Wednesday, August 24, 2016

EPT13 Barcelona: Andrey Sharanov leads record Main EventNO Deposit bonus $43


It was an afternoon for records at the European Poker Tour as opposed to results, although there'll be those too afterward tonight.

The most evident one is the brand new one for the EPT Main Event, which today topped a minimum of 1,700 entries. We are saying no less than because players should buy in until tomorrow. The list of names is nearly sure to go up.

Sitting on top of that list tonight is Russian player Andrey Sharanov, the chip leader with 278,600. He got there after eight levels of play in packed tournament room. That's good for the total lead when the sector unites tomorrow.

The field was made up of, well, anyone who didn't play yesterday. There have been old and new pros, old and new faces. It sort of feels the Barcelona festival's reputation because the tour's busiest is secure.

The full counts of the 730 players of 1,284 who made it through today will take some time to return through, but they'll be available here after we get them. Meanwhile listed here are a couple of notables.

Andrey Sharanov (Russia) 278,600Marco Caza (France) 262,000Felipe Ramos (Brazil) 70.700Jen Shahade (U.S.) 33,600Theo Jorgensen (Denmark) 59,400Yaxi Zhu (China) 23,200Jake Cody (UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) 62,000ElkY (France) 34,100Fatima Moreira de Melo (Holland) 55,600Janne Mikköne (Finland - Team Liquid) 73,700

While the principle Event filled almost every conceivable space today, room was made for the one day re-entry event, with a €25,000 buy in. That started at 10.30am and can play through to whatever "am" it takes to seek out a winner.

You can follow live updates from that event through to the finish by clicking here.

We'll be back for Day 2 of the primary Event on the more humane start time of 12 noon tomorrow. Join us for live updates then.

For now, goodnight from Barcelona. -- SB

10:09pm: Day 1B concludes 

They're all done, and from the appearance of items Andrey Sharanov enjoyed a profitable final half-hour or so that you can surge ahead within the counts. We'll confirm, then be back shortly with an end-of-day recap. --MH

9:53pm: Bust on the finish Level 8 - Blinds: 400/800 (100 ante)

On literally the final hand played on Day 1B -- each one of the vital other tables had already finished and most had bagged up already -- Roman Voronin had his short stack all in before the flop with 4♦4♣ versus the 7♠6♠ of Vasile Plastoi.

The 2♣3♠6♣ flop hit Plastoi's hand once, then the 7♦ turn gave him a second pair. The river was the 2♥, and Voronin won't be bagging any chips tonight. --MH

9:33pm: Chreem rises Level 8 - Blinds: 400/800 (100 ante)

Helio Chreem of Brazil open-pushed all-in for 11,200 and Team PokerStars Pro Jake Cody thought for a few beats before deciding to call.

Cody had 5♦5♥ and was behind Chreem's T♦T♠, and after the K♥J♦T♥ flop gave the latter a collection Cody was much more distantly behind. The 9♥ turn provided a heart flush draw and a sweat, however the 5♣ fell on fifth street, giving Cody a second-best set.

Chreem moves as much as around 25,000 while Cody still has 62,000. --MH

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Cody still above average

9:29pm: Danzer upLevel 8 - Blinds: 400/800 (100 ante)

George Danzer just sent Benjamin Pollack to the rail, taking his stack as much as 84,000.

With two limpers Danzer bet 3,300 from the bring to an end before Pollack raised to 8,200 from the small blind. That forced the limpers out but Danzer responded by moving all in for 44,000 with A♥Q♥. Pollack snap-called with kings for 36,000, but was busted at the board of A♦T♦3♠T♠7♥. - SB

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Danzer collecting

9:15pm: Kuo sparklingLevel 8 - Blinds: 400/800 (100 ante)

Kitty Kuo sparkles under the lights of the tournament room, and has done so on the tables for many of the day, clocking up greater than 80,000 up to now. She just got all in favour of a hand that modified that a bit.

Kuo opened for 2,200 which was called by Carlos Branco within the big blind. The flop came 5♠9♦Q♠. That was checked for the 9♠ at the turn. Kuo, whose hands have been riffling chips at remarkable speed, lumped in a raffle of 3,200. Branco paused, then called for the 4♣ river card.

Branco checked again leaving Kuo to behave. Another 6,300 this time, causing Branco to think for some time. He called and it was an excellent one. Kuo showed K♥2♥ while Branco flipped up A♦T♦ to transport as much as 65,000. Kuo still has a bit greater than that on roughly 70,000. - SB

9:09pm: The toppermost of the chippermost Level 8 - Blinds: 400/800 (100 ante)

We're just back from a tour of both rooms and will share a report regarding who has the largest stacks we're seeing.

Quentin Roussey of France -- whom we've mentioned already -- is up on the top of the list together with the Brazilian Daniel Nagao, with both nearing the 200,000-chip mark because the last level continues. Others are right there, too -- take a look:

Daniel Nagao - 185,000Quentin Roussey - 185,000Andrey Sharonov - 180,000Marco Caza - 165,000Milos Forman - 165,000Adam Jaguscik - 160,000Jenya Gavrilovich - 160,000Ruben Suarez - 140,000Ana Marquez - 140,000Aleksandr Tomovic - 135,000Chani Hamasdi - 130,000Gilbert Diaz - 125,000Georgios Giorkatzis - 120,000Eugene Katchalov - 120,000

Stay tuned and we'll see who (and the way many) have the capacity to surpass the 178,800 bagged by Day 1A leader Alex Brand. --MH

8 400 800 100

8:51pm: Diaz KOs Karakolev Level 7 - Blinds: 300/600 (100 ante)

Picking up the action following a Q♣T♥3♦ flop, Nedelcho Karakolev had put his last 18,500 within the middle, and the Frenchman Gilbert Diaz was settled into contemplation over what to do. 

Finally Diaz called, turning over K♦T♣ for middle pair, while Karakolev had the massive edge with A♠A♥.

The 7♦ turn card kept the Bulgarian Karakolev within the lead, however the river brought the T♦ and a noisy rap of the knuckles at the table from Diaz. He'd rivered trips, and Karakolev is out.

Diaz has 130,000 now, entering into the "notable stacks" category because the last level of the night begins. --MH

8:40pm: Danchev... reluctantlyLevel 7 - Blinds: 300/600 (100 ante)

Three players to a flop of 4♦A♣5♦ . First to behave was Ronny Voth, who checked. He was followed by Dimitar Danchev and Jen Shahade, either one of whom checked.

The turn came 2♦. Voth bet 2,600 which Danchev called but which prompted Shahade to fold.

