Friday, January 8, 2016

PCA2016: $100K Super High Roller final table updates

* Watch on EPT Live
* 5 players remaining of 58 (44 players, 14 re-entries). The winner receives $1,687,800
* Final table player profiles
* A look back at how they all got here.

4:55pm: Ike Haxton eliminated in sixth place ($360,060)
Down to 15 big blinds, Ike Haxton moved all-in from the button with [Ts][9s] and ran into Joe McKeehen's [As][Ks]. The [4h][Jd][Ac] flop left Haxton drawing thin, the [Td] turn gave him hope, but it was extinguished on the [5s] river. McKeehen moves up to 3.6 million, but that's the end of the road for Haxton. - NW


Isaac Haxton bids farewell


Joe McKeehen

4:50pm: Mustapha Kanit doubles through Ike Haxton
Level 21 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (10,000 ante)
This hand played itself with Mustapha Kanit shoving for seven big blinds from the button with [Ac][5d] and Ike Haxton snap calling from the big blind with pocket sevens.

The [6h][2h][5c] flop gave Kanit some additional outs, but when the [Js] fell on the turn it meant that Italian had just an 11 percent chance of surviving. It was his lucky day: he found the [As] on the river and doubled up to around 1.5 million, while Haxton slipped to 1.53 million --NW

4:45pm: Kenney dents Kanit
Level 21 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (10,000 ante)
Mustapha Kanit is down to just seven big blinds after losing out in a battle of the blinds against Bryn Kenney.

The Italian completed with [Qs][5h] and Kenney, who had [9h][4h] - rapped the table. The [9d][4c][As] flop hit Kenney hard, but it was Kanit who did the betting. He fired out 100,000 and Kenney called.

The [Qh] turn meant that Kanit now had a hand and he slowed down, check-calling a bet of 365,000 from Kenney.

The [4s] river gave Kenney a full house and improved Kanit to two pair, top kicker. So when Kenney bet 345,000 Kanit thought long and hard before eventually calling. It was the wrong decision this time and he is now in deep trouble. - NW

Bryn Kenney - 3,630,000
Mustapha Kanit - 700,000

4:15pm: David Peters makes a great laydown
Level 20 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)
They're Super High Rollers for a reason, and every great poker player knows how to make a big lay-down at the right time. The latest example comes from David Peters in a hand against Ankush Mandavia.

The latter opened under-the-gun with [Ah][Kc], Peters called from the small blind with [Qd][Jd] and Joe McKeehan put in the extra from the big blind with [8s][7d].


David Peters: Shrewd laydown

So it was three to a [Js][Qc][2c] flop. Peters flopped top two and checked, as did his two opponents. The [Ts] meant Peters no longer had the best hand, but he bet 240,000, McKeehen folded and Mandavia called with the nuts.

There was now just over 1 million in the pot and Peters had 1.3 million left in his stack.

The final community card was the [8d] and Peters sensed something was up. He checked, Mandavia bet 490,000 and Peters went into the tank. "It looks 'valuey'," James Hartigan said.

"Such an enticing bet," Joe Stapleton added.

After thinking it through Peters managed to get away from it as he folded his hand. "We've seen a couple of really impressive lay-downs today," Stapleton said. - NW

Ankush Mandavia -4,300,000
David Peters - 1,335,000

4:35pm: Chip counts at the start of level 21
Level 21 - Blinds 50,000/100,000 (10,000 ante)

There were no eliminations in the first two levels of play today and as a result stacks are getting pretty shallow. Ankush Mandavia - who is the chip leader - has 44 big blinds, while David Peters, Mustapha Kanit and Joe McKeehen are in the 20 big blind or less danger zone. - NW

Ankush MandaviaUnited States4,300,000
Bryn KenneyUnited States2,880,000
Isaac HaxtonUnited States2,265,000
Joe McKeehenUnited States2,085,000
Mustapha KanitItaly1,545,000
David PetersUnited States1,335,000

4:10pm: Shortstacks trade places
Level 20 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)
Mustapha Kanit and David Peters are the two shortest stacks at the table and they just clashed in a pot that reached showdown. Kanit was the pre-flop aggressor, he raised to 160,000 from the cut-off and Peters called from the big blind. The American flopped best on the [As][Th][5d] board and check-called Kanit's 135,000 c-bet.

The [Ad] turn and [9s] river went check-check and with that pot Peters has leapfrogged Kanit in the chip counts. - NW

David Peters - 1,750,000
Mustapha Kanit - 1,570,000

3:55pm:David Peters doubles through Ankush Mandavia?
Level 20 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)
Down to only seven big blinds, David Peters moved all-in with [Ad][Td] and got a customer in the shape of Ankush Mandavia.

