Friday, January 8, 2016

LAPT9 Bahamas: Main Event Day 2 updates

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Day 2 action from the LAPT Bahamas Main Event

* Day 2 lasts until an eight-handed final table is reached
* 49 players are remaining of 851 entries (including re-entries)
* Click here for a complete list of start-of-Day-2 chip counts
* Prize pool and payouts

6:59pm: Molson minces Mizrachi
Level 20 - Blinds 5,000-10,000 (1,000 ante)

"I saw you racking up chips and came to see what happened," one of Will Molson's friends told him as he patted him on the back. Something did happen -- Molson had just eliminated Michael Mizrachi and chipped up to about 500,000.

"He shoved with about 12 bigs from the small blind," Molson said. "I called from the big with king-jack suited. He had king-five." Molson shrugged by way of final punctuation on the story. There was nothing left to say, Mizrachi couldn't outdraw Molson and his tournament came to an end.

Molson finished racking up his chips while Mizrachi went to collect the $5,620 he earned for finishing 48th. --AV

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Michael Mizrachi

6:50pm: Six tables and a tournament millionaire
Level 20 - Blinds 5,000-10,000 (1,000 ante)

We're down to six tables and Joe Kuether has become our first millionaire. Chip-wise, that is.

Kuether is now seated with Will Molson, Jeff Rossiter, and Michael Mizrachi. Kuether's table broke after Molson brought the tournament down to its final 48 players.

In that hand, Molson raised 18,000 from under-the-gun and Robert Kostesky called from the small blind. Both players checked the [7h][kd][5c] flop, then another seven came on the turn. Kostesky moved all-in for about 70,000 and Molson called.

Kostesky showed a pair of sixes while Molson tabled [kh][jd]. A queen completed the board and put an end to Kostesky's LAPT Bahamas tournament run. Kostesky won $5,620 for his 49th place finish while Molson increased his stack to 610,000.

That's when Kuether moved to the table and took some chips off Molson to cross the 1 million chip-mark.

Kuether raised to 18,000 from the cutoff and Molson called from the big blind. The flop came [as][5h][2s], then Molson check-called a bet of 23,000. Both players checked when the [3d] came on the turn, and the [js] came along on the river.

Kuether bet 53,000 and Molson called. Molson moved to muck but then reluctantly turned over [qs][6h] while Kuether took down the pot with [ad][2c]. --AV

Joe Kuether -- 1,010,000
William Molson -- 540,000

6:41pm: Level 20 begins (49 left)
Level 20 - Blinds 5,000-10,000 (1,000 ante)

Level 20 has begun. At the conclusion of this level, the remaining players will be taking a 75-minute dinner break.

6:27pm: Assorted counts
Level 19 - Blinds 4,000-8,000 (1,000 ante)

They are down to 54 players now, and as Level 19 began we took another trip around the tournament area to mark down how some of the stacks are looking. Ole Schemion continues to have the biggest stack among those who remain, but there are plenty of others in the chase pack starting to close in on the German. --MH

Ole Schemion -- 730,000
Joe Kuether -- 695,000
Mike Leah -- 675,000
Daniel Weinman -- 645,000
Aaron Massey -- 525,000
Will Molson -- 505,000
Marvin Rettenmaier -- 490,000
Michael Esposito -- 425,000
Pablo Gordillo -- 395,000
Andre Akkari -- 380,000
Carter Gill -- 365,000
Chris Moorman -- 355,000
Ismael Bojang -- 335,000
Josh Kay -- 330,000
Guillaume Darcourt -- 285,000
Sam Greenwood -- 275,000
Jeff Rossiter -- 255,000
Juan Martin Pastor -- 220,000
Yann Dion -- 215,000
Michael Telker -- 205,000
Danny Noseworthy -- 200,000
Michael Mizrachi -- 195,000

6:14pm: Defending champ Kay doing more than okay
Level 19 - Blinds 4,000-8,000 (1,000 ante)

Last year's LAPT Bahamas Main Event champion has been quietly holding steady all through Day 2. As he continues to strive for a defense of his title, the American currently sits with 330,000 with less than 60 players remaining. --MH

6:05pm: Down to Seven
Level 19 - Blinds 4,000-8,000 (1,000 ante)

Another table has broken and players have scattered off into the tournament horizon. We're now down to our final seven tables and 56 players.

