Tuesday, August 9, 2016

APPT10 Manila: Day 3 coverage archiveNO Deposit bonus $43

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8:50pm: Final table set after Rommel Angeles sent packing in 10thLevel 23: Blinds - 15,000/30,000 (5,000 ante)

Rommel Angeles was the player most in danger (220k) and he was the player who went in 10th. He was within the big blind and called all-in after Alan Lau set him all-in from the small blind.

Lau: K♣T♣Angeles: 2♥2♣

The board ran 4♥9♥3♥4♣T♦

It was an ideal flop for Angeles however the cruel river cost him a spot in tomorrow's celebrations.

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Rommel Angeles the overall table bubble boy

Jesse Leonarez will take a commanding chip lead (4.595 million) into tomorrow's final. More about that and the remainder of the day's action in a wrap that'll be up at the blog shortly. -- MC

8:35pm: Leonarez pulls off sick bluff and has as regards to half the chips in playLevel 23: Blinds - 15,000/30,000 (5,000 ante)

Seongsu Kong has dropped back below one million chips after being at the wrong end of a Jesse Leonarez bluff, who has edged past the 4.5 million mark.

Kong raised from the cutoff and Leonarez peeled from the large unaware of see a K♦8♦5♦ flop. Kong continued for 120,000 after which made a considered call after he was check-raised to 250,000. The turn was the T♥ and Leonarez quickly led for 500,000 and was almost beaten into the pot by Kong. The T♣ rounded off the board and Leonarez led for 650,000. Kong had 995,000 left and tanked for several minutes before folding, only to be shown the 6♥3♥ for 6 high by Leonarez! --MC

8:20pm: Take a break

The final 10 players have stepped away for a scheduled break. Play resumes in 10 minutes. -- BK

8:15pm: End of the road for HenLevel 23: Blinds - 12,000/24,000 (4,000 ante)

Siong Boon Hen's tournament life is not any more after losing the last of his chips to Linh Tran.

The two of the got all of the money in on a flop of 2♦2♣J♥ and Hen found himself behind.

Hen: J♣6♣Tran: A♥J♠

Hen was chasing a six or running clubs to stick alive however the deck wouldn't oblige with the 8♠ turn and 4♥ river sealing his fate. With that elimination we're now at the final table bubble with only 10 players remaining. -- BK

8:20pm: Garberg defeated by LeonarezLevel 23: Blinds - 12,000/24,000 (4,000 ante)

Markus Garberg was right down to just over 20 big blinds after doubling up Sam Razavi and he soon found a place to get them in.

Jesse Leonarez opened from the cutoff after which called after the Norwegian shipped in for around 600,000 from the large blind.

Garberg: A♦Q♠Leonarez: 8♠8♥

The board ran J♣2♣5♥9♣8♣ to make Leonarez a suite at the river he didn't event need. His stack grew to around 3.8 million after the victory. --MC

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Garberg went in 12th place

8:10pm: Razavi at the doubleLevel 23: Blinds - 12,000/24,000 (4,000 ante)

When you hear a shrill of pleasure at the rail from Menchu Razavi you understand her husband Sam Razavi is doing well in a hand, and that was the case as he doubled up through Markus Garberg.

The latter raised from the cutoff after which called after the Brit shoved for 242,000.

Garberg: 6♠6♣Razavi: A♦5♥

The board ran 9♠3♣A♠8♦A♣ handy Razavi trips. -MC

7:55pm: Alex Lee leaves usLevel 23: Blinds - 12,000/24,000 (4,000 ante)

Well Alex Lee was joint chip leader heading into the beginning of play today but he's arise in need of a last table appearance.

On a flop of 9♣9♥8♦ Lee checked it over to Seongsu Kong who barrelled for 120,000. Lee then reraised to 266,000 but Kong came back excessive for 520,000. The bet was for many of Lee's stack and he decided to commit all of his chips for an extra 182,000.

Despite the relatively small amount left to name off Kong sat and thought for several minutes. Players were becoming noticeably frustrated before Sam Razavi at the adjacent table piped up.

