level 10, Blinds: 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

Chips are flying back and forth as double ups and eliminations spread across the tournament area.

Jeff Gross is out. Dan Coleman is out and so is Christoph Vogeslang.

Piotr Fanczak saw to that Vogeslang moved all-in for his last 60,000 with [9d][7d] and Fanczak called with [as][8s].

Fanczak was already in the lead but then paired his ace on the [4h][2c][ac][4d][5s] board. Fanczak, who rebought during the break, is now up to about 450,000.

There were also double ups though.

JC Alvarado doubled to about 200,000 when his [ac][jc] hit two pair against Ivan Luca's [th][td]. The hand left Luca with just about 60,000.

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JC Alvarado

Bill Perkins then took a break from doubling up and doubled up David Yan. Yan committed his stack with [ah][jd] and Perkins called with [6s][6d].

It was a flip that fell in Yan's favor when the board fell [kd][9h][3c][js][9s]. Yan doubled to 130,000 while Perkins dropped to just 35,000.

Those counts won't last long and the rapid tides of chips are swaying back-and-forth as we speak (type). --AV

5.25pm: 80 total
Level 9, Blinds 3,000/6,000/1,000
Zachary Clark bought into this tournament at the last possible time, while Piotr Franczak rebought during the last break. That brings the total entries in this event to 80, generating a gross prize pool of $4 million. Gulp.

5.20pm: 37 still involved
Level 9, Blinds 3,000/6,000/1,000

Registration is now closed and when they went away to the latest break, the table line-up looked as follows. Tables are a little unbalanced owing to the carnage that broke out in the moments before the re-entry period ended, but they will no doubt straighten things out (and accept any late registrants) before getting going again.

It seems like Dzmitry Urbanovich was eliminated right at the end, while Isaac Haxton remains in the chip lead.

Table 1
Steve O'Dwyer 126,000
Kenny Smaron 200,000
Jeff Gross 80,000
Fedor Holz 300,000
Scott Margereson 140,000
Daniel Colman 90,000

Table 2
Justin Bonomo 160,000
Ole Schemion 105,000
Kathy Lehne 105,000
Erik Seidel 310,000
Connor Drinan 300,000
Isaac Haxton 570,000
Bill Perkins 100,000
Ivan Luca 142,000

Table 3
David Yan 195,000
Nick Petrangelo 320,000
Salman Behebehani 180,000
JC Alvarado 110,000
Ramin Hajiyev 123,000

Table 4
Timothy Adams 430,000
Olivier Busquet 135,000
Scott Seiver 110,000
Paul Volpe 270,000
Igor Kurganov 129,000
Anton Astapau 355,000

Table 5
Stephen Chidwick 255,000
Mustapha Kanit 265,000
Vladimir Troyanovskiy 295,000
Daniel Dvoress 170,000
Paul Newey 320,000
Byron Kaverman 100,000

Table 6
Mike Leah 270,000
Thomas Muehloecker 345,000
Christoph Vogelsang 70,000
Dan Shak 320,000
Liv Boeree 190,000
Bryn Kenney 200,000

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Daniel Colman

5.00pm: Three more down
Level 8, Blinds: 2,500/5,000 (500 ante)

If this tournament were held in a bucket and that bucket were flipped upside down and shook vigorously, we probably wouldn't lose players as fast as we are here.

Three of our more recent eliminations include Jeff Rossiter, Piotr Franczak and Kathy Lehne.
Rossiter was down to 36,900 and moved all-in with [ah][qs]. Dan Shak, who was on his second bullet, called with [3d][3c].

The board came [as][3s][9c][kc][8d] and Shak hit a set of threes.

"If you get a shot at a race you gotta take it," Shak said.

Rossiter was out while Shak chipped up to 130,000.

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Jeff Rossiter

Fanczak on the other hand made his move with a straight draw. Fanczak and Timothy Adams got it all-in on a [7s][9s][5h] flop. Fanczak showed [8c][4d] but Adams had rockets with [ah][ad].

The turn brought a [kh] and the river was a [5c].

Kathy Lehne joined Fanczak on the rail a few moments later.

