Sunday, August 7, 2016

LAPT9 Chile: Day 2 live updatesNO Deposit bonus $43

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12:45am: The wrap

Check out all of today's action within the full Day 2 report. --JS

12:27am: We're done for Day 2Level 20 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

We didn't quite get all the way down to the specified 32, but it's pretty close. 33 players could be coming back tomorrow for Day 3 and out of nowhere Ricardo Matamala has emerged as our chip leader with 811,000. He won an enormous pot within the final hand of the night - we'll have a whole report of the day where you'll discover out all about it. --JS

12:07am: There goes oneLevel 20 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

We've just lost Ivan Raich in 35th place. He got it in behind with K-9 against an opponent's A-J, and although he flopped best he was drawing dead at the turn when the opposite player made a straight.

Two more eliminations needed. --JS

12:02am: Still at 35Level 20 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

It's gone midnight here in Chile and we have now QUARTER-HOUR left at the level with 35 players remaining. --JS

11:55pm: Politano flushes the chipleaderLevel 20 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

Alex Vega had shot as much as 830,000 and the chip lead, and while he's still in pole position he just lost an uncongenial one to Bruno Politano.

Vega opened to 22,000 - as he have been every hand since getting the massive stack. Politano was his only caller out of the large blind and the 2 saw an all-club 7♣8♣2♣ flop hit the felt.

It went check check and the A♦ landed at the turn - a touch of red to an otherwise all-black affair. Poltiano checked, Vega bet 27,000, and Politano made a fast call.

The river was a fourth club - the Q♣. Politano now took the betting lead and slid in 56,000, and Vega looked just a little sick. It was clear he didn't like that fourth club - he even took his fancy sunglasses off. He tried to get something from Bruno by speaking to him, but speaking to Politano is like chatting with a brick wall wearing equally cool sunglasses. He got nothing but made the decision anyway, and Politano flipped over the nut flush with the A♣J♣. Vega looked frustrated with himself, but he still has over 700,000. Politano is across the 600,000 mark now. --JS

11:45pm: Just three moreLevel 20 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

We need three more eliminations within the next half hour if we are going to finish early. Saying that, there's only 34 minutes left at the level after which we're calling it an evening regardless. In an effort to come first? Place your bets now. --JS

11:37pm: No luck for RaffoLevel 20 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

Chile's Tomas Duran Raffo got it in good, but now finds himself gone.

The hand that crippled him was against Julien Pineda. They'd got it all-in pre-flop in a 320,000-ish pot and it was Raffo's Q♦Q♣ against Pineda's A♥T♣. However, an ace at the flop gave Pineda the win and left Raffo with just six big blinds.

He'd put them within the middle at the very next hand, and the person that called was none rather than Pineda. He'd woken up within the big blind with A♥J♣ and that was sooner than Raffo's Q♠T♦. Raffo couldn't get lucky like his opponent had done before because the board ran out K♠A♠8♣6♣4♣.

Raffo hits the cage, while Pineda climbs to 390,000. --JS

11:29pm: Roberly continues to torture CordaroLevel 20 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

Earlier today, Daniel Cordaro was reduce by Roberly Fericio and in a single of the primary hands of Level 20, the Brazilian returned to kind of cripple Cordaro. Action was picked up with Cordaro moving all-in from the hijack and it was an enchanting play, as Marcelo Pohnajevic, who was at the button, was dealt into the hand but left the table before the action got to him.

That meant that Cordaro needed to get through one less player to select up the blinds and antes but we do not think he thought he'd discover a contender within the short stack to his immediate left. After Cordaro moved all-in for slightly below 140,000, Fericio shoved for less, 105,000 to be exact, and the remainder of the table folded to look that the Brazilian again had Cordaro in a nasty spot.

After a clean runout, Fericio's A♠K♥ held against Cordaro's A♣4♠, scoring him the double and crippling the Argentine. He was eliminated a couple of hands later, meaning that we're now only a handful of eliminations clear of the tip of Day 2. --WOC

11:22pm: Blinds up for the overall timeLevel 20 - Blinds 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

It's the last level of the day, and so either we play for one more hour or we lose six more players to finish the night. 38 remain because it stands. --JS

11:16pm: Rios says vamos, but Benitez ain't buyingLevel 19 - Blinds 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

Brazil's Eduardo Rios just made an announcement to Francisco 'Tomate' Benitez: don't three-bet my under-the-gun opens.

He said it through his actions in fact; just as he didn't really say vamos - he instead moved all-in. He'd opened to 17,000 and Benitez raised to 37,000. When it folded back around to Rios he made the jam, and Benitez got out of how. Rios now sits with 270,000. --JS

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Eduardo Rios

11:07pm: Rodrigo Strong restores orderLevel 19 - Blinds 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

Through the primary half Level 19, Rodrigo Strong likely wished he'd have stayed on break, because the Brazilian big stack was swiftly reduce to the pack. Fortunately for him, he had a sizable-enough lead that the scale back left him with an excessively workable 440,000 and after a couple of small pots (along side a knockout) Strong has restored order with slightly below 38 players remaining.

That knockout was picked up with Strong opening to 16,000 from late position and after some thought, a player at the button moved all-in for 92,000. The blinds folded and robust thought for a couple of moments before he called, only to look that he was dominated.

He held A♠4♠ and his opponent turned over A♣T♥ but after the K♠Q♥5♠ flop, that domination disappeared. The quick stack's possibilities of survival then disappeared after T♠ spiked at the turn, hitting Strong's flush and confirming the elimination. He's back over the 600,000 chip mark and with over a dozen eliminations throughout the first 50 minutes of Level 19, it seems like lets be ending the night just a little early... --WOC

10:59pm: It's essential be DubiniLevel 19 - Blinds 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

Having just eliminated Frank Naranjo, Richard Dubini has played executioner yet one more time. Knocking people out of poker tournaments is a role that pays well, as Dubini is now right up there with the chip leaders.

The player we lost this time was Rodrigo Chavez. It started innocently enough - an under-the-gun open from Dubini followed by a decision from Chavez from the massive blind. The flop then came the 8♦T♥K♥ and in preference to doing the usual 'check to the raiser', Chavez led out for 23,000. Dubini made a speedy call.

The dealer burned and turned the 8♥ turn and now the bet from Chavez was 32,000. Again, Dubini wasted no time in calling. So, to the river we went and it was the 8♠, pairing the board. After some consideration, Chavez moved all-in for a good chunk of chips and Dubini snap-called. Chavez sheepishly turned over the 9♥T♠ which he knew was beat, and Dubini raked within the chips with K-J off.

Dubini now sits with a stack of 640,000. --JS

10:53pm: Cream rising to the highest of Table 12Level 19 - Blinds 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

Throughout this present day 2 session, a handful of players have held the Table 12 chip lead. It started with Andruis Bielskis, who peaked throughout the first two levels and because then, it's roughly been passed backward and forward. During the first half hour of Level 19 though, Richard Dubini and Bruno Politano appear to be they're doing their best to maintain the chip lead amongst one another until the top of the night.

Dubini just sent former chip leader Frank Naranjo to the rail, Dubini's A♠9♠ holding against the fast stack's A♣7♥. That was a comparatively small pot but it surely was person who shot Dubini up and over the 450,000 chip mark. Within the very next hand, to not be outdone, Politano got involved, taking a small pot off Rodrigo Chavez to transport himself over 400,000.

These are two of the more matured players on this field so while they trend up, the remainder of this LAPT9 Chile Main Event need to be on high alert. --WOC

10:46pm: Rodriguez not bluffing for onceLevel 19 - Blinds 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

We've seen Alejandro Rodriguez pull off some stunning bluffs today (see our 6:45pm post) but he just won a pleasing pot in a more-honest way.