On the river card A♦ Voth bet another 5,900. Danchev took his time together with his decision, at one point sitting up tall in his seat and rolling his eyes.

Everything that followed gave the impression to be reluctant. He reluctantly took a blue chip from his stack, reluctantly tossed it into the middle, reluctantly looked over at Voth's A♠2♠ after which reluctantly gave up his own hand.

Voth moves as much as 27,000 while Shahade holds steady at 45,000. Despite the hit Danchev has 38,000. - SB

8:33pm: AN EVEN fold to FalfoulLevel 7 - Blinds: 300/600 (100 ante)

Mourad Falfoul opened for 1,400 from middle position, then Thomas Berg raised to 6,500 from two seats over. It folded back to Falfoul who four-bet shoved, and Berg started to talk.

"You have pocket pair?" he asked. The solution was ambiguous, but Berg surmised it to be affirmative. "I'VE pocket pair, too," he nodded, then after brooding slightly longer folded his hand.

Saying "one time," Falfoul decided to share -- he had A♣K♥ -- and picked up the pot. "I USED TO BE ahead!" cried Berg, adding that it was only by a couple of percentage points.

Was he disappointed he had folded? It's close, but perhaps by only a little.

Falfoul has 60,000 now, and Berg 22,000. --MH

8:19pm: Backing track: Overheard in tournament room 2Level 7 - Blinds: 300/600 (100 ante)

"Seat open twenty-four!""Time on twenty-five!""That's the way you get rich, start with the small ones.""Seat open twenty-five! Sorry, twenty-six!""St'open 16.""Two, not three, two... two-thousand two-hundred. Twenty-two. I'm English I AM GETTING this on a daily basis. Twenty-two.""Antes please."

8:08pm: Ben bounced Level 7 - Blinds: 300/600 (100 ante)

A check of the secondary room shows 28 full tables, as they're breaking tables from the primary room and keeping it constantly full. Amos Ben was up there earlier, but his seat is now empty, suggesting the Chilean is without doubt one of the 260 or so players who've been felted on Day 1B. 

The big board says there were 1,260 players entered to this point today (with late registration open in the course of the start of tomorrow's Day 2). --MH

7:54pm: Gaelle force Level 7 - Blinds: 300/600 (100 ante)

Gaelle Baumann have been battling all afternoon and early evening back at one of the most tables along the far wall typically poker site. Today she claimed another pot with a turn bet, forcing a fold from Shyam Srinivasan who preserved his stack of 35,000.

Fresh off a profit the recently completed Estrellas Poker Tour Barcelona High Roller, Baumann is up over 50,000 now. --MH

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The Baumann watch

7:41pm: Games within games Level 7 - Blinds: 300/600 (100 ante)

Players are back of their seats and playing no-limit Texas hold'em, the favourite variant of the favourite card game of many. 

As is standard, many have their smart phones and tablets on the ready, and while most are checking texts and tweets -- or updates at the PokerStars blog -- several are engaged in other games as well. 

Anooj Saareen is getting a massage while playing Words With Friends and a stack of slightly below 20,000. We are hoping his WWF opponent is less complicated to deal with than Eugene Katchalov on his left, who just won a tight pot to bump up over 80,000. 

Zeus Post has Chinese Poker up on his (as do several others), as he plays a stack of about 20,000. Meanwhile Hulya Pehlivanlar had a chess game on hers as she tries to spin up her stack of 35,000. And Vasili Firsau had Clash of Clans up once we glided by. He's up around 40,000 now. 

Meanwhile there has been no Pokemon Go playing to report, as we have seen earlier within the festival. It's still early, though. --MH

7:36pm: Here's the dealLevel 7 - Blinds: 300/600 (100 ante)

The dealers at the European Poker Tour are among the finest on this planet. It's why we glance after them. That incorporates when players decide it is the dealer who should bear the brunt their misfortune.

One player, who will remain nameless, just got a warning for this very thing, intimidating the dealer to some extent that it was getting out of hand. Dealers train for this, have years of experience, and are used to people reacting in emotional circumstances, but if the line's crossed someone has their back.

The floor was called and made it clear how things work at the tour. The message was received loud and clear, by the player who's now quiet and unassuming. -- SB

7 300 600 100

7:12pm: Big stack report 

Having reached the tip of the level, players are off on their last 20-minute break of the night. --MH

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6:59pm: Big stack report Level 6 - Blinds: 250/500 (75 ante)

They are as much as 1,240 players registered up to now here on Day 1B, with late registration open throughout the start of Day 2. 

We've mentioned a few the massive stacks we have seen thus far, including Milos Forman who was as much as 165,000 about an hour-and-a-half ago. We just saw him take successful after a brief stack doubled through him, but he's still on about 135,000 and really healthy. 

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Forman in good form

Meanwhile Quentin Roussey keeps on accumulating and is now up around 185,000 as Level 6 nears its close. --MH

6:40pm: Two champs downLevel 6 - Blinds: 250/500 (75 ante)

Two former Champions just busted the principle Event; Jannick Wrang and Robin Ylitalo.

We caught Ylitalo's departure.

There was a gap bet of 1,200 from Diego Ventura which Robin Ylitalo called from middle position. Robert Askarov was at the button and called before Park Cheung raised within the small blind.

The action was folded to Ylitalo, mid massage, who moved all-in. Askarov passed while Cheung, who easily covered Ylitalo called.

Ylitalo: A♠K♦Cheung: A♥A♣

The board was dealt 5♠J♦6♣5♦T♦

End of tournament for Ylitalo. End of massage too. Cheung meanwhile now has greater than 90,000. - SB

6:49pm: Bukkems bumps up Level 6 - Blinds: 250/500 (75 ante)

Mark Bukkems was just all-in and in peril for his last 17,700 against Daniel Erlandsson's A♠K♥

A 6♦4♥9♣ flop looked good to Bukkems, and the Q♦ turn and 7♥ worked for him to boot. Bukkems bumps as much as 37,000 or so, while Erlandsson slips back to around 25,000. --MH

6:34pm: Heimiller hits the rail Level 6 - Blinds: 250/500 (75 ante)

Dan Heimiller, sporting an "Old Dudes Rule" t-shirt with an image of Albert Einstein, has over $5.8 million in tournament cashes including several at the EPT, his biggest most up-to-date one coming for taking third within the EPT11 Grand Final €5,000 Turbo 8-Handed event for €48,400.