"Can we call time on that table? Each time I GLANCE over there it is the same thing" Razavi asked tournament staff.

Alan Lau took it upon himself to name time and with that Kong was given 60 seconds left to behave. He kept everyone waiting another 55 seconds before tossing in a chip to call.

Lee: 8♠6♦Kong: T♠T♣

Lee was right down to two outs or running cards but he couldn't catch up because the board ran out with the A♥ and 2♣.

Razavi thanked Lau, Lee headed for the payout desk, and Kong stacked up 1.8 million in chips. -- BK

7:40pm: Hun doneLevel 23: Blinds - 12,000/24,000 (3,000 ante)

Sok Meng Hun's tournament has attracted to an in depth. He was just eliminated in a sickly fashion by Markus Garberg.

All the money was in preflop with Hun ahead holding 4♠4♦ and Markus with the 3♣3♦. The 8♣T♠6♣ flop was a secure one however the Q♣ turn brought a flush sweat.

"No, no, no, no, no" Hun cried dreading another club rolling off.

Unfortunately for him that's exactly what happened with the 9♣ river arriving to signal his elimination.

"Nice hand" Hun said to Garberg and headed for the payout desk. -- BK

7:25pm: Clot's path blockedLevel 22: Blinds - 12,000/24,000 (4,000 ante)

Sebastien Clot's roller-coaster day has resulted in defeat after he was taken out by, well you'll guess who.

The Frenchman moved all-in for 200,000 from under-the-gun and was called by Jesse Leonarez from a few seats along.

Clot: A♠J♠Leonarez: K♣Q♠

The board ran 8♥5♦J♥K♠2♦. Clot was within the lead and flopped a couple but Leonarez is having a type of days and moved as much as 3.25 million. --MC

7:15pm: The wealthy get richerLevel 23: Blinds - 12,000/24,000 (4,000 ante)

Jessie Leonarez continues to say his dominance after taking an enormous pot from Sok Meng Hun.

Hun kicked things off with a raise to 50,000 before Leonarez played back at him for 135,000. Hun decided to come excessive for 375,000 and Leonarez made the decision. The rail gathered around to look what was undoubtedly one of the most biggest hands of the tournaments so far.

The flop landed J♥T♦K♥ and both players checked to the J♣8♣ turn. Hun was first to behave and he loaded up 300,000 before ultimately checking to Leonarez who made it a comparatively small 150,000. Hun called they usually went to the 8♣ river.

Hun loaded up again but this time actually fired with a chance of 525,000. Leonarez stood up and started muttering to himself before flicking in one chip to indicate a call.

Hun sheepishly turned over A♦7♦ knowing he'd been caught out and Leonarez tabled Q♠9♥ for a flopped straight.

Leonarez now pushes his stack to over the three million mark. -- BK

7pm:Garberg doubles through, then takes out, KimLevel 22: Blinds - 10,000/20,000 (3,000 ante)

Gab Yong Kim's day has come to an end. He doubled up neighbour Markus Garberg to depart himself crippled after which went out the following hand.

The first hand saw Kim's K♦9♣ lose to the Norwegian's A♣Q♣ on a J♦T♣6♣J♠K♠ board after the latter made a straight.

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Kim in happier times

The next hand saw Kim shove with Q♥6♥ and Garberg call with A♣7♥. The board ran 3♣9♠K♠7♠T♦ and the Korean was led away. -- MC

6:45pm: Renjie Ye out in 18thLevel 22: Blinds - 10,000/20,000 (3,000 ante)

It didn't take long to lose another player once the two-table affair began, and the person to head was Renjie Ye. He moved all-in with 8♦8♠ and was called by Sok Meng Hun who opened a dominating 9♣9♥. The board ran A♠5♦4♠2♠Q♥ and and not using a eight in sight, Ye needed to make his approach to the payout desk. -MC

6:35pm: Final two tables redrawLevel 22: Blinds - 10,000/20,000 (3,000 ante)

We're now all the way down to our final two tables. Here's where individuals are sitting and the way they stack up.