With the flop showing the 5♥Q♣5♠, Diego Vizcay checked and Rodriguez put out a gamble of 30,000. They were the one two within the pot so action was back on Vizcay, and he made the decision. The 6♠ landed at the turn and both players opted to test it, taking us to the 6♣ river. Vizcay checked over again and lets just tell Rodriguez was going to bet - whether he had anything or not.

He did bet - 62,000 in reality. Vizcay made a rapid call but got the bad news as his K♠Q♠ was outkicked by Rodguez' A♣Q♥. When the dust settled, Rodriguez had moved as much as 425,000. --JS

10:42pm: One step back, two steps forward for OrtizLevel 19 - Blinds 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

After his massive win with pocket aces, a hand that shot Fabian Ortiz to the highest of the Day 2 leaderboard, he spent the following hour or so losing a handful of smaller pots to go away himself under 400,000 entering Level 19. Well, while he might need taken one step back over the past level, he's now taking two very big steps forward over the past few hands.

He's now playing as regards to 570,000 after winning a large pot off Daniel Denghal. Action was picked up with the two-time LAPT champion raising to 50,000 on a board of 6♣4♠3♥ flop, after Denghal led from the small blind for 20,000. The PokerStars online qualifier called and after the 9♦ fell at the turn, both players quickly checked to look the board pair at the river.

The 4♦ fell and Denghal quickly check-called a 45,000 chip bet from Ortiz, who tabled Q♥Q♣. Two pair was good to win the pot and Denghal was left shaking his head and although we do not think the river changed too much, he seemed like he thought his hand was good, especially with the paired board.

Nevertheless, it wasn't and he's now down under 100,000 while Fabian Ortiz seems like he's regained his footing after which some, currently working a top-three stack. --WOC

10:30pm: More payouts so that you can peruseLevel 19 - Blinds 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

We've now updated the payouts and prizepool page as much as the 50 that returned after dinner. --JS

10:20pm: Back from break, two levels or 18 playersLevel 19 - Blinds 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

This Day 2 field has returned from break with exactly 50 players still alive for the LAPT9 Chile Main Event title. We're now about to go into Level 19 and it is going to be as much as this field to determine how for much longer they would like to play.

The structure says we're going to play through Level 20 or until 32 players remain, whichever happens first. There are on the subject of a dozen players near the 15 big blind mark, so if they're unable to win their flips at the other side of break, shall we see this field get all the way down to the overall four tables sooner as opposed to later.

Regardless, the PokerStars blog can be here until the chips find the bags, keeping you up to the moment on all of the action regardless of what number of end Day 2 or when it concludes. --WOC

10:10pm Break time chip counts

The perfectly-named Rodrigo Strong is our chipleader entering Level 19. He's been on a surge prior to now hour and leads the pack with 635,000. Here's the remainder of the bigs and notables. --JS

Name Country Chips
Rodrigo Strong Brazil  635000
Alfredo Torres Chile 450000
Marcelo Pohnajevic Argentina  445000
Alex Vega Chile 440000
Fabian Ortiz Argentina  370000
Bruno Politano Brazil  360000
Manuel Urrejola Chile 355000
Richard Dubini Argentina  335000
Alejandro Rodriguez Argentina  283000
Lucas Tabarin Brazil  250000
Fabian Chauriye Chile 250000
Andres Finkelberg Argentina  245000
Jorge Ellena Chile 237000
Daniel Denghel Canada 230000
Francisco Benitez Uruguay  210000
Frank Naranjo Colombia 160000
Sergio Palma Chile 160000

10pm: final break of the day

Players are taking a handy guide a rough 15, we'll have the notable chip counts shortly. --JS

9:47pm: Scratch that whole 'Torres trending down thing'...Level 18 - Blinds 3,000/6,000 (1,000 ante)

We just said that Alfredo Torres was trending down in the course of the last hour and a 1/2 just today 2 session but after scoring a major knockout, he's now righted the ship and back near the highest of the leaderboard. Action was picked up with Torres and Eder Murata battling again, this time coming into a pre-flop raising war that saw Murata open to 13,000 from the hijack.

The cutoff folded and Torres clicked it to 32,000 from the button. The blinds quickly got out of ways after which the tank began. On the subject of three minutes clicked off the clock before a player on the other end of the table tapped his watch, signaling to the dealer that the Brazilian should get to his decision sooner, in place of later.

A few seconds later, Murata decided to announce himself "all-in" and we imagine he immediately regretted that action, as Torres snap called and tabled K♥K♦. The shorter stack's 110,000 chip stack was treading water with Q♦J♦ and after the K♣8♥5♣ flop, he'd want a miracle to maintain himself from drowning.

The 4♦ left him drawing dead at the turn and after a snappy handshake with a couple of countrymen still alive on this LAPT9 Chile Main Event, Murata headed to the cage to assemble his 54th place payout. Torres is now playing just shy of 400,000, likely good for a top stack just QUARTER-HOUR from the overall break of the night. --WOC

9:42pm: Chavez busts BielskisLevel 18 - Blinds 3,000/6,000 (1,000 ante)

A man we've been following the entire way through this tournament is Lithuania's Andrius Bielskis. Well, we cannot have the ability to follow him any further as he's just fallen by the hands of Rodrigo Chavez.

The 90,000 or so got in pre-flop and it was K♣Q♣ for Bielskies (the player in peril) and J♣J♦ for Chavez. A classic race, then.

The flop provided a sweat because the 9♠T♠6♣ gave Bielskies a gutshot - so Chavez really didn't wish to make a collection. It ran out with the 3♥ at the turn and the 9♦ at the river, and Bielskis was broke. He calmly got up and made his strategy to the cage, while Chavez celebrated loudly along with his four-strong rail. He's as much as aruond 250,000 now. --JS

9:32pm: Vargas hits a near perfect flop, Murata gets a shove throughLevel 18 - Blinds 3,000/6,000 (1,000 ante)

Back to back hands on an outer table have seen one player double to get to an excessively workable 30 big blinds and another get himself near the 100,000 chip mark. The primary hand was picked up pre flop, with Eder Murata opening to 1,000. Adrian Vargbecause then moved all-in as the next player to act, for just over 75,000.

The table folded around to Eduardo Rios, who went into the tank within the small blind. He asked for a count and after doing a snappy inventory of his 200,000 chip stack, he re-shoved to isolate the quick stack. That isolation worked, because the big blind and Murata got out of how but he was kind of drawing dead after the flop.

He held A♣Q♥ and Vargas held K♠J♥, together with his hand smashing the K♥J♣J♠ flop. Rios needed running cards to attain the knockout and after the 8♣ fell at the turn, he was shipping the double that moved Vargas up and over the 170,000 chip mark. Rios dropped right down to 130,000 after the hand and Alfredo Torres also saw his stock drop slightly within the very next hand.

Torres opened to 14,000 from early position and Eder Murata defended his big ignorant of see a A♥9♦2♥ flop. The Brazilian checked, allowing Torres to continue for 25,000 but Murata looked as if it would have a plan all along, quickly setting up a check-raise shove for just shy of 65,000 total. Torres went into the tank and he eventually folded, conceding the pot to Murata.

When the action finally subsided, the Brazilian was playing just shy of six-figures and Torres, who's been a staple near the highest of the leaderboard for the previous couple of levels, dropped right down to just over 200,000. --WOC

9:22pm: PayoutsLevel 18 - Blinds 3,000/6,000 (1,000 ante)

You can stay alongside of all of the payouts and check the prizepool structure - test it out here. --JS

9:15pm: Benitez gets back near the topLevel 18 - Blinds 3,000/6,000 (1,000 ante)

The chip leader coming back for just today 2 session was Francisco Benitez and while he could have stumbled popping out of the gates, he's now finding his stride as play heads into Level 18. Benitez just sent a brief stacked Fernando Reines to the rail by winning a flip that still moved the Uruguayan over the 300,000 chip mark.