Just now Heimiller found himself committing the last of a brief stack holding K♣9♥ versus Allan Udeajah's Q♣T♣

The 5♥Q♠J♦ flop favored Udeajah, and after the A♥ turn and 4♦ river, Heimiller was ousted on the midpoint of Level 6. --MH

6:21pm: Ramos loses chips to Chalkidis Level 6 - Blinds: 250/500 (75 ante)

Friend of Team PokerStars Pro Felipe Ramos just suffered successful in a hand versus Vasileois Chalkidis. 

The board showed T♣2♠K♣Q♣5♥ which will need to have seemed promising enough to Ramos as he held 7♣3♣. But at showdown he saw Chalkidis had A♣8♣ for the simpler flush, meaning the considerable pot was going his opponent's way.

Chalkidis is as much as around 95,000 now, while Ramos sits with 17,500. --MH

6:15pm: No... when to fold 'emLevel 6 - Blinds: 250/500 (75 ante)

Anton Wigg was looking big. He was all-in, 25,075 in front of him with about 35,000 within the pot from a hand still ongoing against Onur Unsal who was taking his time deciding even if to call.

Wigg was putting up a show of strength. He was still bolt upright in his seat along with his shoulders pushed forward, his arms out prior to him at the table.

Time was called and the ground person counted him down. At one point he grabbed his chips. Was he about to name? No. He folded. Wigg as much as 61,500. - SB

6:10pm: So long, SoikaLevel 6 - Blinds: 250/500 (75 ante)

According to the massive board, nearly 150 of these who began Day 1B has been knocked out here by the beginning of Level 6. The most recent of these sent railward is EPT11 Barcelona €10K High Roller winner Ihar Soika.

Soika committed the last of his chips with A♠8♣ and was called by Maximiliano Gallardo who held 9♦9♣. The board came K♠5♦8♥2♦2♣, giving Soika the lesser two pair and an early exit. Inspite of those chips, Gallardo is below the typical with 20,000. --MH

6:05pm: Negreanu in and outLevel 6 - Blinds 250/500 (75 ante)

Daniel Negreanu's stay on the EPT Barcelona Main Event was short and never so sweet. We're reliably informed that child Poker has followed his early elimination from the €50,000 Super High Roller with an early elimination from the primary Event too. There's still the €10,000 High Roller, so all isn't yet lost. -- HS

6 250 500 75

5:58pm: Roussey at the riseLevel 5 - Blinds 200-400 (50 ante)

Quentin Roussey of France has done well for himself through five levels today. The Frenchman just earned another knockout and stack addition, and now's up around 115,000. --MH

5:55pm: Know when to fold 'emLevel 5 - Blinds: 200/400 (50 ante)

Slaven Popov opened in middle position making it 1,025. Two seats along was David Llacer who had plans to shove, and shove he did for 9,125. I AM NOT sure what Popov was thinking at this stage, but if Antonio Matias shoved within the small blind he laughed.

Matias was all in for 60,520, and Popov needed to leave them to it. Llacer turned up 8♦8♠ while Matias had K♥K♦. Llacer tapped the table.

The board ran 9♣T♣3♥2♠4♥. Matias collected his new chips, while Llacer made his solution to the rail. Popov seemed relieved.

"I made the best fold," he said smiling. - SB

5:40pm: Forman smashes FisherLevel 5 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

You might need heard something concerning the table tennis game arrange and ongoing just outside the principle tournament room. Those walking in hear the familiar sound of ping pong ball knocking against paddles and the hard top, the rhythm punctuated by occasional cries after a winning shot.

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Commonwealth medal winner Darius Knight

Entering the room one happens on Miroslav Forman's table, where at present he served a large all-in river raise to his opponent across from him, Walter Fisher. The board read K♣2♥2♠A♦8♥, and after somewhat a think Fisher called to commit his last chips.

Forman tabled his 8♠8♣ for a rivered full house, and Fisher shouted out in agony not unlike the players out within the hall. He'd had A♣6♣, having been ahead at the turn but was beaten by that river-smashing eight.

Fisher is out, while Forman has the most important stack we have seen so far. He's as much as 165,000. --MH

5:32pm: In fate's terrible chasmLevel 5 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

There's that space between tragedy and justice, that sinkhole that fell within the road between heaven and hell, that purgatory where you will find the most productive of worst of luck from your peripheral vision. That is where I stood.

It's a room with hundreds of individuals in it, and somehow I managed to face between two tables where I MAY see the alpha and omega of poker's twisted sensibilities.

I was watching a hand between Benjamin Lamprecht and Sergey Sergeev. They'd gone to the flop for 2,700 and watched the 4♥3♣6♦ hit the felt.

There was betting on the brink of happen, but I USED TO BE distracted after I heard an all-in on the next table. I saw the cards hit the table. Tens versus aces. "That," I thought, "goes to be more interesting than this hand I'm writing about."

I got able to move over and record the main points of the way the aces held up against the tens, how all was right with the world, and the way sometimes good triumphs over evil. That was the tale I NEEDED to tell.

But next thing you know, I see Lamprecht check the Q♥ turn, Sergeev bet 10,000, and suddenly they're both all-in with Lamprecht covered. What may well be happening?

Lamprecht held aces. Sergeev had 4♣4♣. Lamprecht stood, disgusted by the development, and should not have even seen the 4♦ hit the river to provide Sergeev quads, a silent "And your little dog, too!" to the retreating Lamprecht.

Sergeev shrugged as though to say, "I DID NOT need that, but look! There's four of them! How cute!"

Eliminations happen minute to minute here, and also you get numb to them through the years. Then every every now and then you get a taste of just how sweet and harsh the sport will also be. You are still numb, but a scene like that may cause an itch within the place where your soul was once. Or something like that. --BW

5:15pm: When a choice isn't a callLevel 5 - Blinds: 200/400 (50 ante)

Sometimes things just get it wrong. A hand plays out in a routine roughly way after which the wheels fall off. Just like the hand between Peter Johnston and Carlo Di Castiglione.

Picture the scene. A board dealt showing 8♣A♥3♣K♣8♥.

Two hands showing face up. The primary belonging to Johnston A♣Q♣ for the nut flush. The second one in front of Di Castiglione A♦K♠.

There was 2,300 in front of Johnston and 5,600 in front of Di Castiglione. It was time to name the floor.

The problem was the word "call" or loss of it. Johnston said he'd said it, Di Castiglione insisted that he hadn't and had folded. Johnston mentioned that he had the nut flush, why would he fold, Di Castiglione insisted rules were rules.

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Peter Johnston, left, and Carlo di Costigliole have a difference of opinion

Actually, the foundations are always a more confusing.

Floor staff arrived to resolve the mystery, but after several minutes of explanations Luca Vivaldi, a senior man at the floor staff, was sent for to seek out a solution.

