Wednesday, September 21, 2016

EPT13 Barcelona: Main Event Day 6 live updatesNO Deposit bonus $43


12:43am: Sebastian Malec wins in emotional final hand (€1,122,800); Uri Reichenstein runner-up (€807,100)Level 37 - Blinds 300,000/600,000 (100,000 ante)

It's over! And it ended on another huge river call!

With Sebastian Malec just barely ahead with 26.7 million versus Uri Reichenstein's 25.6 million, Malec limped in with A♥3♥ and Reichenstein checked with T♥9♣.

The flop came J♠6♥Q♥. Reichenstein led with of venture of 800,000, and after a brief pause Malec raised to a few million. Reichenstein considered for a little while and called the bet.

The 8♥ then fell at the turn -- an action card, to be sure, because it gave Reichenstein a straight and Malec the flush. 

Malec leaned at the side of the table, rechecked his cards, and stood up straight yet again. He then bet 5 million. 

Reichenstein sat quietly for approximately a minute, rechecked his cards, then slid out calling chips. The pot had reached 17.4 million.

The 8♦ fell at the river and Reichenstein checked. Malec immediately pushed all-in, and started chattering away, Scotty Nguyen-style, engaging Reichenstein in discussion of either one of their possible ranges and holdings.

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Malec talks

Reichenstein sat calmly, looking up at Malec with a wry expression.

"It's like I'VE a hand that's impossible to fold," said Reichenstein. "And everything you are saying makes it possible."

Interestingly, as they continued to speak each player narrowed his discussion to say the hands the opposite had, with Malec suggesting Reichenstein had ten-nine and Reichenstein saying Malec may need a flush.

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Reichenstein tanks

Eventually Malec walked clear of the table, taking a seat at the first row of spectators. Off-camera, the EPT Live commentators described him taking a selfie with one of the crowd. Meanwhile Reichenstein sat together with his hands on back of his head watching it all. 

Suddenly Reichenstein called, and Malec rushed back over to the table to show over his hand. Reichenstein showed his, knowing he was beaten. Malec was ecstatic, pacing all about or even coming to tears.

Finally he collected himself enough to shake hands with Reichenstein.

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Congrats and kudos

It's over! The 21-year-old who qualified for €27 has won it! --MH

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Malec gets the glory

12:33am: Malec retakes chip leadLevel 37 - Blinds 300,000/600,000 (100,000 ante)

Sebastian Malec found A♥J♦ and raised to 2.4 million. Uri Reichenstein picked up K♦T♥ and defended, which was a wonderfully standard play.

Both players checked the flop of 9♦6♠Q♣ and so they both checked the 4♥ turn. Additionally they then checked the A♠ river, and that small pot gave Malec the chip lead. -- HS

12:31am: Nearly even againLevel 37 - Blinds 300,000/600,000 (100,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein raised with Q♠2♦ and Sebastian Malec called with A♠6♥, and the flop rolled out 6♦6♣8♠ to provide Malec trip sixes.

Reichenstein continued with a gamble of 1.3 million, Malec raised to 3.1 million, and after a pause Reichenstein folded.

Malec is as much as 26.2 million now, only a touch behind Reichenstein's 27.25 million. --MH

12:25am: Back where they startedLevel 37 - Blinds 300,000/600,000 (100,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein picked up A♠A♦ at the button and raised, but Sebastian Malec had rags and folded. 

They traded a couple of more small pots and Reichenstein has about 32 million to Malec's 20 million -- almost about where they were after they started their heads-up duel. --MH

12:17am: Now Reichenstein hero-calls, and Malec benefitsLevel 37 - Blinds 300,000/600,000 (100,000 ante)

On the 175th hand of the overall table, Sebastian Malec limped the button with 9♣8♦ and Uri Reichenstein checked with Q♣5♦

The flop came 9♦A♣K♠. Malec led for 600,000 and Reichenstein called. Malec then led for 1.2 million after the 5♥ turn and Reichenstein called again, bringing the pot to five million.

The river was the 9♠, and with trip nines Malec pushed all-in for his last 9.6 million. Reichenstein went deep into the tank... then emerged... finally... to call!

Malec doubles as much as just over 24 million, just a little behind Reichenstein. "Back within the game," said Malec, slapping his hands. --MH

12:07am: Malec makes another big call, loses big pot to ReichensteinLevel 37 - Blinds 300,000/600,000 (100,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein raised to fourteen. million with Q♣4♠ and Sebastian Malec called with K♣J♥.

The flop came 4♥Q♥9♠ to provide Reichenstein two pair and Malec check-called of venture of 1.3 million from Reichenstein. The turn was the 2♣. Malec checked again, and Reichenstein bet 2.7 million this time. Malec -- sitting down now -- gathered calling chips and set them forward.

The river brought the 2♦, and Malec quickly checked. Reichenstein bet 6.8 million, and Malec went into the tank (again), holding his forehead along with his hand as he riffled and thought.

Then he stood again. And talked. And sat down. And talked some more. Then he was back on his feet. Talking.

Then he called.

Reichenstein tabled his two pair, and again Malec had talked himself right into a big call and was incorrect.

Reichenstein is suddenly as much as 41.35 million and Malec is all the way down to 11.7 million. --MH

12:03am: Reichenstein chips upLevel 37 - Blinds 300,000/600,000 (100,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein just fired back at Sebastian Malec with a bold play at the turn, halting one of the vital momentum that Malec were building despite his short stack.

Malec opened to fifteen. million with 8♥3♥ and Reichenstein defended with J♥6♥. The flop hit nobody. It came 2♠Q♥5♦.

Reichenstein checked, Malec bet 1.1 million and Reichenstein called. The 6♦ came at the turn and Reichenstein checked again, even supposing he now had a couple. Malec made a giant bet, this time 5 million, but he had no option but to fold after Reichenstein said he was all-in with a covering stack. That put Reichenstein back as much as about 29 million. -- HS

11:59pm: Malec dodges queensLevel 37 - Blinds 300,000/600,000 (100,000 ante)

On the primary hand of the brand new level, Sebastian Malec raised to 1.3 million with 6♣5♥ and Uri Reichenstein decided to get cute together with his Q♠Q♦. He just called. That meant they saw a flop of A♥3♥A♠ and Malec bet again, this time 800,000.

With the over-card now there, Reichenstein just called again, and the K♣ at the turn was much more scary. They both checked.