Action was picked up with player opening to 12,500 from early position and after Benitez called, the table folded to Reines, who was at the button. He then three-bet shoved for just over 65,000 and after the initial opener folded, Benitez did some quick math and called.

He held K♠Q♠ and it was a race, as Reines held J♥J♦. The pocket pair held in the course of the 8♥8♦5♥ flop but he couldn't get past the turn, because the Q♥ paired Benitez. Reines still had outs to a flush though however the Chilean couldn't connect at the river, because the 6♣ completed the board and confirmed his elimination.

Benitez is now back working what have to be a top ten stack, playing 320,000, and his current seat could bring with it some action. He's two to the left of chip leader and two-time LAPT champion Fabian Ortiz, meaning that two of the larger stacks within the room are in close quarters with just over 56 players remaining. --WOC

9:03pm: Level 18 startsLevel 18 - Blinds 3,000/6,000 (1,000 ante)

Blinds have gone as much as 3,000/6,000 and there is now a 1,000 running ante. 58 players remain here in Viña del Mar, and Fabian Ortiz remains chip leader. --JS

9pm: Strong continues his surgeLevel 17 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (500 ante)

Rodrigo Strong, the person who had some very kind words concerning the PokerStars Blog earlier (see our 3:35pm post), is doping up the chip counts, having just busted Russian player Sengeno Valstybes.

We picked up the action after Manuel Urrejola had three-bet to 30,000, and that's the reason when Valstybes shoved for 75,000 total. Strong then shoved excessive and compelled Urrejola to fold. Strong was strong - very strong if truth be told. He had A♣A♠, while Valstybes needed with 8♥8♣. None came because the board ran out J♣9♣9♠6♣9♦ - that last nine sure seemed like an eight for a second though.

Strong now has roughly 220,000. --JS

8:50pm: Aces give Fabian Ortiz chip leadLevel 17 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (500 ante)

While coverage of our 'two-time LAPT champions' club was almost at the hour every hour during yesterday's Day 1B flight, we've been lacking slightly over the process this present day 2 session. That's because Mario Lopez bowed out before the cash and we likely had a premonition that we'd be talking at length about Fabian Ortiz post-dinner.

That vision, this blogger might call it a dream, has played out midway through Level 17, as Ortiz just won an immense pot with pocket aces to take control of the LAPT9 Chile Main Event chip lead. Action was picked up pre flop, with Federico Quevedo opening the hijack to 10,600. Ortiz, who was at the button, clicked it back to 27,500 and after the blinds passed, Quevedo installed a four-bet to 66,500.

With nearly 250,000 in front of both players, a rail began to develop outside the tournament ropes and while there has been a buzz about that rail, the realm immediately stopped their chatter after Ortiz verbalized "all-in". Quevedo did a handy guide a rough inventory of his stack after which looked as if it would begrudgingly call, cringing when Ortiz turned over A♠A♣.

Quevedo held A♦K♣ and regardless of how experienced of a player you are, a virtually 100 big blind pot will definitely get you excited. Ortiz has likely played in a countless choice of big hands but after standing before the flop, he needed to step away and sweat, after the Q♠T♥8♦ flop gave his opponent outs to a straight. The Costa Rican needed a jack, or as they say, a "jota". He called for it at the turn and got paint but it surely was the Q♦ pairing the board.

"Jota! Jota!" Quevedo shouted, while Ortiz stood quietly within the background before slapping himself a well deserved high-five after the 4♥ completed the board. His aces had survived and Quevedo, who was slightly covered within the hand, was officially eliminated. When the dust settled, perhaps probably the most experienced player remaining on this field controlled the chip lead, as Fabian Ortiz is now playing just over 490,000. --WOC

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Two-time LAPT champ and current chip leader Fabian Ortiz

8:40pm: Strong gets stronger by felting KawautiLevel 17 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (500 ante)

We've just lost friend of the PokerStars Blog Brazil Bruno Kawauti.

He got it in good against Rodrigo Strong's A♦9♣ with the 6♠6♥, however the board ran out 5♣A♣5♠3♣8♣ and powerful won it two ways - with a larger pair and an eventual flush. Good game Bruno.

Meanwhile, Strong is as much as around 90,000 now. --JS

8:27pm: Recently departedLevel 17 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (500 ante)

Play was thick and fast since we've been back from dinner break, and we've had six bust-outs already.

The players who've left us are Bruno Di Carlo (79th - $2,500), Felipe Andres Morales Sequin (78th - $2,500), Manoel Filho (77th - $2,500), Mauricio Zeman (76th - $2,500), Pablo Martin Pavon (75th - $2,500), and Javier Hormazabal (74th - $2,500). --JS

8:17pm: A run through those countsLevel 17 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (500 ante)

The players at the moment are back from dinner and while it gave the look of Alejandro Rodriguez was the one player over the 400,000 mark getting back from Level 17, he's actually the second one biggest stack within the room. That chip lead honor is with Frank Naranjo, who's playing 455,000. The Columbian peaked early on this Day 2 session and he's yet to take his foot off the gas.

There is just one other player near 400,000, as Manuel Urrejola is true below that number, working 385,000. The remainder of the leaderboard seems like it's stuck in a bit a log jam across the quarter-million mark, as a handful of players are stuck near 250,000. Andy Finkleberg is the largest of these players, working 290,000 and Alfredo Torres is playing a large 270,000. Richard Dubini is peaking with 265,000 and Javier Venegas isn't far behind. He's working 260,000 with Fransisco Rocha and Lucas Tabarin each working near 240,000.

Those players can be headlining this field into the general four levels, as we're set to play through Level 20 or until 32 players remain, whichever happens first. In accordance with the pace of eliminations and a comparatively deep average stack, we imagine that the previous will take place, likely putting the top of this present day 2 session around 12:45am. --WOC

8:07pm: Chip counts after dinnerLevel 17 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (500 ante)

Name Country Chips
Frank Naranjo Colombia 455000
Alejandro Rodriguez Argentina  420000
Manuel Urrejola Chile 400000
Andres Finkelberg Argentina  290000
Alfredo Torres Chile 270000
Javier Venegas Argentina  260000
Lucas Tabarin Brazil  250000
Bruno Politano Brazil  235000
Fernando Martinez Argentina  235000
Francisco Rocha Chile 235000
Francisco Benitez Uruguay  200000
Richard Dubini Argentina  190000
Fabian Ortiz Argentina  190000
Sebastian Ruiz Chile 175000
Sergio Palma Chile 132000
Fabian Chauriye Chile 97000
Bruno De Oliveira Severino Brazil  84000
Fernando Reines Chile  80000
Mauricio Zeman Chile  60000
Bruno Kawauti Brazil  58000
Andrius Bielskis Lithuania  50000

8pm: We're back in playLevel 17 - Blinds 2,500/5,000 (500 ante)

Everyone's back from dinner, so we are going to go grab their chip counts. Be back in two. --JS

7pm: Dinner break

Players are on a dinner break until prior to 8pm. We'll be back then with the entire big stacks and notable names. See you shortly. --JS

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6:55pm: Toro runs into tens to bubble; field enters dinner within the moneyLevel 16 - Blinds 2,000/4,000 (500 ante)

While the huge hand played out between Alejandro Rodriguez and Felipe Baraky, Sebastian Toro was all-in and at risk, looking ahead to his tournament life to be decided at a central table. Toro moved all-in for 28,900 from under the gun and after some folds, Jorge Ellena called within the hijack to place him at risk.

The remainder of the table folded and while the 2 didn't show their hands, because the tournament staff pauses the all-in action until every table has completed the hand, they mentioned their holdings. Ellena delivered the bad news, saying in Spanish, "Big pair." and the look on Toro's face said it all.