Vivaldi, ever the diplomat, explained that yes, Johnston's hand will still be live, but technically turning over cards this fashion might be used for a bonus. So the verdict was made. The 2,300 bet would stand, but not the 5,600. That will instead be a call.It comes right down to forward motion. Flipping your cards up without forward motion is one thing, doing so with forward motion is something else. It is all nuance, but more or less understood. But for goodness sake don't turn your cards up until you're sure.

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Luca Vivaldi is available in to maintain the peace

With decision made the remainder of the players retook their seats. Play would finally start again, greater than ten minutes after this all commotion. They might all live happily ever after. - SB

5:10pm: Szarka sunkLevel 5 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

Orkeny Szarka is out, the Swiss player losing the last of his chips to France's Antoine Labat here in Level 5.

Full details are elusive, however the proven fact that Szarka had Q♣J♠, Labat A♥J♥, and the finished board had begun J♣Q♠A♣ to offer Labat a greater two pair seems enough evidence to fulfill most inquiring minds.

Labat has 55,000 now. --MH

5pm: Salah sailing alongLevel 5 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

The Frenchman Samy Salah -- fresh off a profit the Estrellas Barcelona Main Event and a last table at another EPT13 Barcelona prelim (a €2K NL turbo wherein he took sixth) -- is having a successful afternoon here on Day 1B.

Just now Salah pushed Aliaksei Boika of Belarus off a hand with a large all-in turn shove, collecting another pot to push up around 65,000 while Boika slips to 22,000. --MH

4:56pm: Cech check-calls, collectsLevel 5 - Blinds 200/400 (50 ante)

Vitezslav Cech has a modest-sized stuffed turtle with him today, sitting at the rail just beside his chips. It seemed oddly emblematic today during a hand he played versus Oleg Vasylchenko.

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A turtle

Playing from the blinds, Cech took his time check-calling -- Cech-calling? -- a turn bet of 2,500 with the board showing K♠4♣A♣5♥, building the pot up around 12,000. Then after the 8♠ fell at the river, Cech checked again, Vasylchenko fired 7,500, and acting within the same leisurely fashion Cech called once more.

Vasylchenko showed J♦T♣ for air, while Cech had flopped top pair and rivered a second with A♦8♦, earning a decent-sized pot by playing the hand slowly.

Cech is as much as 45,000 now, while Vasylchenko has 22,000. --MH

4:50pm: And we're back

Everyone is now back for his or her final four levels of the day.--BW

5 200 400 50

3:37pm: Back in 75

All the players are actually on a 75-minute break. --BW

3:35pm: An-Lin lines up alongside CodyLevel 5 - Blinds 150/300 (50 ante)

Chen An-Lin has 36,000 after picking up a pot of about 8,000. He bet 1,500 at the board of 7♦8♣K♣6♣5♦ and Romans Voitovs called. The Team Pro Asia turned over 9♦8♠ and it was good.

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Chen An-Lin: Team Pro

There are actually two Team PokerStars Pros on that table as Jake Cody sat down about five minutes ago. It wasn't the most productive timing of Cody's life: he's going to was lucky to peer one hand before they called a 75-minute lunch/dinner/afternoon tea break. -- HS

3:28pm: Echevarne Harms TarmiLevel 4 - Blinds 150/300 (50 ante)

Roope Onnie Oliver Tarmi is speaking to himself. He's from Finland, so we assume it's Finnish. And unfortunately for Tarmi, his EPT Barcelona Main Event run may finish earlier than later thanks his having just lost most of his stack to Jose Echevarne of Mexico.

Tarmi's pocket queens failed him in a preflop all-in versus Echevarne's ace-king suited after not one but two kings came some of the community cards.

Echevarne has 42,000 now, Tarmi just 400. The Mexican is quiet, however the Finn remains to be muttering. --MH

3:17pm: A FAIR Kassouf is a cheerful KassoufLevel 4 - Blinds: 150/300 (50 ante)

Thanks to his efforts on the World Series this year, William Kassouf is fast becoming a household name, a minimum of within the poker house. The person loves to talk, and continues to take action today up within the secondary tournament room.

He had reason to, facing an all-in by Kyosti Isberg for approximately 16,000. Kassouf had that covered but like good players he desired to get this right, and if he couldn't get it right, he'd a minimum of discover why.The board read 8♣5♥9♦4♣5♣.

Kassouf had played the hand from the bring to a halt and was unusually quiet as he mentally ran through his options. Then, and with a glance on his face that was resigned to defeat-by-curiosity, he called.

Isberg showed A♦A♠. Kassouf immediately brightened up, turning over A♣2♣. He'd been right all along.

"I'd put him on pocket nines or eights," he said, before cheerfully indulging the questions of others.He's now as much as 45,000. - SB

3:15pm: Saar squeezed, sighsLevel 4 - Blinds 150-300 (50 ante)

It's so tempting. A player raises, another calls, and also you come along from the button with A♠7♣. Then the massive blind squeezes by pushing all-in for around 15 BBs and when the others fold you talk yourself into calling again.

That's the hopeful story stuffed with promise Saar Wilf's demeanor told, anyway, today when he decided to stay around following Dennis Berglin's all-in. Berglin tabled A♥Q♥, and after a 4♣3♠9♦9♣Q♦ runout, Berglin was as much as 17,000 or so.

Meanwhile Wilf is sitting on 6,600, his exhale and look communicating a different, less sanguine story. --MH

3:11pm: The wheel comes out and offLevel 4 - Blinds 150-300 (50 ante)

A couple of years ago in Deauville, Dany Parlafes was distraught. He thought he had blown a large heads up chip-lead to lose his chance at an EPT title to Ognyan Dimov.

It's true that Parlafes was the runner up, and it's true that he had once had the chip lead. But he had not "blown" it. He had barely put a foot wrong during an extended heads-up battle and had, in fact, made some absolutely spectacular folds of losing hands, including one with the second one nuts.

Ever since then, I HAVE BEEN a silent cheerleader for Parlafes because that sort of defeat is pretty hard to take. But he's still back and looking out to head one better. He's also chipping up nicely on Day 1B having just sent Andras Koroknai to the rail.

Koroknai shoved his last 14,000 within the middle after the next flop: Q♣4♠2♣. Koroknai had pocket twos and had flopped a suite. Parlafes, with a covering stack, had the massive draw along with his A♣5♣. But both players were surprised by the way by which he got there. The turn brought the A♦ and the river wbecause the 3♠.

That was the wheel for Parlafes as the wheels came off for Koroknai.