Table Seat Name Chips
41 1 Sebastien Clot 465,000
41 2 Linh Tran 590,000
41 3 Jessie Leonarez 2,100,000
41 4 Kim Teng Jong 310,000
41 5 Mike Takayama 285,000
41 6 Gab Yong Kim 290,000
41 7 Markus Garberg 260,000
41 8 Sam Razavi 450,000
41 9 Sok Meng Hun 720,000
Table Seat Name Chips
42 1 Alan Lau 410,000
42 2 Rommel Angeles 440,000
42 3 Travers Tan 330,000
42 4 Joven Huerto 445,000
42 5 Alex Lee 560,000
42 6 Siong Boon Heng 610,000
42 7 Sang Yong Lee 475,000
42 8 Seongsu Kong 1,100,000
42 9 Tzu Chieh Lo 1,300,000

-- BK

6:24pm: Jong busts to take us to the last two tablesLevel 22: Blinds - 10,000/20,000 (3,000 ante)

The Main Event is all the way down to the general two table after the elimination of Kim Teng Jong.

He moved all-in for 297,000 from under the gun and was isolated by Tzu Chieh Lo who shoved from the button.Lo: A♦K♣Jong: 4♠4♣The board ran J♥T♦K♠7♥7♦ to make Lo two pair. --MC

6:13pm: Break timeThe players are on a 10-minute break.

6:12pm: Taehyung Kim goes in 20thLevel 21: Blinds - 8,000/16,000 (2,000 ante)

The energetic Taehyung Kim did not win a race and was shown the door previous to the break. He was within the small blind and three-bet all-in for 200,000. Sang Yong Lee had opened to 35,000 from the cutoff and made the call.

Kim:A♥K♦Lee: T♥T♦

The board ran a blank 2♥J♣7♥5♣7♣. Lee moved as much as around 800,000. --MC

6:10pm: Clot climbing; Li crippled then KO'dLevel 21: Blinds - 8,000/16,000 (2,000 ante)

A rollercoaster runout just saw Sebastien Clot survive to go away Ang Li with only two and a half big blinds, before the latter was eliminated just a couple of hands later.

In the primary hand Clot got it in good with A♥A♦ against the Q♠Q♦ of Li. He looked safe until a queen within the window at the 8♥2♣Q♣ flop saw him chasing just two outs and left Li cheering loudly. Clot found a type of outs immediately because the A♣ turn turned the tables, and Clot held when the 6♠ river arrived.

"So sick" admitted Clot because the pot was pushed his way.

In the similar orbit Li moved all in for the super-short-stack under the gun with J♦6♦ and was called by Sam Razavi at the button who held Q♣9♣. Li managed to flop a jack but a queen at the river meant his tournament life was done and dusted. -- BK

5:55pm: Lee doubles againLevel 21: Blinds - 8,000/16,000 (2,000 ante)

Alex Lee started the day as chip leader, dropped right down, but has come storming back with another double as much as move past 800,000.

He and Seongsu Kong made it to the turn where the fireworks went off. The board read J♥2♣5♣Q♠ and Lee checked from the small blind before moving all-in for 332,000 after Kong had bet 120,000. Kong smiled, stood up after which flicked a chip in to indicate a call.

Lee opened A♠Q♣, sooner than Kong's K♠Q♦. The river came as 6♠ and Kong dropped back to 880,000. --MC

5:40pm: 2 milli club for Leonarez; Lam leaves usLevel 21: Blinds - 8,000/16,000 (2,000 ante)

Jessie Leonarez extends his overwhelming chip lead after sending Aaron Lam home. The pair were flipping and things went Leonarez's way by the tip of it.

Lam held A♥K♣ and had to find some help against the J♥J♣ of Leonarez. The board fell 2♣Q♠6♦8♣9♣ and Lam's elimination was official.

Leonarez moves as much as 2.1 million, greater than 500,000 away from some other player here. -- BK

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Commander-in-chips: Jessie Leonarez

5:35pm: Lee doubles with acesLevel 21: Blinds - 8,000/16,000 (2,000 ante)

Joint start of day chip leader Alex Lee was vulnerable to going out but he had aces to back him up and doubled.