After with regards to three minutes of waiting, the workers finally gave the dealer the alright to run the action and Toro was drawing to simply two immediate outs. His 9♥9♣ couldn't find any help against Ellena's T♦T♠ at the J♣5♠3♣Q♥5♣ runout, meaning he was the official LAPT9 Chile Main Event 'bubble boy'.

The two players shook hands and Toro, a local Chilean, received some guys and hand shakes from players from across the tournament area. The remainder of this field will now go on their dinner break, with a $2,500 minimum cash locked up, because the money bubble played throughout the end of Level 16.

Play and the PokerStars blog may be back prior to 8pm. --WOC

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Sebastian Toro - our bubble boy

6:45pm: Rodriguez runs huge bluff to snatch chip lead on bubbleLevel 16 - Blinds 2,000/4,000 (500 ante)

We're at the bubble and we've just witnessed a huge hand that we just needed to let you know about involving an almighty bluff.

Alejandro Rodriguez - a person who we caught bluffing earlier (see the 6pm post) - opened to 9,000 and faced a three-bet from Felipe Baraky to 26,000. Sound the four-bet alarm as Rodriguez then reached for more chips and bumped it up 59,000 simply to see a flop. Baraky made the call.

The flop came 9♣J♠3♦ and Baraky checked, allowing Rodriguez to c-bet for 48,000. At this point a large crowd was gathering between this table and another (my colleague Will can inform you all about that during a sec). Baraky made the decision once more.

The turn was the T♣ and Baraky checked once more, and now the most efficient from Rodriguez was 65,000. Baraky gave up his hand meaning Rodriguez had won - after which he flipped over the 5♠2♣ for complete air.

Wow, what an enormous hand. Rodriguez is our new chip leader with 480,000. --JS

6:35pm: We're at the bubble!Level 16 - Blinds 2,000/4,000 (500 ante)

80 players remain and that implies we're one clear of the money. It will slow down, but don't go anywhere as we'll have the bubble bust story any moment now. --JS

6:25pm: Lepicheo's double double bookends Vali's exitLevel 16 - Blinds 2,000/4,000 (500 ante)

Play has slowed as we're approaching the money bubble but two doubles for a similar player have book-ended Joao Vali's 84th place elimination, meaning he'll fail to see at the money by only some spots.

The first hand picked up saw Luis Araya Lepicheo doubled his short stack when his A♠Q♠ held against another player's A♦8♦. That got Lepicheo up near 40,000 and on an adjacent table, Brazilian Joao Vali was in danger but with a possibility to triple up. A player opened the button to 12,000 and Vali, who was within the small blind, moved all-in for 13,600. Daniel Denghel called within the big blind and the button called as well, before those two players checked down the Q♥9♥2♥6♠A♣ runout. Denghel announced "jacks" after which showed J♥J♣, which was adequate to take own the pot.

Vali threw over K♥3♠ and despite flopping a flush draw, he was heading to the rail. Denghel chipped as much as 110,000 and Luis Araya Lepicheo joined him over six-figures, after he spiked a river to save lots of his tournament life.

Action was picked up on a board of K♦J♠9♣K♣, with Sergio Palma betting 30,000 after which calling Lepicheo's shove that couldn't satisfy a min-raise. Palma put out the 13,400 more to name and turned over Q♥T♥, good for a flopped straight. He'd wish to hold to attain the knockout, as Lepicheo held K♥8♥.

He didn't, because the 9♠ spiked at the river, keeping Lepicheo alive and moving him near the 100,000 chip mark. We're now only a few spots clear of the cash bubble and hand for hand play. --WOC

6:10pm: Zeman doubles through PolitanoLevel 16 - Blinds 2,000/4,000 (500 ante)

We've just had a double-up and the player still with us is Mauritio Zeman. He got all of it in against Bruno Politano holding Q♠T♣ against A♣6♥, however the run-out was kind to Zeman. It went 2♦Q♥4♣4♦3♠ and he's as much as 78,000 now. --JS

6pm: Rodriguez bluffs Baraky to transport over 200,000Level 16 - Blinds 2,000/4,000 (500 ante)

Alejandro Rodriguez started just today 2 session with a brief stack and now, after a well-timed bluff, he's trending over 200,000. Action was picked up with the Argentine opening in middle position and after a fold, Felipe Baraky three-bet to 25,000. The button and blinds folded and Rodriguez, to not be outdone, clicked it back with a roughly min-four-bet.

It was 50,900 to name and after a couple of moments of contemplation, Baraky did to peer the 9♥7♦2♣ flop. Those were the last cards he'd see, as Rodriguez reduce his stack after which pushed just over 1/2 it around the line for a bet, weighing in at 47,600.

Baraky quickly folded and Rodriguez then showed the Brazilian and the table what he'd gotten away with, flashing Q♣J♠ before flinging his cards towards the dealer. Baraky didn't really think much of it though, leading us to believe that perhaps he was holding some light cards to boot. We'll never know needless to say but what we do know is that Alejandro Rodriguez is now trending up the leaderboard only a handful of spots from the money. --WOC

5:40pm: Blinds upLevel 16 - Blinds 2,000/4,000 (500 ante)

We're now in Level 16 - the last before the dinner break and the only through which we think the bubble to burst. 89 players remain, 79 receives a commission. --JS

5:39pm: Manuel Urrejola battles Bruno PolitanoLevel 15 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (400 ante)

As just today 2 field continues to thin itself, we're absolute to see some big stacks get into some sizable confrontations. Right now, it looks as if the chances for those such encounters are limited but Bruno Positano and Manual Urrejola may supply some action before the cash bubble bursts.

They're two of the largest stacks within the room and are seated next to one another on an outer table, with Urrejola recently winning Round 1. Action was picked up with a player opening to 6,500 and Politano, within the cutoff, calling only to look Urrerjola three-bet to 17,500. The opener folded and Politano called to peer the Q♣T♣3♣ flop.

He check called a 25,000 chip bet from Urrejola and after the T♦ paired the board at the turn, Politano had enough and check-folded to a 35,000 chip bet. When the dust settled, Urrejola was playing just over 380,000, making him the far and away Day 2 chip leader and Politano was reduce slightly to 215,000. --WOC

5:37pm: Ten clear of the moneyLevel 15 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (400 ante)

The bubble is fast approaching - we want just 10 more players to bust before we're within the min-cashes. Don't go anywhere. --JS

5:30pm: Dubini put to the test by MorbiducciLevel 15 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (400 ante)

Richard Dubini is a fab customer, what together with his full-sleeve tattoo and trendy demeanor. However, he didn't look so cool at present when he was facing a choice for his whole tournament.

Felippe Morbiducci had opened and Dubini three-bet to 17,000. Then Morbiducci desired to play for it all, shoving for 97,000 total (which covered Dubini). The tatted-Argentinian was within the tank for quite some time but eventually gave it up.

When he did, the player next to Morbiducci - who wasn't within the hand - asked him to turn one, and he obliged. That player then flipped over the A♦ and Dubini seemed proud of his fold. --JS

5:20pm: Numerous action on Table 3...Level 15 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (400 ante)

We're heading towards the bubble and while we have seen some tables appear to tighten up over the past half hour, Table 3 was playing some sizable pots. Rodrigo Strong opened that action with a knockout, because the hand was picked up with Hugo Nazar opening to 8,000 from early position.

The table folded to Strong, who then three-bet shoved for just over 80,000. A BRIEF stack, who was next to behave at the button, then called all-in for less, as he had just over 43,000 in front of him. Action then got to Amos Ben, who was within the big blind, and the previous LAPT Player of the Year gave the impression of he had a call to make. He got counts of both all-ins and thought for just about two minutes, eventually electing to fold.

Nazar did the same, saying that Strong's shove was "an excessive amount of." When he saw Strong's K♥Q♦ though, it seemed like he wanted his mucked cards back. The quick stack turned over J♣J♥ and it was a flip for his tournament life, person who Strong won, despite stepping clear of the table throughout the runout. He wasn't in danger but he was playing for a large part of his stack, so we understand why he didn't wish to watch.