The 7♣ came at the river and, after Reichenstein checked Malec said, "I DO NOT BELIEVE you fold, so I check." Reichenstein showed his queens and won. -- HS

11:57pm: Malec still standingLevel 37 - Blinds 300,000/600,000 (100,000 ante)

We keep mentioning the nervous energy of Sebastian Malec. He's still most of the time standing as opposed to sitting during hands, rocking backward and forward and almost always chatting with himself. It all started together with his call of Uri Reichenstein earlier when Reichenstein had rivered the straight, and continues into the brand new level. --MH

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Manic Malec

37 300,000 600,000 100,000

11:50pm: Malec adds some moreLevel 36 - Blinds 250,000/500,000 (50,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein made it 1.25 million to compliment Q♥7♥ from the button, then Sebastian Malec reraised to five million with A♦Q♠ and after a pause Reichenstein let his hand go.

That's the last hand of this level -- they're playing straight through to the following level with Malec now enjoying a 2-to-1 chip lead. --MH

11:45pm: Malec leadsLevel 36 - Blinds 250,000/500,000 (50,000 ante)

Sebastian Malec opened for 1.1 million with T♦6♦ and Uri Reichenstein called with 2♦2♥.

The flop came 3♣T♠7♥ giving Malec top pair, and he fired 2.5 million. Reichenstein called. 

The turn was the 5♠, keeping Malec within the lead. He counted out chips -- still standing, incidentally -- and bet 5 million, and that pushed Reichenstein out of the hand. 

Malec is now within the lead and up around 33 million while Reichenstein has slipped to only over 20 million. --MH

11:41pm: Malec narrows the gapLevel 36 - Blinds 250,000/500,000 (50,000 ante)

Following another Uri Reichenstein button raise, this time with T♣2♣, Sebastian Malec called with 3♦3♣ and the flop came Q♥7♦Q♦. Both checked and the 9♥ followed at the turn. 

This time after Malec checked, Reichenstein bet 2.5 million. Malec all over again talked to himself as he thought in the course of the situation, then slid out a large reraise and Reichenstein instantly folded. 

"This time you did not have anything did you. Because I had threes again," said Malec as Reichenstein folded, barely stopping his ongoing talking.

The gap has closed again, with Reichenstein sitting on 27.7 million and Malec 25.75 million. --MH

11:30pm: More back for MalecLevel 36 - Blinds 250,000/500,000 (50,000 ante)

Sebastian Malec is gradually hopping and jigging his long ago into this one and has just taken another pt from Uri Reichenstein.

This one began with a raise to 1.250 from Reichenstein with J♥T♦ after which a three-bet to three million from Malec with A♥5♥. Reichenstein called.

The flop brought the 9♦5♠7♣ and Malec motioned to bet, but Reichenstein immediately folded before the scale was even announced. -- HS

11:30pm: Malec flops two pairLevel 36 - Blinds 250,000/500,000 (50,000 ante)

Sebastian Malec raised from the button with 6♥5♠ and Uri Reichenstein called with Q♣J♣

The flop came 5♦2♠6♣. Reichenstein checked, and Malec, still standing from the table and rocking from side to side with nervous-seeming energy, bet 700,000. 

Reichenstein, in contrast sat motionless for some time and watched Malec while studying the board and situation. Finally Reichenstein decided to check-raise to 2.6 million, and Malec again stood and talked to himself as he counted out chips.

After greater than three minutes Malec finally gathered a large reraise and Reichenstein took only a few seconds to fold. 

That's 34.15 million for Reichenstein, and 19.3 million for Malec. --MH

11:19pm: Reichenstein now with 2-to-1 chip edgeLevel 36 - Blinds 250,000/500,000 (50,000 ante)

Dealt 9♠9♥ at the button, Reichenstein raised and Malec called with J♠7♦. The flop came 7♠6♣8♥, and after being checked to Reichenstein bet 1.2 million and Malec called again. 

The turn was the A♣, and this time after Malec checked Reichenstein fired 2.9 million. Malec thought it through for a few minutes and eventually called another time, bringing the pot as much as 10.8 million.

The river was the 8♦, meaning Reichenstein was best, and both checked quickly. Reichenstein collected the pot, bumping as much as 35.95 million while Malec is all the way down to 17.5 million. --MH

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Reichenstein rolling

11:08pm: Reichenstein doubles with straight after Malec calls river shoveLevel 36 - Blinds 250,000/500,000 (50,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein raised to T♠8♥, Sebastian Malec called with A♥9♠, then check-called a continuation bet from Reichenstein after the 9♣Q♥4♦ flop.

The turn was the 2♥, and after Reichenstein bet 2.4 million, Malec talked throughout the situation to himself before calling, bringing the pot to simply over 9 million.

The river brought the J♣ giving Reichenstein a straight, and without hesitating too greatly he moved all-in for his last 10.55 million. That sent Malec right into a long distressed-sounding monologue.

"I need to call you so bad... this might be over right now," said Malec before rattling off various hands Reichenstein will have -- including (eventually) ten-eight. 

Finally Malec said "I call" and saw the bad news. "F*ck f*ck f*ck," said 21-year-old, walking across the table and continuing to speak to himself. 

Reichenstein is suddenly up over 30 million and Malec down around 22 million. Malec remains to be standing up because the next hand is being dealt, as if he can't get comfortable enough to relax down in his chair. --MH

10:59pm: A COUPLE OF for MalecLevel 36 - Blinds 250,000/500,000 (50,000 ante)

Sebastian Malec limped in with Q♣T♠, and Uri Reichenstein decided to test to boot with A♠6♦

The flop came all clubs -- K♣9♣7♣ -- giving Malec both flush and straight draws, and when he led for 1.65 million Reichenstein folded. --MH

10:46pm: Chuckling foldLevel 36 - Blinds 250,000/500,000 (50,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein opened to 1.1 million with K♣8♥ and Sebastian Malec called with 6♠4♥. I WILL NOT remember the last time a pre-flop open got throughout the. flop came A♠8♠3♦ and after Malec postured to bet, he checked. Then he folded when Reichenstein had a stab. -- HS

36 250,000 500,000 50,000

10:34pm: Quads catapult Malec into leadLevel 35 - Blinds 200,000/400,000 (50,000 ante)

Sebastian Malec limped in with 4♠4♣, Uri Reichenstein raised to fourteen. million with Q♠6♣, and Malec called.

The flop came A♠3♥4♥, giving Malec a set, and when Reichenstein continued for 1.4 million, Malec called.

The turn was the T♠, and this time Reichenstein fired a gamble of 3.3 million. Malec took his time, appearing to count to himself for a short time before calling. Pot 12.3 million.

The river was the 4♦ -- quads for Malec! Reichenstein started to gather chips, ultimately pushing out a large bluff of 6.2 million.