Parlafes now has 60,000.-- HS

2:55pm: Calling Alternate 95Level 4 - Blinds 150-300 (50 ante)

As the eliminations roll in, the Alternate Desk is now seating up Alternate 95. --BW

2:55pm: Garcia gets a fewLevel 4 - Blinds 150-300 (50 ante)

Jose Carlos Garcia of Poland is in action, back here in Barcelona where he enjoyed considerable success a year ago. Garcia took fourth within the ESPT6 Barcelona Main Event, following up a fourth place within the LAPT Bahamas event and a fifth-place finish within the EPT11 Grand Final in Monaco earlier in 2015.

Just now we spotted Garcia pushing out a substantial bet at the river playing from the blinds in a hand versus Tom Tien, earning a fold from the Canadian. Garcia is up around 45,000 now. --MH

2:42pm: Red spades ups and downsLevel 4 - Blinds 150-300 (50 ante)

An excursion up over the secondary room finds thirty-odd tables' worth of Main Event players battling their way in the course of the day's fourth level, with several Team PokerStars Pros among them.

Yaxi Zhu is there and doing well, having built a stack up around 50,000 to this point today. Daniel Negreanu is seated at the other side of the room, slightly below the starting stack of 30,000 at present.

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Yaxi Zhu

Johnny Lodden is in action there as well, hoping to enhance on his third-place finish within the EPT9 Grand Final Main Event and fourth-place showing within the same event at EPT11, both in Monte Carlo.

Just now Lodden got in a blind-vs.-blind battle with Fernando Gutierrez Alfonso sitting to his left. After raising 1,000 from the small and watching Alfonso call from the big, Lodden barreled the 9♣4♠2♣ flop for 1,250, then the 4♥ turn for 3,000 more, and Alfonso called both times. Both then checked the 3♠ river, Lodden showed K♦J♥, and Alfonso J♠9♦ to take the pot and move to right at 30,000.

Lodden meanwhile is right down to 13,500. --MH

2:40pm: Korik vs. BernataviciusLevel 3 - Blinds: 100/200 (25 ante)

Zachary Korik, complete with bushy beard and hair that takes to the air to his right, opened the pot for 750 under the gun. Angelina Rich was at the button and asked how much. She called, as did Gytis Bernatavicius within the big blind. They saw a flop.


Bernatavicius bet 1,100 which Korik called. Too rich for Rich.

The turn came T♥ and Bernatavicius bet again, 2,000 this time. Korik called after which checked the 5♥ at the river. Bernatavicius did the same, turning over J♠6♠. Korik's Q♦J♥ had that beat. - SB

2:33pm: Results!

While we cover the principle Event, there are still plenty of side events happening. You will find all those results on our EPT Barcelona Side Events results page. --BW

2:33pm: Cautious rafting for ZawadskiLevel 4 - Blinds 150-300 (50 ante)

Mikolaj Zawadzki of Poland is sitting at the starting stack at the moment. To be more accurate, he was today standing off to the side of the table, letting Steven van Zadelhoff (seated to his left) and Wuyong Xu (a few seats to his right) battle to the river for a pot. Gave the look of a secure enough spot to be.

Zawadzki brought some reading to the table, a hardback copy of Bezlitosny Ocean, a translation of Facing the Frozen Ocean by the British author and tv star Edward Michael "Bear" Grylls. The book chronicles Grylls try to complete the primary unassisted crossing of the frozen north Atlantic in an open inflatable boat -- a harrowing story, apparently, way to all of the icebergs and other dangers Grylls encountered.

The hand ended, with van Zadelhoff claiming the pot to transport as much as 50,000 while Xu fell back to around 20,000. Zawadzki retook his seat behind his chip stack and book, resuming his try to negotiate passage through these early levels. --MH

2:30pm: A winner alreadyLevel 4 - Blinds 150-300 (50 ante)

Andre Akkari may only be starting his Main Event campaign, but he's already a winner. Last night, your man from Brazil took down the appropriate to Play Charity Tournament. Let's have a look at if his run-good continues today. --BW

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Andre Akkari

2:24pm: Irish ayesLevel 4 - Blinds 150-300 (50 ante)

It's been a fair week already for poker players from Ireland. Both Dan Wilson and Nick Newport made the general table of the giant Estrellas Main Event--Wilson finished ninth for €45,980 while Newport knocked Wilson out en path to fourth, for €202,000--and now there are around about 30 Irish players in Day 1B of the €5,000 EPT Main Event.

Jason Tompkins, Gavin O'Rourke, Cathal Shine, Padraig O'Neill, Daragh Davey, Marc Macdonnell and Dermot Blain are among them, and Wilson is back again.

None of them have as many chips at this stage as their countryman, and familiar EPT face, Dara O'Kearney, who has built his stack to about 75,000 already. O'Kearney just won another few in a hand against Ivan Banic and Paul van Oort.

Banic opened to 500 from early-position and O'Kearney three-bet to 1,200 from the cutoff. Van Oort called at the button and people three saw a flop of 4♦3♦2♣. Both Banic and O'Kearney checked, but Van Oort's bet of 1,600 removed neither of his opponents.

They all checked the K♥ turn but after the T♠ came at the river and Banic checked, O'Kearney's bet of 3,500 took it down.

A few tables away, David Lappin, another familiar face within the Irish contingent, was also in a pot against Alex Difelice. They were the entire solution to the river: 4♥5♣T♦Q♥A♠ and Lappin checked. Difelice bet 2,500 and Lappin went into the tank.

Eventually he tossed out calling chips and Difelice turned over K♦9♦. Lappin's 7♣T♣ was good. Lappin has about 40,000 now. -- HS

2:16pm: Hungry yet?Level 4 - Blinds: 150/300 (50 ante)

Players are actually of their last level before taking a tea break.--BW

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4 150 300 50

2:10pm: Two steps forward one step backLevel 3 - Blinds: 100/200 (25 ante)

Like in any poker tournament you must speculate to amass. You'll be able to spend a whole first day winning some, then losing some, but as long a that winning margin is even slightly better than the losing one, then you are going within the right direction.

So you win pots, like Stanley just did in a single that involved Fatima Moreira de Melo, after which lost the following one for only a little less.

Then there's the truth that with a view to win you ought to be in, a trope that not applies to former November Niner Antoine Saout. I wish I'LL say how, or why, I WILL BE ABLE TO only say that he's. - SB

2:02pm: Companion coverage on EPT Live

If you want something to observe while looking ahead to our next update, EPT Live is streaming the overall table of the Estrellas €2,000 High Roller at this time. Watch it here.