First, Lehne doubled up against Bryn Kenney but was still at just 26,800. She moved all-in from the small blind when action checked to her and Liv Boeree called from the big blind.

Lehne was in the lead with [ah][10d] to Boere's [js][9d], but the [4c][3d][qd][jh][4h] quickly changed that.

Lehne was out and Boeree, with about 200,000, was left as the last woman standing. --AV

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Live Boeree

4:45pm: Big stacks
Ike Haxton looks to be the chip leader at the moment, sitting with about 560,000. Anton Astapau is also profiting with his second bullet, sitting with about 450,000.

Thomas Muehloecker has about 370,000 and Stephen Chidwick about 300,000. But there are plenty on or around that level at the moment. We'll grab a more comprehensive count at the next break. -- HS

4:35pm: Last level activity
Level 8, Blinds: 2,500/5,000 (500 ante)

It's Level 8 now, which is the last before the re-entry period closes. And Bill Perkins wants to build his stack or buy another one. He got his last 36,500 in the pot with [7s][4s] and got the full double up through Daniel Dvoress's [qd][td] on a board of [6s][qs][6c][4d][3s]. I'm not sure when the money went in, but Perkins rivered a flush.

Thomas Muehloecker was significantly deeper and played a big pot against Mike eah on a neighbouring table at almost the same time.

Leah open raised from the small blind, making it 9,500 to play, and Muehloecker defended his big blind. The flop came [7s][th][5d] and Leah bet 10,000. Muehloecker called.

The turn was the [3c] and now Muehloecker took over the betting lead after Leah checked. He bet 25,000, which Leah called. The river was the [tc] and Leah checked again.

Muehloecker now bet 50,000 and after a short pause, Leah called that too. Muehloecker showed [qd][7d] and got value for his seven. Leah mucked. -- HS


Thomas Muehloecker

4.21pm: McKeehen and Vogeslang on the rise
Level 7, Blinds: 2,000/4,000 (500 ante)

Joe McKeehen was severely short-stacked and went all-in on the button after Bill Perkins raised from under-the-gun. Byron Kaverman re-raised to 18,500 and Perkins called.

McKeehen wouldn't even finish with that much after his triple up.

Perkins and Kaverman checked down to the river of [7h][qh][9h][Ts][8c] board and then Kaverman bet 15,200 when checked to. Perkins thought for a bit and then raised to 34,000.

Kaverman counted out his stack, about 75,000. He looked at Perkins, shuffled some chips and folded.

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Bill Perkins

Perkins turned over [ac][5d] and McKeehen showed [ah][7s]. Kaverman shook his head and then rolled his eyes.

"You got me," Kaverman said.

McKeehen tripled up to about 17,000 while the sidepot put Perkins up to 170,000.

McKeehen then doubled up to about 40,000 a bit later.

Thomas Muehloecker raised to 9,500 one table over and Christoph Vogeslang re-raised to 23,000. Muehloecker moved all-in and Vogeslang called.

Vogeslang was flipping for his tournament life with [7c][7h] against Vogeslang's [ah][qd].

The [4h][2d][9s][Td][4s] board fell in Vogeslang's favor and he doubled up to about 210,000 while Muehloecker dropped to 180,000. --AV

4:05pm: Ike versus Ike
Level 7, Blinds: 2,000/4,000 (500 ante)

Isaac Baron is going to regret asking Isaac Haxton about his Steve O'Dwyer doll. "Immediately he asks me if it's been lucky, I get aces," Haxton said. Not only that, he got aces when Baron found jacks and they got all their chips in pre-flop.

It was [ac][ah] for Haxton and [jd][js] for Baron. And he added some outs, even as one of his others was taken away, when the flop came [7h][th][8h]. The [kd] on the turn didn't help. Neither did the [6s] river. That was the end of that for Baron.

Haxton moves up to about 280,000 having taken slightly more than 100,000 from Baron. -- HS

4.03pm: Level 7
Level 7, Blinds: 2,000/4,000 (500 ante)

Levels are flying by and blinds are already up to 2,000/4,000 ante.

The number of entries has ticked up to 69 but only about 42 players remain.