Malec took a sip of his drink, rechecked his cards, then leaned forward to recheck the board. He counted through his chips again, then looked around the table at Reichenstein. Then he took a couple of more sips. Then he checked out the dealer.

"All-in," he said.

Reichenstein instantly folded, and the extent ended with Malec the leader. He's as much as 36.4 million while Reichenstein now has 17.05 million. --MH

10:27pm: Ace-king fails ReichensteinLevel 35 - Blinds 200,000/400,000 (50,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein picked up A♥K♦ at the button and raised to one million and Sebastian Malec came along side T♥4♥. The flop came J♠2♥T♦, Reichenstein bet, and Malec called to bring the pot to 3.9 million.

The turn was the 6♦ and both checked, then after the 2♠ river both checked again and Malec earned the pot. --MH

10:23pm: Malec wins small one, Reichenstein still leadsLevel 35 - Blinds 200,000/400,000 (50,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein opened to at least one million with J♣6♥ and Sebastian Malec just called with A♦9♠.

The flop came T♥9♣K♠ to provide Malec bottom pair, and he checked. Reichenstein continued with a chance and Malec called, bringing the pot to 4.5 million.

The turn was the J♦ and both checked, then both checked again after the T♣ river.

Malec picked up the pot. Reichenstein still has the threshold with 31.9 million versus Malec's 21.55 million. --MH

10:17pm: Malec grabs someLevel 35 - Blinds 200,000/400,000 (50,000 ante)

Sebastian Malec picked up Q♠9♠ at the button and installed a raise to at least one million, and Uri Reichenstein sat for a little while then made a three-bet to a few million with T♣6♠. Malec decided to name this re-raise, and the pair watched a flop come 5♥8♥J♠.

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More explanation for cheer for Sebastian Malec

Reichenstein checked, and Malec fired a big gamble of 2.6 million. Reichenstein sat motionless for several beats, then let his hand go. --MH

10:05pm: Checkity-checkLevel 35 - Blinds 200,000/400,000 (50,000 ante)

Lots of small pots passing by here, with little significant chip movement.

Just now Sebastian Malec raised to 900,000 from the button with 5♠4♦, Uri Reichenstein called with K♣8♠, and it went check-check-check-check-check-check as neither made a couple. --MH

9:58pm: Dueling three-betsLevel 35 - Blinds 200,000/400,000 (50,000 ante)

After Uri Reichenstein won a couple of small pots to push out ahead again, Sebastian Malec picked up A♠5♣ and raised to 1.05 million from the button, and Reichenstein three-bet to three million with 4♦3♦ and Malec folded.

On the following on Reichenstein raised to one million with A♥6♦, and Malec reraised big to 4 million with K♦3♥, forcing a fold. --MH

9:49pm: Malec pulls evenLevel 35 - Blinds 200,000/400,000 (50,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein three-bet pre-flop with pocket queens to win a pot.

Reichenstein next raised his button with T♦4♦, Sebastian Malec called with T♣8♠, and the flop came 8♣J♠3♦, then Malec called a continuation bet in addition to bring the pot as much as 4.3 million.

The turn was the T♥, giving Reichenstein one pair and Malec two, and when he led with a chance Malec let his hand go.

Malec picked up the following small pot and now they're only a single ante apart as Reichenstein has 26.75 million and Malec 26.7 million. --MH

9:40pm: Young DarioLevel 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (50,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein opened to at least one million with 8♦6♦ and Sebastian Malec three-bet to a few million with 3♥3♣. Reichenstein made a speculative call.

The flop put Reichenstein ahead. It came 9♣4♠8♣. Nevertheless it was Malec who continued betting, putting 4 million forward, and Reichenstein called.

The J♦ came at the turn and Malec bombed 11 million all-in, which put Reichenstein into the tank. If he called, he could be two outs clear of the title, but instead he folded and Malec took the pot.

Malec showed the threes and punched the air in delight. Reichenstein pondered what might need been.

Malec strikes a chord in my memory somewhat the young Dario Minieri. -- HS

9:34pm: Reichenstein bets turn, collectsLevel 35 - Blinds 200,000/400,000 (50,000 ante)

Sebastian Malec limped in with Q♣T♠, Uri Reichenstein checked with A♥3♦, then both checked the K♥5♦4♣ flop. The turn was the 2♣ and Reichenstein bet 500,000, and Malec called.

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Uri Reichenstein: More chips than he can handle

The river brought the 7♥, and Reichenstein fired 2.3 million. Malec didn't act right away, but after a brief think decided to push his cards away. --MH

9:33pm: Small pot worth 7 millionLevel 35 - Blinds 200,000/400,000 (50,000 ante)

A small pot now to Sebastian Malec, but even a small pot now's worth 7.7 million. Uri Reichenstein raised to one million pre-flop with 8♠5♦ and Malec called along with his K♠8♦.

The flop brought possibilities. It came 7♥7♦6♦ and Reichenstein bet his straight draw, asking a 900,000 question. Malec called. The turn brought the 2♦ and Malec again check-called Reichenstein's bet of nineteen. million.

They both filled their flush at the 4♦ river and both checked. Malec's 8♦ was best. -- HS

9:29pm: Big slick, little potLevel 35 - Blinds 200,000/400,000 (50,000 ante)

Sebastian Malec opened with a raise to 900,000 from the button with A♦K♦ and Uri Reichenstein called with J♠T♦. The pair then checked down the 2♥6♥Q♣7♠4♠ board and Malec won the small pot. --MH

9:27pm: Slow goingLevel 35 - Blinds 200,000/400,000 (50,000 ante)

Several more small pot hands have seen Uri Reichenstein and Sebastian Malec trading chips back and forth, with Reichenstein edging up just about 40 million and Malec sliding down slightly below 14 million. --MH

9:23pm: Reichenstein's monsterLevel 35 - Blinds 200,000/400,000 (50,000 ante)

The first three hands after break were all raise-and-takes.

On the fourth Sebastian Malec raised to 1.05 million from the button with J♠9♣, and Uri Reichenstein three-bet to a few million with a monster... 7♣2♥. Malec folded. --MH

9:18pm: Heads-up play continuesLevel 35 - Blinds 200,000/400,000 (50,000 ante)

The two players are back from dinner and Level 35 has begun. This level may be shortened to 75 minutes. --MH

35 200,000 400,000 50000

8:12pm: Dinner break

With Uri Reichenstein enjoying a greater than 2-to-1 chip advantage over Sebastian Malec, the pair is off to take a 60-minute dinner break. Updated counts below. --MH

Name Country Chips
Uri Reichenstein Germany 37,250,000
Sebastian Malec Poland 16,100,000

8:10pm: Reichenstein picks off Malec river bluffLevel 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (50,000 ante)

On the last hand before the tip of the extent and the dinner break, Sebastian Malec limped in from the button with 6♥5♠, Uri Reichenstein raised to 1.05 million with K♦Q♣, and Malec called.