The table that broke was one of the deadliest in the tournament. Marvin Rettenmaier, Mike Leah, Tyler Hurman, and Tyler Reiman were occupying the now empty (but still warm) seats.

Leah went off to join Carter Gill's table while both Tylers sat down with Ismael Bojang. Rettenmaier meanwhile now has to battle Andre Akkari, Danny Noseworthy, and Chris Moorman.

No free rides in this tournament. --AV

5:52pm: Level 19 begins (67 left)
Level 19 - Blinds 4,000-8,000 (1,000 ante)

Players are back and play has resumed once more. There are 67 remaining.

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5:38pm: Break time

They've reached the end of Level 18 and players are now taking another 15-minute break. They'll return to play two more 50-minute levels, after which will come the dinner break. --MH

5:35pm: Two more knockouts
Level 18 - Blinds 3,000-6,000 (1,000 ante)

There was another pair of consecutive knockout hands at the Andre Akkari table, with the Team PokerStars Pro being the one to deliver the first elimination.

Akkari and Andres Herrera were faced with a [5h][Ah][Jc] flop and action was on Herrera. He bet 19,500 and Akkari raised to 45,500. Herrera called and an [as] came on the turn. Akkari bet 60,000 and Herrera moved all-in for about 85,000.

Akkari called instantly and both players showed trip aces. But the Brazilian had a better kicker with [ac][kc] to Herrera's [ad][qs]. The [9d] came on the river and Herrera was eliminated in 69th while Akkari's stack rose to nearly 400,000.

On the very next hand, Boris Kolev raised to 15,000 from under the gun and Jake Schwartz moved all-in for 102,000 from the small blind. Kolev called and showed [ac][ks] to Schwartz's [ks][qc]. The board brought all low cards and Schwartz was eliminated in 68th while Kolev chipped up to 300,000.

Both eliminated players earned $4,880 for their finishes.

5:15pm: Noseworthy knicks Moorman
Level 18 - Blinds 3,000-6,000 (1,000 ante)

Chris Moorman raised to 13,500 from the hijack and Danny Noseworthy reraised to 34,000 from the cutoff. Action folded back to Moorman and he glared at Noseworthy's stack.

There was about 160,000 in it and Moorman four-bet to 69,500. Noseworthy thought for a bit and then moved all in. Moorman called.

Noseworthy tabled [ah][7h] and Moorman had him dominated with [ac][qc]. The [as][2c][Js] flop paired both players' aces but the [7s] on the turn only gave Noseworthy two pair. A [2s] completed the board and Noseworthy doubled up to about 330,000 while Moorman dipped to 90,000. --AV

5:08pm: Ole! Olé, olé, olé... Schemion new chip leader of LAPT Bahamas
Level 18 - Blinds 3,000-6,000 (1,000 ante)

Ole Schemion began Day 2 with an above-average stack and sitting just inside the top 40 with 220 players returning. He soon began to accumulate (as usual), and by mid-afternoon was sitting inside the top five.

Now Schemion has catapulted well into the chip lead, having built a stack of about 720,000 here in the middle of Level 18 with 76 players left. A walk around the room shows Michael Esposito is Schemion's nearest challenger at the moment with about 525,000. --MH

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Ole Schemion

4:55pm: Falling fast
Level 18 - Blinds 3,000-6,000 (1,000 ante)

Cries of "seat open!" continue to be heard throughout the tournament area. This chirping is increasing in frequency as the sun nears the horizon for the day like some kind of indoor, flightless bird call.