3.45pm: Schade for Schemion
Level 6, Blinds: 1,500/3,000 (400 ante)

As discussed below, David Yan is one of 11 players to have re-entered this tournament, but is making more of his second bullet than anyone else in the room. He is up to about 340,000 after adding Ole Schemion's scalp to Jason Mercier's.

Action folded to Schemion in the small blind and he raised it up to 9,500--more than three times Yan's big blind. Yan wasn't scared off, however, and called, which took them to a [4h][3h][2c] flop.

One might have thought that flop would be outside the pre-flop raising/calling ranges of players in a $50K High Roller event, but it turned out it was actually an action board.

Schemion bet 9,500 with about 50,000 behind and Yan raised to 25,000. Schemion pondered plenty of options, but then moved all in and Yan called pretty swiftly.

Schemion was technically ahead at this stage with his [6s][4s], but Yan's [qh][2h] was actually the most marginal of favourites. His flush draw, over-card and bottom pair combo had 50.1 percent equity, to Schemion's 49.3 percent.

It swung pretty convincingly in Yan's favour when the [5h] came on the turn and the [9h] meant nothing.

That sent Schemion looking for a re-buy and Yan into the chip-lead.

The full list of players who have re-entered so far is as follows:

Jason Mercier, Bryn Kenney, Talal Shakerchi, Joe McKeehen, Scott Margereson, Anton Astapau, Cary Katz, Sam Greenwood, Dani Stern, David Yan, Mike McDonald.

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How big is the field? This big

Recent entries include Dzmitry Urbanovich and the number is now up to 68. -- HS

3.45pm: Yan yoinks Mercier
Level 6, Blinds: 1,500/3,000 (400 ante)

It's still early, but David Yan's second bullet is going better than his first.

Yan is now up to about 250,000 after eliminating Team PokerStars Pro Jason Mercier.

In that hand, Yan raised to 6,000 from the button and Mercier re-raised to 18,300 from the small blind.

Yan moved all-in and Mercier quickly called. Mercier tabled [js][jc] but Yan had the higher pocket pair with [ks][kc].

The [as][2d][4c][6h][7h] board brought no help for the Team Pro and he was eliminated from the tournament while Yan chipped up to about 260,000. --AV

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David Yan

3.33pm: Level 6
Level 6, Blinds: 1,500/3,000 (400 ante)

Another 30 minutes, another level. Blinds are up to 1,500/3,000 with a 400 ante and the number of entries is up to 67.

3.10pm: Quick eliminations
Level 5, Blinds: 1,200/2,400 (300 ante)

We lost a few players in just a few minutes.

Erik Seidel raised to 5,500 from under-the-gun and Dario Sammaritano moved all-in for a whopping 8,900 from the button. Christoph Vogeslang four-bet to 12,100 and Seidel re-raised to 30,000.

Vogeslang folded and we had a showdown.

Seidel tabled [kh][ks] while Sammaritano showed [ad][9s]. The board ran [6c][2h][5s][Ts][8d] and Sammaritano hit the rail.

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Erik Seidel

One table over Dani Stern moved all-in with [5s][5c] and Piotr Fanczak called with [ad][Th]. Fanczak hit a ten on the flop and Stern hit the rail.

Fanczak chipped up to 170,000 while the tournament kept shrinking. --AV

3.05pm: Level 5
Level 5, Blinds: 1,200/2,400 (300 ante)

Play has resumed and blinds are up to 1,200-2,400 with a 300 ante. They'll go up again in 30 minutes as players struggle to stay afloat.

2.50pm: Break
Level 4, Blinds: 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Players are now on their first 15-minute break of the day.

2.45pm: This is so weird
Level 4, Blinds: 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

There have been a few whispers around the playground recently that Liv Boeree and Igor Kurganov might be dating. I don't want to spread unfounded gossip, but I can read body language like the best of them, and I think Liv fancies Igor.


Igor Kurganov: He's not looking at Dan Shak, is he...

You should have seen the sparks flying in a recent pot in the $50k High Roller. Kurganov and Boeree have found themselves on the same table for what I think is the first time in a major event. At least since those rumours started flying around.

liv_boeree_pca2016_singl_day_hr.jpg's because he's looking at Liv Boeree

Anyway, here's how the pot came about. Kurganov was on the button and opened to 4,000. Boeree was in the big blind and she queried Kurganov about his button raise before electing to call.