The flop came 3♠3♠A♠ and both checked. The turn was the 9♦. Reichenstein checked, Malec bet 900,000, and Reichenstein quickly called. 

The river was the 8♦ and Reichenstein checked again. Malec bet 2.2 million, and without an excessive amount of hesitation Reichenstein called to select off the bluff and win the pot. --MH

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Reichenstein was rightenstein

8:03pm: Reichenstein has Malec speaking to himselfLevel 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (50,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein was dealt A♦7♠ at the button and raised, and Sebastian got an ace besides with A♥3♥ and called, bringing the pot to 1.6 million.

The both checked the K♣8♥7♥ flop, then after the 6♠ turn Malec checked, Reichenstein bet 900,000, and Malec called.

The river was a blank-looking 2♣ and Malec checked. Reichenstein made a big gamble of two million, and Malec began thinking out loud.

"You're a difficult player, so maybe I'm good here but I DO NOT know," said Malec to himself. "AND ALSO YOU know that i'm tricky... interesting, interesting."

Finally Malec pushed his hand away, having talked himself out of the decision. That's 31.9 million for Reichenstein and 21.45 million for Malec now. --MH

7:54pm: Malec five-bet shoves, closes gapLevel 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (50,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein raised to 750,000 from the button with 6♥2♥, Sebastian Malec made it 2.5 million to compliment K♠Q♣, then Reichenstein reraised back to 6.1 million.

Malec asked how much, then responded with an all-in push and Reicheinstein folded very quickly. Reichenstein has 28.95 million now and Malec 24.4 million. --MH

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Malec at the move

7:47pm: Such a lot funLevel 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (50,000 ante)

"It's such a lot fun to play heads-up," Sebastian Malec said. "You play every hand."

Malec is enjoying himself out there, asking Uri Reichenstein whether he desires to play an extended heads-up match or a brief one. "We're never going to get this chance again," he said, hoping to pull this moment out so long as possible.

He's going to get his wish for an additional hour a minimum of as it has been confirmed that there'll be a 60-minute dinner break soon. -- HS

7:46pm: Reichenstein avoids getting trippped by MalecLevel 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (50,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein raised to 750,000 with 4♥3♠ and Sebastian Malec called with K♣J♦. The flop came K♠7♦K♦, Malec checked, Reichenstein continued for 700,000, Malec check-raised to 2.2 million along with his trip kings, and Reichenstein folded. --MH

7:35pm: Uri increases stackLevel 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (50,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein raised to 750,000 with ten-trey off, and when Sebastian Malec picked up pocket kings and three-bet, Reichenstein got out of the way.

The next hand saw Malec pick up A♠5♥ and just limp from the button, then Reichenstein raised to 1.05 million with K♥Q♣ and Malec called.

The flop came 2♦6♠8♥. Reichenstein led with a raffle of 900,000 and Malec called, then at the J♦ turn card Reichenstein bet 2.2 million, and that was enough to push Malec off his hand. 

Uri Reichenstein - 35.4 millionSebastian Malec - 17.95 million

They've just crossed the halfway mark of the extent. --MH

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Two players, one trophy

7:30pm: Small one for MalecLevel 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (50,000 ante)

Following a couple of more small pots without flops, another arose during which Uri Reichenstein raised his button to 750,000 with 5♥3♦ and Sebastian Malec called with A♠4♠.

The flop came 4♥K♦8♠, giving Malec a couple of fours, Malec led with a small bet, and Reichenstein called to bring the pot to an excellent 3 million. Both then checked the 8♥ turn and J♦ river, and Malec took it down. --MH

7:23pm: Malec nibbles backLevel 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (50,000 ante)

A small pot now for Sebastian Malec as he bet the worst hand but got Uri Reichenberg to fold his no pair.

Malec opened to 750,000 with K♠8♥ and Reichenstein defended with A♥4♦. After the flop of 9♥2♦T♦ Malec bet 650,000 and won. -- HS

7:22pm: Reichenstein takes anotherLevel 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (50,000 ante)

On the second one hand of heads-up play Uri Reichenstein managed to flop trip sevens but did not get any value from Sebastian Malec after checking to him repeatedly at the post-flop streets.

"Trappy, trappy... tricky, tricky!" said Malec with a grin.

The next hand saw Reichenstein raise to 750,000 from the button with A♦9♥ and Malec called with 4♠2♠. The flop came 6♥3♠Q♥, Malec checked, Reichenstein bet 700,000, and Malec check-raised to 2.25 million.

Reichenstein thought for a half-minute and called the raise, and both watched the turn bring the T♥. Malec riffled for some time and checked, and Reichenstein fired again for 2.8 million. Malec took his time once more, and let his cards go.

Reichenstein is as much as nearly 36 million and Malec right down to just over 17 million. --MH

7:05pm: Heads-up beginsLevel 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (50,000 ante)

"Have fun," said Sebastian Malec to Uri Reichenstein because the pair shook hands, then both sat down for the primary hand of heads-up play with the brand new red-and-blue 500,000-chips in play.

Reichenstein started things with a raise to 850,000 from the button with T♣8♠, Malec called, and the flop came 2♥7♥K♣. Malec checked, Reichenstein continued 700,000, and Malec folded. --MH

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Heads up

6:45pm: Heads up stacksLevel 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (50,000 ante)

They're taking a 10-minute break and they'll then come again to the next stacks:

Uri Reichenstein: 32 millionSebastian Malec: 21.45 million -- HS

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Reichenstein, left, and Malec prepare for heads up play

6:45pm: Like Spurs, Owen finishes thirdLevel 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (50,000 ante)

On the hand immediately after Thomas De Rooij was eliminated, Adam Owen followed his long-time adversary to the rail. Their two bands of supporters at the moment are free to mingle on the bars of Barcelona, leaving Uri Reichenstein and Sebastian Malec to do battle heads up.

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Adam Owen sweats his all-in hand

This one started when Malec, with A♦8♦, limped from the button and Reichenstein also completed from the small blind. He was sitting with A♥8♠.

Owen found Q♦J♠ within the big blind and felt it was adequate with which to ship his last 5.6 million.

Malec was the primary to ponder the verdict with the ace-eight and he decided to re-shove, forcing Reichenstein out of it this time.