Two of those calls came from Marvin Rettenmaier and Mike Leah's table in consecutive hands. Right before the eliminations Leah and Rettenmaier had a spectacular showdown.

Leah min-raised from under-the-gun and action folded to Rettenmaier's big blind. Rettenmaier thought for a bit, looked at Leah and thought some more.

"Huge," Rettenmaier said, lifting up his cards. "Huge."

He folded and Leah let out a "Woooo!" in celebration. Leah's dangerous and playing him out of position could be a costly mistake for anyone, even Marvin Rettenmaier.

The next hand, Bruce Yamron raised to 11,000 from early position and Rettenmaier three-bet to 42,500 from the small blind. Yamron moved all-in for about 85,000 and Rettenmaier called.

Rettenmaier: [8s][8d]
Yamron: [Kd][Jh]

The board ran [qd][3s][5s][qc][7h] and Yamron sighed every time a queen came out. They weren't the face cards he was looking for and he was eliminated from the tournament in 81st while Rettenmaier chipped up to about 410,000.

Tyler Reiman then knocked Lawrence Greenberg out in 80th on the following hand and the dealer -- as is tradition -- chirped to indicate the tournament had shrunk once again. --MH

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Marvin Rettenmaier (left) and Mike Leah (right)

4:42pm: Level 18 begins (81 left)
Level 18 - Blinds 3,000-6,000 (1,000 ante)

Level 17 is over and the remaining players are continuing into Level 18 without taking a break. --MH

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The clock keeps on ticking

4:38pm: Spears speared by river
Level 17 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

Following an opening raise by Ismael Bojang, Andrew Spears reraised all in with his short stack and when the action got back to Bojang he called.

Spears had [3c][3d] and Bojang [Ac][Ks], and through the [Qs][Qd][2d] flop and [9h] turn all appeared well for Spears. But the [9s] came on fifth street, putting a second pair on the board and counterfeiting Spears who soon headed to the cashier's desk to collect 82nd-place prize money. Bojang, meanwhile, now sits with about 305,000. --MH

4:24pm: Fernandez foiled
Level 17 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

Team PokerStars Pro Leo Fernandez was involved in another all-in.

He didn't win this one either.

Fernandez raised to 20,000 from the button and Joe Keuther moved all-in from the big blind. Keuther had the Team Pro covered and after some thought Fernandez called. Fernandez turned over [9s][9h] and Keuther tabled [ac][kh] for an old fashioned flip, and Keuther hit an ace on the flop to win it.

Fernandez was eliminated in 88th while Keuther chipped up to about 215,000. --AV

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Team PokerStars Pro Leo Fernandez

4:20pm: More bustouts
Level 17 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

Catching up on some more busts, Dani Stern (95th), Peter Jetten (94th), Pierre Neuville (93rd), Emil Patel (90th), and Kevin Eyster (89th) have all hit the rail. --MH

4:16pm: Team DoubleStars Pro
Level 17 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

Both remaining Team PokerStars Pros rang in the new level by doubling up short stacks.

Leo Fernandez was the first to commit the act of doubling. Boris Kolev moved all-in for 45,500 from the button and Fernandez called from the big blind.

Kolev turned over [kd][5c] and Fernandez showed a dominating [kh][tc]. Kolev stood up from his chair but sat straight back down when the flop came [7s][5h][4s]. An [8c] came on the turn and the [9c] completed the board to give Kolev the double-up.

Boris Kolev -- 110,000
Leo Fernandez -- 115,000

A table over, a minute later, Kanut Karnapp was all-in against Andre Akkari.

Karnapp was flipping with [as][ks] to Akkari's [8d][8s]. Karnapp didn't manage to pair his cards but he did hit a straight on the river of a [Th][2s][7c][Jd][Qc] board. --AV

Kanut Karnapp -- 230,000
Andre Akkari -- 175,000

4:14pm: Recent knockouts
Level 17 - Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)
The march to the rail continues at a healthy clip as the field has now shrunk under 90 players.