The latter had [Ac][8s] and didn't outdraw Peters on the [9c][5h][4d][5d][Kc] board. - NW

David Peters - 1,370,000
Ankush Mandavia - 3,120,000

3:45pm: What did Mandavia have?
Level 20 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)
Another big hand for Mustapha Kanit and another big pot, although this way it didn't go as well for the Italian.

Pre-flop he opened from under-the-gun with [Ac][Qs] and Ankush Mandavia defended from the big blind with at least the [7s]. The technology hadn't picked up what his second hole card was.

He hit the one we did know about on the [4c][Qd][7h] flop but Kanit hit top pair, a hand he bet to the tune of 175,000. Back on Mandavia he check-raised to 480,000 and Kanit smooth called.

The curious nature of this hand was heightened by the fact that we didn't know exactly what Mandavia had made this move with. "Do you think he made a random defend with queen-seven or seven-four?" pondered EPT Live commentator Joe Stapleton.

The [5d] turn went check-check and the [Jd] fell on fifth street. Mandavia cut out some chips from his stack and slid out a bet of 650,000. This bet sent Kanit deep into the tank,

"I think it'd be pretty weird for him to turn a random seven into a bluff here," Stapleton said as Kanit checked his cards again a couple of times.

Eventually Kanit settled on a fold and although the dealer asked Mandavia to put his hole cards back in a spot where the second one could be picked up by the TV team, there was no joy so his second card remains a mystery. -- NW

3:30pm: Chip counts
Level 20 - Blinds 40,000/80,000 (10,000 ante)
It's really close at the top now with Ankush Mandavia and Bryn Kenney now tied for the chip lead, whilst Joe McKeehan and Mustapha Kanit are just a handful of big blinds behind.

Bringing up the rear is David Peters who now has just over 10 big blinds. --NW

Ankush MandaviaUnited States3,060,000
Bryn KenneyUnited States3,060,000
Joe McKeehenUnited States2,805,000
Mustapha KanitItaly2,700,000
Isaac HaxtonUnited States2,00,000
David PetersUnited States865,000

3:15pm: Big pot goes Kanit's way
Level 19 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)
When big hands collide you get a big pot and we just witnessed the second big pot of this final table:

Mustapha Kanit picked up two red aces on the button, opened to 125,000 and Ike Haxton put in the extra from the big blind with [Jc][8d].

The [Qc][Tc][Ac] flop was what you might describe as an 'action flop', given that it gave Kanit top set and Haxton a royal flush draw.

After Haxton checked, Kanit bet 125,000 and Haxton just called. Suddenly the [7c] turn gave Haxton the lead. He checked again while Kanit played it coy, checking behind. The [Qh] was a brutal river card for Haxton. Once more this hand flip-flopped and Kanit retook the lead.

mustapha_kanit_pca2016_shr_ft_2024.jpgCoy: Mustapha Kanit

Haxton didn't know this of course and bet 450,000. Kanit took his time, but you knew what was coming. After about 90 seconds he moved all-in for just over 1,400,000. "Ike has to consider this, the second nut flush on a paired board," said James Hartigan on #EPTLive. After considering his actions Haxton eventually elected to fold and Kanit won a big pot that could've been even bigger in different circumstances. -NW

Mustpaha Kanit - 2,445,000
Ike Haxton - 2,170,000

3:05pm: Haxton closes the gap on Kenney
Level 19 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)
Bryn Kenney's chip lead has been all but eroded away and it's Ike Haxton who's closed the gap on him.

The two of them played a pot in which Haxton min-raised from under-the-gun with [Ad]Qh] and Kenney defended from the big blind with [8h][6h].

They both flopped a pair on the [8s][As][7c] flop but Haxton kept the betting lead, firing out 220,000. It was a bet Kenney quickly called. Both players then checked the [Td] turn and the [3c] completed the board.

Once more Kenney checked. Haxton bet 550,000 into a pot of 750,000 before Kenney released his hand. -NW


Bryn Kenney: The decision

Bryn Kenney - 3,180,000
Ike Haxton - 2,900,000

2:50pm: Peters gets some back
Level 19 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)
Flopping the nuts always helps when you're short stacked and that's what David Peters just did in a hand against Bryn Kenney.

The latter opened the button with [Kd][Qd]. Ike Haxton folded [Ad][Ts] from the small blind (to Joe Stapleton's incredulity) but Peters liked his [8h][5h] enough to see a flop.

David Peters_pca2016_shr_ft_2018.jpgDavid Peters

He was glad he did. The flop fell [6c][7h][9h]. Both players checked and the [2d] hit the turn. Sadly for Peters his bet of 140,000 was too rich for Kenney who folded. Pot to Peters. -- NW

2:25pm: Haxton rivers Peters
A fascinating three-way pot to tell you about:

From the cut-off Ike Haxton min-raised to 120,000 with [As][Kh], David Peters called on the button with [Ah][9c] and Ankush Mandavia put in the extra from the big blind with [Ac][4s].