The board ran 2♣6♠2♣8♣6♦ and Owen emulated his beloved Tottenham Hotspur, finishing in third place. He gets €646,250 for that. -- HS

6:43pm: Thomas De Rooij ousted in fourth (€535,100)Level 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (50,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein picked up a few small pots to transport up over 30 million, then it was Thomas De Rooij moving all-in for his last 900,000 -- just three big blinds -- from under the gun with A♠7♣.

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The end of Thomas De Rooij

It folded to Sebastian Malec within the small blind who after being dealt K♠6♥ thought for a short time made the decision. Reichenstein had J♠3♦ but made a giant three-bet to 2.4 million, and Malec stepped aside.

The flop came 4♦3♥T♠ and suddenly De Rooij was right down to in search of a king or six. The turn was the Q♥, then the 5♠ completed the board and De Rooij left to a round of applause and congratulations from his considerable rail of supporters.

Reichenstein extends his lead slightly further as three-handed play begins. He has 32.35 million now, Malec 15.45 million, and Owen 5.65 million. --MH

6:35pm: Cautious begin to levelLevel 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (50,000 ante)

After a few no-flop hands to start out the level, Sebastian Malec picked up A♥6♦ at the button and after thinking for some time decided simply to call. Uri Reichenstewithin then limped from the small blind with A♣3♠, and Thomas De Rooij checked in the big blind with T♠5♦.

All three checked the 3♣J♣8♦ flop and 6♠ turn. They checked the 7♦ river, too, and Malec won the small pot. --MH

34 150000 300000 30000

6:25pm: StacksLevel 34 - Blinds 150,000/300,000 (30,000 ante)

When they return to play Level 34, here's how they are going to be stacked:

Name Country Chips
Uri Reichenstein Germany 27,750,000
Sebastian Malec Poland 17,375,000
Adam Owen UK 6,800,000
Thomas De Rooij Netherlands 1,525,000

6:07pm: Owen doubles through De RooijLevel 33 - Blinds 120,000/240,000 (30,000 ante)

On the following hand after that gigantic one won by Uri Reichenstein, Thomas De Rooij open-folded A♦7♠ from the button, Adam Owen open-pushed his short stack with K♣J♦, and Owen won the hand.

On the following one Reichenstein got a walk, and at the one after that he open-shoved from the small blind with K♦6♦ and De Rooij folded.

Then -- at the last hand of the extent -- it was De Rooij open-pushing all-in from the small blind with Q♥7♥ and Owen went into the tank over even if he should commit his 3.375 million with K♠2♠.

"It's pretty close," Owen said after a few minutes, then 45 seconds after that he finally called.

The board ran out 8♠8♦3♣6♠T♥, and Owen doubles to around 7 million while De Rooij slides to around 1.5 million.

They're now taking a 20-minute break before going into Level 33, where the massive blind is 300,000. Thomas De Rooij only has four of them. --MH

5:55pm: Reichenstein takes enormous pot, pulls clear on the topLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

Adam Owen's resurgence just hit the skids after he flopped top pair of queens, but was behind Uri Reichenstein's keenly-concealed pocket kings.

Sebastian Malec started it, limping from under the gun with 9♦8♦. Reichenstein raised from the button with K♥K♣, making it 700,000 to play, and Owen saw the K♦Q♣ within the big blind. He called and Malec called too.

In the EPT Live commentary booth, Lex Veldhuis said that Reichenstein's bet suggested he was just trying to punish the limper, so there has been no possible way Owen could put him at the monster. That explained the flop action after the Q♥9♠3♥ came off.

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Uri Reichenstein: Massive leader

Owen and Malec both checked and Reichenstein bet 1.15 million. Owen, along with his top pair, check-raised to 3.1 million and Malec departed. Reichenstein called.

That took them to the 8♠ at the turn and Owen checked again. Now Reichenstein took the potential of a check-raise away when he shoved for 9.375 million and Owen needed to decide for three-quarters of his stack.

Owen pondered for greater than five minutes but had talked himself into the decision. He put the chips over the line, but saw the bad news. The A♥ at the river was huge for Reichenstein, who doubles to 27.275 million.

Owen is left with 11 big blinds. -- HS

5:40pm: Reichenstein picks up family potLevel 33 - Blinds 120,000/240,000 (30,000 ante)

Thomas De Rooij raised to 525,000 from under the gun with A♣K♠ and Adam Owen called from the button with K♦J♠. Sebastian Malec picked up 4♠4♥ within the small blind and called, and Uri Reichenstein decided to name to boot from the massive blind with Q♦7♥.

The Q♣5♠3♦ flop gave the worst preflop hand the lead (Reichenstein's), and it checked the entire way across the. 3♣ turn paired the board, and after Malec checked Reichenstein bet 825,000 and everybody got out. --MH

5:36pm: Owen three-bets twice, wins bothLevel 33 - Blinds 120,000/240,000 (30,000 ante)

Uri Reichenstein was dealt 9♥6♠ at the button and when folded to higher to 575,000. It then folded to Adam Owen who aroused from sleep within the big blind with A♦K♥, and all he needed to do was say he was going to reraise and Reichenstein folded.

The next hand saw Thomas De Rooij opening from the button with K♠J♥ for 500,000, then Owen who'd picked up A♦2♥ within the small blind three-bet again, this time for 1.5 million. It folded back to De Rooij who called, and the flop came T♥3♣5♣.

Still with ace-high and having picked up a wheel draw, Owen fired 1.1 million and De Rooij stepped aisde. 

De Rooij is all the way down to 6.2 million now while Owen is creeping up toward 17 million. --MH

5:30pm: Owen's four-betLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

The momentum is all with Sebastian Malec on the moment, who has suddenly decided to pump up the aggression. Adam Owen found the way to counter it, though. He broke out his own strong right arm.

Owen opened to 600,000 from under the gun, that is also the cutoff four-handed. He had A♦4♣. Malec, at the button, three-bet with A♥5♠, making it 1.55 million to play.

Uri Reichenstein and Thomas De Rooij folded their blinds, but Owen four-bet to 3.5 million. It gave the look of Malec was debating whether the move in or fold and, chastened, took the latter option. -- HS

5:25pm: More for MalecLevel 33 - Blinds 120,000/240,000 (30,000 ante)

It folded to Sebastian Malec who limped in from the small blind with 8♠4♠, Uri Reichenstein checked his option from the massive blind with Q♠J♦, and the flop came 3♣7♦T♥. Check-check. The turn brought the 3♠ and a raffle of 250,000 from Malec, and Reichenstein called.