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TV crew on the ready

1:58pm: Zaichenko raises river, chases WilsonLevel 3 - Blinds 100-200 (25 ante)

Three diamonds. A paired board. And 3 stacks of chips each nearly the similar size. Let's put this one together.

Action had reached the river, with the board showing 5♦K♦J♦J♠Q♥. There's your two pair and 3 diamonds, all of which came at the flop.

Daniel Wilson -- fresh off a ninth-place finish within the Estrellas Poker Tour Barcelona Main Event that finished up yesterday -- had set out a single, blue 5,000 chip as a big gamble from the cutoff.

Wilson had about 13,500 behind. So, too did Andrey Zaichenko sitting to his left with the button, and he responded by setting it all before him as a raise. That very same 13,500 or so was about what was within the middle, too. There are your three stacks.

Wilson tanked for an entire minute, then giving his cards one last check allow them to go. He preserves his 13,500, while Zaichenko now has twice that plus Wilson's lost river bet -- about 32,000. --MH

1:39pm: Dispatches from upstairsLevel 3 - Blinds 100-200 (25 ante)

The main tournament room is greater than 3 times the dimensions of the upstairs annexe, but it is all happening within the smaller space, imo.

That's where Johnny Lodden has just shown up and sat on Luca Pagano's table (the 2 EPT cashing machines alongside each other.) It's where Benny Spindler has just wandered in, putting the worry of God into everyone (although he wasn't wearing a foul Religion T-shirt).

It's where William Kassouf is finding the surface of the average, grizzled Eastern European EPT veteran a little harder to get beneath than your average WSOP player ("YOU WERE GIVEN a couple"? Silence. "That's a fair flop for my hand." Silence. "I HAVE two pair." Silence. "You going to test"? Silence. "Good fold." Silence.) And it's where I just watched two all-in triangles deployed at the same hand, during Level 3*.

They at the moment are seating alternates at an excessively high rate as players are already hitting the rail. There's greater than 1,160 players now registered for today.

*They chopped it with the nuts, but that is not the purpose. -- HS

1:33pm: The weather of pokerLevel 3 - Blinds 100-200 (25 ante)

Chips, cards, position -- three important elements of any poker hand. Within the first levels of a tournament, chips (i.e., stack sizes), generally aren't quite as important because the other two elements, as everyone has roughly the similar and with the blinds small and no antes all are relatively deep.

But position and hand strength always matter. Take a up to date multi-way pot involving the Frenchman Antoine Saout and Alexandru Farcanescu of Romania.

Following a mid-position open to 450, Saout called from the button as did both blinds, including Farcanescu within the small blind. The flop came 5♥3♦Q♦ and it checked around to Saout. That flop didn't improve his hand -- as we later learned -- but he bet anyway, firing 1,200. Only Farcanescu called, but he, too, wasn't helped by that flop.

The 3♣ turn and the 3♠ river completed the board, also relative blanks.

Farcanescu tabled A♥K♥, having had cards but lacking position. Saout mucked his hand, having had position but no cards.

The chips? Farcanescu with about 35,000 is doing slightly better than Saout who has 22,000. But it's still some time before the stacks are going to matter up to other elements. --MH

1:25pm: Catch them all!Level 3 - Blinds 100-200 (25 ante)

Giada Fang has Pokemon Go spinning on her screen in front of her, but at the moment she's more desirous about the table in front of her. We picked up the hand at the flop: J♠3♥9♦. Tobias Peters check-raised Fang's bet to 2,300, but she refused to depart. The K♠ at the turn slowed neither of them down. Peters bet out 4,200 and Fang wasted no time in calling. The river was the A♦. Peters backed off and Fang checked behind him. Peters flipped over 8♣T♣ (meaning, entirely over...face up and back to stand down in a single motion), a missed draw. Fang revealed Q♠Q♦. Peters shook has head as Fang stacked her chips and went back to her Pokemon hunt.--BW

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Giada Fang

1:15pm: The lesser-spotted EPT championLevel 3 - Blinds 100-200 (25 ante)

Another pair of lesser-spotted former EPT champions has been spotted within the field: Julian Track and Vladimir Geshkenbein are here too. What next? Rueben Peters? -- HS

3 100 200 25

12:35pm: Golf humourLevel 2 - Blinds 75-150

God bless Sergio Garcia. He tried a joke, it didn't work, but he didn't let on.

Conversation was brisk on Garcia's table this afternoon and certainly one of his opponents, who spoke with what seemed like a Spanish or Italian accent, happened to say that he lived in Dublin.

"Dublin?" Garcia said. "I REALLY LIKE it. It is the fastest growing city within the world."

"Yeah," one among his other table-mates said, oblivious to the set-up line for one of the vital oldest jokes in Christendom.

"Yeah," Garcia continued. "Just keeps dubblin' and dubblin'."

Garcia, beneath dark shades and a bright yellow baseball cap, broke out right into a wide grin, the sort you are inclined to see within the 19th hole as some hackers chill with a whisky after shooting an 82. But this was not the clubhouse, it was a poker tournament, and the linguistic genius of Garcia flew high over the non-native speakers' heads.

Garcia just chuckled inwardly. There is not any shifting the grin. -- HS

12:25pm: Liquid pokerLevel 2 - Blinds 75-150

We're joined in Barcelona this week by some representatives of Team Liquid after PokerStars and the premier eSports collective joined forces not see you later ago. It is not unusual, of course, to peer Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier at the European Poker Tour (he joined Team Liquid earlier this year) however the Hearthstone phenom Janne "Savjz" Mikkonen could also be sitting down within the EPT Main Event today.

We'll keep watch over Mikkonen's progress here this afternoon, and it kind of feels to have gotten off to a fair start if a up to date tweet is anything to move by:

12:20pm: When a raise is still, in fact, a raiseLevel 2 - Blinds 75-150

Maybe it was a good question, maybe not. Regardless, in a battle of the blinds between Mourad Falfoul and Vasvenszki Zsolt, a matter of what's a raise and what's not was enough that the ground ended up getting called.

At issue: they've made it to the river, and Falfoul has checked to Zsolt who then puts out a 500 chip and 1,000 chip. Falfoul responds by putting out a 500 chip and a 5,000 chip. It is a raise, but Zsolt isn't so sure it is.

"I did that very same thing last year and so they said it was a call," he said.

Both Falfoul and the dealer confirm it is a raise, but Zsolt desires to be sure that. He isn't angry and even unconvinced, but he wants an official decision.

"Call the ground," he says.

And so the dealer summons the floor, the floor arrives, hears the story, and snap-confirms, "IT IS A raise."