He circled just in time to peer the river bring him a couple though, because the A♠6♣4♦2♥K♣ runout pushed Strong's stack up near the 135,000 chip mark. The action didn't stop, as Hugo Nazar was fascinated about another decent pot with Andy Finkelberg. The Argentinian opened to 6,000 from the button and Amos Ben called within the small before Nazar defended his big.

The blinds checked the K♠Q♣8♥ flop and Finkelberg continued for 9,300. Ben folded and Nazar called to look the A♣ fall at the turn. Both players quickly checked and Nazar checked for a 3rd time after the T♥ put four to a straight on board. Finkelberg, who was some of the bigger stacks getting back from break, put that stack to use, betting 23,000 at the river.

Nazar, who was left shaking his head after the Rodrigo Strong double up, did the similar for an additional minute as he checked and re-checked his cards. They weren't changing and either was the board, meaning he needed to fold and concede the pot for a second hand in a row. He's likely wondering what he's done wrong during the last couple of minutes but despite the fact that he's taken a couple of hits, he's still well stacked with 150,000.

Andy Finkelberg is doing slightly better, as he's one in all a half dozen players over the 200,000 chip mark with just over 90 remaining on this LAPT9 Chile Main Event. --WOC

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Andy Finkelberg

5:10pm: Reines busts DelgadoLevel 15 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (400 ante)

We've lost Rodrigo Delgado from the principle Event. After Jorge Ellena opened to 7,000, Fernando Reines made the call, before Delgado shoved for 33,900. It folded back around to Reines who snap-called, and the cards were on their backs.

Fernando Reines 9♣9♦Rodrigo Delgado 8♠8♥

There was a nine within the window at the flop because it fell 9♠2♦5♦. Delgado began to stand up because the 7♣ fell, but he'd actually picked up a straight draw. The river was the K♣ though and he was outta here. Reines now sits with 110,000. --JS

5pm: Technical issuesLevel 15 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (400 ante)

Sorry about that during. case you didn't know, Sundays are a reasonably large day within the poker world for online players, and as such sometimes our system slows down significantly. We're now back up and running. --JS

4:50pm: Hector Valenzuela sends two to the railLevel 15 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (400 ante)

It's not the way you start Day 2, it's how you, for those select few that do, finish and Hector Valenzuela is beginning to get some traction in Level 15. The Chilean started today's session with just over a starting stack and after scoring a double knockout, he's playing over the chip average with 96 players remaining.

The early action at the hand was missed however it seemed like the chips got within the middle pre flop, with Valenzuela having two short stacks covered. He also held a slight advantage, with 9♣9♥ to the shorties A♠K♠ and K♦J♥.

After the A♦9♦3♣ flop, Valenzuela gave the impression of he was in a great place to pick out up an excessively meaningful pot but then the T♦ gave him a sweat at the turn. Both players picked up straight draws and one had a flush draw but thankfully for Valenzuela, who cheered after the overall card fell, the J♣ confirmed his victory at the river.

While the 2 short stacks exited the tournament area, with the player who turned the flush draw oddly surprised he couldn't connect at the river, Valenzuela needed to take a handy guide a rough break. He was clearly occupied with his double knockout and over the following few minutes, explained the hand to some players that came as much as him after hearing him celebrate the win.

He's still got far to move before he can actually celebrate, as just below 20 more players want to hit the rail before this LAPT9 Chile Main Event field is officially within the money. --WOC

4:35pm: chips ahoyLevel 15 - Blinds 1,500/3,000 (400 ante)

We're back and able to begin Level 15. Here the most important stacks and notable names within the room. --JS

Name Country Chips
Manuel Urrejola Chile 315000
Francisco Rocha Chile 280000
Frank Naranjo Colombia 275000
Alfredo Torres Chile 255000
Bruno Vendramini Politano Brazil  240000
Fernando Martinez Argentina  235000
Andres Finkelberg Argentina  230000
Sebastian Ruiz Chile 175000
Francisco Benitez Uruguay  135000
Sergio Antonio Palma Herrera Chile 132000
Lucas Fernandes Tabarin Brazil  124000
Richard Dubini Argentina  96000
Andrius Bielskis Lithuania  92000
Bruno De Oliveira Severino Brazil  84000
Mauricio Zeman Chile  60000
Fabian Chauriye Chile 57000
Fernando Reines Cornejo Chile  51000
Bruno Pereira Lima Kawauti Brazil  45000
Fabian Daniel Ortiz Argentina  22500

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Manuel Urrejola leads

4:23pm: Take a breakLevel 14 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (300 ante)

Our players have gone on a 15-minute break. There are 104 players remaining, and 79 gets paid. Notable chip counts are coming shortly. --JS

4:12pm: Ruiz four-bets, then flops betterLevel 14 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (300 ante)

A trend in the course of the first few levels of this present day 2 session have been tactical pre flop play, numerous small clicks and raises building sizable pots. Those pots have usually seen those encounters end with the chips getting into the center in the future or another and Sebastian Ruiz just four-bet and called off with ace-queen to attain a big knockout.

Action was picked up with Alejandro Rodriguez opening the action to 5,200 from middle position, a player then three-bet the hijack to 13,200. Ruiz was waiting within the cutoff and after some thought, he four-bet to 23,000. The button and blinds folded back to Rodriguez, who gave the look of he desired to do something along with his 50,000 chip stack.

He couldn't pull the trigger, eventually folding, however the three-bettor could. He immediately moved all-in for 63,000 total and Ruiz snap called, only to look that he was dominated. His opponent held A♦K♥ to Ruiz's A♥Q♥ and the Chilean would have to hit to attain the knockout.

He did just that, spiking his pair at the flop and holding throughout the Q♠4♦3♣9♣4♣ runout, a board that left his opponent in near disbelief. That player hovered across the tournament area for a couple of minutes after which eventually headed out, while Ruiz stacked up just shy of 175,000. --WOC

3:52pm: Table movementsLevel 14 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (300 ante)

We've just had a table break and it featured a few big names.

One was our sole remaining two-time LAPT champ Fabian Ortiz, who now's sitting alongside start-of-day chip leader Francisco Benitez, in addition to Bruno Severino and Lewis Osvaldo.

Meanwhile, former November Niner Bruno Politano from Brazil, who shared that original table with Ortiz, is now sat in tough spot - to the direct right of latest chip leader Manuel Urrejola. Mauricio Zeman joins them on that table. --JS

3:45pm: Our new chip leaderLevel 14 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (300 ante)

The man with essentially the most chips at this time is Chile's Manuel Urrejola, who has a major 300,000 stack presently. We'll have all of the big stacks at the second break of the day, but I DO NOT BELIEVE anyone comes close at this time. --JS

3:35pm: Adding some color and emotionLevel 14 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (300 ante)

Poker tournament reporting is a fascinating task. In a couple of small paragraphs you not just need to explain what happens in a given hand but you furthermore may need to make it entertaining and attractive to the reader. It's a must to put them right into the action, giving them a way of what exactly is going on on the table.

We've been seeking to just do that over the past two days and Rodrigo Strong, who we featured during Friday's Day 1A session, tell us that our work was well received by friends and family who were following the PokerStars blog. He caught up with us before play began at 12pm and commented how "we've got such a lot emotion" in our updates.

Quite frankly, poker hands are a somewhat boring exercise. 'Player A does this, Player B does that. Player C wins." We'd lose our minds if we didn't add some color, and we would even be missing crucial a part of our job: the players, the atmosphere, and the emotion around a given hand, table or event.