So there was only one ace in the deck, but it appeared on the [9s][Ad][Qc] flop. There followed checks from Mandavia and Haxton, but not from Peters, who had flopped two pair. He bet 180,000, Mandavia quickly called and although Haxton took a little longer to make his decision, he too called. The [5s] fell on the turn.

isaac_haxton_pca2016_shr_ft_2006.jpgIsaac Haxton in action again

"Once Ike over-calls Ankush has got to hate his hand right?" Joe Stapleton said and it seemed Mandavia was of the same mind. He checked as did Haxton. "Ike just wants to get to showdown but I don't think David is going to let that happen."

Indeed he wasn't, Peters bet 425,000 and Haxton again just called, leaving himself with about 900,000 behind. Mandavia folded.

So there was now a pot of around 1.8 million as the [Qh] hit the river. "An out he didn't even know he had," Stapleton said as the river meant that Peters hand was counterfeited. Both players checked and Peters saw the bad news. He's down to 1.4 million Haxton is up to 2,800,000. --NW

2:26pm: Haxton shoves on Kanit again
This hand took a little longer to play out but had the same result, an open raise, a three-bet shove and a fold from the original raiser.

It was Kanit who started the action again, opening to 125,000 with [Ac][5s] and Ike Haxton, who had [Qh][Jh], took some time before announcing that he was all-in.

The shove was for 1.44 million and Kanit requested a count, before folding his hand. Kanit got some chips back the next hand as he found [Ah][Ac] but got no action. -- NW


Isaac Haxton

2:25pm: Still pretty deep
Level 19 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)
The average stack right now is 2.4 million, which equates to 40 big blinds. So not super deep but not shallow either. Plenty of play to be had still in this one. -- NW

2:20pm: One for Kanit, one for Haxton
Level 19 - Blinds 30,000/60,000 (10,000 ante)
Big bet poker has earned Mustapha Kanit and Ike Haxton their first pots of the final table. The Italian three-bet shoved for around 930,000 with [As][Tc] and that forced Joe McKeehen to fold his queen-jack. A couple of hands later Kanit opened with [Ac][3d] but folded when Haxton shoved for 1,305,000 with [Ah][Ks].


The immaculate attire of Mustapha Kanit

In both instances the players were quick to release their hands and there was no tanking. "I'm liking the pace of play," said Joe Stapleton on EPT Live. --NW

2:10pm: McKeehen takes one from Peters
Level 18 - Blinds 25,000/50,000 (5,000 ante)
David Peters took down the first pot uncontested but when he raised for the second hand in a row he met resistance from Joe McKeehen. The reigning WSOP Main Event champion three-bet to 285,000 over the top of Peters 115,000 open. Peters called when it folded back to him. The two players then checked it all the way down on a [7s][6d][Qs][Kc][Td] board with McKeehen's pocket jacks taking the pot against the [Ah][Ts] of Peters. -- NW


Joe McKeehen and David Peters do battle in the second hand of the day

2.05pm: Action is under way
Level 18 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)
There are four minutes left in Level 25 so there will likely be only a couple of hands at this blind level. Anyway, action is now under way. -- HS

1.55pm: What they're playing for
The bubble burst late last night, with Nick Petrangelo becoming the last player to walk away from this tournament with nothing. Kathy Lehne and Daniel Dvoress both made the money but departed before the final day. That leaves the last six angling for the following prize money:

1  $1,687,800
2  $1,220,840
3  $787,640
4  $596,360
5  $461,340
6  $360,060
7Daniel DvoressCanada$286,920
8Kathy LehneUnited States$225,040

1.45pm: Players now seated
The six men eyeing the top prize are now in their seats. They look a little bit like this:


Standing (l-r): Joe McKeehen, Ankush Mandavia, Mustapha Kanit. Seated (l-r): David Peters, Isaac Haxton, Bryn Kenney.

1.15pm: Preparing for action
The stage is set and ready for the first major final table of the 2016 PokerStars Caribbean Adventure (PCA). Stick here for all the action.

Take a look at the official website of the PCA, with tournament schedule, videos, news, blogs and accommodation details for the Atlantis Resort in The Bahamas.

Also all the schedule information is on the EPT App, which is available on both Android or IOS.

PokerStars Blog reporting team on the $100,000 Super High Roller: Howard Swains and Nick Wright. Photography by Joe Giron and Neil Stoddart. For more photos from this event by Joe Giron visit Poker Photo Archive.


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