Friday, January 8, 2016

LAPT9 Bahamas: Main Event Day 2 updates (Levels 21-24)

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Day 2 action from the LAPT Bahamas Main Event

* Day 2 lasts until an eight-handed final table is reached
* 25 players are remaining of 851 entries (including re-entries)
* Click here for a complete list of start-of-Day-2 chip counts
* Prize pool and payouts

10:10pm: Akkari doubles
Level 22 - Blinds 8,000-16,000 (2,000 ante)

The last Team PokerStars Pro in the field is also the last Brazilian.

He also just got a burst of life after doubling up through Tyler Hurman. Andre Akkari made his move with [js][9s] and was up against Hurman's [ah][3h].

Akkari was in need of some help and the [jh][8d][4h][3c][8c] acquiesced. Akkari doubled up to about 650,000 while Hurman was left with about 600,000.

Andre Akkari-LAPT S9-PCA2016-2355.jpg

Both Brazilians and poker players enjoy double ups

10:00pm: Less than three
Level 22 - Blinds 8,000-16,000 (2,000 ante)

Players got down to three tables early in level 22, but it didn't seem like players enjoyed being in snug, eight-handed tables.

Two of the tables had nearly simultaneous eliminations, with Michael Esposito getting eliminated seconds before Brian Lemke.

Fraser MacIntyre started the chain of events that led to Esposito's elimination with a raise to 34,000 from early position. Will Molson then three-bet to 92,000 and Esposito moved all-in for about 640,000 from the big blind.

MacIntyre folded but Molson snap-called with [ac][ah]. Esposito showed [9h][9c] and the [2d][3s][jd][8h][8s] board didn't give Esposito the help he needed.

The hand put Molson up to 1.8 million while Esposito won $8,660 for finishing 24th. Lemke on the other hand made the payjump to $10,320 for hanging on a few seconds longer.

9:39pm: More fall, 25 remain
Level 22 - Blinds 8,000-16,000 (2,000 ante)

The number of levels is quickly approaching the number of players remaining.

We're on Level 22 and only 25 players remain. Some players hitting the rail before the dawn of Level 22 included Kyle Frey, Tyler Reiman, Luiz Duarte, and last year's LAPT Bahamas Main Event winner Josh Kay.

Blinds are now 8,000-16,000 with a 2,000 ante and we're pretty sure we'll hit the critical mass of equal amount of players and levels quite soon. It's a sight to behold, like a tournament comet. --AV

9:37pm: Level 22 begins (30 left)
Level 22 - Blinds 8,000-16,000 (2,000 ante)

Down to just 30 players, they move into Level 22. --MH

9:30pm: Another table down
Level 21 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)


Four tables and 30 players left. While the number of tables and players keep shrinking the number of tournament millionaires is steadily increasing.

One of those newly-minted tournament millionaires is Georgios Sotiropoulos, who accumulated a large portion of those chips in a massive pot against Carter Gill.

Gill had ace-queen on a queen high flop but Sotiropoulos had hit a set of sixes. Aaron Massey was also in the hand with pocket kings and all three players got it in on the flop.

Sotiropoulos' sixes held up and the hand put him up to about 1.7 million. Massey was left with about 400,000 while Gill was eliminated in 31st.

Fraser MacIntyre also recently joined the millionaire's club and now sits with about 1.4 million. Joe Kuether meanwhile has surpassed 2 million and is still our tournament chip leader. --AV

9:15pm: Some busts, some doubles
Level 21 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)

We're down to 35 players and players and Joe Kuether is still in the lead with about 1.4 million.

Some of the recently fallen players include Chris Moorman who was the first player out after dinner. Moorman got $6,500 for the finish while Ole Schemion managed to more than double up at the other end of the tournament.

A short-stacked Diogo Cardoso called from under-the-gun and Schemion moved all-in for about 360,000. Action folded to Luiz Duarte and he thought. He counted some chips and thought some more.

He blinked hard but when he opened his eyes he was still faced with the same dilemma.

Duarte had Schemion covered but a loss would leave him short-stacked. Duarte finally committed his chips and Cardoso called as well for a three-way showdown.

Schemion: [8s][8c]
Duarte: [jd][jc]
Cardoso: [Ah][Kh]

The [Th][ad][Td] flop but Cardoso in the lead, but then an [8h] came on the turn to give Duarte a full house. A [9d] completed the board and a defeated Duarte shook his head while Schemion more than doubled up.

Cardoso won $6,500 for the 37th place finish while Schemion chipped up to 800,000 and Duarte dropped to about 245,000.

A few hands later Jeff Rossiter doubled up through Daniel Wienman in a classic flip. Rossiter had [2h][2s] while Weinman showed [ah][kd].

The board was a lowly [4c][3h][6c][4s][8s] and Rossiter doubled up to about 540,000. --AV

8:47pm: Level 21 begins (39 left)
Level 21 - Blinds 6,000-12,000 (2,000 ante)

Our final 39 players are back from dinner and ready to play down to a final table. The next eliminations will earn $6,500, but everyone is still eyeing the $308,220 up top for the winner.

Click through for previous Day 2 action from Levels 13-20.

Want to be here next year? Sign up for PokerStars and start your journey. Click here to get an account.

Take a look at the official website of the PCA, with tournament schedule, videos, news, blogs and accommodation details for the Atlantis Resort in The Bahamas.

Also all of the schedule information is on the EPT App, which is available on both Android or IOS.

PokerStars Blog reporting team on the LAPT9 Bahamas Main Event: Martin Harris, Alex Villegas. Photos: Carlos Monti.

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