Sunday, January 10, 2016

PCA 2016: Day 2 $5,000 Main Event live updates

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* Five 90-minute levels on Day 2
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12:35pm: Keep Sitton's chair warm
Level 9: Blinds 400/800 (Ante 100)

Hank Sitton has dinner reservations tonight at The Graycliff. It is arguably the best restaurant in Nassau, and for people who like to eat, it's a must-do when here. Sitton has been planning his meal for a while. He also has reservations for dinner this evening...before play is scheduled to end.

"I hope I have to miss my dinner tonight," he said as he sat down today. He started the day with 46,900, but he's missing a chunk of that now.

With the action folded to him, Sitton made it 1,700 play. Asif Warris sat in the big blind wearing a hat that read "#thinkpositivE."

Warris called to the [4s][3d][6c] flop. Both players checked. On the [8c] turn, Warris led for 2,500. Sitton sneaked a look at his cards and made the call. The river was the [8h], and though none of us knew it at the time, it was ugly for the man who should've #thinkingpostivE. Warris' [6h][4s] had just been counterfeited.

He checked and Sitton bet 7,000. Warris, perhaps with his mind on his hat, shrugged and called anyway. He was right to do it. Sitton held [ac][7h] for just ace-high. Warris was good.

So, no need to cancel those Graycliff reservations yet, Hank. -BW

12.30pm: A good start for Ladouceur
Level 9 - Blinds 400-800 (100 ante)

A limp from Kevin Wan under the gun, and with the action folded back to him in the big blind Marc-Andre Ladouceur checked his option for a flop.

Ladouceur checked to Wan who made it 800 to play. Ladouceur called for a turn card [ah], which was checked by both players. The river was a [jd], which would change everything. Ladouceur checked to Wan who bet 2,200. Then he settled down to wait for Ladouceur's response. I'm not sure he was expecting a re-raise, but it came, Ladouceur making it 7,600.

Now it was Wan's turn to think about things. He took a moment, but then called. At which point Ladouceur turned over [7d][3d] for a seven high flush, made on the river. Wan was still making sure his bet call was enough when he saw it. He looked again at his own cards, nodded, and folded. Ladouceur up to 75,000.-SB

12:25pm: Koon making moves
Level 9 - 400-800 (100 ante)

It's been a strong start for Jason Koon who has already increased his stack by around 20,000. It started when Luiz Duarte Ferreira Filho opened to 2,000 and Koon made the call. The flop showed the [5d][6s][3c] and Filho continued for 4,600, but Koon wanted to raise the stakes. He bumped it up to a smooth 13,000 and without much deliberation Filho made the call. The pot was already huge at this point and when Filho checked the [jc] on the turn Koon increased it by making a bet of 8,200. Filho had had enough by this point and slid his cards to the dealer. --JS

12:20pm: Ike's luck runs out
Level 9 - 400-800 (100 ante)

It's hard to feel sorry for a guy who has already won more than $700,000 this week, but a bad beat is a bad beat; you can't be a poker fan without sympathising a little with Isaac Haxton, who just got knocked out by a two-outer in just the second hand of the day. Ike's pocket queens were up against pocket tens. All the money went in pre-flop, and the queens were still in front after the first three community cards were dealt. A ten on the turn ended it all, however, and with no lady luck on the river Ike made his exit. "I've had enough luck this week," he said. --JS

12.05pm: A good start for Mercier
Level 9 - Blinds 400-800 (100 ante)

A good start for Jason Mercier a few minutes into the day, on a table alongside Alex Fitzgerald and Noah Schwartz. He called a pre-flop raise from Josh Beckley, for a flop of [kd][6s][ks]. Mercier checked to Beckley who bet 2,000, which Mercier then called. It was the same story on the [jh] turn when Mercier check-called Beckley's bet of 4,700. On the river card [7s] though both players checked, Mercier turning over [ad][js].

Beckley grinned slightly, and looked at his cards again for a quick post-mortem of where things went bad. Then he mucked his cards. Mercier up to around 30,000.-SB

12:02pm: Keith Lehr sits, shoves, leaves
Level 9: Blinds 400/800 (Ante 100)

Keith Lehr wasn't going to nurse his short stack today. If it had been a baby, Lehr would've thrown it in a barrel of milk to see if could swim. When Thomas Hueber opened for 2,000, Lehr shove his 18,700 stack in the middle. Hueber put out the one-chip call and flipped over [ah][as]. Lehr's [qh][th] flopped nothing and, like a baby in a barrel, was sunk by the river. Lehr, his seat still cool, was out the door before Hueber had finished stacking his chips. -BW

11:30am: Preparing for Day 2
It's time to bring the field together for the first time in the Main Event. Click through to see the table draw for today.

There are 561 players remaining and they will all hope to play five 90-minute levels today and get themselves close to the money.

PokerStars Blog reporting team on the $5,000 Main Event: Stephen Bartley, Jack Stanton, Howard Swains, Alex Villegas and Brad Willis. Photos by Joe Giron and Neil Stoddart. For more photos from this event by Joe Giron visit Poker Photo Archive.


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