He opened to 33,000 from the cutoff after which snap called all-in for 226,000 after Tzu Chieh Lo set him in from the massive blind.

Lo: A♠J♠Lee: A♥A♦

The board ran Q♠9♣J♣T♥7♠ to peer Lee's aces hold. Lo dropped to a still impressive 900,000. -- MC

5:25pm: Razavi rakes one inLevel 21: Blinds - 8,000/16,000 (2,000 ante)

Sam Razavi continues to be in quest of the APPT Main Event title after taking a pot from tablemate Mike Takayama.

With the board reading 3♦T♥6♠6♥ Razavi led at it from the massive blind for 74,000 and was called by Takayama at the button.

The 4♣ river arrived and Razavi shoved for his last 132,000 in chips. Takayama took a glance back at his cards and leaned back to think on his decision. He folded finally and flashed the T♣. Razavi showed the 3♣ in turn, after which the 3♥ for an entire house.

Razavi's wife Menchu let loose a scream of support from the rail as Sam scooped up another pot. -- BK

5:12pm: Ben Soon Yun busts over two handsBen Soon Yun lost most of his chips to Tzu Chieh Lo and the remainder went to Siong Boon Heng two hands later.

Yun flopped two pair in a hand versus Chieh however the latter had a flush draw and immediately hit at the turn when the chips went in.

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Stack got too Lo

Two hands later, Yun moved his last 13,000 chips over the road and was called in three spots before Heng raised to 45,000 from the large blind. The isolation move worked but Heng did also have a hand to do it with.

Heng: K♣K♥Yun: 8♣8♠

The board ran 5♦K♠5♥J♦T♥ to make Heng an entire house. --MC

5pm: Pepper dusted by bad beat from LauLevel 20: Blinds - 6,000/12,000 (1,000 ante)

Gary Pepper was just sent reeling out of here once you have his pocket kings cracked by Alan Lau.

Lau brought it in for a raise from the cutoff to 28,000 before Pepper moved all in with 270,000 from the massive blind. After a minute's deliberation Lau made the decision and players tabled their hands.

Pepper: K♥K♦Lau: A♦Q♠

Pepper was in front and remained that way when the flop came down T♣5♠4♣. The 3♠ turn brought a wheel sweat nevertheless it was Lau pairing his ace at the A♠ river that ended things for Pepper.

He heads to the exit while Lau moves as much as 720,000. -- BK

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Eliminated - Gary Pepper

4:52pm: Han gets lucky to doubleLevel 20: Blinds - 6,000/12,000 (1,000 ante)

"Sorry mate!" said Heedon Han after he came from behind to double through Sebastien Clot.

Han moved all-in for 110,000 from middle position and Clot made the decision from the massive blind.

Clot: T♠T♥Han: A♠5♥

The board ran 2♥7♦5♦5♣J♣ to make Han trips. Clot was understandably annoyed. --MC

4:45pm: Lucky Loo finds a doubleLevel 20: Blinds - 6,000/12,000 (1,000 ante)

Ben Loo is lucky to still be within the tournament after you have the last of his chips in and learning he was dominated by Travers Tan.

It folded around to Loo within the hijack seat and he moved his final 178,000 into the center. Travers Tan moved all in excessive at the button and with the blinds out of how the cards went on their backs.

Loo: K♥J♣Tan: A♣K♠

Loo was behind until a jack within the window at the 2♦5♥J♥ flop saw him take the lead. He faded an ace during the 9♦[ turn and Q♦ river to secure the double up and leave Tran with only 260,000 remaining. -- BK

4:35pm: Day 1A chip leader downedLevel 20: Blinds - 6,000/12,000 (1,000 ante)

Former biggest stack Jen-Yen Chien put his tournament life in danger however the only thing he hit was the rail.