Among the recent bustouts were Jason Wheeler (108th), Fabian Chauriye (106th), Tom Hall (105th), Roland Israelashvili (104th), Joe Cada (103rd), and Farid Jattin (96th). --MH

3:58pm: Level 17 begins (97 left)
Level 17- Blinds 2,500-5,000 (500 ante)

Players are back and cards are in the air once more. --MH

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3:26pm: Break time

Players have reached the end of Level 16 and are now on another 15-minute break.

3:24pm: Riess runs out; Cada clinging
Level 16 - Blinds 2,000-4,000 (500 ante)

Govert Metaal (114th) and Carlos Mora (111th) are among the latest knockouts. 2013 WSOP Main Event champion Ryan Riess has also been eliminated in 109th.

Meanwhile the other WSOP Main Event champion left in the field, Joe Cada (winner in 2009), is still hanging on with a short stack of about 60,000. --MH

3:12pm: ElkY eliminated
Level 16 - Blinds 2,000-4,000 (500 ante)

Team PokerStars Pro Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier has hit rail, having been knocked out in 117th.

We arrived on the river to see that Grospellier had gotten the last of his chips in with king-queen, Andres Herrera was his opponent holding ace-nine, and the board had run out [5d][Ts][Tc][Ah][Ac].

Like others busting here, ElkY's thoughts have now turned toward the PCA Main Event.--MH

3:09pm: More fall

We've seen a few more eliminations over the last few minutes, including Shawn Buchanan (120th), Rumen Nanev (119th), and Alex Manzano (118th).

3:03pm: Post-bubble big stacks

Here's a quick update of the big stacks now that the tournament has reached the money. Daniel Weinman still appears to be leading, but others are now pushing up over the 300,000-chip mark to challenge him for the lead. --MH

Daniel Weinman -- 380,000
Michael Esposito -- 370,000
Adam Benowitz -- 335,000
Ole Schemion -- 320,000
Joao Fernandes -- 310,000

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Michael Esposito

3:00pm: Greenstein gone

Team PokerStars Pro Barry Greenstein battled with a short stack for much of the day, then once the bubble burst he was felted soon thereafter in 122nd place for a min-cash of $3,460. --MH

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Team PokerStars Pro Barry Greenstein

2:53pm: Level 16 begins (121 left)
Level 16 - Blinds 2,000-4,000 (500 ante)

Six players managed to hit the rail and earn min-cashes before the next level arrived. Those making it through Level 16 will then take another 15-minute break. --MH

2:39pm: Ben Heath bubbles
Level 15 - Blinds 1,500-3,000 (400 ante)

The field had been whittled down to 128 players with about 20 minutes to go in Level 15, at which point hand-for-hand play commenced. It would only take two more hands after that before the first all-in-and-a-call arrived, and with it came the bursting of the bubble.

It was over in the far corner of the tournament that Thomas Taylor opened from the cutoff, Ben Heath pushed all in with his last 50,000 or so, and after the blinds got out Taylor called the push. They waited for a short while before it was determined there were no other all-ins elsewhere, and the players revealed their cards.

Heath: [Qc][Qh]
Taylor: [Ac][As]

The [Ad][Td][Js] flop improved Taylor to a set, although doubled Heath's outs to four as now he had a gutshot to Broadway. But the turn was the [8h] and the river the [2h], and Heath was out in 128th.

The money having been reached, the next group of players eliminated will each earn $3,460. Click here for a look at how the $1,650,940 prize pool is scheduled to be divided. --MH

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Ben Heath

2:15pm: Weinman pressures, pushes past Hurman
Level 15 - Blinds 1,500-3,000 (400 ante)

They are down to just 137 players -- 10 off the money -- and the pressure of the bubble has begun to manifest itself.