The river was the 8♣ -- giving Malec the most productive hand with eights and treys -- and Reichenstein bet 450,000. Malec called quickly, and took another pot.

Malec has 20.55 million while Reichenstein has 12.475 million. --MH

5:15pm: Malec goes for gloryLevel 33 - Blinds 120,000/240,000 (30,000 ante)

Sebastian Malec mentioned the brand new PokerStars Championships and the way this will likely be the last go-round for the ecu" Poker Tour" name, adding how winning an EPT title here wouldn't leave much opportunity so as to add to the dignity"" of it by winning further ones.

"But you'd win lots of money," offered Uri Reichenstein as a distinct way of taking a look at it.

Meanwhile Thomas De Rooij opened for 500,000 from the button with A♥6♦, and Sebastian Malec defended his big blind with a decision having been dealt J♦8♦.

The flop came 5♦6♣5♠, Malec chose to guide with a big gamble of 475,000, and De Rooij raised to twelve. million. Malec then reraised to 2.2 million, and with some hesitation De Rooij called.

The turn then brought the J♥ to position Malec in front, and this time he checked. De Rooij checked out the board after which at Malec, then he fired 1.5 million. Malec counted out calling chips and pushed them forward, pushing the pot as much as 8.625 million.

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Sebastian Malec: What are you able to do?

The river was the 9♦ keeping Malec in front, and it went check-check to offer Malec the massive pot. He raised his arms and nodded his head in celebration, then afterwards mentioned how he'd gotten lucky.

Malec is up over 20 million now, with the chase pack down around 12 million. --MH

5:05pm: Malec hits back at ReichensteinLevel 33 - Blinds 120,000/240,000 (30,000 ante)

Sebastian Malec is now back into the chip lead, making Uri Reichenstein fold the most productive hand by continuing an aggressive post-flop line.

Malec found 4♦4♣ at the button and raised to 500,000, but Reichenstein had found 6♦6♣ within the small blind and raised to 1.375 million. Malec called.

The board came 3♦7♦A♥ and Reichenstein checked. Malec continued, though, betting 975,000 and Reichenstein called that.

The A♦ came at the turn and Reichenstein checked again. Malec stuck to his story and bet 1.7 million. This time Reichenstein believed him and let it go. -- HS

5:01pm: Reichenstein back in frontLevel 33 - Blinds 120,000/240,000 (30,000 ante)

Sebastian Malec limped in from the small blind with J♠8♥, Uri Reichenstein checked from the massive blind with 9♦8♠, and the flop came Q♣9♥7♦.

Malec grabbed chips from his stack, betting 1.2 million (three-quarters of the pot), and Reichenstein called together with his second pair. The turn then brought the 8♣ to offer Malec one pair and Reichenstein two, and Malec checked. Acting with deliberation, Reichenstein slid out a big gamble of twenty-two. million. Malec thought for an entire minute, then let his cards go.

The lead swings back Reichenstein's way as he bumps as much as 15.075 million. --MH

4:53pm: Big one for De Rooij; all four neck-and-neck nowLevel 33 - Blinds 120,000/240,000 (30,000 ante)

It folded around to Uri Reichenstein within the small blind who raised to 125,000 with A♠9♦, and Thomas De Rooij chose to defend his big blind by calling with T♥7♣.

The flop was good for De Rooij, coming T♣6♦T♠. Reichenstein continued for 400,000, and after hesitating slightly De Rooij called. Reichenstein then checked the 2♠ turn, and De Rooij gathered together a big gamble of 850,000. Reichenstein took about 20 seconds after which called, bringing the pot to 3.85 million.

The river brought the K♠ and Reichenstein checked, and after looking over the location a little while De Rooij bet 2.8 million, leaving about 3.6 million behind. Reichenstein didn't take that long before calling along with his ace-high, and De Rooij claimed the massive pot. He has the largest rail of supporters, who all erupted.

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Thomas De Rooij's rail

That one brings the four players very as regards to one another within the counts all of a sudden:

Sebastian Malec -- 14,225,000Adam Owen -- 13,200,000Thomas De Rooij -- 13,025,000Uri Reichenstein -- 13,000,000

No one is citing a deal again as play continues. --MH

4:45pm: Owen over De RooijLevel 33 - Blinds 120,000/240,000 (30,000 ante)

Thomas De Rooij limped from the small blind with just one of his hole cards -- A♦ -- visible to viewers on EPT Live, then Adam Owen raised to 800,000 from the massive blind with 9♥8♠.

De Rooij and the pair watched the flop come 7♣Q♥T♥. De Rooij checked and Owen bet an excellent 1 million, and after a brief think De Rooij folded.

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Thomas De Rooij: Sliding

De Rooij has slipped to about 7.9 million while Owen now has right at 12 million. --MH

4:40pm: A COMPLETE 'nother levelLevel 33 - Blinds 120,000/240,000 (30,000 ante)

They've moved straight on into the following level and not using a break. --MH

33 120000 240000 30000

4:35pm: Malec limps into troubleLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

After a couple of hands of raise and take it, Sebastian Malec decided a distinct approach was so as. He called from the button, with 5♠5♦, for 200,000, and both blinds stuck around too. Uri Reichenstein had A♣8♦ and Thomas De Rooij J♥T♣.

It succeeded in making this a peculiar hand for the reason that flop of A♥J♦2♥ gave the 2 blinds a couple each. But all three players checked.

The 3♠ came at the turn and after two more checks, Malec bet 250,000 with the worst hand. Reichenstein raised, making it 725,000, and De Rooij called.

Malec wondered whether he was priced in with a wheel draw, but folded. And the 2 others then checked the meaningless river card. Reichenstein's pair of aces was good and he builds his stack to 18 million. -- HS

4:32pm: Owen picks up a fewLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

On the primary hand back from the break, the twentieth of the overall so far, Uri Reichenstein opened for 475,000 from the cutoff with T♠7♠ and Adam Owen called from the massive blind holding 9♠8♥.

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Adam Owen

The flop came T♥J♦9♣ and both players checked, then after the 4♣ turn Owen bet 550,000 and Reichstein called. The river was the K♦ and when Owen fired again, Reichenstein let his hand go. --MH

4:28pm: Back in actionLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

Players are back of their seats and play has resumed all over again. There are about eight minutes to head on this level. --MH

4:02pm: No deal; break timeLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

Both "chip chop" and "ICM"-based figures were produced for the players, leaving €100,000 aside in both cases for which to play. 

Uri Reichenstein, Sebastian Malec, and Adam Owen each immediately wanted greater than the others were willing to give, and it only took a few minutes to comprehend a deal wasn't going to happen. 

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"I want more... you wish to have more? Okay, let's play."