Siong Boon Heng opened from early position and was called in three spots, including Chien. The flop fanned K♦J♥7♥ and Heng continued for 40,000. Chien was the one caller to the J♦ turn where he was put to the test for his remaining 145,000. He did some calculations and made the decision with A♦T♦ for a draw to the sector. Heng opened K♣9♦ and survived the 4♣ river. --MC

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Chien did not hit

4:25pm: Lam loses some to KimLevel 20: Blinds - 6,000/12,000 (1,000 ante)

Aaron Lam just lost precisely half his stack after doubling up tablemate Taehyung Kim. The latter was all in for 130,000 in chips and Lam called to place him at risk.

Lam: A♦Q♦Kim: A♠A♥

Kim had a commanding lead and maintained it in the course of the 3♠9♠2♣8♦T♣ runout. The 2 players effectively swapped stacks with Kim raking in 260,000 and Lam dropping to 130,000. -- BK

4:15pm: Full chip counts from the break

Last name First name Chip count
Leonarez Jessie 1,580,000
Kong Seongsu 1,004,000
Lee Sang Yong 775,000
Hun Sok Meng 755,000
Loo Ben Soon Yun 605,000
Pepper Gareth 600,000
Jong Kim Teng 510,000
Lee Alex Xiang Wei 486,000
Tan Travers 480,000
Heng Siong Boon 460,000
Lau Alan 443,000
Tran Linh 425,000
Ye Renjie 409,000
Clot Sebastien 360,000
Huerto Joven 340,000
Garberg Markus 300,000
Chien Jen-yen 288,000
Takayama Mike 255,000
Lam Aaron Weiming 253,000
Sam Razavi 250,000
Kim Gab Yong 240,000
Loo Ben Soon Yun 193,000
Li Ang 177,000
Kim Taehyung 140,000
Park Min Jae 90,000

4pm: First break of the dayTwo levels down and the general 26 players are on a break. Full chip counts coming your way. --MC

3:59pm: Patty pulverizedLevel 19: Blinds - 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

Patty Pei Yu Lai was eliminated within the last hand of Level 19 after overjamming into Sok Meng Hun who had flopped the nuts.

Lai began with a raise to 36,000 and Hun came along from the small unaware of see a flop of 6♥2♦5♠. After a check from Hun, Lai moved all in for around 220,000 and was snapped off.

Lai: A♦K♦Hun: 4♦3♦

"Give me two diamonds" Lai said to the dealer with a smile, however the 9♣ turn meant it was in all places. She headed to the payout desk and Hun stacked up a complete of 755,000 in chips. -- BK

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Eliminated - Patty Pei Yu Lai

3:55pm: Pepper's bluff shaken out of himLevel 19: Blinds - 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

The 2015 Asia Player of the Year Alan Lau has gotten back as much as a normal stack after he sniffed out a Gareth Pepper bluff.

The latter defended his big ignorant of a late position Lau raise after which bet 32,000 and 64,000 at the turn and river after the flop was checked in the course of the. final board read A♥J♥4♣T♣6♦ and Lau called with A♠8♠ beating Peeper's queen high with Q♦9♠. Despite that, Pepper's still had a really perfect Day 3 and sits on 685,000. --MC

3:50pm: Clot at the climbLevel 19: Blinds - 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

Sebastien Clot started the day as our shortstack with only 83,000 but that hasn't stopped him from eliminating two players immediately within the second level of the day.

Clot had the most efficient of the three-way all in against Keiju Murata and Yul Angel Maravilla when the entire chips went within the middle preflop.

Clot: Q♠Q♦Murata: J♠J♥Maravilla: A♥9♦

The flop was a monochrome 7♣4♣K♣ but and not using a player holding a club it didn't change much. The 5♣ turn arrived which meant a fifth club at the end would lead to a three-way chop.

"One more club!" Maravilla shouted, however the deck didn't oblige with the Q♥ river signalling the top for both he and Murata.

Clot is now removed from the shortstack with 380,000 in chips at his disposal. -- BK

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King of the comeback - Sebastien Clot

3:40pm: Start of day chip leaders battle bigLevel 19: Blinds - 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

Jen-Yen Chien was the beginning of Day 2 chip leader and Alex Lee was joint start of Day 3 chip leader. One just shoved at the river into the opposite and took the pot down.