We're going to report at the remainder of this event as we normally would but we'll even be keeping somewhat extra eye on Rodrigo over the following few levels, to look if we will be able to catch another update, as he's still alive with just over 120 players remaining on this LAPT9 Chile Main Event. --WOC

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Rodrigo Strong - presumably after reading a moving piece at the PokerStars Blog

3:25pm: Level upLevel 14 - Blinds 1,200/2,400 (300 ante)

We've moved into Level 14 - 1,200/2,400 (300 ante). --JS

3:24pm: Gone but not forgottenLevel 13 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

I mentioned in our Day 1B coverage that the PokerStars Blog team here in Chile have said 'two-time LAPT champ' such a lot during the last few days that it's now become an in-joke. Even if I USED TO BE typing it earlier I had somewhat chuckle to myself.

Well, it's with much regret that I MUST tell you that Mario Lopez - as in two-time LAPT champ Mario Lopez - was eliminated from this event. He opened to 5,100 and located a caller in Rodrigo Chavez from the small blind. But then Jorge Ellena announced "all-in", having both players covered. Lopez snap called and Chavez folded, and the cards were on their backs.

Two-time LAPT champ Mario Lopez A♣Q♠Jorge Ellena A♥K♠

Our man was behind and short of help, but he couldn't find any at the 4♣2♠T♦7♣2♥ board. And prefer that, he was gone.

But you already know what? The two-time LAPT champ will always be in our hearts and in our minds. (Jorge Ellena now has 160,000 incidentally.) --JS

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Lopez in happier times on Day 1B

3:24pm: Dubini passes Palma's test, moves over 100,000Level 13 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

We've done a couple of posts of Richard Dubini throughout the early portions of just today 2 session and with only some minutes remaining within the level, he's now peaking with just about 120,000. The Argentine came into this restart relatively short but he's been fascinated with a large number of pots, together with his more moderen victory coming against Day 1A chip leader Sergio Palma.

On a board of Q♠8♥3♠6♥, Dubini check-called a chance of 12,000, leaving himself just about 45,000 behind. The 3♥ paired the board and taken some backdoor draws in and Dubini checked for a second time, leading Palma to bet 24,000. It was a large bet and one who put Dubini to the test for a tight component to his remaining stack.

After a minute of thought, he eventually called, giving himself a bit fist pump after he saw Palma turn over T♥9♠ for ten-high. Dubini turned over T♠8♠ and everybody on the table gave the impression to shoot the Argentinian a look, as all of them realized just how good of a decision that was for kind of your tournament life.

Had Dubini been wrong, he'd likely has been left with just over 10 big blinds. He wasn't though and he's now playing over 50 bigs heading towards Level 14. Sergio Palma is playing 135,000 and shall we continue to look these two, in conjunction with big stack Andrius Bielskis, battle over the following couple of hours. --WOC

3:14pm: Lopez wins one but stays in peril zoneLevel 13 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Two-time LAPT champ Mario Lopez is stuck within the danger zone, despite just picking up a small pot when his 4,600 bet on a 3♥6♦8♣ flop got through. He only has 24,000 - good for 12 big blinds at the moment. --JS

3:08pm: The most important stack within the room, but not the largestLevel 13 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Cristian Monterrosa arguably has the most important stack within the room at this time. That does not mean he has the chip lead though; rather just that his chips appear to be taking over probably the most space of any player.

He's built something of a chip castle along with his 178,000, and it's quite impressive. Such a lot in order that it's currently being filmed for TV. --JS

2:58pm: Chenaud turns Hua deadLevel 13 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Even though we're still a long way from the money bubble, we're on the stage of the tournament where short stacked players are going to be under some intense pressure. Around the tournament area, there are nearly two dozen players working as regards to ten big blind stacks and He Hua was considered one of them until he bumped into Brazil's Guilherme Chenaud.

Action was picked up with Hua open shoving from late position for just over 22,000 and after some folds, Chenaud had a call to make within the big blind. He asked for a count or even though it was just an eleven big blind shove, it was a good element of his own stack.

He was playing with reference to 60,000 and eventually, he elected to name. He held K♥Q♠ and was surprised to look that he was up against 8♦7♦. He still had to hit or fade and he did the previous because the board ran out A♠4♣3♠K♦T♠. Hua hit the rail and after making the proper call, Chenaud, who won last night's $600 NLH Turbo side event, is playing nearly 85,000. --WOC

2:48pm: Roberly Fericio rivers Daniel CordaroLevel 13 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Roberly Fericio entered just today 2 session with a top ten stack and after a swingy first two levels, the Brazilian is now back near the highest of the leaderboard after catching the easiest river. The hand was picked up at Table 16 with the board showing K♣7♣5♣T♦. Daniel Cordaro checked from the large blind and Fericio, in middle position, bet 9,400 only to look Cordaro click it back with a check-raise.

That raise weighed in at 23,300 and quickly, Fericio called to look the J♠ complete the board. After check-raising the turn, Cordaro bogged down and checked the river, putting Fericio in a rather awkward position. We weren't inside his head but after curiously inspecting the board, his stack and his opponent's, Fericio elected to push out a 35,000 chip bet.

Cordaro clearly didn't just like the bet, as he started to reduce his stack and check out to make sense of all of it. He had just over 85,000 in front of him and eventually, after with reference to a minute, he put out the mandatory chips to name only to look the bad news.

He'd been rivered, as Fericio tabled K♥J♣ and after a nearly painful exhale, Cordaro threw over K♦Q♠. His pair, and kicker, were good until the top and because the dealer push Fericio a virtually 185,000 chip pot, Cordaro sat in dead silence, head in his hands left bemoaning his luck, or lack thereof. Eventually, he snapped up and tapped the table, with Fericio sportingly sending a knock of his own around the felt, realizing how fortunate that river was. --WOC

2:38pm: Crowd gathers to observe big bluffLevel 13 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

I was the primary one to reach at this hand, but by the top the table was surrounded by fellow players, TV cameras, and spectators. Here is what happened.

Jorge Ellena had kicked off proceedings with an open to 4,200, just for Ivan Raich to three-bet from his immediate left as much as 10,100. That wasn't the top of the pre-flop action though; Ellena then four-bet to 25,000 and Raich made the call.

3♠6♦8♥ came the flop, and neither desired to fire again as both checked. The turn came the K♠, and the action picked up again with a 15,000 bet from Ellena. Raich called.

The river landed and it was the 3♥, pairing the board. Now Ellena shoved and Raich immediately asked for a count. It was 43,600 total and he went into the tank because it was for around all his chips too. The group had gathered by this point as Raich was staring Ellena down sternly, but he eventually gave his hand up.

Ellena flipped over A♠6♥ for only a pair of sixes to compliment the threes, and Raich nodded, suggesting he'd thrown away the winner. Raich has 50,000, while Ellena is as much as 115,000 now. --JS

2:28pm: Kind of 50/50 getting back from breakLevel 13 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

After a snappy break, this present day 2 field is back and heading into Level 13, roughly 50% of this remaining LAPT9 Chile Main Event field will record a cash today. Because it stands, 144 players remain and with 79 officially making the money, that leaves us with a lovely even split of the long run haves and feature nots.