With no deal done, players are going ahead and taking a break. Back with the beginning of four-handed play in a short time. --MH

3:45pm: Updated chip counts; four remainLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

As the discussion begins, here's where the chips are:

Uri Reichenstein - 17,475,000Sebastian Malec - 15,550,000Adam Owen - 10,625,000Thomas De Rooij - 9,800,000

There's still over €3.1 million left to be divided up, and players are still deciding in the event that they need to chop it. Stay tuned. --MH

3:35pm: Deal talkLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

With the elimination of Zorlu Er, the remainder four players, all of whom are pros, have agreed to pause the tournament clock and discuss a potential deal. Back in a bit of with what their discussion produces. --MH

3:31pm: Zorlu Er out fifth! Wins €431,550Level 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

In the blink of an eye, Zorlu Er has followed Andreas Chalkiadakis out of the door! For a player who has grow to be recognised for the length of his decisions, Er just about instantly called on three streets after Uri Reichenstein barrelled, barrelled, then shoved. Er was second best all of the way and is now out.

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Er indoors: Zorlu out in fifth

Reichenstein opened with T♦4♦ at the button and Er, with A♠J♣ within the big blind, called. They went to a perfect flop for Reichenstein. It was all diamonds -- A♦K♦3♦ -- and the ace gave Er reason to stay around. Er check-called Reichentstein's bet of 400,000.

The turn was the T♣ and Er checked again. Reichenstein bet 900,000 and got an instant call all over again. Then the 6♥ came at the river and Er checked for a 3rd time. Reichenstein went for max value. He shipped, covering Er's 4.7 million, and Er snap-called all-in!

The cards went on their backs, the flush was good, and Er was sent home in fifth. -- HS

3:31pm: Updated counts; five remainLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

Sebastian Malec - 15,600,000Uri Reichenstein - 11,170,000Adam Owen - 10,285,000Thomas De Rooij - 10,155,000Zorlu Er - 6,250,000

3:29pm: Er shoves, collectsLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

Zorlu Er raised to 475,000 from the cutoff with K♥J♥ and got two callers in Adam Owen with A♥8♥ (button) and Uri Reichenstein with A♠2♥ (big blind).

The flop came K♣8♣5♦ and when folded to Er pushed all-in for his last 4.8 million, earning folds from both opponents. 

Er has 6.25 million now, still fifth of 5. --MH

3:25pm: Andreas Chalkiadakis out in sixth, winning €330,290Level 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

Andreas Chalkiadakis didn't play a single hand for the primary hour of this final table. And the scoop is that this: he won't be playing another one. He's out, losing the one pot he entered.

After Thomas De Rooij opened to 450,000 from the cutoff with K♦8♦, Chalkiadakis looked down at K♥Q♠ and moved all in, a complete of 4.075 million.

Zorlu Er folded his small blind, however the crowd rose to its feet when Adam Owen went into the tank within the big blind. Owen isn't a slow player, so that they knew he was pondering a decision. We knew, watching on EPT Live, that with A♣Q♣ he had a marginal decision.

Owen eventually re-shoved and located out the good news for him. De Rooij folded, but he was a four-to-one favourite over Chalkiadakis.

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Andreas Chalkiadakis: The laughing stops

There was hope for Chalkiadakis at the flop of J♦A♠Q♦ but he was drawing dead after another ace at the turn gave Owen the entire house.

That was the tip of the Greek tragedy, while it also ended a nasty start of the general day for Owen. He's now as much as within a whisker of eleven million. -- HS

3:15pm: To Er is humanLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

Newly up over 14 million and still within the lead, Sebastian Malec raised to 525,000 from middle position with K♦K♠. Andreas Chalkiadakis chose to fold ace-eight within the small blind, but Zorlu Er did call with J♣3♣ from the massive blind.

Both checked the 8♣7♦6♥ flop, then at the 7♥ turn Er led with of venture of 450,000 and Malec called.

The river was the K♦, giving Malec a whole house. Er waited, then fired 775,000, and when Malec raised to two million, Er took an entire minute before folding his hand.

"You fold a seven?" asked Malec after Er, and Er nodded (though we knew better). Malec is now up over 16 million while Er slips down on the subject of 5 million. --MH

3:10pm: More for Malec, more of the similar for OwenLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

Adam Owen's tough run on the final table continues, despite him picking up another pocket pair. He opened to 450,000 from the hijack with 5♠5♦ and Sebastian Malec, one seat to his left, called. Malec, the chip-leader, had T♠T♣.

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Sebastian Malec: At the up

The button and blinds folded, so it was just the 2 of them to an over-card heavy flop of K♠Q♥3♠. They both checked. Neither fancied the 4♠ turn. And so they checked the J♣ river.

Owen was never ahead within the hand and Malec increased his lead. -- HS

3:05pm: Flopped flush benefits ReichensteinLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

It folded around to Uri Reichenstein within the small blind who was dealt T♣7♣ and he just completed. After taking a sip of beer Thomas De Rooij checked from the BB together with his 9♣3♦.

The flop came all clubs -- 4♣2♣5♣ -- giving Reichenstein a flush, and Reichenstein led out for 225,000. De Rooij paused a beat, then raised to 700,000. Reichenstein paused himself, then called.

The turn brought the A♥, completing a wheel for De Rooij, and Reichenstein checked. De Rooij took the outlet to fireside 1.2 million -- greater than half the pot -- and Reichenstein took a few half-minute before calling.

The river then brought the 6♣ and checks from both, and Reichenstein claimed the 4.5 million-chip pot. --MH

3pm: Beers for the tableLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

Thomas De Rooij just bought everyone a pint of beer each. Nobody accepted it except De Rooij himself, so the pints found grateful recipients at the rail.

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2:53pm: Harcharan Dogra Dogra eliminated in seventh place (€230,950)Level 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

Thomas De Rooij picked up A♥4♠ within the cutoff and raised to 200,000, and when it folded to Harcharan Dogra Dogra within the big blind he looked down at 3♥2♣.

Dogra Dogra had slightly below 1,000,000 left after posting the large blind, and after enthusiastic about a half-minute De Rooij called the clock. Dogra Dogra took a couple of more seconds and just called the raise, leaving himself 750,000 behind.

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Harcharan Dogra Dogra: Short stack out first

The flop came 5♠9♣2♥ to provide Dogra Dogra a couple of deuces, and he immediately put his last chips forward. De Rooij called in no time together with his gutshot wheel draw, and after the K♦ turn Dogra Dogra was one card clear of a small double.