We picked up the action at the turn where the board read 9♦8♠J♥9♠ and Lee led for 79,000 from the small blind. Chien was sat under-the-gun and made the decision to go to the A♦ river. Lee shoved for 220,00 and Chien tank folded to maintain his 384,000 stack. -- MC

3:35pm: Miyamoto makes an exitLevel 19: Blinds - 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

We've lost another one already with Masakazu Miyamoto probably the most recently eliminated. Miyamoto moved his very short stack all in preflop and Sang Yong Lee committed the chips to position him at risk.

Miyamoto: A♠2♣Lee: 5♠5♦

Miyamoto was behind and couldn't come from behind as Lee found set at the Q♦5♥8♣ to just about seal the deal. The 6♠ turn made it official and while Miyamoto paired his ace at the A♣ river it was too little too late.

With that elimination Lee moves as much as 160,000 in chips. -- BK

3:30pm: Han can't hang onLevel 19: Blinds - 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

Players are flying out the door today with Korea's Heedon Han the following to search out the rail. He moved all in preflop for his last 97,000. Alan Lau called to position him in danger before Gary Pepper moved all in excessive for around 500,000 in chips.

Lau reluctantly laid it down and Han showed A♣K♣, flipping with Pepper's 9♠9♥.

Han had to improve to stick within the tournament but he couldn't find assistance on the 3♦7♦J♥ flop. The 9♦ turn gave Pepper a suite and meant that Han was drawing dead. The Q♣ river was a trifling formality and Han exited the tournament area. -- BK

3:25pm: Leonarez soaring as Poh departsLevel 19: Blinds - 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

Jessie Leonarez has gotten his stack as much as greater than 1.3 million, well away from anyone else. The most recent of his chips came from Clarence Choon Huat Poh who was the newest player to fall.

Leonarez raised from the button and was called Mike Takayama before Poh squeezed all-in from the massive blind. Both opponents called and checked down the 8♥3♣A♥7♦7♠ board.

Takayama opened K♠9♣ which was behind to Poh's J♦J♣ but Leonarez had them both beat with Q♦Q♥. --MC

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Poh fell to the chip leader

3:15pm: Lam livesLevel 19: Blinds - 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

Aaron Lam's tournament hopes are still alive after winning a coin flip against reigning Asia Player of the Year Alan Lau. The 2 got all of the money in preflop and tabled their hands.

Lam: A♠K♥Lau: T♠T♦

Lam had to improve to outlive and he did in order the cards came down 5♦6♠A♥4♦8♠.

He stacked up his newfound chips while Lau dropped back to 480,000. -- BK

3:05pm: Lubas flushed awayLevel 19: Blinds - 5,000/10,000 (1,000 ante)

Gerardo Lubas put his tournament in peril on a flush (and straight) draw, but missed and was shown the door.

He made the move on a 3♦7♦2♥ flop holding A♦4♦ and was called by the big-stacked Seongsu Kong. The latter opened T♦T♥ and clapped with delight when it ran out 3♥9♣ to present him the pot and the scalp. -- MC

2:55pm: Takayama takes from ChuaLevel 18: Blinds - 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

Mike Takayama recently sent a tablemate packing and he's continuing to chip up after creating a good call against Ying Lin Chua.

The community cards were spread J♦J♠T♠3♦K♣ and Chua bet out for 75,000. Takayama took his time to analyse the location before sliding in calling chips.

Chua showed up with 9♣6♣ for stone cold nothing and Takayama took it down with Q♥Q♣.

"Nice call" Chua conceded because the pot was pushed to Takayama who builds to a complete of 430,000. -- BK

2:45pm: Handong Jo, you were given to goLevel 18: Blinds - 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

Handong Jo was within the small blind behind a stack fewer than 30,000. He found an ace and decided to compliment it. Gab Yong Kim had made a raise from second position and made the call.