The flop came [qh][jd][5s] and Boeree checked. Kurganov bet 4,900 and said, "This is so weird" as he peered around Bryn "The Gooseberry" Kenney, who is separating the pair. Boeree called.

The [8h] came on the run and Boeree checked again. Kurganov bet 14,000 and Boeree called. Then the [kd] came on the river and Boeree checked again. Kurganov now fired 20,000 and Boeree called again.

She flipped over [kc][qc] and rubbed her hands in exaggerated delight at having taken this one from their joint account. Kurganov flashed what looked like [ks][ts] as he folded. -- HS

2.40 pm: Doubles for Perkins
Level 4, Blinds: 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

"I'm not going anywhere," Bill Perkins said.

He'd just doubled up to about 50,000 after getting it all-in preflop against Talal Shakerchi. Shakerchi called with [kc][2c] to Perkins's [8d][8s]. The board ran [7c][4h][5c][3c][9c] and Perkins doubled up and sat back down in his chair.

Perkins had doubled up to about that same amount a few minutes earlier but his stack tends to go through more ups and downs than the Chinese stock market. --AV

2.30 pm: Petrangelo sends Mateos Packing
Level 4, Blinds: 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Another player fell before the break.

Nick Petrangelo raised to 5,000 from the button and Adrian Mateos re-raised to 16,000 from the small blind. Petrangelo called and the flop came [qs][Tc][8c].

Players went wild.

Mateos checked, Petrangelo bet 18,000 and Mateos re-raised to 50,000. Petrangelo four-bet all-in and Mateos called.

Mateos showed two pair with [td][8d] while Petrangelo had a flush draw with [kc][jc].

The draw turned into a full-fledged flush when the [3c] came on the turn. The river didn't fill Mateos up and he hit the rail while Petrangelo rose to 350,000. --AV

2.20 pm: Stacked
Level 4, Blinds: 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

With the guns of Jason Koon and Olivier Busquet in this event, "stacked" has a number of meanings. But in the poker sense, the relatively weedy arms of Erik Seidel and Thomas Muehloecker are shepherding the biggest stacks. They each have more than 250,000.

Seidel actually just won a small pot from Koon after he was on of four players to call Koon's under-the-gun raise of 4,000. The others were Ivan Luca, on the button, and the blind pairing, Dario Sammartino and Christoph Vogelsang.

All five players checked the flop of [td][js][qd] and then after Sammartino and Vogelsang both checked the the [5c] turn, Koon bet 13,500 at it. Seidel was the only caller.

The river was the [7s] and Koon now check-folded to Seidel's 25,000 wager. And as is very common in a hand involving Erik Seidel, he took it before it went to showdown. -- HS

2.20 pm: Bigger and bigger
Level 4, Blinds: 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

There are now 53 entries into this event, which is growing bigger and bigger as the minutes tick by. In addition to David Yan's elimination discussed below, Dani Stern is also out. Thomas Muehloecker has a stack of more than 250,000 on Stern's former table, so it seems he was the principal beneficiary.

Both Yan and Stern have re-entered, becoming the first two players to make a six-figure investment in this one. Jason Mercier, Piotr Franczak, Keith Lehr, Connor Drinan, Anton Astapau, Isaac Baron and Salman Behebehani are also now involved too. -- HS

2.15pm: Just like us...kind of
Level 3, Blinds: 800/1,600 (200 ante)

The mood in high roller events is always more normal and jovial than people expect.

It's more like your average home game than Casino Royale. There are no steely-eyed mobsters with body guards or assassination attempts.

Instead, we have young players like Jeff Rossiter and Adrian Mateos checking Twitter on Facebook. Joe McKeehen, the reigning WSOP champion and $100K SHR runner-up, is playing OFC on his iPad while Daniel Dvoress is eating an $11 cajun chicken burger from the poker kitchen.

We eat those burgers. We play OFC. We check Facebook and Instagram. They're just like us.

Well, mostly.