Zsolt shrugs as though he expected the solution. It is not like American football where a faulty challenge leads to the lack of a timeout. It's only a lost couple of minutes.

But, in case it's not clear: Falfoul's raise was clearly a raise because 1) He put out a couple of chip and a couple of) The second one chip was a unique and better denomination.

It was never in doubt, except perhaps in Zsolt's mind. And perhaps not even there. --BW

12:10pm: Premium hands just for PaganoLevel 2 - Blinds 75-150

You can draw your personal inference from the bare bones of this hand report. The real gist is that Luca Pagano won a pot of about 7,000 with 5♦3♦ which he somehow got to the river from under the gun in a raised pot.

There was all that already within the middle by the point the turn arrived. The four exposed cards at this stage were 9♦3♠4♣K♦ and 3 players checked: Johan Verhagen, who would was within the small blind, Pagano, who would has been under the gun, and Sebastian Pauli, who would was within the cutoff. (Pauli is watching one in all Daniel Negreanu's video diaries on his iPad.)

All three players also checked the 6♣ at the river and Verhagen tabled his A♠Q♠. With mock triumph, Pagano then revealed his monster--it was now bottom pair--and Pauli mucked.

The Team PokerStars Pro then noticed the reported hovering with regards to the table and was clearly dismayed that his secret crush on five-high was exposed. -- HS

12pm: Margets accounts for EngelLevel 2 - Blinds 75-150

Ari Engel has had better tournaments, it's fair to mention. He's now not within the seat next to David Vamplew and his former neighbour confirmed that Leo Margets had knocked him out. Registration continues to be open for the €25K single-day event, so there is a chance he'll appear over there.

Margets is getting busy along with her newly-acquired chips, although couldn't inflict the similar fate on Julius Colman as she did on Engel. Colman limped from under the gun and Margets raised to 550 from a few seats around. Only Colman called, which took them to a flop of 9♠K♦2♠.

Colman check-called Margets' bet of 675. Both players then checked the 5♦ turn. After the 5♠ appeared at the river, Colman bet 500. Margets called and Colman revealed his A♣K♠. It was good. -- HS

11:50am: It is all concerning the table drawLevel 2 - Blinds 75-150

If there have been a museum exhibit called "Portraits in Frustration," David Lappin's most up-to-date tweet from the sector would make for a fair centerpiece. It's like getting a tiny plate of tapas while seated next to a Vegas buffet. --BW

11:50am: More new arrivalsLevel 2 - Blinds 75-150

Among the brand new people filling within the seats on this packed house: Team PokerStars Pros ElkY and Mikhail Shamalov. The tournament crew may be now seating as much as Alternate 40. --BW

11:45am: Drama averted for GarciaLevel 2 - Blinds 75-150

After his initial table got somewhat salty, Sergio Garcia not has to fret a few cranky and impatient Russian who doesn't like how long Garcia takes to come to a decision. There's a lot of shuffling because the field gets set, and by luck of the draw, Garcia was moved to a different table where he might find some folks with slightly more patience. Maybe. --BW

11:40am: Sweet spotLevel 2 - Blinds 75-150

There's an excellent spot to face within the downstairs tournament room today, with a view of Team Online's Naoya Kihara on one side, after which the table featuring Anton Wigg, Team Online's Giada Fang and Christophe Benzimra at the other. Benzimra could also be a former EPT champion, however the neatest thing is that he is watching re-runs of the Olympics on his phone, so that you can re-live the Rio excitement in between poker hands.

Not that Wigg is offering much spare time. He's playing near enough every pot. He lost a couple of chips in a blind-on-blind battle against Nicolas Fridman, but then got them back in subsequent two hands.

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Anton Wigg

In the pot against Fridman, Wigg bet 500 right into a pot of about 650 with the entire board exposed. It read 4♥5♠7♦3♦9♥. Fridman raised to 1,500, Wigg called and Fridman showed 5♥6♠.

But at the next hand, Pavel Savin opened to 375 from the cutoff and Wigg's three-bet to 1,025 from the button won. And Wigg then opened the following pot, to 400, and got a choice from the large blind. Both players checked the T♣J♥4♦ flop, then Wigg bet the 8♠ turn and won again.

Meanwhile on Benzimra's phone, a pole-vaulter ran all of the way down the run up but then stopped right by the mat as opposed to actually vaulting. Benzimra chuckled. -- HS

11:30am: Alternates filling inLevel 2 - Blinds 75-150

It's a crowded house here. The soft cap of 900 has given option to alternates, with the primary 20 of them having already been seated.--BW

11:20am: Level upLevel 2 - Blinds 75-150

We're directly to the second one level of the day with blinds now at 75-150.--BW

2 75 150 N/A

11:08am: Sergio Garcia at the clockLevel 1 - Blinds 50-100

The rules of golf, as near as we will be able to tell, are so much just like the rules of poker in relation to how long a player has to behave. It's discretionary, and under one of the crucial written rules, a golfer is merely required to behave "without undue delay."

We mention it because pro golfer Sergio Garcia is within the field today, and throughout the first hour of play, he's had the clock called on him. He didn't like that very much.

Based at the chips at the table, it appeared Garcia had raised to 225 and was re-raised by Russia's Roman Voronin. That's apparently where the difficulty started. After Garcia thought for a bit, Voronin called the clock on him. A tournament director arrived, and Voronin started speaking to Garcia.

"What are you serious about goodbye pre-flop?" Voronin asked.

Garcia looked up, defiant behind a couple of sun shades and under a TaylorMade cap. Attempt to imagine a scenario where Garcia stood over a putt too long and somebody around the green called the clock on him. That is the look Garcia had on his face.

"I'm not saying anything about what you re doing," he said. "A LITTLE BIT respect?"

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Voronin remained impatient. "IT IS NOT a TV show," he said. "YOU SIMPLY need to act a bit of faster."

Garcia was having none of it and ran out the rest of his allotted time before folding. No harm, no foul, however it will probably make for a fascinating day at that table. --BW

Want to play on the next live event? Click here to get a PokerStars account and begin your campaign today.

11:05am: NeighboursLevel 1 - Blinds 50-100

With greater than 1,000 players expected today, you could possibly hope for a soft-ish table to get things started. But Billy Chattaway, Leo Margets, Ari Engel and David Vamplew have all been drawn together, in seats 7, 8, 1 and 2, respectively.

Engel took a small pot early on today when he called from the small blind after Björn Winkler's open to 300 was called in two other spots: Tim Verheyen within the cutoff and Chattaway at the button.