Just now a hand arose that saw Matthew Wantman open for 7,000 from under the gun, then the big-stacked Daniel Weinman made it 19,000 from the cutoff. It folded back to Wantman who called, and the flop came [5c][3s][9c]. With some deliberation, Wantman check-called a bet of 18,000 from Weinman, then after the [8d] Wantman checked again.

Weinman followed with another bet, and after tanking for nearly three minutes while counting out his stack of about 100,000, Wantman pushed his cards away.

Weinman has been demonstrating the same kind of pressure on his table all day, and has now nudged past Tyler Hurman into what appears to be the chip lead with about 380,000. --MH

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Daniel Weinman

1:56pm: Level 15 begins (152 left)
Level 15 - Blinds 1,500-3,000 (400 ante)

Players are back and play has resumed with 152 remaining. The top 127 make the money, so the cash bubble will be looming shortly. --MH

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1:41pm: Break time

They've reached the first 15-minute break of the day, with the big board showing 152 players remaining. --MH

1:36pm: Yamron doubles through Greenwood
Level 14 - Blinds 1,200-2,400 (300 ante)

Bruce Yamron was just all in and at risk with [Qc][Qd] versus the [Jd][Js] of Sam Greenwood, but after the board rolled out 10-high Yamron survived. He's back to 115,000 while Greenwood still sits with a healthy 170,000 with the day's first break almost here. --MH

1:16pm: Updated chip counts
Level 14 - Blinds 1,200-2,400 (300 ante)

They are down to less than 160 now -- still another 30-plus knockouts away from the cash. A recent tour of this corner of the poker room where the LAPT Bahamas Main Event is playing out shows Tyler Hurman still looks to be sporting the biggest stack with more than 330,000.

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Tyler Hurman

Meanwhile Daniel Weinman has been building up so far in the early going on Day 2 as well, pushing up close to 300,000.

Here's a look at a few selected counts at the moment:

Tyler Hurman -- 330,000
Daniel Weinman -- 295,000
Guillaume Darcourt -- 270,000
Andre Akkari -- 250,000
Sam Greenwood -- 240,000
Mukul Pahuja -- 210,000
Yann Dion -- 200,000
Danny Noseworthy -- 200,000
Ismael Bojang -- 195,000
Marvin Rettenmaier -- 185,000
Felipe Ramos -- 155,000
Carter Gill -- 150,000
Pablo Gordillo -- 140,000
Mike Leah -- 140,000
Ole Schemion -- 135,000
Juan Martin Pastor -- 120,000
Ryan Riess -- 120,000
Andres Herrera -- 115,000
Leo Fernandez -- 105,000
Aaron Massey -- 95,000
Chris Moorman -- 95,000
Alex Manzano -- 95,000
Ana Marquez -- 90,000
Roland Israelashvili -- 85,000
Carlos Mora -- 80,000
Joe Cada -- 45,000
Michael Mizrachi -- 40,000
Barry Greenstein -- 30,000
Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier -- 30,000
Mohsin Charania -- 20,000

In about 20 minutes the remaining players will be taking their first break of the day. --MH

12:51pm: Level 14 begins (182 left)
Level 14 - Blinds 1,200-2,400 (300 ante)

They've raced through an initial 50-minute level and are onto Level 14.

Right now the big board is showing 182 players remain, with Thomas Muehloecker the last player eliminated during the day's first level after losing his stack to Joao Fernandes. --MH

12:36pm: Akkari leading fellow red spades
Level 13 - Blinds 1,000-2,000 (300 ante)

We noted at the top how Team PokerStars Pro Andre Akkari was near the top of the counts to start the day. The Brazilian -- and, of course, permanent fixture at LAPT events -- has continued to accumulate here at the start of Day 2 and now sits with more than 250,000.

Akkari is one of four Team PokerStars Pros still in the mix at LAPT Bahamas. Leo Fernandez, who owns a LAPT Main Event title (having won LAPT5 Panama), has about 90,000 at the moment, while Barry Greenstein (60,000) and Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier are battling with below average stacks.