But the river brought the 4♦ to provide De Rooij a greater pair, and Dogra Dogra is out in seventh place, earning a warm round of applause from his many supporters. De Rooij is up over 12 million now, in second position behind Malec. --MH

2:55pm: Owen stops the rotLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

"I won a hand, guys," Adam Owen said to his rail. "I got a walk."

He did. He was within the big blind and picked up blinds and antes after everyone folded to him. That is the first hand he has won on the final table. -- HS

2:45pm: Er collects again from OwenLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

After Harcharan Dogra Dogra carefully folded under the gun, leaving his stack perilous, Adam Owen found A♦T♦ one seat along and raised to 475,000. Owen won a major pot yesterday with this precise hand, knocking out Morten Mortensen, so would has been feeling confident.

Zorlu Er called within the big blind with a dominated J♣T♣ however it quickly became dominant when the flop came 9♣2♥J♦. Er checked his top pair. Owen bet 500,000. Er called.

The T♠ at the turn improved both hands, but they both checked, after which the K♦ at the river missed everybody, but put a four-card straight available in the market. They both checked an Er won.

Owen hasn't won a hand thus far at this final table, continuing a foul run that started when his bluff was picked off by Thomas De Rooij late yesterday. -- HS

2:40pm: Malec takes pot and lead from ReichensteinLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

It folded around to Sebastian Malec who looked down at A♥K♣, and after putting on his sunglasses he raised to 400,000. Uri Reichenstein was next to behave at the button with 4♠4♦, and he reraised to 1.1 million. That chased the blinds, and Malec called.

(Incidentally, we saw other players fold either one of the opposite fours, meaning Reichenstein couldn't make a set.)

The flop came K♠Q♣6♠, giving Malec top pair, top kicker, and he checked. Reichenstein bet 850,000, and underneath his yellow hoodie Malec nodded after which called.

The turn brought the 8♦ and Malec checked again, and this time Reichenstein made a giant bet of 2.3 million. Malec riffled his chips, then alternated between counting chips and looking out over at Reichenstein. Finally Malec chose to push all-in.

"Ah, no snap-call... I SUPPOSE I'm good!" Malec chuckled when Reichenstein didn't respond in no time. Indeed, it was good for Malec, as Reichenstein let his cards go.

That bumps Malec up into the chip lead with greater than 13.5 million while Reichenstein slips to 3rd within the counts. --MH

2:31pm: More for ReichensteinLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

Adam Owen got back into action with a raise to 450,000 from the button with K♥3♠, and located himself battling with Uri Reichenstein who called from the large blind with A♦7♣.

Both checked the 7♦5♠2♦ flop, then when the 9♣ fell at the turn Reichenstein bet 475,000 together with his pair of sevens and Owen stepped aside.

That pushes Reichenstein up over 13 million while Owen has lost all three of the hands he's played up to now. --MH

2:26pm: Malec best ErLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

Three hands, three different winners. This time, Sebastian Malec called from the large blind with J♣8♦ after Zorlu Er opened.

They saw the flop of 7♥8♣K♣ and both checked. At the 3♠ turn, Malec stabbed 375,000 at it and Er called. Er also known as after Malec improved to 2 pair at the J♥ river and bet 650,000.

Er quickly saw the bad news and mucked. Malec moved as much as 9 million. -- HS

2:24pm: Er over OwenLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

On the second one hand of the general table, it folded around to Zorlu Er at the button who opened for 200,000 with J♥T♣, and Adam Owen defended his big blind by calling with Q♣5♦.

The flop came J♣6♣3♥, and after being checked to Er continued for 625,000, and Owen tossed his hand. Owen has 8.35 million while Er has 7.65 million. --MH

2:20pm: First hand to ReichensteinLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

And they are surely now playing.

Adam Owen had the primary decision of the day and, finding pocket sixes, opened pre-flop from under the gun, making it 450,000 to play. He was within the first position he might be able to raise, and he did just that.

Uri Reichensteiner called from the hijack with 8♦8♣ and action made its steady way around to Harcharan Dogra Dogra within the big blind. He folded, continuing to maintain his seven big blind stack.

The flop brought the 7♥4♦A♥ and Owen continued, betting 500,000. Owen was happy to barrel consistently yesterday even if he missed, so Reichenstein called together with his pocket pair.

After the 3♦ came at the turn, Owen checked, bringing the 7♦ at the river. Both players checked again and the larger pair took it down for Reichensteiner. -- HS

2pm: Away they goLevel 32 - Blinds 100,000/200,000 (25,000 ante)

The introductions was made and the general table is now under way. All of the action here begin to finish. -- HS

32 100000 200000 25000

1:45pm: The overall seven

Here are your final table players this afternoon:

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Final table players (l-r): Andreas Chalkiadakis, Adam Owen, Thomas De Rooij, Harcharan Dogra Dogra, Uri Reichenstein, Sebastian Malec, Zorlu Er.

1pm: Play because of begin

Seven-handed play on the EPT Barcelona Main Event final table is because of begin at 1pm CET, but because it is a cards-up EPT Live broadcast, we will be able to bring you action from 2pm to maintain the arena of PokerStars a spoiler-free zone. We can report from the stream.

As you'll recall from yesterday's action, Harcharan Dogra Dogra had an opportunity to get all of his short stack in at the final hand, but waved away the chance with a "Tomorrow!" Expect him to be stressed early on.

At the opposite end of the leader board, long-time boss Adam Owen lost a vital pot to Thomas De Rooij late directly to put the latter into the lead, but then Uri Reichenstein picked up a small pot from Andreas Chalkiadakis and Zorlu Er to sneak ahead on the death.

Here's how they sit once they return to play to a winner:

Seat 1 - Uri Reichenstein, Germany, 11,325,000Seat 2 - Thomas De Rooij, Netherlands, 11,175,000Seat 3 - Andreas Chalkiadakis, Greece, 5,050,000Seat 4 - Zorlu Er, Turkey, 7,075,000Seat 5 - Harcharan Dogra Dogra, Spain, 1,760,000Seat 6 - Adam Owen, United Kingdom, 9,800,000Seat 7 - Sebastian Malec, Poland, 7,325,000

Seven players, seven European countries. The general EPT Barcelona Main Event title is at the line. Oh, and this sum of money. Join us as they play to a champion.

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Take a glance on the official website of the EPT, with tournament schedule, news, results and accommodation details for EPT13 Barcelona and the remainder of the season.

Also all of the schedule information is at the EPT App, that's available on both Android or IOS.

PokerStars Blog reporting team at the EPT13 Main Event: Martin Harris and Howard Swains. Photography by Neil Stoddart. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter:@PokerStarsBlog

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