Sunday, January 31, 2016

UKIPT5 Series 3 Day 2: Level 13-16 updates (2,500-5,000, 500 ante)

48 players remain, 47 get paid. You can see the current chip counts right here.

1:50pm: Parsons, Timotheou and Crossan survive, Rees exit takes us to the bubble
Level 16, Blinds 2,500-5,000(500 ante)

So much action!

First Seb Parsons moved all in for 28,500 with pocket kings. A fine hand but Vincent Moses had the only one that could beat him - pocket aces. The [Kh][8d][9h][8c][6s] board meant Parsons stayed alive.

So there were still 49 players left when Timothy Timotheou three-bet all-in for 113,200. The action had been opened by Robbie O'Brien, who'd been called in two spots before Timotheou shoved. O'Brien re-raised all in and everyone else folded.

O'Brien: [Jc][Jh]
Timotheou: [Kh][Kd]

The kings held on the [4d][Qc][2h][3d][9d] board and O'Brien was left with just 4,000 and he had just one hand until he'd be forced all-in from the big blind.

Meanwhile though John Crossan had three-bet shoved for 73,800 with [8s][8h] and got a call from Tingjun Ye, who held pocket fours. A [6d][2h][Kh][7d][6s] board meant Crossan also survived.

However, George Rees would not be so lucky his [Q][J] flopped best against Nicholas Case's [K][Q] but a king on the river sent him to the rail.

We're on the bubble.

1:50pm: Phil Baker is in!
Level 16, Blinds 2,500-5,000(500 ante)

Apologies to Phil Baker's mum. Earlier we reported that he was out when he is in fact very much in. Sorry Mrs Baker.

1:45pm: Almost bubble time
Level 16, Blinds 2,500-5,000(500 ante)

We're oh so close the bubble here. 50 players remain and 47 get paid. There's 16 minutes until the first break, will it burst before then?

1:40pm: Getting closer to the money
Level 16, Blinds 2,500-5,000(500 ante)

The bubble gets ever closer as: James Price, Pierre Khoury, Vimal Patel, Mark Hitchens, Daniel Bland, Bujar Rajta, Thomas Willoughby, Mia Liu, Stefanos Moysidis, John-Paul Santos, Dominic Wells. William Lewis, David Tompkins, Julian Daley and Maxim Syn have all been knocked out.

1:25pm: Vinnicombe vanquished by Tom Waterman
Level 15, Blinds 2,000-4,000(500 ante)

Tom Waterman is up to 160,000 after winning a race to eliminate James Vinnicombe. The short stack got it in good with pocket sixes against the [A][Q] of Waterman but an ace on the board sent him to the rail.

1:10pm: Lots of exits; 65 players left
Level 15, Blinds 2,000-4,000(500 ante)

Many exits to tell you about now. For fans of: Mirko Mostaccio, Leslie Lamnea, Tom Dickenson, Mark Jefferies, Onur Guven, Thomas Bloomfield, Rahim Tadj-Saadat, Rob Munro, Fernando Berlanga, Anthony Wickert, Karol Podsiadio, Chris Gilbert, Philip Marcu, Noel Broadbent, Stuart Bayford, Steven Mayne, Steve Goose, Justin Kyrakidas and Barry Warden it's bad news as they're all out.

65 players remain.

1pm: Huge double for Stoupis
Level 14, Blinds 1,500-3,000(300 ante)

Day 1A chip leader Samuel Orledge just took a big hit that in the process doubled Fotis Stoupis to almost 200,000.

Orledge opened to 6,600, Stoupis re-raised to 24,000, Orledge tanked and then moved all in and Stoupis snap called.

Orledge: [Ad][Jc]
Stoupis: [Ac][Ah]

The Greek player was all in for 95,800 and the aces held on the [7h][2h][7d][Jd][9d] board. Orledge had gained some chips today but drops back to around 105,000 as a result of that hand.

12:50pm: Funnell felts Taylor
Level 14, Blinds 1,500-3,000(300 ante)

Down to just 21,700 Simon Taylor moved all in from middle position for 21,700 and William Funnell - who was to his immediate left - re-raised all-in for about 50,000 and everyone else folded.

Funnell: [Qd][Qh]
Taylor: [8s][7s]

Both players stood as the [Kh][9d][7c][3c][Td] board came down and they shook hands as Taylor departed.

12:40pm: More fallers
Level 14, Blinds 1,500-3,000(300 ante)

There was no way back for Luke Cameron after he doubled up William Funnell (see 12:10pm post). He's one of the early fallers here on Day 2 and joins: Mark Williamson, David Barnes, Ricky Davies, John Lucarotti, Jamie Pugh, Andrea Scappazzoni, Chaminda Tennakoon, Rob Crawford and Joshua Varghese on the rail.

12:30pm: Ace double for Rees
Level 13, Blinds 1,200-2,400(300 ante)

In level one of this tournament George Rees caught lightning in a bottle when he made a royal flush. In level 13 he found aces to double up.

Shane D'Moriah opened from the hijack, Rees shoved for 38,500 from the cut-off and when it folded back to D'Moriah he called with pocket eights. The [3c][9h][Js][6d][Kc] board kept the aces in front and kept Rees in the tournament.


Aces kept Rees in it

12:20pm: Exits
Level 13, Blinds 1,200-2,400(300 ante)

The start of Day 2 is usually carnage and in the opening 20 minutes 10 players have been eliminated. They include: Jeff Barron, Line Olsen, Carl Davies, Philip Baker and Adriano Soares.

12:10pm: Funnell gets chips
Level 13, Blinds 1,200-2,400(300 ante)

From early position John O'Donnell opened to 5,500, Luke Cameron then three-bet to 12,500 and action passed to William Funnell. He asked Cameron how much he was playing and then moved all-in for 28,800, That got rid of O'Donnell but Cameron thought for a bit before making the call.

Funnell: [As][Ac]
Cameron: [9h][9c]

The board came [Kd][2d][Ks][7h][7c] and Funnell more than doubled up to around 65,000 whilst Cameron is down to about 17,000.

"Were you thinking about folding?" asked Funnell.
"I was, but I was priced in," replied Cameron.

12:02pm: Action is go
Level 13, Blinds 1,200-2,400(300 ante)

Almost bang on time the action has started.

11:50am: The Series is about to get serious
The prelims are over, this is the real thing. Sure the 106 players who've made it to Day 2 can give themselves a pat on the back for outlasting the 245 players who've been eliminated but that's about it. 59 of those who're back today will suffer the same fate, that is they'll leave empty handed.

For the other 47 they'll have some financial reward for their efforts, a minimum of £480, rising all the way to £16,590 should they be the last man or woman sitting. You can see the You can see the entire payout structure here.

The man who's sitting in pole position right now is Andrew King. He won a 160,000 chip pot on the final hand of Day 1B to finish on 201,600. He was the only player to break the 200,000 chip mark, but others who'll be back today include: Sam Orledge (170,900), Chris Gordon (148,000) Elliot Panyi (139,300) and Daiva Barauskaite (78,700).


Chris Gordon

Cards are in the air at noon.

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PokerStars Blog Reporting Team at UKIPT Series: Nick Wright. Photos by Mickey May

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