The flop came 7♦5♠8♥ and all four players checked. Then the 5♣ came at the turn and Engel bet 650. Only Chattaway seemed even remotely interested, but folded after a couple of seconds' thought. -- HS

10:55am: A PROTRACTED day promised on Table ElliotLevel 1 - Blinds 50-100

Few can mistake the dulcet tones of Willie Elliot, co-host of the Scottish Poker Podcast and frequent contributor/commentator, via Twitter, to EPT Live. His table-mates today have also already been warned that they are going to want to get used to his voice today. On the end of an early monologue he told them, "THIS WILL LIKELY be all day, simply so you realize". Elliot then dug into his pocket to supply them use of a spare set of headphones, should it get too much.

I only caught snippets of this early conversation, but Elliot was discussing hair colour with a fair-haired player a few seats to his left. "Strawberry blonde?" Elliot asked, dancing across the G-word. The fair-haired man could only chuckle. One expects he could also be on the lookout for the type of headphones Albert Daher is already sporting at that table: the kind so large they may possibly cause a neck injury.

"It's going to be a protracted day," Elliot cautioned further. He won a satellite to this event and is obviously in fine spirits. -- HS

10:40am: Personalized reportingLevel 1 - Blinds 50-100

While we'll be reporting at the field at large today, when you've got specific interest in a player, lots of them are updating their Twitter accounts in real-ish time. Listed here are a couple of examples of individuals you'll be able to follow to get you started. --BW

10:40am: Former champions arriveLevel 1 - Blinds 50-100

Yaxi Zhu and Chen-An Lin have now arrived too, representing Team PokerStars Pro Asia. -- HS

10:35am: Former champions arriveLevel 1 - Blinds 50-100

Toby Lewis and Michael Tureniec, winners in Vilamoura and Copenhagen, respectively, are some of the early arrivers today. Those two are already seated, and Tureniec picked up an overly small pot early on when he raised to 400 from under the gun, got a decision within the big blind, after which c-bet a king-high flop. Very uninteresting, excluding the 4x opening raise. I HAVE NEVER seen something like that from a professional since about 1997.

Antonio Matias, another former champ, could also be now within the room and prepared for action. -- HS

10:25am: Meanwhile, downstairs...Level 1 - Blinds 50-100

As mentioned moments ago, lets see greater than 1,000 players today. The large digital tournament board currently reads 875, but that number is bound to head up because the day progresses. A few of the on-time arrivals within the downstairs tourney room: Fatima Moreira de Melo, Eugene Katchalov, Giada Fang, Cate Hall, George Danzer, and Luc Greenwood.

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Fatima Moreira de Melo

Over the years, this event has grown yearly but one. Last year's field was a monster 1,694 players. While it'd be very difficult to hit that number this year, we're still certain to see a bumper field assembled before the top of the day. Here's how the primary 12 seasons' fields stacked up. --BW

EPT BARCELONA MAIN EVENT HISTORY:Season 1: 229 players, €229,000 prize pool, Alexander Stevic from Sweden for €80,000Season 2: 327 players, €1,300,000 prize pool, Jan Boubli from France for €416,000Season 3: 480 players, €2,304,000 prize pool, Bjørn-Erik Glenne from Norway for €691,000Season 4: 543 players, €4,181,100 prize pool, Sander Lyloff from Denmark for €1,170,700Season 5: 619 players, €4,952,000 prize pool, Sebastian Ruthenberg from Germany for €1,361,000Season 6: 479 players, €3,832,000 prize pool, Carter Phillips from USA for €850,000Season 7: 758 players, €3,790,000 prize pool, Kent Lundmark from Sweden for €825,000Season 8: 811 players, €4,055,000 prize pool, Martin Schleich from Germany for €850,000Season 9: 1,082 players, €5,247,700 prize pool, Mikalai Pobal from Belarus for €1,007,550Season 10: 1,234 players, €5,984,900 prize pool, Tom Middleton from UK for €942,000Season 11: 1,496 players, €7,255,600 prize pool, Andre Lettau from Germany for €794,058Season 12: 1,694 players, €8,215,900 prize pool, John Juanda from Indonesia for €1,022,593

10:15am: Two floorsLevel 1 - Blinds 50-100

With a field of greater than 1,000 expected today (there is a capacity of 900, but alternates may also get in), both tournament rooms are in play. Although most tables only have about four or five players seated on the moment, they're filling rapidly.

In the smaller, upstairs room, Sophia Lovren, Govert Metaal and Luca Pagano have taken their seats already, the latter snap-chatting his method to the table. Also Bernard Vu is up there, playing his first EPT tournament since finishing runner-up on the APPT Macau a few months ago.

10:05am: Things to seem out forLevel 1 - Blinds 50-100

In addition to Day 1B of the primary Event, there may be also the €25K Single-Day tournament happening today and the general table of the €2,000 Estrellas High Roller. The latter is being shown with cards up on EPT Live, so watch along when it starts at 2pm. Within the meantime, one can find a replay of yesterday's €50K final table.

Meanwhile back on the Main Event, they've been in the course of the "shuffle up and deal" formalities. Everyone has a 30,000 starting stack and blinds begin at 50-100. -- HS

1 50 100 N/A

9:40am: Yes, A.M.!

Good morning everybody! And never just metaphorically. Today, for what I BELIEVE is the primary time in European Poker Tour history, an afternoon of play on an EPT Main Event is kicking off at 10am.

Everyone is delighted. You want to see the road of players gamboling into the tournament room, a spring in each in their steps, big grins plastered across their phyzogs. Most of them, it seems, got up at around 7, took a protracted walk down the beach, showered, sculpted their hair into perfect "bed-head" style designs and shimmied to the casino as early as they might possibly make it. I FEEL most of them could only has been happier if it have been an 8am start.

If you thought there would truly be a shuffling, shambling traipse of vagrants, cigarettes barely adhered to bottom lips, sleep-dust caked to their cheeks, night-breath pluming from dry mouths, then you definately could be very, very wrong. It is not like that at all.

Cards might be within the air momentarily. Stick around for action from eight levels. It's like a dream! -- HS

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The Day 1B field assembles

Take a glance on the official website of the EPT, with tournament schedule, news, results and accommodation details for EPT13 Barcelona and the remainder of the season.

Also the entire schedule information is at the EPT App, that's available on both Android or IOS.

PokerStars Blog reporting team at the EPT13 Barcelona Main Event: Stephen Bartley, Martin Harris, Howard Swains, and Brad Willis. Photography by Neil Stoddart. Follow the PokerStars Blog on Twitter:@PokerStarsBlog

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The view over Barcelona from Montjuic

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