And Friend of Team PokerStars Felipe Ramos is still in and doing fine as well, sitting behind about 150,000 as they move into the second half of Level 13. --MH

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Felipe "Mojave" Ramos

12:23pm: Lemke makes wheel, collects
Level 13 - Blinds 1,000-2,000 (300 ante)

Arriving on the river with the board showing [8c][Ad][8d][4h][2s] and a big pot having already developed, Brian Lemke pushed all in and after some thought Ryan Blank made the call. Lemke tabled [5d][3c] for a rivered wheel, which was better than Blank's [Ac][Kd].

A big chip exchange there results in Lemke pushing up around 200,000 (and a top 10 stack) while Blank falls back to about 60,000. --MH

12:14pm: Shorties shoving
Level 13 - Blinds 1,000-2,000 (300 ante)

We're watching lots of short stacks getting their chips in the middle early on here at the start of Day 2, with the last three instances of which resulting in double-ups.

First Justin Oliver's ace-eight was able to outrun Kyle Frey's pocket queens when an ace came among the community cards.

Then at a nearby table Ramin Hajiyev was able to survive with king-jack against Arutyun Arutyunyan's ace-queen when the community cards brought a jack.

After that LAPT6 Peru Main Event champion Patricio Rojas was the one surviving when his pocket queens held up against the ace-queen of Will Molson. --MH

12:00pm: Day 2 begins
Level 13 - Blinds 1,000-2,000 (300 ante)

Players are in their seats and the first hands of Day 2 are being dealt. They'll start out with a couple more 50-minute levels, after which will come the day's first break. --MH

11:44am: 220 players return for Day 2

If you happened to be near the Predators Lagoon around eight this morning here at the Atlantis resort in sunny Nassau, you had a chance to witness feeding time. It's quite a scene.

One of the many friendly staff here explained what was happening as he tossed buckets of chum to the barracudas, sawfish, and eventually the hammerhead sharks who all circled wildly around him below the water's surface. Meanwhile above the surface the birds were likewise whipping about, with a couple actually managing to sneak in for a spare shrimp out of a bucket when the fellow wasn't looking.

The scene reminded us a little of what we saw here yesterday at the LAPT9 Bahamas Main Event, where by the time late registration closed there had been an incredible 851 entries (607 unique players, with 244 re-entries), well exceeding the 736-entry field from last year's inaugural version of LAPT Bahamas.

It was kind of a feeding frenzy, you might say.

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In search of a morning meal

Today 220 players return from that field, all of whom will be circling about the $1,650,940 prize pool of which the top 127 of them will get to take bites. A minnow-cash is $3,460, while the biggest chunk of $308,220 is scheduled to be gobbled up by the winner.

Right now Tyler Hurman is dominating the remaining player pool with a leading stack of 261,300, with Ismael Bojang his nearest challenger with 205,300 and Team PokerStars Pro Andre Akkari also wading close with 200,100. Chris Moorman, Daniel Weinman, Kevin Eyster, Danny Noseworthy, and Mukul Pahuja are also part of the school of players who'll be splashing with big stacks to start today.

Click here for a complete list of start-of-Day-2 chip counts along with the seat draw.

Play gets going in about 15 minutes at 12 noon ET. They'll be playing 50-minute levels again today (switching to hour-long levels when they reach a final table. The plan calls for them to try to get down to that eight-handed final table tonight, with a dinner break coming after today's eighth level (Level 20).

Keep circling this space yourself as we'll be serving up live updates throughout the day to satisfy your poker appetite.--MH

Want to be here next year? Sign up for PokerStars and start your journey. Click here to get an account.

Take a look at the official website of the PCA, with tournament schedule, videos, news, blogs and accommodation details for the Atlantis Resort in The Bahamas.

Also all of the schedule information is on the EPT App, which is available on both Android or IOS.

PokerStars Blog reporting team on the LAPT9 Bahamas Main Event: Martin Harris, Alex Villegas. Photos: Carlos Monti.

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