Bill Perkins and Dan Coleman have a friendly bet going on. They're asking each other questions at $5,000 a piece. The first was whether Dan Coleman thought the highest-earning cricket player earned less or more than $17 million.

Coleman guessed less. The answer was more.

There was also some wagering going on at their table and David Yan fell to Paul Volpe.

Yan was saying goodbye to his tablemates while the dealer swept up his [ad][Td] on a [2h][js][9c][4d][qh] board. Paul Volpe was raking in his chips and had a set of fours splayed out in front of him.

Yan hit the rail while Volpe chipped up to about 190,000.

1.55pm: Some level 3 action
Level 3, Blinds: 800/1,600 (200 ante)

And just like that, it's level 3.

- David Peters opened to 3,200 from the cutoff and Ivan Luca made it 9,100 from the button. Peters was the only caller. The flop came [3h][as][th], which both players checked, going to a [jd] turn. Check, check. The river was the [8s] and Peters bet 21,500 at it. Luca had seen enough. He folded.

- Ankush Mandavia raised to 3,500 from under the gun and Jason Koon defended his big blind. The flop for these two came [js][qc][4c] and Koon check-called Mandavia's bet of 3,500.

They both checked the [qh] turn. And Koon checked the [ac] river. Mandavia bet 12,000 and Koon called, forcing Mandavia to show his [5c][7c] and a winning flush. -- HS

1:50pm: Some level 2 action
Level 2, Blinds: 600/1,200 (200 ante)

With levels lasting only 30 minutes, whole levels can slip by without anybody really even noticing. (Except the tournament staff. They notice. That's their job.) All of the following happened in Level 2.

- Christoph Vogelsang opened from the button to 5,000 and Jason Koon raised to 10,200 from the small blind. After a customary dwell, Vogelsang folded.

- Liv Boeree opened from the button and Bill Perkins, in the small blind, immediately said, "I'm all in." He shoved about 70,000 forward.

"It's going to be like that?" Boeree said and quickly folded. Perkins flipped over pocket queens to prove the legitimacy of the hand.

- Bryn Kenney came over to the tournament officials' table to collect his chips for this event. The official asked to see his ticket and Kenney reached into his pocket to hoik out the first receipt that came to hand. He handed it over but was quickly told it wasn't valid. Kenney had inadvertently reached for his cash-out ticket for yesterday's $100,000 Super High Roller event. That bit of paper was worth more than $1.6 million. The humblest of humble brags.

- Daniel Colman opened to 3,000 from under the gun and Dani Stern called from the seat to his left. Kathy Lehne came along from the small blind and Bryn Kenney called from the big.

All four players checked the flop of [qs][2d][8c]. All four players also checked the turn of [qh]. The [7d] came on the river and, what do you know, all four players checked that too.

Lehne turned over [ah][3c]. Kenney mucked. Colman showed a hopeful [4h][4d]. Stern had him beat with [6h][6d].

- Joe McKeehen opened to 3,000 and it folded round to Isaac Haxton in the big blind. "How much do you have, Joe?" Haxton asked. "Eighty three," McKeehen said. Haxton raised to 9,400 and McKeehen folded.

1.35pm: Mini super high rollers
Level 2, Blinds: 600/1,200 (200 ante)

The $100K Super High Roller was surely a bargain for players in the $50K High Roller.

Players were given the chance of up to three days of poker in that event while this one will crown a champion --hopefully-- before the sun rises on Paradise Island again.

But days-per-buy-in isn't how players measure poker value.

There's a small contingent of people in this world willing to shell out $50K for a single-day poker tournament but can't bring themselves to play a $100K one. Players in the $50K field who didn't play the Super High Roller include: Adrian Mateos, Ivan Luca, Liv Boeree, Dario Sammaritano, Jeff Gross, Kenny Smaron, Jeff Rossiter, Mohsin Charania, Scott Margereson, Dan Coleman, David Yan and Olivier Busquet.