Jo: A♠5♦Kim: A♥6♥

Jo had an excellent chance of chopping but those hopes ended because the board ran J♥6♣T♥4♦A♥. --MC

2:35pm: Gupta going homeLevel 18: Blinds - 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

Australia's Piyush Gupta was the following to depart us. His final hand saw Clarence Poh open the action with a raise to 19,000 before Gupta moved all in excessive for 75,000. It folded to Mike Takayama within the big blind and he moved all in excessive for a complete of 130,000.

Back on Poh he considered it for over a minute but decided to throw his hand away. Gupta tabled A♥Q♣ and was dominated by the A♠K♣ of Takayama. Seemingly already with a foul feeling about it Gupta was out of his seat before the K♠8♠6♦ even arrived. It saw him fall even further behind and needing running cards to survive.

The 6♣ turn meant Gupta was drawing dead because the inconsequential K♦ completed the board. -- BK

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Eliminated - Piyush Gupta

2:28pm: Lam and Sim doubleLevel 18: Blinds - 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

It was all about kings for Aaron Weiming Lam and Kah Seng Sim of their successful attempts to double up.

Lam moved all-in for 130,000 from under the gun and was called by Jessie Leonarez within the big blind. Lam was in great shape with K♥K♦ versus K♠Q♠ and Leonarez was already paying out the chips because the board ran J♥2♦Q♥J♥7♠.

Moments afterward a close-by table, Sim three-bet all-in for 69,000 after Markus Garberg had opened to 18,000. The Norwegian called with A♦8♠, which was prior to his opponent's K♦Q♠. The 2♠5♦7♣K♣K♥ board changed all that though. -- MC

2:15pm: Yi leaves us firstLevel 18: Blinds - 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

Korea's Seung Yong Yi was the primary casualty this afternoon. He got the last of his chips in against fellow countryman Gab Yong Kim.

Yi: A♣3♣Kim: T♥T♦

Yi needed help and he found some at the 4♦6♠A♠. Pairing his ace Yi took the lead and looked set for a double up. He faded danger in the course of the 8♣ turn however the T♠ rolled off at the river to present Kim a collection and send Yi packing.

The table gasped because the final card arrived and as Kim raked within the pot, Yi headed for the payout desk. -- BK

2:12pm: Lee loses leadLevel 18: Blinds - 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

Alex Lee played and lost the primary pot so fell out of the chip lead in consequence. It was just a small pot though, so he won't be too worried.

He opened to 18,000 from the hijack and Tzu Chieh Lo peeled from the massive unaware of head to an A♥5♥T♥ flop. Lee continued for 16,000 and was check-called before the J♦4♥ turn and river were checked down. Lo opened 9♥8♣ for a medium-sized flush and Lee folded while joking that Lo had called him with nine high at the flop. --MC

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Lee on Day 3

2:05pm: And we're off!Level 18: Blinds - 4,000/8,000 (1,000 ante)

Cards are within the air!

We'll be playing all the way down to the overall table today so we do not have a collection time for proceedings. Stick with us to peer who will make the cut! -- BK

12pm: Day 3 almost here

It's not long now until our 39 lucky Day 3 qualifiers make their long ago into the room here at PokerStars LIVE Manila and battle towards securing a seat at the final table. They've all locked up a payday but could be chasing the ₱6,135,000 first place prize.

Leading the way in which in a shock finish at the moment are two players who bagged up identical stacks - Alex Lee and Seongsu Kong with 673,000 chips apiece. We'll discover in the event that they can maintain their spots because the big stacks within the day and make the overall table on the conclusion of play.

Cards are back within the air in only two hours (2pm local time). We are hoping you'll join us then! -- BK

PokerStars Blog reporting team in Manila: Brad Kain and Marc Convey. Photos by Kenneth Lim Photography.

The APPT Manila festival at PokerStars LIVE on the City of Dreams runs until Monday, August 8. Full details can be found at the official APPT website or via the PokerStars Manila page.

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Read More... [Source: PokerStarsBlog.com :: Asia Pacific Poker Tour]

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