The PokerStars blog will bring you the entire action as this field moves towards that money bubble and if the pace firstly of Day 2 continues, as over 50 players hit the rail during the first two levels, we'll likely get into the money before dinner. --WOC

2:24pm: AND we're backLevel 13 - Blinds 1,000/2,000 (300 ante)

Players have returned from their break, and we're straight into Level 13 - 1,000/2,000 with a running 300 ante. --JS

2:15pm: Notable chip counts

Here's the massive stacks and notable names at the first crack of dawn 2. --JS

Name Country Chips
Frank Naranjo Colombia 204000
Lucas Fernandes Tabarin Brazil  184000
Sergio Antonio Palma Herrera Chile 171000
Andrius Bielskis Lithuania  133000
Francisco Benitez Uruguay  128000
Bruno Vendramini Politano Brazil  120000
Fernando Reines Cornejo Chile  94000
Mauricio Zeman Chile  94000
Amos Ben Haim Chile  83000
Bruno Pereira Lima Kawauti Brazil  77000
Fabian Chauriye Chile 66000
Mario Lopez Rita Argentina  58000
Bruno De Oliveira Severino Brazil  57000
Richard Dubini Argentina  49000
Fabian Daniel Ortiz Argentina  38200
Osvaldo Rene Lewis Argentina 26500
Irina Petrova Russia 17400
Daniela Horno Chile 0
Juan Duran Ceron Chile 0
Damián Andrés Salas Argentina  0

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Brazil's Bruno Kawauti

2:08pm: First break of the dayLevel 12 - Blinds 800/1,600 (200 ante)

Players have gone on a fifteen minute break. We'll have updated notable chip counts momentarily. --JS

2pm: Martin moves up the leaderboardLevel 12 - Blinds 800/1,600 (200 ante)

Wagner Martin has played some sizable pots during the last orbit. The primary seeing a section of his stack head to Rodrigo "Zidane" Caprioli after a pre flop leveling war forced the Argentinian to fold however the second shot him up the leaderboard, as he took a large section of Mac Hilaire's chips after flopping a straight.

The first hand was picked up with a player opening in early position and after some folds, Martin three-bet to 8,400 from the cutoff. Caprioli, who was at the button, then pumped it as much as 19,100. The blinds and original opener folded and after a handy guide a rough trip to the tank, Martin elected to attend for a greater spot.

That spot came a couple of hands later, as he and Hilaire saw a flop of 8♣7♥6♠. Hilaire led for 4,600 and Martin raised to 12,300. The Chilean called to peer the T♥ fall at the turn, putting four to a straight on board. That scary called slowed both players, as Hilaire both quickly tapped the table to look the K♣ fall at the river.

Hilaire repeated his turn action and after some thought, Martin went for value, betting 18,000. It was a tight part of Hilaire's stack, as he had just over 50,000 behind, and after seeing Martin splash around in a couple of previous pots, he elected to make slightly a "hero call". Unfortunately, he picked the incorrect time to take a stand, as Martin tabled 5♦4♦, good for a flopped straight.

Hilaire flashes A♠6♦ and bottom pair was sent to the muck, while a majority of his chips were headed to Martin. When the dust settled, the Argentinean was playing just below 140,000, putting himself in a great spot as this field is solely a couple of minutes from the primary daybreak 2. --WOC

1:46pm: Dubini gets a large boostLevel 12 - Blinds 800/1,600 (200 ante)

Richard Dubini has an ideal opening two levels to this present day 2. In a single hand we just saw against Chile's Andrés Achelat, the Argentinian called a large 5,400 open at the button from the massive blind, and the 2 went to a flop. It came 6♣5♥A♠ and Dubini checked, allowing Achelat to c-bet for 8,100. Now Dubini made it 17,000 to go, and after somewhat of thought Achelat decided it was worth a call.

The turn landed and it was another ace - the A♣. It put the breaks on proceedings as both players checked, leading to the T♥ at the turn. Now Dubini decided to transport all-in, and Achelat asked for a count. Achelat had around 50,000 in front of him, and after the dealer counted it was saw that Dubini had him covered with 58,100. Achelat went into the tank but eventually decided to fight another day. Dubini is as much as around 95,000 now. --JS

1:36pm: Petrova's shove gets throughLevel 12 - Blinds 800/1,600 (200 ante)

Russia's Irina Petrova started Day 2 short with 22,100 and gave the impression to have slipped even further. After a player opened to 3,200, Petrova insta-jammed for her last 14,700 and it folded the entire way around. That meant she picked up the blinds and antes, plus the 3,200 - bringing her stack to 21,500 now. --JS

1:32pm: "Limpio, limpo" until the riverLevel 12 - Blinds 800/1,600 (200 ante)

One of the larger pots we have seen throughout this LAPT9 Chile Main Event just played out on Table 11, with Fernando Santin and Tomas Molina getting nearly 190,000 in pre-flop with massive holdings. That hand was picked up with Santin opening the button and after the small blind folded, Molina, within the big blind, three-bet to 10,000.

Santin clicked it back again, four-betting to 25,000 but he was then faced with a five-bet shove, as Molina verbalized himself "all-in" for slightly below 84,000. We have not prided ourselves on with the ability to 100% translate what's being said on the tables over the past few days but it surely doesn't matter what your native tongue is to know when someone doesn't just like the position they're in.

"Aye yai yai," Santin said as he went to count out his own stack, person who barely had Molina covered. He put his head in his hands and at last called, only to peer that he was in an excellent spot, as his K♣K♠ had Molina's Q♥Q♦ drawing to simply two immediate outs. The five-bettor rolled his eyes and slouched in his chair because the T♣3♠3♦ flop did nothing to assist his current situation.

The 3♥ didn't do much either and Santin, turning to his friend at a table around the room, said, "Limpio, limpo." That implies "clean" in Spanish and while the runout was clean for the Argentinian during the flop and turn, the river was a wide variety of dirty. The Q♠ spiked to finish the board and in a flash, Santin went from likely holding the chip result in being left with only a handful of giant blinds.

Molina apologized before getting pushed the pot, looking like he was asking Santin for forgiveness after the brutal beat. Nothing to be sorry for though and now, Tomas Molina is playing one of the most bigger stacks within the room midway through Level 12. --WOC

1:22pm: Different directions for Day 1 leadersLevel 12 - Blinds 800/1,600 (200 ante)

Francisco Benitez and Sergio Palma ended their respective Day 1 starting flights with the chip lead and then, obviously, entered today's restart one-two at the LAPT9 Chile leaderboard. While they each peaked during those Day 1 sessions, they're trending in opposite directions heading into Level 12.

Benitez, who came back with just over 180,000 has seen with reference to half that stack disappear over the primary hour of play. He's now working just shy of 95,000 and while he's fallen, he's still working an overly comfortable over 50 big blind stack. Palma hasn't fallen though, as he's increased his stack slightly to 185,000.

The Chilean has done so despite having to cope with one of the crucial tougher table draws within the room. He doesn't seem phased by the large names at Table 12 though, as he's still near the highest of the leaderboard as we continue to play during the early levels of Day 2. --WOC

1:15pm: A BETTER take a look at the fieldLevel 12 - Blinds 800/1,600 (200 ante)

Thanks to my colleague Reinaldo Venegas, we will be able to now see how the sphere breaks down by nationalities. As you'd expect, Chileans make up some of the players, but check out the stats. --JS

LAPT9 Chile Nationalities.png

1:10pm: Blinds are upLevel 12 - Blinds 800/1,600 (200 ante)

We're now playing 800/1,600 with a 200 ante. --JS

1pm: Chop it upLevel 11 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

Fernando Reines opened to 2,500 and Rodrigo Chavez made the decision at the button. The blinds got out of how and two players saw a flop of 3♠J♦5♥. Reines put out a c-bet of 2,600 and Chavez called, taking us to the the 7♠ at the turn. Both checked, and the 8♦ hit the river. It began to feel like neither player had much, but Reines now bet 5,200 - perhaps looking to steal the pot.

It turned out he was bluffing - but he was bluffing with the joint-best hand. Chavez called after thinking for some time (he had just 24,000 behind) and turned over A♣2♦ for ace high, and that's the reason exactly what Reines had too with the A♥2♥. Nice call, sir. --JS

12:55pm: Cornelio Lopera leaves Daniela Horno short, then leaves the tableLevel 11 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

When a player jokes that he has 'walking chips', that typically means he's playing one of the crucial bigger stacks within the room. All Cornelio Lopera had to earn a visit across the room, and to the bathroom, was a double as much as 25,000 though, which he got courtesy of Daniela Horno.