The rest of the field consists of the same players who played the $100K Super High Roller, including its newly-minted champion, Bryn Kenney, who just took a seat. --AV

1.20pm: Perkins keeps pots big
Level 1, Blinds: 500/1,000 (100 ante)
Bill Perkins is hardly concerned with playing big pots, even at these early stage. In fact, that's the way he likes it. He opened to 2,500 from the hijack in a recent pot and Timothy Adams raised to 8,000 from the button.

It folded back to Perkins and he pretty much immediately four bet to 17,500. Adams thought a little longer before calling.

The flop came [9s][th][td] and Perkins immediately gunned 21,000 into the middle. Adams wasn't interested in this one anymore. -- HS

1.15pm: And another handful
Level 1, Blinds: 500/1,000 (100 ante)
The feeling of Groundhog Day pervades in the far corner of the tournament room as more high rollers arrive to the precise field on which they did battle three days ago.

Olivier Busquet, Ivan Luca, Daniel Colman, Ankush Mandavia, Fedor Holz, Dan Shak and Jeff Gross are now here too.

1.05pm: Newey rubs salt into McKeehen's wounds
Level 1, Blinds: 500/1,000 (100 ante)
Joe McKeehen was playing later than most last night as he stayed all the way to the end of the $100K Super High Roller. He didn't win it; he lost the final hand of the night to Bryn Kenney. But he's back in action again already today.

McKeehen played an early pot against Paul Newey, but it didn't go well. McKeenen opened to 2,500 from the hijack and Newey called from the cut off, persuading Scott Margereson to defend his big blind. Three went to a flop of [9s][5d][5h] and Margereson checked.

McKeehen bet 4,000 and only Newey called, trimming the field to two on the [th] turn. McKeehen checked, prompting a bet of 9,000 from Newey. McKeehen stayed to the river.

It fell [4c] and after they both checked, McKeehen showed his [ah][qs], which had missed the board. Newey's [9c][7c] connected slightly and that was enough.

1pm: More suspects
Level 1, Blinds: 500/1,000 (100 ante)
They're still flooding into this event, and the numbers seem likely to be very healthy indeed. Latest registrants include Thomas Mueloecker, Ole Schemion, Timothy Adams, Daniel Dvoress, Joe McKeehen, Justin Bonomo, Paul Newey, Dani Stern, Ike Haxton, Christoph Vogelsang and Bill Perkins.

They are allowed only one re-entry in this one, so maximum exposure is at $100,000.

12.30pm: Getting started
Level 1, Blinds: 500/1,000 (100 ante)
Play is just getting started in this $50K event and the line-up of players could not be more appropriately described as "the usual suspects" if Verbal Kint was among them. The first 14 people I saw in the High Roller enclosure were: Nick Petrangelo, Erik Seidel, Cary Katz, Stephen Chidwick, Sam Greenwood, Jeff Rossiter, Scott Seiver, Talal Shakerchi, Kathy Lehne, David Yan, Adrian Mateos, Vladimir Troyanovskiy, Steve O'Dwyer and Mike McDonald.

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Boats deliver High Rollers to the Bahamas

11.45am: Another day, another high roller
It's Saturday, so that must mean another High Roller tournament, right? Of course it does. It's time for the $50K High Roller, whose quirk is that it gets done in a single day.

That said, it'll be a miracle if it's finished before about 3am tomorrow morning, but in poker terms that's a single day. And there will likely be a pretty tasty hourly rate for the players still hanging around as today turns into tomorrow.

As ever, we'll only know their identities as and when they begin to stroll in, and with registration open for the first eight levels, it's likely to start slowly and grow bigger. Stacks begin at 100,000. Levels last 30 minutes. There's a single re-entry permitted.

Stick with us to see how it plays out.

Take a look at the official website of the PCA, with tournament schedule, videos, news, blogs and accommodation details for the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas.

Also all the schedule information is on the EPT App, which is available on both Android or IOS.

Follow the Main Event on the Main Event page. Follow the LAPT Bahamas event on the LAPT page.

PokerStars Blog reporting team on the $50K Single-Day High Roller: It's just me, would you believe. Actually, Alex Villegas is now on this beat too, for all the use that is. At least Nick Wright is coming in later. Photography by Joe Giron and Neil Stoddart. For more photos from this event by Joe Giron visit Poker Photo Archive.

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