Action was picked up with Lopera all-in for 13,400 from the small blind and Horno, looking like she limp-reshoved from middle position, also all-in for just over 20,000. Another limper, within the cutoff, had both short stack shoves covered and he went into the tank. While the third player thought, Lopera, who could be probably the most energetic player within the room, jumped from his seat and did a half lap across the table to face behind Horno.

While he was the only at risk, as she had him covered, he began massaging her shoulders, drawing a round of laughter from Horno and the remainder of the table. When the thinking player eventually folded, he quickly ran back to his cards and said, "Uno?" saying that every should only show one among their hold cards.

Lopera turned over the K♣ and Horno showed 7♥. The dealer rightfully wasn't going to allow them to play their very own little game though, forcing Lopera and Horno to turn their other card besides. They each had an identical ace, meaning Horno must hit to attain the knockout with A♥7♥ to the shorter stack's A♣K♣.

The board ran out Q♦T♥T♠2♦K♦ and Lopera high-five himself after the river paired him up and confirmed his double. When the dust settled, Horno, still in good spirits herself, was a left with only some big blinds while Cornelio Lopera stacked up just over 25,000 and then, in the midst of a virtually oration that bordered on rambling, he said "bano".

We know that one! The Chilean then exited the tournament area, heading to the toilet with a little bit pep in his step but he should attempt to hurry back, as he's still only working on the subject of ten big blinds. --WOC

12:45pm: Great call by TabarinLevel 11 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

Dan Denghal opened to 3,200 from the hijack and it folded to Lucas Tabarin within the small blind. "How much do you play?" he asked (or something along those lines), and Denghal didn't say but showed instead. He moved his stack into middle as though he was moving all-in, but only to Tabarin could get a greater look. He made the decision and the 2 went to a flop.

It came the T♣T♥8♦ and Tabarin checked just for Denghal to continue for 6,500. Tabarin made a fast call and we saw the 6♣ hit the turn, which both checked. Then came the 8♣ at the river, bringing two pair to the board. Tabarin checked another time and Denghal threw out three blue chips for 15,000 total. Now Tabarin, who have been leaning forward the entire hand, leant back within the day for a more well-off thinking position. It worked - he made an excellent call with A♦Q♥ for just an ace and the board, while Denghal announed "good call" and turned over a counterfeited 2♥2♠. Denghal now has 27,000, while Tabarin is as much as roughly 170,000. --JS

12:37pm: Andruis Bielskis involved earlyLevel 11 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

There are a couple of ways players can attack an afternoon 2 restart. Some bide their time and look ahead to their spots as they work out the lineup they have been thrown into and others go in looking to assert themselves as table captain. So far, Lithuania's Andruis Bielskis has done the latter, as he's been taken with a couple of hands early in Level 11.

The first saw Bielskis and Richard Dubini see a flop of A♥Q♠T♠ in a blind versus blind encounter. Bielskis bet 1,500 from the small blind and the Argentinian called to peer the 5♣ fall at the turn. Bielskis bet for a second time, firing out 2,600. Again, Dubini called and while the J♠ hit the felt to finish the board, Dubini shot his opponent a snappy glare.

Bielskis could likely feel that stare coming from his immediate left and after he tapped the table, Dubini did the similar to get to showdown after seemingly every potential draw got there by the river. Bielskis tabled A♠3♦ but top pair was no good, as Dubini turned over Q♦5♥ for turned two pair. That was enough to take the pot and get him up near 40,000 after entering Day 2 relatively short.

In the following hand, Bielskis took a small pot off Day 1A chip leader Sergio Palma after which after he folded his button, he was back within the action from the cutoff. Rodrigo Quezada opened from middle position to 2,600 and after a player called, Bielskis did the similar to look the K♥7♠4♠ flop in position.

Quezada continued for 3,900 and Bielskis quickly called to peer the 8♠ fall at the turn. That forced the Chilean to slow down, as he checked and Bielskis then took the betting lead with a wager of 6,300. Quezada called and the 3♠ put four to a flush on board.

The out of position Quezada checked for a second time and Bielskis decided to place him a test to near to a 3rd of his remaining stack, sliding out 16,700. The Chilean shook his head, visibly frustrated with potentially the turn card and the river. Within the end, he folded and Bielskis took within the pot, one who moved him up near the 125,000 chip mark. --WOC

12:26pm: Two knock-outs; Salas and 'the departed' fall to NaranjoLevel 11 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

A couple of minutes ago I brought you word of arguably the hardest table within the room. Now here is a bit in regards to the table with essentially the most action!

It was the table that Damian Salas was sitting at - but we'll get to him. First came the felting of an unknown player (I ATTEMPTED inquiring for his name, but he was in no mood to speak - as you're about to seek out out).

It started with an open to 2,700 from Colombia's Frank Naranjo, which Damian Salas called from the small blind. The player we are going to name 'the departed' then bumped it as much as 7,200 and both Naranjo and Salas made the call.

The flop came the A♦J♥3♥ and Salas checked to the departed, who continued for 7,200 again. Now Naranjo raised to 14,400, doubling the bet. Salas got out of ways however the departed went nowhere. The turn was then the 3♣ and the departed went into the tank. The cameras were rolling at the table as he thought for a while, constantly peeking back at his cards. He then decided to transport all-in, but Naranjo couldn't have called faster.

The departed set free a sigh and sheepishly turned over A♥9♠ - he knew he was beat and he was, as Naranjo had A♣Q♦. The 7♣ hit the river, the departed left with no word, and Naranjo stacked 103,000.

Then - the very next hand...

Naranjo was back within the action, opening to 2,700 and facing a three-bet to 6,700 from Salas. A four-bet then arrived from Naranjo as much as 21,000 and Salas went into the tank. He eventually made the call.

The dealer fanned a flop of 2♦T♠8♥ and with the action on Naranjo, he slid out a raffle of 20,000 in 1K chips. Salas thought for a very long time once more, counting his chips (he had about 60,000 behind), and at last made the call.

The turn was the Q♦ and it was to be an excessively quick street. Naranjo announced "all-in", and Salas snap-called. His confidence turned to regret, though, as he saw his K♠K♥ was crushed by Naranjo's A♠A♥. The 2♣ river changed nothing and now it was Salas hitting the rail. Naranjo might need the most important stack within the room now with greater than 190,000. --JS

12:13pm: The hardest tableLevel 11 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

While we do not have an official seat draw to bring you, I've just had a walk across the room and our notable names appear to be spread quite well around the floor. However, there may be one particular table featuring two-time LAPT champ Mario Lopez (here we go again), Bruno Severino, and Fernando Reines. There's certain to be a large number of action over there. --JS

12:08pm: We're off!Level 11 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

Well, it didn't quite start at 12pm as expected, but we're now off and running in Level 11. Stay tuned. --JS

11:40am: Day 2 about to startLevel 11 - Blinds 600/1,200 (200 ante)

Welcome back to Viña del Mar, where the last bits of prep are underway before we kick off Day 2 at 12pm. There'll be 192 players in total taking their seats today, as we combine both the Day 1A and Day 1B survivors into one field.

We'll wish to lose 113 players before we make the money, as only 79 might be capable of lock up a guaranteed min-cash of $2,500. However, they'll all have their eyes set on making it through to Day 3 and finally claiming the $141,785 first place prize.

Uruguay's Francisco 'Tomate' Benitez is out chip leader coming in with 181,800, followed by Sergio Palma who has 167,500. If you wish to discover more about all the Day 1 flights, click here for Day 1A or click here for Day 1B.

The plan is to minimize to 32 players today, so the bubble is absolute to burst here on Day 2. Be sure you stick around all day to peer the way it goes down - there is a link on the top so that you can refresh the updates. --JS

PokerStars Blog Reporting Team at LAPT9 Chile: Will O'Connor and Jack Stanton. Photos by Carlos Monti. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter: @PokerStarsBlog

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